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10 preguntas escritas
1. He conquered Britain.

2. He split the empire into two pieces - a western and an eastern empire.

3. Before he was emperor he destroyed the great Jewish temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.

4. He was the first Christian emperor. He united the empire again chose his capital to be the small town Byzantium, which he
renamed Constantinople.

5. He was insane. He murdered his mother and his wife and threw thousands of Christians to the lions.

6. It made the Christianity as the official religion of the Empire. He split the Roman Empire ibetween his sons : Arcadius and

7. He was a great conqueror. Under his rule the empire reached its greatest extent.

8. He built 'Hadrian's Wall' in the north of Britain to shield the province from the northern barbarians.

9. Rome's first emperor. He also added many territories to the empire.

10. He was the last emperor of Rome, nicknamed Augustulus which means 'little Augustus'.

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