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March 2010 > Issue 5

Northampton’s New Look Student Magazine

THE SQUIRREL talks with

We visit two of the biggest
shows at the university


STUDENTS’ union election results announced
Published by the University of Northampton Students’ Union
March 2010
Issue 5

Hello everyone, over the last few months we have been working extremely hard to
make some changes to The Squirrel. Fresh from our relaunch night held in January we
present to you the new look Squirrel magazine. I would like to thank all contributors
to this edition. We have a selection of photos from the event below. Hope you enjoy.

Sibonile Mathe - Editor

SECOND CH Partostbey
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EDITORIAL > News David Hannant

Editor in Chief Sibonile Mathe Entertainment Neena Suchdev
Sub-Ed/Design Darran Gange Culture & Style Lorena Chin-A-Foeng
Additional Design Marvin Mudzongo SPorts Mitch Sayers

The Squirrel is a publication of the

University of Northampton Students’ Union. To advertise in The Squirrel email


By John Boden & David Hannant
February 26th struck a historic note
as Emily Dean became the first female
Students’ Union President to be elected
since the University was accredited in
2005, defeating Colm Bannon in a heavily
contested election.
In what was described as an election
not short of “hiccups” by current Presi-
dent Eamon Lindsell, it was Dean who
emerged victorious, accumulating over
500 votes.
Following the announcement of her
victory, Dean was visibly shaken by the
whole experience.
“I’m definitely excited,” she explained.
“When the handover happens, I really
want to make sure everything I promised
people in my manifesto gets introduced
Emily Dean was elected President of the Students’ Union by over 500 votes
straight away.” Photo by Darran Gange
The victory followed a series of contro-
versies, which saw allegations of mani-
festo-copying directed at the President- his position, was relatively diplomatic in that come September there will be a new
elect’s opponent, however Dean had only the face of this controversy. name on the President’s office, and this
positive things to say about her adversary. “I’m quite shocked,” he explained, “but name is that of the jubilant Emily Dean.
“He was a really great opponent,” she in democracy, these things happen. Hope- “I’m really pleased,” she said. “I’m really
enthused. “I wouldn’t want to have run fully we’ll find out what’s going on soon.” grateful. I appreciate everyone’s vote, and
against anyone else, we’ve got on really Nonetheless, one thing remains certain, I just want to make everyone proud.”
well, all through the campaigning. He was
After delivering the announcement, the
man whose shoes Emily will be stepping
into, Eamon Lindsell spoke highly of his
successor, and her prospects for the com-
ing academic year.
“Emily has done an excellent job as RAG
By Darran Gange
Officer this year,” he explained. “Obvi-
ously, stepping up to President is a big While the date of the upcoming General
role, but she performed well during the Election is still not known to anyone other
debates. I do think she still has some than perhaps the Prime Minister and his
work to do before she steps into the role, closest allies, the campaigns for parties
but she has great potential and I definite- and candidates who seek to control the
ly think she’s up to the task.” next parliament are well under way.
Meanwhile, Abdi Kater retained his Later this month the University’s Debat-
position of Vice President for Education ing Society (UNDS) will be holding their The Debating Society’s Previous ‘Question Time’ Event
and Welfare, in a landslide. However a second major ‘Question Time’ event, and Contributed
Team D.N.A. white-wash was not possible it will be their biggest yet, as the Society
on the night, as further controversy inter- expects candidates for the upcoming The event is to be held on the evening of
fered in the election, affecting the race for General Election to appear on the panel. Thursday March 18th, in HLT 1, Holdenby,
the position of Vice President for Student Candidates running for the ‘Northampton Park Campus with a reception to be held in
Development. North’ seat including the existing MP Sally HLT3 afterwards.
Due to irregularities in the voting pat- Keeble (Labour), and candidates Michael The Debating Society previous Ques-
terns -which saw more votes cast than Ellis (Conservative), Andrew Simpson (Lib tion Time event proved popular, allowing
number of students registered to do Dem) and Tony Lochmuller (Green) have students and guests to question a panel on
so- the victor in this race could not be said they will be taking part, along with a variety of news worthy topics last year.
confirmed on the night. another candidate yet to be confirmed. For more information on the Question
Inderjeet Nagra, current holder of the Topics to be discussed are expected to Time, or to watch the video of the previous
position, who was also aiming to retain vary widely, but will include issues of event, visit the Debating Society’s website:
importance to students at the University.



By Tom Bedford against the majority of politicians are we,
It has been a long time since anybody who as students, likely to trust our MP’s?
picked up a newspaper was able to read Victoria Moor, a BA Acting second year
through it without learning about one student argues that it is unlikely, “I don’t
thing or another regarding a politician and trust any of them. All I read is that they
something bad they have done. Bad news are doing this and that wrong.”
sells papers but does this mean we ever Voting for any MP shows that you trust
going to trust our members of parliament? that particular member of parliament to
Leslie Benson, a lecturer in Politics and do the best he or she can for you and the
Law at our University believes that it is Sally Keeble is the MP for Northampton North constituency in which you live. With the
impossible to see parliamentary figures in Contributed constant stream of negative press sur-
a, “good and positive way.” He said, “Politi- rounding each politician now though the
not go away.” public is growing wary of its once trusted
cians have never been trusted. Even before
Even in local politics there is scandal. and respected MP’s. With this there has
the expenses scandal they ranked close to
Northampton Borough Council leader, been a backlash, a rise in votes for minor-
estate agents in terms of how much people
Tony Woods came under fire after allega- ity parties, most notably the BNP.
trusted them.”
tions were made against him. “Astragate” Timothy Lawson who resides in Leices-
For weeks there were stories circulating
as the case has been dubbed revolves ter said, “I changed my vote. The current
about how MP’s were bending the rules
around allegations that Councillor Woods government cannot be trusted with my
regarding second home expenses. Former
left his untaxed Vauxhall in the Guildhall’s vote and certainly not with the money I
Home Secretary Jacqui Smith was made
town centre car park. The car had been pay in taxes.”
to apologise publicly after she was found
left there for four months, despite repeat- Sally Keeble, MP for Northampton North
to have breached the rules regarding the
ed calls for him to remove the 12-year-old responded by saying, “Being an MP means
ownership of second homes. This story
vehicle. This led to claims that the council that you are in a position of trust, in rela-
was picked up by the national press and
leader abused his position by parking his tion to a large number of people who rely
soon entered the public domain, once
car for free, in the town centre, for so long. on you, or who look to you to represent
again thrusting the expenses scandal into
“The press people are like Piranhas.” them to government. In terms of do people
the limelight.
Benson said, “If you are a politician or a trust me - the dozens of people who come
“Politicians sell copies,” Benson said,
respected member of a council and you to my advice surgeries week in and out
“Each time something relating to expenses
step out of line, even a little bit, then the must trust me. As for those who don’t -
is uncovered it will be splashed all over
press will rip you to shreds.” you would have to ask them why not.”
the front pages. This is a problem that will
With allegations and claims being made


By Sibonile Mathe
ed to do something myself as well to help
me cope with my brother and to help other
people really, going through the same
Brain Tumour UK is a very important thing.” Having initially decided to do a
charity that does a lot of work to raise sponsored swim Alice has had to postpone
awareness of brain tumours in the UK. this due an ankle injury, however she has
Many of us have never really thought come up with some other ideas such as a
about brain tumours let alone the work sponsored fast for 48 hours or a sponsored
carried out by this charity. One student silence which Alice admits “It’s going to be
who understands their plight is Alice hard for me.”
Heavyside second year English and Crea- with the charity was the diagnosis of Alice currently has a Facebook group with
tive writing student, whom I met up with her brother. She went on to explain “it is 160 members promoting Brain Tumour
recently to talk about her involvement strange the first thing that came to mind UK and promotes donations through use
with the charity. when we found out my brother had a brain of her JustGiving site. The money donated
Brain Tumour UK do important work in tumour was death. He was diagnosed in goes straight to Brain Tumour UK and
raising funds to help find treatments, how- August 2008 and seven months later he does not go through any other party.
ever as Alice pointed out “it is difficult to died on the 3rd of March last year.” Alice March is brain tumour awareness month,
cure this type of cancer”. The charity also is adamant that “it’s important to raise and there are a number of events including
work with families by proving support awareness about brain tumours because sponsored sky dives to be held later this
“they support families to help them deal they are more common than people month, more information on these can be
with what’s happened and cope with it.” think. 20 percent of cancer sufferers get found at
Compared to other charities such as a secondary tumour which is quite a high To make a donation visit
Breast Cancer UK and The British Heart percentage.”
foundation, Brain Tumour UK is less well Alice’s family have put on a number of
known I wanted to establish the reason events in her home town of Barrow-in- The Squirrel would like to wish
behind this. There are a number of factors Furness to raise money for Brain Tumour Alice the best of luck with her fund-
but what motivated Alice to get involved UK but being at university she has not raising for a truly worthy cause.
been able to help out or take part. “I want-
culture & style
Exhibition: Separation Anxiety seen as space.” At least, that’s what many
By Stephen Frost of Mr Evans’ painting manage to achieve;
from a distance, the mind can form clear,
Until the 5th of March the University of almost definable shapes. But upon closer
Northampton’s Avenue Gallery is playing inspection such shapes are blurred and
host to a new, fresh exhibition of work by misguided, where there was once form,
Michael Evans, Senior Lecturer in Paint- there is now space.
ing. Whilst most contemporary abstract art
The exhibition provides the first opportu- often appears random, with no connection
nity for the public to view a series of paint- to the outside, Mr Evans uses the collec-
ings which the artist has created as part tion to explore how, and indeed why, the
of his research towards a practice-based imagination itself can define a meaning
PhD, with which he is investigating ques- for its audience rather than impose a
tions relating to the imaginative creation single meaning which is forced upon its
of form in abstract painting. audience. Through the ambiguous nature The Paintings have “multiple, shifting and
In this collection - 12 paintings of oil of the collection the artist hopes to achieve uncertain interpetations”
and acrylic on canvas - Mr Evans tries to a “desire for an openness which remains
take the concept of abstract art back to free from the deadening weight of a fixed creates the new final paintings from the
its earlier origins, ignoring the tired and reading”, instead ensuring his pieces concept shown within these digital im-
repetitive trends that modern abstract opens on to “multiple, shifting and uncer- ages. An unusual event, where a computer
art has fallen into, rejecting both empti- tain interpretations.’’ has been seen – even only arbitrary – to
ness and simplistic materiality. Instead he Unlike most contemporary abstract art, replace the needs of a human imagination.
focuses on form, and how the imagination the collection has been produced in new Where once the unconscious transcen-
often defines a form and characteristic combination of technology and art; ap- dental spiritual or sublime may have been
that doesn’t actually exist. parent abstract art is passed through the cited as inspiration for the creation of
“Often form is evasive, and what may imaging software of a computer in order to paintings, with the human imagination
initially appear solid can subsequently be define some form or reality, and Mr Evans once seen as an extension of the divine.

Fashions [Re]fashioned for uni show

I spoke to Amelia Chalmers, one of
By Rachael Preedy the designers, shortly before the show
Fierce fashion with a new function commenced to ask how her designs were
was the theme of the ‘[Re]Fashion inspired. “My inspiration was myself,”
show’ that took place at Avenue she explained. “We were asked to think of
campus late last month. three words that described ourselves and
The sell-out production was created as use them as the impetus. My words were
part of a programme for National Stu- feminine, eclectic and historical.”
dent Volunteering week and took place Amelia, who studied Fine Art for 6 years
at 7pm in Isham Studios on Wednesday, before enrolling on the BA (Hons) Fashion
February 24th to an audience of over one course is one of the many volunteers who
hundred people. took part in the campaign to make the
The concept for the project was to re-use [Re]Fashion show a reality. Students from
second hand clothing and fabrics in order Fashion, Drama, Retail and Fashion Mar-
to create new fashion and encourage peo- keting, Journalism, Events Management,
ple to consider Charity Shops more often. and Photography worked collectively with
The brainchild of the Centre for Commu- the Centre for Community Volunteering to
nity Volunteering team, it was inspired by heighten awareness of recycling as well as
the 2009 television programme, ‘Mary, raise money for the elected charities.
Queen of Charity Shops’. The Vice Chancellor, Ann Tate, was
The show included work from twenty- pleased to see the extent of the collabora-
four first-year fashion students, using tion across student disciplines.
materials donated by the University’s five Staff at the University, have been sup-
selected charities- Age concern, Oxfam, porting the ‘Donate Don’t Dump’ appeal
Save the children, Friends of North- which ran alongside the build up to the
ampton General Hospital and Friends of fashion show, by giving generously to the
Cynthia Spencer Hospice- which is also designer clothing collection. The items
the University’s Charity of the year. were sold in the auction on the evening
The evening showcased an array of and with early estimates indicating pro-
visionary fashion from recycled materials, ceeds of around £1200 have been raised
Models show off the new creations incorporated catwalk, auction and shop- for the 5 charities, it has been a resound-
Photo by Zoe Plummer
ping elements. ing success for all involved.



“Artists respect you for talking about

the music and not the scandal.”

In early February, Fever nightclub’s On the show, Trevor Nelson was amazing. Every level, underground to
‘Wicked Wednesday’s’ hosted Radio renowned for the in depth interviews commercial, it’s very healthy.”
One DJ Trevor Nelson. The Squirrel he conducted with so many stars,
Epitomised by her awards at last
secured an exclusive interview with including Beyoncé, Jay Z and Samuel
month’s Brit Awards, 2009 was
the man himself. L Jackson (to name just a few.) Surely
undoubtedly Lady Gaga’s year. I
he must have had a favourite.
Trevor arrived at around 1:30am to was eager to find out whom Trevor
huge applause from the raving crowd. “Lauren Hill, because I love her.” thought 2010 would belong to.
With the grace of a true professional, he said laughing, before taking on a
“Tinie Tempah is an example,” he
he took over from DJ Beat-man and more serious tone.
claimed. “We’ve been following him
went on to perform an electrifying set,
“To be honest I get on well with most a long time. We put him on in Bristol
with a potent mixture of R’n’B, Funky
of them,” he recalled. “The reason and he has got the right attitude to
House, and ‘old-skool’ Hip-Hop. At
being that when they first got to the make it.”
3am, after it was all over; I finally
UK no one wanted to interview them
got the chance sit down with Trevor. “Drake is another one to look out for”
much on telly”.
I was curious to find out just what he added.
makes the 45-year-old DJ tick, and Trevor illustrates the importance The
Trevor Nelson has reached a level
in a small side room surrounded by Lick played in the urban music scene
of success in the music business or
stacks of empty boxes, with two small and he was keen to share the secret
“the industry”, that many of us can
stools in the middle, I was given my behind those great interviews.
only dream of. Having hosted what
“They respect you for supporting he claims to be the longest running
Trevor’s MTV show, “The Lick”, was them talking about the music and show on MTV, presented a daily slot
one of the first urban music shows not the scandal. I didn’t really have a on BBC 1xtra, and a Saturday night
on television. I was curious to find favourite, I wouldn’t really interview show on BBC Radio One. He also has
out whether he would ever consider someone I didn’t like or whose music the accolade of being known as the
bringing it back. I didn’t like.” maestro of UK urban music. I wanted
to know if he had any tips for anyone
“I did it for 11 years,” said Trevor. “It Trevor is considered by some to be
trying to break into industry as a DJ.
went all over the world and it was one of the pioneers of the UK urban
great for me. I did so many parties. scene, and so I was interested to learn “You’ve got to love music first and
I think TV has changed; I did it at a what his thoughts were on current foremost or else you will get found
good time. YouTube is now the thing.” urban music. out,” he claimed. “The second thing I
would say, try and do it on your own
However, Trevor felt for us students “I think it’s been the best time in
terms. Just be yourself, don’t put on a
–those who were too young for the history for British urban artists,”
persona. And of course, you’ve got to
shows first time round- claiming he he said enthusiastically. “We’ve
be competitive.”
was “gutted” for all students who had seven number-one artists
missed it. from our genre alone, and that’s
NEENA SUCHDEV’S Restaurant of the Month
The Royal Bengal, Bridge Street as a Samosa in terms of curry, so I ended
up doing most of the ordering. For starters,
Having been fixated on nothing but I ordered a Chicken Balti on Poori to share.
Chinese and Italian restaurants for the This has always been my favourite Indian
three years I’ve had the privilege of starter: fried golden bread with a lashing
knowing Northampton, we decided to try of curry over the top. After this I ordered a
something new. Where does the best curry mild Lamb Curry for myself, the proverbial
in Northampton? We’d seen the South Disappointment: No live Tigers Chicken Tikka Masala for Mike, Saag Aloo,
Indian restaurant up past Maria’s in the in the Restaurant. and some rice and naans. The chicken was
little alleyway by Marks and Spencer’s, but arrive screaming and gripping their bottles exceedingly moist (I hate using that word)
were somewhat freaked out by the massive of blue WKD with vigour before ordering and overall the meal was very pleasant,
blue face on the side of the wall. We’ll visit something so spicy that they’ll be shitting with gorgeously thick sauces and slightly
the gods another day, I decided, and we it out for days. pink lamb which tasted delicious. Looking
ventured instead to Bridge Street. We arrived to a virtually empty back I would have ordered a medium
I must have walked past it several times restaurant, which luckily picked up within Lamb Curry, as mild turned out to be
without noticing that The Royal Bengal about half an hour. All customers were practically spiceless. My fault for playing
even existed. Original name, I thought seated in the same area, giving the effect the safe option. For desert we shared a
with a wry grin, booking a table there of a full, lively atmosphere. We ordered a Chocolate Bomb, for the simple fact that in
for 8 o’ clock on a Friday night. I’d been red wine from a splendidly robust waiter the menu the picture of it made us laugh
advised by trusty internet reviews to leave with fantastic facial hair, and started the (you’ll see why if you go!).
it no later than that, due to the masses meal with poppadoms and dips. Mike, my Luckily, we were out before the chavs and
of chavs and tarts that will, without fail, dinner partner, had never ventured as far tarts arrived, with a bottle of wine to take
home and a very rounded paunch.

ARTIST OF THE MONTH Passion Pit to my ears.

By Kershia Eade Other brilliant songs on the album include
‘Moth’s Wings’, which has a sound similar
On first appearance Passion Pit look like to the likes of MGMT, though when I listen
five vestal nerds who perhaps don’t know to this song I feel like I should be running
one music genre from another. in slo-mo. Another great song is ‘Seaweed
Some people maybe be unaware of who Song’ an great song to match such a great
Passion Pit are because they are still a title.
relatively fresh band. The five college I think Passion Pit will always be one of
students only originally formed together in those bands that reminds me of my final
2007. This was after lead singer Michael year at university, whether it be getting
Angelakos wanted to make a ‘special’ ready to go out, attempting to write my
Valentine’s day present for his girlfriend, dissertation when really I am heavily
so roped his fellow diacritic friends in to procrastinating by doing copious amounts
help. The Valentine’s gift led to the band’s of Facebook stalking, or if it’s simply
debut EP ‘Chunk of Change’ chilling in my room while suffering with a
Sleepyhead was the first song of the hangover from the night before, there is a
band to be released of the EP, which also song by the band to suit any mood.
features on their debut album ‘Manners’. Not every song on the album is perfect, but
To me, this is most definitely the best perfection is boring. I like the quirkiness
song on the album, if you haven’t heard and seemingly flawed qualities that
it, definitely worth a listen. It combines Passion Pit display, after all the musical
electrifying melodies beautifully combined The guys on the chess team were always pleased
landscape would be much greyer without
with squiggly chants, most definitely music to welcome new members.

sport GOT A STORY?

Netball: Hunter’s legacy lives on

had a mixed season. The first team have
By Jonathan Dunne missed out on promotion from the East
Netball looks as popular as ever at UoN. Midlands 3B league. The final blow that
The current squad has 25 players mak- put them out of contention came when
ing up three teams, which compete in the they lost to a strong Nottingham side in
BUCS competition. But netball might not early February. However a promising cup
be in such good shape, had it not been for run and big win over Wolverhampton 37-
Ian Hunter who sadly passed away re- 23 have been highlights.
cently. Ian worked at the Union reception “We had a lot of supporters come to watch
on Park campus and has inspired change us play Wolverhampton and the atmos-
throughout the sport teams. phere was amazing. Before the game we
So how far has netball come at the Uni- didn’t fancy our chances as we had seen
The Netball Team
versity? I spoke to Charlotte Rogers to that they had been doing really well. We
find out how the team have progressed went out there and we played so well as a
in the last couple years and what Hunter team. We all really enjoyed this match and
Netball squad I would really like to say the
has done for them. Rogers is a third year can say it was one of our best.”
biggest thank you to Ian as he really did
student studying fashion marketing and They do have two games left to cement a
help turn the netball squad around.” added
has played for the team since she started at place in 3B next season. They will need at
Northampton. least one win to guarantee they avoid rel-
It seems the girls are very full on, training
“I have been a part of the netball team egation in what seems a very tight league.
three times a week and have around 10 so-
since I started here and we really didn’t On a final note Rogers said that she recom-
cials a year. They also have a tour to Spain
have much in the way of kit and equipment mends joining a university sports team
to look forward to later in the year, with
etc. Today we now have a sponsor-’Momo’s to anybody. She and the other girls seem
around 20 of the squad taking part.
Bar Kitchen Club’. They have bought kit to be having a great time. Log onto bucs.
“Our social nights are always on a Wednes-
for us and we now have new balls, pumps to get all fixtures and results.
day after our game and carry on through-
and bibs.” out the night, starting with a game of
“We wouldn’t have got all this if it hadn’t The Squirrel would like to wish the
court. I’d love to tell you about it, but what
been for the hard work that Ian put in for Netball team good luck for the rest
happens in court stays in court!”
us over the last year or so. On behalf of the of the season.
On the netball court however the girls have

Football cancellation controversy sons to why the club were facing liquida- person can do, and I have made sufficient
tion. “Lack of communication between the steps to rectify what has happened to no
club itself and the SU, fines, registration avail.” Aarron went on to say, “the role of
forms, membership fees, budgets and lost President of Football has not been explicit.
equipment were the main reasons. Right Before the current academic year started it
from the beginning of the year I made was suggested that a pack of information
it clear that football needs to be a club containing what was expected of the role
with all five teams. The President is fully from the previous President Steven Walpo
responsible for his or her club regardless of would be created, but I’m yet to receive
how many teams the club may have.” anything.”
The men’s third team had progressed in When asked if Football would be better
the BUCS cup, overcoming strong opposi- run as individual clubs the answer from
tion in Birmingham firsts on penalties in Indie was quite simple. “No it wouldn’t
By Mitch Sayers a tough tie, but were eliminated from the be easier. Other clubs can act and have a
The 2009/10 season of UoN football has competition because of the suspending of proper structure in place, it may not be
kicked off with some amazing results, games. The team had paid their registra- perfect but they have one.” Indie added,
league campaigns and cup progressions. tion fees and were one of the only two “I and UNSU would rather support the
The football on the pitch, has lived up to teams to do so in the season. Indie had this football club to come up with a committee
UoN’s proud tradition of fielding good to say on the situation, “I’m saddened to structure and ways of dealing with internal
sporting outfits. However, off the field con- see the thirds being eliminated from the teams.” The Club President finally said,
troversy has threatened to ruin a promis- BUCS cup, however, registration fees were “ I understand I am at the front line and
ing season for all involved. On December only a fraction of the reason why football therefore consequently to blame, but the
7th the footballing community were rocked was stopped.” Football Club President Aar- role of President is predominantly based
by the circulation of an email saying foot- ron Green took charge of the club this year on the co-operation from captains, manag-
ball had been suspended and is pending and had to query the previous regime. “If ers and ultimately all of football.”
cancellation. a team has not paid their registration fees We can only hope that Football and UNSU
Indie Nagra, the Vice President of the Stu- or fines, it is them who should be punished can have a good working relationship to
dents’ Union who sent the email, had rea- accordingly. There is only so much one complete what could be a fantastic season.

fun times
1 2 3
5 He takes pictures of girls in
1 Spell fish in the Cough Woman Nation? (5)
Northampton town. (10)
2 What would you get should you eat a whole
6 You’ve been shot in the knee but your tin of beans? (6,5)
ears dissagree? (8)
3 What do ghosts eat for dinner? (11)
9 Knocking doesn’t work to get into this
home (3,3,8) 4 Who originally sang the song ‘Hurt’? (3)
7 8

9 10 The price of venison (1,3,4) 7 What do you call a cow who’s just given birth?
12 What’s yellow and stuck in a pot? (4)
8 An ocularily challenged swine...? (4,2)
11 12
14 A King/President who gives up his
throne/position, but spelt like someone 11 He’s been everywhere but no one knows his
14 15 who might vote D.N.K? (9) name? (8)
17 Where the Battle of Hastings was 13 The reply to the phrase ‘Allow me’? (2,2,5)
17 18
held? (6)
19 15 What do you call a man with cake on his
19 Food for dogs (inc. punctuation)? (9) head? (2,5)

20 He takes you there but doesn’t 16 What do Hungary Ghosts eat for dinner? (8)
charge you a fare?
18 Abbrev. abbrev.? (6)

sfkin tfree idea #4

The x’s on the end of messages
people send. THOSE AREN’T REAL

un for
KISSES. They are not an excuse to
go round to the person who sent you
these kisses house and start getting
off with them. This is called ‘illegal’
By Joseph Hilton Marion Bunn and in some cases ‘rape’.
Lying is something people do every day.
It is the process of not telling the truth, ‘This is the best film I’ve ever seen.’
otherwise known as porky pying. The ‘This is the worst film I’ve ever
latter phrase was originally invented after seen.’
Simple Simon(of ‘met a pieman’ fame)
told a whopper of a lie about how he came You see, there is no point telling the
to be in ownership of a rather large pork truth on the internet, because you can be
pie. He said he ‘found’ it. The truth was he whoever, and wherever, and whenever
killed the pieman, bludgeoning him with you want. You could pretend you are from
a large book of Nursery Rhymes (turning the past even, if you wanted.
into a Nursery Rhyme Crime book). This For any of you that frequent the
book was later used as evidence in the Dozens ‘o’ Girls 4 U (tm) ChatRoomz,
Simple Simon Porky Pie Lieman Pieman allow me to introduce myself, I’m
Died Nursery Rhyme Crime Trial. Not so BigBreastedTriplets2002. I lied. I’m not
simple after all, eh, Simon? a real life big breasted triplets, I’m sure
with there being several fun things to if that’s even a good thing and I’m sorry
Here is how you lie. First, think of
do when you’re lying down, especially if , I won’t be able to make our meet on
something you know to be absolutely true.
you’re a woman). Saturday at 9. However, thanks for all the
For example, ‘this is the best article I’ve
ever read’, or perhaps ‘Michael Jackson The perfect venue for a first lie would times you cybered me, my real life cock
was NOT a paedophile’ or even ‘This be The Internet. This is a place that is was sore after all those racy innuendoes
isn’t a lie’. Something indisputable. Now almost entirely full of lies. Here is a list of you typed at me (you really are marvellous
turn that on it’s head, say the complete internet lies: at multitasking, there were no typos
opposite of it. For our purposes, we’ll whatsoever). I’m not sure, but I think you
Old people pretending to be might be gay now.
use the last example ‘This isn’t a lie’. The
opposite of that is ‘This is a lie’, which is So to cut a long story short, lying is when
a lie. Wait, so then it’s true, so then it’s a Children pretending to be old you fight a walrus with toothache using
lie again, and...ah shit. I’m confused. Let’s people. a large toothbrush, to get the plaque and
say to lie, you need to be deceptive. plankton out of his teeth, just like I did
Middle aged people pretending
Never trust a man who says ‘I always lie’, they’re attractive. last night. Goodbye.
he’s probably lying. Lying is also not to THIS WHOLE ARTICLE WAS UNTRUE.
be confused with lying down, which is LOLcats, no one actually finds these
another fun thing to do for free (along funny.


Written by Joseph Hilton Marion Bunn. Illustrated by Neena Suchdev. To be continued...


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