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evsK I A_bxwZ mwKZ mvwZK iZc~Y NUbvejx, Z_-Dcv I mvaviY vb

6 cvi GB wcwWGd dvBjwUZ (wjMvj cR) Avcbviv PjwZ 2016-2017 A_eQii RvZxq evRU, RvZxq A_bwZK
mgxv-2016, evsK I A_bxwZ mwKZ mvwZK iZc~Y NUbvejx, Z_-Dcv I mvaviY vb cveb hv wewfb miKvwi I
emiKvwi evsKi wjwLZ I gwLK cixvq Avcbv`i ek DcKvi Avme| mvwZK evsK I A_bxwZ mwKZ iZc~Y
mvaviY vbi wbP AvvijvBb Kiv AvQ| abev`|

2016-2017 A_eQi RvZxq evRU

2016-2016 A_eQii RvZxq evRUi AvKvi: 3,40,605 KvwU UvKv
2016-2017 A_eQii RvZxq evRU PjwZ g~j `ki gvU wRwWwc (GDP): 19,61,017 KvwU UvKv
2016-2017 A_eQii RvZxq evRUi AvKvi `ki gvU wRwWwc (GDP)-Gi Zzjbvq kZKiv: 17.30%
ivR^ Av`vqi jgvv: 2,42,742 KvwU UvKv
RvZxq ivR^ evW (GbweAvi)-Gi gvag ivR^ Av`vqi jgvv: 2,03,152 KvwU UvKv
NvUwZ evRUi cwigvY: 97,853 KvwU UvKv hv `ki gvU wRwWwc (GDP)-Gi Zzjbvq kZKiv: 5%
evwlK Dbqb Kgm~Px (GwWwc) LvZ eiv: 1,10,700 KvwU UvKv
cv mZz wbgvY KvR eiv ivLv nqQ 6,026.48 KvwU UvKv
wRwWwc (GDP) cew ARbi jgv: 7.2%
gy`vxwZ jgvv: 5.8%
mvavib ew kYxi Kigy Avqmxgv: 2,50,000/- UvKv|
2015-2016 A_eQi (2005-2006 A_eQi wfw ai) PjwZ g~j `ki gvU GDP wQj: 17,29,567 KvwU UvKv
2015-2016 A_eQi (2005-2006 A_eQi wfw ai) wi g~j `ki gvU GDP wQj: 8,83,054 KvwU UvKv
2015-2016 A_eQi wRwWwc (GDP) cewi nvi wQj: 7.05% (wi g~j)

2015-2016 A_eQi RvZxq evRU

2015-2016 A_eQi cevmx evsjv`kx bvMwiK`i viv evsjv`k cwiZ iwgUi cwigvY: US$14.92 billion
2015-2016 A_eQi evsjv`k gy`vxwZi nvi wQj: 5.92% (12 month average basis in Point-to-Point standard)
2015-2016 A_eQi evsjv`k gy`vxwZ jgvv wQj: 6.20%
`k eZgvb `vwi`i Eamxgv 24.30%|
gvU evRU eiv 2,95,100 KvwU UvKv|
Kigy Avqmxgv 2,50,000/- UvKv|
PjwZ g~j wRwWwc 15,13,600 KvwU UvKv|
wi g~j wRwWwc 8,24,532 KvwU UvKv|
PjwZ g~j gv_vwcQz wRwWwc 1,235 gvwKb Wjvi|
PjwZ g~j gv_vwcQz RvZxq Avq 1,314 gvwKb Wjvi|
2015-2016 A_eQi wRwWwc cew ARbi jgvv 7.00|

2014-2015 A_eQi RvZxq evRU

2014-2015 A_eQi P~ov wnmve wRwWwc cewi nvi: 6.55%

RvZxq A_bwZK mgxv-2016

gv_vwcQz RvZxq Avq: 1,466 gvwKb Wjvi
`vwi`i Eamxgv: 24.80% Ges wbmxgv: 12.90% [mvaviY A_wefvMi ccb Abyhvqx]
`vwi`i (RvZxq) Eamxgv: 31.50% [Cost of Basic Needs (CBN) Method cwZZ Lvbv Avq-eq Rwic-2010 Abyhvqx]
weki wewfb `ki gy`vi bvg
cmv: gwKv/wKDev/AvRwUbv/Diq/Kjw^qv/wdwjcvBb
BDiv: Avqvijv, BZvwj, Avviv, ejwRqvg, fvwUKvb, b`vijv, wdbjv, dv, Mxm, cZyMvj, Rvgvwb, gvv, b,
jygevM, mvfvwKqv, mvBcvm, Kmvfv, Awqv|
wiqvj: mw` Avie/Bivb/Bqgb/K^vwWqv
iwc: kxjsKv/fviZ/cvwKvb/bcvj
Zyi-wjiv, wbKvivqv-KiWvev, jvIm-wKc, Bw_Iwcqv-exi, nvix-dvwiU, qZgvjv-KyqURvj, cvivq-qvivwb,
Nvbv-mwW, nvBwZ-`, fbRyqjv-ewjfvi, igvwbqv-wjD, eyjMwiqv-jf, wfqZbvg-Ws, evwRj-wiqvj, mbMvj-dv,
BDb-wjfwbqv, PK-Kiiv, cvjv-RjvwU, ivwkqv-iej, myBWb-vbv, myBRvijv-dv, bvBRwiqv-bvBiv,
`wY AvwdKv-iv, BmivBj-kKj, wKiwMRvb-mvg, _vBjv-ev_, B`vbwkqv-iwcqv, f~Uvb-jUvg, gvwjqv-ZyMwiK,
wgqvbgvi-wKqvU, gvjqwkqv-wiwZ, BivK-w`bvi, Di Kvwiqv-Ib, Pxb&-BDqvb, Rvcvb-Bqb, ZyKgwbvb-gvbvZ|
Brexit Referendum Poll: British withdrawal from the European Union (EU) is a political goal that has been pursued by various
individuals, advocacy groups, and political parties from across the political spectrum since the United Kingdom joined the
precursor of the EU in 1973. Withdrawal from the EU has been a right of EU member states since 2007 under Article 50 of the
Treaty on EU. It is often referred to as Brexit. In 1973, the UK joined the European Economic Community (EEC). In 1975, a
referendum was held on the country's continued membership of the EEC which was approved by 67% of voters. The EEC
later transformed into the EU. On 23th June, 2016, a referendum was held on the country's membership of the EU. This
referendum was arranged by Parliament when it passed the European Union Referendum Act 2015. The result was 51.90% in
favour of leaving and 48.10% in favour of remaining, with a turnout of 72% of the electorate.

The Panama Papers Scandal are an unprecedented leak of 11.5 million confidential documents from the database of the
Panamanian corporate service provider Mossack Fonseca which is the fourth biggest offshore law firm of the world. The
leaked documents provide detailed information about more than 214,000 offshore companies including the identities of
shareholders and directors of the companies. The documents show how wealthy individuals, including public officials, hid their
assets from public scrutiny. The records were obtained from an anonymous source by the German newspaper Sddeutsche
Zeitung which shared the records with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). The ICIJ then shared the
records with a large network of international partners, including the Guardian and the BBC. A total of 32 Bangladeshi citizens
and two Bangladeshi companies have been named in the massive leak of tax documents exposing their secret offshore
dealings. The Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) of Bangladesh has already initiated to launch investigation against the
Bangladeshi citizens and companies named in Panama Papers scam.
Present Foreign Currency Reserve of Bangladesh Bank
The foreign exchange reserves of Bangladesh crossed the US$30 billion-mark for the first time on June 27, 2016 riding on
higher export earnings and good upward trend of remittances sent by the non-residential Bangladeshis working abroad and the
rise to the decline in oil and food prices in the international market. The reserves (US$30 billion) are enough to meet the
country's import bills for nine months. Remittance has been growing at double digits since 1980s and currently accounts for
nearly 11% of the Gross National Product (GNP).
Nobel Prize-2016 in Economics: British-born Scottish economist and Princeton professor Angus Deaton won the Nobel
Prize-2016 in economics for his work charting global developments in health, wellbeing and inequality. In his most recent book,
The Great Escape: Health, Wealth and the Origins of Inequality, Deaton argues that analysis of economic data shows that
while most people in the world have gained in terms of health and wellbeing from higher national incomes, there are many
groups that have missed out.
ADP President Takehiko Nakao
IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde
World Bank President Jim Yong Kim (12 )
Raghuram Govind Rajan is the incumbent Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (the central bank of India)
Born in 1963, Raghuram was chief economist at the International Monetary Fund from 2003 to 2007 the youngest to occupy
the position. The Indian economist is recognised as one of the best central bank governors in the world.
Mark Carney is the incumbent Governor of the Bank of England and also Chairman of the Monetary Policy Committee and
Financial Policy Committee. Carney was previously the Governor of the Bank of Canada.
Zhou Xiaochuan is the incumbent Governor of the People's Bank of China (the central bank of the China).
Zhou Xiaochuan is a Chinese economist, banker, reformist and bureaucrat. As governor of the People's Bank of China since
December 2002, he has been in charge of the monetary policy of the People's Republic of China. He was reappointed to the
same position in March 2013, making him the longest-serving central bank chief since the establishment of the People's
Republic of China.
Haruhiko Kuroda is the incumbent Governor of the Bank of Japan. He was formerly the President of the Asian
Development Bank (ADB) from 1 February 2005 to 18 March 2013.
Janet Yellen is the incumbent Governor of the Federal Reserve System (the central banking system of the USA). She is the
first woman to take over the top spot in the 100-year history of the US central bank.
Amando Maglalang Tetangco is the incumbent Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (the central bank of the
Philippines). He is the first governor of the nations central bank to serve two terms having been first appointed to the office
by PhilippinePpresident Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in July 2005 and reappointed in 2011 by President Benigno Aquino III to
serve another six-year term.
Ashraf Mahmood Wathra is the incumbent Governor of State Bank of Pakistan (Pakistans central bank).
Bangladesh ranked 142 out of 188 countries in the in the Human Development Index (HDI), according to the 2015 Human
Development Report published by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on December 19, 2015.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in September 2015 received UN's highest environmental accolade Champions of the Earth
in recognition of Bangladesh's far-reaching initiatives to address climate change.
Inflation is a disease that can wreck a society a quotation of late US economist who received the Nobel Prize in
Economics in 1976.
Indian economist Amartya Sen won the Noble Prize in Economics for his book Poverty and Famine: An Essay on
Entitlement and Deprivation.
Postcapitalism: It is a book written by Paul Mason. Postcapitalism is a guide to our era of seismic economic change and how
we can build a more equal society.
Credit Rating is used by sovereign wealth funds, pension funds and other investors to gauge the credit worthiness of
Bangladesh thus having a big impact on the country's borrowing costs.
Bitcoin is a digital asset and a payment system invented by Satoshi Nakamoto who published the invention in 2008 and
released it as open-source software in 2009. The transactions in this system take place between users directly without an
Present Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Finance is Mahbub Ahmed
Iqbal Mahmud Incumbent and 5th Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)
Qimiao Fan is the new Country Director of the World Bank for it operations in Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal.
Former Cabinet Secretary Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan is the alternate Executive Director of the World Bank.
Dr Biru Paksha Paul is the Chief Economist of Bangladesh Bank.
Some renowned economists of Bangladesh: Professor Dr. Atiur Rahman, Professor Dr. Abul Barkat, Dr. Muhammad Yunus,
Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed and Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya
The customers of Bangladesh Bank are scheduled banks, NBFIs and government of Bangladesh.
Income sources of Bangladesh Bank are bank rate and loans provided to other commercial banks.
Main sources of foreign reserve Remittances, export earnings, foreign loans and foreign aid.
Bangladesh Bank was established on 16 December, 1971 (According to Bangladesh Bank Order of 1972)
There are 10 members of the board of directors of Bangladesh Bank 1 Chairman, 1 Member Secretary and 8 Directors
The tenure of the Governor of Bangladesh Bank 4 years
The first woman director of Bangladesh Bank Professor Hanna Begum
The first governor of Bangladesh Bank ANM Hamidullah
Kazi Mostafa is the designer of Tk 1 & Tk 2 in Bangladesh
There are 9 kinds of banknotes in Bangladesh in denominations of Tk. 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 & 1000
Banknotes issued by Bangladesh Bank are in denominations of Tk. 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 & 1000
The first and foremost duty of Bangladesh Bank To issue banknotes
Bangladesh Bank reserves foreign currencies against banknotes
4 microeconomic variables that Bangladesh Bank controls inflation, interest rate, money supply and exchange rate
The scheduled banks report about their programmes to Bangladesh Bank once a week (mostly on Thursday)

Bangladesh Bank increases the reserved capital to prevent inflation.

Bangladesh Bank declares the monetary policy by issuing Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) twice (January & July) in a year.
Standard & Poor's credit rating for Bangladesh stands at BB-.
Moody's rating for Bangladesh sovereign debt is Ba3.
Moody's Investors Service has affirmed Bangladesh's government ratings at Ba3 with a stable outlook.
Fitch's credit rating for Bangladesh is BB-.
Bangladesh Bank Credit Rating SRO No. 283 [Statutory Rules Order] Statutory = Constitutional or Legal
The customers of Bangladesh Bank are Banks & NBFIs.
The monetary policy that has been undertaken by Bangladesh Bank is Balanced Contractionary Monetary Policy
A commercial bank has to mandatorily deposit 19.5% of its total capital with Bangladesh Bank (accumulation of the CRR and
Net foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow into Bangladesh in the year 2015 stands at US$224 crore (US$2.24 billion)
The USA has the highest contribution (US$57.30 crore) in the FDI inflow into Bangladesh in 2015
The UK (England) has the second highest contribution (US$30 crore) in the FDI inflow into Bangladesh in 2015
The contribution of the three sectors in the GDP of Bangladesh in the 2015-2016 fiscal year: Industries (31.28%), Agriculture
(15.33%) and Service (53.39%) (as per the National Economic Survey of 2016)
The contribution of financial institution services in the GDP of Bangladesh in the 2015-2016 fiscal year 3.36%
The contribution of the banking sector in the GDP of Bangladesh in the 2015-2016 fiscal year 2.84%
GDP has three sectors (a) agriculture sector, (b) industry sector and (c) service sector.
Per Capita Income is the yardstick of measuring the economic development of a nation.
Per capita income of Bangladesh stands at the end of the 2014-2015 fiscal year US$1314
The current per capita income of Bangladesh US$1466 (as per the National Economic Survey of 2016)
The Service sector contributes the most of the GDP in Bangladesh
Total labour force is engaged in agriculture 45.10% (as per the National Economic Survey of 2016)
The first banknote was introduced in India in 1857 during the tenure of Lord Canning
Duration of the 7th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020).
Bangladesh is the world's second-largest readymade garments (RMG) exporter of western brands (China is the first).
Bangladesh is the 8th biggest remittance recipient country in the world.
Total number of authorised non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) = 33
The name of the last NBFI is CAPM Venture and Finance Limited
Remittance inflow of Bangladesh in the 2014-2015 fiscal year = US$15.31 billion
Remittance inflow of Bangladesh in the 2015-2016 fiscal year = US$14.92 billion (less than the 2015-2016 fiscal year)
GDP growth rate in 2014-2015 fiscal is 6.55%
GDP growth rate in 2015-2016 fiscal is 7.05%
The average inflation of Bangladesh in the 2014-2015 financial year was 6.41%
Inflation rate = 6.41% (12 month average basis 2014-2015 fiscal year)
Targeted inflation rate in the 2015-2016 fiscal year was = 6%
The average inflation of Bangladesh in the 2015-2016 financial year was 5.92% (12 month average basis in Point-to-Point standard)
Targeted inflation rate in the 2016-2017 fiscal year = 5.8%
Extreme Poverty rate in Bangladesh as per the MDG progress report = 5.3%
Countrywide highest poverty rate has been recorded in Kurigram district (63.7%)
Countrywide lowest poverty rate has been recorded in Kushtia district (3.6%)
Call Money Rate (weighted average) = 7.32%
Bank rate 5%
The total reserve requirement for all the scheduled banks in Bangladesh is 19.5% where Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) is
19.5% (including the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) 6.5%).
SLR rate = 19.5%
CRR rate = 6.5%
Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) maximum = 12.5%
Repo Rate = 7.25%
1 SDR = $112.51 Taka (Present Conversion Rate)
Bangladesh enjoys duty-free export facility in 49 countries
The highest foreign currency reserve is in China (US$ 3821 billion)
Qatar has the highest per capita income (US$ 98,814) in the world.
The USA has the highest (US$ 16244 billion) GDP in the world
Luxemburg has the highest per capita GDP in the world US$ 106,407
China has recorded the fastest GDP growth rates during the last 10 years
The USA economy is the largest in the world in terms of nominal GDP (measured at current prices in US dollars).
China is the world's largest economy on PPP basis.
Main three contributors of Bangladeshs economy (a) readymade garments, (b) agriculture and (c) foreign remittance inflow
Major sources of the foreign currency reserves of Bangladesh exports of readymade garments and leather items and
Negative interest rate on bank savings exists in Switzerland, Sweden and Japan
The tools of monetary policy areopen market operations, reserve requirements (CRR & SLR), interest rate and bank rate
The ultimate aim or goal of fiscal and monetary policies is to establish and ensure a stable economic condition in the
The tools of fiscal policy are government expenditure, revenue collection, tax rate, rate of interest and income tax rate
BACPS stands for Bangladesh Automated Cheque Processing System
FATFFinancial Action Taskforce [its headquarters is situated in Paris]
The name of the World Banks watchdog agency Integrity Vice Presidency (2001)
EFTN = Electronic Funds Transfer Network
BCRM: Business Risk Control Management
Lithuania (as 19th member) adopted the Euro currency in January 2015. The Euro is the most tangible proof of European
integration the common currency in 19 out of 28 EU countries.
Ecuador is the world's first nation to create its own digital currency.
Banking products are savings account, current account, FDR, SME loan, Debit card and Credit card.
Turn-over is a term to indicate the profit and loss calculation of any organisation annually.
Wall-Mart founder Sam Walton (USA) in 1962
FATCAForeign Account Tax Compliance
AFISAutomated Fingerprint Identification System
BEFTN stands for Bangladesh Electronic Fund Transfer Network
Basel II: The methodology to determine capital adequacy for commercial banks in Bangladesh (effective from 01/01/2010).
Budget deficit is financed by domestic borrowing and foreign borrowing.
Blue Economy: Exploration and proper utilisation of maritime resources (offshore oil, gas & hydrocarbon)

BRICSNew Development Bank [HQ Songhai] established as a competent of the World Bank and the IMF
Number of seat in US Congress is 535
The oldest bank of the world which is still in operation is Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Over the counter (OTC) system was launched in DSE on 6 September 2009
The opportunity cost of holding money is the forgone interest rate of money.
Taxes are collected internally while tariffs are collected on imports.
Market Economy is the most recent idea in the sector of economics
Trade Union is labour organisation
TIFA Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
LIBOR London Inter-Bank Offered Rate
Asian Clearing Union (ACU) has nine (9) members
Father of Euro currency Robert Mundell
The USA is called the Economic Superpower
Factors of Production 4 Factors: Land, Labour, Capital & Organisation
Philips Curve shows the relation between inflation and unemployment such that a lower level of unployment is associated
with a higher level of inflation.
Lorenze Curve shows the proportion of national income earned by any given percentage of the population.
WEF World Economic Forum
ERM Environment Risk Management
GCI Global Competitiveness Index
South Korea is the largest country in terms of directly investment to Bangladesh
Japan has the highest contribution among the donor countries of Bangladesh
Japan is the largest loan providing nation in the world
The Peoples Bank of China is the central bank of China
State Bank of Pakistan is the central bank of Pakistan
The first central bank of the world is Sverigs Bank (It is the central bank of Sweden).
BIS = Bank for International Settlement is the bank of the central banks of all the countries of the world
BIS headquarters is situated at Basic Basel city of Switzerland
BIBM was established on December 31 of 1974
Bank of Denis the first government bank in the world
Banking Companies Act-1991
Companies Act-1994
Money Laundering Prevention Act was formulated through parliament in 2012
Standard & Poors is known for financial service
NASDAQ is the stock market of the USA
Basel II is the risk management protocol of the bank
FTSE Index is the share market of the UK
BIMSTEC Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multisectoral Technical & Economic Cooperation
Father of ATM Scot John Shepherd Barron
MRP Manufactures Recommended Price
Call Money is short-term borrowing often used by the commercial banks to meet up their liquidity crisis.
Millennium Challenge Account is an account in the USA to reduce poverty
Bureaucracy is a system of government which is run by the government officials.
Corrigendum is a major correction or amendment
Erratum Minor correction or amendment
IDA (as an organisation) has given the highest development assistant to Bangladesh after its independence
Japan (as a nation) has given the highest development assistant to Bangladesh after its independence
EURO Bank was introduced by Greece
The UK and Denmark are the EU members but they have not introduced the EURO currency
NSDS National Sustainable Development Strategy
BIIC Bangladesh International Investment Corporation has been established to raise the investment of the foreigners.
100% Financial Inclusion has been ensured in Denmark and Finland
The first bank to introduce Agent Banking in Bangladesh Bank Asia
The first bank to introduce Agent Banking in Bangladesh Agrani Bank
The first bank to introduce offshore banking system in Bangladesh Standard Chartered Bank Limited
Tajikistan has the highest contribution of remittance in its GNP
The first bank of the world Bank of Shancy
The first organised central bank of the world The Bank of England
The first note issuing bank of the world The National Bank of Sweden (1656)
The first government bank of the world Bank of Venice (1157)
Banking business was first introduced in Italy
The first modern bank of the Indian sub-continent The Hindustan Bank (1700)
The first central bank of the Indian sub-continent The Reserve Bank of India (1935)
The first private bank of Bangladesh Arab-Bangladesh (AB) Bank Limited (1982)
Total number of banks in Bangladesh 64
Number of scheduled bank in Bangladesh 57 (The name of the last scheduled bank is Simanta Bank Limited)
Number of state-owned commercial banks in Bangladesh 6 ((Sonali, Rupali, Janata, Agrani, Rupali, BDBL & BASIC)
Number of state-owned specialised bank 2 (Bangladesh Krishi Bank and Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank)
The number of foreign banks operating in Bangladesh 9
The number of local private commercial banks operating in Bangladesh 39
The first central bank of Asia The Bank of Japan
The Mother of central bank The Bank of Japan
The name of the central bank of Switzerland is Swiss National Bank
The name of the central bank of Nepal Nepal Rastra Bank
The name of the central bank of Malaysia Bank Negara Malaysia
The name of the central bank of Philippines Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (evsKv mUvj GbwR wdwjwcbvm)
The first modern banking was introduced in Stockholm (in 1668)
Some foreign commercial banks operating in BangladeshStandard Chartered Bank, State Bank of India, Woori Bank, HSBC
The name of the central bank of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
IBRD stands for International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
The number of state-owned insurance companies 2 (Jibon Bima Corporation, Sadaran Bima Corporation)
Total number of insurance companies in Bangladesh 73 (of which 71 are private companies)
BSEC (Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission) is the capital market regulatory authority in Bangladesh
Dhaka Stock Exchange was established on April 28, 1954

Chittagong Stock Exchange was established on February 12, 1995

The largest international life insurance company of the world American Life Insurance Company (ALICO).
The only foreign insurance company operating in Bangladesh ALICO.
Federal Reserve System (the central bank of the USA) was established in 1914
The World Bank has 5 sub-organisations IBRD, ICSID, IFC, IDA and MIGA
ECNEC stands for Executive Committee of the National Economic Council
Bankers bank = The lender of the last resort = Central bank.
Bourse means Stock Exchange.
The first clearing house of the world was established by The Bank of England
The first clearing house of the world The London Bankers Clearing House (1875)
Blue Chips Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment
The headquarters of the Asian Clearing House (ACU) Tehran, Iran
The Wall Street of New York is famous for stock market
Credit control tools Variation of bank rate, open market operations, variation of cash reserve ration (CRR & SLR)
Real owner of the company shareholder
TIN stands for Tax Identification Number which is needed to pay tax to the government.
PIN stands for Personal Identification Number
FIFO stands for First in, First out
LIFO stands for Last in, Last out
CHIPS stands for Clearing House Inter-bank Payments System
SDR stands for Special Drawing Rights
Open market economy was introduced in Bangladesh in 1991
The first Nobel Prize in economics was awarded in 1969 to economist Ragnar Frisch
Commercial banks create the medium of exchange by bill of exchanges, by cheque, by bank draft, by payment order or by
demand draft etc.
Commercial banks solve the liquidity problems by rediscounting the first class bills.
The tools and instruments for implementation of monetary policy in Bangladesh are Bank Rate, Open Market Operations,
Repurchase agreements (Repo) & Reverse Repo, Statutory Reserve Requirements (SLR & CRR).
BIMSTEC stands for Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
UNCTAD stands for United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Some credit cards VISA Card, MASTER Card, Gold card and American Express Card
Global Recession is a period of global economic slowdown or meltdown.
Foreign Policy of Bangladesh: Friendship towards all but malice with none.
Greshams Law: Bad money drives good money out of the market.
I.O.U. stands for I Owe To You which is a kind of non-negotiable credit instrument.
APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
SAPTA stands for South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement
BEPZA stands for Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority
RCEP = Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Bangladesh was promoted as a lower middle income country (LMIC) from a low income country (LIC) classification by the
World Bank in December 2015.
Bangladesh was included in the least developed country (LDC) list in 1975.
American business magnate, investor & philanthropist Warren Buffett is called the Investment Tycoon or Investment Guru
The USA holds the largest stockpile of gold reserves in the world followed by Germany (2nd).
E-commerce giant Alibaba is top-ranked retail brand in the world. It is the world's most valuable brand (worth a staggering
$247 billion).
There are 8 credit rating agencies in Bangladesh
Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh Ltd. (CRAB)
Credit Rating Information and Services Limited (CRISL)
Bangladesh Rating Agency Ltd (BDRAL)
ARGUS Credit Rating Services Ltd. (ACRSL)
Emerging Credit Rating Limited (ECRL)
National Credit Ratings Limited (NCR)
Alpha Credit Rating Ltd.
WASO Credit Rating Company (BD) Ltd. (WCRCL)

wewfb cK wekevsK _K bIqv evsjv`ki FYi my` nvi 0.75%

1998 mvj _K Avw_K LvZ msvi Kgm~wPi AvIZvq evsjv`k evsKjv wbRivB my`i nvi wbaviY Ki AvmQ
evsjv`k evsKi kvLv 10wU (jvKvj Awdm- 1wU)
evsjv`k evsK bvUi wecixZ wiRvf ivL: e`wkK gy`v
evwYwRK evsKmg~ni kqvi evRvi wewbqvMi Abygvw`Z mxgv: gvU AvgvbZi 10 fvM ev 10%
Dcgnv`k 1g KvMRi gy`v Pvjy Kib: jW Kvwbs (1857 mvj)
K`xq evsKi mec_g I cavb `vwqZ nj: bvU Bmy
evsjv`k 1g bvU cPjb nq: 4 gvP 1972
1g gy`v cPjb nq: 5 gvP 1972
evsK bvU: wewnZ gy`v (10, 20, 50, 100, 500 I 100 UvKvi bvU)
miKvwi bvU BmyKi: evsjv`k miKvii A_ gYvjq
5 UvKvi KqbK ejv nq- evsK Kqb; 1 I 2 UvKvi KqbK ejv nq- miKvwi Kqb
evsjv`k evsKi KvQ Abvb evsK Avw_K weeiYx Rgv `q: enwZevi
miKvwi bvUi D`vniY- 1, 2 I 5 UvKvi bvU
weki 1g wbKvk Ni eevi cPjb Ki: evsK Ae Bsjv (1773 mvj)
AvaywbK wbKvk Nii Drcw- 1775 mvj jb wbKvk Ni Drcwi gvag|
evsjv`k evsKi cwZ: kwdDj Kv`i
wek 1g `Dwjqv AvBb cYxZ nq 1920 mvj (evsjv`k 1997 mvj)
evsjv`k mskvwaZ `Dwjqv Av&Bb- 1999 mvj
Dcgnv`k 1g gy`v AvBb cvm nq: 1835 mvj|
evsjv`k c_g bvU Pvjy nq 4Vv gvP, 1972 mvj| c_g evRvi Qvov nq 1 Ges 100 UvKv g~jgvbi bvU|

$5/- UvKvi bvU miKvwi bvU wnme mec_g evRvI Qvov nq: 5B Ryb, 2016
evsjv`k GKgv UvKv Qvcvbvi cmi bvg: wmwKDwiwU wcwUs Kcvikb (evsjv`k) wjwgUW (1989 mvj Pvjy nq)|
`k eZgvb wjWvi evsK- mvbvjx evsK, RbZv evsK, AMYx evsK, icvjx evsK, evsjv`k Kwl evsK
evsjv`ki A_bxwZi LvZ: 3wU| h_v: Kwl, mev I wk LvZ |
evsK mev LvZi Aaxb|
gnvg`vi mgqKvj 1930 mvj
gwbUvix cwjwmi cavb KvR gy`vxwZ wbqY Kiv|
evsK 4 cKvi| h_v: K`xq, evwYwRK, ivvq I we`kx
PK 4 cKvi| h_v: evnK, Av`k, Kvjv I `vMKvUv
evwYwRK evsK: Ggb Avw_K cwZvb hv RbMYi wbKU nZ AvgvbZ wnmve UvKv msMn Ki Ges msMnxZ UvKvi GKwU Ask FY
wnmve RbMY I cwZvbK c`vb Ki| Kvhvejx: AvgvbZ msMn I FY c`vb, URvwi wej msMn Kiv, e`wkK gy`vi KbvePv Kiv I
RbMYi ga mqi cew Mo Zvjv|
Dbqb: MwZkxj evcK cwqv hvi viv `xNgqv` GKwU `ki A_bxwZZ KvVvgvMZ I YMZ cwieZb m~wPZ nq|
cew: msKxY aviYv| Kvb wbw` mgq RvZxq Drcv`b I gv_vwcQy Avqi ewi nviK evSvq|
mvgvwRK eemvq: bvej cyivi weRqx gynv` BDb~m cewZZ GK kYxi A_bwZK cK hvi g~j j gybvdvi cwieZ gvbeKjvY|
hKvb mvaviY eemvq cwZvbi gZvB GB mKj cK cwiPvwjZ nq, Kej j _vK gvbeKjvY Ges wekl Ki `vwi` `~i Kiv|
Payment Order: evsKi GKB kvLv nZ GwU Bmy I c`vb Kiv nq| Bnv Kejgv cvcKi wbKU cwigva Kiv nq ej GwU GKwU
nvi AhvM `wjj|
Demand Draft: GK evsK KZK Ab evsKi Ici ev GKB evsKi Ab kvLvi Ici wbw` ewK wbw` cwigvY A_ c`vbi
wb`k| nvihvM `wjj.
Master Card 1g Pvjy Ki: National Bank
1g Ready Cash Pvjy Ki: RbZv evsK
1g ATM Card Pvjy: Standard Chartered Bank
evsjv`k evsK weivxqKiY bxwZ evevqb i nq: 1983 mvj
m`i `wKvY _K weki mePq eo evsK: Industrial Bank of Japan
evswKs mwKZ AvRvwZK gvbmb KwgwU: evmj (BIS)
evsjv`k evsK cwiPvwjZ nq: Bangladesh Bank Order 1972 viv
evsjv`k KvhiZ we`wk evsKi ga mePq ewk kvLv iqQ: Standard Chartered Bank Ltd.
mec_g evsjv`k AUvjvb, wWUKvW, weRbm dvBbvwqvj mvwfmm cPjb Ki: Standard Chartered Bank Ltd.
MvgxY evsKi AbyKiY cwZwZ hyivi 1g evsK: The God Faith Bank
AvRvwZK wewbgq nvii wwZkxjZv weavbi cavb mg^qKvix: IMF (International Monetary Fund)
Iqjm dvMv: g~jabi wfwZ meenr evsK
AvebvwmKm: Rvcvbi A_bxwZK cybRxweZ KiZ cavbgx wkbRv Ave KZK MnxZ cwiKbv
gywRebMi miKvii Avqx Kv: 8 w_qUvi ivW, KjKvZv
Kvjv UvKvi Drm: Ki duvwK `Iqv, Nyl, `ybxwZ, PvivPvjvb, Puv`vewR, gRyZ`vwi
Kvjv UvKv ivLvi ^MivR wnme cwiwPZ: myBRvijv Ges 2q Aevb iqQ Gwkqvi cv Awdm bvg LvZ nsKs
`wY-c~e Gwkqvi A_cvPvii g~j cekvi: wmvcyi
cvbvgv ccvim duvm nq: 03/04/2016Bs ZvwiL
gvmvK dbmKv: cvbvgvwfwK AvBwb civgk I KcviU mev c`vbKvix cwZvb
kj Kvvbx: AvBbMZfve ea Ggb GK aibi cwZvb hv`I wbR^ Kvb eemv bB Ges g~j A_I hvMvb`vZvi bvg Mvcb
ivLvi cvkvcvwk A_i eevcbv KivB G RvZxq Kvvbxi KvR|
hyivR BDivcxq BDwbqb (EU) _vKv ev bv _vKvi Ici HwZnvwmK MYfvU AbywZ nq: 23/06/2016
hyivR EU-Z _vKv ev bv _vKvi Ici HwZnvwmK MYfvUi djvdj: bv _vKvi c 51.90% (1,74,10,723 fvU)
Kvjv UvKv mv`v Kiv hvq: Ki AvivchvM Avqi Ici Ki w`q|
gy`vi Aeg~jvqb: Avg`vwb-ivwb jb`bi fvimvg ivi Rb miKvi KZK `kxq gy`vi gvb Kwgq wbaviY KivK evSvq|
miKvii Avqi Drm: AvqKi, g~j mshvRb Ki, AveMvwi , Avg`vwb I ivwb , f~wg ivR^, jvBm wd Ges m~iK
gy`vi wewbgq nvi wbavwiZ nq: ^Ygvbi Aaxb Ges KvMRx gy`vi Aaxb|
evsjv`k evsKi KvR: bvU Bmy Kiv, FY wbqY, Abvb evsK wbqY, e`wkK wewbgq nvi wbqY, wbKvkNi wnmve KvR Kiv,
miKvii evsK wnmve KvR Kiv, SY c`vbi kl Avkqj|
gy`vxwZ wZKi: UvKvi q gZv Kg hvq, mxwgZ Avqi jvKRb wRwbmc qi gZv nvivq Ges `k Avw_K AwwZkxjZv mw
gy`vxwZ DcKvwiZv: 3%-5% nvi gy`vxwZ eemvqx`i cYv`bv `q Ges eKviZ Kgvq|
evsK WvdU: Kvb evsK Ab Kvb evsK ev wbR^ evsKi Ab Kvb kvKvi Ici wbw` cwigvY A_ c`vb Kivi Rb h Av`k c`vb
SWIFTSociety for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) [Avw_K jb`bi evZv Av`vb-c`vbKvix
AvRvwZK bUIqvK eevi bvg]
Financial Inclusion (Avw_K Af~w): A^Qj`i AwZ A LiPi gaB evswKs mevi AvIZvq Avbv|


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