Dina Alfasi

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Dina Alfasi, an Israeli photographer, mother of an 11 year old boy Guy that usually appears in many
of her photos. Shes one of the winner of the photo contest that launched earlier this year with EyeEm
and her photograph is now part of our South issue. Shes also the co-founder of a new startup: Food
Tourz. Shes an Engineering Architecture and photographer by trade. Im not a professional
photographer, but for me photography is a way of life. Its like an additional sense that allows to tell a
story through my eyes, my perspective. I shoot mostly street scenes and portraits, trying to capture
intimate moments, the kind that carry a lot of emotions. Love, pain, fear, joy, no matter what emotion,
as long as whoever looks at the picture will truly feel something. That the life of the viewer will be
touched, sort of influenced, by the photo. Her photography showcases the simple life, the everyday
moments that we miss, that slip through our hands and that time forgets. She captures those instants
with calculated precision, to bring to the viewer an innocent spontaneity. She created a series of photos
taken during her train travels using only an iphone.


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