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Zach Anderson

October 20, 2016

Health 1020 M,W,1-230
Paul Roberts

Fruits, this is a food category that includes some of the tastiest foods
out there; some examples of fruits are apples, oranges, kiwi, watermelon,
cantaloupe, and many more. If I were to name all of them, it could probably
fill my whole paper. Fruits and humans need each other to grow strong and
healthy, more so we need them than they need us. They are packed with
many sorts of health benefits. I will list the most common fruits in society
and go through the health benefits of each one.
Citrus Fruits. First off all the fruits in this group are known to contain
the acid called citrus and otherwise described as hesperidium in which the
fruit is described to be made up of segments that have special hair cells that
contain fluid all covered with a leather like rind containing oil pits with in.
Most citrus fruits grow in tropical to sub-tropical environments on a tree that
grows no more than 30feet tall. Examples of these fruits include
clementines, grapefruits, kumquat, lemon, rough lemon, lime, leech lime,
tangelo, tangerine, satsuma, mandarin, and one of the most popular the
orange. Let us focus on the orange, it is widely cultivated and consumed
here in the U.S. it is packed with many vitamins, anti-oxidants and
phytochemicals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamin, pyridoxine, folates,

hesperidin, naringin, alpha- carotene, beta- carotene, beta- kryptoxanthin,

zea- xanthan, and lutein. Eating an orange is almost like eating an all-natural
pharmacy of goodness.
Next let us talk about the melon family. There are many types of
melons, all of them as sweet and juicy as the last. A few examples of melons
would be the cantaloupe, honeydew, casaba, santa claus melon, Crenshaw,
and the most famous water melon. The watermelon is a great source of
water and vitamin A, thiamin, vitamin C, manganese, pyridoxine, and
potassium with very low calories. Other great benefits include the
antioxidants like lycopene, lutein, beta- carotene, zeaxanthin, and
kryptoxanthin. With the amounts of potassium and water in watermelon,
makes it a great source of hydration on a hot summer day. Lycopene is found
in great amounts in water melon, somewhere around 4532 micrograms for
every 100g of melon. It has been found to help skin resist effects of UV
radiation. If you want to ward off dehydration, strengthen your immune
system, and have less severe sunburns then watermelon is a great choice to
include in your diet. Along with the fantastic watermelon, the cantaloupe is
packed with just as many if not more benefits. Cantaloupes are also known
as muskmelons because of their musky taste. They are super high in
Vitamin A with 3382 micrograms per serving of fruit; just like watermelon, it
is also high in vitamin C and many B- Vitamins that contribute greatly to
health especially superoxide dismutase which is a huge a part of antioxidants
in humans.

Next, on my list is pineapples. They are the only edible bromeliad in

the world, they are very rich in vitamin C and are like apples in calorie,
soluble, and insoluble fiber. This fruit is so rich in vitamin C that only 100g of
it can contain anywhere from 48-80% of the daily intake. Other vitamins and
minerals include vitamin A, folate, thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, copper,
manganese, and potassium. Something very important that pineapple
contains is the enzyme bromelain that has anti- cancer, clotting and
inflammatory properties, it also helps break down and digest proteins.
Pineapple is one potent food that is loved by many.
Let us get away from groups and talk about one thing, apples. Apples
can help you control your blood sugar by providing your body with
polyphenols that help it not spike. They also contain a little bit of fiber it isnt
much but it has as big as impacts as food with higher amounts of fiber; for
instance, the fiber in apples helps control blood fat levels and other benefits
to the cardio vascular system. Apples are in a gigantic family called the
Rose Family which includes peaches, plums, pears, almonds, raspberries,
and many more. Now back to apples, the have many helpful flavonoids such
as kaempferol, myricetin, and the most common one quercetin. An
interesting fact about apples is the reason why theyre red, it is because they
need to protect themselves from UV rays, the polyphenols in the apples skin
react to the UV rays to protect the photosynthetic cells that are also in the
skin, it is kind of like a self- protective sunscreen. These polyphenols also
contribute to apples browning when they are cut or bruised. This happens

when the polyphenols start to oxidize by enzymes through what is called

polyphenol oxidases; along with oxidizing the browning of an apple it also
releases a gas called ethylene gas that speeds up the ripening of the apple
its self and other fruits around them. What makes apples s great you may
ask? The direct answer is because of all the polyphenols that the apple
contains are very helpful antioxidants that prevent the oxidation of cell
membrane fats primarily the ones that are in our arteries to prevent clots; it
is also believed/ backed by many studies that it helps prevent lung cancer
and asthma.
Now, lets get back to the groups. The Rose Family, this is probably
one of the most important groups because it accompanies MANY different
fruits such as cherries, plums, pears, peaches, and the almighty apple that
we learned much about. Like the apple, the pear also has a nice solid body
with seeds in the middle and a colorful skin and just as many health benefits
as the apple. Cherries are a little different though, with their dark rich color
comes with a powerful kick of antioxidants that are concentrated the most in
the skin of the cherry. Like the other fruits above cherries antioxidants
include lutein, zea- xanthin, and beta carotene to take care of those
damaging free radicals. One great antioxidant is melatonin that could
potentially cross the blood- brain barrier that could relieve the effects of
headaches, insomnia, and neurosis. They also have an anti- inflammatory
effect to decrease chances of heart related issues. How can these little
things in nature get better you may wonder? Cherries only get better

because they contain an assortment of minerals such as potassium, zinc

manganese, and iron. Last but not least cherries are some of the most
tasteful little fruits on the market and are beloved by many. This makes
cherries an amazing piece of nature that is out to make mankinds life on
earth only that much better.
In conclusion, fruits are just plain out amazing, they are like natures
perfect snacks that nothing that man has ever made even comes close. Not
only is everything about them biodegradable so it doesnt pollute the planet
for centuries like plastic on granola bars but they pack enough calories,
vitamins, and minerals to get you by on the go. They reduce the risk of
cancer with their polyphenols, help with problems such as asthma,
hypertension, headaches, digestive issues, provide fiber, provide good
cholesterol, and other cardiovascular issues. To end fruits make it easier to
get everything the human needs to thrive in this world.


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