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Heavenly Pearls for the Soul....................................4

The Souls Search for Divine Love...........................7

My Twin Flame, Mark Prophet..................................8
Questions and Answers

With Elizabeth Clare Prophet.................................10

Believe Me, if all those Endearing Young Charms

Thomas Moore...........................................................13
The Love of Twin Flames.........................................14
Mantra of the Month................................................16
Winston and Clementine Churchill.......................18
Meet the Masters

Paul the Venetian......................................................20

Lady Master Nada.....................................................22
About Elizabeth Clare Prophet..............................26

When you get to heaven, you will not be a Jew,

Muslim or Christian. You will be a citizen of heaven.
And nobody is going to care what you did on earth
as long as you walked the path of love.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Heavenly Pearls for the Soul

n such a fast-paced world, it becomes necessary to take time to step outside human drama and obligations to inspire and renew ourselves. Our quest for spir-

ituality, and a deeper meaning for living, begins to fall behind our human worries,
until we learn that we can incorporate profound spirituality into the practicalities of
our world. Spirituality matters most and reveals its best face in our daily lives. Mark
and Elizabeth Prophets lifelong goal was to help everyone to realize more of that
loving essence hidden in the human heart.
Spiritual masters, East and West, understand that most people are searching
for a deeper meaning for their existence. Beyond the orthodoxy and separation of
religious teachings, a deep unity underlies all religion and spirituality. The Hindu
yogi, the Taoist sage, the Buddhist monk, and the Christian or Jewish mysticall
have valuable lessons to teach us. And we can and should learn from them, one
and all. We should feel as comfortable reading the Hindu Bhagavad Gita as we are
reading the Holy Bible or the Buddhist scriptures. We should feel as comfortable
meeting the Dalai Lama as we would meeting the Pope!
The Heavenly Pearls for the Soul are commonsense guides to spiritual growth.
They were created with excerpts from publications and lectures by Elizabeth and
Mark Prophet as well as from the teachings of the greatest of spiritual masters of
the ages. These Pearls teach us to weave the messages of our Highest Self into our
everyday thoughts, feelings, and actions. The stories, lectures, anecdotes, and techniques for self-mastery can help us see ourselves and the world around us through
new eyes.

And perhaps most importantly, they will show us how refreshing it is to laugh
at our own humanity. As Mark used to say, Its okay to be human as long you
remember youre divine.
It is the vision of the masters that we discover the golden thread which creates
unity out of religious diversitythe realization that each of us can experience our
own intimate relationship our Higher Self.
Inside each of us resides a beautiful divine spark. We just need to look for it.

The spiritual quest,

though challenging,
should be fun and

Oh, how the world needs love!

Oh, how you need love!
Is it not why you are here?


The Souls Search for Divine Love

n our sojourn on earth, we have entered and exited the stage of life again and
again and we have played many parts. We have journeyed through the ages,

encountering other souls and engaging in relationships, seeking love. Sometimes

we stay together for a lifetime; other times we share brief interchanges. We remain
single, we marry, we have children, sometimes we separate or get divorced. We lose
love and find love in unexpected ways. By the offering of profound love and forgiveness, some of our greatest challenges are transformed, and then our souls feel free.
Throughout this journey, we continue our search.
As we navigate relationships, we strive for understanding, but often the deeper meaning of our encounters eludes us. Yet seeing from a different viewpoint, we
can begin to unveil the inner mysteries of love, sex, and relationships.
Unlike other texts, this one looks at these topics from the perspective of the
soul. It presents the understanding that regardless of our past we can change the
way we view our life and our relationships forever. And it is the soul that is the missing link.
Our relationships, from the most joyful to the most painful, are an integral part
of our souls path to wholeness. Our yearning for this wholeness stems from a deep
memory of union with the one soul who was created with us in the beginningour
twin flame. Having become separated, we are now on a path to reunion with that
beloved one. And the key to becoming one with our twin flame is to first become
one with the most real part of ourself, our Higher Self.

My Twin Flame, Mark Prophet

eep within our soul there is a yearning for our divine counterpart. For we
have a memory from long ago of union with the one soul who is our other

half, our twin flame. We were one with that soul in the beginning, when we were
created, but we became separated. And then our search began.
For me this yearning was a search for my
teacher and in him I found my twin flame. This
was a great and profound experienceto know
my twin flame as my teacher and to recognize in
his eyes what I had been searching for all of my
life. From early childhood I had been searching
for those eyes, and I had looked into a thousand
faces, a thousand, ten thousand times.
Many of us search for love, for a permanent,
lasting love. We may go from relationship to relationship, seeking those eyes midst a sea of people. We yearn to be known for our souls, to be
known for our true essence.
One of the most tender and moving experiences of my life happened after I
had known my twin flame for many years. One day I was walking down the street
with him and he said, Elizabeth, I love you. I love your soul. The expression on his
facehis love, his presenceshowed a genuine caring and faithfulness to my soul.
It was the tenderness of God that I felt through his heart. I remember how I wept

My Twin Flame, Mark Prophet

because for the first time in my life I realized that someone who had the capacity to
know my soul actually loved my soul, just the way it was. After hearing his words,
it took me about a day to regain my composure; I was so profoundly touched that
someone deeply loved my inner being.
If someone truly loves you for who you are, you know that you can make it.
You know that you can go on. You know that you can become the fullness of your
true self. And this is the nature of friendship with God and close relationships between souls who are striving.

Questions & Answers

With Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Q: Whats the feeling in my heart that will tell me if someone is my
twin flame?
A: Most of us want to know the truth and to operate at the highest level of our
own ability to perceive, and the most we can do is to enhance what I call perceptors.
The greatest perceptor is the heart. If you want to experience the refined perception
of your heart, you may need to purify and clear your heart of illusions, fantasies, and
other unrealities. Purity of heart helps us to get through the challenges of life.
Are your reasons pure? Is your motive pure? Is your desire pure? If you have
that purity of heart, then your heart is a good receptor and you will receive the pure

But if you dont perceive right away or youre not certain about your perception,
its best to wait to make a decision or take any action. You can also ask God for confirmation and be open to the response.

Q: Does it matter if I dont meet my twin flame?

A: You know, our life plans are very complex. We descend into life with a
certain job to do. We have many accounts to settle and responsibilities we havent fulfilled from other lifetimes. And sometimes we have to get through a lot
of those things before the cycle comes for us to meet our twin flame.
Sometimes its the boy next door. You may have known him all your life, but
you had to get everything else out of the way first, a certain amount of karma, be10

Questions & Answers

fore you could recognize him. Its so different for everyone. Sometimes its imperative that you find your twin flame and sometimes its not the plan for this life.

In any case, remember that, in a sense, whoever you are with is your twin flame
because anyone can be the vessel of God. Anybody you meet can be the friend, the
teacher, or the instrument of the Higher Self.

So we love one another as we love our twin flame in the spiritual sense, and by
exercising that givingness to all kinds of peoplenot just in male-female relationships but with children and everyone else we meetwere practicing the presence
of love. And beyond the person we know, were sending love to our twin flame. And
thats what is important, that we exercise love in life.

Your souls inner recognition

of being one half of the whole,
goads her toward wholeness,
toward finding her other half.


All experiences on earth are to

teach us the meaning of love.


Believe Me, if all those Endearing Young Charms

Thomas Moore

Believe me, if all those endearing young charms

Which I gaze on so fondly to-day
Were to change by tomorrow and fleet in my arms,
Like fairy-gifts fading away
Thou wouldst still be adored as this moment thou art
Let thy loveliness fade as it will
And around the dear ruin each wish of my heart
Would entwine itself verdantly still.
It is not while beauty and youth are thine own
And thy cheeks unprofaned by a tear
That the fervour and faith of a soul can be known,
To which time will but make thee more dear.
No the heart that has truly loved never forgets
But as truly loves on to the close
As the sun-flower turns on her god when he sets
The same look which shed turnd when he rose.


The Love of Twin Flames

he fire of your heart can fuse with the fire of the heart of your twin flame,
and this is eternal love. You sense the oneness; you are not alone. You walk

around feeling joyous, all-one, by Gods all-consuming joy flame, in the giving of
yourself to God in his own. This love, which is born out of your wholeness, is so
wonderful, so full of wonder, that you can never stop giving it and never stop

being refilled. It cheats no one else, neither your present spouse nor your children
nor your friends, but it is a love that can embrace all. This love of twin flames, which
gives profound and everlasting meaning to life, can only multiply your love for everyone else.
Right now, your love for your twin flame can bring joy and fullness, purpose in
living, whether you are together or apart. It can be a love like the love of newlyweds,
where the whole world is full of your love and everyone you meet receives the love
of two hearts that beat as one as you forge this union more beautifully day by day.
This twin-flame love carries an intensity that can be translated into the productive work of the hour and service to others. If you are with your twin flame in
this life, you have the opportunity to expand this blessing of your union. You have
a great love to share as well as the power and creative energy of the universe. You
can ponder what magnificent creation you are going to bring forth and lay upon the
altar of humanity so that, by your love, the whole human race is elevated. For ultimately that is the reason God made you twin flames.
And everything positive that you do right now is also helping you and your
twin flame to balance your joint karma so that you can come to the point of the
grand reunion, which, in a sense, is only the beginning. You and your twin flame are
destined to move on through the ages, through the light of cosmos, to expand the
consciousness of the Father-Mother God. For God is continually transcending. God
continually becomes more of God. There is no end to the possibilities. And once you
are free of the chains of karma and the rounds of rebirth, you will be free to fulfill
your destinytogether, worlds without end.


Mantra of the Month

mantra is a brief prayer that is given over and over again to develop the
momentum of a particular virtue within the soul. The word mantra is taken

from the Sanskrit, meaning sacred counsel or formula.

Today in the West, many people have a difficult time meditating because their
minds are so busy. To compensate for this, we give mantras during our meditation.
The mantras help us focus on words and on word pictures and visualizations. As we
meditate and give these mantras, we are becoming one with the object of our concentration. The mantra can keep the mind in line.
Fuse the fire of your heart with the fire of your twin flame with the following
mantra. You are not sep-arate beings, you are two halves of a whole.
Give the following mantra for five minutes daily, and feel your spirit become
filled with love, wisdom, and power!


I AM Alpha and Omega

in the white-fire core of being


Winston and Clementine Churchill

he story of Winston Churchill and his twin flame, Clementine, reveals the
depth of their twin-flame love, which was the fount from which they drew to

provide a great service to their country.

Nothing could separate Winston Churchill and his beloved Clementine or di-

minish their love. Without consciously knowing they were twin flames, they shared
an intense loyalty and commitment. While their outer relationship had challenges
and was not perfect, the divine interchange between them was profound. Uniquely
different, they provided the perfect complement for one another. Clementine held a
calm and intense love and support that enabled Churchill to valiantly lead at a time
of grave world crisis and war.

By the time he met Clementine, Winston Churchill had written numerous

books, served in Parliament, and was famous for his war-time exploits on three
continents. He had some romantic interests but none that lasted. Clementine was
different and he knew it. Yes, she was beautiful, sensitive, and intelligent, but there
was something else about her. Probably not consciously aware of what it was, he
had found his twin flame. After a brief courtship, they were married in 1908 and
only grew in love during their fifty-six years together.

It was not an easy marriage. They were apart for extended periods of time,

through two world wars and some of the greatest crises of the twentieth century.
They lost a young child, and an adult daughter committed suicide. Yet their love
endured. They left over seventeen hundred letters and other correspondence between them, and the sweetness and purity of their love shines forth in language we
would think quaint today.

Winston and Clementine Churchill

When we think of Churchill, the image is often of an embattled war leader in-

spiring a nation and a world to rise up and defeat an evil that threatened us all. He
was that and more.
Could Winston have accomplished so much without the love and support of his
dear Clementine which sustained him through some of the most perilous and darkest days of history? His accomplishments were not entirely his own, for they were
also the fruit of the powerful love oftwinflames.

I do not love and will never love

any woman in the world but you....
Beloved, I kiss your memoryYour
sweetness and beauty have cast a
glory upon my life. You will find
me always your loving and
devoted husband.
~ Winston Churchill


Paul the Venetian

Paul the Venetian is a majestic being of some six feet, five inches in height. He is fair of
countenance with deep blue eyes and golden, wavy hair. He is usually garbed in raiment of emerald-green velvet. His voice is melodious and kind, bringing comfort and peace to all who come in
contact with his Presence.
The ascended master Paul the Venetian is a great teacher of the path of love. His devotion is
to beauty, the perfection of the soul through compassion, patience, understanding, self-discipline
and the development of the intuitive and creative faculties of the heart by the alchemy of self-sacrifice, selflessness and surrender.
He initiates the heart chakra, and he trains us in the gift of the discerning of spiritsdiscerning good and evil, light and shadow and the delicate nuances of all of our creations of beauty.
Discernment is a real inner sensitivity to one another.


* Enlightened spiritual beings who once lived on earth, fulfilled their reason for being, and have reunited with their Highest

Love Is the Greatest Challenge

Excerpts from a Message by Paul the Venetian

Love is bringing to life those who have been burdened, who experience death and dying
even while they are living. Love, beloved, contains all that science need ever know in the way of
Yet so many are not ready for healing. Their chalices are filled with fear and anger, as they
have resentment for those who did this or that. Not only is this state of consciousness without
love but it is also self-destructive and ultimately destructive of the very functioning of the cells of
the human body. Therefore, I call you to take measured cups of love, yes, measured cups of love,
and give them to those who can assimilate your love as an elixir....
So Love is a disciplined pathway. And as you know, the day when the ray of Divine Love intensifies on earth is Monday. And you have noted that it is often a day of chaos and confusion and
sometimes little accomplishment. This is because the forces of Death and Hell are virulent in their
thrust against Love. For Love is the fire of creation, the fire of invention, the fire of the elevation of
the soul! Love thyself. Love thy soul. Do not allow schisms within!...
If you do not love yourself because you have been condemned by parents or others, then,
beloved, that condemnation will become self-condemnation and it will follow you and follow you
and follow you like a plague. And if you do not watch out, it will become a plague in your body and
in your house.
Resolve all things with Love. Yes, beloved, if you have not been loved, then love ten thousand
times ten thousand again and again, loving and loving and loving as you serve to set yourself and
all life free.
Love is dispersed and parted where there is war, where there is resentment, where there
are those who will never forgive and never forget. This nonforgiving and nonforgetting is, in reality, a dark disease in the earth. And as you see nation warring against nation around the globe,
remember that where the love fire of the heart has been extinguished by harshness, by the blackness of the plague of nonlovethere, beloved, there, beloved, is the need for the reigniting of the


Lady Master Nada

From Nada we learn the practical application of love. In her final incarnation, 2,700 years ago,
Nada was the youngest of a large family of exceptionally gifted children. She chose to forgo pursuing her own career in that embodiment, and instead, kept the flame of love in deep meditation and
prayer for her brothers and sisters in their various fields of endeavor.
I can assure you that at the conclusion of my incarnation when I saw the victory of each one
of my brothers and sisters, the fullness of my joy was in a heart of love expanded.
The master Nada assists ministers, missionaries, teachers, healers, psychologists, counselors
at law and public servantsall who are involved in serving the needs of others. It is not what you
do with your hands, it is in what you do with your heart that counts.
Nada teaches the unfolding of the rose of the heart, helping us to develop the sensitivity of the
heart. Nada says, I give you my love, for all else I have already given away.


Fear Not to Experience the Pain of Love

Excerpts from a message by Lady Master Nada
The true path of Love, beloved, is one that does bring the greatest challenges;
for pain on the path of Love is many times unbearable....
You vowed to go forth and forevermore to be one. But when the Path became
painful you sometimes accepted lesser loves as comfort, as salve for the wounded
ego. And therefore, in so self-indulging, you lost the touch of the fingertips of the
beloved and could not find them again no matter how you groped in the dark of the
surrounding karma that did come with nightfall.
Do you understand, beloved, that the greatest lesson your soul can learn is
that Love is the All, Love is the Goal?..
Most have come to the place of insensitivity to that Love or a sense that they
are not worthy of it. And by an absence of self-worth they tune it out. This is another
form of non-listening. It is the tuning out of those things that are so precious and
so beautiful, because one deems oneself unclean, unready. The Mother who loves
you, the Father who loves you will embrace you as you are and give you that Divine
Love to wash you clean.
I come, then, with a very special rose for each of you. Its perfume shall not
engulf you always but it shall be there when you desire to breathe in that fragrance,
that breath of loveliness.


About Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Just who is Elizabeth Clare Prophet and what does she have to say to America and
the world?
Its really great to be able to talk to
you and to a lot of wonderful people who
are seeking the meaning of the inner life.
I remember when Gautama Buddha first
came on the scene. He was such an extraordinary individual that they didnt ask him,
Who are you? but they asked him: What
are you? Are you a God? Are you a man?
Are you human or divine? And he gave the
simple answer, I am Awake!
So, rather than talking about who I am
or where I came from, I would simply say
that I am a devotee of God. And in the devotion that I have found for God, I have discovered that he has a great truth for his people
on earth in this hour.
The truth comes from within all of us. It is the truth of the Inner Self and the law of
being. I come as a devotee of God, to share my devotions, for I believe God has given to
us a new science and a new religion whereby we can master ourselves and our age.


Elizabeth Clare Prophet

on Divine Love


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