Kate Catherine Kathleen-Mini Unit Lesson 3

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Kate, Catherine, Kathleen

Grade: 3
Activity: Beginners Guide to Moving to Canada, India, or Peru
(Combining both English and Social Studies blocks)
Key Question: What would happen if I moved to another country?
General Outcomes:
Social Studies: 3.1: Students should understand and appreciate geography,
language and culture of Ukraine, India, Peru, and Tunisia.
Social Studies: 3.2: Students will appreciate, and understand the role of Canadian
Citizens in relation to communities in India, Tunisia, Ukraine and Peru.
Specific Outcomes:
Social Studies: 3.1.1: Students will appreciate the similarities and differences in
communities: Demonstrate an awareness of an interest in the beliefs, traditions and customs
of groups and communities other than their own.
Social Studies: 3.1.2- Examine the social, cultural and linguistic characteristics that
affect quality of life in communities in other parts of the world by exploring and reflecting
- what are the traditions, celebrations, stories and practices in the communities that
connect people to the past and to each other.
- how is cultural diversity expressed within each community?
Social Studies: 3.1.3: Examine the geographic characteristics that shape
communities in other parts of the world by exploring and reflecting upon:
- Where on a globe/map are the communities in relation to Canada?
- How does the physical geography influence the human activities within the
Social Studies: 3.2.2: Explore the concept of global citizenship by reflecting on:
-How are the rights, responsibilities and roles of citizens around the world the same
or different than those of Canadian citizens?
English: 1.2: experiment with arranging and recording ideas and information in a
variety of ways.
English 3.2: ask topic-appropriate questions to identify information needs.

Goals: Students will understand how different countries may have

similar overarching ideologies while having many minute differences
between cultures.
Objective: Students will be able to tie together their understandings
of various countries and cultures: How are Canada, Peru, and India
similar and how do they differ? Students will understand difficulties in
moving to a new country while also exploring how it is sometimes
beneficial to move somewhere else.

Pre lesson Considerations:

Lesson overview of main ideas to be learned and pre-learning required:
-How to use iMovie (learned in previous classes, refresher video at the beginning of class)
-Research and knowledge about Canada, India, and Peru (learned in previous 2 lessons)
-What does a good interview look like? (Video and discussion during introduction)
Materials needed/preset up required/logistical considerations needed (seating
-Access to iPads
-Pre-determined groups (separated based on Peru/India groups, also on technological
strengths and who does/doesnt work together well in a group)

What is the teacher
Include Key questions,
logistics, key concepts that
will be addressed, methods
of formative assessment

n (how will you
Connections to

estimation: 20

Students will begin sitting at

their usual tables. Teacher
will hand out whiteboards (1
per table). Teacher will ask
students to discuss and
choose one thing they
remember about X (Canada,
India, Peru, respectively)
culture, country, location, etc
from their research. Groups
will write one thing at a time
on their whiteboards and then
hold up. Teacher will look at
these boards and say them
aloud, mentioning what is
correct/gaps in knowledge.
ASSESSMENT that connects
previous learning to what will
be done in this class. It also
helps students back up each
others knowledge and helps
the teacher recognize where
there are gaps in knowledge.
If there are gaps, after the

What are the students doing?

Students will participate in a

whiteboard activity: each table will
discuss and then write down one
thing they remember about Peru,
Canada, and India, respectively.

game, ask probing questions

like Who, from the Peru
group, can tell me about if
there are any kinds of religion
practiced in India? etc.
-Review how to use iMovie
with the students (should
know the basics from
previous classes) using this
https://www.youtube.com/wa -Will review how to use iMovie by
watching the video.
-Watch Kids Answer What
is the best country in the
-Will watch and be engaged in the
Kids Answer video.
-Ask students questions
about the Kids Answer
video such as: (have kids
discuss question in table
group for 1 minute, inform
them that each table has to

-Participate in the teacher led

discussion about the video (working
with table group, finding one answer
per table)

- did they all name countries?

-do you think the kids did a
good job of explaining why a
country was the best?
-what could they have done
differently with their
This will ensure students
understand what is expected
by the questions and
answers connected to the
following project: Students
will understand how to give
fully fleshed out answers.

Provide students with predetermined groups (two

Students will receive their predetermined groups, join up and wait


Activity 1
(add more if

Time est:
15 minutes

students that previously

studied Peru, and two that
studied India. Fifth student
will be assigned depending
upon whether or not the
group will need a stronger
addition for the Peru or the
India research. Groups will
also include students who
are stronger at reading,
writing or speaking to assist
their classmates who might
struggle in these areas) and
ask them to get into their
Bring attention back to the
teacher with clapping (If you
can hear me clap twice)

for further instruction.

Ask 1 student from each

group to come up and take
assignment instruction
sheets for the rest of their

1 student from each group will take

assignment instruction sheets for the
rest of their group.

Teacher will go through

instructions with students
before beginning task.

Class will also go over and

discuss the rubric upon
which students learning will
measured. Teacher will
describe or show ways in
which students can achieve
excellence. By presenting a
poor example as well,
teacher will have students
discuss how this example
could be improved.
Students will work together in
their groups to create a
script for an interview video
that they will be creating.

Students will go through instructions

with teacher before beginning task.
Will ask any necessary questions for
Students will participate in a
discussion around the rubric upon
which they will be marked. They will
examine examples of excellence and
discuss how poor examples can be
improved. Students will also discuss
what they might need to include in a
great project.

After instructions have been made

clear, students will work together in
their groups to create a script for
the interview video that they will be

Script will include 6 studentmade questions that will be

asked about each country
(Canada, Peru, & India) with
answers describing and
selling each country to the
interviewer who will be asking
the questions.
Questions will be based on
the research that students
conducted in previous lesson
Questions should be posed
as, If I were to move to
(country name) what would
the ______ be like?
Ex. If I were to move to India,
what would the religion be
like?/ what kind of customs
do they have?
script has been made,
students will bring their
script to the teacher to have
their questions approved
Teacher will be looking for the
accuracy of questions and
The depth of the knowledge:
Are they using their research
to analyze and compare the
different countries?
Are their questions looking
for answers longer than a yes
or no?
After their script is approved
ASSESSMENT), students
may take an iPad and begin
making their video interview
either in the library (if they
can work independently) or in
the classroom.

Students will take an iPad

after having their scripts

-Students will work as a group

to come up with 6 questions
that they will be asking about
each country (Canada, Peru,
& India) using the knowledge
they gained from the research
performed in the previous
-After creating the 6 questions
they will be asking, students
will come up with answers to
each of the 6 questions for
each of the 3 countries that
will describe and sell the
country they are talking about
to the interviewer.

Once they are finished their script,

students will take it up to the teacher
for approval. If their script is
approved students will receive an iPad
and work in either the library or
classroom to complete their video
interview project.

Students will receive an iPad after

their scripts have been approved


approved and will go to work

in the library or classroom to
create their interview video.

Activity 2

Time Est:
40 minutes

Teacher will be a facilitator

and guide for students
making their interview
Walk around (in classroom
and library) to ensure
students are on-task
Answer any questions that
will clarify the project for the
Answer any questions that
come up when using iMovie
or iPad after they have asked
at least one other group for a

When groups finish their

interview video they will
return to the classroom and
hand in their iPads with the
video interview saved and
their scripts.
Students will silently read
until all groups have finished.

and will stay in the classroom or

move to the library to work on their
video creation.
Once students are in their
workplace, they will decide which 3
students would like to act as
ambassadors for a country (Peru,
India, & Canada), which student will
be the interviewer, and which student
will be filming the interview.
The interviewer is a potential
immigrant and will be asking the 6
questions that the students came up
with in their groups to each of the
Ambassadors will answer the
questions that the interviewer asks
(using the answers they came up in
their groups). Their goal will be to
sell their country to the interviewer
so that the interviewer wants to move
to that country.
The person filming will be in charge of
filming the interview, keeping in mind
techniques they have previously
learned (e.g. heads & tails)

After students finish filming their

interview they will return to the
classroom and hand their iPad with
their interview saved and their
scripts, to the teacher to watch at the
end of class or next day.
If there is time left over and groups
are still working, students will silently
read until all groups have finished or
until the end of class


How will you

If all groups finish their video

interviews and there is time
left over, teacher will plug
iPads into the SMARTboard

If all groups finish their video

interviews and there is time left over,
the teacher will plug iPads into the
SMARTboard (or available

know if
learned what
you hoped?
to next

(or available technology) for

students & teacher to watch
video interviews as a class.
If there is no time at the end
of the class then time will be
set aside the next day to
watch video interviews.
Exit slip (For teacher
reflection): students will fill
out a card stating 1 thing
they liked about the project
and 1 thing they found
difficult about it.

technology) for students & teacher to

watch video interviews. If there is no
time at the end of the class then time
will given during next days class to
watch the video interviews.

Students will fill out a card stating 1

thing they liked about the project and
1 thing they found difficult.

All videos will uploaded to

class blog or website so that
the teacher has a place to
review the videos to
SUMMATIVELY mark them.

This ultimately summative performance task will include many opportunities for formative
assessment (assessment for learning scaffolds up to this summative assessment).
Formative assessment will include:
The introduction whiteboard activity that helps students recall information and helps teacher
fill in the gaps of learning
By discussing the rubric, students will know what is expected of them, thus they will plan
their assignment based on the end goals in mind
The group scripts will be checked by the teacher to ensure the right kinds of questions and
answers are being addressed
The teacher will answer any questions along the way about the filmmaking process or the
scripts, thus assessing what students understand
Summative assessment will include:
The final video product and scripts, assessed based on a rubric previously discussed with
the class.
We chose groups based on who has researched India and Peru: we made sure to have at
least two students who researched each country to ensure there are experts in each group.
Groups were also designed with students strengths in mind (ie if one student is not great at
writing and spelling, there are others who are great at this within the group.
If students prefer to plan on the computers, the performance task will posted on the class
Extension and extra time activity:
Students who have finished early will read silently to themselves until all groups have
finished or until the teacher instructs them otherwise.

Beginners Guide to Moving to Canada, India or Peru

Johnnys family will be moving from England to a new country at the end
of the school year and havent decided yet between Canada, India or
Peru. You have been hired by Johnnys family to make a video that
helps them learn more about each country in the form of an interview.

Within each group, find a member who wants to be:

An ambassador for Canada
An ambassador for India
An ambassador for Peru
An interviewer
A videographer (Filmer)
Remember, the ambassadors and the interviewer want to help Johnny
and his family make the best choice. The videographer must remember
the key components and techniques of filmmaking that we previously
talked about in class (minimal shaking, heads and tails, etc.).
After your roles have been decided, your group must come up with six
questions for the interview, and the answers for these questions. Use
full sentences with proper sentence structure.

Question 1 to ask Indian, Peruvian, and Canadian Ambassadors:


Question 2 to ask Indian, Peruvian, and Canadian Ambassadors:
Question 3 to ask Indian, Peruvian, and Canadian Ambassadors:

Question 4 to ask Indian, Peruvian, and Canadian Ambassadors:

Question 5 to ask Indian, Peruvian, and Canadian Ambassadors:
Question 6 to ask Indian, Peruvian, and Canadian Ambassadors:

Peru Answers to:

Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Question 6:

India Answers to:

Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Question 6:

Canada Answers to:

Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Question 6:

Use the checklist provided to help your group create the best project you can.

My Group Has:

Fill Out/Check When


Found an ambassador for India, Peru, and



Found a videographer


Found an interviewer


Wrote out our six questions (with proper

sentence structure and full sentences) and
had them checked by a teacher
Wrote out our answers for each country
(with proper sentence structure and full
sentences) and had them checked by a
Filmed and edited the video of the interview,
keeping in mind the techniques we
studied and will be marked on.
Handed in the completed video and our
original questions and answers

Communications Technology and Education Rationale:

By incorporating an iMovie into a project where students are tying together

information they have researched on Canada, India, and Peru, the students will have a fun
and engaging way to collaborate and scaffold their knowledge. Because they already have
the information they need to use in this iMovie project, this class or lesson will be about
using the conveniences and benefits of technology to present this knowledge in an
accessible way. Although it can be difficult to teach students how to use a new technological
device or application, we have accounted for this in our lesson. We will also play on the
strengths of our students to help each other answer questions rather than abandon each
other to figure it out alone. By keeping our task simple (an interview format), there is less
editing for students to do: the main focus is on the information they are presenting. Their
learning will ultimately be enhanced by this because there are less distractions or problems
they should run into, and the format is a fun and open-ended way to demonstrate learning.
It is very important to make sure to assess where students skill levels are at
regarding usage of the iMovie. By including a refresher video at the beginning of the class,
we help students remember how to use this application. We also have included a video
presentation to provoke students thoughts on what a good interview might look like. This
example will allow students to excel in this. Students are also told to ask another group if
they have any questions BEFORE asking the teacher. This ensures they become partners in
each others learning and builds community strength. The teacher will need to ensure iPads
are booked for this class (based on the assumption that the school has iPads). If iPads are
not available, laptops will also suffice. This is one of the downsides of incorporating
technology: technology might not always be available. Thus, a lesson like this really depends
on the school itself and what kind of funding and support it has. I think this technology itself
will be engaging and self motivating enough to get the students very excited about the
project: the idea of having them acting while creating a video covers many of the bases.
Furthermore, for this project we will have pre-determined the groups based on roles and will
have already considered which students work together, which are responsible enough to
handle the usage of technology, etc.
Although we already explained some possible technological problems above, another
issue that might come up is technological problems in itself. For example, if some of the
iPads arent working on that day, if a students project accidentally isnt saved, etc. Although
a problem like this would throw a big kink in plans, it is possible that groups could work
together to make up for the damage done if a project is lost. Also, because the projects are
being marked on the evidence of learning, this evidence is already clear in the students
planning. Therefore, if students work together to create the video, their ideas and evidence is
already on paper.

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