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The Woting of Melanie Kin Unde he general ip of "Roger Money-Kyrle ‘wlan a Betty Joseph, Edna O'Shaughnessy and Hanna Segal Volume Volare 1 Volare 1V ‘The Writings of Melanie Klein Volume 111 ENVY AND GRATITUDE AND OTHER WORKS 1946-1963 by Melanie Klein [Ee ‘THE FREE PRESS 4 Division of Macmillan, Ine ‘New York 4s 10 ENVY AND GRATITUDE" (957) mye nttl i i t oe Peerar ere rtent ater re SONS olay ie ce Sig ide ied ce Be tec SISLGHE Se eh hectare Serw uta are Riu see aS ins Seta cpio ag Seah igi a en ey Eto a Sear age he aed someting inne wn lig ce aac erly St ely ae li a hand tnt ein oc ig eri i et SOnST coer Seen ce ante igre Bai gues Sy ieynciiies methane Sa ee epee lcion Load Silty aclhgdty ane har et wanes Spiele see ae eee ‘Sonbariie ctgemade triad geal srt” Eel ese Sea Sept an, td et oo me Seo tae pin geen Papeete yee crt SS SU ge oe ii an ona ne ae nt ane a ‘Sh ior of the Devdopmen ofthe Lido, wed in te "taping tages ioknaesmeeeine tia maar eleanor Goa ceieonene wna eames eaiaec arenas ‘Sik as Ju ays nk parle eer eg ele " | ENVY AND GRATITUDE ght of Mental Dhorden, writen ia gay, Abrabem did not Boe Pane lack hen abled artes es ome a : Howevey, in us book Abraham expired he woof Reeet {npr and apple ths adwaning fo the Seely of et Afcubances more pelicaly han had eer beta dey ee ‘Sppers foe tat ctbough head oot made we of Freud's concept ihe Ue spd death lnsincy, ht lta york prteiagy ee alps of the Sint mandeprenve patent to be ana wea inoed on inh which was fling hin that decor Tt sve that Abrams cry denh prevented hs rencng ie fal Iptatons ois ows cing and eal onsen wo Frends dicovery tte two ines, ‘A Cam abot to publah Eng ad Gat, tee decades ser bran death Es sue pat een me ay ‘ork has conte sche roving coon of the a sgn, ‘eof Abraham's dco Hire I intend to mate some frther suggestions a apa eee mae ce amenes icra te ae ae pilin etc ce seins oe sree ne eateatt Etraniraanal a tartan mae aaa aoa ec ean separ ee acer ee astet iGecrinincrmsasmuana: Socheeerrra Soyneenant eterna Suteh bien o eres eas SEE iseawest ip uri Rarer eet te i eta cement neamee Sioulioee weit etatcen Po rece ics a mriceareeene ese Se ase SI cites anetimnrant eve ard aaa oo ed hat whch aeverhls npat oft cerca Sa ee eee Sse Reeth ae Ee Rosen Ran deren bream Snes Stoica iene met T have often refered to the infants desire forthe inexhaustible, cee ate a a Sinise ebecuiot sews oe a eer Solcopeaaaeemmatatal Sifnimtittnent espasectat tia Sie aie ect eaee nena ssp ee Tepe SN (oes eae Seber ens Se ee eee Se eee oe itr 5 WRITINGS OF MELANIE KLEIN 946-1965 in feeding chldcen which have cone about in recent year, in contrast the rather Figd way of feeding according to ineabe, ‘hnnot almgetner preven the mnt aes, bees the mother ‘Gnhot eliminate his desuactveipulus and pesecutory ans. ‘There ie another point tobe considered. A to anxious aiede on the par af the mother who, whenever the infant cre, 2 once Drestnt him with fond, ep to the infant He ela the other snxity and Wie increase hb om. T have alo met in ‘lls the grievance that they had not been aliowod ery enough, fi hereby mised he polity of expresing ansty a gue (and ‘hug geting rele) so that neither aggressive impales nor depresive Stnltee could eulicently nd an outlet Ie of dnteret that ‘Abrahams meatins, among the factors which undedie manic- Mepretivelinesy both excenive fotration and too great ind (eaes Fr frsteation, int encestive, fe alo a tinlu for adapt {Sou tothe extemal world ad forthe development of the sense of fealty. In fat, a ceresin amonnt of tration flowed by gules Son might gee the fafa te faing tht he hus been able fo cope with his anxiety. have ali found that the sans wfalled dlesrer-~whieh are to some extent incapable of fllment are an rportant contbutory factor he sublimation and creative vides. The aboenee ef eonft i he infant isch a hypeteal tate con be imagined, would depive im of enicament of is penonaity and of am inportant Carte in the strengthening of his go. For confit, and the need Yo overcome it io fendamental ‘ement i eeativene. ‘rom the contention tht envy api the primal good objet, ad cjver aed impet to sdatie stacks onthe bret further cone lone are "Ehe beet attacked inthe wy as lott vale tha become tad by being biten up and potoned by wine and fice, Excesive cory irs he ful of such stacks nod thie Ghia ths makes it more diel forthe infant to eg tae toe good objec; whereas sadistic attach onthe bese that are Fes

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