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BLACKSHIELDS ‘The term’Blackshield refers not wa single military body or even a clas of warriors 2s such, bur toa phenomenon that came into ‘being in the early to middle years ofthe Age ‘of Darkness and which very much had its roots in the most ancient of martial codes. According to tho code, a warrior might, forany one ofa myriad reazona, chooze or be forced to cast off or conceal hie allegiance Inancient times, when a warior bore the ‘con of is house, master or nation upon his shield he might have cause to cover {ewith cloth o to paint over itenticly He might very literally punt his shield black, deliberately making it impossible for strangers to know where his rue loyalties — ifany remained at ll— might i “While such a pracice might have obvious ‘uliryamongs the warring clans and states of Ancient Tera oron any number of ‘worlds cast down to barbarism throughout the long Age of Strife shad no place at allinthe Imperium of Mankind which through Unity and the Imperial Truth the “Emperor had brought ro the sattered and benighted works of humanity. The bos ‘of Mankind tha swept out fom Terra ding the Great Crusade were bonded by seemingly unbreskable chains of fealy, [Blood and honour, and oto break oath with Aline officer wan i elf wo beak vs wile the Emperor and those He had saved from Teeannot be known when the frst Blackshields appeared upon the batlefields ofthe Age of Darkness and in ruth the definition is so broad that some may not have been noted a such atthe time, Certainly, 2 small force of Legiones Astartes warios clad {a black and bearing the Teran Aguila inthe stead of any Legion icon was sighted athe climax ofthe Liberition of Numinal during the war for the Coronid Deeps in early (o8Msx. As the veil of Dat Compliance fell across the northern Imperium and beleaguered Loyalist armies fell back en masse before the Traitor inexorable advance towards distant Terr, Blackshields similarly clad were counted amongst the defenders who mustered upon the walls of Fort Stranivar, giving thelr lives for the Loyalist, cause alongside so many other dutiful and Meal cts chthe Deeper: “These incidents were but the frst of many that would be reported across the entre Imperium asthe Age of Darkness progressed, although in most instances such reports ‘would only be collated into 2 meaningfel whole much later on, long after the fate cof most such warriors was ether settled orimrelevant. Warbands of Blacksbields appeared in war zones the length and breadth ofthe sundered Imperium, evidence not oC ume averting will ur cauney but of dae resurrection ofthat ancient code that called forawarsior to obscure his colours upon the renunciation of his ont of allegiance to bis master ‘While many groups of Backshields were “dentified, no two were exactly the sme inorigin or constitution. While che term {invariably describes a warrior of the Legiones Astares,even this isnot universal asthe origins and nature of some Blackshields simply cannor be ascertained, while others ‘were accompanied by mortal ausiiares in 2 manner similar tothe Legions employment ofbonded auxiliary units. Likewise the tre allegiance of many Blackshield bands was ‘often far from ler. Bven when their deeds spoke clearly oftheir cause, they rcely ought alongside che conventional forces of cither side in Mankind’ civil war or when they did, they reusod to integrate themselves {nto established chains of command. Many Blacksheld bands simply fought for their ‘own cwmse often thet of simple navial in ‘gala consumed by insanity and chaos. ‘Some however had clearly abandoned themselves tothe very madness at had birthed them. Gripped by an insanity that knew no distinction berween Traitor ‘or Loyalist, they ravaged across the stars ‘throughout the Age of Darkness and in many cases well int the current age Some have compare the Blackshields to the Shatered Legions thus putting truth to the observation tha the two ocrupled diferent points in spectrum of irregular or ‘non-conventional Legiones Astares forces. ‘The disparate elements ofthe Shattered Legions however, maintained a definite sense of Legion identity and inheritence, ‘while the Blackshicds invariably went to reat lengths vo reject, denounce or obscure their origins or in some cates may even have ‘been ignorant of them. Indeed, while the ‘Shatered Legions were constituted of units from several dffeent parent Legions, they ever sought o upland main dee ‘own traditions even as they acknowledged ‘those oftheir compatriots. This was not the case in most Blcksbield bends, and itis Ikely tha even individual squads were made up of warriors born of different Legions the ‘dentit of which might remain unknown ‘even to hie brothers. ‘While the term Blackshiel is iting, it was not always literal description of the warriors ‘question, Some groups were observed lad in highly diosyncranc, personalised heraldry no two Legionares bearing the same colours. Some applied camouflage patterns to their armour, racic only rarely observed asongstthe Legions. Atleast ‘one group was observed ro wear composite bate plate each pare scavenged from other Lepionsand mixed together with no thyme lr reason, a ea green vambrace taken fom Ashuin Legionary ofthe Sons of Horus worn “longs abone white gorget ior from the a ae eee ‘The Stendfast, the Turncoat ‘The Damned ‘organisational hierarchy. The reaver lords and the Renegade Despite theie rejection of visible Legion ‘variably led thle warriors from the ‘The mot dificult clas of Blackshield to haritage, most Blackshieds remained front and because overall strengths were define o denafy with any certsinty were ‘those who were construed en masse from ‘the ranks ofa parent Legion having refused to align themselves with the declared allegiance oftheir Primarch. Though their ‘rue numbers remain unknown, they cannot Ihave been great for most ofthe Traitor Primarchs proved horfyingly willing and able wo purge their Legions of those sons they suspected would not stand alongside chem against the Emperor Is well known tous ‘now tha the Sons of Horus, Death Guard, ‘World Eaters and Emperors Children were «ll purged by the hands of thei own fathers a Tssvan 1 while it appears cha Lorgar 1d his Legion of such elements ara much catlir point Of the other Traitor Legions it canonly be assumed that similar fratricides ‘were enacted, although none appear to have ‘been carsied out with complete effectiveness forthere were ever detached unit serving farafield or beyond communications ange ‘What trauma such wartirs experienced ‘upon learning oftheir master treachery ‘an only be imagined and the bloodshed ‘that ensued berween brother Legionaries _must have been every bitas terrible as the slaughter at Issvan 1 “Many ofthose warriors who escaped the betrayal of theirkin fled into che darkness and were never seen again, while others ‘embarked upon shortlived campaigns of bloody vengeance, determining sll thelr lives deaely and consumed by hatred fora gala in which they no longer hada place ‘The Disavowwed Ieiea truth tha scl with many who are party ro such knowledge that not all Blackshielde were the sons of Traitor Primarchs. The warrior lodges had spread their pernicious philosophies far nd wide inthe years prior to Issvan, and few indeed ‘were the Legions entirely unaffected by their hidden workings Indeed, is notable that in some bands of Blackshields, adherence othe tenets ofthe various waror lodges remained strong and some were even accompanied ‘by small covens of Davinite lodge priest. How many Blackshield bands werein ‘fact renegade elements of otherwise loyal Legions, or how many individual Backshield warriors in the ranks of a Marsuder squad ‘were secretly turncoat sons of Guiliman, orn, Russorany other lyalson ofthe Emperor is amater that even now has yet to nonetheless recognisable as Space Marines. ‘A small number however suetched such ‘definition oa point where onlookers ‘may not have taken them forthe product ofthe Emperor® vision all Throughout the Age of Darkness and beyond, accounts of Legionaties fallen to physical mutation persisted, hinting aa ereeping instability in gene-seed purty coruption ofthe {plantation process, exposure ro certain inluences or even deliberate tampering ‘with th Lepiones Astartes genetic template. ‘Av frst sight these wariors might appear ‘blessed of superior strength, speed or resilience, but invariably they proved ‘unstable in other ways. Some were prone to physical or mental collapse in the hea of battle, while others experienced spontancous snd uncontrolled mutation tinder sre ther limbs distending into horrific forms 5 ‘bones rent and muscles distorted, bale plate splitting apart the process. Some ‘were indistinguishable in appearance fom any other Legionary yet possessed of such sn unnatural mien or eure chat others could ‘ot stand their presence, and with prolonged ‘exposure would be driven by an inexplicable “urge o srk them down Ithasbeen suggested by some of our ‘Order that not every band of such genetic aberrations clasified as lackshilds were truly outeats from the other Legions. Some ‘may actually have been deliberately eeated insecret within one of the Legions and then released into the war-torn glany a6 living weapons of mass destruction, Created ‘ignorant of their heritage such forces would have reaved acrosthe stars in pursuit of some implanted imperative. Burning fiercely albeit briefly in the depths ofthe ‘Age of Darkness. ‘Gonna Hina Ifthe Shattered Legions were iregular in theie command structure, the myriad bands of Blackshelds were downright \diosyneratic. Many appear w have been ruled by sheer brute strength or force of will ‘with no apparent reference to any formal rank thei leaders may once have held. ‘What qualified a leader to rule 2 Blackshield swarband can only be guessed at, but thas ‘been observed thatthe fate of many such ‘bands was intrinsically linked to cher masters own goals. Aside fom the reaver lords, most Blackshield ‘bands exhibited 2 comparatively lat rarely more can single Legiones Astares ‘company equivalent the line officers specialised sub-rnks, command cadre and queries used across the Legions were Inge supertuous and therefore rarely seen among Blackshields arene: Smscr (Observed strengths mong Blacksheld wwarbands varied from as few as two dozen ‘as many as 2000, with around soo being the mest commonly encountered level. No recognisable orders of battle dominated and each force was constituted according tothe demeanour oft lord, ite wariors and the logistical limitations imposed upon them by fate. While recognisable Legiones Astartes squad types were encountered it was ‘common forthe core squads of Blackshield groups to carry a wide range of equipment, often with no two wariors being armed in the same manner. This phenomenon set the warrior ofthe Blacksbilds far apart from their Legiones Astartes rots and such squads came tobe known as'Marsudr’ a the Age of Darkness progressed “The strength of mos lackshield warbands veer very mich concentrated init core snfanry elements for. divorced rom conventional Legion logistic chains stocks of heavy equipment very quickly dwindled Iwas rare indeed for such groups toute dlaposable equipment such «drop pods, for recovering sich tems for re-use generally called for suppor asets he Blackshields Aid not have ready acceso. Ineead of op pods, mos lackhield warbands elied upon the lghter clase of gunships to transport forces toa planes surface and o provide them with ire support Storm Eagles and r Raptors being commonly encountered, sii key that many Blackbield bands ‘roctised their capture fom enemy forces. Given the circumstances of thelr creation and the manner in which they operated, {thas proved impossible to sesay the cota ‘numberof Legiones Acartes wariors turned ‘Blackshield who fought throughout the “Age of Darkness. Given tht some may have come into being as a result of accelerated {plantation regimes or unsanctioned replication protocols and therefore never centered onthe oficial rolle ofthe later Great (Crusade the numbers maybe far higher than any could imagine, albeit spread across the ‘unimaginably vast reaches ofthe galaxy over ‘which Mankind sought dominion, Tue BLACKSHIELDs “The term Backshield came tobe used during the period of the Horus Heresy known asthe Age of Darkness ocovera wide ange of Space Marine outcasts marauders and those Leones Aste of ‘uncertain allegiances or origin. Mystery and suspicion attached themselves wo such warrior regardless of their tue loyalties or intentions, and while some did deliberately scour their old heraldry fom thet armour cr replace it with ome fale device or heraldry oftheir own, heir ame of Backsicd wa often literal description for armour over masked or simply scorched black Though never existing in numbers so great ss the Legions from which they bad no doubt sprang —far from {each faction and band, rom the dozen survivors of a deadly betrayal by their own kind who cas atide the pas tothe coor of rapidly indoctrinated initiates thrust nto batle fora cause they barely understood {n power armour empty of livery, had their own place in the ape Horus Heresy. cry ofgalaxy-wide destruction that was the “The motivations and goals of those forces dubbed Blackshields by the warlords ofthe ers and the historians of later times were as individual as their bands, Many ultimately can be categorised as believing (rightly or wrongly) that their Legion or Primarch was no more, or on the opposite side of the coin renounced thee Legion and thei ste, refusing to follow hs example in siding with one faction or the other in Mankind’ talerc civil war. In such ways did so-called traitor’ dre Traitor blood and —albeit more rately — did ‘ons of Legions tha remained seadfsly loyal rum upon their Emperor and thet brothers, The more shadowy and less understood ofthe Blackshield factions remained cloaked undera shroud of misdirection snd secrecy. These were Leglonaries created using dangerously accelerated ot forbidden chimeric gene see {implantation and brutally expedited psycho-indoctrinaton protocols to quickly replace catastrophic loses asthe certinties ofthe eatly year of the war gave way tothe grim realistion that neither side might have ‘enough Space Marines nd materiel to overwhelm the othe, sch was the accelerating rate of slaughter. This practice was tied by both Loyalist and Tritor, and while many programs were put into place forthe Legions to accelerate reeruitment by the Legions themselves other, datker and mote hidden endeavours ‘were undertaken by the powers of both sides outside the Teptimate femework ofthe Legions that had gone before, uncaring of established practice or tradition, or indeed tek, needing only results ‘of those lackshilds who were traly rogue, many stil fought chic wa with a bitter fervour that matched avy zealot in ether the Warmastersor the Emperors cause, While others pethaps stating on their pth through a simple dive to survive, became ravers and renegnd intent upon forging thei own destinies among the stars, Of these some began to corrode in mind and sir stim and the tide of war ground on degenerating into lite more than madmen and wanton killers, while others eventually regained a place although often a distrusted one, in the order of battle of one great faction or the other before the end. Of 1dthe Scouring that wast follow their bloody ending, orbe driven into those who did not, most would the darkness beyond known space Legiones Astartes (lackshields) ‘The allowing alternative Legiones Astartes special rule represents the most extreme ofthe Blackshield Space Marine forces those who have ether thrown aside the tadtions and fighting styles of the Legion thatbore them in favour ofthe asymmetrical tactics and brutal expediency ofthe reaver and marauder, or who have simply been forced ro adapt on their own without the guiding hand ofa Legion command structure to regulate them, Regardles, they remain Space Marines, genetically engineered, paycho- indoctrinated warriors with superhuman abilities and minds and souls tempered for war + Units with this special rule may always attempt to Regroup normally regardless of casualties + Units willl ave additional special rules and abilities a described below. Blackshield Special Rules Blacksheld forces have a numberof special rues which reflect their unusual make-up goals and irregular organisution compared to most Space Marine forces, which can serve a both an advantage and disadvantage in bate + Wrought by War: Esch Blackshield fore has its own reason fr exiting and its own particular origin, which reflected in how ie ight. Each Blackshield Detachment may, fit owning player wishes, select ‘one ofthe Wrought by War special rules deiled Inter in thie section, Strike only from a Position of Strength: Most Blckshield forces cannot afford o engage in ation re, nor strike unless they have the advantage of surprise for fear of unsustainable loses. An my whose Primary Detachment has the Legiones Astates(Blackshilds) special ule may add +x to the dice ina game. ‘Outeasts: Models with the Legiones Astrtes(Blackshields) special rule may be choten as Allies and ‘ake Allies in the normal way with the following provisions: The ‘the Warmaster) Command when fighting alongside other Legiones Astarts forces (whether Traitor or whenever rolling to see which player akes the Bist un recounted a By the Emperors (or Loyalist). When taken alongside othe forces (sich as OmnisiahTaghmata or mperialis Militia), they ate counted as Fellow Warrior (representing other outeast members ofthese factions caught up in the Sires ofthe civil wer). Limited Resources: Blackshield forces are no longer or were never prt of structured Legion and so Ao not follow any recognisable Legion chain of command. nd have therefore been forced to fight in less regimented but arguably far more flexible manner than a regular Space Marine Legion force. In audition, they donot maintain stocks of expendable’ war engines (such as Drop Pods, which must be vred and refurbished by specialist support unis ater deployment “The army never uses Rites of War but may stil use the alternative Age of Darkness Force Organisiton chart, ‘The fllowing Legiones Astrts units are unavallable to Blackshield detachment Legion Praetr, Legion Command Squad, Legion Tactical Squad, Legion Drop Pod, Lepion Dreadnought Drop Pod, and Deathstorm Drop Pod. ‘A Blackshiels Detachment may only include single Legion Consul + ABlacksheld Detachment may never have more nits withthe Vehicle rype chan i as units with the Infancy type excluding Dedicated Transports. Bucxsimi Srrcc Uns Inadditon to those found in the Crusade Army list subject Aetachment is acces to additional units: Blacksheld Marauders (which re a Troops choice onthe Force ‘Organistion char. In addition, thas a specific HQ choice, the Reaver Lord ands new Consul ype, the Dark Herald, which are unavailable to other Space Marine forces and which in the cate of the Reaver ocd replaces the Legion Prator normally available tothe Space Marine Crusade amy. previous restrictions) a Blckshield ‘ANote om Allegiances: While thete specifi allegiances may not always have been evident and thelr causes sometimes only tangentially aligned, Blacksheld army shoul til be declared se belonging to either the Loyalist or the Traitor faction before she game begins. This is because models in the opposing army might, [have rules that only come into play when facing onesie or the other Waovcur ny Wan Twa sid of he numerous bands of Blackshield that fought throughout the Age of Darkness that no 680 ‘were exactly alike and that each came into being in unique circumstances, Despite this, most Blickshield bunds can be broadly categorised in thei origins and as such, the owning player may choose one of following special rules ro apply to their entice detachment: Note that while these Wrought by War special rules provide particular unique advantages, they allalto have specific disadvantages and Kimitations, and s cost no additional points for your amy. Death Seekers Thee Blackie Pychologicallyuntaleither sw eat of what thy have wits orn om death has zoe the cote of there are motivated by an all-consuming drive ofr up her ow lives upon the altar of andor rough ba yenfore her a a bese rela 0 axclrste pyho-ndectri tonement or programmed obs, but they wl not mt death vainly ond without taking es many ofthe fe with them a they con. Through her foc of il rther move malig influnc, sich as probit ened experimentation, they ae ale shrug of tears det injury as they abandon threes the anarchy ofbattle + Inared to Pain: The unit gains the Feel No Pain (6) special ul, and does not need to take Ping tests or Morale checks as result of taking casualties fom shooting attacks + The Lure ofthe Batt test in order to end the Movement farther From any visible enemy model than it was atthe beginning ofthe phase. Ifthe rest filed, the unie moves Ds" toward the clorest enemy target instead, topping 1 away from enemy models. Units inside buildings, fortifications and Transport are not subject this fnvoluntary movement "The unit may not voluntarily tila Morale check and must passa Leadership Orphans of War Having ween betrayal, atrocity and unthinkable hardened veterans who have survived aginst al olds and now rs ony in the man next them in then of bate. or brothers they wil ght end dian strive tse another au, bul or grea couse o Prima, an hehe and whispers oflnds and potantts alk, hey have nothing but crn sage a the okt of stant and uncaring masters hese warriors are + Non-Character models with this spectal rule: When within 6” of another unit oft east five flendly ‘models with the Legiones Astartes (Blackshields) special rule, the unit guns +x Leadership (toa maximum ‘of 1) and can resol fled To Hit ols of 1 during the Shooting phase and Assault phase They may ot however benefit from the Leadership vale of other models, and if they fila Morale checkin the _Asesule pase, D3 models rom the unit are removed as catultics in addition to anyother efecs, + Character models with this special rale: Gain the Preferred Enemy (Character special rule. + No Gods, No Masters: blacksheld Detachments wi cis specal rue cannot include Chaplain Consuls, utlanders These Space Marines have sen the depths to which bth sides in Mankind ci war wl sink ton order te destroy the ther and they have washed their hands of ether side and ave nw pursuing theirowm goals having harmed owns ‘he pt ofthe mavauder and void ost determine the fat. Fr some who have previously served inthe nomad Predation fects andthe ft ofthe Rogue Traders atthe front ofthe Great Crusade’ darkest from this maybe version toa pat wereld in the as lthough with themselves as maser while others wll have Ben Soret ele by the wrt of enemy and onetime aly alike. + Vold Reavers: Before the gime begin, upto halfof the detachment’ infantry units without Dedicated ‘Transports may be given the Deep Strike special rule and enter play via Reserve, However should a Deep Serike mishap be suffered, the unit loses D3 models as casualties in addition to any other effet. + Unsanctioned Weaponry: Any model with this special rule in the detachment with acess toa combi bol bol do so inthe detachment hat accesso rad grenades san option for +10 points each san upgrade o option may instead take axenos deathlock for +8 point or may exchange a combi + points. Any character model that doesnot azeady hey already poses for xenos deathlock f + The Shadow of Oblivion: Make anote of how many units are in your army atthe start ofthe game wit this special rue and make this otal known to your opponent at the start ofthe game. Once half ofthese units have been either destroyed or are Falling Back, this special rule takes effect. Arthe beginning of ery suhenqnent Came Tarn, sheirconeolling playre mic make 2 Leadership ret foreach nit with thie special rule remaining fitful, the units removed fom play and counts as destroyed Chymeriae Asthe Age of Darknes 1 nto beng Lapione Astares who simply sold not hae exited Some were they ws of fled pid innlentation and pyc indcrination progres, others the produc of hibited ‘experimentation an goed tack rhe nftuence of malign fos fom beyond. Mot fen he suse for such brechthrough that wuld se he faction, Loyalist or cit gina decisive fn the war a goal whith for sme any taboo or sriure was worth breaking Alb they Brimarch or master apothecary, wha tered hiss learned the ello ther eo, Suck warns were when compared thse Legions Aster. teparable madnec ov cancerous mutation as trying ta behold a i was imately ft tet imvribly table or unpredictable means, while others sucumbed to + Chymeriae Attributes: Ar the tart ofthe game before set-up, the models owning player must declare which one of the following combination of bonuses and penalties applies toall units in the affected detachment with this special rule: (Option 1: +3 Strength, +1 Toughness, Initiative, 1" Charge and Ran distance, may not make ‘Sweeping Advances Option 2:41 WS, +r BS,-2 Ld (Option 3: The uni gains the Fear, Feet and Rage special ules,-r BS, must always make Sweeping ‘Advances fable to + Shunned and Distrusted: A Legions Astrtes(lackshields) Primary Detachment with thie special ule may not have an Allied Detachment. BLACKSHIELD Speciric EQuipMENT ‘The nature ofthe Bachsheld forces and thelr oen eae and ‘unorthodo ine of supply forced many ito the adoption of rpged and modthedequpment snd weapons in ondertomintain an effective fighting force. ‘Pariah’ Wargear ‘Various Blackshield groups were observed throughout the Age of ‘Darkness to wield ame and armour obviously eld modified in ‘variety of ways, sometimes simply to kep it functioning inthe ‘uolated conditions under which sch forces operated, but oten to Amprove is performance in some manner Such modifications were ‘not authorised by Lepiones Astates bare doctrine and often in {agrant contradiction ofthe laws ofthe Cult ofthe Machine. Such weaponry came tbe known as‘priah’ wargea, aterm indicative of the oust statu of those who implemented such mouifiatons. ‘Parish wargear maybe chosen a a direct replacement ofthe base ‘ype by any unit with access tit fr the same cost. For example, 2 “une thats taken equipped wth power armour may replace this with Pariah power armour st no additional cost, while a squad with acess 10 ‘lamers may having purchased the wespons exchange them fr Parish flamers for no addtional cost. When aking Pari wargear options, all cligible wespone in the unit must be upgraded in the same way. ‘Pariah Power Armour Some Blickshield forces were observed to modi thee power amour fa manner no presrbed by any doctrine f the Leones Astartes By siping back reactor easings. routing power couplings nd foregoing components sucha gauntlet moive sabilisersvambracs, ot el the wearers afordeds combination of ower and by sanded paterns albeit athe expense ck Pariah Bolter ‘Though rieves those inducted into the mysteries ofthe machine, some Blackshields have leaned to steipthe conic bolte of ts casing and any extraneous fitings in order ro make iesier to handle during the fury fa charge or the rumult of 2 Zone Mortals engagement. ‘Weapon ‘Str AP Range Type Pash bolter #5 6 Ateaule Ifa charge is made in the same player tur that a model fom the unit fired with tis weapon, the charge wil count as Disordered Pariah Flamer “These wespons produced from baele-damaged and feld-repaired units, have been mealfed by thie bearers to remove sfey cut off, allowing a greater volume of fuel tobe fred, albeit at rik and with less regularity of pressure chan standard issue Imperial flamers. Such protocols are not approved by the battle doctrines ofthe Legiones ‘Astartes and ae in contravention ofthe lws ofthe Cult Mechanicus. ‘Weapon Ste AP Range Type Pash famer 35 Template Assaule x, Overpressure COverpressure: A wespon with the Overpessute special rule may ‘erie at Ste ¢and with the Torrent and Gets Hot special rules The (Overpressure special rule may not be used to fire Overwatch. ‘Xenos Deathlock ‘There exist many terifyingly powerful uenos technology weapons encountered during the Great Crusade, which, though incredibly effective, have been declared prohibited by Meckanicum and Emperor like for their detrimental effets onthe body and mind of human ‘wieder The desperation of certain Blackshield forces, however, has overcome such concerns. Those wespons sought out by certain _ groupe ofBlckshields ate prized for the trauma they infic upon the foe—enemies not torn apart by thei hrvfying effect are assailed byastorm of soulwrenching alien horror. Such weapons have been encountered ina range of classes, such asthe extinction ebines of the Khrave or the paycho-mabiusclaw-guns ofthe Kal Sistrum being ‘the most commonly sought after amongst Blackshield forces. ‘Weapon Str AP Range Type Henosdestblock 55-38 Assault 2,Deathlock, “Lethal Exposure Deathlock: A unit that has suffered one or more wounds from ‘weapon withthe Deathlock special rule must take + Leadership est, atthe end ofthe Shooting phase before any Pinning tests or Morale ‘checks are taken. The test has a negative modifier equal tothe number ‘of wounds the target unit suffered with the Dethlock effec that urn Ifthe units Stubborn or Fearles, the tests il aken bu without the negative modifiers for casualties cused. Kthe test fled, the unt {immediately auffere D6 exea wounds which may be sved normally. “Lethal Exposure: unit fires one or more weapons with this Spee siden the Shon pha ol D6 tell eu ow Usevrmap Bucisain Buvcistew Gaove Coon Gesexe Hos Nonraray Suton ser, Trent's Won Depicted here isan unnamed watior of es Eas eile cootch ane i Gerazene Host. The Host appear tobe the elt 4 of rapid, unsanctioned gene-seed hybridisation | processes frst encountered inthe mide period i ‘of the Heresy. The source ofthe Host's gene: tl seedis unknown andthe warorsthemeeves i appeared unaware of ter ue lineage Some i Stvegosavans have posted thatthe Hoe were i ed aalving teror weapon, wrought by i anunknown hand and relesed it the galaxy i to ow death and destacion nthe ulna i furtherance of the Traitors cause ‘Treabs World The warrior depicted here fought in the Tresb’s World campaign, conflict that bined forfour long years nd which ultimately drew in and defeated a lage contingent ofthe Salamanders Legion. While the Host operated independently, issstratepies were in retrospect clearly covalgned with thse ofthe Death Guard and Emperors Children forces also deployed to Treab’s World. The warrior wears production Mark VLegiones Astartes power armour, its source unknown thas neverbore the heraldry of any Legion and benesth the accrued weathering of long campaign displays the bare metalic grey of unadorned cezamite. The markings ate cypical, ofthe Host, each applied bythe bearer and representing what ppear tobe arcane and iiosyncratic glyphs of unknown provenance, The'L sig onthe right shoulder pauldcon ‘was worn by most warriors ofthe Host ts significance unclear to Imperial svants i} i (Gerasene Host Armoutial Loon Blackshield Individual Markings (Unknown Significance) | 130 POINTS ws ms os oT wor A Wd sy Reaver Lord BPE TIRAPEN A 615 ynlhe 100% ‘Unit Composition Options + xBlackshield Reaverord + ALBlackshield Reaver Lord may take one of the following ‘oli or Peis blir. + pots Combiswespon ‘to points Volkite charger. 10 points Xenos deathlock +8 points Wargear (Reaver Lord only) + Alackshicld Reaver Lord may exchange cither ther bot pista + Power armour and/or chainsword/combat blade for one ofthe following + Bole pistol Volkite serpents +s points + Chainsword or combat blade Plasma pst 4s points + Frag 6ckrk grenades Archacotech pistl +20 points Heavy chainsword 10 points ‘Wargear (Terminator only) CCharnabl sabre. +o points + Terminator amour Power weapon ‘xs points (Tararusor cataphrae) rower fist. 20 pts + Combilter Single lightning claw 20 pints + Power weapon, ‘Thunder hammer. sas poins Hal blade a5 points |Special Rule (Al) + Adlackshield Reaver Lord may exchange both their bol pistl and | = Legiones Astartes chainsword/combat blade for a ai oflihtning claws... 25 pints (ilackshields) ABlackshield Reaver Lord may take any ofthe following + Independent Character -Melta bombs, ss points Digital lasers ses pointe Cyber familia 10 points ad grenades xo points ‘+ A.Blackshield Reaver Lord may upgrade single weapon to become: Mastercrafted ‘ro pints + A Blackshield Reaver Lord may exchange thelr power armour for: Pariah power amour Free Atificer armour 40 pints “Terminator armour (se page 225) ABlackshild Reaver Lord may take one ofthe following Combats wasps ele ld al Boarding shield +10 points: : ia =r casera ll «Bch Ra Lod lo ae ae De ear iw inked inks = Legion Scimitar Jetbke witha heavy baer. 45 pints ‘Options (Terminator only) + Alternatively, the Reaver Lord may be equipped with Terminator srmour If thisis the case they use the fllowing list of options “artarus Terminator armour with combi bolter and power weapon, +35 points Cataphrecti Terminator armour swith combi-bolter and power weapon, +35 points ‘Terminator Reaver Lord may exchange their combrbolter for one ofthe following CCombi-weapon i +7 points Volkite charger. +7 points ‘Xeno Desthlock +7 points + ATerminator Reaver Lord may exchange their power weapon for one of the following: Power ist or lghtning claw. _ +10 points Chains. a, #45 points ‘Thunder hammer. ~ +20 points Halo blade +35 points [A Terminator Reaver Lord may exchange both ther power weapon and combicbolter fora par of lightning lw, ‘30 points + AlTerminator Reaver Lord may take digital asers.-.—#45 points + ATerminator Reaver Lord may take an iro halo +10 points + A Terminator Reaver Lord may upgrade single weapon to become: Mastercafted enema OUDS [Terminator Reaver Lord may takes grenade harness 40 points Halo Blade | ‘Some Reaver Lords eschew more conventional blades fordesdly | "weapons obtained on the finges of known space, While they lack | ‘the repute and reliability of the great paragon blades of Ancient Terra they are perhaps no les lethal ‘Weapon Range Str AP Type Hal bade wes ee at eee ee eee] ayer ines known throughout the Ps pare! eevee ted reenter Sener etd etc ey firmed rumour which see eet ere ee eee ere pacer eerie ‘Tue NEMEAN REAVER as Dan Brot Fis “The Nemean Reaver Unit Composition + 1 (Unigue) Unit Type + Infantry (Character) Wargear + Calibanite lammbard + Kithairon war plate + Master-crafted bol pistol + Iron halo + Brag &ckrak grenades Special Rules + Independent character + Legiones Astate (Blackshields ~ Outlanders) + Sears ofthe Xenocide + Jealous Command + Warlord (ifthe Nemean isthe amy’s Warlord, he has the Fist Lord ofthe Datk Brotherhood Trait rather than rolling randomly) Calibanite Flammbard This double-handed power sword san example ofthe work ofa hidden order of Calibaniceblade-smiths anda peerless example of its type, and did much in ce eyes of outsiders to brand the Nemean as once a Dark Angel The blade ofthis sword is formed intoa distinctive wave-shape that amaster such asthe Nemean can use to parry his opponent’ blows in such away ato fatally disrupt thet swordplay ‘Weapon Range Ste AP Type Calibaniteflammbard - 41-2 Melee,Two-handed, Flame-edged Flame-edged: Enemy models fighting against the Nemean ina Challenge suffer penalty of to theie Weapon Skill. ithairon War Plate “The Nemean Reavers armour isheld by some to contain elements of far older suit of power armour, posibly pre-dating the rise of the Imperium by many millennia, The Kithairon war plate confers the Eternal Warior and ‘Adamantium Will special rues, and counts a Void Hardened (Glled saves aginst Bast and Template weapons may be re-rolled and addtional special rules ate conferred when using the Zone Morais expansion) Scars ofthe Xenocide “Hidden inthe shadows beneath a ragged edged hood, the Nemean's face ia ewited mass of sar issue, the resulr of hideous and "unnatural wounds some sy were sustained at the height of the apocalyptic Rangdan Xenocides. Those who look upon tha face cannot fil but be consumed by horror. ‘The Nemean Reaver causes Fear and is himself Fels Jealous Command fahe Nemean Reavers chosen as part ofthe army, he must be par, ofits Primary Detachment and he must be the srmy’s Warlord. ‘Warlord: First Lord of the Dark Brotherhood ‘Though the fcts surrounding the establishment ofthe Dark Brotherhood remain largely obscured its known tht the Nemean ‘was the groups fist maser, and it was to him that numerous Blackshelds allied as they sought to carve out their own domain

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