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Revolts in Latin America Notes

Discontent Fans the Fires

1. Social and Ethnic Structures Cause Resentment
By the late 1700s, the revolutionary fever that gripped
Western Europe spread to Latin America.
Discontent was rooted in the social, racial, and political
system that emerged during 300 years of Spanish rule.

2. The Enlightenment Inspires Latin Americans
Young creoles were inspired by ______________________
but despite their admiration they were reluctant
Simon Bolivar________________________________________________________

3. Napoleon Invades Spain
Where did creoles get many of their revolutionary

Slaves Win Freedom for Haiti

1. Toussaint LOuverture Leads a Slave Revolt
The island of Hispaniola(Haiti) was ruled by the French.
Planters owned very profitable sugar plantations
worked by
In 1791, embittered by suffering and inspired by ideas
of liberty and equality, the islands slaves rose up in
Toussaint LOuverture__________________________________

By 1798, the rebels achieved their goals

2. Haiti Wins Independence
In January 1804, the island declared itself to be an
___________________________ under the name ___________

Finally in 1820, Haiti becomes a _____________________

How were slaves instrumental in achieving Haitis

Mexico and Central America Revolt

1. Father Hidalgo Cries Out for Reform
Father Miguel Hidalgo________________________________________________________
Hidalgo called for a.
and b. _________________________________________________
Creoles felt these policies would cost them
Hidalgo was eventually captured and executed
2. Jos Morelos Continues the Fight
Father Jose Morelos____________________________________
For four years Morelos led rebel forces before he, too,
was captured and shot in 1815.
3. Mexico Wins Independence

Agustin de Iturbide________________________________________________________
Backed by creoles, mestizos, and Native Americans he
overthrew the Spanish viceroy.
Mexico gained __________________________.
4. New Republics Emerge in Central America
Spanish-ruled lands declared independence in the early
Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and
Costa Rica all became independent republics.
How did events in Spain affect the fight for Mexican

Revolution Ignites South America

1. Bolvar Begins the Fight
In 1819, Bolivar led an army to attack the Spanish at
Bogota, Colombia.
Other victories followed. By 1821, Bolivar succeeded in
From that point on Bolivar was referred to as
2. San Martn Joins the Fight
Jose San Martn______________________________________________________

By 1824, the new nation of Gran Colombia was free.

However, rivalries turned to civil war and it split into


3. Freedom Leads to Power Struggles

Bolivar is left disappointed because
4. Brazil Gains Independence
Dom Pedro____________________________________________________
Brazil remained a monarchy until 1889.
How were the goals of the South American
revolutions different from their results?

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