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Vlatko Vukovi

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Vlatko Vukovi
Grand Duke of Bosnia




brother Hrana Vukovi


Titles and styles



Kosaa noble family






Bosnian Church

Vlatko Vukovi Kosaa (died 1392) was a 14th-century Bosnian[1] nobleman, duke of duchy of
Hum, Grand Duke of Bosnia(Bosnian: Veliki Vojvoda Bosanski) and one of the best military
commanders of King Tvrtko I of Bosnia.
He was a son of Duke Vuk Kosaa, the founder of the noble house known as the Kosaa noble
family[dubious discuss]. He governed the duchy of Hum, which was part of the Banate of Bosnia and
later Kingdom of Bosnia. The Ottoman threat was building to the east, threatening

neighboring Herzegovina. On 27 August 1388, Grand Duke Vlatko defeated an Ottoman raiding
party (some 18,000 strong) that had invaded Hum in the Battle of Bilea. Bosnian heavy cavalry
are typically credited with winning the battle as they broke the Ottoman ranks and pursued the
retreating enemy. It has been cited that famous Ottoman commander Lala Sahin
Pasha (Turkish: Lala ahin Paa, 1330 cca 1382) barely managed to save himself with the
small band of his soldiers.[2] In 1389, dispatched by his king Tvrtko I, he commanded a Bosnian
army contingent as part of Christian coalition that fought alongside Serbian Prince Lazar
Hrebeljanovi at the Battle of Kosovo against the Ottomans. Vukovi was one of few
commanders who survived the battle. Although the battle is viewed now as a decisive defeat at
the time the battle was viewed differently - Vukovi reported the outcome of the battle as a victory,
as the Ottomans suffered heavy losses and were forced to withdraw for a time.
A council was convoked by the king or noblemen who opposed the sale of Konavli by Radi
Sankovi to Dubrovnik, He and Pavle Radenovi later captured Konavli and divided it between
themselves. Vlatko later died.[3]
He died in 1392. His nephew Sandalj Hrani succeeded him.
Vukovi's grave lies marked near the village of Boljuni near Stolac, in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Inscription on the grave was written in Bosanica: "Ase lei dobri junak i ovjek Vlatko
Vukovi" (English: "Here lies a good hero and good man, Vlatko Vukovi")

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