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InTASC Standards Rationale Page

Standard #7: Planning for Instruction

The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage
learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the
teachers and learners decision making.
Name of Artifact: Educational Psychology Midterm Case Study
Date: February 2016
Course: EDUC 250 Educational Psychology
Brief Description:
In this assignment, I was required to directly observe, interview, and assess the
cognitive, emotional/social, and physical capabilities of one child aged 3-6 or 7-10
year old and apply concepts from respective chapters in Ormrod Educational
Psychology. In addition to interviewing the childs parent(s) and gain permission
from the parent(s) to assess the child.
To document my understanding of INTASC Standard #7: Planning for instruction,
I have selected to include my Educational Psychology Midterm Case Study.
During this case study I was required to assess individual in groups of pretend
students and choose appropriate instructional strategies to meet the learning needs
of each student in the classroom. I also had to employ learning theory, as well as
knowledge about child development and learner differences to make instructional

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