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Name Dylan Jones

Honors EES- Mr. Dillman

Date 11-2-16
Period 4th

The Truax
1. Why did the Guardbark want people to leave trees alone? Give at least two reasons.
The Guardbark said that having trees would help us in the future and that ecosystems would be destroyed if trees were wiped out.
2. Why did Truax think it was reasonable to cut some trees? Give at least two reasons.
The Truax thought it was reasonable because the trees provided valuable resources and it was good paying.
3. Name three ways that Native Americans depended on trees. How did early American settlers use trees? Do we still need trees today?
The Native Americans depended on trees for fire wood, to build weapons, and to build structures. American Settlers had to use trees in the same way,
back then it was necessary for survival. We do still need trees today for products that everyday people use.

4. Make a list of at least six products we use that come from trees.
Paper, structure material, walls, countertops, desks, paper bags.


Go back to your list. If we could not cut trees, we would have to use something else to make the products you listed. Beside each product, write
down what we could use to replace the product made from trees.
Paper- you could write on other surfaces
Structure Material- you could use metal to build structures
Walls- use stone or brick walls instead
Countertops- use marble or other material
Desks- you could have metal desks
Paper Bags- plastic bags

A "renewable" resource is something that can be "made new again". In other words, we can make more of the resource so that it never has to run
out. What does "nonrenewable" resource mean?
Nonrenewable that it is a scarce resource and eventually if we keep using it, it will run out.

On your list of replacement products, did you have some products made from oil (like plastics)? Is oil a "renewable" resource or a "nonrenewable" resource?
I had a plastic bag on my list and that is made from oil. Oil is nonrenewable because it will eventually run out.
8. Did you have some replacement products made from metal? Is metal a "renewable" resource or a "non-renewable" resource?
I had metal desks on my list. Metal is also nonrenewable resource.
9. What does Truax and his friends do to make sure there are plenty of trees?
They replant trees and also control forest fires to make sure there are trees left in the future.

10. Truax and other US timber cutters do many things (like replanting and controlling forest fires) to make sure we have plenty of trees for the
future. How does that make you feel?
I like that they are doing their very best to make sure we have trees in the future, it makes me feel safe that ecosystems will be spared.

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