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Beroep & Visie

Spice4Life Michelle Korevaar
Jan Harm ter Brugge
Bram Padmos
Robin van Leeuwen 533541
Communicatie / Communication

In this document you can read the different assignments that I made for school. Next to your
internship we have also lessons on school: SLB. But because I do my internship abroad I didnt go to
school, but I did make the assignments. Thats also why somethings are different.
You will find different 5 learning objectives for everyone I made different assignments.
The most of the assignments are written in English, but two of them in Dutch. Because that was not
necessary in English and makes it more easy.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie


Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Leerdoel 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Analyze Spice4Life ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.1. The 7s model ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.2. Robins opinion ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1. Industry and Stakeholders ................................................................................................. 7
1.3.2. Identity and Image ............................................................................................................. 7
2.1. Spice4Life .................................................................................................................................. 9
Mission ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Vision ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Values .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Employees at Spice4Life .................................................................................................................. 9
Organization .................................................................................................................................... 9
Contact .......................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2. Apprenticeship plan ................................................................................................................ 11
Organizing & managing ..................................................................................................................... 15
Professionalizing ............................................................................................................................... 21
2.3. Theories .................................................................................................................................. 23
Golden Circle Change Maker Hub .............................................................................................. 23
SWOT Analysis Robin .................................................................................................................. 25
2.4. Results .................................................................................................................................... 26
2.5. Task ......................................................................................................................................... 26
2.6. Plan ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Leerdoel 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 28
3. Theorie met praktijd vergelijken ................................................................................................... 28
4. Practice question ........................................................................................................................... 31
4.1. Innovation Task Force Team ................................................................................................... 31
Target group .................................................................................................................................. 31
4.2. Strategy and goals .................................................................................................................. 32
4.3. Action plan .............................................................................................................................. 33
Leerdoel 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 34
5. Interview Jesse ............................................................................................................................... 34
5.1. Transcript ................................................................................................................................ 35
Leerdoel 4 ............................................................................................................................................. 37
6. 360 Feedback ................................................................................................................................. 37
Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie


Leerdoel 5 ............................................................................................................................................. 38
Kunsthuis18 ................................................................................................................................... 38
Het praktijkvraagstuk .................................................................................................................... 38
Indicaties ....................................................................................................................................... 39
Het communicatieprobleem ......................................................................................................... 39
Bibliografie ............................................................................................................................................ 40

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie


Leerdoel 1
In this chapter you will read an analyze about the organisation Spice4Life and the apprentice plan
from Robin van Leeuwen.

1. Analyze Spice4Life
In this chapter you will read an analyze about the intern and extern communication in the
organisation Spice4Life. We will use the 7s model to analyze Spice4Life in the intern communication.
For the extern communication we will look to the industry, stakeholders, identity and image.


The 7s model

Theres a division between three and four hard soft factors. The hard factors are strategy, systems
and structure. The soft factors are shared values, style, staff and skills.
The mission of Spice4Life is to positively touch the lives of others by Spreading Passion and
Inspiration by Connecting through Empowerment 4LIFE so that each individual has the opportunity
to discover their full potential, live their best lives and be positive role players in the world we live in.
The vision that Spice4Life follows is that they want to give a voice to the people out there who
deserve to be heard, whilst giving others the opportunity to build their online status by sharing their
content with our strong readership. Not only do they get the opportunity to inspire and support
women with their writing, but to create an expressive outlet. This in combination with the ability to
provide positive influence so that we can contribute toward the changes that we all hope to see.
In Spice4Life they use different communication tools:
Every Monday morning theres a meeting with all the employees to check everything. Sometimes in
the week there is a meeting about new project and inform everybody.
The website Its a website where the staff write the things about they need to do,
what they finish or where they want feedback.
On this website the employees save their documents.
They also communicate by mail. This can be personal or to everybody.
Whats app
They also communicate by Whats app in the whats app group.
Everything that they want to show to the outside world is in their organisation. The organisation
exists out of tutors and interns. With this concept they show that you can learn from each other in an
organisation. The tutors are older and have more experience in life, the interns on the other hand are
young and know more about the latest developments. With this combination they make positive role
models in the world.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie


There is not really a communication department at SPICE4LIFE, maybe that is really wired for an
online magazine. But at S4L it works differently they dont use departments, but categories. You
know where you are in and what your main tasks is. But you work sometimes in projects with people
that is in an another category. The categories are multimedia and content.
Everyone works on different projects, so it is very difficult to say who is doing what. Also in the
companys in South Africa they are not used to share a lot off information about this. Everyone have
there one reasonabilitys and only Michelle and Jesse know everything what everybody does and
when you finished something you will know Michelle and Jesse. The responsibility is ultimately made
by Michelle.
Multi Media
In this part the people are buzzy with design, social media and video. Everyone have there one
project or tasks.
In this part the people make content for the website Spice4Life.
Shared Values
At Spice4Life we believe that everyone is part of the family and that making a difference in the lives
of those that need it the most is one of the great things they do. They are passionate about
entrepreneurship, women in business, mentorship, innovation, education and believe that they are
all tools in the continuously changing world as we know it.
Michelle and Jesse communicate with their employees directly. In a conversation, meeting or by
whats app. There arent not a lot of layers in the company, because you have the management and
then the other employees and they are all the same. Also give Michelle and Jesse them their own
responsibility. The work atmosphere is relaxed, people are honest to each other and they like to
The staff get their own projects and they always need to reflect back to Michelle or Jesse. They are
on their one, but if they need help they can ask. Sometimes there is a little competition between the
staff and the best get more money. Also they want to have a good atmosphere in the team thats
why Michelle and Jesse do a lot of stuff with the team. Because of this work atmosphere people work
hard and they got different projects to do so they improve themselves every time and the work will
be not boring.
Spice4Life touch the lives of others by Spreading Passion and Inspiration by Connecting through
Empowerment 4LIFE so that each individual has the opportunity to discover their full potential, live
their best lives and be positive role players in the world we live in.
(Kinsey, 2015)


Robins opinion

I think the communication can be better, because they dont use always the same thing where the
communicate. Then its by a meeting, then mail or whats app and its not every time very clear. I
think when you made a more structure communication plan. It will be more clear to the employees
and they will communicate easily back. But a good part is, because its easy for them to

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie


see what everybody does, but its also very handy for yourself. Also with drop box you can see your
documents and you dont lose them.


Extern communication

In this sub chapter you can read the extern communication. In what kind of industry Spice4Life
communicate, who are the stakeholders of Spice4Life and information about the identity and image
of Spice4Life.

1.3.1. Industry and Stakeholders

The company operates in the magazine industry. The organization have different stakeholders
example: those one that delivers press releases or the one that have a banner at Spice4Life. There
are two different stakeholders. One group wants to publish at Spice4Life, they inform Spice4Life. The
other group advertising on Spice4Life, Spice4Life inform them.

1.3.2. Identity and Image

In this sub chapter you can read about the identity and image of Spice4Life. Identity is who Spice4Life
is. Image is how Spice4Life are viewed by others.
Identity of Spice4Life
At Spice4Life we believe that everyone is part of the family and that making a difference in the lives
of those that need it the most is one of the great things they do. They are passionate about
entrepreneurship, women in business, mentorship, innovation, education and believe that they are
all tools in the continuously changing world as we know it.
Image of Spice4Life
Its hard to say what the image is of Spice4Life, because I couldnt find any articles about Spice4Life
but I asked people what they tough about Spice4Life. Theres a big difference because some people
dont know Spice4Life, but the they people who now S4P talked very good about Spice4Life. Its not
so wired that not a lot of people know the company, because their target group is very niece. But the
people do know Spice4Life and read the articles now S4L very well. I met someone and she was very
honored that we came to her.
I think that the identity and the image of Spice4Life is almost the same, because the target group is
very small and they want to be make a difference and to positive things thats make the gap between
identity and image very small, because its a magazine and then its easier to make the gap less.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie


2. Systematic Approach
In this plan you can read about the internship of Robin van Leeuwen. What kind of organization is
Spice4Life and what kind of goals and tasks Robin will complete after her internship. Before all that
information a little story about What will be my job in three years time?
In three years time I cannot say if I will be working for non-profit organization, because somethings
you can do great things and reach good things, but sometimes there is good vibe but not much is
achieved. I know this as I also have done an internship at the government and unfortunately didn't
find it very fulfilling. By Spice4Life it is sometimes a little bit chaotic but we do achieve things. One
thing what I know is that I like to work at a small business with people that love their job. My feelings
for now is that I probably will work in the Netherlands, but it could also be possible that I will work
abroad because the experience is very inspiring and it is different and I enjoy that.
I definitely would want to work in a company that do something good, aspire to reach goals, and are
passionate about their job. I am not sure what direction of job I want, but what I have learnt in my
internship in South Africa that I can work in a company with a with different cultures, and different
structure as in The Netherlands. I can use this experience in different communications companies.
What I have learnt from all the different people in South Africa that when you are kind and do nice
things, good things will come from it. If you want to do something different you just need to do it.
That is the experience I have taken with me after this internship and I will use it at my work in The
After this internship I would like to speak and write better English. I have also learned to work
independently in a company in a different country. In approximately three years I will be able to use
the knowledge that I have learned in this amazingly beautiful kind country.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie




In this chapter you read what about SPICE4Life. Their mission, vision and values. Also more
information about the organization and the employees. At the end you read the information about
the contact persons.

The mission of Spice4Life is to positively touch the lives of others by Spreading Passion and
Inspiration by Connecting through Empowerment 4LIFE so that each individual has the opportunity
to discover their full potential, live their best lives and be positive role players in the world we live in.

The vision that Spice4Life follows is that they want to give a voice to the people out there who
deserve to be heard, whilst giving others the opportunity to build their online status by sharing their
content with our strong readership. Not only do they get the opportunity to inspire and support
women with their writing, but to create an expressive outlet. This in combination with the ability to
provide positive influence so that we can contribute toward the changes that we all hope to see.

At Spice4Life we believe that everyone is part of the family and that making a difference in the lives
of those that need it the most is one of the great things they do. They are passionate about
entrepreneurship, women in business, mentorship, innovation, education and believe that they are
all tools in the continuously changing world as we know it.

Employees at Spice4Life
Everything that they want to show to the outside world is in their organization. The organization
exists out of tutors and interns. With this concept they show that you can learn from each other in an
organization. The tutors are older and have more experience in life, the interns on the other hand are
young and know more about the latest developments. With this combination they make positive role
models in the world.
I will not be working at a certain department but the company keeps me involved with all the
projects that include communication and design. As there is a lot of interaction at Spice4Life it is
possible that I can be placed on projects other than communication and design. An example is when
Michelle told us that there is something different to do what needs to be done by the entire
company, then we simply do what is needed as quick as possible.

Spice4Life is a non-profit organization what means that they work in a different way than a profit
organization. A non-profit organization does not aim to make a profit. A nonprofit entity has a
mission that benefits the "greater good" of the community, society, or the world. It does not pay
taxes, but it also cannot use its funds for anything other than the mission for which it was formed.
It is a little bit different to work for a non-profit than a profit organization, but I enjoy working for
Spice4Life. Somethings take time and the pace is a little bit slower than in a normal organization
communication could be better sometimes, but that is more because of the interns. But everybody
that works here love their job, do their job well as it is a pleasant place to be.
You feel the passion and desire to make a change. The employees are happy that they can work for
Spice4Life and that is a good thing for Spice4Life because then you know that they want to their best.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



I have different contact persons for my school and the tasks that I do at Spice4Life. Michelle Korevaar
is the founder of Spice4Life. She provides me with several tasks that I can do at the company. Jesse
Lee Rowe is my tutor at Spice4Life and I can go to her for questions about my internship and school.
Besides that, she also provides me with different tasks. If I have new ideas about a task I will talk to
Michelle and Jesse. Jan Harm ter Brugge is my internship tutor. He is the person that guides me with
my internship for school and judges the content that I make for school.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie




Apprenticeship plan

There are different competences that I need to complete for my internship. In this plan you can read
the different competences together with the associated goals. The technique that I use to achieve
my goals are explained and done with different communication skills.

Writing and visualizing

One of the four competences is being able to develop textual and visual messages for different target
groups and to do so in different media. For this competence I have two personal goals and two
learning goals. In the speaking goals there is also the competence representing. The student is able
to act as a representative of the organization and is able to maintain contacts with the stakeholders.
Personal goal

Improve my English writing skills in grammar and especially in adjectives, different kinds of
verbs and the sentence within 15 weeks. Those skills will improve by writing different articles
and plans for Spice4Life. They will be checked by somebody at Spice4Life what gives me the
opportunity to learn from my mistakes. On top of that I have a grammar workbook where I
can practice different exercises. At the end of 15 weeks I want to write an article with a
maximum of five mistakes.

Improve my English speaking skills after 16 weeks at my internship with Spice4Life. I will be
able to make myself clear when I am speaking English and by achieving this my vocabulary
will also increase. During this 6 weeks I will only talk English at Spice4Life. The measuring
point for speaking is at the 360 feedback moment. I will organize a meeting with Michelle
and Jan after 16 weeks so that they can judge if my English and vocabulary increased in
comparison when I started at Spice4Life.

Learning goal writing

At the end of my internship I am able to write in different formats. This consists articles and
formal plans for Spice4Life. This mean that I can write for different target groups: an article
for the general public on the website and a communication plan for business people. The
goal is to write this content with less than five grammar mistakes per page.
My way of organizing to write a good article but also to learn better English is by writing
every week one or two articles for the blog at Spice4Life about my internship at Spice4Life
and South Africa. Before they go online the articles will be checked and I will learn from my
mistakes. Because I write about what I am doing and what I like it will become easier. At the
end of all the articles I can see my progress by writing. To make it more difficult I will also
write for the Change Makers Hub. The subject of those articles will be about making change. I
will search for content and write the article. After this Michelle and Jesse will check the
articles and make improvements, because I begin with the article and they finished it I will
see the difference I can learn by that. During my free time I will also read English books and
practice exercises from an English workbook. By doing that I will be improving my English
skills. After a couple weeks of exercising I can make a comparison and can learn from my
mistakes. Because I will practice my English skills with different formats it will be better and I
can complete my goal of five grammar mistakes per page.

To write good articles I need a good subject, know who my target group is, and a creative
title. But what also very important is: know the simple grammar sentences and a good

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie


picture. I can go to Jesse, Monica or Machelle if I want to know more about writing and they
can help with my English grammar, but also check my articles.
Below you can read a little checklist so I can check if I have everything for a good article.

Did the text start with a summary?
Is the subject something what the audience want to read?
Use relevant keywords, investigation and decision.
Do I Use headings?
Optimize the text with photos and pictures
Link to relevant old articles when this is possible
Read my text aloud after I have written it.
Look after the text for spelling and sentence structure
Check the format
Is my writing style is the same as is used in the entire site?
Is my article completed
Are all links in your article?
Choose the appropriate category and tag
Look good on the publication date

Planning task writing
To do


Articles for the blog

Check the blog






Search for subjects

for the CMH articles

Write the CMH


Check the articles

from CMH

Get feedback from

the blog articles

Post the articles for

the online

Get feedback from

the CMH articles

Learning goal visual content

Make visual content for the company that fits with the target group and subject. At the
beginning of my internship I will make a visual content with a theme. The themes will get
more abstract every time what creates a bigger challenge. This is the measurable aspect. At
the end of my internship I hope to be faster and to know how to make better and different
visual content and am able to switch with different targets groups. Due to doing this every

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie


week I will improve through practice, and at the end of my internship I will have made a lot
of different visual content.

Task to complete the goal

I will make different visual content for social media at Spice4Life in subjects like #special day
#leave your mark or the other categories that are found on the website.

I will also look at the photograph for The Change Maker Hub. Here I will check if the pictures
match with the organizations and decide about the quality of the picture.

Planning task visual content

I will organize this by looking to the content of the text what is important in the text and what kind of
pictures are appropriate. Spice4Life have different values and they are important so I will look also at
the values and when the text and the picture fits then I know they are a good match. Also the quality
is very important. The higher the resolution, the better the picture is. With this criteria I know that it
is good for the content and for the company. I will do this by starting the article and search for good
pictures. After I have completed something, everything will collected and will be looked into it. If it is
satisfactory it will be published.
Below you can read a little checklist for to know when you have a great picture

Does the picture tell a story?

Is it fitting by the content

Is the picture Clear?

Does the picture correspond with the website

This is a planning for in the week when I make visual content.

To do


Search for pictures





Search for text

Making the design


How I will see that I have made progress in the different tasks?
Every content, visual or text, will be saved from now on until the end of my internship.

I will save different versions from the text that I have written so I can keep track of my

After a couple weeks I will compare them with each other.

I will keep track of the aspects that I experienced whether easy or difficult in making my
visual content.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



I will always challenge myself.

When working on visual content I will write down the time it takes me to complete a task.

In the beginning of the week of 1 November 2015 I will revise everything what I have made in
the latest couples of weeks. And then I look into what I still want to achieve and learn. After
the check I will know what I did normally, but after that I will look also to my goals and see
what I still need to do better.

This can be useful for Spice4Life as someone not from South Africa is writing articles and can show a
different view of the subjects. It will be shown on their blog that they have international interns and
how it is to work at Spice4Life through this people will be interested. Also for the visual content
someone of a different country can design differently and come up with new ideas and they can
learn from it to look different than normal.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



Organizing & managing

For the communication cycle project/activity, the student is able to arrive at a realistic and SMART
formulated estimate of the time, resources and people necessary to implement a project.
Learning goal organizing and managing

I will improve my organizing and managing skills within 15 weeks. After 15 weeks I hope to
be able to organize and manage a project. This project will be to write a communication and
a strategy plan for the Change Makers Hub. I will organize and managing this project and am
looking forward to doing this I will write it, but I will also test the plan on outsiders to know if
it works. Also I will be managing the Facebook Innovation Task for Team and upload content
for the Facebook page for Youth Academy.
To organize and manage a good project I need to write a plan that will help me to get my
goals clear and to know what I need to do. For this plan I need the next subjects: information
about the project, project assignment, project boundaries, products, planning, theoretical
framework, project organization and the planning.
I will write this plan for Change Makers Hub and for the Innovation Task for Team. The X is
for Change Makers Hub and X is for the Innovation Task Team.



Project assignment




12/10 19/10 26/10 2/11 9/11 16/11 23/11- 30/11 7/12 14/12
16/10 23/10 30/10 6/11 13/11 20/11 27/11 4/12 11/12 18/12

Project organization


Also after 15 weeks I will be able to organize the Monday meetings that will have more value
and will be quicker than it was before. To organize a good meeting I will mail the people
every Friday morning for the meeting and ask what they want the talk about so that I can
start the Monday morning well. After introducing the meeting we can talk. Everything is
written down and after the meeting one person could check with me the minutes and check
what could be improved. Because we do this every week I can practice and I will improve.
You can see this during the week but also at the time and from the notities made.
For a good meeting a few elements are very important: everyone knows in advance when
and where the meeting, participants are invited, participants receive an agenda and related
information and it is pre-clear who makes records and who will chair the meeting.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



Planning task to complete the goal organizing and managing

Every Monday I will lead the Monday meeting.

To do


Monday Meeting

Mail for content for

the meeting
Write the note
Organizing and
managing the
project CMH






Learning goal organizing

I will improve my organizing communication and planning skills. I will make a communication
and a strategy plan for The Change Makers Hub Project. After eight weeks there is a clear
strategy and communication plan for CHM. Also I will make a content strategy for the
innovation task for team.

Task to complete the goal

Theres a new project called Change Maker Hub and I will decide over the design,
communication and marketing side of this project. I will make a communication and a
strategy plan and before it is put online it will be tested by a small group to evaluate if it is a
good plan. After this I will change the feedback and in plug the plan. I will also write a
strategy content plan for the Facebook page innovation task team.
To make a good strategic plan I need to know different things to achieving the plan. The
information that I need for the plan: mission statement, vision statement, values statement
or guiding principles, SWOT, competitive advantage, long-term strategic objectives,
strategies, short-term goals/priorities/initiatives, action items/plans and the financial
But for the plan it is also very useful to know the next question: Where are we now? Where
are we going? How will we get there? When I know all those things than I can achieve the
strategy plan.
When I need information I will go to Michelle or Jesse, because they know everything about
Change Maker Hub.

In the planning below you can read when I do everything, because I will go away on a
business trip from 20 October I will finish the whole strategy plan, but I will test the strategy
and then it is possible that I will correct somethings? This planning is for the strategy plan for
Change Makers Hub.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



12/10 19/10 26/10 2/11 9/11 16/11 23/11- 30/11 7/12 14/12
16/10 23/10 30/10 6/11 13/11 20/11 27/11 4/12 11/12 18/12

Mission Statement

Vision statement

Values statement



Long-term strategic


Goals, priorities,

Action plan



Test the strategy

Correct the strategy

For the communication plan I need to follow information to know to write a good useful plan. Who
are your target groups? What do you want to achieve broadly consistent with your communications.
An analysis of the initial situation: the SWOT. The determination of the (possible) problems. The
communication tools, the plan, the tools plan, the organization, how do I ensure that everything
happens as you have planned. And the evaluation.
Below you read the planning about the communication plan for Change Maker Hub.

12/10 19/10 26/10 2/11 9/11 16/11 23/11- 30/11 7/12 14/12
16/10 23/10 30/10 6/11 13/11 20/11 27/11 4/12 11/12 18/12

Analyze Target group


Determination of possible problems

Communication tools

The plan

The tools plan

The organization

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



For the strategy plan for Facebook Innovation Task Team I need the same things that I need for the
strategy plan for Change Makers Hub. So you can read that information in the sub of Change Makers
Hub. In this planning you can read when I do what for the strategy for Innovation Task Team.


12/10 19/10 26/10 2/11 9/11 16/11 23/11 30/11 7/12 14/12
16/10 23/10 30/10 6/11 13/11 20/11 27/11 4/12 11/12 18/12

Mission Statement

Vision statement

Values statement



Long-term strategic X


Goals, priorities,

Action plan



Test the strategy

Correct the strategy X

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



Planning organizing
To do





Strategy plan CMH

plan CMH

Strategy content
Innovation Task






2/11 9/11 16/1

6/11 13/1 1


30/1 7/12 14/1

11/1 2
4/12 2

plan CMH

Strategy plan CHM

Strategy plan
Innovation Task

Deadline Strategy

and communication
plan CMH

Full the missing

information CMH

Test the plans of


Deadline strategy

and communication
plan CMH

Deadline strategy
Innovation Task

For Spice4Life means that they have after those plans a clear idea about the project. They will know
where they want to go and what they will reach. Maybe they can use this plan for other projects. And
they will know how to work with more structure.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



Personal goal

Because I do my intern at a company in a different county I hope to improve my organizing

and managing skills. I will learn how the organizing skills I have learned by doing this over and
over again I will and be able to mix them with what I know. I will improve this in 10 weeks
and at the end you can see if I have improved my skills from feedback from the people at

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



The last competence is professionalizing this means that the student is able to use 360-degree
feedback to reflect on his learning objectives and, on the basis of this, demonstrably improve his
professional performance. The student is able to recognize the current values and norms for the
professional field in which the placement company operates, describe this field and act accordingly.
The student is able to complete a project or activity on the basis of the different stages of the
communication cycle and substantiate the choices made when doing so.
Learning goal

After 16 weeks of Internship I am able to reflect professionally to my work what I make. I can
make myself clear in English and write a good reflection what I do at Spice4Life and what I
have learned from it. I will use the STAR reflection.
This means Situation, Task, Action, Result and Reflection. Situation: Describe a situation that
went well or that didnt go well. Task: what you did in your project. Action: Describe the
action that you took regarding this situation. Result: Describe the result of your actions.
Reflection: describe what you would do next time and what you learn from it.
After my internship I will write for every goal a reflection. In the last week I will spend two
days, 17 and 18 December to write this reflection directly, as they will be clear in my
The following tips can help me reflect
Choose a concrete situation and look back at that specific time and your course of action.

Reflect regularly and "grid" at least once a week, preferably in a moment of reflection at a
fixed time.

Open yourself to questions.

Imagine judging yourself, first look what happened to you give it a value.

Reflect on a methodical manner, for example by asking to go through a list or using the
reflection model.

Reflect not only problematic but also on success stories.

Use feedback from others to reflect from that point.

(Reflectie, sd)
Personal goal

After my internship I can write a clear reflection in English and I will know what I have learnt
and how I can do thing differently. Also I will see after the reflection what I can use in
another company.

I will complete all those goals after 16 weeks. After 8 weeks I will scrutinize my progress to know how
well I am working on it and what I can improve more. You can read per goal what the meeting point
are. There will be also a conservation with Michelle or Jesse and Jan Harm about my progress.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



The planning when I will compare my work, talk with Michelle and Jan Harm about my progress and
at the end when I write my reflection.










9/11 16/11 23/11- 30/11

13/11 20/11 27/11 4/12

7/12 14/12
11/12 18/12

360 Feedback

with Jan Harm,
Jesse and

End Feedback


Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie





To complete those different goals, I will use three theoretical models of communication. I will use
The Golden Circle and the SWOT analysis.

Golden Circle
Simon Sinek is the founder of the Golden Circle theory. Why some organizations are successful and
others not? In his model 'The Golden Circle' Simon Sinek is based on three levels at which
organizations and people operate: what you do, how you do it and why you do it. His thesis is that
usually the third question remains underexposed and thus fails to real success.
According Sinek you touch people only if you can answer the why and when you have faith in it, and
that it corresponds with the belief of people. Why is not about making a profit. That is the result. To
'why' it's all your purpose. What are you doing this? Why does your organization? Only when it is
clear why a person or an organization does something, people may believe.
The Golden Circle exist out of three circles. The core is the why, then you have the how and the
outer circle is the what.
The why is what drives your company.
What is what your company sells or what you sell.
The how is why your company is special or unique. Better known as a distinctive value.
(Sinek, Simon Sinek, sd)
With the Golden Circle I can make the project Changer Maker Hub clearer, because they know what
they want, but it is not really clear. The story is there, but we miss something and with the Golden
Circle you can look better to the project and ask yourself questions about it and improve it Because
when you know your direction to go, and what makes this project so special is that you can make a
difference and that is what Change Maker Hub wants.

Golden Circle Change Maker Hub

In this subchapter you will read the Golden Circle for the project Change Maker Hub. Its possible
that later in time the Golden Circle will be with more information than now.
The world is so large and with so many different special organizations, what does something good to
the world, but not a lot people know these special organizations? That is why Change Maker Hub
exists. We want to tell and share those special organizations and stories. Tell the world why we are
so beautiful and that you can make change. We believe in that you and I can make change. We
believe that we can make the world more beautiful than it is. We want to share those organizations
and storys that is wat drives Change Maker Hub.
The project Change Maker Hub offers different organization who want to make a different to the
world a place to show their content. To show that they exist. But also for people that want to invest
in organizations and with Change Maker Hub they can easily search for organizations.
What makes Change Maker Hub special is that it is a platform so that you can see a lot of different
organization in different categories they can make a difference. But not a lot people know them and
CMH makes this special.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



Now we know the why, how and what we can see the project a little bit differently. With this golden
circle we can communicate from the inside to the outside. We can communicate better to our target
group, because we know now the why and that makes it better and special.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



SWOT Analysis
A tool that identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization.
Specifically, SWOT is a basic, straightforward model that assesses what an organization can and
cannot do as well as its potential opportunities and threats. The method of SWOT analysis is to take
the information from an environmental analysis and separate it into internal (strengths and
weaknesses) and external issues (opportunities and threats). Once this is completed, SWOT analysis
determines what may assist the firm in accomplishing its objectives, and what obstacles must be
overcome or minimized to achieve desired results. (SWOT, 2015)
Also the SWOT Analysis will help me to complete the goals. I need to complete the SWOT and then I
can work with it and improve myself.

SWOT Analysis Robin

In this subchapter you will read the SWOT Analysis from Robin van Leeuwen. It is possible that later
in time the SWOT will change.
Push through
English grammar and vocal
Want to do everything
To learn more
To explore things in a different company
To improve my English skills
To do too much
Lack of time
Say yes too quickly
In this SWOT analyse you read my strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Now we know a
little bit more about myself. The opportunities will succeed because of my strengths. I can improve
my opportunities with my strengths, but it also important to look out for the threats. Because I want
to learn more I need to be careful not to do too much and what I do to do well. I can rather do a little
thing very well than that I do too much and I cant improve a lot. But now I know what I can and I
need to look out for it, so it will help me with my goals.
Also the SWOT helps me with reflection on my work, because now I know what I am good at and
what my weakness are. By my reflection I can look at those point and look if they are better or not.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie





But how do I actually know that I improved myself? After 8 weeks of my internship I will look at my
Golden Circle and the SWOT theory and can improve them Besides that I will talk with my internship
coach about my progress where I can get feedback about what I can improve, my strong points and
perhaps different challenges. I will save all the documents which I made after each period so I can
compare them and look for further improvements. By applying this approach there will always be a
challenge for me.
I will make a reflection for myself after a couple of weeks so that I know where I can improve, get a
clear view of my strong points and on what I need to focus in the future.
This experience will help me reach my goal that I have at three years. Then I have learnt to work
differently and make yourself comfortable in another work place.



There are different tasks for the goals, but there are also tasks that I will do because they need to be
done. So here is a list with tasks what I will do. This list will be longer at in the end of the process,
because I do not know all the tasks what I am will in the internship next to my normal project. That is
what this list about it, there are the task what I just do, but not specially for my goals. Maybe at the
end of the progress the helped me and I can learn from the little project/task.

I know the birthdays of the people that work here, I let Michelle know when there is a
birthday, but I also organize something special.

Special day calendar

Everyday there is a special day, when there is a special day that fits by Spice4Life I will make
content with it and posted on Facebook

52 #Leaveyourmark
This was a collection to search for 52 articles on the website Spice4Life with the theme love.
By this I write a quote from the article and make it more visual with a picture

52 Collection
This was a collection with photos of lions with quotes that fits the photo, but also the theme

Plan the banners
This was a project to search for companies who fit by Spice4Life and can me advertising on
the website. I search for companies for different pages on the website, plan the timeline and
design the banners

Photoshoot TrylinkThere will be a photoshoot for the employees for the company Trylink. I
will help by the photoshoot

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie





In this plan you will see all tasks, projects and feedback moments for the next 8 weeks. Because I do
not know what I will doing at the end it could be possible that the plan will be longer.





9/11 16/11 23/11- 30/11 7/12 14/12

13/11 20/11 27/11 4/12 11/12 18/12


360 Feedback

Appointment with
Jan Harm, Jesse and

End Feedback



Monday Meeting

Plan ITT

Plan CMH

Strategy plan CMH

plan CMH

Strategy plan ITT

STARR Reflection

Visual content

Articles blog


Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



Leerdoel 2

3. Theorie met praktijd vergelijken

Deze opdracht schrijf ik in het Nederlands, omdat het anders een beetje lastig wordt om de modellen
eerst in het Engels uit te leggen en daarna over het bedrijf te schrijven. Ook heb ik de modellen iets
anders toegepast, omdat ze hier in Zuid-Afrika nauwelijks met modellen werken. Dus heb ik de
modellen in het algemeen op het bedrijf toegepast.
Ik heb de communicatiemodellen communicatiekruispunt (strategie voor het bedrijf), Dagmar-model
(advertentie doelstellingen) en marketingmix toegepast om theorie te vergelijken met praktijk.
Communiceren naar de doelgroep met een passende strategie. Spice4Life communiceert altijd online
naar de doelgroep, omdat ze een online magazine zijn. Hiervoor hebben ze ook een strategie nodig
om hun doelgroep te bereiken op de juiste manier. Om dit te vergelijken gebruik ik het
communicatiemodel communicatie kruispunt.

3.1. Communicatiekruispunt
Het beoogde resultaat van het contact splitst Van Ruler op in bekendmaking en benvloeding.
Wanneer je deze tegen elkaar afzet in een schema krijgt je vier kwadranten, oftewel vier strategien:
deelterreinen van communicatiemanagement, die elk hun eigen theorien hebben waarin condities
worden beschreven waaronder zij werkzaam kunnen zijn en realistisch als strategie kunnen worden
ingezet (1989, p. 77). Het communicatiekruispunt van Van Ruler is een praktisch instrument voor
organisaties die hun communicatiestrategie willen bepalen. (Zweekhorststrategie )
Aard van het contact: gecontroleerd eenrichtingsverkeer
Beoogde resultaat: bekendmaken
Aard van het contact: gecontroleerd eenrichtingsverkeer
Beoogde resultaat: benvloeden
Aard van het contact: tweerichtingsverkeer
Beoogde resultaat: bekendmaking
Aard van het contact: tweerichtingsverkeer
Beoogde resultaat: benvloeding
Spice4Life communiceert veel met hun doelgroep. Ik heb alleen niet gemerkt of ze bepaalde
modellen gebruiken om hun strategie te volgen. Wel als ik naar het communicatiekruispunt kijk zou
je denken dat ze aan tweerichtingsverkeer werken, omdat ze online communiceren en de doelgroep
terug kan reageren. Maar in de werkelijkheid gebruiken ze uiteindelijk alleen maar informeren en

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



overreding. Ze zenden alleen eenrichtingsverkeer met daarbij dat ze informatie delen, maar toch ook
wel het gedrag van de doelgroep willen aanpassen.

3.2. DAGMAR Model

Het DAGMAR model is bedacht door Russel H. Colley en gepubliceerd in 1961. DAGMAR is een
afkorting voor Defining Advertising Goals for Measuring Advertising Results. Dit betekent in het
Nederlands: Definieer advertentiedoelstellingen om advertentieresultaten te meten. Het DAGMAR
model beschrijft een bepaalde volgorde in het leerproces van consumenten. Het model is ontwikkeld
om de effectiviteit van advertenties te kunnen meten en is gebaseerd op andere
communicatiemodellen als bijvoorbeeld AIDA en Lavidge & Steiner.
Zoals u ziet doorloopt de consument verschillende stappen in het leerproces, voordat deze overgaat
tot een aankoop, namelijk:
1.Bekendheid (naamsbekendheid): Het percentage personen in de doelgroep dat het betreffende
merk kent.
2.Begrip (productkennis): Het aantal personen in de doelgroep dat de voordelen kan aangeven van
het betreffende product.
3.Overtuiging (waardering): Het aantal personen in de doelgroep dat overtuigd is van het nut van het
betreffende product.
4.Actie (aankoop): Het aantal personen in de doelgroep dat al tot een aankoop is overgegaan.
Spice4Life heeft zelf advertenties op haar website staan, maar ook adverteren zij zelf met hun eigen
online media: twitter, facebook, media events en artikelen bij andere bedrijven over Spice4Life.
Als je dit met het DAGMAR Model vergelijkt is de naamsbekendheid van Spice4Life in Kaapstad laag,
maar dit komt omdat ze een specifieke doelgroep hebben. Want degene die Spice4Life wel kennen,
kunnen de voordelen aan geven van Spice4Life, maar je ook overtuigen van Spice4Life. Omdat dit
een magazine is, is dit misschien wel anders. Maar Spice4Life wilt juist een positive lifestyle creeren
voor de doelgroep en zich motiveren. Dus het is zeker wel mogelijk om Spice4Life hiermee te
vergelijken en te kijken waar zij zich nu in zitten. Bij de doelgroep zitten ze zeker op overtuiging. Of
uiteindelijk over gaan tot actie, de producten kopen die Spice4Life ook aanbiedt zoals een
armbandje. Dat zou ik niet weten.
Ondanks dat ze zelf in Spice4Life dit model niet gebruiken. Kan ik zelf wel heel gemakkelijk aangeven
hoever de doelgroep is. Wel zou het voor S4L handig zijn om dit model te gebruiken, waardoor ze de
communicatie nog beter aankunnen passen. Hierdoor misschien een grotere doelgroep creeren en
uiteindelijk de producten die Spice4Life vertegenwoordigen ook kunnen gaan verkopen. Zodat de
doelgroep echt achter S4L staat en het groter en bekender wordt.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



3.3. Marketingmix
De marketingmix is een marketingmodel waarmee de marketingstrategie van een organisatie kan
worden ingevuld. Een marketingmix bestaat als basis uit vier deelgebieden, maar tegenwoordig
wordt er steeds vaker een vijfde deelgebied aan de basis van de marketingmix toegevoegd. De
deelgebieden beginnen allemaal met een P, daarom wordt er ook vaak over de vier of vijf Ps van de
marketingmix gesproken. (van den Berg)
De deelgebieden waaruit de marketingmix bestaat zijn als volgt:
Personeel (optioneel)
De marketingmix van Spice4Life
Product: Online magazine
Prijs: -
Plaats: Online
Promotie: het magazine, Facebook en Twitter, artikelen in andere tijdschriften en events
Personeel: Team van Spice4Life en contributors
Omdat Spice4Life een online magazine is zit de marketingmix iets anders in elkaar, maar ze moeten
het magazine natuurlijk wel verkopen. Want zonder lezers maak je een magazine voor niks. Eigenlijk
zit het grootste gedeelte in het product zelf en de promotie. Met de promotie promoten ze het
tijdschrift maar tegelijkertijd is dat ook de promotie zelf. Wat ondersteunt wordt door facebook en
twitter en de extras eromheen.
Ondanks dat ze bij Spice4Life niet modellen werken zou het toch handig zijn als ze deze modellen
wisten. Omdat ze dan nog beter kunnen communiceren met de doelgroep. Spice4Life werkt meer
met wat zij willen en wat zij uitwillen stralen en dat communiceren ze naar buiten en alles wat
daarbij past. Ze gebruiken geen modellen of plannen, maar ze doen onderzoek naar wat de trends
zijn, wat hun willen uitstralen en dat communiceren ze naar de doelgroep.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



4. Practice question
In this chapter you can read about a practical problem in the sphere of communication which played
in the organization Spice4Life. The question is: How make we interaction on a private facebookpage
with the members?
With this question we want to know how we can make interaction between different members on
the page. What kind of communication can we use the best? Before we do that we want answer on
our question and that do we by describe ITFT Facebook page, after that the strategy and then the


Innovation Task Force Team

In this chapter you can read about the Innovation Task Force Team. What kind of page it is, the
mission, vision and the values. And also a couple of important question what we need to write a
good plan.
Innovation Task Force Team is a private group on Facebook which uses the online space as an easily
accessible communications platform for the orientation of a common goal and that would be
mentorship and youth development. The group consists of alumni interns, resident interns and
global leaders, who are Ambassadors with SPICE4LIFE with the common goal to be involved in a key
need of South African youth.
A large percentage of youth even after a tertiary education are not able to get employment.
Internship are very hard to come by in South Africa and not officially integrated into the workplace.
Through Vocational training and giving internships with dedicated support on real life projects, the
innovation task force team hope to prove the importance of vocational experience benefiting youth

Supporting Vocational learning for youth, especially multimedia tertiary students

The FB page allows for a timeline to be created to communicate and reflect some insight.
Learn from and inspire each other. We want to show what we do at the office but also exiting and
inspiring things to do.

We will use the same values at the organization Spice4Life as in the group, because the cores values
are very important in the organization and thats why we use the same in the group.

Target group
The group consists of alumni interns, resident interns and global leaders, who are Ambassadors with
SPICE4LIFE with the common goal to be involved in a key need of South African youth.
The ITFT is a private group on Facebook thats why it doesnt have a specific target group. But the
group exist out of national and international interns that work(ed) at Spice4Life, but also global

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



There are a few important questions to know before we can think about our strategy.

Where are we now?
We have now good posts in the group. Quotes, information about what we doing, introduction of
new people and inspiring things.
Where are we going?
We want to create more important posts and more interaction. We would like people to really like
the posts and read them and create more interactive with each other.
How will we get there?
We will get there by looking to the strategy, what we want and make a new plan to create more
content for the Facebook group.


Strategy and goals

In this chapter you can read the goals what we want to complete and the strategy to complete those

Long Term, once implemented we want to encourage more interaction on the Facebook group. Now
we have an average on 3 till 5 persons thats likes the post and one two reactions. In about a month
this average will be at least 10 persons or more and we have an average of 4 reactions on a post.
After three months everybody knows and it is interactive on the Facebook group and place also their
own content out of themselves, because they like doing it.

We are going to achieve those results by placing good messages that create more interaction on the
Facebook group. To do this is possible at different ways. Firstly, we post messages to create content
and that the others see what we want with the group page. Between of this I would like to tell the
people in a short meeting what we want with the page and give everybody a special task to do.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie




Action plan

In this chapter you can read about how we have accomplished the goal. Which plan will we use and
what kind of content we want to post on the Facebook group.
Because there will be different content on the Facebook group I have made different themes and
some of them will appear every day on the Facebook group, some once a week and some you just
dont know, thats why they will be random.
















Own picture
with quote

A little story

Once a week:

Picture with people from the office with a quote

Every day:

Everybody at the office make 5 affirmations for 1 week

Make the sentence complete
Ask a question

Inspiring video
Inspiring person
A little story
About someone at the office

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



Leerdoel 3

5. Interview Jesse
Jesse Lee Rowe is the communication manager of Spice4Life. She work already two yours at S4L
and she does do the communication between the staff as well external communication with clients
and stakeholders.
Spice4Life is online media and marketing company. Jesse: We are course driven media interties. So
we like to focus on areas of interest of women in South Africa lifestyle based needs. Everything from
family till home threw to business, fashion, beauty and health. Because we are course driven we
dont like to focus on at the mainstream topics that everybody talks about. We want to tell the real
stories of real people.
The biggest tool of Spice4Life is of course there website, but you can also find
them on different media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. You can also
subscribe their newsletter. It will come once a month in you mailbox.
Communication in general
Jesse about communication in general: I think its the most viral aspect in any business sector in
personal and professional live. Communication holds everything to getter. Pour communication can
break a company down. If theres not good communication theres less productivity. Introduce
output, success inters of value, because when there is less productivity you starting making less
money. So communication is very important.
I think as this point theres a lot of room for improvement at content for Spice4Life. At the main
moment our content is based on what PR Companys send to use. With is not always ideal it does
give us good content a light with big brands and very well written content. But it leaves a lot off gaps
in our content plan, because we cant control the content. Where we want to speak about. So theres
very good content at Spice4Life, but theres not original content told Jesse.
Internal communication
Here I think theres also room for improving. Its sometimes difficult to communicate because of the
fact there is a little bit of a bottleneck. So at this point its only Michelle and I. Who can general input
the structure of the business. Whats happened when theres a lot of work to be done then theres a
bottleneck, because we cant do all the work at once. And so it leaves a lot of people frustrate at the
bottom because they cant move forward. With there projects. Anther than that I think the
communication is very open. Everybody is very open to communicate what they think and what they
feel. If theres any problems people know who to talk to. I think we could streamline the
communication in meetings, but yeah theres always room for improvement.
To get to the point where is a system that reduce bottle necking. So that reduce the amount of time
takes for a project to signoff and to close the circle and to do that we need to be very clear goals in
place. So that people know what there expecting from them at all times. And that they know who to
go to if theres a problem or they dont understand it. That they dont sit with work and wait for
someone to come for them.
Communication trends
Interms of internal communication a lot of is be stream lined. Theres a lot of new technology that is
allowing to teams work randomly. Things like team viewer, project management apps like Trello

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



what helps you to communicate whiteout with person. I think thats continuing to change. Externally
of course social media is change the way in which we communicate to talk with our audience. People
no longer communicate face to face as much they used to do. Everything is now moving on to digital.
And its closing a shift in the way to communicate with people. People now what to have purpose
driven. They dont want to be spoken, they want to be educative and they want to be informed.
When people are in gating with a brand or company. They dont want to be marketing any more they
want to have benefit to them. So now how companies communicate they need to think what the
consumer wants to know and what they need from them.
The future of Spice4Life
I think the main thing to get to the point where Spice4Life becoming a place where people know and
understand a different type of media. Where there is real people telling real storys. That it becomes
their place to share there story. And it becomes a places where you want to read an amazing story
and have a good positive sentence of inspiration in your day. Also to get to a place where we do



Robin: Thank you for the interview for today. I have some questions about Spice4Life and the
communication. Can you tell something about yourself?
Jesse Lee: Hello, yes Im Jesse Lee Rowe and Im the communication manager at Spice4Life. I have
been here for two years and I do the communication between the staff as well the external
communication with clients and stakeholders.
Robin: And can you also tell me a little bit about Spice4Life?
Jesse: Yes, Spice4Life is online media and marketing company. We are course driven media interties.
So we like to focus on areas of interest of women in South Africa lifestyle based needs. Everything
from family till home threw to business, fashion, beauty and health. Because we are course driven
we dont like to focus on at the mainstream topics that everybody talks about. We want to tell the
real stories of real people.
Robin: Thank you. How do you communicate with Spice4Life threw your target group? You have your
magazine, but what do you have more?
Jesse: We use our online website, thats our biggest tool. We use social media platforms. We have an
online content strategy activate at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. We use also a
newsletter that goes once a month. And with that we communicate the key points threw a theme.
We also communicate with our audience by different platforms where we can.
Robin: Okay and what do you think about communication in general?
Jesse: In general I think its the most viral aspect in any business sector in personal and professional
live. Communication holds everything to getter. Pour communication can break a company down. If
theres not good communication theres less productivity. Introduce output, success inters of value,
because when there is less productivity you starting making less money. So communication is very
Robin: What do you think about the content of Spice4Life?
Jesse: I think as this point theres a lot of room for improvement at content for Spice4Life. At the
main moment our content is based on what PR companys send to use. With is not always ideal it

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



does give us good content a light with big brands and very well written content. But it leaves a lot off
gaps in our content plan, because we cant control the content. Where we want to speak about. So
theres very good content at Spice4Life, but theres not original content.
Robin: So what do want to improve more?
Jesse: We want to improve the original content at Spice4Life.
Robin: And what do you think about the internal communication in Spice4Life?

Jesse: Internally I also think theres room for improving. Its sometimes difficult to communicate
because of the fact there is a little bit of a bottleneck. So at this point its only Michelle and I. Who
can general input the structure of the business. Whats happened when theres a lot of work to be
done then theres a bottleneck, because we cant do all the work at once. And so it leaves a lot of
people frusterate at the bottom because they cant move forward. With there projects. Anther than
that I think the communication is very open. Everybody is very open to communicate what they think
and what they feel. If theres any problems people know who to talk to. I think we could streamline
the communication in meetings, but yeah theres always room for improvement.
Robin: What do you want to change specifically in internal communication?
Jesse: To get to the point where is a system that reduce bottle necking. So that reduce the amount
of time takes for a project to signoff and to close the circle and to do that we need to be very clear
goals in place. So that people know what there expecting from them at all times. And that they know
who to go to if theres a problem or they dont understand it. That they dont sit with work and wait
for someone to come for them.
Robin: Okay. And do you see different trends in the communication in the last three years?
Jesse: Interms of internal communication a lot of is be stream lined. Theres a lot of new technology
that is allowing to teams work randomly. Things like team viewer, project management apps like
Trello what helps you to communicate whiteout with person. I think thats continuing to change.
Externally of course social media is change the way how we communicate to talk with our audience.
People no longer communicate face to face as much they used to do. Everything is now moving on to
digital. And its closing a shift in the way to communicate with people. People now what to have
purpose driven. They dont want to be spoken, they want to be educative and they want to be
informed. When people are in gating with a brand or company. They dont want to be marketing any
more they want to have benefit to them. So now how companys communicate they need to think
what the consumer wants to know and what they need from them.
Robin: Thank you. The last question: what do you want to reach for Spice4Life in the future?
Jesse: I think the main thing to get to the point where Spice4Life becoming a place where people
know and understand a different type of media. Where there is real people telling real storys. That it
becomes their place to share there story. And it becomes a places where you want to read an
amazing story and have a good positive sentence of inspiration in your day. Also to get to a place
where we do

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



Leerdoel 4

6. 360 Feedback
I do my internship from begin September till December at Spice4Life in South Africa. I have different
tasks and different goals that I will complete. But I also need feedback to improve myself more.
Thats why 6 other people wrote the 360 feedback for me. And with this feedback I can reflect and
write down what I want to improve more and how I will do this.
My tasks were to improve writing, visualising, managing, organizing and professionalizing. For the
different competence I did different tasks to complete them. Also the people that gave me feedback
they looked to the competence and what I need to improve more.
Generally, the feedback was good. The main thing what I have to improve is writing and speaking
English. Also the lowest score was also in representative the organization, because my English isnt so
good I cant representative the organisation.
To make sure that I will improve my writing and speaking skills I will focus on that part of feedback. I
will write articles about my life in South Africa, because this will make it a bit easier to write in
Most of the time Im at my other Dutch student and we are talking English. Now I will spend more
time with the other South African students to talk more English so I can improve my talking English.
Also I will share a project with an African student so I will speak more English.
To representative the organisation I will first practise my English writing in blogs and when this is
better I will write a mail to all the stakeholders of Spice4Life for a project. Then I can reprehensive
the organisation, but by writing and that makes it a little bit easier. Also I will practise my
representative to give little presentation at Spice4Life for the employees.
Of all the feedback that I got, they give me very high feedback at my visual part. They like how I
design things and I will practise this more by making a content plan, but also with design examples.
The feedback was most of the time the same and they all agree that I need to improve my writing
and speaking. But they also liked my visual part.
I will work on the writing and speaking part. How I will do this you can read that in the action. But I
also continue with my visual design.
Now I know where is my weak point and my strong point. I always will work on both, because its
good to know what can be better, but its also important that you will improve you strong quality.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



Leerdoel 5
I will go back to Holland and I will do the next semester by another organisation. Thats why I will
describe this in Dutch, because the organisation is Dutch.
In het tweede semester voer ik mijn praktijkvraagstuk bij Kunsthuis18.

Kunsthuis18 is een veelzijdig podium voor hedendaagse beeldende kunst in Westland. Onze
gloednieuwe galerie biedt 70m expositieruimte n een ontmoetingsplek voor kunst, publiek en
kunstenaars. Kunsthuis18 maakt deel uit van Stichting Beeldende Kunst Westland. Het is onze missie
een zo groot en breed mogelijk publiek in Westland in contact te brengen met kunst en kunstenaars.
Daarbij richten wij ons zowel op de startende als gevorderde liefhebber en op gevestigde en
nieuwe kunst. Van kunstenaars vanbinnen en van buiten de regio. Voorop staat dat wij steeds weer
pionieren, onverwachte verbindingen en verrassende combinaties maken. Wij zijn ook van mening
dat het voor een stevigere positie van de beeldende kunst in Westland van groot belang is om zowel
aan professioneel werkende kunstenaars als aan jonge, talentvolle en toekomstige kunstenaars de
ruimte te bieden. Daarom is naast onze hoofdexposities ruimte beschikbaar gesteld voor de
Greenport People Artist.
Hierdoor zijn er wisselende exposities te zien van kunstenaars tot 26 jaar, die de intentie hebben zich
verder te ontwikkelen tot professioneel werkend kunstenaar. Voor ons kunstminnende publiek
betekent dit dat het zich nog meer kan laten meevoeren door een verfrissende, verlichtende en
vervreemdende kijk op de hedendaagse kunst. Net als kunst verleggen wij regelmatig letterlijk en
figuurlijk onze grenzen. Zo organiseren wij niet alleen 20 exposities per jaar, maar vind je ons ook op
locatie: op festivals, rotondes, bedrijventerreinen en zelfs in leegstaande panden. Als producent,
adviseur of partner in bijzondere projecten. Met bedrijven en scholen, maar ook met andere kunst-
en cultuurorganisaties. Zo maakt Stichting Beeldende Kunst Westland tevens deel uit van het
Platform Beeldende Kunst Westland, kennisorganisatie en gesprekspartner van gemeente Westland

Het praktijkvraagstuk
Hoe maken we van Kunsthuis18 een begrip in Westland?

In het afgelopen jaar is Kunsthuis18 verhuist naar een mooi nieuw pand. We zijn voorzien van
moderne presentatietechnieken en apparatuur. De ruimte is multifunctioneel ingericht omdat
we een zo groot mogelijk bereik willen krijgen in de Westlandse gemeenschap en als mogelijk
zelfs erbuiten.

Hoe kan communicatie optimaal worden ingezet om dit doel te bereiken?

We hebben veel te bieden tegen een zeer redelijke vergoeding. Hoe vinden we effectief en
efficint de weg naar buiten. Heel belangrijk daarbij is de vraag hoe we mensen (vrijwilligers)
kunnen vinden en inzetten zonder dat het hen teveel belast. Oftewel: slim opereren.
We moeten vernieuwen, waarbij we gebruik maken van het goede wat al bestaat en wegen
inslaan die nieuw zijn, zeker op vlak van social media. Maar ook moeten de bestaande middelen
onder de loep.

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



We proberen heel veel. Het een is succesvoller dan het andere. We hebben om te beginnen een
mooi, modern pand. Een nieuwe huisstijl (vernieuwde website). En een goede naam.

De naam is echter nog niet bekend genoeg. Onlangs zijn we gestart met een cursus beeldende
kunst voor jongeren. Daaraan hebben vijf jongeren deelgenomen. In januari start mogelijk weer
een cursusblok, mits we minimaal 5 jongeren als deelnemers hebben.
De communicatie naar jongeren is een lastige. Ook is het lastig om jonge vrijwilligers te vinden.
Wat wilt Kunsthuis18 bereiken?

Kunsthuis18 wordt een eenvoudig te vinden begrip in Westland. Voor kunstenaars die willen
exposeren of workshops willen geven. Als (ontmoetings)plaats voor jongeren, volwassenen en
ouderen door aansprekende activiteiten. Maar ook voor bedrijven die onze ruimte willen
gebruiken als presentatie- of vergaderruimte. Er moet een vliegwiel in gang worden gezet
waarbij bezoekers, kunstenaars en bedrijven ambassadeurs worden. Eigenlijk moeten we het
communicatieproces z zien in te zetten dat mond-tot-mond reclame het grote werk gaat doen.

Het communicatieprobleem
Communicatie kan hier zeker een hele grote bijdrage aanleveren, want ik denk juist dat we
erachter moeten zien te komen hoe we het beste de doelgroep van Kunsthuis18 kunnen

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie



Kinsey, M. (2015). 7s model McKinsey. Opgehaald van 7s model:
Korteweg, L. (sd). Dagmar Model. Opgehaald van Marketingportaal:
McCorkindale, T., W. DiStaso, M., & Fusse, H. (2013). article. Opgehaald van The JSMS:
van den Berg, L. (sd). Marketingmix. Opgehaald van Marketingportaal:
Yukl, G. (2001). What Leaders Read. Leadership in Organizations . Prentice Hall: National College for
School Leadership.
Zweekhorststrategie , P. (sd). Marketingportaal. Opgehaald van Communicatiekruispunt:

Robin van Leeuwen

Beroep & Visie


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