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(wish party of Canada)

By: Heather and Nicole

Health Care

- Free healthcare/ emergency health care for everyone (paid for by taxes)
- Free equipment to people whom that can not pay for like ( wheelchairs, casts,
crutches etc)
- Reduced amount paid for medication that saves lives and improves mental
health ( payed for by the taxes)

Criminal Law
- If you go against the rules/ laws, depending on how severe it was. No matter if you
are part of the higher or lower class you will serve time in jail/ juvie or pay the fines
- Charges are from $30-$10,000
- Jail/ Juvie time is from 3 months- life
- There are 7 criminal laws
- These laws will come in effect on November 8th, 2015

The Environment

- Additional garbage/ recycling bins in public places (parks, school, recreational

- Littering will not be tolerated you will be fined ($30 - $100 depending on what
you ever littering)
- Restoring credibility to Environment assessments
- Additional protection to our lakes/ oceans

Marriage and Divorce

- Same sex marriage is allowed (allowed marriages female & female, male &
male, female & male)
- Rule of divorce is its illegal (only if you have a legit reason)
- Forced marriages are illegal
- Must be older than 19 to get married
- After 30 years of marriage you must renew your vows
- If you get divorce and have children they have a say in what parent they want
to live with and an explanation to why they want to live with them

Left Wing

On the political spectrum we are left wing. This is

because we believe in social equality and egalitarianism.
We are known as the socialist, refreshing, radical
section on the political spectrum.

This is where we are on the political spectrum

Name : Ryan Reynolds
Age: 40 years old
Date of birth: October 23, 1976
Work: Actor
Gender: Male

Campaign poster
Name of party: W.P.O.C ( Wish party of Canada)

Name of party leader: Ryan Reynolds

Party logo:

Party slogan: Well do what they cant

Election speech
Good morning Ladies and Gentleman. I am Ryan Reynolds. I am running for Prime
Minister of Canada. Even though I have no political experience or a political
background, I feel that Ill still be a good candidate. You should vote for me because
I will insure that everyone in canada knows and understand that they have free
health care/ emergency health care. As Well as this I will make sure that addition
garbage cans will be proved in national parks and public place, because without this
the earth and us as humans may get ill and die/destroy. Finally, I will make sure
everyone knows the laws they must follow and if they don't follow them there will
be consequences. Even if you are part of the higher class they will also pay the
consequences and not just pay a fine and nothing will happen. These are just a few
of the may things that will be in effect if I become Prime minister. Have a wonderful
day and be sure to vote for me.

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