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Name _____________________________________________

Honors EES- Mr. Dillman

Date ___________
Period _________

The Lorax
Choose two of the following questions to reflect upon and write about on your Forestry Page underneath the
heading I Speak for the Trees!

How could the Once-ler have managed his company to protect natural resources and not run out of trees to manufacture Thneeds? Is it
necessary to protect all the trees from axes that hack?


He couldve used a different logging method like strip cutting so he would only be cutting some trees down, instead of all of them. It is not
necessary to protect all of the trees, just some of them.
What did the Once-ler mean by UNLESS? What responsibility does he seem to think someone like you needs to take? What kind of things
can we do today to ensure that trees will be available for all different purposes in the future?


I think he meant that all of the environment would be ruined and left behind UNLESS somebody started to change it. The responsibility he
seems to think that the person needs to take is to replant the trees and get the animals back so the environment could regrow and thrive again.
We can choose different logging methods that are safer for the forest and preventing wildfires.
Compare the Once-lers attitude toward the environment at the beginning of the story with his attitude at the end.



The Oncel-ler had no respect toward the environment and wanted to use all of it with no thought about what would happen to the animals. In
the end of the story he finally realized that he made a big mistake and was responsible for the damage done to the forest.
The Once-ler explains his actions by saying If I didnt do it, someone else would. Is this a good excuse for doing what he did? And why?
That is not a good excuse for doing what he did because I doubt anybody else would decide to make something called a thneed. Also
because there is no guarantee that somebody else wouldve mistreated the forest as much as he did.
The Lorax says he speaks for the trees. What does this mean to you? What is the Loraxs attitude at the end of the story?


I think it means that he tries to protect the trees because they cant protect themselves. Without the trees, the whole environment gets
disrupted. The Loraxs attitude changed dramatically because there were no more trees and animals to protect and his home was destroyed
because of the Once-lers stubborn behavior.
What seems to be Dr. Seuss purpose in writing this fable? (A fable is a fictional story that teaches a lesson.)

His purpose in writing the fable is to let people know the risks of cutting down forests and to keep the environment safe.

On the same page.. write either an alternative ending to the Lorax or a sequel to the Lorax
Write a alternative ending to the Lorax with a more positive outcome for the Truffula tree and ecosystem
Write a sequel to the Lorax that might explain how the Truffula tree made a comeback through replanting and proper forest management while still
being used to make Thneeds.
Alternative Ending:

The last truffula tree fell and my family left in a second, waving farewell. It was just the lorax and I, he didnt wait for my reason again, just
decided he wanted to fly to the sky. Before the Lorax flew, he looked at me. He said, here, take the last seed of the truffula tree. You can
choose to make more thneeds with this one last seed or replant, manage, and meet the forests needs. Its your choice on what to do, I have no
more complaints for you. With that last word, his voice sounding blue, he lifted his tail, and in the sky the Lorax flew. After he was gone, the
fog crowded in, taking the last sight of dawn. I wanted so badly to make more thneed just by planting this one little seed. So I planted that tree
and waited until its height is taller than me. I waited day and night, waiting for just one sight of the truffula tree. One day, the tree finally
started to grow, until I looked like an ant a mile below. I climbed as much as I could, I started to think that I could replant, and I knew that I
should. So I climbed to the top and saw a little seed drop. This seed was my last chance, if I do use it, this forest could enhance. So I ran back
home with the wonderful idea of recreating the forest biome. I grabbed a cup and went back to the tree to fill it up. I started to poor the seeds,
until they overflowed and the cup had no need. It was surprising as I planted them all, and watched them slowly rising. This took a really long
time, They grew as tall as the one that I once climbed. I started to think, this would be amazing for plenty of theneed until I remembered
how terrible that thought was indeed. So I let the thought go and noticed in the corner of my eye, the river flow. The water was toxic and gross
indeed, this water has no need because of the mess I created with thneed. There was nothing to do about that now, I thought, until the river

Name _____________________________________________
Honors EES- Mr. Dillman

Date ___________
Period _________

started to clear of the rot. The trees made clear air, reducing the fog and let in the sun, making me glare. But there was no need for sight when
I felt the rain fall, washing the river clean, drowning rot and all. The environment was clean, and I will never again intervene. I loved this
beautiful sight, even so now as the birds came back with a nice gliding flight. The fish came back as well, playing in the water and loving the
clean smell. The bears ran back to the biggest tree, missing how it felt before they had to flee, all because of the decision made by me. With
this lovely scence I lay back and eat, trying to feel joyful, although there is a feeling of emptiness I cannot meet. I dont know what I miss
until I feel an nuisance nearby, ruining a day so bliss. I look around with nothing to be found, Until I see an orange color, thats ever so lovely.
The Lorax was here, and said yes, I have returned, and see that you have finally learned. Now you see, I am the LoraxI hugged him so
tight and spoke, I speak for the trees!.

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