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(university of florida)

Course Objectives

Exposure to analog and digital circuit design techniques in integrated context

Learn to design mixed-signal building blocks including comparators and data converters

Gain experience with system level design flow: bottom-up and top-down design

Gain mixed-signal design experience in Cadence CAD tools, including both custom and
automated design

Analog, Digital and Mixed-Mode simulation

Digital synthesis and Place & Route

Layout, DRC, LVS, Post-layout verifications

Meeting times

Tuesday & Thursday, 2:00pm - 3:15pm, ECEE 265

(optional) Computer Lab Available: Wednesday, 2:00pm - 5:00pm, ECEE 287

Recommended Readings

IC Design:

P. Allen, D. Holberg, CMOS Analog Circuit Design, Second Edition ,OXFORD,


J. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, Borivoje Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits: A

Design Perspective

Digital Flow: S. Palnitkar, Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Second
Edition, Sun Microsystems Press / Prentice Hall, 2003

Cadence Tools: See Software page for Cadence tutorials and manuals

Prof. Hanh-Phuc Le
ECOT 340
Office telephone: (303) 735-9685

ECEN 4827 or 5827: Analog IC Design or equivalent (see instructor)

Familiarity with digital design in Verilog -- make up if necessary by reading suggested

Verilog text, Part I. Additional useful ref: Coding Styles That Kill!

Familiarity with UNIX operating systems (Redhat/CentOS) -- search getting started

tutorials on google if necessary.

Grading and required work

Homework assignments: 25% total

In class quiz: 10% total

Term project: 65% total


Project proposal & progress reports: 30%

Final review, poster & report: 35%

Course Policies


Late assignments and milestones: less than one week late will be docked 50%.
No assignments will be accepted more than one week late. All assignments are
due at the BEGINNINGof lecture on the published due date.


Zero tolerance for cheating: at any level will result in automatic F for all parties

Homework: Students may discuss homework problems and give hints on design
and simulation challenges. However, each student must complete and turn in
their own unique designs. Absolutely no copying of design or layout files is
allowed. All students must maintain unique design files in their home
directory throughout the course (available for review by instructor upon

Term Project: Term projects are worked in team of 2 (more favored) or 3

students. Discussions and collaborations across teams are encouraged.

All students are bound by the student honor code, visit: Student Honor Code.

Courses in IC Design
Analog IC Design ECEN 4827/5827 -- Fall Semesters
Fundamentals of analog IC design, beginning with basic amplifier building
blocks and continuing through complex operational amplifier design and
Mixed-Signal IC Design ECEN 5837 -- Spring Semesters
Continuation of Analog IC Design into core building blocks for mixed-signal
designs, including comparators and data converters. Primary focus on
complete IC design process, system level design methodologies and
integration of analog and digital circuitry in simulation and layout.
Digital Integrated Circuits -- Coming
An introduction to digital integrated circuits, covering CMOS devices,
manufacturing technology and many building blocks. Analysis on propagation
delay, noise margins, power dissipation, and regenerative logic circuits with
impact of technology scaling and interconnects. Hands-on experience on
modern technology

( Michigan state university )

Mixed-signal circuit design, Analog and digital VLSI, Design and analysis of
capacitor circuits, Design and analysis of digital-to-analog converters, Design and
analysis of
analog-to-digital converters, Performance analysis and testing of data converters

Textbook(s) and/or
other required
D. Johns & K. Martin, Analog Integrated Circuit Design, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.

Course objectives Understand design and operation of basic analog and digital
circuits, understand layout and
matching of analog components, design and analysis of switched capacitor
circuits, analysis
of data conversion algorithms, design of data converter circuits, understand
limitation of converter topologies, Group projects involving a complete mixedsignal system
At the completion of this course, each student will have demonstrated
proficiency in:
a. Understanding MOSFET models (nMOS and pMOS transistors);
b. Designing CMOS analog circuits to achieve performance specifications;
c. Analyzing CMOS based switched capacitor circuits;
d. Using VLSI CAD tools for design and analysis of mixed-signal circuits. ,
e. Understanding mixed-signal design flow
f. Understanding basics of data converters
g. Working as a team to design, implement, and document a mixed-signal

Topics covered a. MOSFET models (large signal and small signal models, lowfrequency and high
frequency models)
b. CMOS building blocks (CMOS switch, current mirrors and clock generators)
c. Mixed-signal layout and design flow (layout of analog components, device
matching, shielding and substrate noise reduction).
d. CMOS amplifier (single stage amplifiers, cascoded amplifiers, differential
amplifiers, performance analysis)
e. Basic switched capacitor circuits (Theory of sampled data systems, design and
analysis of switched capacitor circuits)
f. Introduction to data converters (digital representations and algorithms, flash,
algorithmic, pipelined converters)
g. Performance analysis and testing of data converters.

h. technical documentation and communication

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