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on Republic of the Dhilippines MS aatestonn Regulation Carmieion Manila RESOLUTION NO. 2016-950 Series of 2016 [AMENDMENTS TO THE REVISED GUIDELINES ON THE ‘CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPO) PROGRAM FOR ALL REGISTERED AND LICENSED PROFESSIONALS. WHEREAS, Section 5 of Resubic Act No. 8081, othenvse known a8 the PRC Modemization ‘Act of 20007, mandates thal ‘ve Chaiperson ofthe Commission, andthe Commasiones 05 ‘members erect shal sit and act as a body 10 gxwrese goneral acminiraine,exDeutve ANG oleymakingfuncions of the Commasion” WHEREAS, Secion 7(a) of he FLA. No. 6961 enpone’s the Commission “lo acminster, ‘nplement and enforce the eguiaory poles of ho national government wth respect tothe Feguaton and lcensing of he varus professions and otewpations under fs Tursdion "neuging the enhancement end maintenance of protessoral and occupational Sanda ane ‘ehies and the enforcement d the rules and requatons rave thereto WHEREAS, Resoluton No, 2013-774, Sexes of 2013 enlited “Revised Guldelnes on the Contwing Professional Development (CPO) program for All Registered and. Ueerses Professionals” provies for te guidelines and procedure forthe implementation of the CPD rogram: WHEREAS, ater a sores of consultative meetings, the Commission fine the need to amend some of the prodsions of tho sad guidelines in order to strengthen ond. ohaineo tho implementation of the sa qudetnes. NOW THEREFORE, the Comission heroby RESOLVED, as # row RESOLVES, o isu and Bromugate the “Amendmerts to the Revised Guseines on the. Contnung Professional evelopment (CPD) Progra for Al Registered ard Leensad Professionaie- whch prove as Tolows! SECTION 1. TITLE. - Ths Resoluton chal be Krcwn as Amendments to the Revised Gudeines on the Contouny Professional Developmen Program ot Amermonts {© COD ucelnes. ‘SECTION 2. CREATION AND COMPOSITION OF CPD COUNCIL. — Secion 5, Arce I of FResotaton No, 2013-774, Stes of 2013 oF the CPD Guidetnes shal now ead a5 Yolows. “SECTION 6. CREATION AND COMPOSITION OF CPD COUNCIL. - Every Professional Regulaixy Board (PAB) shal create a. Continua. Professinal Development Counc subject to approval by the Commision. This shall be mown as the CPD Cowra! (CPDC) Every CROC shat be composed of a Chaiperson ane two (2) members. ‘The Chairperson of the CPOC shal be the Chasperson ora member of the PAB so chosen by the PAS oncemed t etn the CPDS ‘Tho fest member sha be the president or any representative duly authorized by the Accredtes itegated Professional Organzaton (APO) Access Professional Organzaton (APO). in ho absence ofan AIPOVAPO, tee PRS sha submit win ten (10) working days from noticaton of such absence, a Ist of ‘tree (8) recommendess from tye national proleesonal emarizaion®s cere professionals om scinitc organization). The Commission shal designate the fist member within twenty (20) working days from recep ofthe ist “The second member stil be the present or any representative duly authtized by the organization © deans of department neacs of schools, coleges. ‘universities oeng the couse requiring censure examination In the abeoneo Of ‘Such ofganization, the PAB shal subme wntin ton (10) working Gaye from ‘otfiaton of such absence a isto three (3) recommensees fom tho academe, “The Commision shal designate the second member witin twenty (20) woking aye rom rocogt af ha ist ‘SECTION 3, OPERATIONAL PROTOCOL. Soction 12, nice ofthe GPO Gudsines aha om reads foo “SECTION 12. OPERATIONAL PROTOCOL. - The CPOCs shal formate their ‘onn Operational Proteclshvcugh a Resolution ofthe PRB concerned for proper Imlemertation of the CPO. program in. sesorance wih thor respective Professional Reguaiay Laus and tneso CPD gudpines, whieh ince tie ‘olloming but not ented: 1. Specticdate’s of requiar monthly meeting’ 2. Prove at of aaatonal equrements for acredtaton as CPO provider and ‘CED program whch are necessary forthe development of ther prolession butnot sated nthe CPO gudeines: ana 3. Provide guidelines or creating venous ypos of so-ccted andlor iteiong leaming actwties ‘SECTION 4. QUALIFICATIONS FOR ACCREDITATION OF CPD PROVIDERS. - Section 14, ‘Aric of tho CPD Guidelines shal now read a8 alos: “SECTION 14. QUALIFICATIONS FOR ACCREDITATION OF CPD PROVIDERS. ~To ctu aecredtaton, me folowing qualifications shal bo mot A. Local CPD Provider 1. IndkvauaSolePropctor 1.1, Aregisterad and icensed professional of good standing: 112 Non-conveton ofa cam involing moral urptvgo, 113 Registered eny wih tne Department of Trade and Industry: and tho ‘Bureau of intrnal Revenue: and 14 ASmay be required by me CPD Counc, 2. FamPanverstipCorporaton 2.1 A duly registered parnership, corporation esttuton oF organization: 22 The Anices of Incorporation’ Pannersip inckdes ae one of IS 22 Duy regetred win the Bureau of iiemal Revenue and the 24 Asmay be equied by the CPD Counet 2. Government insttatons / Agencies 551" Aay goverment insiuton / ageney wih mandate or pram on (Pb for protsionas 132 Asma Se ware by fe CPO Covel 8. Foreign CPD Provars 1 Foreign Enity Frm Assocation Englan 1.5. AS maybe equrea byte CPO Cove” ‘SECTION 5. CPO CREDIT UNITS. - Section 19, Artic Io the CPD Guidelines shat now ead as tows: “SECTION 19. CPD CREDIT UNITS. ~ Repistered and licensed prolessonals ‘shal comploto to roqurod uns cvory ioe (@) years as speoted in Annex A {rect Unts Requved por Proteesion) or as epootiog in tnow Profocsenal FRoglatry Law ot as ;rovdad by the PRG ‘nd the Commission tat may Be ‘seve, ‘Any excess CUs cared shall nct be cared over to the nex the-year period ‘except creat unts eamed tor cocoate and masters eyrees or specaly "rominge urien shal ony bo creak once curing the comphance pend Credit units may be eaned by professionals who patipate In programs that ‘emanate fom the PRB tthe development of the protession™ SECTION 6. MAXIMUM CREDITABLE UNITS FOR SELF-DIRECTED ANDIOR LIFELONG LEARNING. - Socton 20, nic Ill of he CPO Guideines sna on read as folons “SECTION 20. MAXIMUM CREDITABLE UNITS FOR SELF-DIRECTED ANDIOR LIFELONG LEARNING. — The maximum credtabio unis ‘or set. ‘tected andior ielong earing shall be deiermned by the CPO Courcl as approved by mo Board nd ino Commission trough ter Operational Protos" SECTION 7. QUALITY ASSURANCE REVIEW. ~ Secions 21 and 22, Atl Il of he CPD Gutdeines are hereby consolidated uncer Qualty Assurance Review “Every CPD proviter shall be monitored and its perfomance shal be evaluated ‘Perodicaty during the vakaty ote aearectaton Fors upon, he ning haat a CPD program menor te edo prefecence nceated hereunder ” non-government erganzaton, ‘The CPOCs shat sot no qualiicatons for CPD monitors and craw up a it of sci CPO montors I sil aso approve a manioting too for CPO programs. ‘A.CPD Monitor shal bs credited with twice the number of CUs approved for a (GPO program for whichho'she ated” SECTION 8. MATRIX OF CPD ACTIVITIES. ~ As 2 guido for cedting CPD unis the Matrix Of Actives is herein atachied as Annex 2° SECTION 8. PRESCRIBED FORMS AND LIST OF DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS. ~ ‘The oreserbed appieatn fom ans it of requromonts fr applicant 2s ical CPO prowder is heen atached as Annex "="; for foreign CPD prowser as Annex "O' for afiavt of Undertaking as Anoex “E for CPD prowram as Annex “F fot sel croct andr long learning as Annex "for movtoring tepon as Annex for completion repo a Aurex ‘dior atendance sheet as Amex SECTION 11. PRESCRIBED FEES. ~The prescrbod fos for aceectaton ao as ows: Local CRD provider 5.00000, Foreign CPD prowdor 8.00000, (GPO program per offering 1,900.00, ‘Sof-drocted andor Lictong Leaning per program "$0000 [AY Resolutions, Ordors, Cur, |ssuances and pans thooo! which ar Inconsistent th tis FResolition are hereby repeals ‘Ths Resolution chal take etic! toon (16) aya fom is ll and complete pubeaton in he (tcl Gazote oF major newsnaper of gonorl erculton. Copy hereot shat be fuished to Standards and inspection Division, all Roglonal Offees ang (er invived unts ofthe Conmmsson lor he guidance. Done in the Gay ot Manda, ths 282% day of Ime. 2016, Aen ‘TEOFILO S. PILANDO, JR Z ‘rarman brea ANGELINE T. CHUA CHIACO iad. ‘Conmasonet ‘Commissioner OnTE oF tion sat DeriCIAL CEES ee MATRIX OF CREDIT UNITS REQUIRED PER PROFESSION EVERY THREE (3) YEARS PROFESSIONS NO. OF CPD UNITS [E-RGCOUNTANGY 1a CREDIT UNITS ._ AERONAUTICAL &- AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING 4. AGRICULTURE 3. ARCHITECTURE [6 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CHEMISTAY 10. CUSTOMS BROKERS 41.DENTISTRY. 12 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 43. ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING 48 CREDIT UNITS, 26. METALURGICAL ENGINEERING | 27. MIDWIFERY. 28 MINING ENGINEERING 29 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE | ‘30. NURSING. 33.0PTOMETRY ['37.PSYCHOLOGY 38. RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY | PROFESSIONS TWO DEEP OATS] UNITS 7._CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN 2. DENTAL TECHNICIAN, iENIST 4. MASTER ELECTRICIAN '5._ ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN [6 MASTER PLUMBING - | 7._ CERTIFIED PLANT MECHANIC 30 CREDIT UNITS MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN, 9. METALURGICAL FLANT FOREMAN | 13.REAL ESTATE SALES PERSON | ‘CERTIACATE OF ATTENDANCE 43 Paaiceane APPROVED CREDIT UNITS FOR | WITH NUMBER OF HOURS. ‘THE PROGRAM 112 RESOURCE SPEAKER ‘SCUPER HOUR [PROGRAM INVITATION. ‘CERTIFICATION FROM 13 PANELIST/ REACTOR 2 CUPER HOUR 'SPONSOFING ORGANIZATION L —____|____________ghevorproarat | oe ‘CUPER HOUR ‘SPONSORING OF MODERATOR i RGANIZATION ‘COPY OF PROGRAM: MONITORING REPORT TWICE THE NUMBER OF 14.5 MONITOR ‘APPROVED CREDIT UNITS FoR | CERTIACATE OF APPEARANCE aE ‘AND THE AUTHORITY TO —__|____ Tee 1 ‘MONITOR WAXRUM OF 20CUFOR ATS} ee uel MONTH PERODORA | CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING & NSERVCETRANING | FRAGTIONTHEREOFUPON | TRANG DESCRPTION [2 ACADEMIC TRACK : FULCCREDT UNITS FOR —-URWERSITV CERTIFICATION: 21 WSTERS DEGREE ON | cGuptaed resws Grow | DELMAR Teac OF COMPLETION OF Decree’ | "RECORDS (asrenteated cary) Fa EDT ATS | CcoMPLIaNCE PERIOD UPON COMPLETION OF CANDIONGY 22 DocroRare peaReE | WuveasiTy cenneicanion ‘On EGUVALENT ‘ADOTIONAL FULL cReDiT | OPLOMA AND TRANSCRIPT OF AODITIONAL FULL CREDIT | "RECORDS (aarentcated copy) PERIOD UPON COMPLETION POF DEGREE 7 ene: ‘CERTIECATION OF GRANTOR 3 PROFESSORIAL 15 CU PER YEAR ane e 2 RESIDENCY cmon ee Hoserral cemtsicanion ‘CERTIRGATE OF COMPLETION 25 Pen GRANT CERTIFICATION FRON TIE a ‘GRANTING INSTITUTION UPERGRANT | ANDIOA CERTIMGATE OF SCUPERGRANT OSH TWASEMUMOF 30 CU FOR AN | DIPLOUA CORTIF-CATION TEMONTHPERIODOR A | “FROM THEINGTITUTION CREDIT UNITS FORTHE | ATTENDANCE WITH NUMBER PROGRAW AS EVALUATED BY | "OF HOURS. SEMINAR "Tne Ceo COUNCIL. PROGRAM AND UST OF s0uPERHOUR, PAPERS AND PROGRAN CERTRCATONFROW 23. PANGLIST/ REACTOR 2CUPERHOUR ‘SPONSORING ORGANIZATION ‘COPY OF PROGRAM. a4 peaintony roureawoun —_| sroKsuNG UROAMEATON MODERATOR [COPY OF PROGRAM ‘WARN OF 2 OU FORA: 35 MVSERVICE TRANING MONTH PERIOD OR AFRACTION | CERTIRGATE OF TRAINING 8 REREOF U TRANNGORSCRPTION | 38 PROGRAAT TRAINING MODULE s0CuPER WoOULE (COPY OF MODULE AND DEVELOPMENT a7 TecuwcaL paren | EGUPERTECHNCAL RAPER | coc Eon AnsarPe CCOMMETION AND APPROVAL |" FOR MULTPCE AUTHORS: GNTDE| COPY OF PUBLISHED ARTICLE | “Seutouaitvaowe nieu | “AND TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘COPY OF PUBLISHED BOOK 302 EDTOR " 70 ARTICLE ‘WARMUM OF CU PER ARTICLE AGAZNE! VFORUULTPLE Auons Duioe | PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF newspaper | ‘AON co [Tar iver ‘CERTIFIED COPY OF PATENT Leese __| ‘CERTIFICATE 12 STUDY TOURSNISTS CERTIFICATION FROM ss 70 (MaxMWOF20CU/TOUR | SPONSORING INSTITUTION | ‘359 CONSULTANCY oo, ‘oomes! wovirge CERTIRCATE OF Aecrediaton andes cure HouR aN. Seeon ape eat INVITATION an Siene Loi ] : (ea Mosca Masons, | 1 CUPERHOUR PrQuecT PROPOSAL. ‘THE BOARD AND THE COMMISSION (oo Pawn ure fe ie conv or cennmcaron uu. cneorr uns Fon Santa PRON TRE AARON BOY CI ine | COWLINE SENOS me al iad “UGH OTHER ACTIVTIES Yo BE RECONVENED BY Tie CPD COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY

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