Loquacious Library The Space To Connect: Cyberbullying

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Loquacious Library

The space to connect

October 2016

Mrs. Myers conducted a class on cyberbullying
with Dr. Newetts class. Students watched a
video and identified how the young man was
bullied. We discussed how people can be
bullied online and how to be an upstander (not a
bystander). To wrap up a lesson, we watched
fifteen-year-old Trisha Prabhu talk about her
anti-bullying app called ReThink.

Get Your Create ON!

We created a special area in the
Loquacious come see what it is and get
your create on!!

The State of South Carolina is just beginning
to work through the specifics of ESSA and
this will have a major impact on the SHS
Library. Please use http://ed.sc.gov/
to contact the committee and voice your
support of school libraries. Insist that school
librarians be part of the committee (which is
working now). Our programming and
service to you and the students hinges on
what is written in the state document. Thank

7Reads - Books Coming!

The 7Reads books are on their way.
We expect them by the end of next
week and will distribute them to
English teachers.

College Day
Seniors streamed into the library media center to
apply to colleges. Ninety-one percent of the
senior class took advantage of this event (350
students) and saved $12,811. You can see the
video on http://loquaciouslibrary.com .

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