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5th grade
Electrical energy: Conductors and Insulators
TEKS: Within the physical environment, students learn about the ability to conduct or insulate
electrical and heat energy.
Approximate time
30 minutes
Materials Needed
Foldable: Paper, Scissors,
Circuits: Wires, Light bulbs, batteries, penny, eraser, clothes pin, washer, piece of paper,
styrofoam, aluminum
Objective: The students will be able to distinguish a conductor and an insulator by
making a circuit and testing how well it lets energy flow through it to complete a
Relevancy: Learn what conductors and insulators and relate them to things we use in
our everyday lives
Anticipatory setting: Foldable
Instructional Input: While making the foldable I will define Conductors and Insulators and give
examples of each
Modeling: Show students how to set up the circuits and leave a gap to be able to test the
different items.
Guided Practice: Help students start practicing new skills and applying new knowledge
Independent practice: Students will assemble their circuits and start testing the items.
Assessment: students will complete a worksheet to show their understanding
Closure: Give examples of conductors and insulators they have around them or at home

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