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Model for the plan of a Roman city

Urban design of Roman cities follows clear laws for the development of public
and military services.
Roman city is basically composed by a number of identic components, disposed
in a special way -parallel and equal-distant- separated by streets.
The city is a rectangular design surrounded by a perimetral wall with
watchtowers. All the streets are equal except for two: the North-South one
-kardo maximus- and the East-West one -decumanus-. Both are wider and end
at the four doors of the exterior wall.
At the cross of both streets is the city's forum and the market.
The main buildings of a Roma city were:
These components were necessary for the design of public buildings:
amphitheatre -two components long and one-and-a-half wide-, theatre -one
component-, market -one component-, the whole forum -two components-, and
so on.

These urban rules were developped during nearly 10 centuries in order to

create the different cities.

In these cities, kinds of housing could be divided into house, domus, insula and
villa. There also were casae or housings for slaves and low classes. Because of
their weak systems of building they have all dissapeared in our days. Indeed,
there were also great communitary buildings as basilicae, termae and the very
important social and cultural systems called forums. In Roman Hispania there
was a lot of capital cities. Today we can point out to the researchs of:

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