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& Form CPF M 102: Campaign Finance Report Municipal Form Office of Campaign and Political Finance Conmonnest ctnacecnets Fle wide Cy Town Chek lesion Cras [Fill in Reporting Period dates: Beginning Date: 1/3/2036 Ending Date: 10/21/2016 [Type of Report: (Check one) 81h duy preceding prefiminary _[&) sth day preceding election [1] 30 day afterclection — ] yeur-end report] dissolution Community Preservation Act for Holvoke Canine Fal Name Gf apeiaiey ‘Commitee Nae Daphne Board 2 ‘is Saag and Bree Tensor Commie aS 197 Pine street, Holyoke, MA 01040 eo edertal Ae ‘Commie Ming Aaa” Emit: E-mait: info@holvokecpasee E> Phoae #(opcioal: Phoae # epon: is = @ ‘SUMMARY BALANCE INFORMATION: Line 1: Ending Balance from previous report q Line 2: Total receipts this period (page 3, line 11) 4843 Line 3: Subtotal (Hine 1 plus line 2) 4843] Line 4: Total expenditures this period (page 5, line 14) 4392.65] Line $: Ending Balance (line 3 minus line 4) Line 6: Total in-kind contributions this period (page 6) 2515.23] Line 7: Total (all) outstanding liabilities (page 7) 4 Line 8: Name of bank() used: [Easthampton Savings Bank [Avi of Conaaliee Treasurer: i ery tat ve examined tis repr including aac schedules andi, thebestof my knowledge no bel, te ad complete seme a al carpi ace jes, needing a conrbuton, oan, recip, expends, debursements, nnd cobain a lite fr thi opr prod and rareens fe capi nace city persons esting ues te aul cc un Deal his commie fn acdc Wih he reiemens of MG 5, lowmurspmtiewrenoy 2)) plead Bare? tommerigaeny OH //2//[o |EOR CANDIDATE FILINGS ONLY: Aifidavit of Candidate: (check 1 box only) (Candidate with Committee and no active independent ofthe commer Lo Testy have aie i report nlng ahead anit ih et of my knowledge netic a ae and compl salen of al camps ne tivity. of al parsons ecg under ts shorty or on bea of his commit in aecardance withthe fquenens of MLL, $8. Lave oot esived any contation, ncured ny ibis nor made any expendires on my bolt ding this epotng period (Candidate without Commitiee OR Candidate with independent activity Ming separate report [DLs hat have examined sep etaig tached cedar nds othe Dest of ty knowledge and bei: aruc an coer stn ofl campsign ‘iomce activi inching conbutions, lous, eal, expenditars, dubaramens, in-kind coaaebutns aad able for his reporting pid and repens ie campaign finance activity of al persons acting under th autrity ron behalf ofthis commits in acerdance wih the requirements of GL. «35. Date: [signed under the ponalts of perfury: (Candia signe) SCHEDULE A: RECEIPTS MGL. c.55 requires tha the name and residential address be reported, in alphabetical order, forall receipts over $50 ina calendar year. Committees must keep detailed accounts and records ofall receipts, but need only itemize those receipts ever 850. In addition, che ‘cecupation and employer must be reported forall persons wiho contribute $200 or more ina calendar year. (A "Schedule A: Receipts” attachment is available to complete, print and attach to this report, if additional pages are required to report all receipts. Please include your committee name and x page number on each page.) Namie and Residential Address ‘Occupation & Employer Date Received | (alphabetical listing required) Amount (for contributions of $200 or more) ephen Bosco, 430 Appleton Street, [General Manager, Arrow Properties 5/20/16 yoke, MA 250) || ror casey, 156 Sutfok street, Holyoke, 5/15/2016 || PA ct040 sq | jens Christianson, 1374 Northampton \opssr2036 \[streee, Holyoke, A 01040 sd ater Chie, 132 Pear Strat, Holyeke, 35/206 jaa o1oa0 s r ||feonkan ortice Services, 56 Canal Strect, la2/2016 | Hooke, mA 01080 00 ]|otrcis Duty, 18 Forence Avenue, 15/2016 || Motvoke, Ma 01040 a ula Flannery, 37 Darkmouth Street, 5/35/2016 HHolvoke, Ma 01040 100) [rar Gatake, 362 Dwight Street, Holyoke, bvis/2016 Hua 1005 HHotvake Preservation Trost, 52 Race Stret, byay2o1s Holyoke, Ha 02060 10 jerey Horan, 100 Southampéon Rose, 5/15/2016 Holyoke, wa 02040 ara Krohn, ai Pear Street, Holyoke, WA brsros 1080 [Sara Krohn, 41 Peari Street, Holyoke, MA ||| beis20i6 1040 | lL Line 9: Total Receipts over $50 (or listed above) #207 Line 10: Total Receipts $50 and under* (not listed above) 639 Line 11: TOTAL RECEIPTS IN THE PERIOD 4242\|@ Enter on page 1, line 2 Vif you have itemized reccipts of S50 and under, inchide them iu line 9. Linc 10 should include only those receipts to itemized above, Page 2 SCHEDULE A: RECEIPTS (continued) ‘Name and Residential Address ‘Occupation & Employer Date Recelyed (alphabetical listing required) Amount | __for contributions of $200 or more) jeagen Magrath-Smith, 7 Wycof Avenue, | 15/2016 Holvoke, MA 01040 | so} fassachusetts League of Environmental 24/2016 joters, 32 Sot Street, Combrdge, MA sod 2338 Pox Morse, 17 Undan Stree, Hove, Ma “I prie2ois 1040 50\ fephien O'Brien, 6 Amherst Avenue, 71572016 Holyoke, MA 01040, Flizabeth O'Dair, 25 Boy State Rood, 5/15/2086 FHolvoke, MA ot0do a jeremy Smith, 485 Hilside Avenue, hoy 1/2016 pHotyoke, MA o1040 val jossie Valentin, 25 Linden Street, Holyoke, 9/16/2016 1A 01040 : [& Denis Waish, 112 Water Street, Suite President, Weld Management Co., Ine. 9/28/2016 300, Cambridge, MA 02109 aaa jary Weelgosz, 805 Hampden Street, fprisr2o16 HHotyoke, MA 1040 = Line 9: Total Receipts over $50 (or listed above) | Line 10: Total Receipts $50 and under* (not listed above) | Line 11: TOTAL RECEIPTS IN THE PERIOD Enter on page I, tine 2 *¥ Tfyou have itemized receipts of $50 and under, include them inline 9, Line 10 should include only those receipts not itemized above. Page3 SCHEDULE B: EXPENDITURES M.GL. c. 55 requires committees to list, in alphabetical order, all expenditures over $50 in a reporting period. Commitices must keep detailed accounts and records of all expenditures, but need only iemize those over $50. Expenditures $50 and under may be added together, _from committee records, and reported on line 13 (A"'Schedale B: Expenditures” attachment is available to complete, print aud attach to this report, if additional pages are required to report all expenditures. Please include your committee name snd a page mumber ou each page.) To Whom Paid Date Paid (alphabetical listing) Address Purpose of Expenditure | Amount aphne Board [i97 Pine Street, Hoiyake, MA || Felmbursement (CPF RT hoy2o/2016 1040 larached) 1007.35] cus Candelerio [2109 Dwight Street, Holyoke, — || Food for 9/15/2016 fundraiser 5/29/2016 1A 01040 a Keane Pizza [ig Cabot Street, Holyoke, MA |] Food for 8/24/16 volunteer yapois | 1040, Imecting 92.23 Frotcares [2400 Superior Avenue East, {0000 postcards printing acl a, a 1| Plotcards | f2s00 Superior Avenue East, rect mal lso/20y/2086 eveland, Ohio, 44114 cao aper City Pestries '90 West Franklin Street, food for 9/15/2016 fundraiser 5/22/2018 jlyoke, MA 01040 7 Prutfer Printing [85 Union Street Easthampton, —]|/#'x 6 vinyl banner 5/19/2016 1A 01027 229.5 = ae Be oe [Sunrise Printing #22 Russel Street, Hedley, MA || 50 coroplastlewn signs 9/32/2026 1035 a [Line 12: Total Expenditures over $50 (or listed above) 4291.0 Line 13: Total Expenditures $50 and under* (not listed above) 101.57 Enter on page J, line 4 | Line 14: TOTAL EXPENDITURES IN THE PERIOD 4392.65] * Hyon have itemized expenditures of $50 and under, include them in ine £2, Lane 13 should melude only those expenditures not imizod above, Page4 SCHEDULE B:; EXPENDITURES (continued) Date Paid To Whom Paid {alphabetical listing) Address Purpose of Expenditure Amount above, Line 12: Expenditures over $50 (or listed above) Line 13: Expenditures $50 and under* (not listed above) Enter on page 1, line 4 > {Lime 14: TOTAL EXPENDITURES IN THE PERIOD * Ifyou have itemized expenditures of $50 and under, include them in ine 12, Line 13 should include only those expenditures not itemized Page $ SCHEDULE C: "IN-KIND" CONTRIBUTIONS Please itemize contributors who have made in-kind contributions of more than $50. In-kind contributions $50 and under may be added together from the committee's records and included in line 16 on page 1. Date Received| From Whom Received* Residential Address |Description of Contribution} Value "7s Bed and Breakfest || iz0® Dwight Street, Holyoxe, | Foor atthe 8am /A2N6 || Pa otoeo sq . | cee Paper city Pasties |||id0 West Franklin Stet, oot frais anaraer YL isis fi a Trustees 193 High Street, Holyoke, NA || [4 lobbying hours from honine joroso ls/2016 through 20/21/15 40a) fine Trustees || 93 High Steet, Foiyoxe, MA || 50 coropist nv sions bovs/i6 || jox0s0 sag | Fine Trustees i|[f93 High Strect, Holyoke, HA ]| fone deakfor the month oF ons fo.os0 tober at aftice sd Susan Van Pek fi4e Wainct Street Pte cards & photo prints 15/26 10.13 i Line. 15: In-Kind Contributions over $50 (or listed above) 2415.11] Line 16: In-Kind Contributions $50 & under (not listed above) #0 Enter on page I, line 6 + [Line 17: TOTAL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS 2515.11 * inckind contribution is received from a person who contributes more than $50 ina calendar year, you Must report the name and address oft coninbwor in audios Ube cotibaon is $200 of more, you must also report te contbulors occupation andemplyee—pyae g SCHEDULE D: LIABILITIES M.G.L. ¢. 55 requires committees to report ALL liabilities which have been reported previously and are still outstanding, as well 1s those liabilities incurred during this reporting period. Date Incurred! ‘To Whom Due Address Purpose Amount Enter on page 1, line 7 {Lime 18: TOTAL OUTSTANDING LIABILITIES (ALL) Page? Form CPF R I: Itemization of Reimbursements Office of Campaign and Political Finance Cemomath ce Meenas ‘Dis af Canpilgn and Foal Finance (One Ashburton Place, Room I ‘Boson, Ma C2108 (617) 97-8300 Please itemize any reimbursements by detailing the date, payee, address, purpose and amount for cach expenditure mae by the persom being ibursed, The total amount reimbursed tothe individual (which must be by committee check) should be the same as the amount shown on Date of Reimbursement: (10/20/16 ‘Name of Individual Being Reimburseé: paphne Board | Committee Name: ‘ommunity Preservation Act for Holyoke | CPE 1D Number {if applicable) 1-3023936 Telephone Number (optional) ITEMIZE EXPENDITURES IN EXCESS OF $50 Date Paid Vendor Name Vendor Address Purpose of Expenditure Amount lle [545 Boren Ave North, Seattle, — fez up tent roller bag Lyes/i6 jk 98198 replacement for stolen) Sa ae} page [ED Corporate Drive, Suite 300, website laevis urlington, MA D1803 frosting, 10/13/16-10/13/17 158.40 ~ || Pizza O'Action 32 Lyman Street, Holyoke, MA | food for 5/1/16 volunteer a Ans 3040 Frecting asso [Bunraise Printing 122 Russell Street, Hadley, MA ]|/50 coroplast lawn signs 2/6. 1035 asl alode eas ied on Page 2) > 1c 1: Expenditures in excess of $50 (itemized above): 364,48 [Line 2: Expenditures $50 or under (not itemized) f:a2.97 f:007.35 [Line 3: TOTAL AMOUNT REIMBURSED: (Signed under the penalties of perjury: Dest & Bo—| ate: “te #1 [Tc Signatte of Candidate / Treasurer Please prepare a separate report for each reimbursement check issued by the commie.

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