#Syrian Civil War

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[2016-10-30 02:42:17] Joined channel #SyrianCivilWar

[2016-10-30 02:42:17] * Channel mode is +CPTfnprtx 5:1 10:4
[2016-10-30 02:42:17] * Channel timestamp is 1379021263
[2016-10-30 02:42:36] Libdem quit (Libdem@user/Libdem): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 02:46:24] <Schweini_for_Hillary> .tell sisisi ever notice how r/turk
ey users switches to turkish when its a topic they're ashamed of or not proud of
[2016-10-30 02:46:24] <Mossad> Schweini_for_Hillary: I'll pass that on when sisi
si is around.
[2016-10-30 02:46:45] <Eck> https://twitter.com/owhy3/status/792258278143197184
[2016-10-30 02:46:45] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @owhy3 (news_sense): Russia is Soros white w
halea creature he has been trying to capture and kill-off for nearly a decade...h
ttps://t.co/Uy6axQ5zcz Leaks show. (23 hours and 52 minutes ago)
[2016-10-30 02:46:45] <Eck> wew
[2016-10-30 02:46:54] <dumbass> how is sisisi not banned from r/turkey
[2016-10-30 02:47:00] <dumbass> doesnt he troll there all the time
[2016-10-30 02:47:25] <Schweini_for_Hillary> he was a frequent poster
[2016-10-30 02:47:36] <Schweini_for_Hillary> they slandered him all the time for
being kurdish
[2016-10-30 02:47:51] <Schweini_for_Hillary> but the mods know him so idk
[2016-10-30 02:49:11] <denadryne> yeah
[2016-10-30 02:49:12] <denadryne> notvladedivac
[2016-10-30 02:49:13] <denadryne> duh
[2016-10-30 02:49:18] <denadryne> the stoner turkish american
[2016-10-30 02:49:19] <denadryne> basically cenk
[2016-10-30 02:49:29] <Eck> lmao
[2016-10-30 02:49:53] <denadryne> every time i talk to that guy hes jerking off
to non turkish turk girls
[2016-10-30 02:50:15] <Schweini_for_Hillary> the hell is a non turkish turk girl
[2016-10-30 02:50:52] <American_Person> guten abend
[2016-10-30 02:51:28] <denadryne> schweini_for_hillary azeris turkmen uygurs
[2016-10-30 02:51:39] <Schweini_for_Hillary> o
[2016-10-30 02:51:42] <denadryne> basically cenk uygur with a wig
[2016-10-30 02:54:10] pastorkoala joined (uid79563@math/mmango)
[2016-10-30 02:54:10] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v pastorkoala
[2016-10-30 02:57:04] Jenkins quit (Jenkins@syriancivilwar/Jenkins): Quit: http:
//www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 02:57:52] <Eck> https://twitter.com/walid970721/status/7924881519358
[2016-10-30 02:57:52] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @walid970721 (Walid): Muhaysni named source
s in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait who financed the 100 missiles fired on civil
ians in W. Ale https://t.co/wdUuHDlOZI (8 hours and 49 minutes ago)
[2016-10-30 02:58:28] <denadryne> eck never sleeps
[2016-10-30 02:58:31] <denadryne> how much meth ya got
[2016-10-30 02:58:32] P3TC0CK quit (P3TC0CK@user/P3TC0CK): Quit: http://www.kiwi
irc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 03:00:09] <Eck> slept already
[2016-10-30 03:00:39] pkk1978 joined (pkk1978@Snoonet-7km.t4u.iqfs7d.IP)
[2016-10-30 03:00:53] <Eck> its 7am
[2016-10-30 03:00:54] <Eck> ree
[2016-10-30 03:03:27] pogostik joined (pogos@Snoonet-ok1.1om.d81in3.IP)
[2016-10-30 03:05:53] pkk1978 quit (pkk1978@Snoonet-7km.t4u.iqfs7d.IP): Quit: ht
tp://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 03:21:09] iblis joined (dabiq@user/iblis)
[2016-10-30 03:21:09] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v iblis
[2016-10-30 03:24:03] dabiq quit (dabiq@user/dabiq): Ping timeout: 121 seconds
[2016-10-30 03:24:15] Schweini_for_Hillary quit (Schweini_fo@user/Schweini-for-H
illary/x-58872265): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 03:39:51] nee4speed111 joined (nee4speed11@Snoonet-hn7.qhf.o2cdp3.IP

[2016-10-30 03:39:51] * calvin.snoonet.org set +v nee4speed111
[2016-10-30 03:39:51] * Bashar set +o nee4speed111
[2016-10-30 03:45:10] denadryne quit (denadryne@user/denadryne): Quit: http://ww
w.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 04:02:47] * Mulder is now known as CantDodgeTheRodge
[2016-10-30 04:03:02] * CantDodgeTheRodge is now known as Mulder
[2016-10-30 04:08:21] iblis quit (dabiq@user/iblis): Ping timeout: 121 seconds
[2016-10-30 04:27:07] MarsOz joined (MarsOz@user/MarsOz)
[2016-10-30 04:27:07] * tx.snoonet.org set +v MarsOz
[2016-10-30 04:28:06] SerNemesis quit (~uid57206@user/SirNemesis): Quit: Connect
ion closed for inactivity
[2016-10-30 04:34:16] dabiq joined (dabiq@user/dabiq)
[2016-10-30 04:34:16] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v dabiq
[2016-10-30 04:40:26] dabiq quit (dabiq@user/dabiq): Quit: Bye
[2016-10-30 04:40:34] dabiq joined (dabiq@user/dabiq)
[2016-10-30 04:40:34] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v dabiq
[2016-10-30 04:41:07] Dune joined (Dune@Snoonet-20j.244.3u4l8i.IP)
[2016-10-30 04:41:07] * quokka.snoonet.org set +v Dune
[2016-10-30 04:41:07] Dune quit (Dune@Snoonet-20j.244.3u4l8i.IP): Changing host
[2016-10-30 04:41:07] Dune joined (Dune@user/Dune)
[2016-10-30 04:41:07] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v Dune
[2016-10-30 04:46:26] <Dune> .wyu
[2016-10-30 04:46:38] <Dune> .wyr
[2016-10-30 04:46:39] <wqzz> Dune: Would you rather be... blind from birth OR grad
ually go blind? - http://rrrather.com/view/5449
[2016-10-30 04:47:08] <Dune> oO
[2016-10-30 04:48:14] <Prky008> .wyr
[2016-10-30 04:48:14] <wqzz> Prky008: Would you rather... live in the lego world
OR in the world of mine craft? - http://rrrather.com/view/77556
[2016-10-30 04:56:10] <Dune> I m already gradually going blind, that s okay
[2016-10-30 04:56:43] sisisi joined (AndChat5799@user/sisisi)
[2016-10-30 04:56:43] * quokka.snoonet.org set +v sisisi
[2016-10-30 04:56:51] <sisisi> Silav
[2016-10-30 04:56:51] <Mossad> sisisi: 06:46 <Schweini_for_Hillary> tell sisisi
ever notice how r/turkey users switches to turkish when its a topic they re asha
med of or not proud of
[2016-10-30 04:57:01] <sisisi> Fuck turkey
[2016-10-30 05:01:17] <mzrxa> morgen
[2016-10-30 05:16:28] portatif joined (portatif@Snoonet-08f.918.h9r3b6.IP)
[2016-10-30 05:16:31] pastorkoala quit (uid79563@math/mmango): Quit: Connection
closed for inactivity
[2016-10-30 05:19:08] <Cioran> 02:11:48 <bigoffensive> Cioran are you inside New
Aleppo? how storming going?
[2016-10-30 05:19:09] <Cioran> Wtf
[2016-10-30 05:19:19] <Cioran> Is the "Cioran is a JFS member" meme still going?
[2016-10-30 05:21:25] <Prky008> did you leave JFS? Cioran
[2016-10-30 05:30:00] <mzrxa> https://twitter.com/sayed_ridha/status/79265928024
[2016-10-30 05:30:00] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @sayed_ridha (Hassan Ridha): A VBIED has ex
ploded in 1070 projects area (2 minutes and 7 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 05:30:07] <Cioran> Yaa kalb ibn kalb
[2016-10-30 05:30:17] <mzrxa> still there Cioran ?
[2016-10-30 05:30:58] <mzrxa> takabbalahu allah
[2016-10-30 05:43:43] portatif quit (portatif@Snoonet-08f.918.h9r3b6.IP): Quit:
http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 05:45:15] <germanperson> Cioran, you re in JFS?
[2016-10-30 05:46:17] IG__ quit (IG@Snoonet-6crdmg.k3oq.uqvh.v447gs.IP): Connect
ion closed
[2016-10-30 05:54:49] Rane joined (Rane@Snoonet-0li.6k4.s89hrp.IP)

[2016-10-30 05:54:56] <Rane> Whatup bichados

[2016-10-30 05:55:51] * Rane is now known as Snoo11917
[2016-10-30 05:56:14] <Snoo11917> whut
[2016-10-30 05:56:22] <Snoo11917> oh shit need to use my password
[2016-10-30 05:56:25] Snoo11917 quit (Rane@Snoonet-0li.6k4.s89hrp.IP): Quit: htt
p://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 05:57:39] Iamaghost joined (Iamaghost@Snoonet-9g2.7uc.mptdpo.IP)
[2016-10-30 05:58:24] Rane joined (Rane@Snoonet-0li.6k4.s89hrp.IP)
[2016-10-30 05:58:24] * ny.snoonet.org set +v Rane
[2016-10-30 05:58:24] Rane quit (Rane@Snoonet-0li.6k4.s89hrp.IP): Changing host
[2016-10-30 05:58:24] Rane joined (Rane@user/Rane)
[2016-10-30 05:58:24] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v Rane
[2016-10-30 05:58:34] <Iamaghost> rane hi
[2016-10-30 05:58:35] <Rane> back
[2016-10-30 05:58:38] <Rane> hey lamaghost
[2016-10-30 05:58:51] <Iamaghost> are you rebel supporter
[2016-10-30 06:00:16] <Rane> nope
[2016-10-30 06:00:16] <Iamaghost> i support the rebels too... since star wars ep
isode IV
[2016-10-30 06:00:23] <Rane> I m pro-SDF
[2016-10-30 06:00:29] <Rane> lol
[2016-10-30 06:00:51] <Iamaghost> why are you pro sdf
[2016-10-30 06:01:17] <Rane> because they re the only ones worth supporting
[2016-10-30 06:01:23] <Rane> they don t behead kids and don t torture people
[2016-10-30 06:01:28] <Rane> unlike rebels and SAA
[2016-10-30 06:01:39] <Rane> not that SAA beehads kids
[2016-10-30 06:01:50] <Rane> they do torture people and their leader s a dictato
[2016-10-30 06:02:03] <Iamaghost> they do...but they dont put it on film
[2016-10-30 06:02:31] <Rane> KURDS beheading children
[2016-10-30 06:02:32] <Rane> ?
[2016-10-30 06:02:33] <Rane> or SAA
[2016-10-30 06:04:09] <Iamaghost> they do...but they dont put it on film
[2016-10-30 06:05:31] * Prky008 is now known as Enrico
[2016-10-30 06:05:38] * Enrico is now known as EnricoDandolo
[2016-10-30 06:05:41] <Rane> Whaaaaat Prky008
[2016-10-30 06:05:44] <EnricoDandolo> .tell Pruswa hi
[2016-10-30 06:05:44] <Mossad> EnricoDandolo: I ll pass that on when Pruswa is a
[2016-10-30 06:05:49] <Rane> EnricoDandolo don t change names
[2016-10-30 06:05:51] * EnricoDandolo is now known as Prky008
[2016-10-30 06:05:54] <Rane> it s gonna be confusing
[2016-10-30 06:05:54] <Rane> lol
[2016-10-30 06:05:58] <Rane> what
[2016-10-30 06:06:03] <Prky008> nah just trolling pruswa
[2016-10-30 06:06:15] <Rane> .changename ERDOGAN (PBUH)
[2016-10-30 06:06:22] <Rane> .nick ERDOGAN
[2016-10-30 06:06:27] <Rane> .changenick Erdogan
[2016-10-30 06:06:31] <Prky008> kek
[2016-10-30 06:06:32] <Rane> How do I do this
[2016-10-30 06:06:41] <Prky008> which chat do you use
[2016-10-30 06:06:46] <Rane> #syriancivilwar
[2016-10-30 06:06:55] <Prky008> facepalm
[2016-10-30 06:07:07] <Prky008> I know you are on #syriancivilwar
[2016-10-30 06:07:19] <Prky008> are you using kiwi irc, hex chat or something el
[2016-10-30 06:07:26] <Iamaghost> rane things are more complicated as you think
...most kurds are very low educated...
[2016-10-30 06:08:04] <Rane> lamaghost lol jesus fuck if you re trynna tell me K
urds behead kids then just piss off

[2016-10-30 06:08:10] <Rane> idk prky008

[2016-10-30 06:08:14] <Rane> yeah I m using kiwii
[2016-10-30 06:08:41] gset joined (gset@Snoonet-knh.408.ntl0pv.IP)
[2016-10-30 06:09:07] <Prky008> you click on your name next to where you write m
essages rane
[2016-10-30 06:09:12] <Prky008> !k gset
[2016-10-30 06:09:12] * gset was kicked by Bashar (Requested)
[2016-10-30 06:09:21] <Rane> who s gset
[2016-10-30 06:09:27] <Prky008> idk
[2016-10-30 06:09:36] <Prky008> jk It s me
[2016-10-30 06:09:44] <Prky008> checking how Kiwi looks like
[2016-10-30 06:10:22] <Iamaghost> rane never heard of behading kids...but thats
also not the case for the majority of ISIS, rebels or SAA
[2016-10-30 06:10:31] <Rane> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
[2016-10-30 06:10:35] <Rane> dude this guy s a troll
[2016-10-30 06:10:43] <Iamaghost> no i am not
[2016-10-30 06:10:52] <Rane> ey still no answer Prky008 : (
[2016-10-30 06:11:00] <Rane> i wonder if they managed to decrypt the thing
[2016-10-30 06:11:07] <Prky008> what answer?
[2016-10-30 06:11:18] <Iamaghost> rane I think you dont know whom you support
[2016-10-30 06:11:23] <Prky008> you tried to join YPG?
[2016-10-30 06:11:30] <Rane> Yea
[2016-10-30 06:11:39] <Rane> Sent an encrypted message
[2016-10-30 06:11:43] <Prky008> facepalm
[2016-10-30 06:11:48] <Rane> What
[2016-10-30 06:11:52] <Prky008> why?
[2016-10-30 06:11:52] <Rane> I really want to do that
[2016-10-30 06:12:07] <Rane> Because fuck living a 9 to 5 job with a fucking deg
ree and debts and all this bullshit
[2016-10-30 06:12:12] <Iamaghost> are you from the US rane
[2016-10-30 06:12:14] <Rane> that s not the life I envision or want to have
[2016-10-30 06:12:27] <Rane> I want to make a change, feel like my life made an
[2016-10-30 06:12:33] <Iamaghost> lol
[2016-10-30 06:12:40] <Rane> i can always go back to home after I went there
[2016-10-30 06:12:45] <Rane> but I wanna mean something right now
[2016-10-30 06:13:05] <Iamaghost> are you from the US
[2016-10-30 06:13:23] <Rane> For all I know I get hit by a truck before I gradua
[2016-10-30 06:13:38] <Iamaghost> they dont need guys like you
[2016-10-30 06:13:59] <Rane> lamaghost you re starting to piss me off
[2016-10-30 06:14:14] <Iamaghost> i know...thats my job
[2016-10-30 06:14:39] <Iamaghost> because i am a pkk member
[2016-10-30 06:15:05] Iamaghost quit (Iamaghost@Snoonet-9g2.7uc.mptdpo.IP): Quit
: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 06:15:23] <sisisi> And i am fuckin calan
[2016-10-30 06:15:28] <Rane> > I am PKK member says the guy who says kurds are l
[2016-10-30 06:15:28] <sisisi> Fuck off cuck
[2016-10-30 06:15:34] <Rane> > and says I don t know who I support
[2016-10-30 06:15:38] <Rane> Sure lamaghost
[2016-10-30 06:15:43] <Rane> I m not joining the PKK anyway
[2016-10-30 06:15:47] <Rane> I wish I could
[2016-10-30 06:15:57] <Prky008> join TAK
[2016-10-30 06:16:03] <Rane> But fighting Turkey is not right, fighting IS is
[2016-10-30 06:16:06] <Rane> what s TAK
[2016-10-30 06:16:14] <Prky008> good guys
[2016-10-30 06:16:31] IamPKK1974 joined (IamPKK1974@Snoonet-9g2.7uc.mptdpo.IP)
[2016-10-30 06:16:48] <Prky008> TAK is kurdistan freedom falcons
[2016-10-30 06:17:08] <Rane> I ll try to see if I even get a reply back

[2016-10-30 06:17:15] <Prky008> IamPKK1974 send me a message on reddit

[2016-10-30 06:17:30] <Rane> pkk1978 was here yesterday
[2016-10-30 06:17:38] <Prky008> what did he say?
[2016-10-30 06:17:49] <IamPKK1974> yeah matson was here too
[2016-10-30 06:18:28] * IamPKK1974 is now known as looney
[2016-10-30 06:21:14] <looney> rane do you really want to join ypg? I can make c
[2016-10-30 06:22:12] <Rane> no thanks i ve contacted them myselves
[2016-10-30 06:22:19] <Rane> i don t believe you re PKK
[2016-10-30 06:22:46] <Rane> speak Kurdish
[2016-10-30 06:22:59] <looney> but I can tell you whom you can contact
[2016-10-30 06:23:02] <Rane> say "I m a sad little troll under a bridge"
[2016-10-30 06:23:05] <Rane> in Kurdish
[2016-10-30 06:23:08] <Rane> I ll believe you
[2016-10-30 06:23:39] <looney> there is a kurdish translater ...i can just copy
an paste
[2016-10-30 06:23:51] <looney> you will never know
[2016-10-30 06:24:00] <looney> because you dont speak kurdish
[2016-10-30 06:24:18] <looney> nor did you know anything about live in nothern S
[2016-10-30 06:24:34] <Rane> I speak Farsi
[2016-10-30 06:24:37] <Rane> khoskhesh
[2016-10-30 06:25:06] <looney> and?
[2016-10-30 06:26:05] <Rane> which is a lot like Kurdish
[2016-10-30 06:26:11] <Rane> why you gotta be such a pain in the ass tho
[2016-10-30 06:27:41] <germanperson> LMAO http://i.imgur.com/iPNBr29.png
[2016-10-30 06:27:51] <looney> because I dont like guys joining groups they know
nearly nothing about...its the same type that joined ISIS
[2016-10-30 06:28:48] <looney> and the problem is...we don t need suicide bomber
s in the YPG
[2016-10-30 06:29:25] <Rane> looney whew
[2016-10-30 06:29:29] <SubWatch> 3Link post: "Rebels in Aleppo receive weapons train
ing from the United States" posted in /r/SyrianCirclejerkWar by wiki-1000. http:
[2016-10-30 06:29:30] <Rane> don t cut yourself on that edge
[2016-10-30 06:29:37] <Rane> i m not even gonna respond i don t need to prove an
[2016-10-30 06:29:54] <Rane> lol germanperson
[2016-10-30 06:30:23] <looney> Thats the same response you get from the guys and
girls who joined ISIS
[2016-10-30 06:30:26] <looney> anyway
[2016-10-30 06:30:49] <Rane> .takfir looney
[2016-10-30 06:30:49] wqzz amputates looney
[2016-10-30 06:31:00] <looney> lol
[2016-10-30 06:31:05] <Rane> now shush before I amputate ur dick
[2016-10-30 06:31:21] <looney> anyone got a reflex camera
[2016-10-30 06:31:21] <Rane> .spank looney
[2016-10-30 06:31:21] wqzz grabs looney and spanks them ten times with a riding
[2016-10-30 06:31:46] <looney> dont beat me
[2016-10-30 06:31:55] <looney> that hurts
[2016-10-30 06:32:16] <looney> rane are you from the US
[2016-10-30 06:32:55] <Rane> i m from Saudi-Arabia, ya Ali
[2016-10-30 06:33:05] <Rane> Hamdidullah ahsahbe
[2016-10-30 06:33:15] <looney> really
[2016-10-30 06:33:22] <looney> cool
[2016-10-30 06:33:28] <Rane> Yeah I m a salafist who wants to join the Kurds
[2016-10-30 06:33:35] <Rane> cause salafists need to ruin everything
[2016-10-30 06:33:38] <Rane> you know
[2016-10-30 06:34:03] <looney> but the young people in KSA have the same problem

as you
[2016-10-30 06:34:18] <Rane> I think being a young person living in the KSA is a
lot different
[2016-10-30 06:34:21] <Rane> than my life
[2016-10-30 06:34:29] <looney> not really
[2016-10-30 06:34:34] <Rane> Yes it was
[2016-10-30 06:34:42] <Rane> I don t get whipped for crtitizing the government
[2016-10-30 06:34:48] <Rane> thank god I d be dead by now then
[2016-10-30 06:35:11] <looney> how old are you
[2016-10-30 06:35:32] <Rane> 42
[2016-10-30 06:35:40] <looney> thats my age
[2016-10-30 06:35:43] <Rane> sweet
[2016-10-30 06:35:54] <Rane> no I m actually 15
[2016-10-30 06:36:00] <Eck> ksa prolly beheads you in the street for criticising
the gov
[2016-10-30 06:36:05] <Rane> my dad says I can fuck off to Syria and die though
[2016-10-30 06:36:09] <Rane> so that s cool
[2016-10-30 06:44:00] felinebeeline quit (uid129423@user/felinebeeline): Quit: C
onnection closed for inactivity
[2016-10-30 06:49:55] mericanP joined (mericanP@Snoonet-l2f.6ec.e5t0ue.IP)
[2016-10-30 06:50:06] <mericanP> Why are there no Pro-US tags on subreddit?
[2016-10-30 06:50:42] <Prky008> what should have a pro US tag?
[2016-10-30 06:51:04] <mericanP> well same as criterium as PRO-Russian tags
[2016-10-30 06:51:32] <Prky008> example
[2016-10-30 06:51:58] <mericanP> cnn.com, bbc.com, skynews
[2016-10-30 06:52:04] <mericanP> website like that
[2016-10-30 06:52:48] mericanP quit (mericanP@Snoonet-l2f.6ec.e5t0ue.IP): Quit:
http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 06:53:53] <sisisi> Looney tu kurmanci zani?
[2016-10-30 06:53:56] <sisisi> Kucik?
[2016-10-30 06:54:11] <looney> i am someone else
[2016-10-30 06:54:15] <Prky008> mericanP RT is funded by Russian government cnn
, bbc aren t
[2016-10-30 06:54:53] <Prky008> funded by US gov
[2016-10-30 06:56:48] <Eck> bbc is uk policy, uk policy copies US policy
[2016-10-30 06:56:51] <Eck> basically the same
[2016-10-30 07:04:11] <Rane> lol i ran out of food
[2016-10-30 07:04:15] <Rane> and the stores are closed
[2016-10-30 07:04:25] <Rane> so I m going to my grandma like 45 minutes away by
train just to eat there
[2016-10-30 07:05:27] <looney> mericanP reddit is an US based company
[2016-10-30 07:06:17] looney quit (IamPKK1974@Snoonet-9g2.7uc.mptdpo.IP): Quit:
http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 07:10:23] FreeDory joined (FreeDory@user/FreeDory)
[2016-10-30 07:10:23] * ny.snoonet.org set +v FreeDory
[2016-10-30 07:23:02] pogostik quit (pogos@Snoonet-ok1.1om.d81in3.IP): Client ex
[2016-10-30 07:25:30] <sisisi> Are there any command when my client would say "f
uck t*rkey" ?
[2016-10-30 07:25:48] <sisisi> Whenever i join the irc?
[2016-10-30 07:26:52] <Cioran> Yes
[2016-10-30 07:26:55] <Cioran> But I m not going to tell you how
[2016-10-30 07:27:00] <Cioran> Because that s annoying
[2016-10-30 07:27:06] <sisisi> Cioran dont be a fag
[2016-10-30 07:27:19] <sisisi> Help your bro
[2016-10-30 07:27:31] <Cioran> I prefer the term "bi-curious"
[2016-10-30 07:28:09] <germanperson> https://twitter.com/DailyMailUK/status/7926
[2016-10-30 07:28:10] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @DailyMailUK (Daily Mail U.K.): BA pilot sus
pended for photos of him performing sex acts on himself at 38,000ft https://t.

co/n8M8gTJWmJ (49 minutes and 4 seconds ago)

[2016-10-30 07:28:23] <sisisi> Lmao
[2016-10-30 07:30:27] AndChat|579921 joined (AndChat5799@Snoonet-q2h.fh4.0tu59h.
[2016-10-30 07:30:30] AndChat|579921 quit (AndChat5799@Snoonet-q2h.fh4.0tu59h.IP
): Quit: Bye
[2016-10-30 07:30:53] sisisi quit (AndChat5799@user/sisisi): Connection closed
[2016-10-30 07:34:59] VoivodeSlavkoAleksic joined (AndChat1948@user/VoivodeSlavk
[2016-10-30 07:34:59] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v VoivodeSlavkoAleksic
[2016-10-30 07:35:47] <Naenil> !ban o@Snoonet-edp.sps.d73eub.IP
[2016-10-30 07:35:47] * Bashar set channel modes +b *!o@Snoonet-edp.sps.d73eub.I
[2016-10-30 07:35:47] <Mossad> Naenil: 03:11 <P3TC0CK> tell Naenil where are the
LoL finals at
[2016-10-30 07:36:11] <Naenil> yeah Cioran is right that s super annoying
[2016-10-30 07:36:18] <Naenil> especially since you d/c everytime
[2016-10-30 07:38:05] <Naenil> http://fox13now.com/2016/10/29/mcmullin-respondsto-trump-while-you-were-harassing-women-i-was-fighting-terrorists/
[2016-10-30 07:38:06] <Naenil> rekt$
[2016-10-30 07:40:07] <Rane> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kbryz0mxuMY
[2016-10-30 07:40:07] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton. Epic Rap Bat
tles of History. - length 4m 35s - 398,766 likes, 63,924 dislikes (86.2%) - 8,663,185 v
iews - ERB on 2016.10.27
[2016-10-30 07:40:09] <Rane> spicy memes
[2016-10-30 07:42:13] sisisi joined (AndChat5799@user/sisisi)
[2016-10-30 07:42:13] * protectandserve.snoonet.org set +v sisisi
[2016-10-30 07:42:16] <Naenil> Man trump is a fucking retard
[2016-10-30 07:42:17] <sisisi> Fuck
[2016-10-30 07:42:19] <sisisi> Turkey
[2016-10-30 07:42:21] <Naenil> He insults romney
[2016-10-30 07:42:23] <sisisi> Silav
[2016-10-30 07:42:26] <Naenil> Then he insults mcmullin
[2016-10-30 07:42:32] <Naenil> Does he expect to get utah?
[2016-10-30 07:43:50] <germanperson> https://twitter.com/RudawEnglish/status/792
[2016-10-30 07:43:50] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @RudawEnglish (Rudaw English): #BREAKING: Ira
q s government bans miniskirts and trousers for its female students, following a
n alcohol ban earlie https://t.co/UTpnqCpjXU (18 minutes and 6 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 07:44:03] <Rane> shiiiiit germanperson
[2016-10-30 07:45:12] <Naenil> can t wait for Muzzly to justify it
[2016-10-30 07:49:18] <Eck> wew iraq turning into ksa
[2016-10-30 07:49:25] <Eck> next no shorts for men
[2016-10-30 07:50:07] <Eck> Islamic Republic of Iraq and the Levant
[2016-10-30 07:51:37] <Naenil> Extremists of the world, unite!
[2016-10-30 07:52:32] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/AFP/status/792690726689730560
[2016-10-30 07:52:32] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @AFP (AFP news agency): #BREAKING Saudi-led
strikes on Yemen detention centre killed 60: health official (19 minutes and 41
seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 07:52:35] <Naenil> Holy shit KSA
[2016-10-30 07:52:37] <Naenil> they don t even try
[2016-10-30 07:52:52] <Eck> lol
[2016-10-30 07:53:21] <Naenil> bombing funerals
[2016-10-30 07:53:23] <Naenil> bombing prisons
[2016-10-30 07:53:25] <Rane> don t give a fuck
[2016-10-30 07:53:27] <Naenil> bombing hospitals
[2016-10-30 07:53:32] <Eck> and they lead the UNHRC
[2016-10-30 07:53:34] <Eck> mfw
[2016-10-30 07:53:36] <Naenil> I hope the houthis
[2016-10-30 07:53:45] <Naenil> Will make all the terror attack they can in KSA

[2016-10-30 07:54:03] <Naenil> KSA needs to taste their own medicine

[2016-10-30 07:54:05] <Eck> say inshallah
[2016-10-30 07:55:04] <Naenil> The amount of electoral campaign spam on twitter
is staggering
[2016-10-30 07:55:10] <Naenil> *Someone farts in a gif tweet*
[2016-10-30 07:58:44] Rane quit (Rane@user/Rane): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/
- A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 08:02:34] <sisisi> Lol naenip
[2016-10-30 08:02:36] <sisisi> Naenil
[2016-10-30 08:02:58] <sisisi> If they told me you could remove country from the
face of world
[2016-10-30 08:03:04] <sisisi> First would be KSA
[2016-10-30 08:03:12] <sisisi> Second t*rkey
[2016-10-30 08:03:17] <sisisi> Third Pakistan
[2016-10-30 08:03:54] <sisisi> All have fuckin similarities with each other
[2016-10-30 08:04:00] <sisisi> when you think about it
[2016-10-30 08:04:10] <Naenil> I would go for KSA, russia and then turkey
[2016-10-30 08:04:10] <sisisi> All opresses minorities
[2016-10-30 08:04:19] <sisisi> All fucks their neighbours
[2016-10-30 08:04:23] DixieNormas joined (user@user/DixieNormas)
[2016-10-30 08:04:23] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v DixieNormas
[2016-10-30 08:04:29] FreeDory quit (FreeDory@user/FreeDory): Quit: http://www.k
iwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 08:04:30] <sisisi> All pour extremists to their neighbours
[2016-10-30 08:04:34] <Naenil> But that s because russia funds FN in my country
[2016-10-30 08:04:35] <sisisi> Etc
[2016-10-30 08:04:46] <sisisi> Apart from that Naenil
[2016-10-30 08:05:03] <Naenil> So obviously i m going to be more concerned by ru
ssia than pakistan
[2016-10-30 08:05:09] <sisisi> True
[2016-10-30 08:05:16] <sisisi> But russkis you can
[2016-10-30 08:05:18] <sisisi> deal with
[2016-10-30 08:05:21] <Naenil> KSA however does shit in our two countries sisisi
[2016-10-30 08:05:40] <Naenil> France can be saved, but turkey will have to burn
[2016-10-30 08:06:45] <sisisi> My man
[2016-10-30 08:14:19] oddRaven joined (Ravenous@user/oddRaven)
[2016-10-30 08:14:19] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v oddRaven
[2016-10-30 08:26:13] AndChat|579921 joined (AndChat5799@Snoonet-q2h.fh4.0tu59h.
[2016-10-30 08:26:53] AndChat|579921 quit (AndChat5799@Snoonet-q2h.fh4.0tu59h.IP
): Quit: Bye
[2016-10-30 08:29:08] sisisi quit (AndChat5799@user/sisisi): Ping timeout: 121 s
[2016-10-30 08:30:23] <Eck> wtf is this http://stumbles.in/jew/
[2016-10-30 08:30:24] <Eck> lol
[2016-10-30 08:30:42] emr1028 joined (emr10@syriancivilwar/emr1028)
[2016-10-30 08:30:42] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v emr1028
[2016-10-30 08:30:42] * Bashar set +o emr1028
[2016-10-30 08:32:25] <nvl> Burn France tbh
[2016-10-30 08:32:34] <nvl> They like it that way
[2016-10-30 08:34:12] <nvl> Naenil that s why the Saudi crying about the missile
that didn t hit anything was so stupid.
[2016-10-30 08:34:33] <Naenil> Saudis are lucky for now nvl
[2016-10-30 08:34:58] <Naenil> They re sheltered
[2016-10-30 08:35:08] <Naenil> While directly agressing a neighbor
[2016-10-30 08:36:14] <Naenil> One could argue that what KSA does against houthi
s is the same than what western countries do against daesh

[2016-10-30 08:36:46] <Naenil> But there are a fuckton of differences

[2016-10-30 08:38:06] zzqw joined (luser@Snoonet-tal.2te.j9of9e.IP)
[2016-10-30 08:38:06] * quokka.snoonet.org set +v zzqw
[2016-10-30 08:38:07] * Bashar set +o zzqw
[2016-10-30 08:38:39] <Naenil> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/th
umb/9/96/Yemeni_Civil_War.svg/1524px-Yemeni_Civil_War.svg.png lmaoo AQAP holds t
his much territory?
[2016-10-30 08:39:13] <Naenil> saudis smh
[2016-10-30 08:43:12] <Naenil> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cv_GEfqUEAAeBgm.jpg:o
rig lmao jennifer lopez in this pic looks like clinton ate her soul
[2016-10-30 08:43:39] ecross joined (ecross@user/ecross)
[2016-10-30 08:43:39] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v ecross
[2016-10-30 08:54:11] <Naenil> .tell sisisi http://nyti.ms/2dTR7Da
[2016-10-30 08:54:11] <Mossad> Naenil: I ll pass that on when sisisi is around.
[2016-10-30 08:55:09] <nvl> https://twitter.com/AllenWestRepub/status/7927088941
[2016-10-30 08:55:10] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @AllenWestRepub (Allen West Republic): Did
Barack Obama Turn the FBI on Hillary Clinton? https://t.co/xpYrUXY8qB (10 minute
s and 7 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 08:55:13] h8speech joined (h8speech@user/h8speech)
[2016-10-30 08:55:13] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v h8speech
[2016-10-30 08:55:15] <nvl> Obama is on the TrumpTrain
[2016-10-30 08:55:24] <Naenil> he joined malik
[2016-10-30 08:55:27] <h8speech> hey boys
[2016-10-30 08:55:36] <Naenil> yo h8speech
[2016-10-30 08:55:57] <h8speech> oooh it s my cakeday
[2016-10-30 08:56:05] <h8speech> to celebrate i am growing my neckbeard
[2016-10-30 08:56:05] <Naenil> .cake h8speech
[2016-10-30 08:56:05] wqzz gives h8speech a yummy large Coffee cake and serves i
t with a small glass of chocolate milk!
[2016-10-30 08:56:09] <h8speech> how are you naenil
[2016-10-30 08:56:11] <h8speech> yay!
[2016-10-30 08:56:11] <nvl> Naenil, official endorsement soon
[2016-10-30 08:56:14] <nvl> inshallah
[2016-10-30 08:56:19] <Naenil> all fine
[2016-10-30 08:56:28] <Dune> Naenil: is AQAP in white?
[2016-10-30 08:56:30] <nvl> Naenil, Iran will endorse Trump too
[2016-10-30 08:56:30] <Eck> wew
deny using poison gas in aleppo
[2016-10-30 08:56:36] <Naenil> Yes Dune
[2016-10-30 08:57:12] <Eck> do you like this pepe https://i.imgur.com/91Ax7rQ.jp
[2016-10-30 08:57:48] <Dune> AQAP is moderate ISIL
[2016-10-30 08:57:52] <Dune> so they re moderate rebels
[2016-10-30 08:57:53] <h8speech> airstrikes back on again?
[2016-10-30 08:57:54] <Dune> EQD
[2016-10-30 08:58:01] <h8speech> EQD lol
[2016-10-30 08:58:07] <Eck> tonight prolly h8speech
[2016-10-30 08:58:13] <Naenil> The kouachis were from AQAP, not daesh Dune
[2016-10-30 08:58:26] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/AFP/status/792690726689730560
[2016-10-30 08:58:26] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @AFP (AFP news agency): #BREAKING Saudi-led
strikes on Yemen detention centre killed 60: health official (1 hour and 25 minu
tes ago)
[2016-10-30 08:58:26] <h8speech> Erat Quod Dumbarse
[2016-10-30 08:58:35] <Dune> They were radical moderates
[2016-10-30 08:58:47] <Naenil> they even kill prisoners h8speech
[2016-10-30 08:58:48] <h8speech> fuck the saudis
[2016-10-30 08:58:52] <h8speech> they are filth
[2016-10-30 08:58:56] <h8speech> burn them
[2016-10-30 08:59:07] <Naenil> can t wait for houthis to fuck KSA up

[2016-10-30 08:59:24] <Eck> yes turn yemen into a base to rain missiles on them
[2016-10-30 08:59:27] <Eck> block their ships
[2016-10-30 08:59:28] <Eck> etc
[2016-10-30 08:59:47] <Dune> I forgot they were linked to Yemen tho
[2016-10-30 08:59:51] <h8speech> http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/14/opinion/moham
mad-javad-zarif-let-us-rid-the-world-of-wahhabism.html naenil
[2016-10-30 09:00:07] <Naenil> lmao NYT giving a tribune to zarif
[2016-10-30 09:00:26] <Naenil> However Iran is in no positition to call KSA extr
[2016-10-30 09:01:27] <Dune> where was Merah from?
[2016-10-30 09:01:40] <Eck> atleast women can drive in iran
[2016-10-30 09:01:43] <Dune> it says "AQ (disputed)", so AQAP too I guess?
[2016-10-30 09:02:03] <Naenil> He s from toulouse Dune
[2016-10-30 09:02:11] <Dune> i know
[2016-10-30 09:02:12] <Naenil> The kouachis did it in the name of daesh
[2016-10-30 09:02:19] <Dune> I mean who was he linked to
[2016-10-30 09:02:22] <Naenil> But they got training from AKAP
[2016-10-30 09:02:41] <Naenil> Lone wolf iirc
[2016-10-30 09:02:44] <Naenil> for merah
[2016-10-30 09:02:51] <Dune> ah, kay
[2016-10-30 09:03:14] <Eck> mfw rebels hitting civs in western aleppo with chlor
ine gas
[2016-10-30 09:03:17] <Eck> filthy terrorists
[2016-10-30 09:03:36] <Dune> UN should destroy their chemical weapons stockpiles
[2016-10-30 09:03:57] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/IraqiSecurity/status/79270575
6957175813 h8speech
[2016-10-30 09:03:58] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @IraqiSecurity (Haidar Sumeri): 60+ prisone
rs killed and 38 others injured after double-tap #Saudi airstrikes hit a prison
in Hodeidah, #Yemen. https://t.co/jay64cN5Uk (31 minutes and 23 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 09:04:00] <Eck> saudi won t allow that
[2016-10-30 09:04:03] <Eck> UN has become a joke
[2016-10-30 09:04:45] <h8speech> seriously naenil
[2016-10-30 09:04:48] <h8speech> if i was a us citisen
[2016-10-30 09:04:52] <h8speech> citizen
[2016-10-30 09:05:02] <h8speech> i would vote trump just to keep al-saud out of
the white house
[2016-10-30 09:06:01] MosheDayan joined (mzrxa@Snoonet-qtu.r80.jtlss0.IP)
[2016-10-30 09:06:12] <Naenil> Yeah I can understand
[2016-10-30 09:06:17] <Naenil> This country is a cancerous waste
[2016-10-30 09:06:54] <h8speech> i am wondering if soon my SCW karma will be 2x
the karma of my second favourite subreddit
[2016-10-30 09:06:56] <h8speech> ITS POSSIBLE
[2016-10-30 09:07:30] <Naenil> wew https://twitter.com/iyad_elbaghdadi/status/79
[2016-10-30 09:07:30] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @iyad_elbaghdadi (Iyad el-Baghdadi): Saudi A
rabia gets called out regularly. The UAE gets away with it. @TheWolfmanHulk @Anw
arGargash @AEI (19 hours and 23 minutes ago)
[2016-10-30 09:07:32] <h8speech> that s when you re an insider and they teach yo
u the secret recognition phrase
[2016-10-30 09:07:34] <Naenil> even lyad
[2016-10-30 09:07:36] <h8speech> "apo akbar"
[2016-10-30 09:07:44] <Naenil> .tell p3tc0ck https://twitter.com/iyad_elbaghdadi
[2016-10-30 09:07:44] <Mossad> Naenil: I ll pass that on when p3tc0ck is around.
[2016-10-30 09:08:14] Pruswa joined (Pruswa@user/Pruswa)
[2016-10-30 09:08:14] * athena.snoonet.org set +v Pruswa
[2016-10-30 09:08:44] <Eck> prolly related to al-baghdadi
[2016-10-30 09:08:47] <Naenil> Pruswa, reeeeeeeeee
[2016-10-30 09:08:53] <Pruswa> ?
[2016-10-30 09:08:53] <Mossad> Pruswa: 04:15 <dumbass> tell Pruswa http://www.wi

[2016-10-30 09:08:54] <Mossad> Pruswa: 10:05 <EnricoDandolo> tell Pruswa hi
[2016-10-30 09:08:58] <Naenil> Pruswa, https://twitter.com/AFP/status/7926907266
[2016-10-30 09:08:58] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @AFP (AFP news agency): #BREAKING Saudi-led
strikes on Yemen detention centre killed 60: health official (1 hour and 36 minu
tes ago)
[2016-10-30 09:09:06] <Pruswa> Fucking faggots
[2016-10-30 09:09:11] <Pruswa> Nuke S*udi Arabia now
[2016-10-30 09:09:14] <Pruswa> N O W
[2016-10-30 09:09:15] <Pruswa> I
[2016-10-30 09:09:18] <Pruswa> N O W
[2016-10-30 09:09:19] <Pruswa> O
[2016-10-30 09:09:19] <Pruswa> W
[2016-10-30 09:09:32] <h8speech> Naenil: can you guys adjust rule 7 so that it i
nstructs users to adjust titles if it s titlegore?
[2016-10-30 09:09:44] <Naenil> link h8speech
[2016-10-30 09:09:44] <h8speech> top of new: "https://twitter.com/MIG29_/status/
[2016-10-30 09:09:44] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @MIG29_ (Yusha Yuseef): Breaking : My Sourc
e : Many Troops of Tiger forces and Troops from Nebol w Zahraa join the Dayhiet
Al-Assad Batle (45 minutes and 7 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 09:09:52] <Pruswa> .tell EnricoDandolo REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
[2016-10-30 09:09:52] <Mossad> Pruswa: I ll pass that on when EnricoDandolo is a
[2016-10-30 09:09:58] <h8speech> Breaking : My Source : Many Troops of Tiger for
ces and Troops from Nebol w Zahraa join the Dayhiet Al-Assad Batle
[2016-10-30 09:10:01] <Pruswa> .tell dumbass I WANT TO BELIEVE
[2016-10-30 09:10:01] <Mossad> Pruswa: I ll pass that on when dumbass is around.
[2016-10-30 09:10:12] <Naenil> I m going to just remove the post
[2016-10-30 09:10:18] <h8speech> fair enough
[2016-10-30 09:10:39] <Naenil> Actually I can t find it
[2016-10-30 09:10:46] <h8speech> oh, someone else must have
[2016-10-30 09:11:03] MosheDayan quit (mzrxa@Snoonet-qtu.r80.jtlss0.IP): Ping ti
meout: 121 seconds
[2016-10-30 09:11:40] <h8speech> in my opinion, in rule 7, biased and editoriali
zed mean essentially the same thing
[2016-10-30 09:11:48] <h8speech> would propose change to:
[2016-10-30 09:12:05] <Naenil> No they re not*
[2016-10-30 09:12:24] <h8speech> 7) If your post links to content with a biased
or difficult to read title, adjust the title so it is presented in an unbiased a
nd easy to read manner.
[2016-10-30 09:12:41] <h8speech> Naenil: wouldn t you say that editorializing is
a way of showing bias?
[2016-10-30 09:12:42] <Naenil> Editorialized is the action of modifying title
[2016-10-30 09:12:46] <Naenil> Not automatically
[2016-10-30 09:12:51] <h8speech> oh right, sorry
[2016-10-30 09:13:12] ecross quit (ecross@user/ecross): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 09:13:28] <Eck> wew 10 days until president trump is announced
[2016-10-30 09:13:38] <Naenil> He will lose utah Eck
[2016-10-30 09:13:44] <h8speech> Eck: how long until you run out of lsd though
[2016-10-30 09:13:47] <Naenil> Hes stubborn insutling all the mormons he meet
[2016-10-30 09:13:57] <Naenil> http://fox13now.com/2016/10/29/mcmullin-respondsto-trump-while-you-were-harassing-women-i-was-fighting-terrorists/ h8speech
[2016-10-30 09:14:06] <Naenil> trump is a fucking retard h8speech
[2016-10-30 09:14:14] <Naenil> >insults mcmullin
[2016-10-30 09:14:40] <Naenil> >10 day before election

[2016-10-30 09:14:45] <Naenil> What could go wrong!

[2016-10-30 09:15:00] <Eck> won t even fathom the election
[2016-10-30 09:15:01] <Eck> still wins
[2016-10-30 09:15:04] <h8speech> oh god what a catastrophe
[2016-10-30 09:15:10] <Naenil> With which EVs Eck ? kek
[2016-10-30 09:16:10] <Eck> if hillarys corruption doesn t damage her, this shit
won t damage trump
[2016-10-30 09:16:14] <Eck> its just filling for the media
[2016-10-30 09:16:21] <Naenil> "Electoral votes are a lie" -eck
[2016-10-30 09:16:34] Schweini_for_Hillary joined (Schweini_fo@user/Schweini-for
[2016-10-30 09:16:34] * tx.snoonet.org set +v Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-10-30 09:16:55] ecross joined (ecross@user/ecross)
[2016-10-30 09:16:55] * ny.snoonet.org set +v ecross
[2016-10-30 09:17:08] <Naenil> Utah voted 72% republican in 2012 h8speech
[2016-10-30 09:18:20] ecross quit (ecross@user/ecross): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 09:18:31] <Schweini_for_Hillary> kek http://i.imgur.com/pWOC2wB.jpg
[2016-10-30 09:18:49] <Naenil> 72%. Compare with http://i.imgur.com/JryVZli.png
[2016-10-30 09:19:07] <Naenil> And again, he just insulted mcmullin and by exten
sion most mormons
[2016-10-30 09:19:09] <h8speech> what a fucking mess
[2016-10-30 09:20:11] sisisi joined (AndChat5799@user/sisisi)
[2016-10-30 09:20:11] * tx.snoonet.org set +v sisisi
[2016-10-30 09:20:15] <sisisi> Silav
[2016-10-30 09:20:15] <Mossad> sisisi: 12:54 <Naenil> tell sisisi http://nyti.ms
[2016-10-30 09:20:17] <sisisi> fuck
[2016-10-30 09:20:18] <sisisi> turkey
[2016-10-30 09:20:28] Iamtheking joined (Iamtheking@Snoonet-9g2.7uc.mptdpo.IP)
[2016-10-30 09:20:41] <Schweini_for_Hillary> http://i.imgur.com/pWOC2wB.jpg sisi
[2016-10-30 09:21:05] <Naenil> fuck
[2016-10-30 09:21:06] <Naenil> turkey
[2016-10-30 09:21:11] <sisisi> Schweini
[2016-10-30 09:21:19] <sisisi> Imgur directly blocked
[2016-10-30 09:21:27] <Naenil> Imgur blocked?
[2016-10-30 09:21:28] <Naenil> wtf
[2016-10-30 09:21:30] <sisisi> Like cant even get the link
[2016-10-30 09:21:33] <sisisi> Ye naenill
[2016-10-30 09:21:33] <Schweini_for_Hillary> rofl
[2016-10-30 09:21:37] <sisisi> For years
[2016-10-30 09:21:59] <Iamtheking> dark ages
[2016-10-30 09:22:08] <Naenil> sisisi, https://i1.someimage.com/JGyrJQa.png
[2016-10-30 09:22:09] <sisisi> Send by pm here Schweini
[2016-10-30 09:22:14] <Naenil> I reuploaded it sisisi
[2016-10-30 09:23:21] <sisisi> Fuckin
[2016-10-30 09:23:22] <sisisi> Cucks
[2016-10-30 09:23:23] <Iamtheking> naenil shadow looks strange
[2016-10-30 09:23:23] <Eck> imgur has been blocked in turkey for a year
[2016-10-30 09:23:28] <sisisi> Fuck
[2016-10-30 09:23:29] <sisisi> turkey
[2016-10-30 09:23:36] <sisisi> Truly
[2016-10-30 09:23:37] <Eck> https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/3f7zks/
[2016-10-30 09:23:40] <wqzz> [7Reddit] Turkey has just blocked access to media on i
mgur : technology - 27 comments, 12 points - [deleted], 1y ago
[2016-10-30 09:23:40] <Dune> sisisi: what do you mean can t even get the link?
[2016-10-30 09:23:45] <sisisi> It deserves to be burned

[2016-10-30 09:24:05] <sisisi> Dune like it directly gives error 404, cant even
copy link
[2016-10-30 09:24:07] <Naenil> change your dns sisisi
[2016-10-30 09:24:11] <sisisi> Doesnt work
[2016-10-30 09:24:14] <sisisi> Its blocked
[2016-10-30 09:24:15] <Naenil> get a vpn
[2016-10-30 09:24:19] <sisisi> By ips
[2016-10-30 09:24:25] <Dune> if it gives error 404, you have a link...
[2016-10-30 09:24:29] <sisisi> Vpns blocks andchat
[2016-10-30 09:24:35] <sisisi> No dune
[2016-10-30 09:24:37] <Naenil> get a better vpn
[2016-10-30 09:24:41] <sisisi> I fuckin dont
[2016-10-30 09:24:47] <Eck> nah its just dns hijacking him to turks censorship s
erver that has no front page
[2016-10-30 09:24:51] <Naenil> https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/
[2016-10-30 09:24:52] <Dune> error 404 is a HTTP answer to an IP given by a link
[2016-10-30 09:24:53] <Naenil> I suggest
[2016-10-30 09:24:56] <Dune> if u have an HTTP answer u had a link
[2016-10-30 09:24:59] <Schweini_for_Hillary> this girl with erdogan <3<3<3 in he
r name was like "u got more vids like this <3<3" and i sent her the bombombom on
e hhh sisisi
[2016-10-30 09:25:40] <alesx> sisisi: what IP does i.imgur.com resolve to?
[2016-10-30 09:25:45] <sisisi> http://i.hizliresim.com/9Gydn9.png
[2016-10-30 09:25:50] <sisisi> I dont even know
[2016-10-30 09:25:53] <sisisi> why you guys
[2016-10-30 09:25:57] <sisisi> dont believe me
[2016-10-30 09:26:05] <sisisi> Any Imgur links turns to this
[2016-10-30 09:26:23] <sisisi> Hence i cant get the link
[2016-10-30 09:26:25] <Eck> its turkey s censorship server, isn t setup properly
[2016-10-30 09:26:30] <sisisi> Of pic
[2016-10-30 09:26:38] <Dune> so you had the link, sisisi, in order to get there
[2016-10-30 09:26:45] <Dune> you were simply redirected to imgur.com, then to 40
[2016-10-30 09:26:55] <sisisi> Jesus christ
[2016-10-30 09:26:58] <sisisi> I HAVE TO
[2016-10-30 09:27:00] <sisisi> TYPE
[2016-10-30 09:27:03] <sisisi> THE LINK
[2016-10-30 09:27:06] <sisisi> MANUALLT
[2016-10-30 09:27:17] <sisisi> I CANT GET THAT LINKS EASILY
[2016-10-30 09:27:25] <sisisi> I NEED TI WRITE LINK
[2016-10-30 09:27:28] <sisisi> E8W7282W.JPG
[2016-10-30 09:27:31] <sisisi> TO THE
[2016-10-30 09:27:35] <sisisi> FUCKIN OPERA MINI
[2016-10-30 09:27:36] <Dune> you can just copy paste? wtf?
[2016-10-30 09:27:43] <sisisi> JESUS FUCKIN CHRIST LADDIE
[2016-10-30 09:27:58] <Eck> found sisisi http://previews.123rf.com/images/andreb
[2016-10-30 09:28:10] katzen joined (katzen@user/katzen)
[2016-10-30 09:28:10] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v katzen
[2016-10-30 09:28:10] <sisisi> I cant, i am on phone
[2016-10-30 09:28:16] <Eck> lmao
[2016-10-30 09:28:19] <Schweini_for_Hillary> Don t mention if you haven t got a
land or if you are armenian. | AK PARTI | @besiktas |
[2016-10-30 09:28:25] <katzen> you can do anything
[2016-10-30 09:28:26] <Schweini_for_Hillary> holy fuck what cancer
[2016-10-30 09:28:26] <Dune> you can t copy paste on phone? lol?
[2016-10-30 09:28:53] <sisisi> Like every t*rk
[2016-10-30 09:29:00] <sisisi> If i could i would dune
[2016-10-30 09:29:06] <sisisi> I could with pms

[2016-10-30 09:29:07] <Eck> what shit android client are you using that can t ev
en turn links into links
[2016-10-30 09:29:12] <Dune> ^
[2016-10-30 09:29:12] <sisisi> Hence askes Schweini
[2016-10-30 09:29:23] <sisisi> I am on phone
[2016-10-30 09:29:27] <sisisi> Andchat
[2016-10-30 09:29:29] <sisisi> Its fine
[2016-10-30 09:29:31] <Dune> I use andchat too
[2016-10-30 09:29:49] <Eck> me too, can still click links though
[2016-10-30 09:29:58] <Eck> double tap
[2016-10-30 09:30:13] <sisisi> I can click the links
[2016-10-30 09:30:22] <sisisi> But to copy i have to open copy tect
[2016-10-30 09:30:24] <sisisi> Text
[2016-10-30 09:30:27] <Eck> wat
[2016-10-30 09:30:32] <sisisi> But it works weird
[2016-10-30 09:30:33] <Dune> press "menu" then "copy text"
[2016-10-30 09:30:39] <sisisi> No shit dune
[2016-10-30 09:30:39] <Dune> ye andchat is a bit shit for that
[2016-10-30 09:30:45] <sisisi> Finally
[2016-10-30 09:30:55] <Dune> I just copied a link
[2016-10-30 09:30:59] <Dune> took 4 presses
[2016-10-30 09:31:07] <Dune> menu > copy text > hold on link > copy
[2016-10-30 09:31:17] <sisisi> Ye
[2016-10-30 09:31:20] <sisisi> But sometimes
[2016-10-30 09:31:24] <sisisi> You cant see
[2016-10-30 09:31:31] <sisisi> It works weird i dunno
[2016-10-30 09:31:52] Dune quit (Dune@user/Dune): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/
- A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 09:31:54] <Eck> just put it down to being a turk
[2016-10-30 09:32:00] <Eck> technology is too much for their stoneage brains
[2016-10-30 09:32:01] <Eck> jk
[2016-10-30 09:32:08] Dune joined (Dune@user/Dune)
[2016-10-30 09:32:08] * protectandserve.snoonet.org set +v Dune
[2016-10-30 09:32:16] <Dune> the memory leaks on snoonet are amazing
[2016-10-30 09:32:21] <sisisi> Andchat s copy text is legit shit
[2016-10-30 09:32:21] <Dune> kiwiirc*
[2016-10-30 09:32:37] <Dune> then change IRC client if that really bothers you,
but don t go tell me "I can t copy", cause that s bullshit
[2016-10-30 09:32:37] <sisisi> But it works fine on pms
[2016-10-30 09:33:00] Iamtheking quit (Iamtheking@Snoonet-9g2.7uc.mptdpo.IP): Qu
it: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 09:33:01] <sisisi> It doesnt bother me
[2016-10-30 09:33:08] <sisisi> what bothers ne
[2016-10-30 09:33:09] <Dune> "I m on phone" generally doesn t imply "I can t cop
y shit" for normal people with normal clients
[2016-10-30 09:33:09] <sisisi> Me
[2016-10-30 09:33:12] <sisisi> Is TURKEY
[2016-10-30 09:33:14] <sisisi> And you
[2016-10-30 09:33:21] <sisisi> Cyrrently
[2016-10-30 09:33:35] berx joined (berx@Snoonet-255.hdp.hc4sjc.IP)
[2016-10-30 09:34:28] <sisisi> It started with"censorship changes any imgur link
to generic imgur link"
[2016-10-30 09:34:38] <sisisi> Then you said "impossibru"
[2016-10-30 09:34:46] <sisisi> I provided screenshot
[2016-10-30 09:34:52] <Dune> it started with you saying you can t get the link.
that s it.
[2016-10-30 09:35:05] <sisisi> I cant get the pic link
[2016-10-30 09:35:05] <germanperson> what kind of dumbass post is this https://w

[2016-10-30 09:35:07] <sisisi> Jesus

[2016-10-30 09:35:08] <wqzz> [7Reddit] [META] Proposal to fix the propaganda and ge
nerally bad posts. : syriancivilwar - 83 comments, 69 points - Poutchika, 1h ago
[2016-10-30 09:35:09] <germanperson> oh its fucking pout
[2016-10-30 09:35:41] <Dune> sisisi: you can. it s just a hassle cause your and
roid irc client is causing you trouble?
[2016-10-30 09:36:06] katzen quit (katzen@user/katzen): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 09:36:08] <sisisi> I can but IT WOULD HAVE BEEN FAR EASIER
[2016-10-30 09:36:12] <sisisi> IF THIS CUCK COUNTRY
[2016-10-30 09:36:19] <sisisi> DIDNT BLOCK
[2016-10-30 09:36:21] <sisisi> FUCKIN IMGUR
[2016-10-30 09:36:31] katzen joined (katzen@Snoonet-f13.7m7.sp3500.IP)
[2016-10-30 09:36:31] * quokka.snoonet.org set +v katzen
[2016-10-30 09:36:31] katzen quit (katzen@Snoonet-f13.7m7.sp3500.IP): Changing h
[2016-10-30 09:36:31] katzen joined (katzen@user/katzen)
[2016-10-30 09:36:31] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v katzen
[2016-10-30 09:37:24] <katzen> .quote
[2016-10-30 09:37:24] <Mossad> Quote 1570 of 2626: <@jayssan> i ll eat my own co
ck before i click that link
[2016-10-30 09:37:30] <sisisi> When this country burns, i will have party
[2016-10-30 09:37:34] <sisisi> with blackjack
[2016-10-30 09:37:38] <sisisi> and hookers
[2016-10-30 09:37:47] <sisisi> You are invited as well dune
[2016-10-30 09:37:56] <Dune> yeay thx
[2016-10-30 09:38:01] <sisisi> Unless u r t*rk, then dont
[2016-10-30 09:38:11] <sisisi> Pruswa is exception
[2016-10-30 09:38:12] <Dune> that would mean i d be burning
[2016-10-30 09:38:17] <Schweini_for_Hillary> https://twitter.com/BaxtiyarGoran/s
[2016-10-30 09:38:17] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @BaxtiyarGoran (Baxtiyar Goran): #Iraq s go
v t bans miniskirts &amp; trousers for female students at schools &amp; universi
ties, following an alcohol ban earlier this month. (17 minutes and 47 seconds ag
[2016-10-30 09:38:20] <Schweini_for_Hillary> rofl
[2016-10-30 09:38:32] <sisisi> LMAO IRANQ
[2016-10-30 09:38:40] <Schweini_for_Hillary> ayatollah abadi
[2016-10-30 09:38:44] <sisisi> wait dune, are you a t*rk?
[2016-10-30 09:38:50] <Dune> nei i m a frog
[2016-10-30 09:38:56] <sisisi> Good
[2016-10-30 09:38:59] <sisisi> U r fine
[2016-10-30 09:39:09] <sisisi> Dont go near t*rkish embassy
[2016-10-30 09:39:17] <sisisi> Some of you are Aight
[2016-10-30 09:39:27] <katzen> lol
[2016-10-30 09:39:45] <katzen> one day some agency will go mad because they dont
know the meme
[2016-10-30 09:39:46] <Cioran> sisisi just announced a terrorist attack on the T
urkish embassy on IRC
[2016-10-30 09:39:49] <sisisi> Schweini_for_Hillary: >mfw there is isis in south
as well
[2016-10-30 09:39:51] <Cioran> gg
[2016-10-30 09:40:07] <sisisi> To have terrorism
[2016-10-30 09:40:11] <sisisi> There should be
[2016-10-30 09:40:14] <Dune> sisisi: I have a turkish friend that recently becam
e french, is he still a t*rk?
[2016-10-30 09:40:14] <sisisi> Human
[2016-10-30 09:40:19] <sisisi> T*rks arent
[2016-10-30 09:40:21] <sisisi> Human
[2016-10-30 09:40:28] <sisisi> What is problem, cioran?

[2016-10-30 09:41:06] <sisisi> Dune would saying "ataturk was a faggot and reis
can suck my balls" would trigger him?
[2016-10-30 09:41:11] <sisisi> If not
[2016-10-30 09:41:16] <sisisi> He is french
[2016-10-30 09:41:22] <sisisi> If it triggers
[2016-10-30 09:41:24] <sisisi> He is turk
[2016-10-30 09:41:26] <sisisi> simple
[2016-10-30 09:43:12] <sisisi> >mfw i am getting radicalized
[2016-10-30 09:43:23] <sisisi> >tfw liwa al obese soon
[2016-10-30 09:44:53] <katzen> lol
[2016-10-30 09:44:58] ewe joined (ewe@Snoonet-3hm.idi.ngk33q.IP)
[2016-10-30 09:45:05] <sisisi> Naenil how is purging t*rks goim
[2016-10-30 09:45:08] <sisisi> Goin
[2016-10-30 09:45:10] <katzen> sisisi you need to combine your radicalism with a
positive vision
[2016-10-30 09:45:26] <katzen> otherwise the alienation is unbearable
[2016-10-30 09:45:30] <sisisi> My vision is turkey being burned
[2016-10-30 09:45:37] <sisisi> I dont see anything
[2016-10-30 09:45:42] <sisisi> WRONG
[2016-10-30 09:45:44] <sisisi> with it
[2016-10-30 09:46:27] <sisisi> For that
[2016-10-30 09:46:30] <sisisi> I will vote
[2016-10-30 09:46:33] <sisisi> Erdoan
[2016-10-30 09:47:04] ewe quit (ewe@Snoonet-3hm.idi.ngk33q.IP): Quit: http://www
.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 09:47:30] <sisisi> Katzen let me have my blast
[2016-10-30 09:47:41] <sisisi> I can think about vision latet
[2016-10-30 09:47:45] <sisisi> Later
[2016-10-30 09:47:48] <katzen> yeah do what you need to do
[2016-10-30 09:48:27] <katzen> but if you dont want to become a bitter conservat
ive who just wants muh stability later in life then you need to have a plan
[2016-10-30 09:48:36] * zzqw set the topic to Welcome to #syriancivilwar | http:
//vocaroo.com/i/s0h1n7Mfzs9D Lyrics http://imgur.com/a/RzHWo | Use your IRC nick
name and Reddit username or get banned | https://youtu.be/gOcjdnMU9WI | Quotes:
https://x0.no/usen | Memes: https://x0.no/user | Week In Review V2 I3: https://g
oo.gl/mt8si6 | Rules: Don t be a dick. No Racism.
[2016-10-30 09:48:54] <xaashi> Holy fuck
[2016-10-30 09:49:24] * sisisi is now known as Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity
[2016-10-30 09:49:34] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> True Katzen
[2016-10-30 09:49:40] <xaashi> I keep having these super vivid and fucked up dre
ams lately
[2016-10-30 09:49:53] <katzen> xaashi the end times are coming
[2016-10-30 09:50:01] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> Xaashi to cure, you have to bur
n turkey
[2016-10-30 09:50:05] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> In your dream
[2016-10-30 09:50:07] <xaashi> And I don t know why. Is it all the drugs and alc
[2016-10-30 09:50:11] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> No
[2016-10-30 09:50:19] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> You have to burn turkey
[2016-10-30 09:50:24] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> It will fix
[2016-10-30 09:50:31] <katzen> depends on the drugs
[2016-10-30 09:50:44] <katzen> recently taken any weird african plants?
[2016-10-30 09:50:47] <xaashi> Usually you forget dreams but these I remember ve
ry well and have trouble distinguishing reality
[2016-10-30 09:51:05] <katzen> i had similar phases also
[2016-10-30 09:51:06] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> Xaashi lucid dreaming?
[2016-10-30 09:51:09] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> Kek
[2016-10-30 09:51:21] <katzen> where for a few weeks i would take minutes to arr
ive in reality
[2016-10-30 09:51:40] <katzen> and where i would have hard time remembering if

something happend in a dream or in reality

[2016-10-30 09:51:46] <xaashi> katzen: there is this new sticky weed I ve been s
[2016-10-30 09:51:53] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> Xaashi
[2016-10-30 09:51:59] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> Cut weeds fam
[2016-10-30 09:52:07] <xaashi> Very strong shit
[2016-10-30 09:52:30] <xaashi> Yeah I gotta chill out
[2016-10-30 09:52:50] <katzen> isnt cutting back on weed known for doing the exa
ct opposite?
[2016-10-30 09:53:01] <katzen> you dont dream during heavy weed use
[2016-10-30 09:53:10] <katzen> and have really intense dreams after quitting
[2016-10-30 09:53:40] <xaashi> I keep getting scared lately I ll turn schizo
[2016-10-30 09:53:55] <xaashi> Because I read this is the usual age for it
[2016-10-30 09:54:27] <xaashi> I m gonna stop all drugs soon
[2016-10-30 09:54:42] <xaashi> This is really getting out of hand
[2016-10-30 09:54:54] <katzen> xaashi one of the symptoms of being schizo is tha
t you dont know it
[2016-10-30 09:55:04] nee4speed111 quit (nee4speed11@Snoonet-hn7.qhf.o2cdp3.IP):
Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 09:55:08] <xaashi> Right?
[2016-10-30 09:55:22] <katzen> so the mere fact that you are aware of potential
bad symptoms is a good one
[2016-10-30 09:55:28] <katzen> atleast thats what i tell myself lol
[2016-10-30 09:55:33] <Naenil> how old are you xaashi
[2016-10-30 09:55:34] <xaashi> Lmao
[2016-10-30 09:55:40] <xaashi> 23
[2016-10-30 09:55:56] <Naenil> Ok, you re not destroying your life yet
[2016-10-30 09:56:11] <Naenil> I d be scaried if you answered more than 25
[2016-10-30 09:56:11] <xaashi> Lol
[2016-10-30 09:56:14] <Naenil> scared*
[2016-10-30 09:56:57] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> Naenil you are making me feel
[2016-10-30 09:57:04] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> Depresses
[2016-10-30 09:57:05] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> D
[2016-10-30 09:57:08] <Naenil> how
[2016-10-30 09:57:13] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> I am 25
[2016-10-30 09:57:15] <katzen> sisisi is old
[2016-10-30 09:57:42] <katzen> and his family wants him to marry and spawn littl
e kurds
[2016-10-30 09:57:42] <Naenil> You don t do drug Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity
[2016-10-30 09:57:42] <Naenil> >marrying
[2016-10-30 09:57:46] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> No naenil
[2016-10-30 09:57:46] <Naenil> cmon 25 is super young for that
[2016-10-30 09:57:49] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> I mean
[2016-10-30 09:57:51] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> katzen
[2016-10-30 09:57:51] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> Kek
[2016-10-30 09:57:57] <katzen> lol
[2016-10-30 09:58:02] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> They dont want me to marry
[2016-10-30 09:58:11] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> Especially after i told them
[2016-10-30 09:58:11] <Prky008> but he has to marry and make little kurds
[2016-10-30 09:58:15] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> I will leave
[2016-10-30 09:58:20] <Prky008> to fulfil apo s plan
[2016-10-30 09:58:23] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> In future
[2016-10-30 09:58:30] <Prky008> outnumber Turks
[2016-10-30 09:58:33] <nvl> Demographic conquest Prky008
[2016-10-30 09:58:36] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> But i wont leave now
[2016-10-30 09:58:37] <Prky008> and oppress them then
[2016-10-30 09:58:46] <Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity> But i wont tell my parents
[2016-10-30 09:58:46] <katzen> U M V O L K U N G
[2016-10-30 09:59:37] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/Histreepix/status/78800127683

[2016-10-30 09:59:37] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @Histreepix (Histry in Pictures): Auditions

for Ms Pac-Man , 1954. https://t.co/EmpUQreVdb (13 days and 1 hour ago)
[2016-10-30 10:00:54] <katzen> why does this look like weird bdsm for me
[2016-10-30 10:00:58] <katzen> smh this world
[2016-10-30 10:01:07] <katzen> rotting everyones brain
[2016-10-30 10:01:29] QassemSoleimani joined (Qassem@user/QassemSoleimani)
[2016-10-30 10:01:29] * protectandserve.snoonet.org set +v QassemSoleimani
[2016-10-30 10:01:47] <katzen> https://www.reddit.com/r/berlin/comments/5a5hxl/r
[2016-10-30 10:01:54] <katzen> sometimes i love r/berlin
[2016-10-30 10:01:56] <wqzz> [7Reddit] Recommendation for facials in Berlin : berli
n - 3 comments, 2 points - natalisucks, 3h ago
[2016-10-30 10:03:02] <katzen> .quote
[2016-10-30 10:03:02] <Mossad> Quote 1843 of 2626: <yat> slept through my alarm,
got to school barely on time, looked so bad that when I bought lunch the guy di
dnt charge me for it and told me to "try and have a good day"
[2016-10-30 10:05:54] <Prky008> inb4 *makes a joke about jews and money*
[2016-10-30 10:08:10] zzqw quit (luser@Snoonet-tal.2te.j9of9e.IP): Quit: aaaaaaa
[2016-10-30 10:08:14] denadryne joined (denadryne@user/denadryne)
[2016-10-30 10:08:14] * tx.snoonet.org set +v denadryne
[2016-10-30 10:08:58] P3TC0CK joined (P3TC0CK@user/P3TC0CK)
[2016-10-30 10:08:58] * veronica.snoonet.org set +v P3TC0CK
[2016-10-30 10:11:08] emr1028 quit (emr10@syriancivilwar/emr1028): Ping timeout:
121 seconds
[2016-10-30 10:11:21] youssefprime joined (youssefprim@Snoonet-mdq.jft.cc5tpj.IP
[2016-10-30 10:11:21] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v youssefprime
[2016-10-30 10:11:35] <P3TC0CK> hi
[2016-10-30 10:11:35] <Mossad> P3TC0CK: 13:07 <Naenil> tell P3TC0CK https://twit
[2016-10-30 10:12:18] <youssefprime> hi
[2016-10-30 10:12:18] <Mossad> youssefprime: 03:22 <P3TC0CK> tell youssefprime I
used to, I don t like it anymore but I like to keep up with the e-sports scene
[2016-10-30 10:12:49] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: any rebel gains today?
[2016-10-30 10:12:58] <P3TC0CK> just woke uo
[2016-10-30 10:12:59] <P3TC0CK> p
[2016-10-30 10:13:12] <youssefprime> ah
[2016-10-30 10:13:19] <youssefprime> I woke up like 2 hours ago :l
[2016-10-30 10:13:32] <youssefprime> dude I just want to black out my windows
[2016-10-30 10:13:38] <youssefprime> so ill never know when it s daytime
[2016-10-30 10:13:41] <youssefprime> I can sleep alll day :D
[2016-10-30 10:13:51] <youssefprime> I cannot sleep at all when there is light.
[2016-10-30 10:15:10] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: https://clips.twitch.tv/proleague
csgo/GiftedTigerTinyFace nasty flickshot just happened
[2016-10-30 10:15:23] <denadryne> youssefprime you re a vampire
[2016-10-30 10:15:58] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: were there any particularly hype
moments at ESL Dubai ?
[2016-10-30 10:16:16] <P3TC0CK> no
[2016-10-30 10:16:20] <P3TC0CK> I left because it was boring
[2016-10-30 10:17:38] <youssefprime> oh
[2016-10-30 10:17:42] <youssefprime> lol
[2016-10-30 10:18:55] <P3TC0CK> youssefprime
[2016-10-30 10:19:02] <youssefprime> yes?
[2016-10-30 10:19:10] <P3TC0CK> the rebels ahve a truck mounted multi elephant c
anon :O
[2016-10-30 10:19:19] <youssefprime> captured from SAA?
[2016-10-30 10:20:32] <katzen> rebels are getting destroyed rn
[2016-10-30 10:20:33] <P3TC0CK> no they made it I think
[2016-10-30 10:20:37] <P3TC0CK> one sec will share youssefprime

[2016-10-30 10:20:51] <katzen> no advances still dealing with counter attacks

[2016-10-30 10:20:53] <youssefprime> katzen: they re having trouble advancing
[2016-10-30 10:21:05] <youssefprime> katzen: did you see the ANNA news video ?
[2016-10-30 10:21:11] <katzen> ye
[2016-10-30 10:21:12] <youssefprime> multiple direct hits on rebels with Grad-P
[2016-10-30 10:21:54] <katzen> https://twitter.com/ahlalshami/status/79273267903
[2016-10-30 10:21:54] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @ahlalshami (
): 3000 apt - progress is
aptured several buildings. However, there is an issue with regime in 1070 NE mak
ing things difficult. (2 minutes and 20 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 10:22:08] <katzen> ok atleast some advances claimed by rebels in 3k
[2016-10-30 10:22:37] <katzen> but there seems to be a pretty heroic defense of
[2016-10-30 10:22:40] <P3TC0CK> https://twitter.com/NoorNahas1/status/7927334282
99030528 youssefprime
[2016-10-30 10:22:41] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @NoorNahas1 (Noor Nahas): Possible elephant
rocket launcher from Ahrar al Sham, firing on regime positions in 3000 Apartmen
ts #Aleppo https://t.co/pim9nJSzp7 (8 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 10:22:51] <P3TC0CK> did you see the rebel videos
[2016-10-30 10:22:53] <P3TC0CK> youssefprime:
[2016-10-30 10:22:58] <P3TC0CK> mutliple areas of aleppo captured
[2016-10-30 10:23:04] <P3TC0CK> :)
[2016-10-30 10:23:05] <youssefprime> nice
[2016-10-30 10:23:12] <youssefprime> no i havent
[2016-10-30 10:26:39] Atomicturtle joined (Atomicturtl@Snoonet-mma.ard.ta4l7q.IP
[2016-10-30 10:29:19] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/i/moments/792716455494033408
[2016-10-30 10:29:21] <Naenil> china shittalking
[2016-10-30 10:29:30] <Schweini_for_Hillary> chyna
[2016-10-30 10:31:44] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/paulhansen64/status/792697030
[2016-10-30 10:31:44] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @paulhansen64 (paul hansen): Citizen Journal
ism Is a Catastrophe leading to torrents of bullshit being uncorked, and not fact
checked. https://t.co/XW8kWmCld0 (2 hours and 33 minutes ago)
[2016-10-30 10:32:56] <Naenil> the fuck is up with my hairs today
[2016-10-30 10:35:02] <Schweini_for_Hillary> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HF
[2016-10-30 10:35:02] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] ehrban Ware Me - length 6m 2s - 583 likes, 45 disl
kes (92.8%) - 316,007 views - stranenkurdi63 on 2012.08.15
[2016-10-30 10:35:59] <denadryne> did they actually capture 3000
[2016-10-30 10:37:15] emr1028 joined (emr10@syriancivilwar/emr1028)
[2016-10-30 10:37:15] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v emr1028
[2016-10-30 10:37:15] * Bashar set +o emr1028
[2016-10-30 10:39:10] <Prky008> https://twitter.com/Miirwais/status/792703496617
[2016-10-30 10:39:10] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @Miirwais (Mirwais Afghan): In the first 8
months of 2016, 5,523 Afghan security forces have been killed and 9,665 wounded
in Taliban attacks, says the new SIGAR report (2 hours and 15 minutes ago)
[2016-10-30 10:40:55] <Naenil> I follow too much people on twitter
[2016-10-30 10:42:52] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/792738154
[2016-10-30 10:42:52] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @ImranKhanPTI (Imran Khan): In Seoul despite
lockdown of city no containers or police brutality. Difference between democrac
y and badshahat. (1 minute and 33 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 10:43:53] <Schweini_for_Hillary> AXXX flower http://i.imgur.com/4gf9
[2016-10-30 10:44:27] <denadryne> lmaooo what a diss naenil
[2016-10-30 10:44:34] <denadryne> pakistan is gonna crucify him
[2016-10-30 10:44:47] <denadryne> looks like yat schweini_for_hillary
[2016-10-30 10:45:08] <P3TC0CK> youssefprime no advances I think

[2016-10-30 10:45:11] <Schweini_for_Hillary> slightly yes i see the resemblance

[2016-10-30 10:45:21] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: good :D
[2016-10-30 10:45:23] <Naenil> Well he was rekt outta islamabad denadryne
[2016-10-30 10:45:34] <P3TC0CK> just lots of rockets being fired on regime youss
[2016-10-30 10:45:35] <P3TC0CK> :)
[2016-10-30 10:45:37] <denadryne> i wanna visit pakistan with bobbyjindal
[2016-10-30 10:46:26] SerNemesis joined (uid57206@user/SirNemesis)
[2016-10-30 10:46:26] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v SerNemesis
[2016-10-30 10:48:20] QassemSoleimani quit (Qassem@user/QassemSoleimani): Quit:
ya allah
[2016-10-30 10:50:15] <P3TC0CK> https://twitter.com/metesohtaoglu/status/7927178
82320904192 Schweini_for_Hillary youssefprime :D
[2016-10-30 10:50:15] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @metesohtaoglu (Mete Sohtaolu): #Turkish arm
y send more armoured vehicles,tanks to #Gaziantep near #Syria border as a part o
f #EuphratesShield https://t.co/WIwqi1WX1e (1 hour and 29 minutes ago)
[2016-10-30 10:50:25] <P3TC0CK> Syrian sovereignty :D
[2016-10-30 10:50:51] Burn_Turkey_For_Humanity quit (AndChat5799@user/sisisi): Q
uit: Bye
[2016-10-30 10:50:59] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/AP/status/792739981110509568
[2016-10-30 10:50:59] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @AP (The Associated Press): Saudi Arabia say
s it foiled 2 militant plots - one against police officers, another to car bomb
soccer match. https://t.co/ua5muDYkXD (2 minutes and 25 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 10:51:03] <Schweini_for_Hillary> lol what are they gonna do
[2016-10-30 10:51:32] <P3TC0CK> kill kurds :3
[2016-10-30 10:51:40] <P3TC0CK> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuccqEQJeGI is t
his your sister
[2016-10-30 10:51:40] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] 
 - lengt
riyexuseriye on 2016.10.30
[2016-10-30 10:52:02] <P3TC0CK> also look in the comments Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-10-30 10:52:04] <P3TC0CK> Jew Kurd
[2016-10-30 10:53:08] <Schweini_for_Hillary> what comments
[2016-10-30 10:53:58] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/LeReilly/status/7927405763367
[2016-10-30 10:53:58] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @LeReilly (Benjamin LeReilly ): https://t.co
/7wvz03D1xZ (3 minutes and 2 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 10:55:15] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: howm any vehicles have they lost
so far
[2016-10-30 10:55:20] <youssefprime> how many*
[2016-10-30 10:57:20] <denadryne> naenil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmMxJz9
[2016-10-30 10:57:20] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] PARIS 2016: Scenes from the Apocalypse - Afric
an Mass Immigration ruins Streets of France - length 2m 26s - 718 likes, 21 dislike
s (97.2%) - 119,990 views - Face of a dying Nation - Backup on 2016.10.12
[2016-10-30 10:58:01] <P3TC0CK> who youssefprime
[2016-10-30 10:58:04] <P3TC0CK> SAA?
[2016-10-30 10:58:08] <youssefprime> torkey
[2016-10-30 10:58:11] <P3TC0CK> oh
[2016-10-30 10:58:13] <P3TC0CK> uh
[2016-10-30 10:58:14] <youssefprime> SAA prob lost 2000+
[2016-10-30 10:58:15] <youssefprime> lol
[2016-10-30 10:58:16] <P3TC0CK> 2 or 3 tanks?
[2016-10-30 10:58:22] <youssefprime> ah
[2016-10-30 10:58:23] <P3TC0CK> maximum 5
[2016-10-30 10:58:35] <P3TC0CK> the ones I can remember is 3
[2016-10-30 10:58:51] <P3TC0CK> 2 from IS and maybe 1 or 2 from kurds youssefpri
[2016-10-30 10:59:28] <youssefprime> Naenil: im sorry fopr your country
[2016-10-30 10:59:32] <youssefprime> sorry for*

[2016-10-30 11:00:54] sisisi joined (AndChat5799@user/sisisi)

[2016-10-30 11:00:54] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v sisisi
[2016-10-30 11:01:11] <sisisi> .tell pruswa https://twitter.com/mitannmed/status
[2016-10-30 11:01:11] <Mossad> sisisi: I ll pass that on when pruswa is around.
[2016-10-30 11:01:58] <Pruswa> sisisi:
[2016-10-30 11:01:58] <Mossad> Pruswa: 15:01 <sisisi> tell Pruswa https://twitte
[2016-10-30 11:01:59] <Pruswa> CAN T
[2016-10-30 11:01:59] <sisisi> Pruswa how based a man can be
[2016-10-30 11:02:00] <Pruswa> SCRATCH
[2016-10-30 11:02:01] <Pruswa> THE
[2016-10-30 11:02:02] <Pruswa> MHRA
[2016-10-30 11:03:08] <Naenil> explain for non roaches
[2016-10-30 11:03:31] hansfer89 joined (hansfer89@Snoonet-9ke.5vc.ob67jj.IP)
[2016-10-30 11:03:31] hansfer89 quit (hansfer89@Snoonet-9ke.5vc.ob67jj.IP): Chan
ging host
[2016-10-30 11:03:31] hansfer89 joined (hansfer89@user/hansfer89)
[2016-10-30 11:03:44] <Eck> holy fuck looks like the pirate pirate is going to h
ave a PM in iceland
[2016-10-30 11:03:58] <sisisi> Naenil
[2016-10-30 11:04:00] <P3TC0CK> https://twitter.com/MGregoric/status/79274136896
7946240 youssefprime
[2016-10-30 11:04:00] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @MGregoric (Miroslav Gregoric): Who continu
es to supply moderate wahhabi rebbels with armored vehicles and rockets? Despera
te directors of Syrian r https://t.co/dvstvqWZiv (9 minutes and 55 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 11:04:11] <sisisi> This guy is arab alawite
[2016-10-30 11:04:14] <sisisi> From hatay
[2016-10-30 11:04:22] sh joined (sh@Snoonet-4gj.mvd.h2pv31.IP)
[2016-10-30 11:04:22] <P3TC0CK> >arab
[2016-10-30 11:04:25] <sh> Hi guys
[2016-10-30 11:04:25] <P3TC0CK> >alawite
[2016-10-30 11:04:25] <sisisi> Turkish islamists tried to assassinate him
[2016-10-30 11:04:25] <P3TC0CK> choose 1
[2016-10-30 11:04:30] <sh> jayssan: are u here ?
[2016-10-30 11:04:30] <sisisi> A lot
[2016-10-30 11:04:34] * sh is now known as sharbel
[2016-10-30 11:04:37] <Naenil> >a lot
[2016-10-30 11:04:38] <Naenil> eheh
[2016-10-30 11:04:38] <sisisi> He survived first
[2016-10-30 11:04:46] <sisisi> Got major wounds
[2016-10-30 11:04:49] sharbel quit (sh@Snoonet-4gj.mvd.h2pv31.IP): Changing host
[2016-10-30 11:04:49] sharbel joined (sh@user/sharbel)
[2016-10-30 11:04:51] <sisisi> By second
[2016-10-30 11:04:53] Sendai joined (Sendai@Snoonet-58f.6da.vfo7dt.IP)
[2016-10-30 11:04:55] <sisisi> They tried again
[2016-10-30 11:04:58] <sisisi> And failes
[2016-10-30 11:04:59] <sharbel> Anyone here knows how i can contact jayssan
[2016-10-30 11:05:00] <sharbel> ?
[2016-10-30 11:05:01] <sisisi> Failed
[2016-10-30 11:05:11] <sharbel> .seen jayssan
[2016-10-30 11:05:11] <Mossad> jayssan was last seen on #SyrianCivilWar at 2016-1029 03:46:38 saying ".tell libdem that s really cute and cool man, thank you :D"
[2016-10-30 11:05:18] <P3TC0CK> oh rebels advancing in Daraa youssefprime
[2016-10-30 11:05:20] <P3TC0CK> :O
[2016-10-30 11:05:28] <youssefprime> :l
[2016-10-30 11:05:35] <Naenil> .tell ganja https://twitter.com/_Native_Life/stat
[2016-10-30 11:05:35] <Mossad> Naenil: I ll pass that on when ganja is around.
[2016-10-30 11:05:44] <Naenil> pm him on reddit sharbel ?

[2016-10-30 11:05:48] Shadowkirby12_ joined (Shadowkirby@Snoonet-shi.7tq.e2slfs.

[2016-10-30 11:05:58] <sharbel> Naenil: please give me his link
[2016-10-30 11:05:59] <Sendai> How is that truce area near Idlib able to hold ou
[2016-10-30 11:06:01] <sharbel> i would appriciate it my friend
[2016-10-30 11:06:06] <sharbel> i am noob in reddit
[2016-10-30 11:06:09] <Naenil> eponym
[2016-10-30 11:06:16] <Naenil> https://www.reddit.com/user/jayssan/ sharbel
[2016-10-30 11:07:05] Shadowkirby12_ quit (Shadowkirby@Snoonet-shi.7tq.e2slfs.IP
): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 11:07:22] Sendai quit (Sendai@Snoonet-58f.6da.vfo7dt.IP): Quit: http
://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 11:07:51] <Pruswa> Naenil: He was reported dead like 50 times alread
[2016-10-30 11:07:58] <Naenil> based Pruswa
[2016-10-30 11:08:01] <Pruswa> But he doesn t die even though his ass hair is tu
rning white at this point
[2016-10-30 11:08:14] <Pruswa> He called a Gr*y W*lf mafia leader to a "duel" in
[2016-10-30 11:08:16] <Pruswa> And he pussied out
[2016-10-30 11:08:49] <P3TC0CK> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7fnDT549F8 yous
sefprime rebel calling someone from the regime :)
[2016-10-30 11:08:49] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] 
[2016-10-30 11:08:52] <Pruswa> Like he is a legit meme mafia leader in T*rkey, a
nd based Mihra called on him to come to Latakia and fite him irl, and the guy pus
sies the fuck out
[2016-10-30 11:09:01] <Naenil> kek
[2016-10-30 11:09:05] <Pruswa> sisisi: is he an Arab though?
[2016-10-30 11:09:51] <Pruswa> Mihra Ural doesn t sound like an Arab name
[2016-10-30 11:10:01] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: video aside.. the guy doing the c
all is handsome :o
[2016-10-30 11:10:11] <P3TC0CK> you gay boi
[2016-10-30 11:10:39] <Pruswa> sisisi: bu arada saat ka lan
[2016-10-30 11:10:42] <youssefprime> im not gay lol
[2016-10-30 11:11:06] <sisisi> 6 10 deil mi Pruswa
[2016-10-30 11:11:11] <sisisi> Bilmiyorum
[2016-10-30 11:11:45] <denadryne> youssefprime would your dad disown you if you
came out of the closet
[2016-10-30 11:11:46] h8speech quit (h8speech@user/h8speech): Quit: Leaving.
[2016-10-30 11:11:48] <sisisi> Pruswa
[2016-10-30 11:11:48] <Pruswa> WHOAH
[2016-10-30 11:11:48] <Pruswa> https://twitter.com/MihracUral2/status/7927395365
[2016-10-30 11:11:49] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @MihracUral2 (Mihrac Ural): Erdoan+Hakan Fid
an sizinle uluslararasi cinayet mahkemesinde katletmeye azmetirmek ve panlamakta
n yarglanmanz zerine dava grmemiz var (25 minutes ago)
[2016-10-30 11:11:51] <sisisi> he is
[2016-10-30 11:11:51] <Pruswa> FUARK
[2016-10-30 11:11:55] <sisisi> LMAO
[2016-10-30 11:12:00] <sisisi> B A S E D
[2016-10-30 11:12:09] <Naenil> translate?
[2016-10-30 11:12:12] <Pruswa> MHRA WILL HANG ERDO HIMSELF IN 2023 CONFIRMED
[2016-10-30 11:12:18] <Naenil> angry but I can t tell
[2016-10-30 11:12:26] <Naenil> What s up with turks and 2023?
[2016-10-30 11:12:35] <youssefprime> yo guys
[2016-10-30 11:12:41] <sisisi> Pruswa he is arab aighy
[2016-10-30 11:12:45] MosheDayan joined (mzrxa@Snoonet-olt.r80.jtlss0.IP)
[2016-10-30 11:12:48] <youssefprime> yall heard bout that shit happening in Sout
h Korea

[2016-10-30 11:12:48] <youssefprime> ??

[2016-10-30 11:12:50] <Naenil> I remember this year number quoted in the meme fu
ture prediction video Pruswa
[2016-10-30 11:12:51] <youssefprime> crazy
[2016-10-30 11:12:51] <sisisi> Call of annexation of alexandretta
[2016-10-30 11:12:53] <sisisi> to syria
[2016-10-30 11:12:57] <Naenil> yeah man youssefprime cray cray
[2016-10-30 11:13:20] <Naenil> She ll probably resign this week
[2016-10-30 11:13:22] <Pruswa> "Erdoan+Hakan Fidan(MT leader) we have a trial with
you at international court of murder about you getting tried for encouraging an
d justifying slaughter."
[2016-10-30 11:13:29] <sisisi> He is also kurd shill too
[2016-10-30 11:13:31] <sisisi> Pruswa
[2016-10-30 11:13:36] <Pruswa> Naenil:
[2016-10-30 11:13:37] <sisisi> Like he wouldnt mind
[2016-10-30 11:13:43] <Naenil> Tbh youssefprime "let s elect the daughter of a d
ictatorn what could go wrong"
[2016-10-30 11:13:44] <sisisi> If sdf gets a coast somehow
[2016-10-30 11:13:49] <Naenil> I see
[2016-10-30 11:14:14] <youssefprime> any pics of Choi Soon-sil
[2016-10-30 11:14:14] <youssefprime> ?
[2016-10-30 11:14:30] <Pruswa> Naenil: did you see the translation?
[2016-10-30 11:14:34] <youssefprime> nvm found1
[2016-10-30 11:14:35] <denadryne> youssefprime trying to dodge the gay q
[2016-10-30 11:14:41] <youssefprime> denadryne: lol
[2016-10-30 11:14:43] <Naenil> based Pruswa
[2016-10-30 11:14:47] <youssefprime> denadryne: yes he would
[2016-10-30 11:14:55] <Naenil> http://img.arirang.com/A_UpFile/News_Image/201610
/N161027151615B.jpg youssefprime
[2016-10-30 11:14:56] <Pruswa> sisisi: I think they don t take him to Aleppo bec
ause they don t want him too close to SDF
[2016-10-30 11:14:58] <sisisi> Pruswa bence saat
[2016-10-30 11:15:00] <sisisi> 5 aq
[2016-10-30 11:15:04] <denadryne> tell him you were born this way youssefprime
[2016-10-30 11:15:05] <denadryne> in arabic
[2016-10-30 11:15:05] <Pruswa> 5 olsun istiyorum ben de
[2016-10-30 11:15:11] <sisisi> 6 deil
[2016-10-30 11:15:18] <youssefprime> Naenil: ok good she dont look too crazy
[2016-10-30 11:15:21] <sisisi> Laptop 5 diyor
[2016-10-30 11:15:27] <sisisi> Telefon 5 diyor
[2016-10-30 11:15:32] <youssefprime> so basically she dictates every move Park g
uen-hye makes ?
[2016-10-30 11:15:32] <sisisi> Ama bizimkiler 6
[2016-10-30 11:15:55] <denadryne> what is wrong with a country being controlled
by a cult
[2016-10-30 11:15:59] <denadryne> in saudi arabia it is fine
[2016-10-30 11:16:04] <Naenil> that s the rumor youssefprime
[2016-10-30 11:16:19] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A
[2016-10-30 11:16:19] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] 
[2016-10-30 11:16:20] <denadryne> also utah is controlled by mormons
[2016-10-30 11:16:23] <denadryne> what is the difference
[2016-10-30 11:16:24] <youssefprime> u seen that P3TC0CK ?
[2016-10-30 11:16:32] <Naenil> the difference is that mcmullin is based denadryn
[2016-10-30 11:16:34] <youssefprime> denadryne: is it actually ?
[2016-10-30 11:16:41] <denadryne> youssefprime hell yeah
[2016-10-30 11:16:52] <Naenil> Yeah utah is mormon hivemind youssefprime
[2016-10-30 11:16:58] <Naenil> Mormons are like
[2016-10-30 11:16:59] <P3TC0CK> not yet youssefprime


[2016-10-30 11:17:00] <Naenil> christian jews

[2016-10-30 11:17:02] <P3TC0CK> looks good
[2016-10-30 11:17:03] <denadryne> mcmullin will never find success after this el
[2016-10-30 11:17:05] <denadryne> naenil
[2016-10-30 11:17:05] <Pruswa> sisisi: Bende laptop ve telefon 5, ama telefondak
i hava durumu gstericisi 6 diyor
[2016-10-30 11:17:07] <denadryne> hes pro gay marriage
[2016-10-30 11:17:09] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: enemy visible
[2016-10-30 11:17:12] <denadryne> he has no political future
[2016-10-30 11:17:15] <youssefprime> lots of dead saa
[2016-10-30 11:17:23] <Naenil> He can switch at convenience denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:17:32] <youssefprime> brb
[2016-10-30 11:17:32] <Eck> unlimited stockpiles of saa
[2016-10-30 11:17:33] <Naenil> He went as a fucking undercover agent in jordan d
[2016-10-30 11:17:46] <denadryne> naenil he already broke the first rule of OPSE
[2016-10-30 11:17:53] <Naenil> No?
[2016-10-30 11:17:57] <Naenil> if you run for president
[2016-10-30 11:18:00] <denadryne> he just went inghimas for this election naenil
[2016-10-30 11:18:03] <denadryne> he has no more future
[2016-10-30 11:18:05] <Naenil> You need to tell some things
[2016-10-30 11:18:12] <Naenil> no u
[2016-10-30 11:18:13] <denadryne> not in utah
[2016-10-30 11:18:15] Aheas joined (Aheas@Snoonet-a4u.t72.gmgpd4.IP)
[2016-10-30 11:18:21] <denadryne> maybe he can run in a different state
[2016-10-30 11:18:26] <denadryne> like liberal colorado
[2016-10-30 11:18:44] <Naenil> We ll talk about this when he ll get the 6 votes
[2016-10-30 11:18:44] Aheas quit (Aheas@Snoonet-a4u.t72.gmgpd4.IP): Quit: http:/
/www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 11:18:45] <denadryne> but if you re down with the homo, you ain t go
t no flo no mo in utah
[2016-10-30 11:18:56] <Eck> isn t the first rule not selling classified docs and
weapons to foreign countries and enemy combatants
[2016-10-30 11:19:03] <Eck> because clinton has broke more rules than trump
[2016-10-30 11:20:58] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/JonathnVr/status/792747999956
967424 me vs halloween denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:20:58] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @JonathnVr (Jonathan Vayr): #Halloween ? Vo
il ce que j en fait d Halloween moi. https://t.co/2Ktsn5KXiR (32 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 11:22:05] <denadryne> naenil girls dont go out on halloween in linge
rie in france?
[2016-10-30 11:22:14] <Naenil> wat
[2016-10-30 11:22:24] <yat> milashka
[2016-10-30 11:22:24] <Mossad> yat: 29 Oct 17:33 <winnilourson> tell yat yesterd
ay i got drunk and had morcilla and nopales tacos
[2016-10-30 11:22:25] <Mossad> yat: 29 Oct 17:33 <winnilourson> tell yat it was
[2016-10-30 11:22:26] <Mossad> yat: 29 Oct 22:41 <xaashi> tell yat https://twitt
[2016-10-30 11:22:28] <Mossad> yat: 05:10 <denadryne> tell yat https://twitter.c
[2016-10-30 11:22:33] <denadryne> *l erection a commence
[2016-10-30 11:22:59] <yat> .tell winnilourson how did you like the nopales? a l
ot of ppl dont like them v much but i love them <3
[2016-10-30 11:22:59] <Mossad> yat: I ll pass that on when winnilourson is aroun
[2016-10-30 11:23:00] <denadryne> privet yachka
[2016-10-30 11:23:28] <Naenil> Why to moreigheni always got this absent look
[2016-10-30 11:23:30] <Naenil> yat, rate that https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwBoJr

[2016-10-30 11:24:04] <yat> not feelin it Naenil
[2016-10-30 11:24:05] <denadryne> naenil typical halloween costumes for girls ht
[2016-10-30 11:24:08] <yat> like her brows tho
[2016-10-30 11:24:12] <denadryne> also watch mean girls
[2016-10-30 11:24:19] <Naenil> She has this "ded" look
[2016-10-30 11:24:24] <Naenil> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federica_Mogherini
[2016-10-30 11:24:50] <Naenil> You re mixing up "halloween constume" and "bdsm g
ear" denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:24:50] <denadryne> LMFAO http://cdn1.matadornetwork.com/blogs/1/2
010/10/french-kiss-matador-seo.jpg naenil yat
[2016-10-30 11:24:51] <yat> no me gusta Naenil
[2016-10-30 11:25:00] <Naenil> sorry to disapoint you in yoru dreams
[2016-10-30 11:26:08] <denadryne> naenil the biggest spot near me for hallowenn
[2016-10-30 11:26:09] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Isla Vista, Santa Barbara Halloween 2010 - leng
th 2m 41s - 79 likes, 8 dislikes (90.8%) - 89,177 views - howtochugbeer on 2010.11.02
[2016-10-30 11:26:19] <Naenil> idgaf about halloween denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:26:20] <youssefprime> holy shit
[2016-10-30 11:26:23] <youssefprime> i just blew my nose
[2016-10-30 11:26:25] <Naenil> Like I get it s a bit thing for americans
[2016-10-30 11:26:26] <youssefprime> and my ear exploded
[2016-10-30 11:26:30] <youssefprime> it hurt a bit
[2016-10-30 11:26:32] <Naenil> But I really couldn t give a fuck
[2016-10-30 11:26:33] <youssefprime> but i can hear so clearly
[2016-10-30 11:26:35] <youssefprime> :o
[2016-10-30 11:26:36] <Naenil> big*
[2016-10-30 11:26:42] <denadryne> naenil you need to chill and have an iced ame
[2016-10-30 11:26:56] <Naenil> and this denadryne is why I put notifications fro
m you on silent
[2016-10-30 11:27:11] <SerNemesis> w00t w00t
[2016-10-30 11:27:15] <SerNemesis> SAA stronk
[2016-10-30 11:27:19] <Naenil> Hope you re not as obnoxious irl
[2016-10-30 11:27:20] <SerNemesis> .bashar
[2016-10-30 11:27:20] <wqzz> ALLAH, SOURIYA, BASHAR W BAS
[2016-10-30 11:27:25] <yat> denadryne, i must admit it took me longer than it sh
ould have to get that
[2016-10-30 11:27:48] <denadryne> Jew ese
[2016-10-30 11:27:49] <denadryne> Jew ese
[2016-10-30 11:27:52] <denadryne> eyyyy
[2016-10-30 11:28:05] <denadryne> los gustamos
[2016-10-30 11:28:38] <denadryne> yat havin a Mr Burns moment
[2016-10-30 11:29:00] <denadryne> naenil youve just never had good coffee
[2016-10-30 11:29:09] <denadryne> even by european standards
[2016-10-30 11:29:18] <yat> my professor replied to my email and i think he repl
ied on his iphone bc he listed my name as "gibraltar"
[2016-10-30 11:29:19] <yat> ????
[2016-10-30 11:29:20] Rane joined (Rane@Snoonet-na6.5j3.4umhei.IP)
[2016-10-30 11:29:20] * ny.snoonet.org set +v Rane
[2016-10-30 11:29:20] Rane quit (Rane@Snoonet-na6.5j3.4umhei.IP): Changing host
[2016-10-30 11:29:20] Rane joined (Rane@user/Rane)
[2016-10-30 11:29:20] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v Rane
[2016-10-30 11:29:25] <yat> ???????????
[2016-10-30 11:29:33] <Rane> Erdogan wants to expand Euphrates Shield to Iraq
[2016-10-30 11:29:35] <Rane> whewwwww lad
[2016-10-30 11:29:39] <Rane> whewwwww he s gone mad

[2016-10-30 11:30:06] <Naenil> I want him to do it Rane

[2016-10-30 11:30:17] <Rane> Just for the laffs
[2016-10-30 11:30:21] <denadryne> apparently french coffee is supposed to be the
worst in europe
[2016-10-30 11:30:27] <Naenil> So he get all the counterpunchs
[2016-10-30 11:30:39] <denadryne> tfw turkish coffee is the best in europe
[2016-10-30 11:30:51] <denadryne> and austrian coffee is p much the exact same t
[2016-10-30 11:30:51] <Naenil> OMGYOURESOFUNNY denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:30:57] <Naenil> DID YOU ATE A CLOWN
[2016-10-30 11:31:01] <youssefprime> why would f rench be the worst
[2016-10-30 11:31:05] <youssefprime> french*
[2016-10-30 11:31:08] <Naenil> U
[2016-10-30 11:31:08] <Naenil> R
[2016-10-30 11:31:09] <Naenil>
[2016-10-30 11:31:10] <Naenil> S
[2016-10-30 11:31:11] <Naenil> O
[2016-10-30 11:31:11] <Naenil>
[2016-10-30 11:31:12] <Naenil> F
[2016-10-30 11:31:14] <denadryne> youssefprime there are whole articles about it
[2016-10-30 11:31:14] <Naenil> U
[2016-10-30 11:31:16] <Naenil> N
[2016-10-30 11:31:18] <Naenil> N
[2016-10-30 11:31:20] <Naenil> Y
[2016-10-30 11:31:39] <denadryne> http://loveandpassport.com/why-is-french-coffe
e-so-bad/ youssefprime
[2016-10-30 11:32:13] <Naenil> http://mockable.org/southern-california-is-for-su
[2016-10-30 11:32:18] <Schweini_for_Hillary> shut up spammer
[2016-10-30 11:32:20] <Naenil> LOL SOUTH CALI SI FOR SUCKERS
[2016-10-30 11:32:30] <Naenil> I m being denadryne lemme express myself Schweini
[2016-10-30 11:32:32] <Pruswa> How likely are we to see the guys fron Southern F
ront surrendering if this offense on Aleppo fails?
[2016-10-30 11:32:39] <denadryne> http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politic
p_of_coffee.html youssefprime
[2016-10-30 11:32:45] <Rane> lol Naenil
[2016-10-30 11:32:47] <Naenil> >slate
[2016-10-30 11:32:57] <Rane> Belgian ultranationalist party leader supported Tru
[2016-10-30 11:33:01] <Naenil> If slate says something you know the opposite is
the good opinion
[2016-10-30 11:33:06] <Rane> Says being a sexist is besides the question
[2016-10-30 11:33:10] <Rane> and that he could be the 2nd Reagan
[2016-10-30 11:33:12] <Rane> L O L
[2016-10-30 11:33:13] <youssefprime> I have been living off instant noodles and
burger kind chicken nuggets for 3 days
[2016-10-30 11:33:14] <youssefprime> :l
[2016-10-30 11:33:17] sorzer joined (thunderingg@user/sorzer)
[2016-10-30 11:33:17] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v sorzer
[2016-10-30 11:33:17] * Bashar set +o sorzer
[2016-10-30 11:33:21] <youssefprime> burger king*
[2016-10-30 11:33:40] <youssefprime> but idc cause is good :D
[2016-10-30 11:34:02] <Schweini_for_Hillary> mc chicken jr is so good
[2016-10-30 11:34:14] <denadryne> i kinda want a royale with cheese now
[2016-10-30 11:34:18] <Rane> buy actual chicken
[2016-10-30 11:34:26] <Rane> or lamb
[2016-10-30 11:34:36] <Rane> and buy fries

[2016-10-30 11:34:39]
[2016-10-30 11:34:40]
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[2016-10-30 11:35:18]
[2016-10-30 11:35:31]
than Belgian one
[2016-10-30 11:36:18]
rching for stiches
[2016-10-30 11:36:42]
meout: 121 seconds
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ize their food
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German wine
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life man)
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then deepfry them

it s how I eat since I live in my new appartment
lol the protest i was at was filmed by RT
TFW Russian media has more attention for my protest

<Naenil> yeah because russian media is that guy who is sea

MosheDayan quit (mzrxa@Snoonet-olt.r80.jtlss0.IP): Ping ti
<Rane> yeah

its weird
i know
how europeans get so triggered when you critic

<Rane> YPG still hasn t replied

<Rane> sad
<denadryne> i told my german teacher one that i iddnt like
<Rane> Denadryne try telling me or nvl that it s "French"
<denadryne> and she went ballistic on it
<Rane> we ll gut you like a fish
<denadryne> on me
<Rane> lol denadryne
<denadryne> i called german wine cheap
<Naenil> I can t criticize cali s diet
<denadryne> and she got triggered af
<Naenil> because it has none
<denadryne> lmao
<yat> .tell xaashi omfg this mary video! I am cryingggg
<Mossad> yat: I ll pass that on when xaashi is around.
<Schweini_for_Hillary> do u actually wanna join Rane
<Naenil> and you re just being an obnoxious retard denadry
<denadryne> naenil i thought you didnt believe in racism
<denadryne> itz not rea
<denadryne> l
<Rane> Schweini_for_Hillary: idk it just want them to repl
<Rane> now it feels like
<Naenil> !kb denadryne just fuck off and get a life man
* denadryne was kicked by Bashar (just fuck off and get a
* Bashar set channel modes +b *!*@user/denadryne
<Rane> some girl leaves you on Read
<Rane> that kinda sucks always
<Naenil> brb
<Schweini_for_Hillary> wtf do u mean "idk"
<Schweini_for_Hillary> either u join or not lol
<Rane> yeah i wanna join
<Rane> but first I need a reply ofc
<Rane> wondering if i encrypted right
<Rane> or what I should ve said
* Naenil set channel modes -b *!*@user/denadryne
<Rane> I just kinda explained how, why I wanna join
<Schweini_for_Hillary> aha
<yat> Naenil, why do u let dena get you so triggert
<yat> hes just a memer
<Rane> Told them like financially possible

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athletic, rich and in
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<Rane> He can t help it

<Rane> He s French
<yat> lmao
<Naenil> I understand why everyone hates calis yat
<Rane> don t insult French food
<Naenil> they re little pieces of shit
<yat> what is a calis
<Rane> lol Naenil
<Schweini_for_Hillary> http://i.imgur.com/jBw9LLI.jpg
<yat> californian?
<Naenil> ye
<yat> everyone loves californians wat
<yat> they hate texans doe
<yat> which i dont blame them
<yat> i hate texans too
<Rane> Cool pic Schweini_for_Hillary
<Naenil> memes surfers, hollywood hoes
<Rane> who s that
<Naenil> sillicon valley guys
<Schweini_for_Hillary> some asayish in efrin
denadryne joined (denadryne@user/denadryne)
* tx.snoonet.org set +v denadryne
<yat> Naenil, >implying its a bad thing to be attractive,
<denadryne> join the p3tc0ck club
<yat> do you want everyone to be ugly like bostonians
<yat> massachusetts ppl are ugly tbh
<yat> and ppl from maine
<yat> they look inbred
<Rane> can t watch vikings anymore
<Rane> ughhhhhhh
<Rane> couchtuner whyyyy
<Naenil> I hate the new rich mentality yat
<P3TC0CK> uh
<P3TC0CK> everyone hates califags
<Naenil> I know too many of these pieces of shit
<P3TC0CK> half of Texas is californians
<P3TC0CK> who are escaping cali
<yat> new rich is basically just LA Naenil
<P3TC0CK> to come to texas
<denadryne> its ok p3tc0ck
<denadryne> nae is just one underwear away from your club
<yat> san diego and the bay are old money
<denadryne> one dirty set of briefs away
<Naenil> You re wearing sandals with socks denadryne
<denadryne> *no socks
<Eck> lol
<Naenil> and shoes with no socks
<Naenil> which is even worse
<Rane> Schweini_for_Hillary:
<P3TC0CK> dude
<Eck> all you need now is a crucifix
<denadryne> i never wear socks naenil
<denadryne> unless i go hiking
<Rane> wait i ll pm
<denadryne> actually not even when i go hiking
<denadryne> so

[2016-10-30 11:44:52] <P3TC0CK> lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

[2016-10-30 11:44:55] <denadryne> only in cold weather
[2016-10-30 11:44:56] <Rane> lol
[2016-10-30 11:44:56] <P3TC0CK> oh my god naenil this flith
[2016-10-30 11:45:00] <Eck> bet your feet stank
[2016-10-30 11:45:07] <P3TC0CK> dude holy shit
[2016-10-30 11:45:21] <denadryne> eck your feet are stanker when theyre in socks
[2016-10-30 11:45:22] <Naenil> unbelievable right P3TC0CK
[2016-10-30 11:45:28] <Naenil> Imagine you re wearing a pair of snickers
[2016-10-30 11:45:30] <Naenil> without socks
[2016-10-30 11:45:34] <P3TC0CK> man denadryne try buying 15 dollar underwear and
using the other 15 dollars
[2016-10-30 11:45:34] <denadryne> now p3tc0ck and naenil can kiss
[2016-10-30 11:45:42] <P3TC0CK> for socks
[2016-10-30 11:45:42] <P3TC0CK> lmao
[2016-10-30 11:45:44] <Eck> no they aren t P3TC0CK
[2016-10-30 11:45:46] <Rane> lol
[2016-10-30 11:45:46] <denadryne> i have a pair of $20 socks doe
[2016-10-30 11:45:49] <denadryne> for those occasions
[2016-10-30 11:45:49] <P3TC0CK> oh my god you re so gross denadryne holy shit
[2016-10-30 11:45:52] <denadryne> when i do need socks
[2016-10-30 11:45:56] <denadryne> best socks ever
[2016-10-30 11:45:58] <denadryne> lifetime warranty
[2016-10-30 11:46:00] <denadryne> merino wool
[2016-10-30 11:46:10] <P3TC0CK> man no wonder you re always talking about shit s
tains and shit, you acutally enjoy that shit lmao
[2016-10-30 11:46:12] <P3TC0CK> oh my god
[2016-10-30 11:46:13] <Eck> so inconsiderate of you to even allow people to smel
l your stanky ass feet
[2016-10-30 11:46:14] <Rane> WEAR FUCKING NORMAL SOCKS TOO
[2016-10-30 11:46:15] <Rane> JESUS FUCK
[2016-10-30 11:46:17] <P3TC0CK> >merino wool
[2016-10-30 11:46:21] <P3TC0CK> lmaooooooooo
[2016-10-30 11:46:24] <P3TC0CK> literally getting scammed
[2016-10-30 11:46:29] <denadryne> normal socks suck
[2016-10-30 11:46:32] <denadryne> these socks are amazin
[2016-10-30 11:46:40] <Naenil> they might sucks but you smell
[2016-10-30 11:46:47] <Naenil> since you don t even use them
[2016-10-30 11:46:48] <P3TC0CK> holy shit denadryne is so nasty
[2016-10-30 11:46:49] <P3TC0CK> wtf
[2016-10-30 11:46:49] <denadryne> nope
[2016-10-30 11:46:53] <Rane> i don t need to talk shit though
[2016-10-30 11:46:56] <FalafelBey> P3TC0CK: did the rebels take anything in alep
[2016-10-30 11:46:57] <denadryne> p3tc0ck so mad
[2016-10-30 11:47:01] <Rane> friends said my feet smell worse than a dead hobo
[2016-10-30 11:47:01] <P3TC0CK> no FalafelBey
[2016-10-30 11:47:08] <denadryne> i wear nice underwear and socks
[2016-10-30 11:47:10] <Naenil> .addquote <Rane> friends said my feet smell worse
than a dead hobo
[2016-10-30 11:47:10] <Mossad> Naenil: Quote added.
[2016-10-30 11:47:10] <FalafelBey> all right, thanks fam
[2016-10-30 11:47:11] <denadryne> and footwear
[2016-10-30 11:47:17] <Rane> like when i used to take off my shoes they d tell m
e to go wash my feet first
[2016-10-30 11:47:24] <P3TC0CK> they advanced in Daraa FalafelBey
[2016-10-30 11:47:33] <Rane> sometimes I d wash them and 5 minutes later they st
anking up again
[2016-10-30 11:47:48] <P3TC0CK> probably have some infection bro
[2016-10-30 11:47:51] <Naenil> There are doctors for this Rane

[2016-10-30 11:47:52] <Naenil> just sayin

[2016-10-30 11:47:56] <denadryne> yat which place is whiter and more old money,
orange county or SD
[2016-10-30 11:47:59] <Rane> infection idk
[2016-10-30 11:48:03] <Rane> i should go to the doctor yea
[2016-10-30 11:48:05] <denadryne> rane do you have fungi
[2016-10-30 11:48:05] <Rane> i ll go tomorow
[2016-10-30 11:48:07] <Rane> DOCTA
[2016-10-30 11:48:11] <Rane> I GOT STANKY ASS FEET
[2016-10-30 11:48:12] <Eck> mfw p3t prolly wears the same socks for a week at a
time https://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/33077456.jpg
[2016-10-30 11:48:14] <yat> SD denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:48:15] <yat> by far
[2016-10-30 11:48:17] <Rane> maybe denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:48:20] <Naenil> like a dermato or something Rane
[2016-10-30 11:48:23] <Rane> but i ve had stanky feet all my life
[2016-10-30 11:48:24] <Naenil> Rane, ask yat about that
[2016-10-30 11:48:27] <Rane> like all my life
[2016-10-30 11:48:33] <denadryne> lmao eck
[2016-10-30 11:48:33] <Rane> i remember when my dad used to complain
[2016-10-30 11:48:37] <P3TC0CK> https://twitter.com/badly_xeroxed/status/7927538
[2016-10-30 11:48:37] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @badly_xeroxed (badly_xeroxed): @NoorNahas1
wow Noor, great moves, keep it up, proud of you (4 minutes and 58 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 11:48:38] <Rane> about my stinky feet
[2016-10-30 11:48:51] <P3TC0CK> I m not denadryne eck
[2016-10-30 11:48:55] pogostik joined (pogos@Snoonet-ok1.1om.d81in3.IP)
[2016-10-30 11:48:57] <P3TC0CK> I m super clean seriously
[2016-10-30 11:49:01] <denadryne> sure
[2016-10-30 11:49:03] <P3TC0CK> denadryne doesn t even use a bidet
[2016-10-30 11:49:04] <P3TC0CK> lmao
[2016-10-30 11:49:07] <denadryne> thats why you never clean your underwear
[2016-10-30 11:49:08] <P3TC0CK> he s dirty as fuck
[2016-10-30 11:49:10] <denadryne> p3tc0ck
[2016-10-30 11:49:19] <P3TC0CK> now that I learned he doesn t use socks
[2016-10-30 11:49:21] <denadryne> the poo stains eventually get sucked into your
butt skin
[2016-10-30 11:49:21] <P3TC0CK> holy shit
[2016-10-30 11:49:34] <Dune> https://twitter.com/bdrhmnhrk/status/78628637916053
[2016-10-30 11:49:35] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @bdrhmnhrk (Abdurahman): Boris Johnson was
accused of crazy things. Now he is nice and he rebukes Assad every now and then.
Trump may also b https://t.co/WxQZL5u4qp (17 days and 20 hours ago)
[2016-10-30 11:49:37] <Eck> wew
[2016-10-30 11:49:46] <Dune> trump apologism
[2016-10-30 11:49:54] <Rane> .addquote <Denadryne> the poo stains eventually get
sucked into your butt skin
[2016-10-30 11:49:54] <Mossad> Rane: Quote added.
[2016-10-30 11:49:55] <denadryne> p3tc0ck prolly still wears those cheapo white
socks every day
[2016-10-30 11:50:03] <germanperson> denadryne> i never wear socks naenil
[2016-10-30 11:50:04] <germanperson> Wat
[2016-10-30 11:50:08] <P3TC0CK> nigga you don t eve nwear socks denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:50:15] <Naenil> He s the worst germanperson
[2016-10-30 11:50:18] <denadryne> i have 3 pairs of $20 socks
[2016-10-30 11:50:19] <P3TC0CK> you spend 30 dollars on underwear
[2016-10-30 11:50:20] <denadryne> Darn Tough
[2016-10-30 11:50:21] <denadryne> best socks evar
[2016-10-30 11:50:26] <Rane> .quote
[2016-10-30 11:50:26] <P3TC0CK> >3 pairs of socks

[2016-10-30 11:50:26] <Mossad> Quote 2350 of 2628: <+yat> youssef has vagina han
[2016-10-30 11:50:28] pogostik quit (pogos@Snoonet-ok1.1om.d81in3.IP): Client ex
[2016-10-30 11:50:29] <P3TC0CK> >he only wears them hiking
[2016-10-30 11:50:39] <Rane> .rm quote 2628
[2016-10-30 11:50:42] <Eck> atleast he s considerate about the hills
[2016-10-30 11:50:44] <denadryne> i dont wear shoes for hiking anymore p3tc0ck
[2016-10-30 11:50:44] <Naenil> A normal human has minimum 5-6 pairs of socks
[2016-10-30 11:50:46] <Naenil> just sayin
[2016-10-30 11:50:47] <Rane> naenil
[2016-10-30 11:50:50] <Rane> delete that last quote
[2016-10-30 11:50:54] <Rane> pls
[2016-10-30 11:50:57] <germanperson> "not as lean, twice as mean, always a Marin
e" thats a good one yat
[2016-10-30 11:50:59] <P3TC0CK> lmao oh my god do you wear socks with sandals wh
en you hike denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:51:01] <Eck> why Rane
[2016-10-30 11:51:03] <Naenil> .rmquote 2628
[2016-10-30 11:51:03] <Mossad> Naenil: Successfully deleted quote 2628.
[2016-10-30 11:51:04] <denadryne> no p3tc0ck
[2016-10-30 11:51:05] <P3TC0CK> holy shit naenil
[2016-10-30 11:51:09] <denadryne> i wear just sandals when i go hiking
[2016-10-30 11:51:11] <denadryne> no socks
[2016-10-30 11:51:12] <yat> thx germanperson
[2016-10-30 11:51:20] <P3TC0CK> you said you wear socks when hiking denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:51:22] <denadryne> why da fuk would i wear socks with sandals for
[2016-10-30 11:51:23] <P3TC0CK> man get your story straight
[2016-10-30 11:51:23] <denadryne> no i dont
[2016-10-30 11:51:30] <denadryne> i wear socks when i need shoes for hiking
[2016-10-30 11:51:37] <denadryne> cause its cold or we
[2016-10-30 11:51:42] <denadryne> but if its warm
[2016-10-30 11:51:44] <P3TC0CK> +denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:51:44] <P3TC0CK> i never wear socks naenil
[2016-10-30 11:51:44] <P3TC0CK> unless i go hiking
[2016-10-30 11:51:47] <Eck> >wearing sandals
[2016-10-30 11:51:51] <Eck> literally jesus
[2016-10-30 11:51:52] <yat> i saw it on a shirt once
[2016-10-30 11:51:55] <Rane> .addquote <Denadryne> i never wear socks naenil unl
ess i go hiking
[2016-10-30 11:51:55] <Mossad> Rane: Quote added.
[2016-10-30 11:51:58] <yat> tfw papa still hasnt replied denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:52:04] <yat> germanperson*
[2016-10-30 11:52:14] <germanperson> i want to go to that meeting in damascus
[2016-10-30 11:52:21] <Rane> .addquote <denadryne> i have 3 pairs of $20 socks
[2016-10-30 11:52:21] <Mossad> Rane: Quote added.
[2016-10-30 11:52:43] Valus joined (NSNP@Snoonet-rli1o7.v3lo.lnjm.0v3r91.IP)
[2016-10-30 11:52:55] <germanperson> are you wearing socks right now denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:53:07] <Rane> .addquote <denadryne> thats why you never clean you
r underwear, the poo stains eventually get sucked into your butt skin
[2016-10-30 11:53:07] <Mossad> Rane: Quote added.
[2016-10-30 11:53:07] denadryne quit (denadryne@user/denadryne): Quit: http://ww
w.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 11:53:10] denadryne joined (denadryne@user/denadryne)
[2016-10-30 11:53:10] * protectandserve.snoonet.org set +v denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:53:13] <denadryne> wew
[2016-10-30 11:53:15] <Eck> thank fuck smellanet hasn t been invented
[2016-10-30 11:53:18] <denadryne> p3tc0ck only when i wear shoes
[2016-10-30 11:53:25] <Eck> feet so stank

[2016-10-30 11:53:33] <denadryne> when i wear shoes and hike bc its cold, i wear
[2016-10-30 11:53:35] <denadryne> cause its cold
[2016-10-30 11:53:44] <Rane> when it s hot
[2016-10-30 11:53:48] <Rane> you don t wear socks
[2016-10-30 11:53:49] <denadryne> thank god california weather is nothing like q
uebec/france weather
[2016-10-30 11:53:49] <Rane> with shoes?
[2016-10-30 11:53:55] <Rane> or just wear sandals
[2016-10-30 11:54:01] <denadryne> rane i wear sandals when i go hiking when its
[2016-10-30 11:54:03] <denadryne> no socks
[2016-10-30 11:54:10] <Rane> >sandals in the heat
[2016-10-30 11:54:11] <germanperson> lmfao
[2016-10-30 11:54:15] <Rane> whewww I would not hang out with you
[2016-10-30 11:54:22] <Eck> found denadryne s feet http://pegitboard.com/pics/t/
[2016-10-30 11:54:33] <denadryne> rane i wear these sandals p3tc0ck https://xero
[2016-10-30 11:54:51] <Rane> dude wear like light hiking shoes
[2016-10-30 11:54:53] <Rane> that breathe well
[2016-10-30 11:54:59] <Rane> it s better for your feet and your back
[2016-10-30 11:55:00] <denadryne> you know what breathe best rane
[2016-10-30 11:55:00] <P3TC0CK> dude wear socks
[2016-10-30 11:55:01] <denadryne> sandals
[2016-10-30 11:55:05] <Rane> and wear short light socks
[2016-10-30 11:55:15] <Rane> to keep the stank away
[2016-10-30 11:55:19] <Rane> keep your style lit
[2016-10-30 11:55:30] <denadryne> barefoot sandals have the best breatheability
[2016-10-30 11:55:33] <denadryne> better than any fabric
[2016-10-30 11:55:49] belgianbull1979 joined (belgianbull@Snoonet-6t5.1ma.jcau0c
[2016-10-30 11:55:51] <P3TC0CK> no wonder you can t get a real job denadryne lit
erally everyone runs away from your stanky feet
[2016-10-30 11:55:51] <Eck> sandals are so gimpy
[2016-10-30 11:55:57] <Rane> http://www.dhresource.com/260x260/f2/albu/g1/M01/C3
[2016-10-30 11:56:01] <Rane> wear this
[2016-10-30 11:56:01] <denadryne> tfw not having my feet sweat in a confined are
a for a long period of time makes them not smell rane
[2016-10-30 11:56:05] <belgianbull1979> Hello, bonjour, shalom, salam alekoum
[2016-10-30 11:56:14] <Eck> only desert people suit sandals
[2016-10-30 11:56:17] <denadryne> looks like something an asian grandma would we
ar rane
[2016-10-30 11:56:17] <Prky008> https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s5
[2016-10-30 11:56:27] <germanperson> <denadryne> barefoot sandals have the best
[2016-10-30 11:56:29] <Prky008> .tell dumbass https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.n
[2016-10-30 11:56:29] <Mossad> Prky008: I ll pass that on when dumbass is around
[2016-10-30 11:56:31] MosheDayan joined (mzrxa@Snoonet-3k5.rt8.9reo9o.IP)
[2016-10-30 11:56:32] <germanperson> "barefoot sandals"???
[2016-10-30 11:56:34] <germanperson> ??????????????????
[2016-10-30 11:56:34] <Rane> http://www.dhresource.com/260x260/f2/albu/g1/M01/C3
/A3/rBVaGFX_Rw6ASHtrAAHfP2sw4jE111.jpg denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:56:42] <Rane> denadryne buy that

[2016-10-30 11:56:44] <denadryne> yep

[2016-10-30 11:56:44] <Rane> that s fucking lit
[2016-10-30 11:56:55] <Rane> dude I d wear those
[2016-10-30 11:56:59] <Rane> like everyday too
[2016-10-30 11:57:01] <denadryne> thats basically gangnam style rane
[2016-10-30 11:57:02] <denadryne> lmao
[2016-10-30 11:57:07] <Rane> they look comfy as fuck
[2016-10-30 11:57:12] <Rane> gangam style wtf
[2016-10-30 11:57:15] <denadryne> rane just try out those sandals
[2016-10-30 11:57:22] <denadryne> youll never go back habibi
[2016-10-30 11:57:39] <Rane> I actually have a social life
[2016-10-30 11:57:40] <Rane> sorry
[2016-10-30 11:57:45] <Rane> I need to keep up my rep
[2016-10-30 11:57:52] <Rane> don t wanna get patted down in sandals and shorts
[2016-10-30 11:57:56] <denadryne> i already converted my normie friends rane
[2016-10-30 11:57:57] <denadryne> kek
[2016-10-30 11:58:03] <denadryne> the noor of the sandals
[2016-10-30 11:58:04] <Rane> "normie"
[2016-10-30 11:58:17] <Eck> denadryne literally runs a gang of jesuses
[2016-10-30 11:58:19] <denadryne> they tried the redpill of the sandal life
[2016-10-30 11:58:20] <Rane> https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1MgVVLpXXXXakXpXXq6xX
[2016-10-30 11:58:25] <denadryne> n now they wont ever go back
[2016-10-30 11:58:27] <Rane> that s okay too
[2016-10-30 11:58:38] <Rane> those would fit with black jeans, and a brown leath
er jacket
[2016-10-30 11:58:45] <Rane> or black like sweatpants
[2016-10-30 11:58:46] <denadryne> rane this is what happens when you dont live i
n a crowded hot city
[2016-10-30 11:58:47] <denadryne> with no AC
[2016-10-30 11:59:06] <youssefprime> I want to live somewhere cold
[2016-10-30 11:59:08] <youssefprime> fuck heat
[2016-10-30 11:59:14] <Rane> Here is pretty okay
[2016-10-30 11:59:22] <Rane> you can wear nice clothes
[2016-10-30 11:59:24] <denadryne> these are my exact sandals rane https://www.yo
[2016-10-30 11:59:24] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] XeroShoes Umara Z Trail Review - Beginning Bar
efoot - length 2m 51s - 18 likes, 1 dislike (94.7%) - 5,151 views - Barefoot Dawsy on 2016
[2016-10-30 11:59:30] <Rane> like Africa you only wear shorts cause that all you
[2016-10-30 11:59:34] <Eck> denadryne: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gA5EhG8Q5Wc/UmW
[2016-10-30 11:59:38] <denadryne> rane i run and hike in those sandals
[2016-10-30 11:59:40] <Rane> no denadryne i m not listening to your sandal propa
[2016-10-30 11:59:41] <denadryne> every day now
[2016-10-30 11:59:54] <Rane> whewwww denadryne
[2016-10-30 11:59:56] <Rane> whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[2016-10-30 12:00:02] <denadryne> eck that is one huge fucking sole
[2016-10-30 12:00:06] <denadryne> awkward
[2016-10-30 12:00:29] <denadryne> yat understands, bc huaraches
[2016-10-30 12:01:10] <yat> yeah denadryne ive been hit with a few of those
[2016-10-30 12:01:15] <denadryne> lmfao
[2016-10-30 12:01:38] <denadryne> tfw madre makes you put a huarache in your mou
[2016-10-30 12:01:46] <Eck> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrLZgP-OR6s
[2016-10-30 12:01:46] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Parks and Recreation - Ron Swanson s Best Mome
nts (Supercut) - length 2m 37s - 7,182 likes, 66 dislikes (99.1%) - 1,165,939 views - Pa

rks and Recreation on 2015.01.14

[2016-10-30 12:01:47] <Eck> wew
[2016-10-30 12:01:55] <denadryne> orale besame al mano
[2016-10-30 12:02:10] belgianbull1979 quit (belgianbull@Snoonet-6t5.1ma.jcau0c.I
P): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 12:02:42] <denadryne> rane the whole sandal thing comes from indians
in mexico
[2016-10-30 12:02:43] <denadryne> btw
[2016-10-30 12:02:50] <denadryne> so its not a white american thing
[2016-10-30 12:03:02] <Rane> anyone else just play AoE II scenario maker
[2016-10-30 12:03:05] <denadryne> they are from da indigenous ppl of the southwe
stern USA
[2016-10-30 12:03:06] <Rane> and build cities
[2016-10-30 12:03:08] <Rane> Am I wierd
[2016-10-30 12:03:16] <Rane> I need a citybuilder that s cheap and I can run on
an old laptop
[2016-10-30 12:04:07] <yat> sim city 1 Rane
[2016-10-30 12:04:18] <Rane> yeah maybe
[2016-10-30 12:04:23] <Rane> that s pretty hard tho right?
[2016-10-30 12:04:26] <Rane> can i buy that on steam
[2016-10-30 12:04:37] <yat> idk?
[2016-10-30 12:04:40] <Eck> the white egyptians wore sandals first denadryne
[2016-10-30 12:04:41] <yat> maybe ebay?
[2016-10-30 12:04:52] <denadryne> eck sure
[2016-10-30 12:04:55] <denadryne> im just saying
[2016-10-30 12:05:01] <denadryne> the design of these sandals is from the local
[2016-10-30 12:05:30] <denadryne> its good if nee4speed111 also wears similar sa
[2016-10-30 12:06:02] <denadryne> i just wont waste money on gear every weekend
warrior buys for hiking
[2016-10-30 12:06:07] <denadryne> like chinese shoes
[2016-10-30 12:06:11] <denadryne> hiking poles
[2016-10-30 12:06:14] <denadryne> visor
[2016-10-30 12:06:21] <Cioran> It is reported that Jibraa2iil appeared to Mu7amm
ad (
) with 600 wings
[2016-10-30 12:06:33] <Rane> Is SimCity alright
[2016-10-30 12:06:43] <Rane> SimCity 4
[2016-10-30 12:06:44] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK
[2016-10-30 12:06:44] <Rane> i mean
[2016-10-30 12:06:50] <germanperson> why are you such a pro assad for @bm27_urag
an , are you not a human , lost all credibility
[2016-10-30 12:06:50] <germanperson> 9:06 AM - 30 Oct 2016
[2016-10-30 12:06:55] <youssefprime> Even Jihadi Julian admits rebel s failute h
[2016-10-30 12:06:55] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @JulianRoepcke (Julian Rpcke): #BREAKING Reb
els withdraw from the 3000 Apartment complex after being unable to stand their g
round vs. reinforced regime forces. #Aleppo (1 hour and 2 minutes ago)
[2016-10-30 12:07:09] <Rane> WHATTT
[2016-10-30 12:07:14] <Rane> Cities Skyline is that cheap?
[2016-10-30 12:07:17] <Rane> Ah man I m a euro short
[2016-10-30 12:07:17] <denadryne> lmao youssefprime
[2016-10-30 12:07:23] <denadryne> they shouldve invested in some sandals, the re
[2016-10-30 12:07:30] <denadryne> maybe then they couldve made faster gains
[2016-10-30 12:07:35] <youssefprime> lmao
[2016-10-30 12:07:41] <yat> lmfao germanperson
[2016-10-30 12:07:44] <Rane> I m 10 cents short
[2016-10-30 12:07:48] <Eck> all rebel/pro west supporters aren t human
[2016-10-30 12:07:51] <Rane> for cities skyline

[2016-10-30 12:07:52] <Rane> on steam

[2016-10-30 12:07:53] <Rane> REEEEEEEE
[2016-10-30 12:08:56] <denadryne> shouldnt have bought those crappy chinese shoe
s rane
[2016-10-30 12:08:58] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/jeffpearlman/status/792553544
045858816 yat
[2016-10-30 12:08:59] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @jeffpearlman (jeffpearlman): My daughter is
Jewish. Her best pal is Muslim. For Halloween they created a superhero team: Th
e Juslims. I ve rarel https://t.co/yAuOoJY51J (13 hours and 41 minutes ago)
[2016-10-30 12:09:48] <Eck> think i d still rather wear crappy chinese shoes tha
n half bananas with straps on
[2016-10-30 12:10:13] <germanperson> this bio "Support Trump in USA & Ahrar-Zeng
i-JaF in SY vs PKK-YPG Assad Rafidi" lmfao
[2016-10-30 12:10:20] <denadryne> yat tfw GIS huaraches and all you get are pics
of Nikes
[2016-10-30 12:10:33] <yat> those nikes are ugly too denadryne yeesh
[2016-10-30 12:10:50] <denadryne> eck tfw if i need shoes id rather buy some lea
ther boots
[2016-10-30 12:10:54] <denadryne> that last forever
[2016-10-30 12:10:57] <denadryne> and are warm af
[2016-10-30 12:11:14] <Naenil> https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/146
a265&oe=58917807 Cioran I never heard about greek metal
[2016-10-30 12:11:14] Rane quit (Rane@user/Rane): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/
- A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 12:11:27] <denadryne> i have a pair of cheap russian boots that make
me feel like a Red Army soldier
[2016-10-30 12:11:31] <Eck> what do you even exercise in denadryne
[2016-10-30 12:11:36] <denadryne> they also double as heels yat
[2016-10-30 12:11:45] <Eck> mfw running in sandals
[2016-10-30 12:11:50] <Cioran> Naenil there are some decent black metal/death me
tal bands from Greece
[2016-10-30 12:11:51] <denadryne> eck you re right
[2016-10-30 12:11:52] <denadryne> btw
[2016-10-30 12:12:10] <denadryne> i keep tellin ya
[2016-10-30 12:12:19] <denadryne> running in sandals with a thin sole is the way
to go
[2016-10-30 12:12:19] <Naenil> https://www.facebook.com/ISKOfficial0/
[2016-10-30 12:12:49] <Naenil> .tell Schweini_for_Hillary https://scontent-ams31.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14572884_556210181241897_7105076247968017284_n.jpg?oh=0a
[2016-10-30 12:12:50] <Mossad> Naenil: I ll pass that on when Schweini_for_Hilla
ry is around.
[2016-10-30 12:13:03] <Eck> til denadryne looks like ghandi running away from a
pig when he runs
[2016-10-30 12:13:06] <Cioran> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_IGYjSJlSg
[2016-10-30 12:13:06] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] EXTREME VIOLENCE - Child Molesting - length 3m 1
1s - 7 likes, 1 dislike (87.5%) - 697 views - GreekDeathGrindScene on 2013.02.10
[2016-10-30 12:13:25] <Schweini_for_Hillary> big like heval
[2016-10-30 12:13:25] <Mossad> Schweini_for_Hillary: 16:12 <Naenil> tell Schwein
i_for_Hillary https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14572884_55621018124
[2016-10-30 12:13:43] <yat> Naenil, thats adorable tbh
[2016-10-30 12:13:57] <Naenil> http://i.imgur.com/zmZmO06.jpg for future reuse
[2016-10-30 12:15:01] <Cioran> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buNjwGLQ01U
[2016-10-30 12:15:01] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] RAVENCULT - The Sigil Of Baphomet - length 4m 56
s - 204 likes, 2 dislikes (99.0%) - 16,537 views - templeofmorbidity on 2011.04.18
[2016-10-30 12:15:33] <Naenil> I really can t like black !s

[2016-10-30 12:15:57] <Naenil> :s

[2016-10-30 12:16:52] <denadryne> i love black
[2016-10-30 12:16:53] <denadryne> metal
[2016-10-30 12:17:17] <denadryne> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xxgRUyzgs0 ci
[2016-10-30 12:17:17] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Living Colour - Cult Of Personality - length 4m
53s - 126,609 likes, 1,944 dislikes (98.5%) - 17,642,408 views - LivingColourVEVO on 200
[2016-10-30 12:17:24] <denadryne> the first black metal band
[2016-10-30 12:22:12] <youssefprime> I hate rock music
[2016-10-30 12:22:23] <youssefprime> especially metal/heavy metal
[2016-10-30 12:22:57] P3TC0CK quit (P3TC0CK@user/P3TC0CK): Quit: http://www.kiwi
irc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 12:23:00] P3TC0CK joined (P3TC0CK@user/P3TC0CK)
[2016-10-30 12:23:00] * calvin.snoonet.org set +v P3TC0CK
[2016-10-30 12:23:03] <P3TC0CK> youssefprime:
[2016-10-30 12:23:08] <P3TC0CK> when did I say rebels didn t retreat
[2016-10-30 12:23:26] <youssefprime> I never said you said that
[2016-10-30 12:24:31] P3TC0CK quit (P3TC0CK@user/P3TC0CK): Quit: http://www.kiwi
irc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 12:24:55] P3TC0CK joined (P3TC0CK@user/P3TC0CK)
[2016-10-30 12:24:55] * veronica.snoonet.org set +v P3TC0CK
[2016-10-30 12:25:17] <Eck> p3t were you ever pro gov
[2016-10-30 12:25:42] <denadryne> of course eck
[2016-10-30 12:25:51] <denadryne> p3tc0ck stans for boots so hard that he s pro
[2016-10-30 12:25:59] <Eck> wat
[2016-10-30 12:26:05] <P3TC0CK> bro you don t wear socks denadryne
[2016-10-30 12:26:17] <P3TC0CK> literally anythnig you say is irrelevant
[2016-10-30 12:26:17] <denadryne> why would i, i wear sandals p3tc0ck
[2016-10-30 12:26:23] <denadryne> like the rebels you support
[2016-10-30 12:26:23] <P3TC0CK> even with shoes
[2016-10-30 12:26:26] <P3TC0CK> you don t wear socks
[2016-10-30 12:26:29] <P3TC0CK> you told us
[2016-10-30 12:26:36] <denadryne> p3tc0ck cause theyre boat shoes
[2016-10-30 12:26:40] <Eck> why would you wear sandals
[2016-10-30 12:26:44] <P3TC0CK> you can wear socks with boat shoes
[2016-10-30 12:26:46] <P3TC0CK> also yeah
[2016-10-30 12:26:47] <Eck> are the wheels on your car made of stone too
[2016-10-30 12:26:50] <denadryne> p3tc0ck i could
[2016-10-30 12:26:51] <denadryne> but
[2016-10-30 12:26:51] <P3TC0CK> why would you wear sandals
[2016-10-30 12:26:51] <Eck> freddie
[2016-10-30 12:26:53] <xaashi> i bet theres a whole subculture thats all about n
ot wearing socks with shoes ever, and its super serious
[2016-10-30 12:26:54] <Mossad> xaashi: 15:37 <yat> tell xaashi omfg this mary vi
deo! I am cryingggg
[2016-10-30 12:26:56] <denadryne> i dont need to
[2016-10-30 12:27:01] <P3TC0CK> there is xaashi
[2016-10-30 12:27:04] <Eck> freddie the flintstone
[2016-10-30 12:27:05] <katzen> denadryne: wtf is wrong with you
[2016-10-30 12:27:13] <denadryne> katzen its called AC
[2016-10-30 12:27:27] <katzen> sounds like some silly american trend
[2016-10-30 12:27:34] <yat> its called crustpunk xaashi
[2016-10-30 12:27:40] <katzen> lol
[2016-10-30 12:27:41] <P3TC0CK> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf68lDGOJps yous
[2016-10-30 12:27:41] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] 
[2016-10-30 12:27:42] <xaashi> lol
[2016-10-30 12:27:51] <Eck> yeah xaashi its serious they need to be honour kille

[2016-10-30 12:27:55] <Naenil> .quote
[2016-10-30 12:27:55] <Mossad> Quote 2274 of 2630: <P3TC0CK> >TFW YOU CAN T GO U
[2016-10-30 12:27:58] <Naenil> .quote 2630
[2016-10-30 12:27:58] <Mossad> Quote 2630 of 2630: <denadryne> thats why you nev
er clean your underwear, the poo stains eventually get sucked into your butt ski
[2016-10-30 12:28:02] <Naenil> .quote 2629
[2016-10-30 12:28:02] <Mossad> Quote 2629 of 2630: <denadryne> i have 3 pairs of
$20 socks
[2016-10-30 12:28:05] <yat> why are crustpunks so lowkey racist tho
[2016-10-30 12:28:06] <Naenil> .quote 2628
[2016-10-30 12:28:06] <Mossad> Quote 2628 of 2630: <Denadryne> i never wear sock
s naenil unless i go hiking
[2016-10-30 12:28:16] KingofNothing joined (KingofNothi@Snoonet-9g2.7uc.mptdpo.I
[2016-10-30 12:28:24] <xaashi> i avoid them yat
[2016-10-30 12:28:24] <yat> why do you guys care abt denadryne s feet so much
[2016-10-30 12:28:33] <yat> yall footfetish ass mos
[2016-10-30 12:28:34] <xaashi> because theres a tonnn where i live
[2016-10-30 12:28:35] <Eck> because they stank the whole room out
[2016-10-30 12:28:46] <denadryne> lmfao
[2016-10-30 12:28:53] <denadryne> i have become Jesus yat
[2016-10-30 12:28:57] <denadryne> Jesus de la California
[2016-10-30 12:28:59] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: sorry cant watch
[2016-10-30 12:29:03] <youssefprime> doing something
[2016-10-30 12:29:09] <Eck> atleast jesus washed his feet with some alcohol
[2016-10-30 12:29:18] <Pruswa> Guys
[2016-10-30 12:29:26] <xaashi> why do christian clerics wash feet?
[2016-10-30 12:29:31] <xaashi> i never got that
[2016-10-30 12:29:32] <Pruswa> Do you think some from Southern Front will surren
der if this Aleppo offense fails?
[2016-10-30 12:29:36] <yat> like regular punks are p chill in my experience xaas
hi but crustpunks are always on some boolchit
[2016-10-30 12:29:37] <Pruswa> xaashi: Humility
[2016-10-30 12:29:39] <xaashi> in islam we wash our own feet
[2016-10-30 12:29:41] <Eck> muslims do that too xaashi
[2016-10-30 12:29:44] <Pruswa> Cathocucks like to humiliate themselves
[2016-10-30 12:29:45] <xaashi> no Eck
[2016-10-30 12:29:58] <xaashi> muslims wash our own feet thanks very much
[2016-10-30 12:30:02] <KingofNothing> pruswa i don t think there is much connect
[2016-10-30 12:30:12] blubb joined (blubb@Snoonet-lk9.ml2.26u6nt.IP)
[2016-10-30 12:30:17] <denadryne> just takin eck p3tc0ck naenil katzen for a wal
[2016-10-30 12:30:32] <denadryne> rane too
[2016-10-30 12:30:34] <xaashi> coolest thing about islam is the whole leather so
cks thing imo
[2016-10-30 12:30:37] <Naenil> You re just salty because dandolo humiliated east
rome Pruswa
[2016-10-30 12:30:41] <Pruswa> KingofNothing: A lot of guys were like "enough, f
uck that" before the last offense though
[2016-10-30 12:30:43] <yat> its supposed to be like servitude xaashi
[2016-10-30 12:30:46] <yat> like
[2016-10-30 12:30:47] <Eck> bs xaashi imams wash the feet of prayers
[2016-10-30 12:30:48] <Cioran> Jews http://rotter.net/forum/scoops1/357181.shtml
[2016-10-30 12:30:53] <yat> humility to the e


[2016-10-30 12:31:04] <Pruswa> GTM YANIYOR
[2016-10-30 12:31:07] <xaashi> it just feels really kinky and weird yat
[2016-10-30 12:31:20] <xaashi> like yeah old white guy come wash my feet for a h
ot minute gross
[2016-10-30 12:31:24] <yat> lmfao
[2016-10-30 12:31:31] <Cioran> Israel approved bill to have each ISP ban pornogr
aphy unless they file a petition to remove the filter
[2016-10-30 12:31:34] <Cioran> ??
[2016-10-30 12:31:34] <Eck> http://media.defense.gov/2012/Jul/27/2000130169/-1/1/0/120722-F-YY717-011.JPG
[2016-10-30 12:31:36] <Eck> xaashi
[2016-10-30 12:31:37] <P3TC0CK> bro no one wants to walk with you denadryne
[2016-10-30 12:31:39] <Cioran> Christ
[2016-10-30 12:31:40] <katzen> meh its what makes christianity better than islam
[2016-10-30 12:31:43] <P3TC0CK> your feet probably smell like shit
[2016-10-30 12:31:44] <xaashi> anyways i need to buy leather socks
[2016-10-30 12:31:47] <yat> i think its bc a woman washed jesus s feet and dried
them with her hair xaashi
[2016-10-30 12:31:47] <KingofNothing> pruswa ...and then some dollars changed th
eir mind...this will go forever
[2016-10-30 12:31:48] <Naenil> http://i.imgur.com/NM4jbvZ.png Pruswa
[2016-10-30 12:31:51] <katzen> some commitment to being humble
[2016-10-30 12:31:53] <yat> so they strive to emulate it
[2016-10-30 12:32:11] <xaashi> so bizarre
[2016-10-30 12:32:18] <Naenil> sorry that s not the one Pruswa
[2016-10-30 12:32:19] <denadryne> p3tc0ck you dont even wudu
[2016-10-30 12:32:21] <P3TC0CK> yat and xaashi come wash my feet you ethnics
[2016-10-30 12:32:25] <Pruswa> 98 FUCKING YEARS
[2016-10-30 12:32:26] <Pruswa> REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
[2016-10-30 12:32:26] <Eck> wew
[2016-10-30 12:32:34] <P3TC0CK> bro you literally don t wear socks denadryne
[2016-10-30 12:32:35] <P3TC0CK> stop
[2016-10-30 12:32:37] <Naenil> Pruswa, http://i.imgur.com/K26yin7.png lol he s b
[2016-10-30 12:32:47] <Naenil> DO YOU VISIT HIS GRAVE Pruswa
[2016-10-30 12:33:00] <denadryne> i love how u always think of me p3tc0ck
[2016-10-30 12:33:00] <xaashi> im gonna cop these Battle of Badr Vs https://www.
[2016-10-30 12:33:09] <germanperson> some girl just quoted my tweet
[2016-10-30 12:33:12] <germanperson> she cant even speak russian
[2016-10-30 12:33:14] <germanperson> wow
[2016-10-30 12:33:15] <Pruswa> Naenil: No, his tomb was rekt by the Ott*mans
[2016-10-30 12:33:28] <Naenil> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_ironclad_En
rico_Dandolo Pruswa
[2016-10-30 12:33:41] <KingofNothing> anyone got a reflex camera
[2016-10-30 12:34:05] <Pruswa> Why do Italians have to ruin everything
[2016-10-30 12:34:10] <Eck> rumour has it the red sea got renamed the red sea af
ter mohammad started washing peoples feet in it, turned red because of the serra
tia marcescens bacteria from the foot cheese
[2016-10-30 12:34:19] <yat> lmao germanperson fk u
[2016-10-30 12:34:37] <yat> thats something we have in common then germanperson
[2016-10-30 12:34:38] <P3TC0CK> man I don t even care about you denadryne you ta
lk about me 24/7 but you re gross af with your bachi bazi and no socks
[2016-10-30 12:34:39] <yat> wyd
[2016-10-30 12:34:54] <P3TC0CK> man eck that was denadryne levels unfunny
[2016-10-30 12:35:00] <FalafelBey> is losing a lot of hair in the shower a sign
of male pattern baldness?
[2016-10-30 12:35:03] <P3TC0CK> I except better even from u
[2016-10-30 12:35:08] <P3TC0CK> no

[2016-10-30 12:35:15] <xaashi> i always get confused by red and white because th
eyre basically interchangeable in Somali
[2016-10-30 12:35:17] <denadryne> p3tc0ck you got so mad
[2016-10-30 12:35:18] <P3TC0CK> could be signs of a lot of things FalafelBey
[2016-10-30 12:35:23] <FalafelBey> like what
[2016-10-30 12:35:26] <Naenil> I look so asian today
[2016-10-30 12:35:30] <denadryne> falafelbey didnt p3tc0ck get so mad when we fo
und his video of him talking about smash bros
[2016-10-30 12:35:34] <xaashi> so like when ppl would talk about Badda Cas/Red/W
hite Sea Id be like wtf
[2016-10-30 12:35:36] <Eck> lol
[2016-10-30 12:35:41] <FalafelBey> lmao denadryne, that vid is gold
[2016-10-30 12:35:53] <FalafelBey> just replace smash bros with alawites
[2016-10-30 12:36:03] <Schweini_for_Hillary> .weather
[2016-10-30 12:36:06] <wqzz> Schweini_for_Hillary: Stockholm, Sweden - Current: Sc
attered Clouds, 46.0F/7.8C, 68%, Wind: 0.6MPH/1.0KPH West, Today: Partly Cloudy, H
igh: 52F/11C, Low: 32F/0C. Tomorrow: Mostly Cloudy, High: 43F/6C, Low: 38F/3C - ht
[2016-10-30 12:36:10] <P3TC0CK> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCJCzraRbpQ Fala
[2016-10-30 12:36:10] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] 
 - length
[2016-10-30 12:36:19] <Naenil> I look so asian that SK could take me as prime mi
[2016-10-30 12:36:23] <Naenil> today
[2016-10-30 12:36:33] ganja joined (poolshark@Snoonet-ar5.kae.ugf7k9.IP)
[2016-10-30 12:36:35] <P3TC0CK> FalafelBey don t you talk about alawites more th
an me
[2016-10-30 12:36:37] <FalafelBey> is that daraa?
[2016-10-30 12:36:43] <P3TC0CK> yeah, just a music video
[2016-10-30 12:36:48] <germanperson> are you going through chemo FalafelBey
[2016-10-30 12:36:53] * Bashar set +h ganja
[2016-10-30 12:36:54] ganja quit (poolshark@Snoonet-ar5.kae.ugf7k9.IP): Changing
[2016-10-30 12:36:54] ganja joined (poolshark@user/ganja)
[2016-10-30 12:36:54] * caligula.snoonet.org set +h ganja
[2016-10-30 12:36:59] <FalafelBey> i dont think so germanperson
[2016-10-30 12:37:00] <denadryne> naenil heres a korean song about drinking Amer
icanos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmJYbdRfDNQ
[2016-10-30 12:37:00] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] 10cm  - length 3m - 9,085 likes, 109 dislikes
- 1,741,936 views - RECANDPLAYNET on 2009.12.31
[2016-10-30 12:37:02] <P3TC0CK> Rebels advanced on Abtaa base FalafelBey
[2016-10-30 12:37:03] <ganja> .tell aofb http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/clintontrump-turnout-critical-poll/story?id=43159639 start planning your asylum LMAO
[2016-10-30 12:37:03] <Mossad> ganja: I ll pass that on when aofb is around.
[2016-10-30 12:37:05] <Mossad> ganja: 15:05 <Naenil> tell ganja https://twitter.
[2016-10-30 12:37:25] <germanperson> ok then you should get that checked
[2016-10-30 12:37:28] <Eck> oh fuck ganja
[2016-10-30 12:37:34] <Eck> clinton fans gonna be mad
[2016-10-30 12:37:35] <Eck> crying
[2016-10-30 12:37:44] <ganja> based comey
[2016-10-30 12:38:18] <Pruswa> I have the feeling that Zenki headchoppers will g
et killed
[2016-10-30 12:38:20] <Pruswa> During this battle
[2016-10-30 12:38:37] <Pruswa> The manlet headchopper is inside eastern Aleppo r
[2016-10-30 12:38:51] <xaashi> wow ganja
[2016-10-30 12:39:01] <xaashi> this FBI thing was enough to make the race tight

[2016-10-30 12:39:06] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/Terror_Monitor/status/7927676

[2016-10-30 12:39:06] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @Terror_Monitor (Terrormonitor.org): #PAKIS
TAN Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (#TTP) #UmarRadio Launches English Service. #Terro
rMonitor https://t.co/DC2ZoOPw7l (23 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 12:39:07] <Naenil> kek
[2016-10-30 12:39:09] <xaashi> america what the fuck
[2016-10-30 12:39:11] <ganja> yeah xaashi
[2016-10-30 12:39:16] <ganja> the sleeping goy awakens
[2016-10-30 12:39:28] <denadryne> lmfao xaashi
[2016-10-30 12:39:28] <Eck> you know hillary is so corrupt when the head of fbi
calls her out
[2016-10-30 12:39:31] <denadryne> TRUMP
[2016-10-30 12:39:31] <Eck> kek
[2016-10-30 12:39:36] <denadryne> i swear
[2016-10-30 12:39:37] Kallipoliz quit (Kallipoliz@user/Kallipoliz): Quit: http:/
/www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 12:39:38] <denadryne> wallahi
[2016-10-30 12:39:39] <denadryne> if trump wins
[2016-10-30 12:39:42] <denadryne> i dunno wat to do
[2016-10-30 12:39:48] <Eck> live in peace
[2016-10-30 12:39:50] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/BeyondTheLevant/status/792767
441524912132 lmfao
[2016-10-30 12:39:51] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @BeyondTheLevant (Beyond The Levant): Some
interesting team work going on here. #Mosul https://t.co/c4S1ZaGZni (2 minutes a
nd 9 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 12:39:51] <Eck> and harmony
[2016-10-30 12:39:52] <denadryne> good thing i voted for gary johnson
[2016-10-30 12:40:00] <xaashi> the only thing that could top this is if Hillary
gets caught on live video pushing someone on the train tracks or something
[2016-10-30 12:40:08] <P3TC0CK> FalafelBey the title of that video is "Our free
army, our shephards/leaders" right
[2016-10-30 12:40:08] <FalafelBey> did you really denadryne?
[2016-10-30 12:40:14] <denadryne> yes i did falafelbey
[2016-10-30 12:40:19] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/BeyondTheLevant/status/792767
441524912132 P3TC0CK
[2016-10-30 12:40:19] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @BeyondTheLevant (Beyond The Levant): Some
interesting team work going on here. #Mosul https://t.co/c4S1ZaGZni (2 minutes a
nd 38 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 12:40:29] <Eck> im actually excited for the 8th
[2016-10-30 12:40:29] <denadryne> good thing gary johnson knows where damascus i
s falafelbey
[2016-10-30 12:40:35] <Eck> gonna watch hillary cry
[2016-10-30 12:40:36] <P3TC0CK> naenil iraqis man
[2016-10-30 12:40:49] <P3TC0CK> watch her cry tears of joy
[2016-10-30 12:40:51] <FalafelBey> yeah P3TC0CK
[2016-10-30 12:40:52] <P3TC0CK> as she accepts presidency
[2016-10-30 12:40:52] <FalafelBey> our leaders
[2016-10-30 12:40:53] <P3TC0CK> :)
[2016-10-30 12:40:56] <yat> i thought the FBI was corrupt?
[2016-10-30 12:40:57] <Eck> gonna watch her supporters cry
[2016-10-30 12:41:02] <FalafelBey> man, you wasted your vote denadryne
[2016-10-30 12:41:03] <FalafelBey> wtf
[2016-10-30 12:41:03] <yat> or are we switching that storyline now
[2016-10-30 12:41:07] <Naenil> \_()_/ yat
[2016-10-30 12:41:10] <P3TC0CK> tears of joy for the first woman president eck :
[2016-10-30 12:41:16] <Eck> not gonna happen P3TC0CK
[2016-10-30 12:41:16] MosheDayan quit (mzrxa@Snoonet-3k5.rt8.9reo9o.IP): Connect
ion closed

[2016-10-30 12:41:17] <Eck> its over

[2016-10-30 12:41:18] <wqzz> I T S O V E R
[2016-10-30 12:41:24] <Eck> she s going to jail before january
[2016-10-30 12:41:27] <FalafelBey> all of my Murican cousins are voting for Hil
[2016-10-30 12:41:29] MosheDayan joined (mzrxa@Snoonet-3k5.rt8.9reo9o.IP)
[2016-10-30 12:41:42] <denadryne> falafelbey well i live in california
[2016-10-30 12:41:47] <denadryne> if i voted for hillary it was wasted
[2016-10-30 12:41:57] <xaashi> breaking: Hillary in the DC subway last night htt
[2016-10-30 12:41:57] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Frank Underwood and Zoe Barnes - Thug Life - le
ngth 37s - 49 likes, 0 dislikes (100.0%) - 4,467 views - Murad Alizada on 2015.06.21
[2016-10-30 12:42:02] <denadryne> my county usually votes republican
[2016-10-30 12:42:03] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/yashar/status/791698516414459
904 denadryne
[2016-10-30 12:42:03] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @yashar (Yashar): Gary Johnson loses his coo
l during an interview with The Guardian about his tax policy. Pressure of race c
learly ge https://t.co/OMGNyj7qMq (2 days and 22 hours ago)
[2016-10-30 12:42:09] <denadryne> seen it already naenil
[2016-10-30 12:42:18] <P3TC0CK> https://twitter.com/QalaatAlMudiq/status/7927613
78054541312 youssefprime FalafelBey
[2016-10-30 12:42:18] <Valus> I thought 100% of California was inherently Democr
[2016-10-30 12:42:18] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @QalaatAlMudiq (Qalaat Al Mudiq): N. #Latak
ia: First Coastal Division wiped out with a #TOW pro-Regime forces in Saraf, Jeb
al Turkman. https://t.co/TDtDMWTN56 (28 minutes and 43 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 12:42:19] <Naenil> I hate his face tbh
[2016-10-30 12:42:20] <denadryne> good thing i voted early
[2016-10-30 12:42:32] <denadryne> valus i live in the most republican county in
california that isnt poor
[2016-10-30 12:42:34] katzen quit (katzen@user/katzen): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 12:42:35] <Naenil> he looks super creepy
[2016-10-30 12:42:51] <Valus> That isn t poor?
[2016-10-30 12:42:53] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/MAGISTERIVDAEVS/status/792766
579209404416 yat
[2016-10-30 12:42:53] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @MAGISTERIVDAEVS (Abu Kafir Al-Esraili): Th
is #IDF #soldier serves in the armored corps #Israel https://t.co/sM92lGNlXG (8
minutes and 36 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 12:43:00] <yat> u dont live in la jolla denadryne
[2016-10-30 12:43:02] <yat> or del mar
[2016-10-30 12:43:03] <Valus> How many poor Democrat counties are there in Calif
[2016-10-30 12:43:04] <Naenil> this guy kek
[2016-10-30 12:43:06] <Schweini_for_Hillary> hehe xd http://i.imgur.com/YRclAfq.
[2016-10-30 12:43:11] <denadryne> are they really GOP yat
[2016-10-30 12:43:17] <Schweini_for_Hillary> """""""""""""""autonomy""""""""""""
[2016-10-30 12:43:22] <Naenil> http://i.imgur.com/ihEoIJx.jpg Schweini_for_Hilla
[2016-10-30 12:43:26] <Schweini_for_Hillary> looool
[2016-10-30 12:43:27] <Schweini_for_Hillary> smug
[2016-10-30 12:43:32] <FalafelBey> Why isn t the mullet launching that TOW P3TC0
[2016-10-30 12:43:32] <yat> del mar is p fkn GOP denadryne
[2016-10-30 12:43:43] <Schweini_for_Hillary> Naenil: make it a .herbiji
[2016-10-30 12:43:57] <Naenil> .tell zzqw please make this appear when .herbiji
[2016-10-30 12:43:58] <Mossad> Naenil: I ll pass that on when zzqw is around.

[2016-10-30 12:44:02] <yat> wow Schweini_for_Hillary the thirst

[2016-10-30 12:44:14] <Schweini_for_Hillary> what yat
[2016-10-30 12:44:15] <denadryne> yat those arent countries though
[2016-10-30 12:44:19] <denadryne> counties
[2016-10-30 12:44:20] <Naenil> I think yat adressed this to me
[2016-10-30 12:44:22] <P3TC0CK> He is the head of special forces in FCD FalafelB
ey now
[2016-10-30 12:44:24] <denadryne> theyre just red parts of SD county
[2016-10-30 12:44:25] <P3TC0CK> they promoted him
[2016-10-30 12:44:33] <Eck> HOLY SHIT CENK HAS GONE TRUMP https://www.youtube.co
[2016-10-30 12:44:34] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] How Hillary Clinton Will Destroy Social Securi
ty - length 4m 38s - 404 likes, 51 dislikes (88.8%) - 3,171 views - The Young Turks on 201
[2016-10-30 12:44:38] <ganja> http://i.imgur.com/n44e1PL.png
[2016-10-30 12:44:43] <Naenil> >cenk
[2016-10-30 12:44:43] <ganja> DOES YOUNG METRO TRUST YOU?!
[2016-10-30 12:44:52] <yat> ive always hated cenk
[2016-10-30 12:45:00] <Naenil> >called his show "the young turks"
[2016-10-30 12:45:08] <xaashi> lol
[2016-10-30 12:45:09] <germanperson> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YUpiUnf-rQ
[2016-10-30 12:45:10] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Jah Khalib - (2016) - length 3m 39s - 1,674
dislikes (99.2%) - 179,572 views - Tbilisi Beats on 2016.09.29
[2016-10-30 12:45:11] <Naenil> >mehmet pasha approves
[2016-10-30 12:45:15] <Eck> mfw cenk was top clinton propaganda youtube for like
a year
[2016-10-30 12:45:20] <Eck> he was pro clitorus
[2016-10-30 12:45:36] <xaashi> Naenil: the show really doesnt live up to the name
, huge boots to fill
[2016-10-30 12:45:37] <P3TC0CK> what
[2016-10-30 12:45:40] <denadryne> i live in a red part of orange county
[2016-10-30 12:45:41] <P3TC0CK> he was pro-bernie eck
[2016-10-30 12:45:43] <denadryne> used to see trump stickers
[2016-10-30 12:45:45] blubb quit (blubb@Snoonet-lk9.ml2.26u6nt.IP): Quit: http:/
/www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 12:45:45] <denadryne> now i just see
[2016-10-30 12:45:46] <P3TC0CK> YT was pro-bernie
[2016-10-30 12:45:50] <denadryne> NEITHER ONE 2016 stickers
[2016-10-30 12:45:52] <P3TC0CK> *TYT
[2016-10-30 12:45:53] <Naenil> http://s3.amazonaws.com/oratv-admin-wysiwyg/2016/
03/30/2016-03-29%2017.51.36.jpg xaashi
[2016-10-30 12:45:59] <Eck> then bernie got rekt and he was pro clinton
[2016-10-30 12:46:01] <ganja> dumbass, http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1477845628074.png
[2016-10-30 12:46:10] <denadryne> now i see ppl with hillary stickers here
[2016-10-30 12:46:18] <denadryne> n most ppl here are old and white
[2016-10-30 12:46:19] <P3TC0CK> he is barely pro-clinton
[2016-10-30 12:46:22] <P3TC0CK> he just hates trump
[2016-10-30 12:46:28] <Naenil> jeb! ganja
[2016-10-30 12:46:54] <Eck> pls his name is in the puppet list
[2016-10-30 12:46:59] <Naenil> http://www.bankers-anonymous.com/wp-content/uploa
[2016-10-30 12:47:02] <denadryne> damn ganja were those close friends his brothe
[2016-10-30 12:47:08] <KingofNothing> I talked to my source in Alleppo and he to
ld me SAA use TOS-1 in 1070 killing 300 rebels at once
[2016-10-30 12:47:13] <ganja> lmfao denadryne
[2016-10-30 12:47:19] <Naenil> get a better source KingofNothing
[2016-10-30 12:47:36] <KingofNothing> its my brother
[2016-10-30 12:47:39] <Eck> wat
[2016-10-30 12:47:41] <FalafelBey> he s wrong KingofNothing it was 3000000000000

0000 rebels
[2016-10-30 12:47:49] <Schweini_for_Hillary> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfW
[2016-10-30 12:47:49] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] If Young Metro Don t Trust You... I m Gon BAH
You - length 7s - 718 likes, 11 dislikes (98.5%) - 42,991 views - UndeadPerish on 2016.03
[2016-10-30 12:47:50] <FalafelBey> the war ended with a single TOS-1 launch
[2016-10-30 12:48:21] <ganja> did he fire the tos-1 KingofNothing
[2016-10-30 12:48:23] <ganja> that would be best job
[2016-10-30 12:48:23] <KingofNothing> ok i add the 300 rebel thing
[2016-10-30 12:48:29] <ganja> flash frying takfiris
[2016-10-30 12:48:32] <P3TC0CK> Schweini_for_Hillary:
[2016-10-30 12:48:32] <P3TC0CK> lmao
[2016-10-30 12:48:33] <ganja> with a glorious MLRS flamethrower
[2016-10-30 12:48:37] <P3TC0CK> look at this guy
[2016-10-30 12:48:42] <KingofNothing> you got me
[2016-10-30 12:48:43] <Naenil> .tell rane https://twitter.com/AlexHervaud/status
[2016-10-30 12:48:43] <Mossad> Naenil: I ll pass that on when rane is around.
[2016-10-30 12:48:46] sorzer quit (thunderingg@user/sorzer): Client exited
[2016-10-30 12:48:49] <FalafelBey> where are you from KingofNothing
[2016-10-30 12:48:54] <ganja> .tell dumbass http://nypost.com/1999/06/16/stanley
h-the-eyes-wide-open-of-screenwriter-frederic-raphael/ THE late Stanley Kubrick
once remarked that Hitler was right about almost everything
[2016-10-30 12:48:54] <Mossad> ganja: I ll pass that on when dumbass is around.
[2016-10-30 12:49:03] <Naenil> !stats
[2016-10-30 12:49:03] <Statistics> Stats for this channel can be found at https:
[2016-10-30 12:49:03] <Schweini_for_Hillary> BAH
[2016-10-30 12:49:05] <Schweini_for_Hillary> BAH
[2016-10-30 12:49:09] <P3TC0CK> https://twitter.com/KRDMAP Schweini_for_Hillary
look at kurdistan on this guy s banner scw
[2016-10-30 12:49:22] <Eck> https://www.yahoo.com/news/professor-whos-correctlycalled-every-presidential-election-since-1984-predicts-trump-will-win-202136418.
[2016-10-30 12:49:34] <Schweini_for_Hillary> what is that turn P3TC0CK
[2016-10-30 12:49:36] <KingofNothing> i am ismaili
[2016-10-30 12:49:39] <P3TC0CK> turn?
[2016-10-30 12:49:42] <Schweini_for_Hillary> khorasan kurds or something
[2016-10-30 12:49:46] <P3TC0CK> no idea
[2016-10-30 12:49:50] <P3TC0CK> it s like half the ME
[2016-10-30 12:49:51] <P3TC0CK> and Turkey
[2016-10-30 12:49:58] <Schweini_for_Hillary> it s correct thats what it is
[2016-10-30 12:50:05] <P3TC0CK> Schweini_for_Hillary:
[2016-10-30 12:50:07] <FalafelBey> you re syrian KingofNothing?
[2016-10-30 12:50:10] <P3TC0CK> kurds are turks
[2016-10-30 12:50:24] <Schweini_for_Hillary> yes we have heard that for the past
100 years
[2016-10-30 12:50:24] <xaashi> Eck: wtf
[2016-10-30 12:50:24] <FalafelBey> lesh 3mbtkazeb ya 3rsa
[2016-10-30 12:50:48] <denadryne> lol falafelbey
[2016-10-30 12:50:53] <denadryne> i kno rite
[2016-10-30 12:50:54] <KingofNothing> i am from Salamiyah do you know the town?
[2016-10-30 12:50:59] <Eck> xaashi ?
[2016-10-30 12:51:07] <KingofNothing> its near hama
[2016-10-30 12:51:09] <xaashi> yahoo.com
[2016-10-30 12:51:11] <denadryne> ey
[2016-10-30 12:51:19] <denadryne> so if hillary goes to jail
[2016-10-30 12:51:21] <denadryne> trump wins

[2016-10-30 12:51:25] <denadryne> america shits a brick

[2016-10-30 12:51:28] beyw joined (beyw@Snoonet-3ud.7sj.7du2hp.IP)
[2016-10-30 12:51:28] * ny.snoonet.org set +v beyw
[2016-10-30 12:51:28] beyw quit (beyw@Snoonet-3ud.7sj.7du2hp.IP): Changing host
[2016-10-30 12:51:28] beyw joined (beyw@user/beyw)
[2016-10-30 12:51:28] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v beyw
[2016-10-30 12:51:38] <denadryne> or we make her jail the white house
[2016-10-30 12:51:41] <Eck> even if she doesn t
[2016-10-30 12:51:43] <ganja> she will be hung
[2016-10-30 12:51:45] <ganja> for treason
[2016-10-30 12:51:49] <ganja> inshaassad
[2016-10-30 12:51:49] <Schweini_for_Hillary> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfW
h74g-8F4 beyw
[2016-10-30 12:51:50] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] If Young Metro Don t Trust You... I m Gon BAH
You - length 7s - 718 likes, 11 dislikes (98.5%) - 42,991 views - UndeadPerish on 2016.03
[2016-10-30 12:51:52] <beyw> wew
[2016-10-30 12:51:53] <ganja> and then america will become
[2016-10-30 12:51:54] <FalafelBey> shu ma bte7ki 3rabi KingofNothing?
[2016-10-30 12:51:59] roku joined (roku@Snoonet-hpt.l4e.nni882.IP)
[2016-10-30 12:52:00] <ganja> the autonomous cheeseburger oblast
[2016-10-30 12:52:09] <Eck> lool this is like brexit, polls said it wouldn t hap
pen but at the last week they changed
[2016-10-30 12:52:10] <ganja> after trump makes bayeh to putler
[2016-10-30 12:52:12] <beyw> ganja will she hang like saddam
[2016-10-30 12:52:17] roku quit (roku@Snoonet-hpt.l4e.nni882.IP): Quit: http://w
ww.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 12:52:18] <youssefprime> Schweini_for_Hillary: fuck vines
[2016-10-30 12:52:28] <youssefprime> the only funny vines were smack cams, and o
nly the good smack cams
[2016-10-30 12:52:30] <ganja> beyw, I can only pray its filmed
[2016-10-30 12:52:30] ArabPrince joined (ArabPrince@Snoonet-hpt.l4e.nni882.IP)
[2016-10-30 12:52:33] <denadryne> falafelbey min al mukhabarat
[2016-10-30 12:52:34] <beyw> lmao
[2016-10-30 12:52:37] <youssefprime> and the shoe ones
[2016-10-30 12:52:38] <Schweini_for_Hillary> smack cam was so gay
[2016-10-30 12:52:41] <ganja> fap material for a year if it is beyw
[2016-10-30 12:52:46] <ArabPrince> Hello everyone
[2016-10-30 12:52:51] <beyw> hahaha
[2016-10-30 12:53:00] <beyw> imagine them putting the rope around her neck like
with saddam
[2016-10-30 12:53:07] <sharbel> http://prnt.sc/d0vt3a
[2016-10-30 12:53:08] <beyw> would be GOLD
[2016-10-30 12:53:11] <sharbel> http://prnt.sc/d0vt3a
[2016-10-30 12:53:13] <sharbel> http://prnt.sc/d0vt3a
[2016-10-30 12:53:13] <ArabPrince> Is this the Syrian chat?
[2016-10-30 12:53:15] <beyw> yes
[2016-10-30 12:53:15] <ganja> .tell nee4speed111 https://i.gyazo.com/cb6f8428f6c
65cfea16d999a2682167a.png we wuz joan of ark
[2016-10-30 12:53:15] <Mossad> ganja: I ll pass that on when nee4speed111 is aro
[2016-10-30 12:53:19] <sharbel> .biji
[2016-10-30 12:53:21] <beyw> ALLAH SOURIA BASHAR W BAS
[2016-10-30 12:53:23] <P3TC0CK> wow NSFW this guy gets sniped and killed instant
ly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z40HFEpt8AU
[2016-10-30 12:53:23] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] 
 - length 38s

[2016-10-30 12:53:25] <sharbel> YES BOT IS BACK
[2016-10-30 12:53:29] <P3TC0CK> .tell dumbass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4
[2016-10-30 12:53:29] <Mossad> P3TC0CK: I ll pass that on when dumbass is around
[2016-10-30 12:53:31] <denadryne> arabprice esh biddek
[2016-10-30 12:53:34] <denadryne> arabprince
[2016-10-30 12:53:40] <ArabPrince>
[2016-10-30 12:53:53] <Naenil> Welcome to #syriancivilbar ArabPrince
[2016-10-30 12:53:54] <Schweini_for_Hillary> abu allah
[2016-10-30 12:53:57] <Naenil> .starthunt
[2016-10-30 12:53:57] <wqzz> Naenil: there is already a game running in #syrianc
[2016-10-30 12:54:00] <Naenil> .bang
[2016-10-30 12:54:00] <wqzz> Naenil you shot an Islamist in 54416.458 seconds! Y
ou have killed 135 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-10-30 12:54:01] <ArabPrince> So whats the situation right now in west alep
[2016-10-30 12:54:06] <Naenil> .wa 54416.458
[2016-10-30 12:54:10] <wqzz> Naenil: No results.
[2016-10-30 12:54:11] <Naenil> .wa 54416.458 seconds
[2016-10-30 12:54:14] <wqzz> Naenil: No results.
[2016-10-30 12:54:17] <Naenil> .wa 54416.458 seconds in hours
[2016-10-30 12:54:20] <wqzz> Naenil: Results: 15.115683 hours, 15 hours 6 minute
s 56.458 seconds - https://is.gd/WUwCF0
[2016-10-30 12:54:25] <beyw> .bang
[2016-10-30 12:54:25] * beyw was kicked by wqzz (There is no Islamist! What are
you shooting at?)
[2016-10-30 12:54:30] <Naenil> rekt
[2016-10-30 12:54:34] <sharbel> .takbir
[2016-10-30 12:54:34] <wqzz> TAKBIR () TAKBIIIIR
[2016-10-30 12:54:35] beyw joined (beyw@user/beyw)
[2016-10-30 12:54:35] * athena.snoonet.org set +v beyw
[2016-10-30 12:54:41] <beyw> fascist zzqw
[2016-10-30 12:54:48] <ArabPrince> What is the situation within the 3000 appartm
ent complex?
[2016-10-30 12:54:59] <ArabPrince> Did he rebels retreat?
[2016-10-30 12:55:00] <KingofNothing> arabprince nothing
[2016-10-30 12:55:03] <ArabPrince> the
[2016-10-30 12:55:10] <KingofNothing> rebels were never there
[2016-10-30 12:55:28] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: http://www.expressen.se/spor
[2016-10-30 12:55:29] <KingofNothing> they were all trapped
[2016-10-30 12:55:30] <ArabPrince> yes but they tried to get in and to push
[2016-10-30 12:55:41] <KingofNothing> it was all a trapp
[2016-10-30 12:55:43] <Schweini_for_Hillary> its 10 min from here with car beyw
[2016-10-30 12:55:46] <beyw> Hhh
[2016-10-30 12:56:00] <Eck> didn t the rebels launch chlorine gas there ArabPrin
[2016-10-30 12:56:06] <Eck> 90 injures 1 dead
[2016-10-30 12:56:13] <ganja> rebel media is silent
[2016-10-30 12:56:16] <ArabPrince> indeed
[2016-10-30 12:56:17] <ganja> they are geting roasted rn
[2016-10-30 12:56:17] <xaashi> TIL the flag of Hawaii has a Union Jack on it and
was first flown by a conquering Hawaiian king called Kamehameha I WTF
[2016-10-30 12:56:28] <ArabPrince> Are the Russians active there?
[2016-10-30 12:56:37] <Schweini_for_Hillary> can these guests
[2016-10-30 12:56:38] <Eck> russians are camping at the base
[2016-10-30 12:56:38] <Schweini_for_Hillary> FUCKING LEAVE

[2016-10-30 12:56:59] <beyw> lol

[2016-10-30 12:57:00] <beyw> why
[2016-10-30 12:57:02] <ArabPrince> why ?
[2016-10-30 12:57:10] <P3TC0CK> https://twitter.com/RudawEnglish/status/79268893
[2016-10-30 12:57:10] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @RudawEnglish (Rudaw English): #BREAKING: Ira
q s government bans miniskirts and trousers for its female students, following a
n alcohol ban earlie https://t.co/UTpnqCpjXU (5 hours and 31 minutes ago)
[2016-10-30 12:57:10] <beyw> kurds are loud u gotta get used to it
[2016-10-30 12:57:11] <Eck> waiting on that cargo of fuel from moscow so they ca
n ramp up the airstrikes
[2016-10-30 12:57:12] <P3TC0CK> HAHAHAHAHA
[2016-10-30 12:57:15] <P3TC0CK> IRAQ
[2016-10-30 12:57:19] <beyw> yes hahahahah
[2016-10-30 12:57:23] <Schweini_for_Hillary> ayatollah abadi
[2016-10-30 12:57:26] <ArabPrince> lol
[2016-10-30 12:57:26] <P3TC0CK> .tell muzzly ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ooooooooooooooooooooooooo https://twitter.com/RudawEnglish/status/79268893710185
[2016-10-30 12:57:27] <Mossad> P3TC0CK: I ll pass that on when muzzly is around.
[2016-10-30 12:57:30] <Schweini_for_Hillary> cause theyve been here for 5 hours
[2016-10-30 12:57:42] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: lol relatives?
[2016-10-30 12:57:46] <P3TC0CK> >tfw women can t even wear pants in school
[2016-10-30 12:57:48] <P3TC0CK> holy shit
[2016-10-30 12:57:49] <Schweini_for_Hillary> my uncle
[2016-10-30 12:57:51] <P3TC0CK> even women in idlib
[2016-10-30 12:57:51] <Schweini_for_Hillary> and his wife
[2016-10-30 12:57:53] <P3TC0CK> can wear pants
[2016-10-30 12:57:54] <P3TC0CK> lmaooooo
[2016-10-30 12:57:56] <beyw> thats nice
[2016-10-30 12:58:07] <P3TC0CK> .tell FalafelBey https://twitter.com/RudawEnglis
[2016-10-30 12:58:07] <Mossad> P3TC0CK: I ll pass that on when FalafelBey is aro
[2016-10-30 12:58:16] <Schweini_for_Hillary> i wanna wear my comfy pants and eat
ice cream tho
[2016-10-30 12:58:17] <Eck> pants mean underwear in the civilized world P3TC0CK
[2016-10-30 12:58:19] <ArabPrince> ISIS still holds up in Mosul
[2016-10-30 12:58:20] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: my oncle mostly just comes t
o see my little brother hhh
[2016-10-30 12:58:28] <Schweini_for_Hillary> lul
[2016-10-30 12:58:33] Pruswa quit (Pruswa@user/Pruswa): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 12:58:35] <P3TC0CK> we call pants pants in the civilized world
[2016-10-30 12:58:36] Pruswa joined (Pruswa@user/Pruswa)
[2016-10-30 12:58:36] * ny.snoonet.org set +v Pruswa
[2016-10-30 12:58:42] <P3TC0CK> don t act like UK is part of the civilized world
lmao eck
[2016-10-30 12:58:45] <Schweini_for_Hillary> when r u gonna introduce me to mini
[2016-10-30 12:58:46] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: D:
[2016-10-30 12:58:47] <P3TC0CK> you guys are degen
[2016-10-30 12:58:49] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: go kiss your uncles hand
[2016-10-30 12:58:54] <P3TC0CK> hahaha youssefprime oh my god
[2016-10-30 12:58:55] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: idk
[2016-10-30 12:59:00] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: wara
[2016-10-30 12:59:01] <Eck> pls oldest democracy with you as a subject
[2016-10-30 12:59:01] <P3TC0CK> >tfw Idlib is less conservative than iraq
[2016-10-30 12:59:08] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: ok

[2016-10-30 12:59:09] <youssefprime> chill

[2016-10-30 12:59:10] <Schweini_for_Hillary> 1 day inshala
[2016-10-30 12:59:10] <P3TC0CK> >tfw JFS is more liberal than iraq youssefprime
[2016-10-30 12:59:12] <beyw> i dont know whats wrong with iraq atm
[2016-10-30 12:59:13] <youssefprime> LMAO
[2016-10-30 12:59:20] <beyw> like why tf would they even
[2016-10-30 12:59:29] <ArabPrince> Iraqi army is pretty shitty....
[2016-10-30 12:59:36] denadryne quit (denadryne@user/denadryne): Quit: http://ww
w.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 12:59:36] <ArabPrince> They still didnt reach the city
[2016-10-30 12:59:37] <beyw> notrelevan
[2016-10-30 12:59:38] <ArabPrince> omg
[2016-10-30 12:59:38] <beyw> t
[2016-10-30 12:59:48] <beyw> i mean why do they elect these morons
[2016-10-30 13:00:02] <beyw> is there no serious capable party with common sense
policies in iraq
[2016-10-30 13:00:04] <Schweini_for_Hillary> hashd is doing all the work
[2016-10-30 13:00:05] <FalafelBey> no way that s true P3TC0CK
[2016-10-30 13:00:05] <Mossad> FalafelBey: 16:58 <P3TC0CK> tell FalafelBey https
[2016-10-30 13:00:10] oddRaven quit (Ravenous@user/oddRaven): Quit: :tiuQ
[2016-10-30 13:00:17] <Schweini_for_Hillary> it s true FalafelBey
[2016-10-30 13:00:24] <Schweini_for_Hillary> trust the IRAQI kurd
[2016-10-30 13:00:29] <beyw> lol
[2016-10-30 13:00:36] <ArabPrince> I feel sorry for the Americans, putting all t
heir money and time on a shitty army
[2016-10-30 13:00:52] <beyw> i wonder how muzzly will respond to this lol
[2016-10-30 13:00:53] <Prky008> https://twitter.com/Syria_Rebel_Obs/status/79277
[2016-10-30 13:01:01] <KingofNothing> they are all arabs
[2016-10-30 13:01:11] <KingofNothing> they are failure by definition
[2016-10-30 13:01:16] <P3TC0CK> oh my goooooooooooooooooooooodd Iraq literally b
ecome more conservative than Jihadists FalafelBey holy shit
[2016-10-30 13:01:17] <FalafelBey> some arabs are better than other arabs
[2016-10-30 13:01:20] <Schweini_for_Hillary> L U L KingofNothing
[2016-10-30 13:01:25] <Prky008> KingofNothing no
[2016-10-30 13:01:26] <FalafelBey> for example all arabs > alawites kign
[2016-10-30 13:01:27] <FalafelBey> KingofNothing: ^
[2016-10-30 13:01:31] <Eck> lel clinton is so cucked, what kind of criminal asks
for what they re investigating when they re investigating
[2016-10-30 13:01:37] <Prky008> KingofNothing only sunni arabs are a failure
[2016-10-30 13:01:44] <beyw> ye
[2016-10-30 13:01:44] <KingofNothing> i am arab i can tell you
[2016-10-30 13:01:45] <ArabPrince> I m pro ISIS when it comes to Iraq
[2016-10-30 13:01:52] <Schweini_for_Hillary> lmfao
[2016-10-30 13:01:52] <FalafelBey> wow
[2016-10-30 13:01:54] <beyw> sunni arabs are worst performers
[2016-10-30 13:01:54] <Prky008> lol
[2016-10-30 13:01:58] <Schweini_for_Hillary> LMFAO
[2016-10-30 13:02:00] <beyw> lol
[2016-10-30 13:02:00] <ArabPrince> and pro Assad when it comes to Syia
[2016-10-30 13:02:03] <ArabPrince> :D
[2016-10-30 13:02:04] <FalafelBey> look at the army of conquest beyw
[2016-10-30 13:02:05] <beyw> sick mate
[2016-10-30 13:02:06] <ganja> :^) https://www.reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar/commen
[2016-10-30 13:02:21] <FalafelBey> mn wen ArabPrince
[2016-10-30 13:02:22] <Schweini_for_Hillary> loving this sectariansm rn
[2016-10-30 13:02:23] <beyw> falafelbey all it takes is one lion to lead a herd
of sheep falafelbey

[2016-10-30 13:02:36] <ArabPrince>

[2016-10-30 13:02:37] <FalafelBey> they re all lions
[2016-10-30 13:02:42] <beyw> gtfo LOL
[2016-10-30 13:02:44] <ArabPrince>
[2016-10-30 13:02:57] <beyw> arabprince i am mukhabarat you know right?
[2016-10-30 13:03:02] <FalafelBey> are you writing in arabic ArabPrince?
[2016-10-30 13:03:04] <ArabPrince> Do i care? :D
[2016-10-30 13:03:07] <ArabPrince> Yes
[2016-10-30 13:03:14] <ArabPrince> Dont you see the Arab writint?
[2016-10-30 13:03:17] <FalafelBey> no
[2016-10-30 13:03:18] <beyw> lol
[2016-10-30 13:03:20] <ArabPrince> I see
[2016-10-30 13:03:37] <beyw>
[2016-10-30 13:03:45] <beyw>
[2016-10-30 13:03:54] <FalafelBey> write in 3rabizi ArabPrince
[2016-10-30 13:03:58] <Schweini_for_Hillary> 7bibi 3rab, b0si b0si b0ss
[2016-10-30 13:03:59] <ArabPrince> it says: ana maghribi
[2016-10-30 13:04:01] <ArabPrince> wa ant?
[2016-10-30 13:04:14] <FalafelBey> souri
[2016-10-30 13:04:17] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: gimme de pusy b0ss
[2016-10-30 13:04:28] <ArabPrince> ya halaa bi ahl surya
[2016-10-30 13:04:32] <Schweini_for_Hillary> feed my children
[2016-10-30 13:04:44] <FalafelBey> shu lesh ente pro-isis ArabPrince
[2016-10-30 13:04:59] <ArabPrince> laysa 3ela al itlaaq
[2016-10-30 13:05:06] <Schweini_for_Hillary> LONG LIVE PRESIDENT BASHAR AL-ASAD!
[2016-10-30 13:05:07] <Schweini_for_Hillary> WE LOVEEEE YOUUUU!!!
[2016-10-30 13:05:07] <Schweini_for_Hillary> NO TO WAHABIS!!
[2016-10-30 13:05:07] <Schweini_for_Hillary> NO TO RACISM!!!
[2016-10-30 13:05:17] <ArabPrince> lakin at3ataf m3ahom fi l 3iraq
[2016-10-30 13:05:23] <Schweini_for_Hillary> i am a smart american girl. i love
bashar assad, the syrian arab army, hezbollah, the russians.
i live in texas
, but my heart is in syria.
[2016-10-30 13:05:31] <FalafelBey> lmao, why ArabPrince
[2016-10-30 13:05:52] <ArabPrince> Because i hate the Iraqi army and the Hashd,
they killed some ppl i know
[2016-10-30 13:06:11] <ArabPrince> Its a personal thing
[2016-10-30 13:06:14] <germanperson> who do you support ArabPrince
[2016-10-30 13:06:17] <beyw> fuckin shias in baghdad
[2016-10-30 13:06:19] <germanperson> nvm
[2016-10-30 13:06:22] <ArabPrince> I support Baath party
[2016-10-30 13:06:26] <beyw> lol
[2016-10-30 13:06:33] <KingofNothing> I hate all arabs...because some of them ki
lled my father
[2016-10-30 13:06:37] <beyw> hahahaha
[2016-10-30 13:06:40] <ArabPrince> Saddam is my leader and hero
[2016-10-30 13:06:40] <Naenil> https://t.co/vqTxir4dnX yat
[2016-10-30 13:06:41] <ArabPrince> ;
[2016-10-30 13:06:43] <ArabPrince> :D
[2016-10-30 13:06:43] <FalafelBey> Ismailis are Arab KingofNothing
[2016-10-30 13:06:53] <beyw> saddam is ded
[2016-10-30 13:06:54] <KingofNothing> i am arab
[2016-10-30 13:06:56] <beyw> zed
[2016-10-30 13:07:02] <FalafelBey> but you dont speak arabic KingofNothing
[2016-10-30 13:07:12] <KingofNothing> yes
[2016-10-30 13:07:24] <FalafelBey> you stop being arab when you dont know the la
[2016-10-30 13:07:26] <KingofNothing> but i am in europe for 15 years
[2016-10-30 13:07:26] <ArabPrince> Arab but does not speak Arabic? How s that?
[2016-10-30 13:07:35] <KingofNothing> great

[2016-10-30 13:07:41] <beyw> ARAB UNITY

[2016-10-30 13:07:44] <KingofNothing> i will try to forget my arab
[2016-10-30 13:07:51] <Prky008> I don t believe Arabs exist
[2016-10-30 13:07:55] <beyw> can i become arab
[2016-10-30 13:07:59] <beyw> if i learn arabic
[2016-10-30 13:07:59] <KingofNothing> but than i cant talk to my family
[2016-10-30 13:08:03] <Schweini_for_Hillary> 450 mosquitoes
[2016-10-30 13:08:04] <FalafelBey> kurds are already arabs beyw
[2016-10-30 13:08:05] <ArabPrince> So what? I ve been born and raised in Europe.
... But i speak and write Arabic, its a party of my identity
[2016-10-30 13:08:06] <beyw> hahaha
[2016-10-30 13:08:08] <Schweini_for_Hillary> million
[2016-10-30 13:08:12] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: loool
[2016-10-30 13:08:30] <Schweini_for_Hillary> who fight eachother
[2016-10-30 13:08:36] <beyw> FalafelBey: habibi if i was arab i wouldnt get out
of bed in the morning. this morning i got out of bed.
[2016-10-30 13:08:37] <Schweini_for_Hillary> and everyone else
[2016-10-30 13:08:38] MosheDayan quit (mzrxa@Snoonet-3k5.rt8.9reo9o.IP): Connect
ion closed
[2016-10-30 13:08:46] <ArabPrince> hhhhh
[2016-10-30 13:08:48] <FalafelBey> what are you implying beyw
[2016-10-30 13:08:52] MosheDayan joined (mzrxa@Snoonet-3k5.rt8.9reo9o.IP)
[2016-10-30 13:08:52] <beyw> im not arab
[2016-10-30 13:08:53] <beyw> Hhhhhhh
[2016-10-30 13:08:57] <ArabPrince> He s saying Arabs are lazy
[2016-10-30 13:09:00] <beyw> no
[2016-10-30 13:09:00] <ArabPrince> hhh
[2016-10-30 13:09:03] <beyw> butthats also true
[2016-10-30 13:09:08] <Schweini_for_Hillary> he s saying arabs are not human
[2016-10-30 13:09:10] <beyw> justkidding
[2016-10-30 13:09:14] <FalafelBey> we weren t lazy when Saddam was gassing you ;
) ;)
[2016-10-30 13:09:19] <Schweini_for_Hillary> "we"
[2016-10-30 13:09:43] <FalafelBey> I m chemical Ali
[2016-10-30 13:09:47] <beyw> you crushed my heart
[2016-10-30 13:09:54] <Prky008> FalafelBey that was the only time since Muhhamad
that Arabs won a war
[2016-10-30 13:09:58] <Schweini_for_Hillary> if arabs werent so dumb, they could
ve kept kurds under iraq
[2016-10-30 13:10:13] <ganja> oh shit lmao
[2016-10-30 13:10:18] <ganja> caeraeluspices is a mod now?
[2016-10-30 13:10:23] <ArabPrince> Just leave the kurds alone and give them erbi
l, kirkuk ad suleymaniya
[2016-10-30 13:10:24] <ganja> wasn t that guy former mukhabarat?
[2016-10-30 13:10:25] <ArabPrince> we dont care
[2016-10-30 13:10:31] <ganja> based sub
[2016-10-30 13:10:37] <beyw> arabprince shukran
[2016-10-30 13:10:38] <ganja> all nasibis shall be expelled to r/t*rkey
[2016-10-30 13:10:41] <ganja> to live as rapefugees
[2016-10-30 13:10:48] <FalafelBey> he was a conscript
[2016-10-30 13:10:51] <FalafelBey> not mukhabarat
[2016-10-30 13:10:52] <Prky008> the great arabs won only a single war in the las
t 1400 years and that was against civilians
[2016-10-30 13:10:59] <ganja> I thought he was in air force intelligence
[2016-10-30 13:11:07] <FalafelBey> dont think so ganja
[2016-10-30 13:11:11] <yat> is it beer oclock yet
[2016-10-30 13:11:14] <Schweini_for_Hillary> all refugees who are not kurds can
be classified as potential threat against their country
[2016-10-30 13:11:18] <FalafelBey> stop making up shit Prky008
[2016-10-30 13:11:25] <beyw> yat it always is

[2016-10-30 13:11:25] <ArabPrince> why would mughabarat be here on an irc chat?

it doesnt make sense to me...
[2016-10-30 13:11:26] <ganja> yat its always beer o clock
[2016-10-30 13:11:35] <beyw> ;)
[2016-10-30 13:11:43] MosheDayan quit (mzrxa@Snoonet-3k5.rt8.9reo9o.IP): Connect
ion closed
[2016-10-30 13:11:48] <Prky008> FalafelBey why?
[2016-10-30 13:11:53] <beyw> arabprince are you from iraq
[2016-10-30 13:12:02] <ArabPrince> I am from Morocco
[2016-10-30 13:12:05] <beyw> okay
[2016-10-30 13:12:14] <FalafelBey> Arabs won a war in 1990
[2016-10-30 13:12:17] <beyw> lol
[2016-10-30 13:12:23] <Prky008> FalafelBey which one?
[2016-10-30 13:12:28] <KingofNothing> arabs are all dumb incl the kurds...the on
ly exception are Ismaili
[2016-10-30 13:12:29] <beyw> kuwait?
[2016-10-30 13:12:30] <FalafelBey> gulf war
[2016-10-30 13:12:46] <quincy> Idea: remake of cat daddy called "yat daddy"
[2016-10-30 13:12:47] <KingofNothing> and the turks are dumb too
[2016-10-30 13:12:49] <FalafelBey> Amreka retreated against the Iraki army
[2016-10-30 13:12:56] <beyw> kingofnothing eveyrone is dumb except jews, germans
and japanese anc chindese and koreans
[2016-10-30 13:13:06] <Dune> https://www.reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar/comments/5a
[2016-10-30 13:13:08] <yat> i like when u call me daddy, quincy
[2016-10-30 13:13:09] <ArabPrince> Ubermenschen
[2016-10-30 13:13:10] <xaashi> FalafelBey: lmao
[2016-10-30 13:13:11] <Dune> is "epic failure if true" a new thing
[2016-10-30 13:13:13] <Prky008> FalafelBey that was Arabs vs Arabs, that doesn t
count, it s like shooting yourself and calling it victory
[2016-10-30 13:13:14] <quincy> ;)
[2016-10-30 13:13:19] <KingofNothing> beyw thats true
[2016-10-30 13:13:26] <FalafelBey> 1. Kuwaitis are Iranians
[2016-10-30 13:13:35] <beyw> lol
[2016-10-30 13:13:36] <Naenil> Guys
[2016-10-30 13:13:38] <FalafelBey> 2. Gulf war had a lot more than just Kuwaitis
[2016-10-30 13:13:44] <Naenil> I found suckemberg
[2016-10-30 13:13:44] <Naenil> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/
[2016-10-30 13:13:44] <ArabPrince> The last Arab who won was Saudi Arabia agains
t the Ottoman empire
[2016-10-30 13:13:46] <beyw> yes heval naenil
[2016-10-30 13:13:50] <Prky008> FalafelBey so Iranians won the Gulf war?
[2016-10-30 13:13:53] <yat> ill war your gulf, FalafelBey
[2016-10-30 13:13:53] <KingofNothing> but asians have other problems....only ism
aili are great
[2016-10-30 13:13:53] <beyw> lol
[2016-10-30 13:13:53] <yat> ;)
[2016-10-30 13:14:09] <Pruswa> Why don t Syrian rebels have ballistic missiles l
ike Houthis?
[2016-10-30 13:14:14] <FalafelBey> kuwait didn t win Prky008
[2016-10-30 13:14:19] <Naenil> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/
13/Georg_pencz%2C_ritratto_di_ragazzo_diciottenne.jpg yat look at his scrotch
[2016-10-30 13:14:24] <Prky008> FalafelBey yes it did
[2016-10-30 13:14:28] <FalafelBey> Based Saddam won
[2016-10-30 13:14:30] <Naenil> that s fucking mark
[2016-10-30 13:14:31] <ArabPrince> Is it true that the Houthis tried to bomb Mek
[2016-10-30 13:14:36] <Pruswa> Naenil: That s a codpiece
[2016-10-30 13:14:38] <xaashi> did u know the first barrel bombing in history wa

s in Somaliland? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somaliland_campaign_(1920)
[2016-10-30 13:14:49] <Naenil> lol Pruswa
[2016-10-30 13:14:55] <Pruswa> Nobility literally used to wear accessories that
made their dick bulges look bigger
[2016-10-30 13:14:57] <nvl> xaashi, that must be an honour
[2016-10-30 13:14:58] <Pruswa> I am not kidding
[2016-10-30 13:15:04] <yat> Naenil, wtf ew lol
[2016-10-30 13:15:06] <xaashi> nvl: great
[2016-10-30 13:15:06] <Naenil> Yeah
[2016-10-30 13:15:11] <Prky008> FalafelBey yeah sure https://lh3.googleuserconte
[2016-10-30 13:15:16] <Naenil> This is a paiting from the XVI century yat
[2016-10-30 13:15:41] <yat> his dick literally looks like a tumor Naenil
[2016-10-30 13:15:42] <Pruswa> Naenil: yat http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryh
[2016-10-30 13:15:46] <Pruswa> yat it is not a dic
[2016-10-30 13:15:47] <xaashi> nvl: Dhulbahante poet Cumar Dhuule was like the P
3TC*CK of that war
[2016-10-30 13:15:50] <yat> if i were being courted by him and he tried to send
me this
[2016-10-30 13:15:54] <yat> ik Pruswa its a codpiece
[2016-10-30 13:16:00] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: ogillar faktikst nr mnniskor gr
shr https://gyazo.com/8b21958852b686381cdd053589e181f4
[2016-10-30 13:16:01] <germanperson> yeah he was mukhabarat ganja
[2016-10-30 13:16:03] <yat> but i would be turned off nonetheless
[2016-10-30 13:16:06] <Naenil> and his face like zuckemberg yat
[2016-10-30 13:16:08] <ganja> ameriKKKa perfected barrel bombing in vietnam tho
[2016-10-30 13:16:12] <ganja> cause they usd cargo planes
[2016-10-30 13:16:12] <yat> how are u supposed to fit that anywhere
[2016-10-30 13:16:14] <ganja> instead of hips
[2016-10-30 13:16:15] <beyw> det blir som att man tvingar folk att sga grejer yan
i det r inte kta Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-10-30 13:16:20] <ganja> thought so germanperson didn t he do an AMa or som
[2016-10-30 13:16:23] <Cioran> "Couples who exhibit a greater degree of gender-n
ormativity have sex more frequently than those who do not"
[2016-10-30 13:16:26] <Cioran> QED Islam was right
[2016-10-30 13:16:30] <germanperson> nah he did a guide to syrian intelligence
[2016-10-30 13:16:34] <ganja> why doesn t russia send some cargo planes to assad
for mass barrel bombng
[2016-10-30 13:16:34] <germanperson> where he said he worked at one branch
[2016-10-30 13:16:39] <Naenil> you wouldn t say no to henry VIII or he d behead
you yat
[2016-10-30 13:16:43] <germanperson> https://twitter.com/RadioSpooky/status/7927
[2016-10-30 13:16:43] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @RadioSpooky (#syriancivilwarleaks): https:
//t.co/ycXDDKEmHc (2 minutes and 39 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 13:16:46] <germanperson> porkchan is still here somewhere
[2016-10-30 13:16:49] <Pruswa> >Tfw we make fun of guys who post bulge pics with
cucumbers inside their underwear but nobility used to do that irl
[2016-10-30 13:16:59] <germanperson> thought he was banned
[2016-10-30 13:17:04] <xaashi> germanperson: wtf
[2016-10-30 13:17:09] <ganja> oh shid
[2016-10-30 13:17:12] <ganja> I bet its
[2016-10-30 13:17:14] <yat> i would say no bc he would crush and suffocate me li
ke i were a kitten in a human bed Naenil
[2016-10-30 13:17:15] <ganja> dabiq
[2016-10-30 13:17:16] <KingofNothing> everyone is banned
[2016-10-30 13:17:17] <Naenil> ArabPrince, what is your reddit username

[2016-10-30 13:17:31] <Prky008> can I kb him?

[2016-10-30 13:17:33] <ArabPrince> Arab_Moroccan
[2016-10-30 13:17:41] <Prky008> pls
[2016-10-30 13:17:41] <FalafelBey> he s probably kingofnothing
[2016-10-30 13:17:44] <Pruswa> Uh oh
[2016-10-30 13:17:47] <ArabPrince> Why s that?
[2016-10-30 13:17:49] <KingofNothing> no
[2016-10-30 13:17:50] <Pruswa> Naenil: preparing the hammer
[2016-10-30 13:17:54] <Pruswa> Naenil Martel
[2016-10-30 13:17:56] <Naenil> KingofNothing, what is your reddit username
[2016-10-30 13:18:04] <xaashi> https://twitter.com/RadioSpooky/status/7927774618
[2016-10-30 13:18:04] <Naenil> send a pm to /u/naenil ArabPrince
[2016-10-30 13:18:04] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @RadioSpooky (#syriancivilwarleaks): /@Radi
oSpooky https://t.co/7800v6PUYO (34 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 13:18:10] <Naenil> This is an irc checkpoint
[2016-10-30 13:18:13] <KingofNothing> i will go on my own cu all
[2016-10-30 13:18:15] KingofNothing left (KingofNothi@Snoonet-9g2.7uc.mptdpo.IP)
[2016-10-30 13:18:23] <germanperson> good guessing FalafelBey :)
[2016-10-30 13:18:28] <ganja> wow mod cracdown
[2016-10-30 13:18:30] <ArabPrince> Naenil, are you a bot?
[2016-10-30 13:18:33] <Naenil> Ok don t bother ArabPrince
[2016-10-30 13:18:33] <ganja> poor innocent people
[2016-10-30 13:18:35] <FalafelBey> Thank you germanperson
[2016-10-30 13:18:41] * Naenil set channel modes +b *!*@Snoonet-9g2.7uc.mptdpo.I
[2016-10-30 13:18:48] <xaashi> P U R G E
[2016-10-30 13:18:49] <xaashi> U
[2016-10-30 13:18:49] <xaashi> R
[2016-10-30 13:18:50] <xaashi> G
[2016-10-30 13:18:51] <xaashi> E
[2016-10-30 13:18:59] <Cioran> 18:18:06 <KingofNothing> i will go on my own cuck
[2016-10-30 13:19:09] <yat> Naenil, do u ban the most irc ppl
[2016-10-30 13:19:10] <yat> or me
[2016-10-30 13:19:11] MosheDayan joined (mzrxa@Snoonet-h0h.r80.jtlss0.IP)
[2016-10-30 13:19:12] <yat> lol
[2016-10-30 13:19:13] <Naenil> soft power Cioran
[2016-10-30 13:19:19] <Naenil> do we count massive ban evaders yat
[2016-10-30 13:19:24] <Naenil> I think it s me anyway
[2016-10-30 13:19:29] <yat> lets say no Naenil
[2016-10-30 13:19:29] <ArabPrince> Its my first time here so i dont know the rul
[2016-10-30 13:19:32] <yat> just regular bans
[2016-10-30 13:19:41] <FalafelBey> I d educate you on how great Arabs are Prky00
8, but I need to go
[2016-10-30 13:19:41] <Naenil> There is a ban evader roaming ArabPrince
[2016-10-30 13:19:42] <FalafelBey> cya
[2016-10-30 13:19:46] Pornchan joined (Pornchan@Snoonet-t10.043.48vtj8.IP)
[2016-10-30 13:19:47] FalafelBey quit (FalafelBey@Snoonet-cjm.qh7.9thhc1.IP): Qu
it: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-10-30 13:19:52] <Naenil> !kb Pornchan
[2016-10-30 13:19:52] * Pornchan was kicked by Bashar (Requested)
[2016-10-30 13:19:52] * Bashar set channel modes +b *!*@Snoonet-t10.043.48vtj8.I
[2016-10-30 13:19:57] <Schweini_for_Hillary> wew
[2016-10-30 13:20:00] <yat> dammit Naenil
[2016-10-30 13:20:02] <yat> +1 for u
[2016-10-30 13:20:06] <Naenil> lol

[2016-10-30 13:20:07] <yat> imma catch up

[2016-10-30 13:20:10] <yat> !!kb Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-10-30 13:20:13] <Naenil> have fun
[2016-10-30 13:20:14] <Naenil> lmaoo
[2016-10-30 13:20:20] <Schweini_for_Hillary> why tho yat
[2016-10-30 13:20:23] * beyw is now known as porkchan
[2016-10-30 13:20:28] * porkchan is now known as pornchan
[2016-10-30 13:20:33] <yat> !k pornchan
[2016-10-30 13:20:33] * pornchan was kicked by Bashar (Requested)
[2016-10-30 13:20:41] <yat> why does beyw stay trying it
[2016-10-30 13:20:45] beyw joined (beyw@user/beyw)
[2016-10-30 13:20:45] * quokka.snoonet.org set +v beyw
[2016-10-30 13:21:01] <Schweini_for_Hillary> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfW
h74g-8F4 yat
[2016-10-30 13:21:01] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] If Young Metro Don t Trust You... I m Gon BAH
You - length 7s - 718 likes, 11 dislikes (98.5%) - 42,991 views - UndeadPerish on 2016.03
[2016-10-30 13:21:05] <Dune> dem corrupt irc checkpoints
[2016-10-30 13:21:12] <ganja> https://twitter.com/RadioSpooky/status/79277825817
[2016-10-30 13:21:14] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @RadioSpooky (#syriancivilwarleaks): Anothe
r one https://t.co/hd4b2R6h4D (31 seconds ago)
[2016-10-30 13:21:16] <ganja> WOW LMAO
[2016-10-30 13:21:17] <ganja> good work Naenil
[2016-10-30 13:21:21] <ganja> you killed an innocent man
[2016-10-30 13:21:21] <xaashi> LMAO
[2016-10-30 13:21:32] <ganja> two innocent people
[2016-10-30 13:21:32] <Prky008> Pornchan was me trying to troll
[2016-10-30 13:21:33] <beyw> wew porkchan stepping his game up
[2016-10-30 13:21:40] <beyw> oh
[2016-10-30 13:21:43] <Schweini_for_Hillary> rofl
[2016-10-30 13:21:45] <Naenil> !k Valus
[2016-10-30 13:21:45] * Valus was kicked by Bashar (Requested)
[2016-10-30 13:21:52] <Naenil> !k cauchy1414
[2016-10-30 13:21:52] * cauchy1414 was kicked by Bashar (Requested)
[2016-10-30 13:21:53] cauchy1414 joined (thebestgirl@boof.irl)
[2016-10-30 13:21:53] * protectandserve.snoonet.org set +v cauchy1414
[2016-10-30 13:21:53] <ganja> lol naenil gonna go vendee
[2016-10-30 13:21:54] <ganja> LOOOL
[2016-10-30 13:21:56] <beyw> i though porkchan had set up a vctim
[2016-10-30 13:21:59] <Naenil> !k hansfer89
[2016-10-30 13:21:59] * hansfer89 was kicked by Bashar (Requested)
[2016-10-30 13:22:01] <Schweini_for_Hillary> LUL
[2016-10-30 13:22:03] <Naenil> !k james0kief
[2016-10-30 13:22:03] * You kicked james0kief (Requested)
[2016-10-30 13:26:12] Joined channel #SyrianCivilWar
[2016-10-30 13:26:12] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v james0kief
[2016-10-30 13:26:13] * Channel mode is +CPTfnprtx 5:1 10:4
[2016-10-30 13:26:13] * Channel timestamp is 1379021263
[2016-10-30 13:26:20] <Naenil> !kb james0kief
[2016-10-30 13:26:20] * You kicked james0kief (Requested)
[2016-11-02 08:29:39] Joined channel #SyrianCivilWar
[2016-11-02 08:29:39] * veronica.snoonet.org set +v atomic_turtle
[2016-11-02 08:29:39] * Channel mode is +PTfnprstx 5:1 10:4
[2016-11-02 08:29:39] * Channel timestamp is 1379021263
[2016-11-02 08:31:53] sisisi joined (AndChat5799@user/sisisi)
[2016-11-02 08:31:53] * tx.snoonet.org set +v sisisi
[2016-11-02 08:31:58] <sisisi> Silav
[2016-11-02 08:33:07] Pruswa joined (Pruswa@user/Pruswa)
[2016-11-02 08:33:07] * quokka.snoonet.org set +v Pruswa

[2016-11-02 08:35:35] <sisisi> Pruswa

[2016-11-02 08:35:44] <Pruswa> sisisi:
[2016-11-02 08:35:47] <sisisi> Based Erdo again didnt give a fuck
[2016-11-02 08:35:54] <Pruswa> What happened again?
[2016-11-02 08:35:57] <Pruswa> Just woke up
[2016-11-02 08:36:00] <sisisi> And cucked secular cucks
[2016-11-02 08:36:07] <sisisi> Exactly nothing
[2016-11-02 08:36:25] <sisisi> At least kamalcucks used to be bitchy
[2016-11-02 08:36:32] <sisisi> They dont even do that
[2016-11-02 08:36:34] <sisisi> Anymore
[2016-11-02 08:36:56] <sisisi> Remember those protests against hijabi wife of a
bdullah gl?
[2016-11-02 08:36:59] <sisisi> K E K
[2016-11-02 08:37:00] <sisisi> E
[2016-11-02 08:37:01] <sisisi> K
[2016-11-02 08:37:55] <Pruswa> I think Gezi II might be coming sisisi
[2016-11-02 08:38:04] <sisisi> Lmao
[2016-11-02 08:38:35] <sisisi> "PLS STOP HURTING COPS, EVEN THOUGH THEY KILLED O
UR COMRADES:(((((((("
[2016-11-02 08:38:59] <sisisi> "DONT DO IT, GLORIOUS STATE SHOULD STAY STRONG :/
[2016-11-02 08:39:14] <sisisi> "GIB COPS ROSES:DDDDDDDD"
[2016-11-02 08:39:52] <sisisi> "COPS ARE BAD IN HERE ,BUT THEY ARE GLORIOUS IN D
[2016-11-02 08:39:55] <sisisi> Here Pruswa
[2016-11-02 08:41:54] <sisisi> "PLS DON T THROW STONES WTF, YES THEY FUCKED OUR
[2016-11-02 08:42:01] <sisisi> Typical cucks, Pruswa
[2016-11-02 08:42:42] <Pruswa> Well if you do that protesters may legit get gunn
ed down
[2016-11-02 08:42:49] <Pruswa> Time is not yet ripe for TCW
[2016-11-02 08:42:49] * atomic_turtle at
[2016-11-02 08:43:04] * at ato
[2016-11-02 08:44:24] BugInAJar quit (BugInAJar@user/BugInAJar): Quit: ?
[2016-11-02 08:44:47] <sisisi> If they get gunned down
[2016-11-02 08:44:54] <sisisi> T*rkey will be done
[2016-11-02 08:45:01] <sisisi> Erdo isnr that stupid
[2016-11-02 08:45:08] BugInAJar joined (BugInAJar@user/BugInAJar)
[2016-11-02 08:45:08] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v BugInAJar
[2016-11-02 08:45:12] <sisisi> Sure he could do that in Bakur
[2016-11-02 08:45:25] <sisisi> And they did in 90s
[2016-11-02 08:45:27] <sisisi> But he cant
[2016-11-02 08:45:33] <sisisi> In fuckin istanbul
[2016-11-02 08:45:33] * ato Tetra
[2016-11-02 08:45:57] <Pruswa> Naenil: How long would it take for Twitter to res
pond to me?
[2016-11-02 08:47:27] <DLAMN> WTF http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election
[2016-11-02 08:47:31] <DLAMN> .tell naenil LAKY irl http://www.reuters.com/artic
[2016-11-02 08:47:32] <Mossad> DLAMN: I ll pass that on when naenil is around.
[2016-11-02 08:48:43] TAK joined (TAK@Snoonet-uiv.ljg.com03v.IP)
[2016-11-02 08:48:51] <TAK> finally
[2016-11-02 08:48:56] * TAK is now known as Schweini
[2016-11-02 08:49:06] VoivodeSlavkoAleksic joined (AndChat1948@user/VoivodeSlavk
[2016-11-02 08:49:06] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v VoivodeSlavkoAleksic
[2016-11-02 08:53:57] <wqzz>  () ALLAHU A KBAR
[2016-11-02 08:55:10] <Schweini>  () YA ALI
[2016-11-02 08:55:45] <BugInAJar> .bang

[2016-11-02 08:55:45] <wqzz> BugInAJar you shot an Islamist in 108.350 seconds!

You have killed 8 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 08:55:49] <BugInAJar> USA
[2016-11-02 08:55:50] <BugInAJar> USA
[2016-11-02 08:55:52] <BugInAJar> USA
[2016-11-02 08:57:11] <Naenil> [2016-11-02 08:57:11] <Mossad> Naenil: 12:47 <DLAMN> tell Naenil LAKY irl http:/
[2016-11-02 08:57:31] <Naenil> kek DLAMN
[2016-11-02 08:58:34] <sisisi> Pruswa 400 gramdan az makarna 4 kisiye yeter di m
[2016-11-02 08:58:36] Schweini quit (TAK@Snoonet-uiv.ljg.com03v.IP): Quit: http:
//www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 08:58:48] <Naenil> yo sisisi
[2016-11-02 08:59:01] <Pruswa> i mi sisisi_
[2016-11-02 08:59:03] <Pruswa> sisisi: ?
[2016-11-02 08:59:24] <sisisi> Evet
[2016-11-02 08:59:26] <sisisi> i
[2016-11-02 08:59:30] <sisisi> 400 bile degil
[2016-11-02 08:59:37] <sisisi> 350 civar gibi
[2016-11-02 08:59:42] <sisisi> Sup Naenil
[2016-11-02 08:59:51] <Naenil> How s turkey
[2016-11-02 08:59:56] <sisisi> Burn it
[2016-11-02 09:00:31] <sisisi> Dunden kalan orba da var
[2016-11-02 09:00:36] <Pruswa> Babamla ben 400 gram falan yiyoduk
[2016-11-02 09:00:37] <Pruswa> Ama
[2016-11-02 09:00:39] <Pruswa> Yani biz biziz
[2016-11-02 09:00:47] <Pruswa> Senin annen ve kardein ne kadar yer bilmiyorum
[2016-11-02 09:00:53] <sisisi> Bir de salata yapar, brokoli haslariz
[2016-11-02 09:00:56] <sisisi> Yeter bence
[2016-11-02 09:00:58] <Pruswa> Tabi biraz artyordu
[2016-11-02 09:01:01] <sisisi> Yeter yeter
[2016-11-02 09:01:47] Schweini joined (Schweini@Snoonet-uiv.ljg.com03v.IP)
[2016-11-02 09:06:03] <BugInAJar> Yum, salad
[2016-11-02 09:06:15] <BugInAJar> That s about all I understood
[2016-11-02 09:10:04] <Eck> its happening but when
[2016-11-02 09:10:05] <Eck> https://twitter.com/SanjayBragta/status/793788133796
[2016-11-02 09:10:05] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @SanjayBragta (Sanjay Bragta): IS chief Bagh
dadi surrounded by Iraqi Army inside Mosul, Forces Hold Advance due to Poor Weat
her https://t.co/7UT0RbHROH via @indiatoday (56 minutes and 32 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 09:11:32] <Eck> https://twitter.com/DivyaSoti/status/793488235989131
[2016-11-02 09:11:32] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @DivyaSoti (Divya Kumar Soti): So absurd is
the liberal logic that according to it Baghdadi should not be killed because no
court has so far found him guilty of beheadings (20 hours and 49 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 09:11:33] <Eck> wew
[2016-11-02 09:11:36] <Naenil> He s in mosul?
[2016-11-02 09:11:46] <Naenil> Baghadi should be taken alive
[2016-11-02 09:11:46] <Eck> according to the kurds
[2016-11-02 09:12:00] <Eck> and iraqi forces
[2016-11-02 09:12:55] <Schweini> lol
[2016-11-02 09:12:57] <sisisi> He should be taken alive
[2016-11-02 09:13:00] <sisisi> and ridiculed
[2016-11-02 09:13:10] <Eck> i posted a link at the start of the offensive they s
aid he s hiding in some tunnels
[2016-11-02 09:13:17] <sisisi> And as a forces workforce
[2016-11-02 09:13:26] <sisisi> he should be used in rebuilding
[2016-11-02 09:13:26] <Schweini> he s probably somewhere in the abukamal / al aq
[2016-11-02 09:13:29] <Schweini> aqim desert

[2016-11-02 09:13:29] <sisisi> Mosul

[2016-11-02 09:13:42] <Schweini> qa im*
[2016-11-02 09:13:49] <Naenil> he will probably die
[2016-11-02 09:13:53] <sisisi> Ye it is far secure
[2016-11-02 09:14:06] <Naenil> But capturing him would be worse for the humillia
[2016-11-02 09:14:09] <Naenil> worth
[2016-11-02 09:14:12] <Eck> if they find him they won t resist killing him
[2016-11-02 09:14:13] <Eck> lol
[2016-11-02 09:14:32] <Naenil> In the same way that taking Ben laden alive would
have been more powerful
[2016-11-02 09:14:34] <sisisi> >tfw baghdadi is actually in Turkey and turkey wi
ll use it as propaganda when its suits best to it
[2016-11-02 09:14:36] <Schweini> place ur bets on which faction will find him, i
think shia militias
[2016-11-02 09:14:46] <Naenil> If it s shia militias
[2016-11-02 09:14:56] <Schweini> its gon b gud then Naenil
[2016-11-02 09:14:57] <Muzzly> he is gonna die worse than qathafi
[2016-11-02 09:14:58] <Naenil> They re going to rape every hole they make with b
[2016-11-02 09:15:07] <Naenil> I swear
[2016-11-02 09:15:10] <sisisi> He would surrender to pesh
[2016-11-02 09:15:12] <sisisi> I think
[2016-11-02 09:15:14] <Schweini> lmao
[2016-11-02 09:15:18] <Naenil> The best would be to be him taken alive
[2016-11-02 09:15:19] <Schweini> heyyy guys
[2016-11-02 09:15:19] <Eck> i think people tried to coup him and then they gave
his rough location to the kurds/iraqis
[2016-11-02 09:15:22] <Schweini> we re friends riiight
[2016-11-02 09:15:23] <Naenil> And then handed to yezidis
[2016-11-02 09:15:29] <Naenil> :)
[2016-11-02 09:15:32] <Eck> https://twitter.com/RealFKNNews/status/7902546498026
[2016-11-02 09:15:32] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @RealFKNNews (Philosophile): ISIS reassures
its fighters after failed coup attempt against Baghdadi - Iraqi News https://t.
co/Bh5OMJSOFp https://t.co/zZSZT0Y9g2 (9 days and 19 hours ago)
[2016-11-02 09:15:44] <Schweini> ezidis had plenty of chance to get revenge on c
aptured daesh in sinjar
[2016-11-02 09:15:45] <sisisi> >tfw surrendering to pkk would be best for baghda
[2016-11-02 09:15:46] <Naenil> He could have moved in 9 days ofc
[2016-11-02 09:15:48] <sisisi> K E K
[2016-11-02 09:15:48] <Muzzly> i mean krg lets all the crazy sunnis stay in erbi
l to escape law so why not
[2016-11-02 09:16:06] <Schweini> except if they do anything against krg they get
cracked down
[2016-11-02 09:16:15] <Muzzly> thats nice
[2016-11-02 09:16:20] <Muzzly> but ali hathem has broken federal law
[2016-11-02 09:16:22] <Schweini> barzani arrested many imams in the recent 2 yea
[2016-11-02 09:16:25] <Muzzly> so why not secede already
[2016-11-02 09:16:28] <Schweini> lol ali hatem
[2016-11-02 09:16:29] <sisisi> Did he ?
[2016-11-02 09:16:35] <Muzzly> he did
[2016-11-02 09:16:36] <Schweini> who even is that guy
[2016-11-02 09:16:38] <sisisi> He arrested imams?
[2016-11-02 09:16:42] <sisisi> Based barzani
[2016-11-02 09:16:52] <Muzzly> le "tribal revolution" guy
[2016-11-02 09:16:52] <Schweini> yes theres footage of kdp CT raiding a mosque d
uring prayer time

[2016-11-02 09:16:56] <sisisi> He should tap every mosque too

[2016-11-02 09:16:59] <Schweini> ill link it when i get home
[2016-11-02 09:17:01] <Muzzly> who was totally not supporting isis and hates the
[2016-11-02 09:17:07] <Schweini> he was isis affiliated though, so gj on them tb
[2016-11-02 09:17:11] <Muzzly> until it was found out he gave them money and arm
[2016-11-02 09:17:13] <sisisi> Jesus christ
[2016-11-02 09:17:17] <Schweini> oh i see
[2016-11-02 09:17:17] <Muzzly> but now chills in erbil to escape baghdad
[2016-11-02 09:17:17] <sisisi> How krg
[2016-11-02 09:17:21] <sisisi> Supported
[2016-11-02 09:17:22] <sisisi> Isis
[2016-11-02 09:17:42] <Schweini> hattem did, not krg
[2016-11-02 09:17:45] <Schweini> acc to him
[2016-11-02 09:17:50] <Schweini> isnt nujafi in krg too
[2016-11-02 09:17:53] <Muzzly> yes
[2016-11-02 09:17:55] <sisisi> Well he also low blow krg
[2016-11-02 09:17:57] <Schweini> holy shit
[2016-11-02 09:18:20] <Schweini> also these kirkuki sunni tribal chiefs are all
ex baathists but enjoy pesh protection
[2016-11-02 09:18:23] <Schweini> kms
[2016-11-02 09:18:24] <sisisi> It would be shame if somewhat shia militias
[2016-11-02 09:18:30] <sisisi> Got him
[2016-11-02 09:18:35] <sisisi> Somehow
[2016-11-02 09:18:39] <Schweini> fuck them too
[2016-11-02 09:18:44] <Muzzly> they have nothing to do after mosul
[2016-11-02 09:18:45] <Schweini> just cleanse krg of these retards
[2016-11-02 09:18:46] tetractys joined (NO@user/tetractys)
[2016-11-02 09:18:46] * quokka.snoonet.org set +v tetractys
[2016-11-02 09:18:55] <Schweini> lol they ll pour into syria are u kidding
[2016-11-02 09:18:57] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/Narghilet/status/793800281154
813952 lol apple=cancer
[2016-11-02 09:18:57] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @Narghilet (NiKo): Nouveaux MacBook Pro dmon
ts : la RAM est soude et le SSD n est pas standard - Tech - Numerama https://t.co/
lWvlhBQ7Zr (17 minutes and 8 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 09:18:58] <sisisi> E T H N I C
[2016-11-02 09:19:00] <Muzzly> will probably get him along kerkok soon inshasist
[2016-11-02 09:19:05] <sisisi> C L E A N S I N G
[2016-11-02 09:19:18] <Naenil> http://ifixit.org/blog/8521/teardown-macbook-pro2016/
[2016-11-02 09:19:19] <Naenil> english link
[2016-11-02 09:19:23] <Schweini> everyday that goes by it looks like we re gonna
hand over kirkuk
[2016-11-02 09:19:36] <Schweini> retards walla
[2016-11-02 09:19:40] <sisisi> Lmao whoever hands it over
[2016-11-02 09:19:44] <sisisi> Will be lynched
[2016-11-02 09:19:50] <sisisi> Mark my words
[2016-11-02 09:19:58] <Schweini> yeah because we didnt hand it over in 2003
[2016-11-02 09:20:04] <Schweini> did any1 get lynched
[2016-11-02 09:20:10] <sisisi> We didnt quite get it
[2016-11-02 09:20:12] <sisisi> By then
[2016-11-02 09:20:14] <Schweini> they still vote PUK with their hearts
[2016-11-02 09:20:23] <Schweini> it was under US pressure that we gave it back
[2016-11-02 09:20:27] <Naenil> Unfortunately, the new MacBook Pro scored low on
our repairability scale, nabbing just 2 points out of 10. So keep those coffee b
everages and colas away from your laptop, folks.
[2016-11-02 09:20:30] <Naenil> k e k

[2016-11-02 09:20:34] <Muzzly> maybe kdp will start gunning down puk in the name
of unity again
[2016-11-02 09:20:36] <sisisi> Us wont pressure now
[2016-11-02 09:20:36] <Schweini> class is starting
[2016-11-02 09:20:42] <Schweini> pz
[2016-11-02 09:20:43] <sisisi> Fuckin
[2016-11-02 09:20:47] <Muzzly> its not like barzani is getting all of krgs kerko
k oil share anyway xddd
[2016-11-02 09:20:50] <sisisi> Gout
[2016-11-02 09:21:00] <sisisi> Curse my ancestors
[2016-11-02 09:21:09] <sisisi> Gout hit me
[2016-11-02 09:21:18] <sisisi> From all of descendants
[2016-11-02 09:21:24] <sisisi> Thanks, grandfather
[2016-11-02 09:21:33] <Naenil> .8 drink beer?
[2016-11-02 09:21:33] wqzz shakes the magic 8 ball... 03Without a doubt
[2016-11-02 09:21:58] <Naenil> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu27nInQXxM
[2016-11-02 09:21:58] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Gabe the Dog - Dogement day (Terminator) - leng
th 1m 35s - 1,409 likes, 10 dislikes (99.3%) - 22,358 views - Sapport on 2016.10.30
[2016-11-02 09:22:01] <wqzz>  ( ) T AKBIR
[2016-11-02 09:22:02] <sisisi> Be a proper french laddie
[2016-11-02 09:22:08] <sisisi> And drink wine
[2016-11-02 09:22:16] Schweini quit (Schweini@Snoonet-uiv.ljg.com03v.IP): Quit:
http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 09:22:29] <sisisi> Naenil you also should considering modeling
[2016-11-02 09:22:39] <sisisi> No joke
[2016-11-02 09:22:46] <Naenil> .bang
[2016-11-02 09:22:46] <wqzz> Naenil you shot an Islamist in 44.870 seconds! You
have killed 144 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 09:22:55] <Naenil> My hairs are too fucked up
[2016-11-02 09:25:22] skankhunt69 joined (emr10@Snoonet-4kf.bik.8h6id1.IP)
[2016-11-02 09:25:47] <sisisi> Skankhunt69
[2016-11-02 09:25:53] <skankhunt69> hi
[2016-11-02 09:26:00] <sisisi> I thought cartman had some evil plan
[2016-11-02 09:26:10] <sisisi> Appearently he is just cuck for pussy
[2016-11-02 09:26:12] <sisisi> Shame tbh
[2016-11-02 09:27:13] Schweini joined (Schweini@Snoonet-uiv.ljg.com03v.IP)
[2016-11-02 09:27:16] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/FredRiviereRFI/status/7938044
48057421824 sisisi
[2016-11-02 09:27:16] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @FredRiviereRFI (Frdric Rivire): .@cdeloire se
crtaire gnral @RSF_fr tait notre invit ce matin @RFI #libertedelapresse en intgralit e
VIDO &gt; https://t.co/RmuGe6cj1Y (8 minutes and 53 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 09:27:19] <skankhunt69> we ll find out
[2016-11-02 09:27:34] <skankhunt69> I think there s gotta be something deeper go
ing on
[2016-11-02 09:28:16] <sisisi> Right now he is pathetic
[2016-11-02 09:28:24] <sisisi> Especially after last episode
[2016-11-02 09:28:56] <sisisi> Butters is my man though
[2016-11-02 09:29:36] Schweini quit (Schweini@Snoonet-uiv.ljg.com03v.IP): Quit:
http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 09:30:40] ElBurroLoc0 joined (ElBurroLoc0@user/ElBurroLoc0)
[2016-11-02 09:30:40] * quokka.snoonet.org set +v ElBurroLoc0
[2016-11-02 09:30:41] * Bashar set +o ElBurroLoc0
[2016-11-02 09:30:49] <ElBurroLoc0> woah
[2016-11-02 09:30:49] <Mossad> ElBurroLoc0: 02:41 <xaashi> tell ElBurroLoc0 http
[2016-11-02 09:30:58] <ElBurroLoc0> anyone see the RCP electoral map?
[2016-11-02 09:31:01] <ElBurroLoc0> fucken yuge changes
[2016-11-02 09:31:02] <ElBurroLoc0> http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016
[2016-11-02 09:31:27] <skankhunt69> butters is the man

[2016-11-02 09:31:29] <skankhunt69> dicks out

[2016-11-02 09:31:42] <ElBurroLoc0> no spoilers pelase
[2016-11-02 09:31:45] <ElBurroLoc0> I am only on ep 4
[2016-11-02 09:31:52] <skankhunt69> ElBurroLoc0, there are no chances there for
[2016-11-02 09:31:56] <skankhunt69> and he s not going to win NC or FL
[2016-11-02 09:32:07] <skankhunt69> or NV for that matter
[2016-11-02 09:32:08] <Naenil> ElBurroLoc0 betted on trump
[2016-11-02 09:32:12] <Naenil> he s not going to be reasonable
[2016-11-02 09:32:16] <sisisi> ^
[2016-11-02 09:32:25] <Naenil> Like would anyone
[2016-11-02 09:32:27] <Naenil> Who bets
[2016-11-02 09:32:42] <ElBurroLoc0> http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016
[2016-11-02 09:32:44] <ElBurroLoc0> are you kidding me?
[2016-11-02 09:32:47] <Naenil> That s how people become supporters of football c
[2016-11-02 09:32:54] <ElBurroLoc0> RCP has given NC and Nevda to trump
[2016-11-02 09:33:02] <ElBurroLoc0> I dont bet on anythign but politics
[2016-11-02 09:33:05] <skankhunt69> ok but they are wrong
[2016-11-02 09:33:10] <Naenil> So you basically trust polls only when they give
you reason?
[2016-11-02 09:33:15] <skankhunt69> NV and NC are definitely going to clinton
[2016-11-02 09:33:18] <ElBurroLoc0> No i dont trust the polls at all
[2016-11-02 09:33:19] <Naenil> Interesting
[2016-11-02 09:33:27] <skankhunt69> and the only thing on that map that s blue t
hat can go red is ME-2
[2016-11-02 09:33:35] <Naenil> yeah NV is going blue tho
[2016-11-02 09:33:39] <ElBurroLoc0> but when polls that have showed Clinton up f
or ages, start showing trump up, something is afoot
[2016-11-02 09:33:39] <Naenil> like
[2016-11-02 09:33:44] <skankhunt69> so even if that map was right which it isn t
, trump could only get to 268
[2016-11-02 09:33:45] <ElBurroLoc0> like leith acknowledging SAA defeats
[2016-11-02 09:33:56] <Naenil> That s not how it works ElBurroLoc0
[2016-11-02 09:33:57] <skankhunt69> ElBurroLoc0, name one poll that does that
[2016-11-02 09:33:59] <skankhunt69> name a single one
[2016-11-02 09:34:10] <ElBurroLoc0> how about the ABC Washingtn post?
[2016-11-02 09:34:15] <skankhunt69> that s not a single poll
[2016-11-02 09:34:17] <ElBurroLoc0> shows a 13 point swing against hillary in 10
[2016-11-02 09:34:19] <skankhunt69> they run multiple polls
[2016-11-02 09:34:28] <skankhunt69> the one you are referring to is a shitty tra
cking poll
[2016-11-02 09:34:29] Schweini joined (Schweini@Snoonet-uiv.ljg.com03v.IP)
[2016-11-02 09:34:33] <Naenil> You re just being partisan
[2016-11-02 09:34:35] <skankhunt69> that proclaimed romney up by 4 in 2012
[2016-11-02 09:34:40] <ElBurroLoc0> http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-leads-c
[2016-11-02 09:34:46] <Naenil> <skankhunt69> that proclaimed romney up by 4 in 2
[2016-11-02 09:34:47] <Naenil> ahah
[2016-11-02 09:35:00] <Naenil> I heard one did a landline poll skankhunt69 ElBur
[2016-11-02 09:35:01] <ElBurroLoc0> so what poll do you trust skankhunt69?
[2016-11-02 09:35:02] <Naenil> who does that
[2016-11-02 09:35:08] <skankhunt69> I don t trust any single poll ElBurroLoc0
[2016-11-02 09:35:12] <ElBurroLoc0> neither do i
[2016-11-02 09:35:15] <skankhunt69> because polls are just polls
[2016-11-02 09:35:18] <ElBurroLoc0> but regardless of whether we trust them

[2016-11-02 09:35:22] <skankhunt69> but I look at the aggregate of high quality

[2016-11-02 09:35:23] <ElBurroLoc0> when we see such massive shifts
[2016-11-02 09:35:25] <Eck> trump will win its over
[2016-11-02 09:35:25] <wqzz> I T S O V E R
[2016-11-02 09:35:27] <ElBurroLoc0> we cant disregard them
[2016-11-02 09:35:30] <skankhunt69> except there is no massive shift
[2016-11-02 09:35:39] <ElBurroLoc0> lmao
[2016-11-02 09:35:43] <ElBurroLoc0> a month ago
[2016-11-02 09:35:49] <ElBurroLoc0> RCP had it a clinton landlside
[2016-11-02 09:35:51] <ElBurroLoc0> now its http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epo
[2016-11-02 09:35:56] <Eck> lol
[2016-11-02 09:36:01] <ElBurroLoc0> 10 days ago ABC had clinton up by 12
[2016-11-02 09:36:03] <ElBurroLoc0> now trump is 1 up
[2016-11-02 09:36:07] <skankhunt69> I don t really care what rcp says
[2016-11-02 09:36:12] <skankhunt69> I am fully aware of how the map looks
[2016-11-02 09:36:18] <ElBurroLoc0> neither do, but its signifgant regardles
[2016-11-02 09:36:22] <Eck> cant rig the polls anymore, they did the same with b
rexit ;)
[2016-11-02 09:36:23] <skankhunt69> trump isn t going to win NV or NC
[2016-11-02 09:36:30] <skankhunt69> probably not FL either
[2016-11-02 09:36:34] <ElBurroLoc0> lmao
[2016-11-02 09:36:39] <Naenil> >lmao
[2016-11-02 09:36:44] <ElBurroLoc0> he will win Florida so easily
[2016-11-02 09:36:44] <Naenil> You re insane
[2016-11-02 09:36:46] <ElBurroLoc0> I assure you
[2016-11-02 09:36:48] <Naenil> You just betted money
[2016-11-02 09:36:53] <ElBurroLoc0> yeah boy
[2016-11-02 09:36:57] <ElBurroLoc0> gonna make bank
[2016-11-02 09:37:02] <Eck> yeah me too
[2016-11-02 09:37:02] <ElBurroLoc0> lots of emu dollars
[2016-11-02 09:37:09] <ElBurroLoc0> some aussie lad bet 10 k
[2016-11-02 09:37:09] <Naenil> And now you accord the way you interpret new to y
our fear of losing 400 AUD
[2016-11-02 09:37:11] <ElBurroLoc0> on trump
[2016-11-02 09:37:14] <ElBurroLoc0> what a legend
[2016-11-02 09:37:15] <Naenil> news*
[2016-11-02 09:37:22] <skankhunt69> lol ElBurroLoc0 28% of republicans who have
voted in florida voted for clinton
[2016-11-02 09:37:24] <xaashi> is Florida a winner-takes-all state?
[2016-11-02 09:37:32] <Naenil> All are but nebraska and maine xaashi
[2016-11-02 09:37:35] <ElBurroLoc0> hahahah do you beleive that skank hunt?>
[2016-11-02 09:37:35] <skankhunt69> xaashi, all states except maine and nebraska
[2016-11-02 09:37:38] <Eck> i bet 3k, think i told you guys this months ago
[2016-11-02 09:37:39] <xaashi> when it comes to electoral votes I mean
[2016-11-02 09:37:43] <ElBurroLoc0> even the bias NYT came out and said that was
[2016-11-02 09:37:46] <Eck> if trump loses im poor
[2016-11-02 09:37:51] <ElBurroLoc0> that was based on one poll of 312 early vote
[2016-11-02 09:37:55] <ElBurroLoc0> you know that right?
[2016-11-02 09:38:11] <ElBurroLoc0> what happened to "i dont trust the polls"
[2016-11-02 09:38:20] <ElBurroLoc0> Eck thats huge?
[2016-11-02 09:38:22] <ElBurroLoc0> whats the return?
[2016-11-02 09:38:42] oddRaven joined (Ravenous@user/oddRaven)
[2016-11-02 09:38:42] * athena.snoonet.org set +v oddRaven
[2016-11-02 09:38:52] <alesx> Eck: why would you bet? just buy lots of gold
[2016-11-02 09:38:56] <ElBurroLoc0> .tell P3TC0CK http://www.realclearpolitics.c

om/epolls/2016/president/2016_elections_electoral_college_map_no_toss_ups.html "
Clinton gonna win in a landslide"
[2016-11-02 09:38:56] <Mossad> ElBurroLoc0: I ll pass that on when P3TC0CK is ar
[2016-11-02 09:39:01] <skankhunt69> ElBurroLoc0, you do realize 312 is considere
d a large sample size
[2016-11-02 09:39:16] <ElBurroLoc0> 2000 is a much better sample size obviously
[2016-11-02 09:39:19] <skankhunt69> going to take a wild guess and assume you ve
never taken a statstics course
[2016-11-02 09:39:29] <skankhunt69> 2000 is only marginally better than 312
[2016-11-02 09:39:36] <xaashi> lmao I just checked my local news http://www.kare
[2016-11-02 09:39:58] germanperson joined (germanperso@user/germanperson)
[2016-11-02 09:39:58] * athena.snoonet.org set +v germanperson
[2016-11-02 09:39:58] * Bashar set +h germanperson
[2016-11-02 09:40:02] <ElBurroLoc0> skankhunt69: https://twitter.com/Nate_Cohn/
[2016-11-02 09:40:02] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @Nate_Cohn (Nate Cohn): Clinton s not winnin
g 28% of registered Republican early voters in Florida. Just saying. (11 hours a
nd 13 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 09:40:19] <ElBurroLoc0> even NYT acknowledging that the poll you ref
erenced isnt backed up by other polling
[2016-11-02 09:40:24] katzen joined (katzen@user/katzen)
[2016-11-02 09:40:24] * tx.snoonet.org set +v katzen
[2016-11-02 09:40:31] <katzen> If you pretended that you was a shape shifter and
could live for about a million years then how would you think of social organiz
ation in humans? I mean, a million years ago what were the ancestors of humans l
ike? Did they even look like humans? Will humans still be the same a million yea
rs from now?
[2016-11-02 09:40:31] <katzen> If you traveled back in time from a far distant f
uture then what types of social organization techniques and strategies would you
recommend? What if you think of it in the context of geological time rather tha
n human centric time?
[2016-11-02 09:40:34] <ElBurroLoc0> skankhunt69 put your name on this, I bet you
trump will win Florida,
[2016-11-02 09:40:39] <skankhunt69> ElBurroLoc0, people who vote early tend to b
e the best educated and polling shows that trump is losing among college educate
d republicans
[2016-11-02 09:40:39] <Eck> ElBurroLoc0: 12,300
[2016-11-02 09:40:40] <ElBurroLoc0> we dont have to bet anything
[2016-11-02 09:40:42] <katzen> InquisitiveKenny is a great user
[2016-11-02 09:40:42] <ElBurroLoc0> just you and your stats
[2016-11-02 09:40:52] <skankhunt69> so yeah i believe that as of right now over
25% of republicans who early voted voted for clinton
[2016-11-02 09:40:55] <Naenil> I m drinking Guinness ElBurroLoc0
[2016-11-02 09:40:57] <ElBurroLoc0> so why is trump up in early polls then in Fl
[2016-11-02 09:40:57] <Naenil> Eck *
[2016-11-02 09:41:06] <ElBurroLoc0> you know he is winning early polls right?
[2016-11-02 09:41:14] <Eck> nice Naenil
[2016-11-02 09:41:15] <skankhunt69> no he isn t...
[2016-11-02 09:41:16] <ElBurroLoc0> a trend not seen for republicans in flordia
in 2008 or 2012
[2016-11-02 09:41:17] <ElBurroLoc0> ?
[2016-11-02 09:41:24] <Eck> i can t drink guinness, it gives me terrible smelly
[2016-11-02 09:41:33] <germanperson> hi ElBurroLoc0
[2016-11-02 09:41:38] <skankhunt69> ElBurroLoc0, I really don t think that you u
nderstand the nuances of american politics
[2016-11-02 09:41:41] <skankhunt69> or statistics

[2016-11-02 09:41:57] <germanperson> ElBurroLoc0, how much did you bet again
[2016-11-02 09:42:24] <ElBurroLoc0> approximately 550 all up including covers
[2016-11-02 09:42:38] <ElBurroLoc0> return of anywhere from 4-6 k
[2016-11-02 09:42:53] <germanperson> wow i am considering betting last minute on
[2016-11-02 09:42:56] <germanperson> wonder how much id get
[2016-11-02 09:43:00] katzenscheisse joined (katzen@user/katzen)
[2016-11-02 09:43:00] * calvin.snoonet.org set +v katzenscheisse
[2016-11-02 09:43:10] <Eck> probably not much
[2016-11-02 09:43:17] <xaashi> BIG MONEY BIG MONEY BIG MONEY
[2016-11-02 09:43:20] <Eck> the bookies changed the odds
[2016-11-02 09:43:21] <xaashi> ALL ON RED
[2016-11-02 09:43:33] <ElBurroLoc0> german bet on trump getting 270 ec votes
[2016-11-02 09:43:40] <ElBurroLoc0> thats a much better return than him winning
[2016-11-02 09:43:49] katzen quit (katzen@user/katzen): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 09:43:51] <skankhunt69> ElBurroLoc0, I will bet you $80 that clinton
wins nevada
[2016-11-02 09:44:01] <skankhunt69> I don t gamble but you are unusually confide
nt in a losing proposition
[2016-11-02 09:44:25] <Naenil> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwM1JKSXgAE_mQc.jpg:o
[2016-11-02 09:44:28] <Naenil> :
[2016-11-02 09:44:30] <Naenil> x
[2016-11-02 09:44:31] <Eck> i made my bet in june so around the time the bias ne
ws/propaganda was reporting clinton needs to win
[2016-11-02 09:45:31] Schweini quit (Schweini@Snoonet-uiv.ljg.com03v.IP): Quit:
http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 09:45:46] <germanperson> what did you bet Eck
[2016-11-02 09:46:03] <ElBurroLoc0> skankhunt69 we are talking florida
[2016-11-02 09:46:11] <skankhunt69> I am talking nevada
[2016-11-02 09:46:12] <ElBurroLoc0> you cant change back to Nevada now
[2016-11-02 09:46:19] <skankhunt69> you seem to think based on the rcp map that
trump will win nevada
[2016-11-02 09:46:24] <skankhunt69> i will bet $ that clinton wins nevada
[2016-11-02 09:46:35] <ElBurroLoc0> I bet $ that he wins florida
[2016-11-02 09:46:45] <Eck> 3k germanperson
[2016-11-02 09:46:46] <Eck> kek
[2016-11-02 09:46:47] <ElBurroLoc0> we will figure out a solution tommorow
[2016-11-02 09:46:51] <ElBurroLoc0> Eck is a lord
[2016-11-02 09:46:57] <ElBurroLoc0> you should chuck your thing up on the_donald
[2016-11-02 09:47:44] <xaashi> lol https://twitter.com/RS_Benedict/status/790320
[2016-11-02 09:47:44] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @RS_Benedict (r/soylent benedict): football
jocks: peacefully protesting against racism nerds: becoming internet nazis teen
movies were wrong nerds ar https://t.co/1LjkdVPtRu (9 days and 15 hours ago)
[2016-11-02 09:48:02] <ElBurroLoc0> I gotta go now team, I just came to gloat ab
out the changes int he RCP map
[2016-11-02 09:48:02] <Eck> first think im gonna do with my money is buy a barre
l of some nice scotch and raise a glass to president trump
[2016-11-02 09:48:06] <Eck> thing*
[2016-11-02 09:48:20] <ElBurroLoc0> I am gonna go round with a snapchat story
[2016-11-02 09:48:29] <ElBurroLoc0> of me taking all my winning off the cucks th
at bet against me
[2016-11-02 09:48:47] <ElBurroLoc0> and it will end with me with handfuls of 100
$ bills (emu dollars)
[2016-11-02 09:48:47] <skankhunt69> so a neo-confederate shot two cops in iowa
[2016-11-02 09:48:54] <ElBurroLoc0> throwing them around my bed
[2016-11-02 09:48:57] <Eck> lol

[2016-11-02 09:49:08] <ElBurroLoc0> with "on that donald trump shit" playing in
the background
[2016-11-02 09:49:31] <skankhunt69> ElBurroLoc0, let me give you some advice for
nov 8
[2016-11-02 09:49:31] <Eck> grab em by the dollars
[2016-11-02 09:49:35] <skankhunt69> when the results start coming in
[2016-11-02 09:49:37] <skankhunt69> watch two states
[2016-11-02 09:49:38] <skankhunt69> NC and PA
[2016-11-02 09:49:48] <skankhunt69> whoever wins both of them is in an incredibl
y strong position
[2016-11-02 09:50:02] <skankhunt69> if nobody wins both clinton is in a much str
onger position but not insurmountable
[2016-11-02 09:50:04] <Eck> trump will win both
[2016-11-02 09:50:08] <Eck> its over tbh
[2016-11-02 09:50:08] <wqzz> I T S O V E R
[2016-11-02 09:50:09] <skankhunt69> if clinton wins both it is insurmountable
[2016-11-02 09:50:24] <ElBurroLoc0> if Clinton loses PA florida and Ohio its pra
ctically over bro
[2016-11-02 09:50:27] <wqzz>  ( ) YA A LI
[2016-11-02 09:50:30] <Eck> .bang
[2016-11-02 09:50:30] <wqzz> Eck you shot an Islamist in 2.932 seconds! You have
killed 47 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 09:50:31] <ElBurroLoc0> .ban
[2016-11-02 09:50:31] <wqzz> ElBurroLoc0: There is no Islamist. What are you sho
oting at?
[2016-11-02 09:50:40] Schweini joined (Schweini@Snoonet-uiv.ljg.com03v.IP)
[2016-11-02 09:51:08] <germanperson> god damn im so curious
[2016-11-02 09:51:10] <germanperson> 6 days left
[2016-11-02 09:51:18] <xaashi> .yt up like donald trump
[2016-11-02 09:51:18] <wqzz> xaashi: [5You0Tube] Rae Sremmurd - Up Like Trump - length 3m
14s - 346,915 likes, 35,017 dislikes (90.8%) - 50,959,591 views - RaeSremmurdVEVO on 20
14.12.16 - http://youtu.be/GLa9YxV1Xps
[2016-11-02 09:51:19] <germanperson> at what time does the results come out? GMT
[2016-11-02 09:51:20] <ElBurroLoc0> bet money german person
[2016-11-02 09:51:30] <Eck> isn t trump +7 ahead of hillary in NC
[2016-11-02 09:51:32] <ElBurroLoc0> FBI is leaking shit left right centre now
[2016-11-02 09:51:34] <ElBurroLoc0> on twitter
[2016-11-02 09:51:36] <ElBurroLoc0> thats anti hillary
[2016-11-02 09:51:36] <skankhunt69> ElBurroLoc0, this isn t necessarily the case
in this election but people have long talked about a realignment where a dem ca
n lose all of those states but make a strong showing in the west with hispanics
and still win
[2016-11-02 09:51:38] <xaashi> UP LIKE DONALD TRUMP
[2016-11-02 09:51:43] <skankhunt69> Eck, no
[2016-11-02 09:52:03] <skankhunt69> ElBurroLoc0, but that scenario is probably a
couple of cycles down the line
[2016-11-02 09:52:19] <ElBurroLoc0> http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016
[2016-11-02 09:52:21] <Eck> skankhunt69: http://www.wral.com/wral-poll-trump-cha
[2016-11-02 09:52:24] <ElBurroLoc0> if clinton loses PA
[2016-11-02 09:52:25] <ElBurroLoc0> its over
[2016-11-02 09:52:25] <wqzz> I T S O V E R
[2016-11-02 09:52:28] <ElBurroLoc0> fuck Nevada then
[2016-11-02 09:52:32] <ElBurroLoc0> if she loses PA
[2016-11-02 09:52:34] <ElBurroLoc0> she is toaste
[2016-11-02 09:53:10] <ElBurroLoc0> she could win PA and Nevada
[2016-11-02 09:53:16] <ElBurroLoc0> and still lose if she loses Michigan
[2016-11-02 09:53:16] <ElBurroLoc0> http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016

[2016-11-02 09:53:16] <skankhunt69> Eck, this was that same poll in 2008 http://
[2016-11-02 09:53:29] <skankhunt69> she isn t going to lose michigan
[2016-11-02 09:53:32] <skankhunt69> michigan isn t in play
[2016-11-02 09:53:34] <germanperson> A British bookmaker is starting to think it
made a yuge mistake in paying out on a Hillary Clinton win two weeks ago.
[2016-11-02 09:53:35] <germanperson> holy shit
[2016-11-02 09:53:38] <germanperson> they already paid?
[2016-11-02 09:53:46] <ElBurroLoc0> yeah I saw that
[2016-11-02 09:53:46] <ElBurroLoc0> lmao
[2016-11-02 09:53:48] <ElBurroLoc0> what idiots
[2016-11-02 09:53:50] <ElBurroLoc0> what fucken idiots
[2016-11-02 09:54:04] <ElBurroLoc0> now they might have to pay out evrything tha
t bet
[2016-11-02 09:54:06] <ElBurroLoc0> if trump wins
[2016-11-02 09:54:09] <Eck> american politics are so cucked, almost all of the m
ap is red yet she still wins wut
[2016-11-02 09:54:10] <ElBurroLoc0> when trump wins*
[2016-11-02 09:54:12] <Eck> democracy
[2016-11-02 09:54:25] <skankhunt69> trump isn t going to win but what type of fu
cking betting house pays out before the results are in
[2016-11-02 09:54:25] <ElBurroLoc0> I gotta go team
[2016-11-02 09:54:28] <skankhunt69> that s completely retarded
[2016-11-02 09:54:38] <xaashi> .yt up like donald trump
[2016-11-02 09:54:38] <ElBurroLoc0> tbh I bet on abbott in 2013
[2016-11-02 09:54:38] <wqzz> xaashi: [5You0Tube] Rae Sremmurd - Up Like Trump - length 3m
14s - 346,915 likes, 35,017 dislikes (90.8%) - 50,959,591 views - RaeSremmurdVEVO on 20
14.12.16 - http://youtu.be/GLa9YxV1Xps
[2016-11-02 09:54:40] <skankhunt69> Eck, most of the country is rural
[2016-11-02 09:54:43] <ElBurroLoc0> and got paid out before the elction
[2016-11-02 09:54:49] <Eck> he will win though skankhunt69 get over it
[2016-11-02 09:54:50] <ElBurroLoc0> BECAAUSE TONE ABET IS A FUCKEN GOD
[2016-11-02 09:54:53] <skankhunt69> Eck, we don t vote based on who wins the mos
t land
[2016-11-02 09:55:03] <ElBurroLoc0> skankhunt69 what state do you live in?
[2016-11-02 09:55:10] <skankhunt69> lol eck that reminds me of the bernie people
after the NY primary
[2016-11-02 09:55:19] <skankhunt69> they were like "omg he won almost all of the
state how did he lose"
[2016-11-02 09:55:22] <skankhunt69> I live in NY
[2016-11-02 09:55:38] <ElBurroLoc0> all good
[2016-11-02 09:55:39] <Eck> well clinton rigged that poor guy so
[2016-11-02 09:55:45] <ElBurroLoc0> come here on the IRC when election day happe
[2016-11-02 09:55:50] <ElBurroLoc0> if HRC is still in the race then
[2016-11-02 09:55:50] <ElBurroLoc0> lmao
[2016-11-02 09:55:51] <skankhunt69> yeah rigged it by getting all of nyc to vote
for her
[2016-11-02 09:55:54] <Eck> lots of evidence of fraud there with the bernie thin
[2016-11-02 09:55:55] <ElBurroLoc0> FBI burying her as we speak
[2016-11-02 09:56:03] <ElBurroLoc0> open revolt against the DoH
[2016-11-02 09:56:07] <ElBurroLoc0> DoJ
[2016-11-02 09:56:18] <skankhunt69> yeah so much fraud convincing bernie not to
study in preparation for the nydn interview
[2016-11-02 09:56:25] <germanperson> if trump wins ill be so happy for u ElBurro
[2016-11-02 09:56:25] <xaashi> shoutout D Brazile
[2016-11-02 09:56:26] <skankhunt69> and so much fraud in being our senator for 8

[2016-11-02 09:56:33] MinkowskiSpaceTime joined (MinkowskiSp@user/MinkowskiSpace

[2016-11-02 09:56:33] * calvin.snoonet.org set +v MinkowskiSpaceTime
[2016-11-02 09:56:50] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> wtf Naenil?
[2016-11-02 09:56:51] <Eck> skankhunt69 if you support hillary you support her c
rimes, you should go to jail with her
[2016-11-02 09:56:53] <Eck> ree
[2016-11-02 09:57:09] <Naenil> I tought you were porkchan, and the room was on i
nvite MinkowskiSpaceTime
[2016-11-02 09:57:26] <germanperson> https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/793
[2016-11-02 09:57:26] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @JackPosobiec (Jack Posobiec ): FBI Source: "
We all got quiet when Comey started speaking and when he said the case was back
open the entire building broke out in cheers" (56 minutes and 31 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 09:57:26] <germanperson> lmao
[2016-11-02 09:57:38] <Eck> lol
[2016-11-02 09:57:44] <FalafelBey> ElBurroLoc0:
[2016-11-02 09:57:44] <Mossad> FalafelBey: 08:57 <Northsaudi_Korearabia> tell Fa
lafelBey hi
[2016-11-02 09:57:48] <FalafelBey> Give me mod
[2016-11-02 09:58:41] sorzer joined (thunderingg@user/sorzer)
[2016-11-02 09:58:41] * calvin.snoonet.org set +v sorzer
[2016-11-02 09:58:41] * Bashar set +o sorzer
[2016-11-02 09:58:41] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/WORIDSTARHIPH0P/status/793684
748010868736 lmao
[2016-11-02 09:58:41] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @WORIDSTARHIPH0P (WSHH FANS): Facebook vs t
witter https://t.co/PmbtmPSh1N (8 hours and 35 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 09:58:51] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> *sigh* I see. Maybe you could be a li
ttle less trigger happy next time with the banning, especially when the account
is clearly someone s alt. Naenil
[2016-11-02 09:58:54] <FalafelBey> y all need me to ban the shitheads on the sub
[2016-11-02 09:58:54] <Eck> even on this bias poll clinton is dropping hard http
[2016-11-02 09:58:57] <FalafelBey> people like this guy https://www.reddit.com/u
[2016-11-02 09:59:04] <FalafelBey> and that blackdeath
[2016-11-02 09:59:06] <FalafelBey> retard
[2016-11-02 09:59:19] <Naenil> He used the technique of using lookalike names al
ready MinkowskiSpaceTime
[2016-11-02 09:59:32] <xaashi> https://twitter.com/AP_Politics/status/7935289649
[2016-11-02 09:59:32] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @AP_Politics (AP Politics): More Republican
senators say they won t approve Clinton Supreme Court picks if she s elected. htt
ps://t.co/NQN3dmRpPN (18 hours and 55 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 09:59:53] <Eck> lol
[2016-11-02 09:59:55] <ElBurroLoc0> FalafelBey you cant just say who to ban
[2016-11-02 10:00:00] <ElBurroLoc0> we have procedures
[2016-11-02 10:00:03] <ElBurroLoc0> but we apprecioate the input
[2016-11-02 10:00:06] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Really? The only one I know of was p3
tcuck, and that was clearly mockery rather than mimickery.
[2016-11-02 10:00:14] <germanperson> >This is just pathetic. Russia has HISTORY
of giving safe passage to its enemies / civilians, as has the Syrian government.
How much are you paid your self to post this anti-Russia / anti-"regime" nonsen
[2016-11-02 10:00:15] <germanperson> LOL
[2016-11-02 10:00:19] Schweini quit (Schweini@Snoonet-uiv.ljg.com03v.IP): Quit:
http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 10:00:40] <ElBurroLoc0> Eck the pollsters are realising the writing
on the wal
[2016-11-02 10:00:45] <ElBurroLoc0> Clinton probably wont make Nov 8th

[2016-11-02 10:00:48] <FalafelBey> your procedure is obviously shit ElBurroLoc0

[2016-11-02 10:01:04] <ElBurroLoc0> FalafelBey pro rebel people saying ban pro r
egime and vice versa is a daily occurence
[2016-11-02 10:01:12] <Eck> yeah they did the same with brexit, the last week be
fore the voting they put the polls up the opposite way
[2016-11-02 10:01:20] <FalafelBey> I m not pro-rebel
[2016-11-02 10:01:30] <ElBurroLoc0> I gotta go team
[2016-11-02 10:01:31] <ElBurroLoc0> but omg
[2016-11-02 10:01:33] <Eck> tbh i think polls are just made so one side can get
more media coverage, its all bullshit
[2016-11-02 10:01:33] <ElBurroLoc0> trump gonna win
[2016-11-02 10:01:35] <FalafelBey> >I hope he gets to go to his paradise soon, g
et his 2 virgin wifes his talking about, he has earned it, brainwashing these lo
w iq idiots to go willingly for their deaths, for this violent and corrupt ideol
[2016-11-02 10:01:39] <ElBurroLoc0> its gonna be glrious
[2016-11-02 10:01:42] <Eck> .biji trump
[2016-11-02 10:01:48] <ElBurroLoc0> its over
[2016-11-02 10:01:48] <wqzz> I T S O V E R
[2016-11-02 10:01:53] ElBurroLoc0 quit (ElBurroLoc0@user/ElBurroLoc0): Quit: htt
p://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 10:01:59] <FalafelBey> >Still, Israel is pretty small nation, has po
pulation of 7 million, of those, 1,5mil are Arabs (not to be trusted, terrorists
supporting) and another 1mil are Russians, who maybe "trustworthy",
[2016-11-02 10:02:26] <skankhunt69> this is an important point fwiw
[2016-11-02 10:02:27] <skankhunt69> https://twitter.com/chucktodd/status/7936177
[2016-11-02 10:02:27] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @chucktodd (Chuck Todd): For those lamenting
lack of polls, realize most news orgs won t spend money anymore. So bad polls g
et more traction. (13 hours and 5 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 10:02:35] <FalafelBey> >You actually know anything about how much th
ese "refugees" do crime, sex crimes, rape in particular? It truly is rampant, ba
cked up by official police statistics, not just "racist bs". Also, do tell of a
ARAB country that has working democracy?
[2016-11-02 10:02:47] <FalafelBey> "refugees" in quotations
[2016-11-02 10:02:48] <FalafelBey> good shit
[2016-11-02 10:02:57] <Naenil> We re on it FalafelBey
[2016-11-02 10:03:00] <Eck> when trump wins i ll paypal every clintonite $20 to
drown your sorrows
[2016-11-02 10:03:31] <sorzer> lol
[2016-11-02 10:03:34] <sorzer> thanks m8
[2016-11-02 10:03:48] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Tunisia sort-of-kind-of has a working
democracy if you look at it from the right angle, FalafelBey
[2016-11-02 10:04:03] <sorzer> https://twitter.com/BreakingNews/status/793815787
[2016-11-02 10:04:03] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @BreakingNews (Breaking News): State captur
e report on probe into graft allegations against South African President Zuma i
s released - eNCA https://t.co/TZ2wzfAJ5i (37 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:04:07] <sorzer> crooked fucking zuma
[2016-11-02 10:04:10] <Naenil> Dealt w/ FalafelBey
[2016-11-02 10:04:17] <Pruswa> GTM YANIYOR
[2016-11-02 10:04:19] <FalafelBey> was it a perma Naenil?
[2016-11-02 10:04:21] <Pruswa> THE GYM IS CLOSED
[2016-11-02 10:04:25] <Pruswa> SINCE A FUCKING WEEK

[2016-11-02 10:04:29] <Pruswa> IT WAS SUPPOSED TO OPEN YESTERDAY

[2016-11-02 10:04:33] <Naenil> yes FalafelBey chester gave him chances
[2016-11-02 10:04:40] <Eck> just go for a run outside Pruswa
[2016-11-02 10:04:42] <FalafelBey> <3 Naenil
[2016-11-02 10:04:44] <Eck> lazy af
[2016-11-02 10:04:49] <Pruswa> Eck who the fuck goes for a run in the fucking gy
[2016-11-02 10:04:56] <Pruswa> What am I some fucking cardio bunny faggot?
[2016-11-02 10:05:17] <sorzer> me
[2016-11-02 10:05:18] <Eck> are you some weight lifting neckbeard?
[2016-11-02 10:05:22] <sorzer> its nice when its cold out
[2016-11-02 10:07:18] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Also, fair warning everyone, I m curr
ently at 20 hours of no sleep, so I m probably going to say some fairly stupid t
hings like taking something FalafelBey was quoting and treating it like he said
it himself, etc.
[2016-11-02 10:07:56] sisisi quit (AndChat5799@user/sisisi): Quit: Bye
[2016-11-02 10:08:00] Pruswa quit (Pruswa@user/Pruswa): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 10:08:00] <FalafelBey> lol, no problem MinkowskiSpaceTime
[2016-11-02 10:08:03] <FalafelBey> I gotcha
[2016-11-02 10:08:26] <Eck> wew they re trying so hard https://twitter.com/voter
[2016-11-02 10:08:26] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @voter1vote (Mrs. Harrington): #Trump Hotel
Tied To Criminal Investigation In Brazil https://t.co/IVH61dbGke Does he think
he can hideout in the White House? @cspanwj (48 minutes and 28 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:08:35] <Eck> i kinda feel sad for them
[2016-11-02 10:08:47] <sorzer> trump going to jail
[2016-11-02 10:09:03] <Eck> trump never killed anyone
[2016-11-02 10:09:27] <sorzer> he has a court case for his alleged raping of a 1
3 year old in december
[2016-11-02 10:09:35] <jayssan> keep dreaming
[2016-11-02 10:09:41] <Eck> isn t that bill sorzer
[2016-11-02 10:09:41] fagotuser joined (fagotuser@Snoonet-9v3.2d2.lh8np2.IP)
[2016-11-02 10:09:42] <Eck> lol
[2016-11-02 10:09:44] <sorzer> no
[2016-11-02 10:09:49] <jayssan> hillz has already been proven to be a federal cr
[2016-11-02 10:10:32] fagotuser quit (fagotuser@Snoonet-9v3.2d2.lh8np2.IP): Quit
: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 10:10:33] <Eck> if he raped a 13 year old he d be in jail already
[2016-11-02 10:10:34] <sorzer> >not being charged with a crime
[2016-11-02 10:10:36] <sorzer> no
[2016-11-02 10:10:38] <sorzer> i mean
[2016-11-02 10:10:45] <sorzer> theres gonnabe a trial
[2016-11-02 10:10:59] <jayssan> regardless, there s solid undeniable evidence
[2016-11-02 10:11:04] <jayssan> trump allegations are hearsay
[2016-11-02 10:11:05] <sorzer> Eck: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mikehayes/attorneydonald-trump-will-have-to-answer-teens-rape-accusat
[2016-11-02 10:11:07] <Eck> most rapists go to jail and then wait in jail until
the trial
[2016-11-02 10:11:43] <sorzer> i dont know if thats true
[2016-11-02 10:11:58] <sorzer> https://twitter.com/LauraHarrisWFTS/status/793805
[2016-11-02 10:11:58] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @LauraHarrisWFTS (Laura A. Harris): JUST IN:
Greenville, MS church burned. Spray painted on the side "Vote Trump." https://t
.co/koW1GJJcF8 via @wdam https://t.co/PoiQC64Zhi (49 minutes and 14 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:11:59] <sorzer> wew
[2016-11-02 10:12:01] <FalafelBey> damn, didn t expect you to be a Trumpie jayss

[2016-11-02 10:12:03] <sorzer> trumpists out there gotv

[2016-11-02 10:12:04] Rane joined (Rane@user/Rane)
[2016-11-02 10:12:04] * calvin.snoonet.org set +v Rane
[2016-11-02 10:12:10] <Rane> whew
[2016-11-02 10:12:11] <jayssan> trump w bas tbh
[2016-11-02 10:12:17] <Rane> why was the chat set to invite only for a while?
[2016-11-02 10:12:22] <sorzer> abott or we burn the country
[2016-11-02 10:12:25] <jayssan> an american president who doesnt want to rape th
e middle east
[2016-11-02 10:12:29] <jayssan> sign me up fam
[2016-11-02 10:12:31] <xaashi> .addquote <@jayssan> trump w bas tbh
[2016-11-02 10:12:31] <Mossad> xaashi: Quote added.
[2016-11-02 10:12:38] <Rane> Trump rapes everything
[2016-11-02 10:12:39] <xaashi> ayyeee
[2016-11-02 10:12:46] <jayssan> trump rapes your little baby feelings
[2016-11-02 10:12:53] <Eck> loll
[2016-11-02 10:12:54] <Rane> Trump rapes little kids
[2016-11-02 10:13:00] <Rane> Forgot his lawsuit?
[2016-11-02 10:13:02] <Eck> no thats bill and hillary helped him
[2016-11-02 10:13:03] <Rane> in federal court?
[2016-11-02 10:13:08] <FalafelBey> you re going to be disappointed when he gets
[2016-11-02 10:13:11] <Rane> yeah just ignore that
[2016-11-02 10:13:13] <FalafelBey> if he*
[2016-11-02 10:13:13] <Rane> yeah massively
[2016-11-02 10:13:16] <jayssan> probably FalafelBey
[2016-11-02 10:13:27] <Rane> the whole world will be
[2016-11-02 10:13:29] <Rane> literally
[2016-11-02 10:13:31] <germanperson> false flag sorzer
[2016-11-02 10:13:41] <sorzer> is there any evidence of that germanperson
[2016-11-02 10:13:43] <Rane> Everyone except a few conspiracy nuts hate him in E
[2016-11-02 10:13:44] <jayssan> but if all we ve got are his words during campai
gning, which are unreliable at best, he s clearly the better candidate
[2016-11-02 10:13:47] <sorzer> germanperson: meanwhile the kkk endorsed trump la
st night
[2016-11-02 10:13:49] <Rane> Politicians here openly support Clinton
[2016-11-02 10:13:53] <jayssan> not to mention hillary s track record speaks vol
[2016-11-02 10:13:54] <sorzer> does one not flow from the other?
[2016-11-02 10:13:55] <germanperson> IS THERE ANY EVIDENCE ANYONE SPRAYED VOTE T
[2016-11-02 10:13:57] <jayssan> volumes in blood
[2016-11-02 10:14:08] <Rane> Both are criminals
[2016-11-02 10:14:09] <Eck> volumes in weapons munitions
[2016-11-02 10:14:15] <Rane> except Clinton at least knows how to run a country
[2016-11-02 10:14:19] <Rane> Trump can t even run a casino
[2016-11-02 10:14:26] <jayssan> trump is a criminal in the way that
[2016-11-02 10:14:31] <jayssan> every rich american is a criminal
[2016-11-02 10:14:35] <Rane> he is involved with Russian mobsters?
[2016-11-02 10:14:36] <jayssan> hillary is a criminal int he way that
[2016-11-02 10:14:37] <xaashi> germanperson: occams razor says its a low-effort
false flag
[2016-11-02 10:14:44] <Rane> jayssan uh
[2016-11-02 10:14:47] <Rane> he s also a criminal as in
[2016-11-02 10:14:47] <Rane> rapist
[2016-11-02 10:14:48] <jayssan> she literally caused the murder of millions of a
[2016-11-02 10:14:50] <Rane> RAPIST.
[2016-11-02 10:14:52] <Rane> literally a rapist

[2016-11-02 10:14:53] <sorzer> germanperson: do you see the picture? https://twi

[2016-11-02 10:14:53] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @JesseRodriguez (Jesse Rodriguez): Greenvill
e, MS church burned and spray painted "Vote Trump" https://t.co/wICzLRW2Ys https
://t.co/7sLYUgWQLB (1 hour and 1 minute ago)
[2016-11-02 10:14:56] <jayssan> lmao rane
[2016-11-02 10:14:56] <Rane> abuses women
[2016-11-02 10:15:01] <Rane> "grab m by the pusy"
[2016-11-02 10:15:05] <jayssan> if we all started accepting hearsay as solid evi
[2016-11-02 10:15:08] <Rane> okay sure wow so presidential
[2016-11-02 10:15:12] <Rane> "hearsay"
[2016-11-02 10:15:14] <jayssan> half the population would be in jail
[2016-11-02 10:15:15] <jayssan> also
[2016-11-02 10:15:18] <Rane> HE LITERALLY HAS A FKING LAWSUIT
[2016-11-02 10:15:19] <jayssan> a decade ago
[2016-11-02 10:15:19] <jayssan> also
[2016-11-02 10:15:20] <Rane> jesus
[2016-11-02 10:15:20] <germanperson> could be shopped sorzer
[2016-11-02 10:15:21] <jayssan> irrelevant
[2016-11-02 10:15:24] <wqzz>  ( ) TA KBEER
[2016-11-02 10:15:26] <jayssan> .ban
[2016-11-02 10:15:26] <wqzz> jayssan you shot an Islamist in 2.102 seconds! You
have killed 111 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 10:15:27] <jayssan> okay?
[2016-11-02 10:15:30] <Rane> do you think the judge would let it go in if the la
wsuit wasn t credible?
[2016-11-02 10:15:31] <sorzer> germanperson: the police are investigating it
[2016-11-02 10:15:31] <Eck> his lawsuit is bullshit
[2016-11-02 10:15:35] <jayssan> a lawsuit still has to be proven with evidence
[2016-11-02 10:15:35] <Rane> "bullshit"
[2016-11-02 10:15:36] <Rane> my ass
[2016-11-02 10:15:39] <sorzer> i see no reason to think its not true
[2016-11-02 10:15:39] <Eck> he d be in jail if it was credible, waiting on his t
[2016-11-02 10:15:41] <Rane> yeah it s still a lawsuit
[2016-11-02 10:15:42] <germanperson> police investigate anything
[2016-11-02 10:15:42] <Rane> and he said
[2016-11-02 10:15:43] <jayssan> how old are your ane?
[2016-11-02 10:15:46] <jayssan> you(
[2016-11-02 10:15:49] <jayssan> you re pretty naive
[2016-11-02 10:15:51] <Rane> I like groping women by the pussy
[2016-11-02 10:15:55] <jayssan> okay?
[2016-11-02 10:16:00] <jayssan> i ve told people i m going to fuck their dads
[2016-11-02 10:16:03] <jayssan> on cs go
[2016-11-02 10:16:05] <Rane> I m naeive because I think a guy who has no respect
for women shouldn t be president?
[2016-11-02 10:16:06] <jayssan> gonna sue me?
[2016-11-02 10:16:15] <Rane> you re not a presidential candidate
[2016-11-02 10:16:15] <jayssan> sue me please
[2016-11-02 10:16:16] <Rane> thank god
[2016-11-02 10:16:18] <jayssan> doesnt matter
[2016-11-02 10:16:22] <Rane> yes it does
[2016-11-02 10:16:24] <jayssan> nope
[2016-11-02 10:16:28] <Rane> Jesus christ arre Americans this stupid?
[2016-11-02 10:16:30] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Trump is basically Buck Turgidson bro
ught to life. For comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuP6KbIsNK4
[2016-11-02 10:16:30] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Dr. Strangelove (1964) - War Room Scene - lengt
h 3m 30s - 1,246 likes, 13 dislikes (99.0%) - 407,706 views - AlBoesch on 2009.07.05
[2016-11-02 10:16:32] <jayssan> im not american

[2016-11-02 10:16:33] <jayssan> kill yourself

[2016-11-02 10:16:35] <Rane> wow I should join Al Qaeda instead of YPG
[2016-11-02 10:16:36] <Eck> wew
[2016-11-02 10:16:37] <FalafelBey> he s australian
[2016-11-02 10:16:42] <Rane> ah explains
[2016-11-02 10:16:44] <jayssan> .addquote <Rane> wow I should join Al Qaeda inst
ead of YPG
[2016-11-02 10:16:44] <Mossad> jayssan: Quote added.
[2016-11-02 10:16:46] <Rane> he s just messing around
[2016-11-02 10:16:48] <jayssan> kek
[2016-11-02 10:16:53] <jayssan> no im not messing around
[2016-11-02 10:16:58] <Rane> then you re an idiot
[2016-11-02 10:16:59] <Rane> sorry to say so
[2016-11-02 10:17:00] <Rane> but you are
[2016-11-02 10:17:06] <jayssan> we re talking about a lawsuit based entirely on
the most non-admissible form of evidence
[2016-11-02 10:17:10] <jayssan> you fucking chimpanzee
[2016-11-02 10:17:14] <jayssan> i literally study law
[2016-11-02 10:17:18] <Rane> "A presidential candidate with a lawsuit for rape a
nd countless women saying he abused them? Not important"
[2016-11-02 10:17:19] Pruswa joined (Pruswa@user/Pruswa)
[2016-11-02 10:17:19] * quokka.snoonet.org set +v Pruswa
[2016-11-02 10:17:20] <germanperson> wow!
[2016-11-02 10:17:21] <germanperson> racist?
[2016-11-02 10:17:23] <Rane> Nobody gives a fuck Jayssan
[2016-11-02 10:17:28] <jayssan> you should
[2016-11-02 10:17:32] <Rane> law is not the same as politics
[2016-11-02 10:17:34] <jayssan> because it immediately means i know more about l
aw than you
[2016-11-02 10:17:36] <Rane> you study how it works
[2016-11-02 10:17:38] <FalafelBey> rein him in germanperson, you re halfop
[2016-11-02 10:17:38] <Rane> not how it should be
[2016-11-02 10:17:39] <germanperson> can we have some real syrians on the mod te
[2016-11-02 10:17:41] <germanperson> like FalafelBey
[2016-11-02 10:17:44] <FalafelBey> ^
[2016-11-02 10:17:47] <jayssan> falafel s a saudi tho
[2016-11-02 10:17:52] <jayssan> awkward
[2016-11-02 10:18:04] <germanperson> substantiate ur accusations
[2016-11-02 10:18:14] <jayssan> he lives in saudi arabia and love rebels
[2016-11-02 10:18:15] <Rane> Naenil you oj
[2016-11-02 10:18:18] <Rane> Naenil
[2016-11-02 10:18:21] <jayssan> need i say any more
[2016-11-02 10:18:30] <FalafelBey> The Leb-Australian is being defensive
[2016-11-02 10:18:43] <jayssan> offensive*
[2016-11-02 10:18:56] <Rane> Australians should just
[2016-11-02 10:18:59] <Rane> have their own internet
[2016-11-02 10:19:02] <Rane> only for Australians
[2016-11-02 10:19:07] <jayssan> belgians should be nuked
[2016-11-02 10:19:09] <Rane> so the world doesn t need to suffer their ignorance
[2016-11-02 10:19:10] <jayssan> sit the fuck down, kid
[2016-11-02 10:19:26] <Rane> Australia would be nuked but nobody s gonna waste u
ranium on that
[2016-11-02 10:19:27] <sorzer> https://twitter.com/APDiploWriter/status/79381969
[2016-11-02 10:19:27] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @APDiploWriter (Matt Lee): "#Iran s supreme
leader criticizes #US presidential candidates" https://t.co/FPUq39QHQZ (29 secon
ds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:19:37] <jayssan> you ve got 2 candidates, you literal ape-person

[2016-11-02 10:19:42] <jayssan> one is an alleged "rapist"

[2016-11-02 10:19:48] <Rane> "alleged"
[2016-11-02 10:19:49] <jayssan> the other is a PROVEN mass murderer by the milli
[2016-11-02 10:19:57] <Rane> "proven mass murderer"
[2016-11-02 10:20:00] <sorzer> https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/79381052261757
[2016-11-02 10:20:01] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @Reuters (Reuters Top News): As divisive pre
sidential election nears its conclusion, some armed militia groups are preparing
for civil unrest https://t.co/3PjTdELxfD (37 minutes and 29 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:20:01] <Rane> so was Bush then
[2016-11-02 10:20:01] <jayssan> if you honestly pick the alleged rapist
[2016-11-02 10:20:02] <sorzer> LOL
[2016-11-02 10:20:03] <jayssan> you re a retard
[2016-11-02 10:20:12] <Rane> I choose Bernie
[2016-11-02 10:20:13] <Rane> : (
[2016-11-02 10:20:17] <sorzer> there are actual militias
[2016-11-02 10:20:25] <sorzer> Down a Georgia country road, camouflaged members
of the Three Percent Security Force have mobilized for rifle practice, hand-to-h
and combat training -- and an impromptu campaign rally for Republican presidenti
al candidate Donald Trump.
[2016-11-02 10:20:30] <jayssan> bernie is a waste of oxygen
[2016-11-02 10:20:39] <sorzer> can someone take that video and put a nasheed in
the background
[2016-11-02 10:20:40] <Rane> sorze whew
[2016-11-02 10:20:44] <Rane> American civil war when
[2016-11-02 10:20:44] <jayssan> matter in general
[2016-11-02 10:20:49] <Rane> which video sorzer
[2016-11-02 10:20:55] <sorzer> Rane: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-elect
[2016-11-02 10:21:00] <Rane> lol
[2016-11-02 10:21:09] <Rane> America is a fucking disaster
[2016-11-02 10:21:16] <Rane> it s spinning out of control pretty badly
[2016-11-02 10:21:21] <jayssan> cant wait for the civil war
[2016-11-02 10:21:24] <jayssan> when dat dollar drop
[2016-11-02 10:21:30] <jayssan> and the steam games start rolling in
[2016-11-02 10:21:34] katzenscheisse quit (katzen@user/katzen): Quit: http://www
.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 10:21:35] <Rane> yeah jayssan no joke it s possible
[2016-11-02 10:21:49] <jayssan> he did say he wouldnt accept her victory
[2016-11-02 10:21:53] <Rane> Racial tensions, increasing polarization between le
ft & right
[2016-11-02 10:21:57] <jayssan> that basically means civil war by the Constituti
[2016-11-02 10:21:58] <sorzer> Rane: not really
[2016-11-02 10:22:02] <sorzer> i mean
[2016-11-02 10:22:06] <sorzer> if you actually live here
[2016-11-02 10:22:07] <Rane> militias supporting a candidate who would not accep
t the results of the eleections
[2016-11-02 10:22:09] <sorzer> you wouldnt even realize it
[2016-11-02 10:22:10] <Rane> Idk sorzer
[2016-11-02 10:22:19] <sorzer> its all just news
[2016-11-02 10:22:21] <Rane> Trump is not going for the electoral win
[2016-11-02 10:22:30] <jayssan> you put the frog in boiling water, it jumps out
[2016-11-02 10:22:31] <sorzer> its a big country and there is one tiny militia
[2016-11-02 10:22:31] <Rane> he s getting a hardcorte emotional supporters group
[2016-11-02 10:22:36] <Rane> "tiny"
[2016-11-02 10:22:40] <Rane> half the country is voting for Trump
[2016-11-02 10:22:42] <jayssan> you put it in warm water, and gradually increase
the heat

[2016-11-02 10:22:44] <jayssan> doesnt notice

[2016-11-02 10:22:47] <Rane> and there s been literal calls
[2016-11-02 10:22:49] <sorzer> im talking about the militia
[2016-11-02 10:22:50] <Rane> to take up arms if he loses
[2016-11-02 10:22:56] <Rane> yeah I m talking in general
[2016-11-02 10:22:59] <sorzer> most voters dont even care much about politics
[2016-11-02 10:23:01] <xaashi> militias are only real on Netflix tbh
[2016-11-02 10:23:01] <Eck> Rane clinton has been in the establishment for 40 ye
ars and nothing changed, what would change if she s president
[2016-11-02 10:23:11] <Rane> Eck I m not pro-Clinton
[2016-11-02 10:23:14] <Rane> I m anti-Trump
[2016-11-02 10:23:16] <sorzer> after the election everyone goes back to not cari
[2016-11-02 10:23:18] <xaashi> 99.9% of Americans will never be affected by any "
[2016-11-02 10:23:25] <xaashi> most are probably feds lol
[2016-11-02 10:23:28] <Rane> xaashi not if more people take up arms
[2016-11-02 10:23:37] <xaashi> lol everyone has guns
[2016-11-02 10:23:37] <Rane> it will be such sweet irony
[2016-11-02 10:23:40] <Rane> if like armed militias
[2016-11-02 10:23:44] <Rane> get a civil war
[2016-11-02 10:23:55] <FalafelBey> proxy war inshallah
[2016-11-02 10:23:56] <Rane> and their "2nd amendement" to protect their rights
actually destroys their democracy
[2016-11-02 10:24:02] <Rane> I would watch with delight tbh
[2016-11-02 10:24:05] <jayssan> somehow it will end in bashar being US prez
[2016-11-02 10:24:07] <jayssan> im okay with that
[2016-11-02 10:24:07] <Rane> Russians supplying Trump rebels
[2016-11-02 10:24:08] <Rane> etc
[2016-11-02 10:24:09] <xaashi> im gonna get this mcbreakfast and hope to god I ca
n finish this shit before work jesus fuck
[2016-11-02 10:24:14] <FalafelBey> oh ffs
[2016-11-02 10:24:17] <FalafelBey> i m in my boxers
[2016-11-02 10:24:19] <FalafelBey> and the alarm is going off
[2016-11-02 10:24:23] <skankhunt69> http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/06/arts/music
[2016-11-02 10:24:24] <jayssan> haha
[2016-11-02 10:24:25] <skankhunt69> YOOOOOOO
[2016-11-02 10:24:26] <skankhunt69> YOOOOO
[2016-11-02 10:24:28] <jayssan> swing dat dick around boy
[2016-11-02 10:24:28] <skankhunt69> YOOOOOO
[2016-11-02 10:24:33] <Rane> new album?
[2016-11-02 10:24:35] <Rane> fucking sweet
[2016-11-02 10:24:36] <jayssan> oh word? tribe releasing?
[2016-11-02 10:24:41] <sorzer> skankhunt69: fuck yes
[2016-11-02 10:24:45] <jayssan> can i just cum or?
[2016-11-02 10:24:58] <skankhunt69> just cum man
[2016-11-02 10:25:00] <skankhunt69> just let it out
[2016-11-02 10:25:01] <BugInAJar> lol someone mentioned us civilwar
[2016-11-02 10:25:04] <jayssan> i m cummin, dude
[2016-11-02 10:25:05] * skankhunt69 is now known as emr1028_
[2016-11-02 10:25:12] <Rane> I bet NSA is watching rn
[2016-11-02 10:25:12] <BugInAJar> It isn t happening in the foreseeable future
[2016-11-02 10:25:21] <Rane> "Civil war" "nasheed" "syriancivilwar" "bashar"
[2016-11-02 10:25:22] <Rane> "trump"
[2016-11-02 10:25:23] <Rane> lol
[2016-11-02 10:25:26] <jayssan> u don t know that BugInAJar
[2016-11-02 10:25:30] <jayssan> I
[2016-11-02 10:25:31] <Rane> yeah BugInAJar
[2016-11-02 10:25:34] <BugInAJar> I know 100%

[2016-11-02 10:25:38] <Rane> Nobody saw the Syrian civil war coming
[2016-11-02 10:25:38] <jayssan> no u dont
[2016-11-02 10:25:39] <BugInAJar> It won t happen.
[2016-11-02 10:25:41] <jayssan> ur not a fortune teller
[2016-11-02 10:25:44] <Rane> before it happened
[2016-11-02 10:25:47] <BugInAJar> 100000%
[2016-11-02 10:25:47] <Rane> idk BugInAJar
[2016-11-02 10:25:52] <Rane> a lot of people REALLY hate Clinton
[2016-11-02 10:25:55] <Rane> like really do
[2016-11-02 10:25:59] <Rane> And those people have guns
[2016-11-02 10:26:01] <BugInAJar> Can t be bothered
[2016-11-02 10:26:05] <Rane> and some people are getting them angry to take up a
[2016-11-02 10:26:06] <jayssan> I m pretty sure rejecting the winning candidate
s victory is a rebellion by the Constitution, no?
[2016-11-02 10:26:10] <jayssan> and trump literally said he will reject her win
[2016-11-02 10:26:11] <sorzer> just as many hate trump
[2016-11-02 10:26:13] <BugInAJar> We won t
[2016-11-02 10:26:14] <Rane> Pretty sure at least a few incidents will happen
[2016-11-02 10:26:15] <emr1028_> It features all four of the groups members plus
a host of guests Andr 3000, Kendrick Lamar, Elton John, Jack White and Busta Rhym
[2016-11-02 10:26:16] <emr1028_> YO
[2016-11-02 10:26:17] <emr1028_> YO
[2016-11-02 10:26:17] <emr1028_> YO
[2016-11-02 10:26:18] <emr1028_> YO
[2016-11-02 10:26:18] <emr1028_> YO
[2016-11-02 10:26:25] <Rane> Both are as impopular
[2016-11-02 10:26:28] <xaashi> >kendrick lamar
[2016-11-02 10:26:30] <BugInAJar> Nope, no civilwar.
[2016-11-02 10:26:32] <Rane> Both got like 60% unfavourability
[2016-11-02 10:26:40] <Rane> So 40% likes him
[2016-11-02 10:26:42] <xaashi> >jack white
[2016-11-02 10:26:46] <BugInAJar> Not unless people are starving, dying, poor...
[2016-11-02 10:26:47] <jayssan> it s very possible
[2016-11-02 10:26:49] <Rane> Say half of those support him
[2016-11-02 10:26:58] <xaashi> an american civil war is literally impossible
[2016-11-02 10:27:01] <Rane> BugInAJar same shit happened during first Civil War
[2016-11-02 10:27:04] <jayssan> especially because hillary will take your guns a
nd impose martial law
[2016-11-02 10:27:05] <Rane> they weren t starving either
[2016-11-02 10:27:06] <Eck> she won t win though so there s nothing to reject
[2016-11-02 10:27:09] <BugInAJar> No rane, nothing will happen
[2016-11-02 10:27:14] <jayssan> wishful thinking bug
[2016-11-02 10:27:14] <Rane> BugInAjar in denial
[2016-11-02 10:27:20] <Rane> Bug seriously
[2016-11-02 10:27:23] <BugInAJar> 10000000% certainty
[2016-11-02 10:27:26] <Rane> You got a hardcore group with arms
[2016-11-02 10:27:31] <Rane> who hate clinton
[2016-11-02 10:27:35] <Rane> think the election is rigged
[2016-11-02 10:27:38] <Rane> ready to take up arms
[2016-11-02 10:27:45] <Eck> good maybe they ll put her in prison
[2016-11-02 10:27:46] <Rane> to "protect their country from evil demon Clinton"
[2016-11-02 10:27:48] <Eck> do what the gov can t
[2016-11-02 10:27:58] <Rane> Trump literally said
[2016-11-02 10:28:00] <BugInAJar> Jingle some keyd infront of my fellow american
s and the significant population needed to make a civilwar happen will be distra
[2016-11-02 10:28:01] <Rane> I will not accept the results
[2016-11-02 10:28:04] <BugInAJar> *keys

[2016-11-02 10:28:09] <jayssan> and you ve got Hilldawg, preparing to take ur gu

ns, impose martial law, and turn the police into military mode
[2016-11-02 10:28:19] <BugInAJar> lol
[2016-11-02 10:28:20] <Rane> yep jayssan
[2016-11-02 10:28:26] <Rane> that s what they believe
[2016-11-02 10:28:27] <Rane> literally
[2016-11-02 10:28:32] <Eck> clinton will introduce conscription
[2016-11-02 10:28:33] <Rane> Maybe no civilwar
[2016-11-02 10:28:33] <BugInAJar> Only nonamericans think there will be a war he
[2016-11-02 10:28:35] <Rane> but serious incidents
[2016-11-02 10:28:35] <Eck> it ll be like israel
[2016-11-02 10:28:40] <jayssan> well it was revealed us policemen have been trai
ning with IDF
[2016-11-02 10:28:41] <Rane> maybe not a war
[2016-11-02 10:28:45] <Rane> but there wil be riots
[2016-11-02 10:28:48] <Rane> and people will die
[2016-11-02 10:28:52] <Rane> That I am 100% sure of
[2016-11-02 10:28:53] <jayssan> hint hint
[2016-11-02 10:28:54] <BugInAJar> Riots happen all the tine
[2016-11-02 10:28:58] <BugInAJar> *time
[2016-11-02 10:29:00] <Rane> Yeah but now it s gunnuts
[2016-11-02 10:29:01] <Rane> rioting
[2016-11-02 10:29:05] <Rane> not ghetto black people
[2016-11-02 10:29:09] <Eck> wew
[2016-11-02 10:29:09] <BugInAJar> It is always gunnuts
[2016-11-02 10:29:14] <Rane> Yeah sure
[2016-11-02 10:29:21] <Rane> Gunnuts rioted when Trayvon Martin died sure
[2016-11-02 10:29:28] <jayssan> obama and hillary have been advocating heavy gun
[2016-11-02 10:29:29] <jayssan> it will happen
[2016-11-02 10:29:35] <Eck> a tremendous, tremendous amount of black people supp
ort trump
[2016-11-02 10:29:39] <Eck> reeee
[2016-11-02 10:29:41] <Rane> Eck that s bs
[2016-11-02 10:29:43] <Rane> Literally bs
[2016-11-02 10:29:45] <BugInAJar> Opportunistic looters rioted during trayvon
[2016-11-02 10:29:49] <jayssan> look at my african american over there
[2016-11-02 10:29:53] <Eck> nah Rane
[2016-11-02 10:29:54] <Rane> Clinton leads Trump in the minority vote by at leas
t two digits
[2016-11-02 10:30:01] <Rane> especially black people
[2016-11-02 10:30:12] <Rane> Trump insults Obama which is stupid af if he wanted
the black vote
[2016-11-02 10:30:13] <Eck> the polls are bullshit we already know this
[2016-11-02 10:30:17] <Rane> instead he doubled down on the raycists
[2016-11-02 10:30:26] <Rane> Eck srsly
[2016-11-02 10:30:28] <BugInAJar> Assuming black people support obama still
[2016-11-02 10:30:30] <Rane> look at popular media
[2016-11-02 10:30:30] <FalafelBey> we have an Arab-African-American on the IRC
[2016-11-02 10:30:34] <FalafelBey> and he s pro Trump
[2016-11-02 10:30:35] <Rane> Do you see any pro-Trump
[2016-11-02 10:30:36] <jayssan> yeah blacks hate obama
[2016-11-02 10:30:37] <Rane> Whew
[2016-11-02 10:30:37] <sorzer> https://twitter.com/RichLowry/status/793816104271
[2016-11-02 10:30:37] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @RichLowry (Rich Lowry): MSNBC reporting jus
t now that Clinton doubling ad spend in Arizona (25 minutes and 55 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:30:38] <Rane> Wow
[2016-11-02 10:30:38] <sorzer> LOL

[2016-11-02 10:30:40] <Eck> polls are showing to be brexit bullshitter

[2016-11-02 10:30:41] <sorzer> OFFENSE LADS
[2016-11-02 10:30:41] <xaashi> lmaooooo https://twitter.com/Pinboard/status/7938
[2016-11-02 10:30:42] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @Pinboard (Pinboard): Trump opens up an 8-po
int edge on honesty, Post-ABC News Tracking Poll finds Thats pretty amazing. This
year is amazing. (45 minutes and 13 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:30:43] <jayssan> he did literally nothing for his own people
[2016-11-02 10:30:43] <Rane> one Arab-black guy
[2016-11-02 10:30:58] <FalafelBey> yeah xaashi tell them about how you love Trum
[2016-11-02 10:30:59] <Eck> kek
[2016-11-02 10:31:15] <jayssan> Ya Donaald! Mitlak meen!
[2016-11-02 10:31:19] <xaashi> FalafelBey: kateeer kateeeeeerrrr
[2016-11-02 10:31:21] <Rane> "blacks hate Oabam"
[2016-11-02 10:31:24] <Rane> Jayssan you re delusional
[2016-11-02 10:31:26] <Rane> if you believe that
[2016-11-02 10:31:27] <jayssan> nah
[2016-11-02 10:31:30] <jayssan> he did nothing for them
[2016-11-02 10:31:30] <Rane> Yeah you are
[2016-11-02 10:31:33] <jayssan> not al lof them obviously
[2016-11-02 10:31:38] <Rane> Most like him
[2016-11-02 10:31:40] <jayssan> but a lot of them think he s a useless gimp
[2016-11-02 10:31:42] <Rane> saw his favourability ratings?
[2016-11-02 10:31:44] <jayssan> because he is
[2016-11-02 10:31:46] <Rane> they re through the roof
[2016-11-02 10:31:51] <Rane> that s Republican bs Jayssan
[2016-11-02 10:31:52] <xaashi> Obama doesnt care about black people
[2016-11-02 10:31:54] <xaashi> word to yeezy
[2016-11-02 10:32:02] <jayssan> thats coz he memes and acts like le cool black g
uy xD
[2016-11-02 10:32:07] <Rane> yeah exactly
[2016-11-02 10:32:07] <jayssan> but he;s actually just shit
[2016-11-02 10:32:12] <Rane> Yeah you think that
[2016-11-02 10:32:15] <Rane> Most black people don t
[2016-11-02 10:32:27] <Rane> He s a black president he ll always have the majori
ty of black people supporting him
[2016-11-02 10:32:28] <jayssan> they should tho
[2016-11-02 10:32:30] <xaashi> AND hes from my county in Kenya too smh. how do yo
u fuck up that bad?
[2016-11-02 10:32:33] <Rane> and attacks on like
[2016-11-02 10:32:36] <jayssan> also his wife is a tranny
[2016-11-02 10:32:37] <Rane> Michelle Obama
[2016-11-02 10:32:37] winnilourson joined (winnilourso@syriancivilwar/winnilours
[2016-11-02 10:32:37] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v winnilourson
[2016-11-02 10:32:37] * Bashar set +o winnilourson
[2016-11-02 10:32:38] <Rane> by Trump
[2016-11-02 10:32:44] <jayssan> she literally has a cock
[2016-11-02 10:32:45] <jayssan> so
[2016-11-02 10:32:45] <Rane> That cost Trump a lot of black/female votes
[2016-11-02 10:32:49] <jayssan> and a muscular male back
[2016-11-02 10:32:54] <Eck> michelle obama attacked clinton, why would he attack
[2016-11-02 10:33:01] <Rane> she probably has a bigger cock than you Jayssan
[2016-11-02 10:33:05] <jayssan> probs
[2016-11-02 10:33:06] <Rane> but then again like 90% of the globe do
[2016-11-02 10:33:12] <jayssan> mine s like 1.5 inches
[2016-11-02 10:33:15] <jayssan> fully erect
[2016-11-02 10:33:16] <Rane> Eck waaaaaaaay back

[2016-11-02 10:33:16]
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time you were gone
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no man
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<FalafelBey> 90% is still a generous estimate

<Rane> yeah I was being nice
<Rane> also I counted in the asian
<Eck> way back shows how they both really think of her
<jayssan> flaccid it s basically a clit
<Rane> lots of asians
<FalafelBey> I ve got 12 inches of Damascus steel bby
<winnilourson> ,
<BugInAJar> lol
<Rane> yeah ofc Eck
<jayssan> it doesnt count if its in your anus FalafelBey
<winnilourson> wew jayssan
<winnilourson> i went to sleep
<Rane> I don t think the Obamas like the Clintons
<winnilourson> and you were there
<Rane> but black people don t know that
<winnilourson> i wake up
<Rane> or care
<winnilourson> dress
<winnilourson> go take a shower
<Rane> Trump attacked Michelle
<winnilourson> go to work
<Rane> that s all that matters
<winnilourson> and you are still here
<winnilourson> what upppp fam
<jayssan> winnilourson: hahaha i actually left that whole
<emr1028_> trump attacked michelle?
<winnilourson> same for falafelbey tbh
<jayssan> just got back in now
<emr1028_> or shit hes fucked
<winnilourson> LOL
<winnilourson> yo emr1028
<Rane> emr1028 no
<emr1028_> yo
<Rane> just the black vote
<Rane> is gone now
<FalafelBey> same goes for me, fam
<Eck> why so anti trump Rane
<Rane> but he never had that anyway
<Eck> what did he do to you
<emr1028_> white women love michelle
<Rane> because I hate Trump
<Rane> and I would cut his throat if I could
<jayssan> michelle is a dude tho
<emr1028_> cuz shes a strong powerful woman who dont need
<BugInAJar> lol
<jayssan> abomination
<Eck> he didn t blow up your people
<Rane> I would literally enjoy
<Rane> murdering Trump
<jayssan> jeez you re a psycho
<Rane> jk
<Rane> I just hate him a lot
<jayssan> u should vote for hillz, you d get along
<Rane> like a lot
<jayssan> why
<Rane> I m just Belgian
<Eck> that s why he s joining YPG jayssan

[2016-11-02 10:35:22] <Rane> I don t like Clinton

[2016-11-02 10:35:23] <jayssan> because he said "grab pusi"
[2016-11-02 10:35:25] <Rane> But I hate Trump
[2016-11-02 10:35:29] <Rane> No for all the shit he s done
[2016-11-02 10:35:31] <Rane> everything he s done
[2016-11-02 10:35:32] <jayssan> like?
[2016-11-02 10:35:34] <Rane> everything he stands for
[2016-11-02 10:35:39] <jayssan> buzzwords
[2016-11-02 10:35:39] <BugInAJar> Whatever president the US has goes beyond the
president. Shit wont change either way
[2016-11-02 10:35:40] <jayssan> be specific
[2016-11-02 10:35:41] <Rane> Dude I don t feel like explaining to a troll
[2016-11-02 10:35:44] <Eck> did you find that alignment tool for your AK Rane
[2016-11-02 10:35:46] <BugInAJar> *problems
[2016-11-02 10:35:48] <Rane> Eck yeah
[2016-11-02 10:35:48] <BugInAJar> Not pres
[2016-11-02 10:35:51] <Rane> I m gonna order it rn
[2016-11-02 10:35:57] <jayssan> of course i m a troll when you don t want to exp
and on your horseshit
[2016-11-02 10:35:59] <Rane> also planetickets
[2016-11-02 10:36:01] <jayssan> lol
[2016-11-02 10:36:02] <jayssan> weak
[2016-11-02 10:36:04] <Rane> Jayssan yeeeeeep
[2016-11-02 10:36:05] <BugInAJar> Whatever problems we may have wont be solved b
y new president
[2016-11-02 10:36:08] <Rane> I don t give a fuck
[2016-11-02 10:36:10] <Eck> rew
[2016-11-02 10:36:12] <Rane> I hate Trump for my own reasons
[2016-11-02 10:36:17] <jayssan> he fucked ur dad didnt he
[2016-11-02 10:36:24] <Rane> probably
[2016-11-02 10:36:28] <Rane> That d be fucking gay tho
[2016-11-02 10:36:32] <jayssan> i d suck trump
[2016-11-02 10:36:33] <Rane> fuck both of them then
[2016-11-02 10:36:36] <jayssan> i d suck his trumpet
[2016-11-02 10:36:39] <Rane> yeah cause you re a fag
[2016-11-02 10:36:42] <jayssan> no gaymo
[2016-11-02 10:36:44] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Rane: I hate Trump. jayssan: Why thou
gh? Rane: Stop trolling me.
[2016-11-02 10:36:47] <sorzer> http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/syriasource/
[2016-11-02 10:36:49] <sorzer> wew fred hof
[2016-11-02 10:36:51] <jayssan> lmao MinkowskiSpaceTime
[2016-11-02 10:36:54] <jayssan> accurate
[2016-11-02 10:36:58] <Eck> rane the ranger
[2016-11-02 10:36:59] <Rane> MinkowskiSpaceTime: not like that
[2016-11-02 10:37:00] <BugInAJar> .gay
[2016-11-02 10:37:00] <wqzz> Some brothers end up wishing they could go for a ma
rtyrdom operation after marriage due to the stress some sisters cause them. Do n
ot be like this. Do not overburden him with your demands; learn to cook nice foo
d for him which pleases him
[2016-11-02 10:37:07] <Rane> I think it d be useless
[2016-11-02 10:37:08] <Rane> tho
[2016-11-02 10:37:10] <Rane> and who cares anyway
[2016-11-02 10:37:14] <Eck> .TAKFIR Rane
[2016-11-02 10:37:14] wqzz whips Rane
[2016-11-02 10:37:15] <Rane> about my opinion
[2016-11-02 10:37:16] <jayssan> well you brought it up
[2016-11-02 10:37:19] <jayssan> and u said it like 10 times
[2016-11-02 10:37:19] <Rane> so why even bother typing
[2016-11-02 10:37:22] <jayssan> don t be coy, cowboy

[2016-11-02 10:37:23] <winnilourson> last time i brought it up

[2016-11-02 10:37:23] <Rane> Ok wanna know why
[2016-11-02 10:37:28] <winnilourson> no one answered
[2016-11-02 10:37:29] <jayssan> yes i fucking asked
[2016-11-02 10:37:41] <winnilourson> what about trump fucking a kid
[2016-11-02 10:37:45] <Rane> I hate Trump because he s a fucking racist, a mysog
inist, he s an idiot with no political experience, a rich spoiled bitchass cunt
who got a small loan of a million dollars
[2016-11-02 10:37:47] <Rane> insults veterans
[2016-11-02 10:37:49] <Rane> insults minorities
[2016-11-02 10:37:53] <winnilourson> case?
[2016-11-02 10:37:53] <Rane> and he s gonna fuck over the world
[2016-11-02 10:38:08] <Naenil> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwM1JKSXgAE_mQc.jpg
[2016-11-02 10:38:09] <Rane> I hate capitalism
[2016-11-02 10:38:15] <Rane> And he is capitalism in the flesh
[2016-11-02 10:38:26] <Rane> Corrupt, lewd and egoistic
[2016-11-02 10:38:31] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Hillary is corruption in the flesh, R
[2016-11-02 10:38:34] <Rane> yes
[2016-11-02 10:38:38] <jayssan> not racist, probably a mysog, better no experien
ce than murderer experience, yeah he s a rich bastard, fuck vets, and he literal
ly said he wants to pull out of other parts of the world
[2016-11-02 10:38:40] <jayssan> and focus on america
[2016-11-02 10:38:42] <Rane> but at least she s not a fucking retard like him
[2016-11-02 10:38:49] <jayssan> what?
[2016-11-02 10:38:54] <jayssan> she s a psychopathic murderer
[2016-11-02 10:38:55] <jayssan> wtf
[2016-11-02 10:38:58] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Lol okay true. That s basically why I
m voting Hillary myself.
[2016-11-02 10:39:04] <Rane> Yeah
[2016-11-02 10:39:06] <Rane> Clinton is a crook
[2016-11-02 10:39:10] <Rane> but she ll keep the country running
[2016-11-02 10:39:15] <jayssan> into the ground, sure
[2016-11-02 10:39:16] <Rane> next election she ll probably lose
[2016-11-02 10:39:20] <Rane> if there s a decent candidate
[2016-11-02 10:39:21] <jayssan> pouring billions into weapons and war
[2016-11-02 10:39:22] <Rane> But Trump?
[2016-11-02 10:39:25] <Eck> https://twitter.com/WDFx2EU7/status/7938203084151889
[2016-11-02 10:39:25] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @WDFx2EU7 (MicroSpookyLeaks): Utah Republica
ns drop support for protest vote and are VOTING TRUMP! https://t.co/LyCyaXPp3S (
18 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 10:39:26] <Rane> Jesus Trump is Putin s bitch
[2016-11-02 10:39:26] <jayssan> imposing martial law
[2016-11-02 10:39:26] <Eck> its over
[2016-11-02 10:39:27] <wqzz> I T S O V E R
[2016-11-02 10:39:33] <Rane> he has zero experience
[2016-11-02 10:39:34] <jayssan> you re delusional, my dude
[2016-11-02 10:39:35] <Rane> in anything political
[2016-11-02 10:39:36] <Rane> anything
[2016-11-02 10:39:42] <Rane> literally never held any political position
[2016-11-02 10:39:46] <winnilourson> Y U NO ANSWER ABOUT TRUMP PIPPING A KID
[2016-11-02 10:39:47] <winnilourson> THO
[2016-11-02 10:39:47] <Rane> can t even shut his mouth on tv
[2016-11-02 10:39:52] <emr1028_> http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/03/upshot/earlyvote-in-north-carolina-seems-to-confirm-a-clinton-lead.html?_r=0
[2016-11-02 10:39:53] <emr1028_> PRESIDENT
[2016-11-02 10:39:54] <jayssan> all irrelevant
[2016-11-02 10:39:54] <winnilourson> Y NO ONE EVER ANSWER THIS INQUIRY
[2016-11-02 10:39:54] <Eck> cause he didn t winnilourson

[2016-11-02 10:39:54] <Rane> how will he shut his mouth in important negotiation
[2016-11-02 10:39:55] <Eck> kek
[2016-11-02 10:39:55] <emr1028_> HILLARY
[2016-11-02 10:39:56] <emr1028_> CLINTON
[2016-11-02 10:40:02] <jayssan> still a better candidate than hillary
[2016-11-02 10:40:02] <winnilourson> he s getting sued for it eck
[2016-11-02 10:40:08] katzenscheisse joined (katzenschei@Snoonet-9dt.mbo.sp3500.
[2016-11-02 10:40:09] <Rane> I said the same thing
[2016-11-02 10:40:09] <jayssan> because he doesnt want to use taxpayer money to
slaughter the middle east
[2016-11-02 10:40:13] <Rane> he s a literal fucking rape suspect
[2016-11-02 10:40:16] <jayssan> so he s already miles better
[2016-11-02 10:40:16] <Rane> what a great president
[2016-11-02 10:40:21] <Eck> he d be in jail awaiting his trial if it had any cre
[2016-11-02 10:40:25] <Rane> A president going to court over a rape case
[2016-11-02 10:40:29] <Rane> can you imagine the propaganda?
[2016-11-02 10:40:33] <FalafelBey> gayssan is afraid Hilldawg is going to wipe o
ut his nusayri friends
[2016-11-02 10:40:40] <Rane> US enemies saying he s a rapist that evaded the law
and bribed judges
[2016-11-02 10:40:44] <Rane> it doesn t have to be true
[2016-11-02 10:40:46] <Rane> but it sounds credible
[2016-11-02 10:40:50] <Rane> and that s the insane part
[2016-11-02 10:41:00] <Rane> can you imagine the ISIS propaganda if Trump, liter
al muslim hater, is president?
[2016-11-02 10:41:00] <jayssan> a president going to court over the unlawful gen
ocide of iraqis, libyans and syrians for the benefit of Israel and America
[2016-11-02 10:41:02] <winnilourson> ... dude ive seen people way broker than tr
ump not go to jail in pre trial lol eck
[2016-11-02 10:41:02] <jayssan> that s fine though
[2016-11-02 10:41:13] <Rane> Can you imagine what that would do to international
relationships, especially in the Middle-East?
[2016-11-02 10:41:14] <jayssan> you re an actual idiot
[2016-11-02 10:41:22] <sorzer> https://twitter.com/raveenaujmaya/status/79382523
[2016-11-02 10:41:23] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @raveenaujmaya (Raveen Aujmaya): Shiite mil
itia Hashid al Shaabi block #Raqqa-Mosul road. #MosulOps (24 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:41:23] <sorzer> wew
[2016-11-02 10:41:25] <Rane> jayssan true
[2016-11-02 10:41:26] <wqzz>  () YA A LI
[2016-11-02 10:41:27] <Rane> but so was Bush
[2016-11-02 10:41:28] <Rane> .bang
[2016-11-02 10:41:29] <wqzz> Rane: WHOOSH! You missed the Islamist completely! Y
ou can try again in 7 seconds.
[2016-11-02 10:41:32] <winnilourson> .ban
[2016-11-02 10:41:32] <wqzz> winnilourson you shot an Islamist in 5.446 seconds!
You have killed 15 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 10:41:32] <Rane> .bang
[2016-11-02 10:41:32] <wqzz> Rane: There is no Islamist. What are you shooting a
[2016-11-02 10:41:33] <Rane> .bang
[2016-11-02 10:41:33] <wqzz> Rane: There is no Islamist. What are you shooting a
[2016-11-02 10:41:34] <Rane> Fuck
[2016-11-02 10:41:38] <Rane> RIGGGED
[2016-11-02 10:41:49] <Rane> Bush hid his emails too
[2016-11-02 10:41:53] <Rane> Bush was a warcriminal too

[2016-11-02 10:41:57] <jayssan> agreed

[2016-11-02 10:41:58] <Rane> But I don t hear you yapping about him
[2016-11-02 10:42:00] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/7938217
[2016-11-02 10:42:00] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @officialmcafee (John McAfee): No. My hacker
s work naked. An erection is the first sign they ve broken in. For the women, th
ey slide off their cha https://t.co/8GhZpIUvx6 (15 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 10:42:02] <Eck> top kek https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwQxffUWYAAHCyJ.
[2016-11-02 10:42:03] <jayssan> because he s irrelevant?
[2016-11-02 10:42:03] <Rane> Fuck both of them
[2016-11-02 10:42:07] <Rane> no he s not
[2016-11-02 10:42:14] <jayssan> yes he is
[2016-11-02 10:42:15] <Rane> As long as ISIS survives he s relevant
[2016-11-02 10:42:18] <Rane> cause his fucked up war
[2016-11-02 10:42:20] <jayssan> nope
[2016-11-02 10:42:21] <jayssan> he s irrelevant
[2016-11-02 10:42:22] <Rane> caused Iraq to destabilise
[2016-11-02 10:42:25] <Rane> And caused ISIS to emerge
[2016-11-02 10:42:31] <jayssan> hillary was a great proponent for that war
[2016-11-02 10:42:32] <Rane> you can deny all you want it s true
[2016-11-02 10:42:35] <Rane> true
[2016-11-02 10:42:38] <Rane> but he gave the green ligt
[2016-11-02 10:42:40] <Rane> he proposed it
[2016-11-02 10:42:42] <jayssan> and bush jr was too fucking dumb and puppeteered
to do anything about it
[2016-11-02 10:42:45] <Rane> Clinton is basically a new female Bush
[2016-11-02 10:42:46] <Rane> which sucks
[2016-11-02 10:42:51] <Rane> but I d take bush over Trump anyday
[2016-11-02 10:43:00] <Rane> So was Trump, he s a puppet Jayssan
[2016-11-02 10:43:05] <Rane> Putin will make him his bitch
[2016-11-02 10:43:19] <Eck> under a week left until all of this bullshit is over
and i collect my winnings
[2016-11-02 10:43:21] <Eck> pls hurry
[2016-11-02 10:43:28] <jayssan> putin is a legend
[2016-11-02 10:43:36] <jayssan> he literally wants to actually just wipe out ter
[2016-11-02 10:43:36] <Rane> Putin murders his political opponents
[2016-11-02 10:43:38] <jayssan> and thats all
[2016-11-02 10:43:49] <Rane> I can t believe jayssan means all that
[2016-11-02 10:43:53] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/ZeddRebel/status/793821401895
[2016-11-02 10:43:53] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @ZeddRebel (Zeddonymous): Radical Confedera
te Terrorism #SayTheWords (18 minutes and 8 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:43:55] <Rane> a SCW mod can t be that stupid
[2016-11-02 10:44:12] <jayssan> pot calls the kettle black
[2016-11-02 10:44:12] <Eck> putin should be world president tbh
[2016-11-02 10:44:13] <Rane> so from now on I ll assume he s joking
[2016-11-02 10:44:16] <Eck> "making the world a safer place"
[2016-11-02 10:44:18] <Rane> Hahah jayssan nice joke
[2016-11-02 10:44:22] <jayssan> what joke
[2016-11-02 10:44:22] <Rane> Trump president hahah nice joke
[2016-11-02 10:44:26] <jayssan> you re an ignoramus
[2016-11-02 10:44:31] <Rane> Trump is a joke
[2016-11-02 10:44:34] <jayssan> agreed
[2016-11-02 10:44:36] <Rane> Saw the video of Halloween in Japan
[2016-11-02 10:44:38] <Rane> ?
[2016-11-02 10:44:43] <Rane> Japanese dressed up as Trump
[2016-11-02 10:44:45] <Rane> making fun of him
[2016-11-02 10:44:47] <Rane> and his wall etc

[2016-11-02 10:44:50] <jayssan> but i d easily rather a joke than a P S Y C H O

[2016-11-02 10:44:53] <Eck> Rane: did you know..
[2016-11-02 10:44:53] <Rane> Whew your president is a joke already
[2016-11-02 10:44:55] <jayssan> i cant believe i have to keep saying this
[2016-11-02 10:45:06] <jayssan> unproven rapist > proven genocidal maniac
[2016-11-02 10:45:08] <Rane> Jayssan every leader in history is a murderer
[2016-11-02 10:45:08] <Eck> I M A KREMLIN AGENT
[2016-11-02 10:45:09] <jayssan> any day of the week
[2016-11-02 10:45:11] <Rane> look at Putin
[2016-11-02 10:45:13] <jayssan> saying anything else is retarded
[2016-11-02 10:45:14] <Rane> Look at Caesar
[2016-11-02 10:45:14] <winnilourson> can you prove that clinton has ordered any
murders tho?
[2016-11-02 10:45:16] <Rane> look at Obama
[2016-11-02 10:45:18] <jayssan> yes
[2016-11-02 10:45:20] <Rane> all of them got blood on their hands
[2016-11-02 10:45:26] <jayssan> its this little thing called wikileaks
[2016-11-02 10:45:28] <Rane> But at least they knew what they were doing
[2016-11-02 10:45:29] <jayssan> not too well known
[2016-11-02 10:45:34] <winnilourson> there s nothing on wikileaks dude lol
[2016-11-02 10:45:35] <jayssan> definitely hasnt been raping the internet for th
e past months
[2016-11-02 10:45:38] <BugInAJar> At this point I no longer care who is presiden
[2016-11-02 10:45:40] <Naenil> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwQ8MEdWcAAdrtR.jpg:l
[2016-11-02 10:45:45] <BugInAJar> It is what it is
[2016-11-02 10:45:46] <Rane> anyone but Trump
[2016-11-02 10:45:47] solidus_snake joined (solidus_sna@Snoonet-jkd.06g.k08d80.I
[2016-11-02 10:45:47] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v solidus_snake
[2016-11-02 10:45:47] * Bashar set +o solidus_snake
[2016-11-02 10:45:47] solidus_snake quit (solidus_sna@Snoonet-jkd.06g.k08d80.IP)
: Changing host
[2016-11-02 10:45:47] solidus_snake joined (solidus_sna@syriancivilwar/solidus-s
[2016-11-02 10:45:47] * veronica.snoonet.org set +o solidus_snake
[2016-11-02 10:45:47] * veronica.snoonet.org set +v solidus_snake
[2016-11-02 10:45:49] <Eck> winnilourson: http://www.anonews.co/clintons-kill-li
[2016-11-02 10:45:54] <jayssan> moronic
[2016-11-02 10:45:57] <Rane> lollll Naenil
[2016-11-02 10:45:59] <Rane> fucking lol
[2016-11-02 10:46:01] <Rane> Murica
[2016-11-02 10:46:03] <jayssan> unproven rapist vs proven genocidal maniac
[2016-11-02 10:46:03] <Naenil> How is this even allowed
[2016-11-02 10:46:09] <jayssan> and u pick genocidal maniac
[2016-11-02 10:46:19] <jayssan> there is no higher level of cognitive dissonance
and idiocy
[2016-11-02 10:46:24] <sorzer> https://twitter.com/bpolitics/status/793826494770
[2016-11-02 10:46:24] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @bpolitics (Bloomberg Politics): Clinton Lea
ds Trump by 5 Points in Va.: Winthrop University Poll https://t.co/xoSToC1UFR ht
tps://t.co/wfHFCBH0SA (25 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:46:25] <sorzer> .takbir
[2016-11-02 10:46:25] <wqzz> TAKBIR () TAKBIIIIR
[2016-11-02 10:46:29] <sorzer> blue wall lads
[2016-11-02 10:46:32] <BugInAJar> .bang
[2016-11-02 10:46:32] <wqzz> BugInAJar: There is no Islamist. What are you shoot

ing at?
[2016-11-02 10:46:33] <Rane> idk Naenil
[2016-11-02 10:46:36] <Rane> murica
[2016-11-02 10:46:37] <BugInAJar> Oh
[2016-11-02 10:46:42] <Eck> sorzer: >bloomberg
[2016-11-02 10:46:45] <Eck> they should give up tbh
[2016-11-02 10:46:48] <winnilourson> nothing either, there s not even circumstan
tial evidence. dude you are a law student, we both know this won t hold in court
[2016-11-02 10:46:49] <sorzer> >winthrop unitversity
[2016-11-02 10:46:58] <winnilourson> nvm eck send it to me
[2016-11-02 10:47:04] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/ianbremmer/status/79376310787
tent=793811482349887489 LOL
[2016-11-02 10:47:04] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @ianbremmer (ian bremmer): WTF, Boris. Your
job is to literally represent the UK. https://t.co/7kBCJKD1Pg (4 hours and 12 mi
nutes ago)
[2016-11-02 10:47:14] <winnilourson> lol ian bremmer so based
[2016-11-02 10:47:19] <Naenil> lmao winnilourson
[2016-11-02 10:47:20] <BugInAJar> Anyway
[2016-11-02 10:47:26] <BugInAJar> You must me at least 14
[2016-11-02 10:47:31] <BugInAJar> For marriage in tx
[2016-11-02 10:47:34] <BugInAJar> *be
[2016-11-02 10:47:36] <Rane> whewwww
[2016-11-02 10:47:49] <Rane> there s 15 year old widows even
[2016-11-02 10:47:53] <Rane> how absurd
[2016-11-02 10:48:02] <BugInAJar> Actually I think
[2016-11-02 10:48:03] <Naenil> How can you get marriage at 15 but age of consent
is 18
[2016-11-02 10:48:04] <BugInAJar> It has change
[2016-11-02 10:48:10] <BugInAJar> 16 to 18
[2016-11-02 10:48:16] <BugInAJar> Age of consent is 17 here
[2016-11-02 10:48:16] <Naenil> Don t tell me this is logical
[2016-11-02 10:48:26] <Eck> omg https://twitter.com/SteveRattner/status/79381844
[2016-11-02 10:48:26] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @SteveRattner (Steven Rattner): What s lost
in the drama over Clinton emails: there are some that show her genuine humanity
and compassion: https://t.co/XSuHxIfRkD (34 minutes and 27 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:48:26] <Rane> Naenil who said Texas has to make sense
[2016-11-02 10:48:29] <Eck> people are so dumb
[2016-11-02 10:48:33] <BugInAJar> Pls rane
[2016-11-02 10:48:34] <Eck> look at the replies
[2016-11-02 10:48:40] <Eck> @SteveRattner @neeratanden Thank you! People forget
that she is human. And by all accounts, a good one.
[2016-11-02 10:48:41] <Eck> wew
[2016-11-02 10:48:46] <Eck> literally get your head checked
[2016-11-02 10:49:05] <jayssan> hahahaha
[2016-11-02 10:49:10] <Eck> https://twitter.com/CNNPolitics/status/7938263594999
[2016-11-02 10:49:10] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @CNNPolitics (CNN Politics): BREAKING: Obama
makes his first public comments about the FBI disclosing its new review into Cl
inton-related emails https://t.co/Jd3AnTDNex (3 minutes and 43 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:49:11] rane2 joined (Rane@Snoonet-n3f.lfr.s89hrp.IP)
[2016-11-02 10:49:11] * quokka.snoonet.org set +v rane2
[2016-11-02 10:49:11] rane2 quit (Rane@Snoonet-n3f.lfr.s89hrp.IP): Changing host
[2016-11-02 10:49:11] rane2 joined (Rane@user/Rane)
[2016-11-02 10:49:11] * veronica.snoonet.org set +v rane2
[2016-11-02 10:49:13] <rane2> says his own daughter is a piece of ass
[2016-11-02 10:49:14] <Eck> kek
[2016-11-02 10:49:17] <rane2> trump said that

[2016-11-02 10:49:21] <rane2> and christians vote for him

[2016-11-02 10:49:24] <rane2> there s no sense in him
[2016-11-02 10:49:27] <rane2> *it
[2016-11-02 10:49:28] <jayssan> >29,995 emails of federal crimes
[2016-11-02 10:49:28] <sorzer> https://twitter.com/endeavoringE/status/793827119
[2016-11-02 10:49:28] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @endeavoringE (Elmira Bayrasli): Turkey pla
ys up African expansion https://t.co/io2DHH65FH (60 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:49:28] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/ianbremmer/status/79381513402
[2016-11-02 10:49:28] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @ianbremmer (ian bremmer): Venezuela preside
nt Maduro does the famous fiscal-responsibility dance. Like the rain dance, only
more desperate. https://t.co/A8j7ED5UDM (48 minutes and 38 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:49:29] <sorzer> LOL
[2016-11-02 10:49:29] <Naenil> lmaooo
[2016-11-02 10:49:32] <jayssan> >5 "human emails"
[2016-11-02 10:49:39] <jayssan> "OGM SHE"S SO NICE"
[2016-11-02 10:49:49] <Eck> KEK
[2016-11-02 10:49:50] sorzer quit (thunderingg@user/sorzer): Client exited
[2016-11-02 10:49:51] Rane quit (Rane@user/Rane): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/
- A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 10:49:55] <Naenil> Long live clinton
[2016-11-02 10:50:05] <rane2> I hope she wins
[2016-11-02 10:50:18] <rane2> I will constantly bring it up around jayssan
[2016-11-02 10:50:26] <jayssan> i dont actually care because im not american
[2016-11-02 10:50:32] <jayssan> i just dont like stupidity in general
[2016-11-02 10:50:35] <rane2> > don t care
[2016-11-02 10:50:37] <jayssan> and you re exuding quite a bit of it
[2016-11-02 10:50:39] <Eck> i care because i bet 3k on trump
[2016-11-02 10:50:41] <Eck> thats the only reason
[2016-11-02 10:50:42] <rane2> > spends half an hour defending trump
[2016-11-02 10:50:48] <jayssan> not defending trump
[2016-11-02 10:50:50] <jayssan> defending logic
[2016-11-02 10:50:53] <rane2> "logic"
[2016-11-02 10:50:54] <jayssan> which you are completely bereft of
[2016-11-02 10:50:55] <rane2> k sure thing
[2016-11-02 10:50:57] <rane2> k
[2016-11-02 10:51:01] <jayssan> again, i reiterate
[2016-11-02 10:51:07] <rane2> another blocked person in this irc jesus
[2016-11-02 10:51:11] <Eck> wew
[2016-11-02 10:51:15] <jayssan> alleged rapist vs proven genocidal maniac
[2016-11-02 10:51:22] <jayssan> and u picked the genocidal maniac
[2016-11-02 10:51:24] <jayssan> no logic there
[2016-11-02 10:51:25] <jayssan> moron
[2016-11-02 10:51:31] <rane2> so far i got dumbass, ganja and jayssan blocked
[2016-11-02 10:51:45] <Naenil> i ve seen recently someone claiming that hillary
is reponsible for 500k syrian death
[2016-11-02 10:51:47] <Naenil> made me kek
[2016-11-02 10:51:47] <jayssan> another pussy bites the dust lol
[2016-11-02 10:51:52] <rane2> lol whut
[2016-11-02 10:52:04] <rane2> naenil
[2016-11-02 10:52:10] <rane2> west-virginia has more childmarriages than Texas
[2016-11-02 10:52:10] <rane2> what
[2016-11-02 10:52:21] <jayssan> another cuck-notch in my belt kek
[2016-11-02 10:52:31] <Eck> what time is it in aus jayssan
[2016-11-02 10:52:37] <jayssan> 2am
[2016-11-02 10:52:41] <Eck> jesus
[2016-11-02 10:52:46] <jayssan> yeah finna go sleep
[2016-11-02 10:52:47] <Naenil> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VsieYM4NZE
[2016-11-02 10:52:47] <jayssan> gotta study

[2016-11-02 10:52:47] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Cor Vivaldi - Leck mir den Arsch fein recht sc
hon sauber - W A Mozart - 5/14 - length 2m 51s - N/A, N/A (N/A) - 86,649 views - CorViva
ldi Televisi on 2014.02.03
[2016-11-02 10:52:56] <Eck> that s weird its 3pm here
[2016-11-02 10:53:04] <Eck> almost 12 hours in the future
[2016-11-02 10:53:05] berx joined (berx@Snoonet-255.hdp.hc4sjc.IP)
[2016-11-02 10:53:11] <berx> https://twitter.com/Herekol_Kurd/status/79382753193
3773824 troll?
[2016-11-02 10:53:11] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @Herekol_Kurd (Kurd Herekol): #BreakingNews
: Syrian Army has launched an operation to receive AlBab from #ISIS - Reports #T
witterKurds https://t.co/baMv1g9M7D (3 minutes and 5 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 10:53:11] sisisi joined (AndChat5799@user/sisisi)
[2016-11-02 10:53:11] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v sisisi
[2016-11-02 10:53:24] <sisisi> Silav
[2016-11-02 10:53:36] <Naenil> remember raqqah offensive berx
[2016-11-02 10:53:36] <Eck> >kurd herekol
[2016-11-02 10:53:39] <Eck> that name sounds memeish
[2016-11-02 10:53:42] <berx> silab
[2016-11-02 10:53:44] <berx> yes
[2016-11-02 10:53:45] <rane2> holy shit
[2016-11-02 10:53:46] <rane2> i got lucky
[2016-11-02 10:53:50] <rane2> that i m leaving
[2016-11-02 10:53:54] <berx> they whent 60 km in few days
[2016-11-02 10:53:57] <jayssan> .tell ganja triggered rane and he blocked me, to
p kek
[2016-11-02 10:53:58] <Mossad> jayssan: I ll pass that on when ganja is around.
[2016-11-02 10:54:04] <berx> and whenyt back 100 km
[2016-11-02 10:54:10] <rane2> government pushed through a law in belgium that pe
ople on wellfare have to work community service
[2016-11-02 10:54:25] <rane2> it s effective rn
[2016-11-02 10:54:43] sorzer joined (thunderingg@user/sorzer)
[2016-11-02 10:54:43] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v sorzer
[2016-11-02 10:54:43] * Bashar set +o sorzer
[2016-11-02 10:54:44] <rane2> "hey rane you need to go to that community service
thing btw"
[2016-11-02 10:54:47] <rane2> "LMAO FUCK YOU"
[2016-11-02 10:54:56] <rane2> - sent from my Nokia in Syria
[2016-11-02 10:55:07] Arab_Moroccan joined (Arab_Morocc@user/Arab-Moroccan/x-515
[2016-11-02 10:55:07] * tx.snoonet.org set +v Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 10:55:13] <Arab_Moroccan> Hello all
[2016-11-02 10:55:19] <rane2> hey Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 10:55:30] katzenscheisse quit (katzenschei@Snoonet-9dt.mbo.sp3500.IP
): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 10:55:47] <winnilourson> hey arab_morrocan
[2016-11-02 10:56:24] <DLAMN> sorzer are you ready for oil prices to drop again
[2016-11-02 10:57:12] <sorzer> DLAMN: yeah its crazy man, i read somewhere its d
own more than 10% over the past two weeks
[2016-11-02 10:57:16] <berx> is there still prostest in morroco ?
[2016-11-02 10:57:22] <sorzer> DLAMN: its nice living in a country that isnt just
a gas station for the rest of the world
[2016-11-02 10:57:42] <DLAMN> lol
[2016-11-02 10:58:05] <sorzer> havent seen much berx
[2016-11-02 10:58:18] <DLAMN> sorzer here: Energy Information Administration (EI
A) reported that US crude oil inventories came in at 14.420 million, significant
ly above the forecast at 1.1013 million.
[2016-11-02 10:58:21] <sorzer> looks like something might be planned for nov 6 t
ho https://www.facebook.com/events/330032080704554/?notif_t=plan_user_invited&no
tif_id=1478041874000220 berx
[2016-11-02 10:58:27] <sorzer> DLAMN: lmao

[2016-11-02 10:58:28] <winnilourson> jayssan sorzer naenil solidus_snake prky008

[2016-11-02 10:58:31] <winnilourson> look at the
[2016-11-02 10:58:33] <jayssan> yo
[2016-11-02 10:58:33] <DLAMN> This is the largest weekly build in crude inventor
ies since at least 1984,
[2016-11-02 10:58:36] <winnilourson> slack msg i just posted
[2016-11-02 10:58:40] <sorzer> thats absurd
[2016-11-02 10:58:43] <Naenil> Agreed winnilourson
[2016-11-02 10:58:45] <sorzer> did you see this DLAMN http://www.reuters.com/art
[2016-11-02 10:58:58] <berx> berber need demend end of the gay king
[2016-11-02 10:59:08] <DLAMN> lol yeah sorzer. that s not very far from me smh
[2016-11-02 10:59:09] <berx> berebr need to rule morroco
[2016-11-02 10:59:27] <sorzer> lol
[2016-11-02 10:59:43] <Arab_Moroccan> berx why=
[2016-11-02 10:59:50] <Arab_Moroccan> ?
[2016-11-02 11:00:02] <berx> berber need rule not arabs
[2016-11-02 11:00:20] <sorzer> https://twitter.com/BuzzFeedNews/status/793801049
[2016-11-02 11:00:20] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @BuzzFeedNews (BuzzFeed News): Suspect in th
e Des Moines Police shooting held Confederate flag at high school event https://
t.co/5QjSkJitVF https://t.co/2ENWDEnSO8 (1 hour and 55 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 11:00:24] <sorzer> definitely not a trump supporter
[2016-11-02 11:00:45] <sorzer> #freewesternsahara berx
[2016-11-02 11:01:06] <berx> biji
[2016-11-02 11:01:13] <emr1028_> yat, ping
[2016-11-02 11:01:29] <berx> did you see vice news with westshara milltia
[2016-11-02 11:01:39] <berx> the made underground tunnels in de desert
[2016-11-02 11:02:19] <sorzer> http://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-head-makes-unp
[2016-11-02 11:02:20] <sorzer> wew
[2016-11-02 11:02:30] <sorzer> meshal wants to join the plo
[2016-11-02 11:02:53] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/em_bernadin/status/7938293761
06242048 sisisi
[2016-11-02 11:02:53] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @em_bernadin (Robin Ron): It seems the trust
ee appointed to Amed Municipality from Turkish capital Ankara, who took office t
oday, isn t that https://t.co/cC9DslUIQz (5 minutes and 27 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 11:02:53] <rane2> lol sorzer
[2016-11-02 11:02:56] <rane2> that confederate dishit
[2016-11-02 11:03:02] <sorzer> yea
[2016-11-02 11:03:55] oddRaven quit (Ravenous@user/oddRaven): Quit: :tiuQ
[2016-11-02 11:05:28] <wqzz>  ( ) ALLAH U AKBAR
[2016-11-02 11:05:49] <berx> https://youtu.be/ju4WrjiJbGc?t=12m39s
[2016-11-02 11:05:49] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] The Sahara s Forgotten War (Full Length) - leng
th 36m 42s - 1,498 likes, 604 dislikes (71.3%) - 312,341 views - VICE News on 2014.07.21
[2016-11-02 11:05:52] <berx> .ban
[2016-11-02 11:05:52] <wqzz> berx you shot an Islamist in 23.823 seconds! You ha
ve killed 2 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 11:05:56] <berx> tek bir
[2016-11-02 11:07:53] <Naenil> .quote
[2016-11-02 11:07:53] <Mossad> Quote 1571 of 2652: <%OPPRESSED_TURK> i drink bee
[2016-11-02 11:07:56] <Naenil> .quote
[2016-11-02 11:07:57] <Mossad> Quote 859 of 2652: <yetanothertravel > When I was
a child we used to water board each other
[2016-11-02 11:08:18] <Arab_Moroccan> berx are you moroccan?
[2016-11-02 11:08:23] <sisisi> Pruswa
[2016-11-02 11:08:31] <berx> no
[2016-11-02 11:08:47] <winnilourson> lol arab_moroccan do you speak french?
[2016-11-02 11:08:52] <berx> yes

[2016-11-02 11:08:58] <berx> french acuupation

[2016-11-02 11:09:10] <Arab_Moroccan> berx The berbers don t want a berber count
ry, most of the berbers are arabized and they want a country with arab principle
[2016-11-02 11:09:11] <berx> occupation
[2016-11-02 11:09:20] rane2 quit (Rane@user/Rane): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/
- A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 11:09:26] <Arab_Moroccan> I dont speak french because i was born and
raised in The Netherlands.
[2016-11-02 11:09:39] <Pruswa> sisisi:
[2016-11-02 11:09:49] <berx> but un till this day berber are treatment like shit
[2016-11-02 11:09:57] <Arab_Moroccan> berx that s not true
[2016-11-02 11:10:21] <Arab_Moroccan> 80% of the Moroccans are berbers and most
of them are in the parlement
[2016-11-02 11:10:59] <Arab_Moroccan> Moroccans are berbers but they ve been ara
bised within these centuries.
[2016-11-02 11:11:34] <berx> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AflUGufWhJs
[2016-11-02 11:11:34] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Ordinaire gevecht in Marokkaanse parlement - le
ngth 44s - 17 likes, 6 dislikes (73.9%) - 33,797 views - ArabNieuws on 2011.11.11
[2016-11-02 11:11:35] <winnilourson> you sound like an arab nationalist lol
[2016-11-02 11:11:36] <Naenil> So Geert Wilders is your Arch Ennemy Arab_Morocca
n ?
[2016-11-02 11:11:40] <Naenil> he s baathist winnilourson
[2016-11-02 11:11:44] <winnilourson> oh
[2016-11-02 11:11:48] <winnilourson> that explains it tbh
[2016-11-02 11:12:03] <winnilourson> nothing wrong with being one
[2016-11-02 11:12:11] <winnilourson> its just that it does form part of your cor
e identity
[2016-11-02 11:12:17] <Naenil> Most baathists in the subreddit are banned tbh
[2016-11-02 11:12:24] <Naenil> For being dipshits
[2016-11-02 11:12:27] <Arab_Moroccan> Geert Wilders -_- he s annoying but i can
understand where he s coming from
[2016-11-02 11:12:39] <Naenil> Except bolts but he s always 5cm away from a perm
[2016-11-02 11:12:57] <Arab_Moroccan> There s are many kind of Baathists ;)
[2016-11-02 11:13:06] <Naenil> Also I noticed most baathists are diaspora
[2016-11-02 11:13:12] <Arab_Moroccan> A Syrian Baathist is not the same as an Ir
aqi one ;)
[2016-11-02 11:13:21] <Naenil> yeah you guys are pr good at killing each other
[2016-11-02 11:13:26] <winnilourson> the only true baath party is the egyptian o
[2016-11-02 11:13:35] <winnilourson> you guys are just a pale copy of the real t
[2016-11-02 11:13:37] <Arab_Moroccan> Jamal Abdu Nasser ;)
[2016-11-02 11:13:39] <winnilourson> ;)
[2016-11-02 11:13:48] <sorzer> https://twitter.com/RudawEnglish/status/793796540
[2016-11-02 11:13:48] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @RudawEnglish (Rudaw English): #BREAKING: Tu
rkeys President @RT_Erdogan says they will build 5000KM safe zone inside Syria. h
ttps://t.co/GgAUzZIV6Q (2 hours and 26 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 11:13:50] <sorzer> SAFE ZONE
[2016-11-02 11:13:52] <sorzer> 5000KM
[2016-11-02 11:13:54] <winnilourson> arab diaspora in europe tends to be weird
[2016-11-02 11:13:55] <sorzer> SOURIA BTFO
[2016-11-02 11:13:58] <sorzer> OTTOMANS CONFIRMED
[2016-11-02 11:14:01] <Arab_Moroccan> We all love Jamaal Abdu Naser
[2016-11-02 11:14:17] <Arab_Moroccan> And we all have his potret in our houses
[2016-11-02 11:14:19] <Naenil> nasser is a loser
[2016-11-02 11:14:28] <Arab_Moroccan> Sure
[2016-11-02 11:14:28] <Naenil> marg bar balestin

[2016-11-02 11:14:33] <Arab_Moroccan> but he atleast tried

[2016-11-02 11:14:39] <winnilourson> well nasser did get
[2016-11-02 11:14:42] <winnilourson> beat up by israel
[2016-11-02 11:14:43] <winnilourson> so
[2016-11-02 11:14:45] <winnilourson> there s that
[2016-11-02 11:15:02] <Naenil> https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empire_toucouleur w
innilourson the real multicultural empire
[2016-11-02 11:15:14] <Arab_Moroccan> Israel beats everyone :(
[2016-11-02 11:15:32] <Naenil> Who would win? 3 millions jew V. 200 millions ara
[2016-11-02 11:15:35] <Arab_Moroccan> It even beats Americans by letting America
n ppl work for their security
[2016-11-02 11:15:41] <Naenil> (iirc those were the demographics at this time)
[2016-11-02 11:15:57] <BugInAJar> No one beats americans
[2016-11-02 11:16:05] <Arab_Moroccan> If i would work in America i would feel si
ck by knowing that i m paying tax for Israel
[2016-11-02 11:16:14] <Naenil> lol
[2016-11-02 11:16:32] <Naenil> I m probably going in tel aviv soon
[2016-11-02 11:16:36] <Naenil> I hope
[2016-11-02 11:16:45] <Arab_Moroccan> Really?
[2016-11-02 11:16:46] <berx> https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/793825753
[2016-11-02 11:16:46] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @IvanSidorenko1 (Ivan Sidorenko): #Syria #A
leppo #To_Al_Bab #To_AlBab #AlBab #Al_Bab #SAA #SyrianArmy #SyrianArabArmy https
://t.co/09NTwrxfqj (33 minutes and 44 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 11:16:58] <Naenil> A colleague mod lives there Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 11:17:28] <Arab_Moroccan> I would love to visist the beaches of tel
aviv one day
[2016-11-02 11:17:37] <Arab_Moroccan> visit*
[2016-11-02 11:17:59] <Naenil> I mean it seems like a fairly dank global city
[2016-11-02 11:18:08] <Naenil> The rest of israel not so much obviously
[2016-11-02 11:18:22] <Naenil> Although there is one town slightly northern that
is twinned with my own city
[2016-11-02 11:18:23] <Naenil> Jafo?
[2016-11-02 11:18:38] <Naenil> Akra
[2016-11-02 11:18:39] <Naenil> Acre
[2016-11-02 11:18:49] <Naenil> Akkp
[2016-11-02 11:18:51] <Naenil> Akko *
[2016-11-02 11:19:09] <Naenil> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/
[2016-11-02 11:20:00] Schweini joined (Schweini@Snoonet-itr.6nd.tgg5hc.IP)
[2016-11-02 11:20:13] <Naenil> It s the "arab tel aviv" Arab_Moroccan in the sen
se that most of the population is arab israeli, but got the same liberal culture
than TA
[2016-11-02 11:21:00] <Arab_Moroccan> What is an Arab israeli?
[2016-11-02 11:21:08] <Arab_Moroccan> Are those muslim or jewish?
[2016-11-02 11:23:05] <Naenil> According to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statis
tics, there are 46,300 citizens in Acre. Acre s population is mixed with Jews an
d Arabs. Most Arabs are Muslims and Christians, with small minorities of Druze a
nd Baha i. Jews are 67.1% of the city s population, Muslim Arabs are 25.3% of th
e city s population, Christian Arabs are 2.4% of the city s population and other
citizens make up 5.2% of the city s population.[citation needed]
[2016-11-02 11:23:15] <Naenil> According to the Israeli Central Office of Statis
tics, 95% of the residents in the Old City are Arab.[46] Only about 15% percent
of the current Arab population in the city descends from families who lived ther
e before 1948.[47] In 1999, there were 22 schools in Acre with an enrollment of
15,000 children.[48]
[2016-11-02 11:23:25] <Naenil> You can be arab israeli muslim you know
[2016-11-02 11:23:50] <Naenil> Or arab israeli christian
[2016-11-02 11:24:07] <Arab_Moroccan> I see

[2016-11-02 11:24:19] <Arab_Moroccan> Are they also obligated to serve in the ID

[2016-11-02 11:24:26] <Naenil> In the year arounds the foundation of israel/afte
[2016-11-02 11:24:33] <Naenil> I think muslims have a derogation Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 11:24:52] <Naenil> A lot of sepharadim jews left/were kicked out of
a lot of arab countries
[2016-11-02 11:24:56] <Naenil> Like morroco in particular
[2016-11-02 11:25:11] <Naenil> (especially since morroco was in foreign hands)
[2016-11-02 11:25:20] <Schweini> https://twitter.com/GissiSim/status/79382782832
4270080 this sounds alot like a smearing campaign
[2016-11-02 11:25:20] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @GissiSim (Gissur Simonarson): Black church
torched last night in Mississippi &amp; "VOTE TRUMP" spray painted on the side..
. https://t.co/ab9f1L7Pxr https://t.co/cjxjae7vD4 (34 minutes and 3 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 11:25:23] <jayssan> they re blood traitors is what they are
[2016-11-02 11:25:31] <Schweini> im not a trump supporter
[2016-11-02 11:25:34] <Schweini> but srsly
[2016-11-02 11:25:58] <Naenil> It s missisipi tho
[2016-11-02 11:26:02] <Arab_Moroccan> Naenil true, many Moroccan jews in Israel.
[2016-11-02 11:26:05] <sisisi> Arab_moroccan
[2016-11-02 11:26:13] <sisisi> Overthrow that degenerate king
[2016-11-02 11:26:17] <Naenil> You don t even consider arab sunnis as your kin h
ow can you say this jayssan
[2016-11-02 11:26:22] <sisisi> and establish multi ethnic morocco
[2016-11-02 11:26:23] <Schweini> perfect place to hit them Naenil
[2016-11-02 11:26:28] <Arab_Moroccan> sisisi We don t want to become a second Sy
ria ;)
[2016-11-02 11:26:29] <sisisi> You cunts
[2016-11-02 11:27:00] <sisisi> Amazighs are getting their identity back
[2016-11-02 11:27:02] <Naenil> Yeah, especially since the KKK endorsement black
missisipians are probably angered Schweini
[2016-11-02 11:27:03] <sisisi> So glorious
[2016-11-02 11:27:10] <Naenil> Amazingh
[2016-11-02 11:27:25] <Schweini> yhyh
[2016-11-02 11:27:27] <Arab_Moroccan> Fk Amazigh ;)
[2016-11-02 11:27:52] <Naenil> There was an algerian that went here Arab_Morocca
n he trolled morrocan stance on sahara
[2016-11-02 11:27:55] <Arab_Moroccan> We will destroy them if its needed
[2016-11-02 11:27:57] <jayssan> naenil that s a meme I have sunni friends
[2016-11-02 11:28:10] <Naenil> I bet they re indonesian jayssan
[2016-11-02 11:28:17] <sisisi> >we will destroy them if needed
[2016-11-02 11:28:29] <Arab_Moroccan> Algerians are good ppl, the only problem w
ith them is the western Sahara question
[2016-11-02 11:28:30] <jayssan> lebanese, malaysian, syrian
[2016-11-02 11:28:31] <sisisi> nigga, you had fuckin millenia
[2016-11-02 11:28:34] <sisisi> AHAHHAHHAAH
[2016-11-02 11:28:47] <Naenil> My brother went in malaysia jayssan
[2016-11-02 11:28:53] <Naenil> He loved it, except kuala lampur
[2016-11-02 11:28:58] <Arab_Moroccan> I ve been in Malaysia before
[2016-11-02 11:28:59] <sisisi> I bet arab_moroccan is baathist
[2016-11-02 11:29:14] <Naenil> He actually is sisisi
[2016-11-02 11:29:16] <Arab_Moroccan> Kuala Lumpur is cool
[2016-11-02 11:29:18] <sisisi> I
[2016-11-02 11:29:20] <sisisi> FUCKIN
[2016-11-02 11:29:21] <Arab_Moroccan> Sisisi I am
[2016-11-02 11:29:23] <sisisi> KNEW IT
[2016-11-02 11:29:37] <sisisi> MY BAATH-O-METER WORKS PERFECTLY
[2016-11-02 11:29:38] <sisisi> TBH
[2016-11-02 11:29:44] <Arab_Moroccan> lol !
[2016-11-02 11:29:55] <winnilourson> should i order a poke bowl

[2016-11-02 11:29:57] <Arab_Moroccan> How do you know if someone is Baathi?

[2016-11-02 11:30:00] <winnilourson> or a fancy ass salad
[2016-11-02 11:30:01] <winnilourson> naenil?
[2016-11-02 11:30:08] <jayssan> salad is for chumps
[2016-11-02 11:30:16] <Naenil> poke bowl winnilourson ?
[2016-11-02 11:30:20] <winnilourson> http://lepokebar.com/
[2016-11-02 11:30:25] <winnilourson> .g mandy s salad
[2016-11-02 11:30:26] <wqzz> winnilourson: https://www.facebook.com/mandyssalads
-- Mandy s | Facebook: "Mandy s is very hit or miss. At best, you get a premium q
uality salad at a premium price very tasty, lots of fresh ing... redients, and v
[2016-11-02 11:30:32] <Naenil> Retarded statements Arab_Moroccan (no offense)
[2016-11-02 11:30:37] <sisisi> Because only a baathist would say unapolegeticall
y and unironically and unsubtly would call for cleanse of entire people in arab
dominated societies
[2016-11-02 11:30:40] <sisisi> Thats why
[2016-11-02 11:30:40] <Schweini> baathist who is pro peshmerga sisisi
[2016-11-02 11:30:40] <Naenil> winnilourson, is your lob going at all the restau
rants of quebec
[2016-11-02 11:30:44] <sisisi> Works every time
[2016-11-02 11:30:47] <Naenil> job
[2016-11-02 11:30:55] <Arab_Moroccan> Naenil haha ;)
[2016-11-02 11:30:55] <winnilourson> one or the other
[2016-11-02 11:31:00] <sisisi> Even j*hadis do it subtly
[2016-11-02 11:31:01] <winnilourson> no lol iwork next to those 2 tbh
[2016-11-02 11:31:04] <sorzer> https://twitter.com/lisatozzi/status/793837739603
[2016-11-02 11:31:04] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @lisatozzi (Lisa Tozzi): Teen Who Allegedly
Got Weiner Sexts Upset With Comey https://t.co/roK7ym9AgA (24 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 11:31:05] <winnilourson> not htat far awya *
[2016-11-02 11:31:05] <sorzer> LOL
[2016-11-02 11:31:15] <Naenil> Judging from your FB activity winnilourson ..
[2016-11-02 11:31:24] <Arab_Moroccan> Sisisi i see, there s some truth in that
[2016-11-02 11:31:28] <winnilourson> oh LOL
[2016-11-02 11:31:31] <Naenil> HOLY SHIT 13 DOLLARS FOR A SALAD
[2016-11-02 11:31:32] <sisisi> No shit
[2016-11-02 11:31:34] <winnilourson> no i rarely eat lunch at home
[2016-11-02 11:31:39] <Naenil> yeah same tbh
[2016-11-02 11:31:43] <sisisi> My baath-o-meter is bulletproof
[2016-11-02 11:31:45] <winnilourson> mandy s is lyfe tho
[2016-11-02 11:31:48] <Naenil> There isn t just not that many place in LR winnil
[2016-11-02 11:32:02] <winnilourson> i should retire
[2016-11-02 11:32:09] <winnilourson> move with my maghrebi ass gf to france
[2016-11-02 11:32:15] <Naenil> lol
[2016-11-02 11:32:15] <winnilourson> and sale salads for 15$
[2016-11-02 11:32:30] <Naenil> That s expensive winnilourson
[2016-11-02 11:32:35] <winnilourson> no shit
[2016-11-02 11:32:35] <winnilourson> LOL
[2016-11-02 11:32:37] <Naenil> I know it s dollar n shit
[2016-11-02 11:32:48] <Naenil> But even 10 for a salad holy shit I hope it s goin
g to be a good salad
[2016-11-02 11:32:58] <Pruswa> What the fuck
[2016-11-02 11:33:12] <Naenil> http://www.bbresto.fr/ I have this nearby winnilo
[2016-11-02 11:33:14] ponceybaby quit (ponceybaby@user/ponceybaby): Quit: http:/
/www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 11:33:18] <Pruswa> >46 fucking liras for a salad
[2016-11-02 11:33:36] <Pruswa> You can eat a whole iskender kebab with that here
, from a very expensive place

[2016-11-02 11:33:42] <sisisi> Nigga i can buy 1.8 kgish lamb meat
[2016-11-02 11:33:43] <wqzz>  () Y A ALLAH
[2016-11-02 11:33:45] <sisisi> In Bakur
[2016-11-02 11:33:46] <jayssan> .ban
[2016-11-02 11:33:46] <wqzz> jayssan you shot an Islamist in 3.247 seconds! You
have killed 112 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 11:34:16] <winnilourson> LOL
[2016-11-02 11:35:06] <Naenil> A kebab is 5.50
[2016-11-02 11:35:23] <Naenil> But that s not a "real one" ofc
[2016-11-02 11:35:29] <Naenil> You get what you pay for
[2016-11-02 11:35:50] <Naenil> The lira is dying tho Pruswa
[2016-11-02 11:35:57] <Naenil> .wa 1EUR in TLY
[2016-11-02 11:36:10] <wqzz> Naenil: No results.
[2016-11-02 11:36:15] <Naenil> .wa 1 EUR in TLY
[2016-11-02 11:36:19] <Naenil> .wa 1 EUR in TRY
[2016-11-02 11:36:24] <Naenil> shit
[2016-11-02 11:36:26] <wqzz> Naenil: Result: TL3.47 (Turkish liras) - https://is
[2016-11-02 11:36:29] <Naenil> WHAT
[2016-11-02 11:36:30] <wqzz> Naenil: No results.
[2016-11-02 11:36:42] <Naenil> IT WAS 3.40 YESTERDAY
[2016-11-02 11:39:54] <sisisi> Holy
[2016-11-02 11:39:55] <sisisi> Fuck
[2016-11-02 11:40:00] <sisisi> Ita goin bonkers
[2016-11-02 11:40:04] <sisisi> And no one cares
[2016-11-02 11:40:11] <sisisi> Thats chilling part
[2016-11-02 11:40:12] <Naenil> no headline on it sisisi ?
[2016-11-02 11:40:17] <sisisi> Lmao no
[2016-11-02 11:40:26] <sisisi> Erdo is smart motherfucker
[2016-11-02 11:40:27] <Naenil> I swear a 10% movement of any currency in any cou
[2016-11-02 11:40:31] <Naenil> Would make the headlines
[2016-11-02 11:40:40] <Naenil> (10%/month)
[2016-11-02 11:40:51] <sisisi> all headlines are "KILL KURD TERRORIST FARM ANIMA
[2016-11-02 11:40:54] <sisisi> Etc
[2016-11-02 11:41:04] <Naenil> Importing will be a pain now sisisi
[2016-11-02 11:41:10] <sisisi> "PKK FETO"
[2016-11-02 11:41:38] <Naenil> At least exporting will be powerful (but to expor
t what? Tell me sisisi what turkish products am I buying)
[2016-11-02 11:41:52] <sorzer> pkk-gulen-chp-radiohead axis confirmed
[2016-11-02 11:41:54] <Naenil> Like as a western consumer, what do you buy that
is made in turkey
[2016-11-02 11:42:11] <Naenil> The forex markets are guleinist sorzer
[2016-11-02 11:42:15] <sorzer> true
[2016-11-02 11:42:39] <sisisi> Clothes and shit
[2016-11-02 11:42:46] <sisisi> I guess Naenil
[2016-11-02 11:43:51] AndChat|579921 joined (AndChat5799@Snoonet-bj8.fh4.0tu59h.
[2016-11-02 11:44:19] <Arab_Moroccan> https://youtu.be/YC-0AWLDCeM This Baath so
ng always takes me back to the good old days :(
[2016-11-02 11:44:20] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] 
 - length 2m 22s on 2011.05.04
[2016-11-02 11:44:40] <Naenil> and now, what do turks buy from the west sisisi ;
[2016-11-02 11:45:11] <Naenil> Should I go to the barber
[2016-11-02 11:45:32] <Schweini> 500000000000000000000 PKK LDRMMMMM
[2016-11-02 11:45:44] <Naenil> Schweini, sisisi should I cut my hairs http://i.i
[2016-11-02 11:45:50] <Naenil> hair*

[2016-11-02 11:45:59] <Schweini> looks qt

[2016-11-02 11:46:15] <Schweini> u would look good with a combover
[2016-11-02 11:46:35] <Eck> wat
[2016-11-02 11:46:46] <Naenil> i m not balding
[2016-11-02 11:46:49] <Eck> you could make an afro with that hair
[2016-11-02 11:46:55] sisisi quit (AndChat5799@user/sisisi): Ping timeout: 121 s
[2016-11-02 11:47:09] <Naenil> Nah Eck i m already using products to maximize vo
[2016-11-02 11:47:10] <emr1028_> http://i.imgur.com/wE5NBb2.jpg
[2016-11-02 11:47:13] <Eck> so qt i would nibble your nipples
[2016-11-02 11:47:17] <Naenil> Normally it s all flat
[2016-11-02 11:47:23] <nvl> If you pretended that you was a shape shifter and co
uld live for about a million years then how would you think of social organizati
on in humans? I mean, a million years ago what were the ancestors of humans like
? Did they even look like humans? Will humans still be the same a million years
from now?
[2016-11-02 11:47:24] <nvl> If you traveled back in time from a far distant futu
re then what types of social organization techniques and strategies would you re
commend? What if you think of it in the context of geological time rather than h
uman centric time?
[2016-11-02 11:47:25] <Naenil> Like compact flat
[2016-11-02 11:47:29] <nvl> Has InquisitiveKenny lost it
[2016-11-02 11:47:38] <emr1028_> http://i.imgur.com/wE5NBb2.jpg
[2016-11-02 11:47:43] ecross joined (ecross@user/ecross)
[2016-11-02 11:47:43] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v ecross
[2016-11-02 11:47:48] <ecross> Fucking fuck this cold
[2016-11-02 11:47:48] <Arab_Moroccan> Interesting -> https://twitter.com/BTelawy
[2016-11-02 11:47:48] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @BTelawy (Sa ka): I think that the piliars
of a future axe Cairo - Damascus - Baghdad are being set up, this period is a tu
rning point for the Middle East (17 hours and 16 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 11:47:50] <Eck> Naenil you have the cutest chin dimple i want to rub
[2016-11-02 11:47:52] <Eck> .gay
[2016-11-02 11:47:52] <wqzz> I remember when Abu Amanah, with his broken arm, wa
s wrestling with another brother who had a broken leg. The two of them wrestled
and it was a scene that brought a smile on everyones face. Seeing two disabled br
others trying to grapple with each other and get each other in locks and submiss
ion moves was something which lightened everyones day up.
[2016-11-02 11:48:12] <Schweini> .fgt
[2016-11-02 11:48:13] <ecross> Nuke Europe NOW
[2016-11-02 11:48:26] <ecross> It will warm the weather up or something
[2016-11-02 11:48:29] <Schweini> brb
[2016-11-02 11:48:29] <emr1028_> Naenil, you look like a pokemon
[2016-11-02 11:48:29] <Naenil> I even have a nose dimple ecross
[2016-11-02 11:48:36] <Naenil> T-thanks emr1028_
[2016-11-02 11:48:46] <emr1028_> japanese chicks love pokeomn
[2016-11-02 11:48:47] <ecross> GLOBAL WARMING DOES NOT EXIST TIA
[2016-11-02 11:49:01] <ecross> Naenil: You probably meant Eck
[2016-11-02 11:49:02] <Eck> do you have proof it does ecross
[2016-11-02 11:49:04] <jayssan> tru
[2016-11-02 11:49:21] <ecross> Eck: I HAVE PROOF FOR THE OPPOSITE
[2016-11-02 11:49:26] <jayssan> climate change is real
[2016-11-02 11:49:26] <ecross> Eck: IT S COLD
[2016-11-02 11:49:31] <Eck> looool
[2016-11-02 11:49:35] <jayssan> global warming is fake
[2016-11-02 11:49:38] <Naenil> yeah ecross
[2016-11-02 11:49:39] berx quit (berx@Snoonet-255.hdp.hc4sjc.IP): Quit: http://w
ww.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client

[2016-11-02 11:49:52] <ecross> CHINA AND MEXICO DID GLOBAL WARMING

[2016-11-02 11:49:54] <Naenil> I was wondering about wether to cut my hair ecros
[2016-11-02 11:49:58] <Eck> the climate changes all the time
[2016-11-02 11:49:59] <Eck> ree
[2016-11-02 11:50:08] <Naenil> Living on an island
[2016-11-02 11:50:09] <Eck> thats why we have seasons
[2016-11-02 11:50:21] <jayssan> yep
[2016-11-02 11:50:22] sorzer quit (thunderingg@user/sorzer): Client exited
[2016-11-02 11:50:23] <Naenil> I send a big fuck you to everyone who thinks warn
ing isn t real and the sea isn t rising
[2016-11-02 11:50:41] <jayssan> fuck you too frenchie
[2016-11-02 11:51:11] <Naenil> Go live in an island
[2016-11-02 11:51:19] <Naenil> Oh I forgot that straya is an island
[2016-11-02 11:51:23] <Naenil> and NOT A CONTINENT
[2016-11-02 11:51:25] <Arab_Moroccan> Global warming is the last fucking thing i
care about in this world
[2016-11-02 11:51:33] <Eck> mfw Naenil thinks the proof of climate change is his
growing supply of caviar
[2016-11-02 11:51:34] <Eck> jk
[2016-11-02 11:51:42] <Schweini> http://i.imgur.com/VwXBanS.jpg
[2016-11-02 11:51:42] <jayssan> not even mad I hate this place
[2016-11-02 11:52:09] <Naenil> ecross, cut my hair? http://i.imgur.com/7QUM4C5.p
[2016-11-02 11:52:33] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: Realtalk, that d be superficial AF
[2016-11-02 11:52:48] <Eck> Naenil: im literally jelly
[2016-11-02 11:52:58] <Eck> started going bald at 18
[2016-11-02 11:53:00] <Eck> fml
[2016-11-02 11:53:03] AndChat|579921 quit (AndChat5799@Snoonet-bj8.fh4.0tu59h.IP
): Quit: Bye
[2016-11-02 11:53:10] sisisi joined (AndChat5799@user/sisisi)
[2016-11-02 11:53:10] * quokka.snoonet.org set +v sisisi
[2016-11-02 11:53:31] <Naenil> I cut my hair two months ago Eck
[2016-11-02 11:53:33] <Naenil> lol
[2016-11-02 11:53:34] <ecross> Naenil: Don t know, my earlier experiences with l
ong hair thought me that longer the hair, more care and time it ends up demandin
g from your precious time
[2016-11-02 11:53:48] <ecross> sisisi: slav
[2016-11-02 11:53:50] <Naenil> It s annoying when it rains
[2016-11-02 11:53:53] <Naenil> Let s put it this way
[2016-11-02 11:54:09] <Naenil> But like not cut cut ecross
[2016-11-02 11:54:11] <Eck> can you be my transplant donor Naenil
[2016-11-02 11:54:13] <Eck> KEK
[2016-11-02 11:54:21] <sisisi> Is Ecross here?
[2016-11-02 11:54:28] <Naenil> ye sisisi
[2016-11-02 11:54:42] <ecross> Naenil: I keep mine short and neat, a little bit
of L Oreal hair wax is all I need
[2016-11-02 11:54:45] <Schweini> http://i.imgur.com/FaiCp80.jpg
[2016-11-02 11:54:46] <sisisi> Tell him he is still on ignore
[2016-11-02 11:54:47] <ecross> DAMN
[2016-11-02 11:54:53] <ecross> Almost managed to make it rhyme
[2016-11-02 11:55:00] <Eck> are you gay ecross
[2016-11-02 11:55:04] <Eck> hair wax
[2016-11-02 11:55:04] <Naenil> I use this ecross https://www.amazon.fr/Schwarzko
[2016-11-02 11:55:05] <Eck> wew
[2016-11-02 11:55:07] <wqzz> Naenil: Schwarzkopf Professional Osis+ Thrill Fibre
Gum 100 ml (EUR 8,10) - 4/5 stars (38 ratings) - Free Shipping
[2016-11-02 11:55:31] <Naenil> and then I use this ecross https://www.amazon.fr

[2016-11-02 11:55:34] <wqzz> Naenil: Schwarzkopf got2b Beach Matt Surfer Look Pas
te 100ml (EUR 8,19) - 4.5/5 stars (2 ratings) - Free Shipping
[2016-11-02 11:56:26] <Schweini> http://i.imgur.com/x6BNQrz.jpg Naenil
[2016-11-02 11:56:44] <ecross> Here s mine Naenil https://www.amazon.com/LOrealProfessionnel-Homme-Sculpting-Pomade/dp/B00F4FJKA2/
[2016-11-02 11:56:46] <wqzz> ecross: L Oreal Professionnel Homme Mat Matt Sculpti
ng Pomade... ($17.91) - 5/5 stars (1 ratings) - Free Shipping
[2016-11-02 11:57:05] <Naenil> Schweini, http://i.imgur.com/YWqIle8.png
[2016-11-02 11:57:15] <Schweini> ew
[2016-11-02 11:57:37] <ecross> Naenil: I think I tried Osis before, it s good st
[2016-11-02 11:57:44] <Naenil> http://i.imgur.com/D0af5ho.jpg Schweini
[2016-11-02 11:57:58] <Naenil> Yeah the only one I ever used with which I don t
need to clean my hands every 10m
[2016-11-02 11:58:08] <ecross> Also just noticed that my stylist gave me a good
deal on the pomade, considering the Amazon price
[2016-11-02 11:58:13] <jayssan> dorks
[2016-11-02 11:58:21] <jayssan> get Modern Pirate
[2016-11-02 11:58:22] <ecross> .tell sisisi Let s hug it out
[2016-11-02 11:58:22] <Mossad> ecross: I ll pass that on when sisisi is around.
[2016-11-02 11:58:25] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/BTelawy/status/78810175429452
[2016-11-02 11:58:25] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @BTelawy (Sa ka): Balance of power is going
to change in the Middle East, it s a matter of time &amp; you will see what i m
talking abt. https://t.co/qCAqxYpMHp (15 days and 20 hours ago)
[2016-11-02 11:58:34] <Naenil> Are there really people that non ironically belie
ve that?
[2016-11-02 11:58:34] <jayssan> Baxter of California
[2016-11-02 11:58:42] <jayssan> Uppercut
[2016-11-02 11:58:45] <Naenil> Like, israel got a bigger gdp than your country m
[2016-11-02 11:58:50] <jayssan> not fkn loreal
[2016-11-02 11:58:56] <ecross> Eck: Hair wax and assorted matte stuff is the onl
y way to go these days
[2016-11-02 11:58:57] <Naenil> The fuck is that jayssan
[2016-11-02 11:59:05] <jayssan> Google it
[2016-11-02 11:59:22] sorzer joined (thunderingg@user/sorzer)
[2016-11-02 11:59:22] * protectandserve.snoonet.org set +v sorzer
[2016-11-02 11:59:22] * Bashar set +o sorzer
[2016-11-02 11:59:46] <wqzz>  ( ) ALLAHU AKBA R
[2016-11-02 11:59:50] <solidus_snake> .ban
[2016-11-02 11:59:50] <wqzz> solidus_snake you shot an Islamist in 4.134 seconds
! You have killed 83 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 11:59:50] <Mossad> solidus_snake: 04:10 <syriancivilwarleaks> tell s
olidus_snake http://i.imgur.com/tyFSifC.png
[2016-11-02 12:00:06] <solidus_snake> reeee
[2016-11-02 12:00:27] <Eck> .BAAANG
[2016-11-02 12:00:40] <sisisi> Naenil arab stronk
[2016-11-02 12:00:41] <Mossad> sisisi: 15:58 <ecross> tell sisisi Let s hug it o
[2016-11-02 12:00:49] <sisisi> Wait he is
[2016-11-02 12:00:52] <sisisi> On ignore
[2016-11-02 12:00:58] <sisisi> Fuckin mossad
[2016-11-02 12:01:04] <Naenil> Ignore is one way
[2016-11-02 12:01:04] <Arab_Moroccan> Iraqi army getting kicked out of Gogali!!!
First time ISIS pushes Iraqi army back
[2016-11-02 12:01:23] <ecross> .tell sisisi The tribe will always get at you
[2016-11-02 12:01:23] <Mossad> ecross: I ll pass that on when sisisi is around.

[2016-11-02 12:01:28] <Eck> Naenil: show me your feet bbe

[2016-11-02 12:01:33] <Naenil> sisisi, little he knows is that KSA and america g
ive like 25bn together to egypt
[2016-11-02 12:01:34] <Naenil> !k Eck
[2016-11-02 12:01:34] * Eck was kicked by Bashar (Requested)
[2016-11-02 12:01:35] Eck joined (Freedom@user/Eck)
[2016-11-02 12:01:35] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v Eck
[2016-11-02 12:01:36] <ecross> Eck: Gross
[2016-11-02 12:01:42] <jayssan> lmfao
[2016-11-02 12:01:45] <Schweini> i laughed irl Naenil https://twitter.com/ShamiR
[2016-11-02 12:01:45] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @ShamiRebel (Polemic Dissident): @GissiSim Gi
ssur... - The Grey Wolf  is an ancient Turkic symbol that predates #Turkey - Some
terrorists misused it Generalization
(31 minutes and 15 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 12:01:45] <sisisi> I know Naenil
[2016-11-02 12:01:45] <Mossad> sisisi: 16:01 <ecross> tell sisisi The tribe will
always get at you
[2016-11-02 12:01:46] <Eck> kek
[2016-11-02 12:01:53] <jayssan> eck is bae
[2016-11-02 12:01:59] <sisisi> THAT GUY
[2016-11-02 12:02:00] <Naenil> If you want someone that is into that ask DLAMN E
[2016-11-02 12:02:01] <jayssan> don t tell pork
[2016-11-02 12:02:06] <sisisi> IS TURKISH
[2016-11-02 12:02:09] <Schweini> ahahahahahahhahaahahahah
[2016-11-02 12:02:11] <Eck> nah i m not really into that
[2016-11-02 12:02:14] <sisisi> I AM NOT CALLING HIM
[2016-11-02 12:02:19] <Eck> i don t even like my wifes feet
[2016-11-02 12:02:19] <solidus_snake> cCc
[2016-11-02 12:02:23] <sisisi> CRYPTO TURK
[2016-11-02 12:02:29] <sisisi> WITHOUT A REASON
[2016-11-02 12:02:32] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/ShamiRebel/status/79383949252
[2016-11-02 12:02:32] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @ShamiRebel (Polemic Dissident): @KonstantinK
lug @GissiSim Burden of proof Logical fallacy https://t.co/ei0NgeCpFr (24 minutes
and 54 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 12:02:33] <Naenil> lmao
[2016-11-02 12:02:47] <Schweini> Gissur...
[2016-11-02 12:02:47] <Schweini> - The Grey Wolf  is an ancient Turkic symbol tha
t predates #Turkey
[2016-11-02 12:02:47] <Schweini> - Some terrorists misused it
[2016-11-02 12:02:47] <Schweini> Generalization
[2016-11-02 12:02:53] <Naenil> {32nd descendant of
Medical Student
Mu tazili-Shi i
Senussi, Meld
Syrian Religio-Politico Analayzer
Contact me: @SyrianTawfiq} Tweet
[2016-11-02 12:03:06] <sisisi> He is t*rk
[2016-11-02 12:03:10] <sisisi> I even doubt that
[2016-11-02 12:03:17] <sisisi> He is syrian
[2016-11-02 12:03:19] <ecross> Schweini: I ve seen the gray wolf on some of our
joint mission and unit patches with the Turks. It s generally used as the counte
rpart to the eagle.
[2016-11-02 12:03:40] <Naenil> I say it and say it again
[2016-11-02 12:03:45] <Naenil> Turks are fucking furries
[2016-11-02 12:03:54] <Schweini> #SadNews
[2016-11-02 12:03:54] <Schweini> Wasil Kilani (distant relative) has been martyr
[2016-11-02 12:03:54] <Schweini> With our blessed martyrs blood #Syria will be
[2016-11-02 12:03:57] <Naenil> https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=furries&

[2016-11-02 12:04:02] <Schweini> he shouldve added tombstone emoji

[2016-11-02 12:04:05] <Schweini> i wouldve deded irl
[2016-11-02 12:04:14] <ecross> Naenil: Not just Turks, Kurds are also furries. T
hey are virtually indistinguishable.
[2016-11-02 12:04:46] <Naenil> Nah kurds don t sexually identify as stray dogs
[2016-11-02 12:05:08] <ecross> What do they sexually identify as? Goats? Sheep?
[2016-11-02 12:05:13] <ecross> It s gotta be something.
[2016-11-02 12:05:16] <Schweini> eagle
[2016-11-02 12:05:18] <Schweini> teyre baz
[2016-11-02 12:05:31] <Schweini> altho the US took that one
[2016-11-02 12:05:37] <jayssan> no kurds are just furry
[2016-11-02 12:05:42] <jayssan> physically
[2016-11-02 12:05:43] <Naenil> Yeah from what i ve seen kurds is rather eagleez
[2016-11-02 12:06:20] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/iyad_elbaghdadi/status/793845
[2016-11-02 12:06:20] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @iyad_elbaghdadi (Iyad el-Baghdadi): Saudi A
rabia 165 Iran 169 https://t.co/EC5OmlAFcP (5 minutes and 15 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 12:06:21] <ecross> Schweini: Ours is exclusive to North America, the
bald headed one
[2016-11-02 12:06:25] <Naenil> KSA>Iran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2016-11-02 12:06:36] <Schweini> ur turkish tho Eck
[2016-11-02 12:06:38] <Schweini> ecross:
[2016-11-02 12:06:50] <ecross> Schweini: Nope
[2016-11-02 12:06:50] <Eck> wew apologise
[2016-11-02 12:06:51] <sisisi> He is Schweini
[2016-11-02 12:06:56] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/askhistorians/status/79384513
1904421888 Eck youre a dwarf
[2016-11-02 12:06:56] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @askhistorians (Reddit AskHistorians): When
did the depiction of dwarves as #Scots being in the #fantasy genre? https://t.c
o/ADVyyt4ILF #popculturehistory #Tolkien #LOTR (6 minutes and 53 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 12:07:15] <Schweini> sry Eck
[2016-11-02 12:07:17] <Schweini> meant the turk
[2016-11-02 12:07:42] <Eck> lmvao Naenil
[2016-11-02 12:07:58] <ecross> When I m back to the states, ask me for a photo o
f the patch Schweini. It s one of my favourite Army/AF unit patches.
[2016-11-02 12:08:08] <Eck> i don t know if i should feel offended or
[2016-11-02 12:08:09] <Eck> famous
[2016-11-02 12:08:41] <Arab_Moroccan> Are there any army or ex army guys here in
the chat? (i mean American)
[2016-11-02 12:08:46] <Eck> https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/5aky
[2016-11-02 12:08:47] <Eck> reeee
[2016-11-02 12:09:56] <Naenil> DLAMN is iirc Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 12:09:56] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: I m a contractor, and I deal more
with the AF side of the things these days. But yeah, shoot.
[2016-11-02 12:09:59] <Naenil> LAKY used to
[2016-11-02 12:10:07] <Naenil> be here, but not anymore
[2016-11-02 12:10:14] <Eck> what do you contract ecross
[2016-11-02 12:10:23] <Naenil> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cvsb58bWEAAgoHo.jpg:o
rig jayssan
[2016-11-02 12:10:23] <Arab_Moroccan> ecross cooL!
[2016-11-02 12:10:47] <Arab_Moroccan> ecross I wanted to become a contractor aft
er i saw an anime called Jormungand
[2016-11-02 12:10:50] <Arab_Moroccan> hhh
[2016-11-02 12:10:59] <ecross> Eck: I work as one, it s the fedgov that issues t
he contracts
[2016-11-02 12:11:07] <Eck> Naenil: i look at that, and i think how last week i
accidentally allowed my 4 year old to watch sausage party.
[2016-11-02 12:11:17] <Naenil> lmao Eck

[2016-11-02 12:11:21] <Naenil> biggest mistake as a parent

[2016-11-02 12:11:22] <Schweini> http://i.imgur.com/AowuveJ.jpg
[2016-11-02 12:11:30] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: I haven t seen it, but it s probab
ly not a good idea to derive professional aspirations solely based on an anime
[2016-11-02 12:11:33] <Arab_Moroccan> Ecross how long/many army experience do yo
u need if you want to become a contractor?
[2016-11-02 12:12:01] <Eck> i thought it was for kids Naenil, how wrong was i
[2016-11-02 12:12:02] <Eck> kek
[2016-11-02 12:12:08] <Arab_Moroccan> Ecross that s true, but i always was inter
ested in army stuff and never in the contractor side.
[2016-11-02 12:12:17] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: It depends on the specialty of the
gig you are interested in, the answer can even be virtually zero depending on t
he position and the contractor that ll be hiring you
[2016-11-02 12:12:36] <Naenil> lmao Schweini
[2016-11-02 12:12:44] <Arab_Moroccan> Ecross Do you work with blackwater? And ar
e they still active in Iraq?
[2016-11-02 12:12:46] <ecross> Highest paid out contractors tend to be former AF
people though Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 12:13:01] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/HDPenglish/status/79384830183
[2016-11-02 12:13:01] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @HDPenglish (HDP English): We do not recogn
ize the appointment of a trustee to run #Diyarbakr Metropolitan Municipality. http
s://t.co/jXtXjl2Y6O (23 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 12:13:58] <Arab_Moroccan> How can i become a contractor without expe
rience? I have translater skills and i speak fluent Arabic :D
[2016-11-02 12:14:13] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: No, I don t work for Blackwater an
d their successors. But I do have friends working for them. And yeah, the last t
ime I checked, they were doing business in Iraq.
[2016-11-02 12:14:49] <Arab_Moroccan> ecross What country do you work right now?
(i understand if it s a secret)
[2016-11-02 12:15:19] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: Language skills are valuable, busi
ness skills are also an asset for management/business relations sort of gigs. Te
chnical positions are where the prior military experience often ends up factorin
g in.
[2016-11-02 12:15:45] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: It s not a secret at all, I m in R
omania at the moment
[2016-11-02 12:16:04] <Arab_Moroccan> Is there any war going on in Romania?
[2016-11-02 12:16:16] <Naenil> No
[2016-11-02 12:16:21] <ecross> Not at all
[2016-11-02 12:16:25] <Arab_Moroccan> I see
[2016-11-02 12:16:26] <Naenil> But moldova in a state of frozen war
[2016-11-02 12:16:49] <Arab_Moroccan> I ve seen some ppl from Europe going to Ni
geria and to South America.
[2016-11-02 12:16:56] <Naenil> But that s not romania and I don t think romania
wants to be involved in the mess that is the intermoldovan conflictg
[2016-11-02 12:17:10] <ecross> My gig is more on the advise and assist side
[2016-11-02 12:17:46] <Arab_Moroccan> How do you combine contracting with family
(wive and childeren)
[2016-11-02 12:17:54] <Arab_Moroccan> I think it would be pretty hard
[2016-11-02 12:18:46] <ecross> I m not married and I don t have kids, so it s no
t an issue for me. But permanent overseas gigs usually come with excellent benef
its comparable to what federal government offers.
[2016-11-02 12:19:27] <ecross> Basically I know contractors like me who receive
assistance for relocation and living expenses of their families overseas.
[2016-11-02 12:19:33] <Arab_Moroccan> Is it possible to become a contractor in S
yria at the moment?
[2016-11-02 12:19:50] <ecross> But yeah, if you are looking for more direct acti
on sort of work, you shouldn t really be expecting to move your family into a ho
t, conflict zone
[2016-11-02 12:19:58] <Arab_Moroccan> true that

[2016-11-02 12:20:21] <Naenil> >In a June 2015 speech for his 2016 presidential
campaign trump said that he would change his hair style if he gets elected.[632]
[2016-11-02 12:20:27] <ecross> Direct action gigs will be very similar to unacco
mpanied tours with the military
[2016-11-02 12:20:50] <Arab_Moroccan> Ecross have you been to an Arab country be
[2016-11-02 12:21:03] P3T joined (P3T@Snoonet-6vo.72l.ne2n9n.IP)
[2016-11-02 12:21:09] <P3T> naenil
[2016-11-02 12:21:21] <sisisi> .tell ecross u r a faggot
[2016-11-02 12:21:22] <Mossad> sisisi: I ll pass that on when ecross is around.
[2016-11-02 12:21:25] <Naenil> ~~
[2016-11-02 12:21:30] samson joined (harry@Snoonet-slusae.o3mf.78ee.ggi62a.IP)
[2016-11-02 12:21:40] sisisi quit (AndChat5799@user/sisisi): Quit: Bye
[2016-11-02 12:21:48] <ecross> .tell sisisi You don t need to do that, I don t h
ave you on ignore
[2016-11-02 12:21:48] <Mossad> ecross: I ll pass that on when sisisi is around.
[2016-11-02 12:21:49] <Mossad> ecross: 16:21 <sisisi> tell ecross u r a faggot
[2016-11-02 12:22:10] sisisi joined (AndChat5799@Snoonet-bj8.fh4.0tu59h.IP)
[2016-11-02 12:22:10] sisisi quit (AndChat5799@Snoonet-bj8.fh4.0tu59h.IP): Chang
ing host
[2016-11-02 12:22:10] sisisi joined (AndChat5799@user/sisisi)
[2016-11-02 12:22:17] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: I did
[2016-11-02 12:22:29] <Arab_Moroccan> Ecross Iraq?
[2016-11-02 12:23:29] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: Yeah, and I ve visited Jordan brie
[2016-11-02 12:23:45] Eck quit (Freedom@user/Eck): Quit: SCOTLAND YA BASS! FREEE
DOM!!! http://dnbr.club/scotland
[2016-11-02 12:23:52] Eck joined (Freedom@user/Eck)
[2016-11-02 12:23:52] * protectandserve.snoonet.org set +v Eck
[2016-11-02 12:24:14] * Naenil set channel modes -b p3tc0ck!*@*
[2016-11-02 12:24:18] <Arab_Moroccan> Ecross Have you ever had a battle against
[2016-11-02 12:24:25] P3T quit (P3T@Snoonet-6vo.72l.ne2n9n.IP): Quit: http://www
.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 12:24:30] <Eck> why was p3t banned kek
[2016-11-02 12:24:40] P3TC0CK joined (P3TC0CK@user/P3TC0CK)
[2016-11-02 12:24:40] * ny.snoonet.org set +v P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 12:24:41] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: Are you thinking of enlisting
[2016-11-02 12:24:48] <P3TC0CK> thanks naenil
[2016-11-02 12:24:48] <Mossad> P3TC0CK: 13:38 <ElBurroLoc0> tell P3TC0CK http://
_map_no_toss_ups.html "Clinton gonna win in a landslide"
[2016-11-02 12:24:50] <P3TC0CK> why was I banned
[2016-11-02 12:25:01] <Eck> prolly for being a terrorist
[2016-11-02 12:25:05] <Naenil> I don t know who did this
[2016-11-02 12:25:07] <Naenil> If it s ganja..
[2016-11-02 12:25:11] <ecross> Nope, never got into a DA or combat situation aga
inst IS
[2016-11-02 12:25:19] <Arab_Moroccan> Ecross I would like to become a contractor
but i dont have experience
[2016-11-02 12:25:26] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: How old are you?
[2016-11-02 12:25:29] <P3TC0CK> I don t think ganja would ban me
[2016-11-02 12:25:29] <Eck> it usually tells you in the ban list Naenil
[2016-11-02 12:25:36] <Naenil> Nope Eck
[2016-11-02 12:25:36] <Arab_Moroccan> 27 right now
[2016-11-02 12:25:40] <Naenil> Since bashar is a surrogate Eck
[2016-11-02 12:25:48] <Eck> oh
[2016-11-02 12:25:49] <Eck> lol
[2016-11-02 12:25:55] <P3TC0CK> it was in the last 6-10 hours naenil, I went to
sleep at 2: am

[2016-11-02 12:26:02] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: Did you serve before?

[2016-11-02 12:26:03] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> tfw you re so tired you notice that y
ou ve been using ** instead of actual italics in an english essay.
[2016-11-02 12:26:16] <Naenil> lmao MinkowskiSpaceTime
[2016-11-02 12:26:24] <P3TC0CK> you re going to fail anyways MinkowskiSpaceTime
[2016-11-02 12:26:26] <P3TC0CK> so it s ok
[2016-11-02 12:26:27] <P3TC0CK> :)
[2016-11-02 12:26:30] <Arab_Moroccan> Exross Nops :(
[2016-11-02 12:26:35] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Thanks P3TC0Ck
[2016-11-02 12:27:00] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: What s your prior professional ski
ll set looking like
[2016-11-02 12:27:30] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: Are you at least a college grad?
[2016-11-02 12:27:40] <sisisi> .8 should i ignore ecross
[2016-11-02 12:27:40] wqzz shakes the magic 8 ball... 05Outlook not so good
[2016-11-02 12:27:40] <Mossad> sisisi: 16:21 <ecross> tell sisisi You don t need
to do that, I don t have you on ignore
[2016-11-02 12:27:46] <Arab_Moroccan> Ecross Yes
[2016-11-02 12:27:48] <P3TC0CK> .tell >tfw you need to say "win in a landslide"
to save some face even when hillary still winning, lmao ez game
[2016-11-02 12:27:49] <Mossad> P3TC0CK: I ll pass that on when >tfw is around.
[2016-11-02 12:27:59] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: Are you a US citizen?
[2016-11-02 12:28:06] <Eck> lmao hillary is not winning
[2016-11-02 12:28:06] <sisisi> .8 should i unignore ecross?
[2016-11-02 12:28:06] wqzz shakes the magic 8 ball... 03As I see it, yes
[2016-11-02 12:28:12] <Eck> .8 will hillary win
[2016-11-02 12:28:12] wqzz shakes the magic 8 ball... 05My sources say no
[2016-11-02 12:28:13] <sisisi> Fine
[2016-11-02 12:28:22] <Arab_Moroccan> Ecross I m a Dutch and a Moroccan citizen
(dual passport)
[2016-11-02 12:28:24] <P3TC0CK> http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/pre
sident/2016_elections_electoral_college_map_no_toss_ups.html sorry eck
[2016-11-02 12:28:25] <sisisi> Ecross u r still a massive fag
[2016-11-02 12:28:31] <P3TC0CK> even elburroloc0 has to agree she is
[2016-11-02 12:28:32] <Eck> >realclearpolitics
[2016-11-02 12:28:37] <ecross> sisisi: Why do you hate America
[2016-11-02 12:28:38] <P3TC0CK> hey man
[2016-11-02 12:28:38] <Eck> based source
[2016-11-02 12:28:45] <P3TC0CK> you don t trust all the polls
[2016-11-02 12:28:47] <P3TC0CK> ?
[2016-11-02 12:28:47] <sisisi> Not america
[2016-11-02 12:28:51] <sisisi> I love usa
[2016-11-02 12:28:51] <P3TC0CK> tough shit I guess eck
[2016-11-02 12:29:02] <Schweini> hello P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 12:29:05] <sisisi> t*rkey isnt usa
[2016-11-02 12:29:14] <ecross> sisisi: Why do you hate freedom and liberty?
[2016-11-02 12:29:14] <P3TC0CK> hi Schweini
[2016-11-02 12:29:20] <ecross> MURICA #1
[2016-11-02 12:29:20] <Naenil> You ll get your green card one day sisisi
[2016-11-02 12:29:23] <P3TC0CK> you didn t link me that Twitter yo uwere telling
me about Schweini
[2016-11-02 12:29:26] <Eck> that won t get you a green card P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 12:29:31] <Schweini> what twitter P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 12:29:35] <sisisi> >mfw he thinks freedom and liberty are values of
[2016-11-02 12:29:39] <sisisi> AHAHAAAGAGAHAGGAGAAHA
[2016-11-02 12:29:42] <P3TC0CK> the arab guy married to a kurd in SDF
[2016-11-02 12:29:45] <Schweini> you mean the instagram of the pro kurdistani ar
ab P3TC0CK

[2016-11-02 12:29:51] <Pruswa> What do muzzies call Israel again?

[2016-11-02 12:29:51] <wqzz>  ( ) Y A ALI
[2016-11-02 12:29:53] <Eck> .bang
[2016-11-02 12:29:53] <wqzz> Eck you shot an Islamist in 2.098 seconds! You have
killed 48 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 12:29:54] <Pruswa> Like hardcore ones?
[2016-11-02 12:29:54] <P3TC0CK> .bef
[2016-11-02 12:29:54] <wqzz> P3TC0CK: You tried befriending a non-existent Islam
ist, that s fucking creepy.
[2016-11-02 12:29:54] <Pruswa> .ban
[2016-11-02 12:29:54] <wqzz> Pruswa: There is no Islamist. What are you shooting
[2016-11-02 12:29:57] <sisisi> What P3tc0ck
[2016-11-02 12:29:59] <sisisi> Who is he
[2016-11-02 12:30:01] <sisisi> kdk
[2016-11-02 12:30:03] <sisisi> Kek
[2016-11-02 12:30:03] <Pruswa> Is it still Israel?
[2016-11-02 12:30:07] <Pruswa> Or do they give it another name?
[2016-11-02 12:30:07] <Schweini> did u know he s head of SWAT in afrin P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 12:30:26] <P3TC0CK> makes sense that Jash are leaders in Kurdistan S
[2016-11-02 12:30:31] <P3TC0CK> seeing as Salih Muslim is one
[2016-11-02 12:30:35] <sisisi> kek
[2016-11-02 12:30:39] <Schweini> woah
[2016-11-02 12:30:42] <Schweini> typical sunni arab
[2016-11-02 12:30:43] <Pruswa> Guys
[2016-11-02 12:30:45] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: Most major defense contractors are
US companies, taking contracts from the US fedgov. That means most of the time,
they ll be hiring US citizens as military contracting work often requires obtai
ning a clearance level.
[2016-11-02 12:30:48] <Schweini> attacks another fellow arab
[2016-11-02 12:30:50] <Pruswa> Answer me
[2016-11-02 12:30:56] <Pruswa> Do Islamists call Israel Israel?
[2016-11-02 12:31:00] <Pruswa> Or do they give it another name?
[2016-11-02 12:31:13] <Pruswa> Like, you know, the way they call Shias Rafawids
[2016-11-02 12:31:41] <Arab_Moroccan> Ecross Yeah i pretty discoverd when i look
ed into it on google. Sometimes i wished that i was an American citizen :D
[2016-11-02 12:31:53] <ecross> sisisi: It s a meme, have you seen Team America?
[2016-11-02 12:32:07] <Naenil> You get taxed even when you re not in america as
an american
[2016-11-02 12:32:09] <Arab_Moroccan> Islamists call Israel: Dawla al Yahudiya
[2016-11-02 12:32:17] <ecross> Arab_Moroccan: So yeah, you might want to work on
obtaining your citizenship first
[2016-11-02 12:32:31] <Arab_Moroccan> Because Israel = the name of Jacob (a prop
het in Islam)
[2016-11-02 12:32:44] AndChat|579921 joined (AndChat5799@Snoonet-ebf.901.na7u73.
[2016-11-02 12:32:51] <ecross> Naenil: Only if you are making more than a predet
ermined amount
[2016-11-02 12:33:03] <Arab_Moroccan> Ecross I m still thinking about it :D
[2016-11-02 12:33:16] <Naenil> wooot
[2016-11-02 12:33:17] <Arab_Moroccan> Excross btw thanks for the inside informat
[2016-11-02 12:33:28] <Naenil> there are thousands of birds from my window
[2016-11-02 12:33:35] <SubWatch> 3Link post: "Rare intersection of a Bitcoin circlej
erk and a Kurd circlejerk" posted in /r/SyrianCirclejerkWar by BornoSondors. htt
[2016-11-02 12:33:36] samson quit (harry@Snoonet-slusae.o3mf.78ee.ggi62a.IP): Pi
ng timeout: 121 seconds
[2016-11-02 12:33:52] <BugInAJar> Trap one

[2016-11-02 12:33:53] <ecross> Naenil: IRS only ends up taxing you overseas if y
ou are working for a non-US employer and making more than $100.000 or so annuall
[2016-11-02 12:33:56] <BugInAJar> New pet
[2016-11-02 12:34:00] <Pruswa> P3TC0CK:
[2016-11-02 12:34:08] <P3TC0CK> yes pruswa
[2016-11-02 12:34:12] <Naenil> > making more than $100.000 or so annually
[2016-11-02 12:34:12] <P3TC0CK> what beta male comments
[2016-11-02 12:34:14] <Naenil> this can happen
[2016-11-02 12:34:16] <P3TC0CK> do you have to make now
[2016-11-02 12:34:18] <Pruswa> Do hardcore Islamists have a name for Israel?
[2016-11-02 12:34:22] <Pruswa> Like they call Shias Rafawids
[2016-11-02 12:34:23] <P3TC0CK> Israel
[2016-11-02 12:34:33] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/AlMonitor/status/793853177250
533377 sisisi
[2016-11-02 12:34:33] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @AlMonitor (Al-Monitor): #photooftheday Sold
iers and dog patrol wall on border between Turkey and Syria, near village of Bes
arslan, in Hatay https://t.co/JL8Umbk6Df (2 minutes and 32 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 12:34:40] <P3TC0CK> they just call them jews
[2016-11-02 12:34:57] <Arab_Moroccan> Pruswa Yes they call them Jews (Yahuud) an
d they call Israel (Dawal al yahudiyah)
[2016-11-02 12:34:59] sisisi quit (AndChat5799@user/sisisi): Ping timeout: 121 s
[2016-11-02 12:35:01] <Arab_Moroccan> Dawla*
[2016-11-02 12:35:12] <Pruswa> Ok
[2016-11-02 12:35:14] <Eck> LMAO
[2016-11-02 12:35:18] <Eck> dog patrol
[2016-11-02 12:35:21] <Pruswa> Like do they have their own name for the country?
[2016-11-02 12:35:28] <P3TC0CK> no just israel
[2016-11-02 12:35:30] <Pruswa> Ok
[2016-11-02 12:35:31] <Pruswa> Thanks
[2016-11-02 12:35:45] AndChat|579921 quit (AndChat5799@Snoonet-ebf.901.na7u73.IP
): Quit: Bye
[2016-11-02 12:35:50] sisisi joined (AndChat5799@user/sisisi)
[2016-11-02 12:35:50] * calvin.snoonet.org set +v sisisi
[2016-11-02 12:35:54] <ecross> Pruswa: Which is funny, because the idea of Israe
l is actually secular in nature
[2016-11-02 12:36:06] <Arab_Moroccan> Pruswa It s wrong to say that Islamists ca
ll Israel by Israel, that s not true.... They call it the Jewish state...
[2016-11-02 12:36:27] <sisisi> They say zioniyyun anyway
[2016-11-02 12:36:33] <Arab_Moroccan> Yes
[2016-11-02 12:36:39] <Naenil> .tell winnilourson I was exagerating https://twit
[2016-11-02 12:36:40] <Mossad> Naenil: I ll pass that on when winnilourson is ar
[2016-11-02 12:36:41] <Arab_Moroccan> Ad Dawla Assahyonia
[2016-11-02 12:36:48] <sisisi> Zioniyyun entity
[2016-11-02 12:36:50] <sisisi> I think
[2016-11-02 12:36:51] <Arab_Moroccan> Btw Bashar al Asad also calls it that
[2016-11-02 12:36:53] <Arab_Moroccan> Yes
[2016-11-02 12:36:55] <sisisi> Not even state
[2016-11-02 12:36:57] <Arab_Moroccan> Alkiyaan Assahyonie
[2016-11-02 12:37:10] <Arab_Moroccan> (jewish entity)
[2016-11-02 12:37:14] <Naenil> Can t wait for the israeli kingdom
[2016-11-02 12:37:24] <P3TC0CK> >zioniyyun
[2016-11-02 12:37:25] <P3TC0CK> lmao what
[2016-11-02 12:37:48] <ecross> I gave Civ6 a try yesterday
[2016-11-02 12:37:53] <ecross> I picked up France
[2016-11-02 12:38:12] <Arab_Moroccan> Israeli Kingdom is like a fairy tale, the
Israeli ppl dont even care about an Israeli kingdom.

[2016-11-02 12:38:13] <ecross> Got fucked up by Barbarian horseman and spearman

on around Turn 10 or so
[2016-11-02 12:38:32] <ecross> Everything is overtly cartoonish and I don t like
[2016-11-02 12:38:44] <ecross> I m happier with Civilisation Beyond Earth
[2016-11-02 12:39:09] <sisisi> P3tc0ck Whenever i saw anti israel videos
[2016-11-02 12:39:26] <sisisi> Arabs says like "ZIONIYYUN"
[2016-11-02 12:39:33] <sisisi> Idek what it means
[2016-11-02 12:39:39] <ecross> Zionist scum or something?
[2016-11-02 12:39:46] <Naenil> yeah that s why they turned the idea down Arab_Mo
[2016-11-02 12:39:52] denadryne joined (denadryne@user/denadryne)
[2016-11-02 12:39:52] * protectandserve.snoonet.org set +v denadryne
[2016-11-02 12:39:53] <sisisi> Dunno Ecross
[2016-11-02 12:40:05] Eck quit (Freedom@user/Eck): Quit: SCOTLAND YA BASS! FREEE
DOM!!! http://dnbr.club/scotland
[2016-11-02 12:40:15] Eck joined (Freedom@Snoonet-uid.c4p.eaivj8.IP)
[2016-11-02 12:40:15] Eck quit (Freedom@Snoonet-uid.c4p.eaivj8.IP): Changing hos
[2016-11-02 12:40:15] Eck joined (Freedom@user/Eck)
[2016-11-02 12:40:22] <ecross> -iyyun usually indicates "sons of, derivatives of
, kind of" in Arabic
[2016-11-02 12:40:39] Pruswa quit (Pruswa@user/Pruswa): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 12:41:03] Pruswaa joined (Pruswa@user/Pruswa)
[2016-11-02 12:41:03] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v Pruswaa
[2016-11-02 12:41:08] <Arab_Moroccan> Zioniyyun? We say in Arabic: As-Sahyoniyah
(Zionists) and As-Sahyoniyoen ( the zionists)
[2016-11-02 12:41:33] <Naenil> >morrocan arabic
[2016-11-02 12:41:33] <P3TC0CK> .tell yat https://twitter.com/AshAmriki
[2016-11-02 12:41:33] <Mossad> P3TC0CK: I ll pass that on when yat is around.
[2016-11-02 12:41:36] <Arab_Moroccan> As-Sahyoniyyah = Zionism
[2016-11-02 12:41:47] <ecross> sisisi: What s cooking today
[2016-11-02 12:42:11] <Arab_Moroccan> Naenil I speak Fos7a right now and not Mor
occan Arabic dialect :D
[2016-11-02 12:42:11] <Naenil> Am I going trashy and eat whole melted raclette
[2016-11-02 12:42:12] <sisisi> Ecross just salad,yoghurt, pickles and pasra
[2016-11-02 12:42:13] <sisisi> Pasta
[2016-11-02 12:42:24] <Naenil> Even that, it s Fus7a Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 12:42:35] <Naenil> (Disclaimer: I don t know any word of arabic)
[2016-11-02 12:42:40] <ecross> sisisi: Just plain pasta? No sauce?
[2016-11-02 12:42:47] <Arab_Moroccan> hehe oke
[2016-11-02 12:42:48] <sisisi> http://i.hizliresim.com/9GJWao.jpg
[2016-11-02 12:43:06] <ecross> Oh, nice
[2016-11-02 12:43:11] <Naenil> Life is too short to learn sand people squibbles
[2016-11-02 12:43:46] <Eck> lol
[2016-11-02 12:44:22] katzen joined (katzen@user/katzen)
[2016-11-02 12:44:22] * calvin.snoonet.org set +v katzen
[2016-11-02 12:44:25] <Arab_Moroccan> Naenil haha Arabic is a beautiful language
and it s very important right now especially if you re following the middle eas
tern conflicts.
[2016-11-02 12:44:43] <winnilourson> w
[2016-11-02 12:44:43] <winnilourson> e
[2016-11-02 12:44:43] <winnilourson> w
[2016-11-02 12:44:43] <Mossad> winnilourson: 16:36 <Naenil> tell winnilourson I
was exagerating https://twitter.com/PitoeffClio/status/793558267553349632
[2016-11-02 12:44:46] <Naenil> I don t think I have the physical capacity to pro
nounce half of the phonems
[2016-11-02 12:44:47] <katzen> Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 12:44:49] <winnilourson> ...naenil

[2016-11-02 12:44:54] <katzen> can you translate the village names?

[2016-11-02 12:44:56] <winnilourson> so guys
[2016-11-02 12:44:59] <winnilourson> i have a problem
[2016-11-02 12:45:06] <winnilourson> my gf wants to go to snowden s conference
[2016-11-02 12:45:08] <winnilourson> but i hate snowden
[2016-11-02 12:45:10] <winnilourson> what do i do
[2016-11-02 12:45:11] <winnilourson> :(
[2016-11-02 12:45:13] <winnilourson> >: (
[2016-11-02 12:45:16] <winnilourson> >:(
[2016-11-02 12:45:20] <winnilourson> :@
[2016-11-02 12:45:27] <Pruswaa> Why would oyu hate Snowden?
[2016-11-02 12:45:28] <katzen> winnilourson be happy that you dont have an apoli
tical gf
[2016-11-02 12:45:30] <winnilourson> god how do we angry emoji again
[2016-11-02 12:45:30] <solidus_snake> extradite him to the US
[2016-11-02 12:45:35] <solidus_snake> by force
[2016-11-02 12:45:36] <winnilourson> t r a i t o r
[2016-11-02 12:45:42] <winnilourson> wouldn mind solidus_snake
[2016-11-02 12:45:42] <katzen> kek americucks
[2016-11-02 12:45:43] <Pruswaa> u wot
[2016-11-02 12:45:53] <Pruswaa> sisisi: are you seeing winni s cuckoldry
[2016-11-02 12:45:57] <Pruswaa> This is ulusalc tier
[2016-11-02 12:46:01] * Pruswaa is now known as Pruswa
[2016-11-02 12:46:05] <Arab_Moroccan> Katzen: Salwaa, AL-Ghuz, Thulthaana, Al-Ma
suuda, Bar aan, Al-Baruza
[2016-11-02 12:46:06] <katzen> supporting getting their human rights broken by a
n illegally acting entity
[2016-11-02 12:46:11] <DLAMN> arab_moroccan what would you like to know
[2016-11-02 12:46:13] <solidus_snake> just kidnap him and leave him at the Canad
ian border
[2016-11-02 12:46:17] <solidus_snake> problem solved
[2016-11-02 12:46:17] <winnilourson> it would be cuckoldry if i m not in the sys
tm tbh
[2016-11-02 12:46:23] <winnilourson> lol its an internet difusion
[2016-11-02 12:46:24] <DLAMN> winnilourson the only answer here is to break up w
ith her immediately
[2016-11-02 12:46:28] <winnilourson> aka a skype call
[2016-11-02 12:46:36] <winnilourson> he s too afraid to leave russia
[2016-11-02 12:46:41] <winnilourson> to where he fled
[2016-11-02 12:46:45] <winnilourson> with top secret documents
[2016-11-02 12:46:45] <sisisi> Lmao Pruswa
[2016-11-02 12:46:49] <katzen> Arab_Moroccan thanks
[2016-11-02 12:47:11] <katzen> winnilourson he didnt had them at that point anym
ore iirc
[2016-11-02 12:47:12] samson joined (harry@Snoonet-slusae.o3mf.78ee.ggi62a.IP)
[2016-11-02 12:47:14] <Arab_Moroccan> SDF losing to ISIS
[2016-11-02 12:47:24] <Arab_Moroccan> Interesting
[2016-11-02 12:47:30] <Arab_Moroccan> katzen np
[2016-11-02 12:47:36] <MarsOz> holy shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3WJneU
[2016-11-02 12:47:36] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] 
 - length 1m
[2016-11-02 12:47:44] <Naenil> watch it with her winnilourson
[2016-11-02 12:47:46] <katzen> Arab_Moroccan but i cant find the villages, its n
ot afrin front
[2016-11-02 12:47:51] <Naenil> laugh as she praises him
[2016-11-02 12:47:54] <winnilourson> not much of a choice tbh naenil
[2016-11-02 12:47:58] <Naenil> As you know he ll be behind bars soon winnilourso
[2016-11-02 12:48:03] <ecross> Apo s Space Marines are losing? Probably fake.
[2016-11-02 12:48:04] <winnilourson> i don t think she s enamored by his politic

[2016-11-02 12:48:10] <Naenil> He s an icon tbh
[2016-11-02 12:48:10] <Arab_Moroccan> I can find you the coordinates if you want
[2016-11-02 12:48:15] <Naenil> I was pro snowden until recently
[2016-11-02 12:48:15] <winnilourson> its a good way to spend an afternoon
[2016-11-02 12:48:18] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> tfw when you *know* you read an essay
but you can t find it anywhere on the syllabus. Just shoot me now please.
[2016-11-02 12:48:28] <P3TC0CK> what is holy shit about that marsoz
[2016-11-02 12:48:31] <ecross> Naenil: You gotta serve somebody
[2016-11-02 12:48:32] <Arab_Moroccan> Katzen I can find you the coordinates if y
ou want on google maps
[2016-11-02 12:48:38] <katzen> Arab_Moroccan that would be great, my skills in f
inding villages on maps is weak af
[2016-11-02 12:48:41] <Pruswa> Naenil:
[2016-11-02 12:48:42] <MarsOz> P3TC0CK allegedly chlorine gas bomb
[2016-11-02 12:48:49] <P3TC0CK> yeah it is
[2016-11-02 12:48:56] <Naenil> I support his initial move but I think rn he s us
ed as a pawn ecross and there isn t much point lisetning to him
[2016-11-02 12:48:58] <MarsOz> thats nuts
[2016-11-02 12:48:59] <P3TC0CK> chlorine bombs on empty fields parsoz
[2016-11-02 12:49:09] <P3TC0CK> like if you re going to use chem weapons
[2016-11-02 12:49:14] <P3TC0CK> why bomb an empty field
[2016-11-02 12:49:19] <MarsOz> looks like there s buildings there
[2016-11-02 12:49:31] <P3TC0CK> you can tell it s chlorine because the smoke is
[2016-11-02 12:49:34] <Eck> http://i.imgur.com/xO3pfZv.png
[2016-11-02 12:49:45] <P3TC0CK> there are some other videos that have other more
pronounced colors MarsOz
[2016-11-02 12:51:11] <Arab_Moroccan> katzen https://www.google.nl/maps/place/Ba
[2016-11-02 12:51:39] <Arab_Moroccan> Katzen This is the coordinate of Baruza an
d next to this village you can find the others
[2016-11-02 12:51:45] <katzen> Arab_Moroccan thats not SDF though
[2016-11-02 12:51:48] <katzen> thats Rebels
[2016-11-02 12:51:52] <katzen> thanks though
[2016-11-02 12:52:03] <katzen> seems like a false alert then?
[2016-11-02 12:52:06] <Arab_Moroccan> katzen the Arabic text says SDF
[2016-11-02 12:52:12] <katzen> yeah weird
[2016-11-02 12:52:42] <Arab_Moroccan> ISIS did control Ahktarin (more in the nor
th) the last night
[2016-11-02 12:53:20] <katzen> yeah but that is rebel frontline
[2016-11-02 12:54:22] <ecross> Naenil: It was a song reference, Dylan
[2016-11-02 12:54:41] <Arab_Moroccan> Katzen indeed T-FSA
[2016-11-02 12:54:49] <katzen> https://twitter.com/Syria_Rebel_Obs/status/793858
[2016-11-02 12:55:06] <katzen> https://twitter.com/Syria_Rebel_Obs/status/793857
[2016-11-02 12:55:14] <katzen> seems like its happening
[2016-11-02 12:55:23] <Naenil> ffs he still blocked me
[2016-11-02 12:55:40] <katzen> Naenil lol
[2016-11-02 12:55:48] <katzen> Naenil Federal Army will become real
[2016-11-02 12:56:02] <Naenil> I don t buy it
[2016-11-02 12:56:04] <Arab_Moroccan> I don t think Assad will like this
[2016-11-02 12:56:10] <katzen> Thuwar Raqqa only group still making problems
[2016-11-02 12:56:10] <Naenil> Unless there is a real announcement
[2016-11-02 12:56:13] <winnilourson> .tell jayssan someone actually hates you lo
l np.reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar/comments/5ak1v0/video_shiite_militias_stage_car
[2016-11-02 12:56:13] <Mossad> winnilourson: I ll pass that on when jayssan is a

[2016-11-02 12:56:20] <Arab_Moroccan> And Assad is supporting the SDF right now
[2016-11-02 12:56:25] <winnilourson> .tell jayssan mfw when you are the shiamod
[2016-11-02 12:56:25] <Mossad> winnilourson: I ll pass that on when jayssan is a
[2016-11-02 12:56:26] <Naenil> russia got assad by the balls Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 12:56:27] <katzen> Naenil there is a press conference tomorow...
[2016-11-02 12:56:35] <ecross> katzen: Just make them disappear by Asayish, thos
e fukken reactionaries. Have them liquidated.
[2016-11-02 12:56:43] <katzen> ecross good plan
[2016-11-02 12:56:45] <ecross> A bullet a day keeps the reactionaries away
[2016-11-02 12:56:57] <katzen> more like a coupply thousands a day
[2016-11-02 12:57:09] <ecross> LET THE EXECUTIONS BEGIN APO WILLING
[2016-11-02 12:57:11] <katzen> ISIS isnt that easily beatin
[2016-11-02 12:57:13] <Naenil> Remember when russia refuses strike on allepo aft
er saa refused negociations with sdf Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 12:57:30] <ecross> We can even call it the Styling Revolution
[2016-11-02 12:57:37] <ecross> Or the Grooming Revolution
[2016-11-02 12:57:38] <denadryne> winnilourson why is your flair iraqi
[2016-11-02 12:57:47] TAS-fuckthecubs joined (sid11010@snoonet/manager/theaudi0s
[2016-11-02 12:57:47] * caligula.snoonet.org set +v TAS-fuckthecubs
[2016-11-02 12:57:48] <ecross> Seeing as how little the Cultural Revolution had
to do with Culture
[2016-11-02 12:57:59] <denadryne> tfw from quebecois regional government
[2016-11-02 12:58:01] <denadryne> QRG
[2016-11-02 12:58:17] <wqzz>  ( ) ALLA HU AKBAR
[2016-11-02 12:58:23] <ecross> .ban
[2016-11-02 12:58:23] <Naenil> .bang
[2016-11-02 12:58:23] <wqzz> ecross you shot an Islamist in 5.339 seconds! You h
ave killed 2 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 12:58:23] <wqzz> Naenil: There is no Islamist. What are you shooting
[2016-11-02 12:58:26] P3TC0CK quit (P3TC0CK@user/P3TC0CK): Quit: http://www.kiwi
irc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 12:58:28] <Pruswa> Naenil:
[2016-11-02 12:58:37] <Pruswa> How long did it take Twitter to contact you?
[2016-11-02 12:58:41] <Pruswa> I still haven t gotten an email
[2016-11-02 12:58:44] <Pruswa> Can it take days?
[2016-11-02 12:58:57] <ecross> Pruswa: Don t worry, MIT will contact you shortly
[2016-11-02 13:00:21] <Pruswa> fugg :DDD
[2016-11-02 13:00:44] <Naenil> You shoujl
[2016-11-02 13:00:53] <Naenil> ld learn self defense in PKK workshops
[2016-11-02 13:00:55] <Pruswa> ecross: http://c12.haberself.com/res/haberself/14
6/4/34054_m.jpg me irl soon
[2016-11-02 13:00:55] <ecross> Pruswa: So, do they waterboard you with tea or so
[2016-11-02 13:01:01] <Pruswa> No
[2016-11-02 13:01:01] <Pruswa> http://c12.haberself.com/res/haberself/146/4/3405
[2016-11-02 13:01:04] <Pruswa> This is what happens
[2016-11-02 13:01:19] <ecross> What on earth is that
[2016-11-02 13:01:25] <denadryne> https://i.redd.it/usban5c91yux.png p3tc0ck jay
ssan naenil
[2016-11-02 13:01:35] <denadryne> chaldeans for trump
[2016-11-02 13:02:16] <katzen> .quote
[2016-11-02 13:02:16] <Mossad> Quote 262 of 2652: <ChiefHodor> the ME would be m
uch better if Assad had just burned Daraa and other rebellious cities to the gro
und in 2011
[2016-11-02 13:03:09] <Pruswa> ecross: A meme is that they make you sit on soda

[2016-11-02 13:03:49] <Arab_Moroccan> Naenil SDF and YPG are more dangerous then
[2016-11-02 13:03:58] <Naenil> To who Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 13:04:03] <Arab_Moroccan> to Assad
[2016-11-02 13:04:18] <Naenil> Yeah but russia has less and less margin Arab_Mor
[2016-11-02 13:04:20] <Arab_Moroccan> YPG killed NDF in Hasaka
[2016-11-02 13:04:21] <Naenil> err syria
[2016-11-02 13:04:46] <Arab_Moroccan> I really don t get the Russians
[2016-11-02 13:04:48] <Naenil> Russia doesn t particularly want to be involved i
n this conflict for the next 5 years
[2016-11-02 13:04:54] <Prky008> after playing dota2 for an hour and a half
[2016-11-02 13:04:59] <Prky008> i realized how bad i am at it
[2016-11-02 13:05:00] <Naenil> Especially since they just had to cut off their d
efense budget Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 13:05:00] <mzrxa> good Arab_Moroccan they re bloodthirsty thugs
[2016-11-02 13:05:02] <Prky008> my nick is dr.assad
[2016-11-02 13:05:03] <Naenil> By like 20%
[2016-11-02 13:05:06] <Prky008> and i am as bad in dota2 as saa is bad in war
[2016-11-02 13:05:47] <Naenil> The quickest/easiest exist for russia is a comple
te rule of the country by joint saa and sdf Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 13:05:50] <Arab_Moroccan> Right now the Russians wants to impose a h
umanitarian ceasefire in Aleppo, i mean wtf just bomb the shit out of them alrea
[2016-11-02 13:06:16] <Pruswa> Oh my fuck
[2016-11-02 13:06:16] <Pruswa> https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/5aoygn/%
[2016-11-02 13:06:17] <Pruswa> sisisi:
[2016-11-02 13:06:20] <Pruswa> You have seen this?
[2016-11-02 13:06:21] <Arab_Moroccan> SDF will kick Assad out if its becoming st
[2016-11-02 13:06:22] <wqzz> [7Reddit] ehit annesi: "ok minyondu benim olum. Gren Bund
an asker mi... : Turkey - 13 comments, 21 points - Daletay, 7h ago
[2016-11-02 13:06:40] <Pruswa> Arab_Moroccan: I didn t know K*rds were immune to
barrell bombs
[2016-11-02 13:06:41] <Arab_Moroccan> Many secularists in FSA are going to join
[2016-11-02 13:07:15] <Arab_Moroccan> The problem is that the west will support
SDF more then they support FSA
[2016-11-02 13:07:15] <Pruswa> >Many secularists
[2016-11-02 13:07:17] <Pruswa> >in FSA
[2016-11-02 13:07:34] <Arab_Moroccan> Well lets be real, not everyone in FSA is
a jihadist
[2016-11-02 13:08:02] <sisisi> Nigga
[2016-11-02 13:08:07] <sisisi> West supports
[2016-11-02 13:08:08] <sisisi> Fsa
[2016-11-02 13:08:11] <sisisi> way more
[2016-11-02 13:08:18] <mzrxa> sheikh FalafelBey hafizahou allah is a secularist
[2016-11-02 13:08:19] <Pruswa> You don t need to be a jihadist to be non-secular
[2016-11-02 13:08:20] <sisisi> What is it about Pruswa
[2016-11-02 13:08:22] <Pruswa> S*udis aren t jihadis
[2016-11-02 13:08:24] <Pruswa> Read it
[2016-11-02 13:08:25] <Arab_Moroccan> On the short term, yes FSA and JFS are pro
blematic but on the long term SDF and YPG are more dangerous.
[2016-11-02 13:08:25] <Pruswa> sis
[2016-11-02 13:08:26] <Pruswa> sisisi:
[2016-11-02 13:08:32] <sisisi> I refuse to go that sub
[2016-11-02 13:09:13] <Pruswa> https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/5aoygn/%

[2016-11-02 13:09:18] <Pruswa> Read my comment at least
[2016-11-02 13:09:19] <Pruswa> And the link
[2016-11-02 13:09:43] <Naenil> > And leave my brother for Kamal s sake. "Even th
e uniform is on the ball." what it means? The PKK wives read it and giggle. Be a
little realistic.
[2016-11-02 13:09:43] <Naenil> wat
[2016-11-02 13:09:57] <Naenil> damn turkish really doesn t translates well
[2016-11-02 13:10:19] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/astroIoser/status/79339800827
[2016-11-02 13:10:19] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @astroIoser (a): oh.my.god. https://t.co/bB
MOGEJX82 (1 day and 6 hours ago)
[2016-11-02 13:10:21] <Naenil> lmaooo
[2016-11-02 13:10:24] <Schweini> no thats actually what they said Naenil
[2016-11-02 13:10:27] <Schweini> turks are a bit slow
[2016-11-02 13:10:28] <Pruswa> Google Translate is awful at translating T*rkish
[2016-11-02 13:10:32] <winnilourson> i would love to read it pruswa
[2016-11-02 13:10:35] <winnilourson> but its in turkish
[2016-11-02 13:10:43] <Naenil> help me Pruswa
[2016-11-02 13:11:09] <Pruswa> The article is about a martyr from TAF
[2016-11-02 13:11:09] <yat> is beyw here
[2016-11-02 13:11:09] <Mossad> yat: 16:41 <P3TC0CK> tell yat https://twitter.com
[2016-11-02 13:11:11] <Pruswa> Who got killed by PKK
[2016-11-02 13:11:14] <yat> he reads tork too
[2016-11-02 13:11:16] <Pruswa> The headline is:
[2016-11-02 13:11:35] <Pruswa> "My son was very tiny. People who saw him said W
hat kind of a soldier is this? "
[2016-11-02 13:11:40] <Schweini> https://twitter.com/T_rksBtfo/status/7938614673
63737600 lmfao
[2016-11-02 13:11:40] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @T_rksBtfo (Based Silhedin): Worst day of m
y life https://t.co/dDpJ5oRQCi (6 minutes and 43 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 13:11:46] <Pruswa> Basically, it is a mother talking about her marty
red son
[2016-11-02 13:11:48] <Schweini> rip foreskin
[2016-11-02 13:11:54] <Pruswa> She mentions how he was a twink and everything
[2016-11-02 13:12:00] <Pruswa> That his fucking uniform was too big for him
[2016-11-02 13:12:08] <Pruswa> That he got bullied in school but didn t do anyth
[2016-11-02 13:12:10] <Pruswa> Didn t know how to fight
[2016-11-02 13:12:11] <Pruswa> etc.
[2016-11-02 13:12:14] <Pruswa> What the fuck
[2016-11-02 13:12:19] <Pruswa> Imagine getting killed for your country
[2016-11-02 13:12:29] <Pruswa> And after your death they make news about you and
talk about what a little bitch you are
[2016-11-02 13:12:33] <Pruswa> This is fucking ridiculous
[2016-11-02 13:12:36] <BugInAJar> :(
[2016-11-02 13:12:41] <yat> LOL
[2016-11-02 13:12:42] <yat> Glamour magazine has been criticised for naming U2 f
rontman Bono on its annual Women of the Year list.
[2016-11-02 13:12:42] <yat> The magazine said he was the first man to be include
d on the list because of his campaigning for women s rights.
[2016-11-02 13:12:42] <yat> Bono said he was "sure he didn t deserve it" but the
battle for gender equality couldn t be won "unless men lead it along with women
[2016-11-02 13:13:10] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/astroIoser/status/79339800827
2523266 yat
[2016-11-02 13:13:10] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @astroIoser (a): oh.my.god. https://t.co/bB

MOGEJX82 (1 day and 6 hours ago)

[2016-11-02 13:13:15] <Naenil> isn t Bono a huge, permanent fraud
[2016-11-02 13:13:17] <Naenil> sorry Eck
[2016-11-02 13:13:36] <denadryne> yat they might as well have given that award t
o Caitlyn Jenner
[2016-11-02 13:13:37] <Arab_Moroccan> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg_RUYGv0_
[2016-11-02 13:13:37] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] 
 - length 51s [2016-11-02 13:13:43] <denadryne> who da hell reads Glamour magazine anyways
[2016-11-02 13:13:56] <denadryne> this must be one of those magazines that are o
nly stocked at Nail Salons yat
[2016-11-02 13:14:01] <Naenil> I hate the word glamour
[2016-11-02 13:14:19] <winnilourson> LOL pruswa i feel bad for the guy
[2016-11-02 13:15:10] <germanperson> https://twitter.com/sgreports/status/793863
[2016-11-02 13:15:10] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @sgreports (susannah george): from an ISOF
solider today: "have you seen that whiskey tango movie? you remind me of her" me
: "but wasn t that a comedy?" #MosulOffensive (2 minutes and 57 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 13:15:11] <germanperson> hahaha
[2016-11-02 13:15:17] <winnilourson> .tell denadryne https://www.youtube.com/wat
[2016-11-02 13:15:17] <Mossad> winnilourson: I ll pass that on when denadryne is
[2016-11-02 13:15:26] BugInAJar quit (BugInAJar@user/BugInAJar): Quit: Leaving
[2016-11-02 13:16:13] <Pruswa> "Fuck your mothers, look at the news you are publ
ishing. I mean, the woman went through the biggest trauma of her life, she would
say such things, but at least you shouldn t make the guy spin in his grave. Yea
h Erkan didn t look like a 9th grader let alone a soldier, PKK militants who saw
him shat themselves laughing vefore shooting him, and Erkan
[2016-11-02 13:16:13] <Pruswa> wrapped his arms around his knees and started cry
ing before getting killed, and they even found MLP figures on his body. You sons
of bitches. Think about it, you give your life for your country, and they publi
sh an article like "He was a tiny thing, very emotional too, he got beaten up in
school but didn t say anything, called his mom before even u
[2016-11-02 13:16:13] <Pruswa> sing the bathroom".
[2016-11-02 13:16:18] <Pruswa> This is the comment I wrote
[2016-11-02 13:16:24] <denadryne> there should be more arab buffet joints
[2016-11-02 13:16:25] <Mossad> denadryne: 17:15 <winnilourson> tell denadryne ht
[2016-11-02 13:16:34] <Pruswa> winnilourson: Holy shit man, they wrote that his
fucking uniform was too big for him
[2016-11-02 13:16:36] <Pruswa> That hit too close home
[2016-11-02 13:17:25] <denadryne> pruswa you served?
[2016-11-02 13:17:27] <winnilourson> tbh she probably thought he was a kid and h
ad no business getting shot at by kurdo communists
[2016-11-02 13:17:30] <denadryne> as an askeri?
[2016-11-02 13:17:30] <Pruswa> No denadryne
[2016-11-02 13:17:33] <Pruswa> asker
[2016-11-02 13:17:36] <Pruswa> No I didn t
[2016-11-02 13:17:44] <Pruswa> winnilourson: I am 100% she did
[2016-11-02 13:17:49] <Pruswa> But you don t publish that sort of stuff
[2016-11-02 13:17:54] <Pruswa> It is very humiliating for the guy
[2016-11-02 13:18:10] <denadryne> no geyret
[2016-11-02 13:18:19] <winnilourson> yeah man arab food is goat
[2016-11-02 13:18:26] <denadryne> literally a goat
[2016-11-02 13:18:28] <winnilourson> are maghrebis even arabs
[2016-11-02 13:18:50] <winnilourson> or do you guys count them just to include c
ouscous in your food rotation
[2016-11-02 13:19:01] <denadryne> couscous is basically the same thing as bulghu
r doe

[2016-11-02 13:19:03] <denadryne> so

[2016-11-02 13:19:09] ecross quit (ecross@user/ecross): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 13:19:29] <winnilourson> that s a good way to start an argument dena
[2016-11-02 13:19:35] <winnilourson> technically couscous is a pasta
[2016-11-02 13:19:39] <Pruswa> No denadryne
[2016-11-02 13:19:58] <Pruswa> Couscous is more similar to pasta
[2016-11-02 13:20:06] <winnilourson> bulghur is wheat
[2016-11-02 13:20:07] <denadryne> ok
[2016-11-02 13:20:10] <Naenil> I didn t followed the war those last 2 days, what
[2016-11-02 13:20:12] <denadryne> so bulghur is better for you
[2016-11-02 13:20:15] <denadryne> end of story
[2016-11-02 13:20:19] <denadryne> levantine food is da best
[2016-11-02 13:20:27] <Eck> Naenil: why sorry
[2016-11-02 13:20:30] <Eck> i agree
[2016-11-02 13:20:43] <Naenil> You hate bono too Eck
[2016-11-02 13:20:57] <denadryne> naenil bono is frm ireland
[2016-11-02 13:21:01] <winnilourson> i can t say this anymore because then i ll
have to cook on the weekends
[2016-11-02 13:21:02] <Eck> yeah he s a weirdo
[2016-11-02 13:21:02] <Pruswa> Tastes much worse though denadryne
[2016-11-02 13:21:05] <denadryne> eck prolly sees bono as a terrorist
[2016-11-02 13:21:21] <Eck> he is literally the retarded version of donald trump
[2016-11-02 13:21:38] <Naenil> No that s boris Eck
[2016-11-02 13:21:51] <Naenil> Actually I don t hate boris
[2016-11-02 13:21:54] <Naenil> He looks like a lad
[2016-11-02 13:21:59] <denadryne> pruswa bulghur is gr8
[2016-11-02 13:22:08] <denadryne> youre just one of those turks that only eat br
ead and makaron
[2016-11-02 13:22:16] <denadryne> or bread with rice
[2016-11-02 13:22:16] <Eck> lmao
[2016-11-02 13:22:20] <Naenil> >makaron
[2016-11-02 13:22:33] <Naenil> are we talking about this denadryne Pruswa https:
[2016-11-02 13:22:46] <Pruswa> denadryne: No?
[2016-11-02 13:22:51] <denadryne> this naenil http://daily.swarthmore.edu/wp-con
[2016-11-02 13:22:58] <Pruswa> Why are those so fucking expensive Naenil?
[2016-11-02 13:23:02] <Pruswa> They taste like nothing
[2016-11-02 13:23:07] <mzrxa> denadryne has a weakness for everything luxurious
[2016-11-02 13:23:12] <Naenil> They re cheaper in france Pruswa
[2016-11-02 13:23:19] <Pruswa> I eat rice, oats and pasta for carbs
[2016-11-02 13:23:24] <Naenil> They re just fuckin hard to make Pruswa
[2016-11-02 13:23:25] <Pruswa> Not a fan of bulgur
[2016-11-02 13:23:32] <mzrxa> they re expensive af in beirut
[2016-11-02 13:23:43] <denadryne> cut out the rice and pasta pruswa
[2016-11-02 13:23:45] <denadryne> add bulghur
[2016-11-02 13:23:49] <denadryne> mzrxa bulghur?
[2016-11-02 13:23:57] <mzrxa> no macaron
[2016-11-02 13:24:09] <denadryne> bc lebanon was cucked by france
[2016-11-02 13:24:14] <mzrxa> yeah we know
[2016-11-02 13:24:23] <mzrxa> some lb bros resisted tho
[2016-11-02 13:24:29] <denadryne> i bet semen from french men is the most expens
ive for artificial insemination in Lebanon mzrxa
[2016-11-02 13:24:33] AndChat|194889 joined (AndChat1948@Snoonet-gbd.sc6.0ohc4j.
[2016-11-02 13:24:37] <denadryne> bc its considered the best sperm
[2016-11-02 13:24:39] <winnilourson> WEW LADS

[2016-11-02 13:24:40] <winnilourson> LOL

[2016-11-02 13:24:59] <Eck> wew double
[2016-11-02 13:25:03] <Naenil> kek
[2016-11-02 13:25:26] <Naenil> Fuuuuggg i m hungry
[2016-11-02 13:25:30] <Naenil> I know
[2016-11-02 13:25:32] <Naenil> I know it
[2016-11-02 13:25:32] <Eck> eat some food
[2016-11-02 13:25:39] <Naenil> I m going to spend money eating outside
[2016-11-02 13:25:46] <Eck> yes eat the grass
[2016-11-02 13:25:50] <denadryne> buy some cheap french macarons naenil
[2016-11-02 13:25:51] <Naenil> oooooor I could eat melted raceltte
[2016-11-02 13:26:06] <mzrxa> go to le notre have some macarons
[2016-11-02 13:26:17] <Naenil> If you eat macarons for dinner
[2016-11-02 13:26:26] <Naenil> You completly lost control of your life
[2016-11-02 13:26:32] <denadryne> winnilourson i read about artificial inseminat
ion in Tunisia
[2016-11-02 13:26:37] VoivodeSlavkoAleksic quit (AndChat1948@user/VoivodeSlavkoA
leksic): Ping timeout: 121 seconds
[2016-11-02 13:26:39] <denadryne> French sperm is the most desired there apparen
[2016-11-02 13:26:47] <Arab_Moroccan> Did Turkey react to the Federal army ???
[2016-11-02 13:26:47] <denadryne> from White French
[2016-11-02 13:26:53] <denadryne> francais de souche
[2016-11-02 13:27:01] <Naenil> There isn t announcement yet Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 13:27:09] <winnilourson> i dn t know about this tbh
[2016-11-02 13:27:11] <winnilourson> ask an actual
[2016-11-02 13:27:13] <winnilourson> maghrebi
[2016-11-02 13:27:14] <Naenil> lol denadryne you know i d be a "francais de souc
[2016-11-02 13:27:22] <winnilourson> hi arab_moroccan youcan back at the right t
[2016-11-02 13:27:24] <Naenil> despite looking slightly less asian than winnilou
[2016-11-02 13:27:24] <denadryne> naenil time to sell your sperm to north africa
[2016-11-02 13:27:27] <wqzz>  ( ) TA KBIR
[2016-11-02 13:27:30] <winnilourson> .ban
[2016-11-02 13:27:30] <wqzz> winnilourson you shot an Islamist in 2.317 seconds!
You have killed 16 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 13:27:30] <Naenil> .bang
[2016-11-02 13:27:30] <wqzz> Naenil: There is no Islamist. What are you shooting
[2016-11-02 13:27:30] <mzrxa> .bef
[2016-11-02 13:27:30] <wqzz> mzrxa: You tried befriending a non-existent Islamis
t, that s fucking creepy.
[2016-11-02 13:27:44] <denadryne> why even bother learning programming
[2016-11-02 13:27:53] <denadryne> when you get paid to touche soi-meme
[2016-11-02 13:27:58] <Arab_Moroccan> winnilourson Why? :D
[2016-11-02 13:28:02] SerNemesis quit (uid57206@user/SirNemesis): Quit:
[2016-11-02 13:28:08] <Naenil> se la toucher*
[2016-11-02 13:28:36] <Naenil> denadryne, I go to the haircutter tmrow
[2016-11-02 13:29:03] <denadryne> coiffer a la souche
[2016-11-02 13:29:41] <xaashi> I ate chipotle with lettuce for the first time an
d it was amazing
[2016-11-02 13:29:44] <Pruswa> denadryne: b*lgur is shit
[2016-11-02 13:29:44] <xaashi> Wow
[2016-11-02 13:29:54] <xaashi> Fuck E. coli
[2016-11-02 13:29:56] <denadryne> bulghur is gr8 in tabbouleh
[2016-11-02 13:30:00] <mzrxa> Pruswa burghul is great
[2016-11-02 13:30:01] <Naenil> see snap denadryne
[2016-11-02 13:30:07] <denadryne> and lentil dolmasi pruswa

[2016-11-02 13:30:19] <xaashi> Bvlgari is an overrated brand btw

[2016-11-02 13:30:27] <xaashi> Don t pay those prices
[2016-11-02 13:30:34] <denadryne> xaashi you wanna smell like an azn man
[2016-11-02 13:30:45] <xaashi> What
[2016-11-02 13:30:55] <Pruswa> Blerg
[2016-11-02 13:30:58] <Pruswa> Very omar
[2016-11-02 13:31:03] <Pruswa> You make dolma with rice
[2016-11-02 13:31:07] <xaashi> I smell like Tuscan leather / a brick
[2016-11-02 13:31:08] <Pruswa> Or meat
[2016-11-02 13:31:13] <Pruswa> Anything else=waste
[2016-11-02 13:31:15] <xaashi> Shoutout tom ford
[2016-11-02 13:31:17] <denadryne> naenil if youre gonna be selling your sperm yo
u might as well attach that photo to every capsule
[2016-11-02 13:31:26] <Naenil> lmaooo
[2016-11-02 13:31:40] samsoninbabylon joined (uid175495@user/samsoninbabylon)
[2016-11-02 13:31:40] * veronica.snoonet.org set +v samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 13:31:44] <samsoninbabylon> More great SCW discussion http://www.red
[2016-11-02 13:31:45] <wqzz> [7Reddit] Russia tells rebels to leave Syria s Aleppo
by Friday evening : syriancivilwar - 15 comments, 45 points - mshelikoff, 3h ago
[2016-11-02 13:32:43] <Naenil> duly warned
[2016-11-02 13:32:48] <Eck> looks like russia will have their fuel by friday the
[2016-11-02 13:33:27] <mzrxa> https://youtu.be/vlmDh4LlaKo
[2016-11-02 13:33:27] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Fat White Family - Touch The Leather - length 3m
32s - 3,145 likes, 84 dislikes (97.4%) - 346,805 views - BlossomandBill on 2014.03.07 - 4
[2016-11-02 13:33:40] <Arab_Moroccan> Is Russia going to bomb Aleppo Grozny styl
e after the ceasefire?
[2016-11-02 13:34:01] <Eck> prolly
[2016-11-02 13:34:06] <denadryne> lmaoooo
[2016-11-02 13:34:09] <denadryne> "There is something about the Asian girls," Sp
encer said, after I told him that I d discovered an interracial relationship fro
m his past. "They are cute. They are smart. They have a kind of thing going on."
[2016-11-02 13:34:16] <denadryne> this guy Richard Spencer is a famous alt right
[2016-11-02 13:34:49] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/DrNeilTyson/status/7938354698
09254400 denadryne
[2016-11-02 13:34:49] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @DrNeilTyson (Near deGrasse Tyson): The clo
sest thing to genuine joy in this country should not be relief that the latest k
iller doesn t think he s on your side (2 hours and 13 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 13:34:50] AndChat|194889 quit (AndChat1948@Snoonet-gbd.sc6.0ohc4j.IP
): Quit: Bye
[2016-11-02 13:34:53] <Naenil> and samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 13:35:04] VoivodeSlavkoAleksic joined (AndChat1948@user/VoivodeSlavk
[2016-11-02 13:35:04] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v VoivodeSlavkoAleksic
[2016-11-02 13:35:14] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/AmichaiStein1/status/79386866
[2016-11-02 13:35:14] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @AmichaiStein1 (Amichai Stein): #BREAKING:
At least 2 killed and multiple injured Series of bombings, shootings in Songkhla
, Pattani and Narathiwat https://t.co/Mceb75N73r (1 minute and 41 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 13:35:14] <Naenil> wew
[2016-11-02 13:35:30] <sorzer> >thailand
[2016-11-02 13:35:33] <Eck> wtf is songkhla
[2016-11-02 13:35:33] <Eck> ah
[2016-11-02 13:35:38] <denadryne> Jared Taylor and William Johnson, the leader o
f the white nationalist American Freedom Party, both speak fluent Japanese.

[2016-11-02 13:35:39] <denadryne> lmso

[2016-11-02 13:35:40] <sorzer> Naenil: have you been following south african pol
[2016-11-02 13:35:40] <denadryne> lmao
[2016-11-02 13:35:42] <denadryne> sorzer
[2016-11-02 13:35:45] <Naenil> A bit sorzer
[2016-11-02 13:35:50] <sorzer> Naenil: crooked zuma
[2016-11-02 13:35:55] <Naenil> I hope zuma will finally leave he drags SA down s
[2016-11-02 13:36:11] <denadryne> naenil are ppl in front nationale weebs
[2016-11-02 13:36:21] <sorzer> yeah hes a cunt
[2016-11-02 13:39:49] <Naenil> There are some but france has a loot of weebs den
[2016-11-02 13:40:30] <denadryne> so the ppl that rob azn tourists are anti-weeb
[2016-11-02 13:40:47] <Eck> http://i.imgur.com/2wTT1BV.png
[2016-11-02 13:40:48] <Eck> kek
[2016-11-02 13:40:57] <Arab_Moroccan> https://www.reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar/co
[2016-11-02 13:40:59] <wqzz> [7Reddit] Disaster: Entire unit of Pentagon-backed New
Syrian Army captured by... : syriancivilwar - 6 comments, 1 point - Doublefrosty,
11m ago NSFW
[2016-11-02 13:41:14] <VoivodeSlavkoAleksic> .quote
[2016-11-02 13:41:14] <Mossad> Quote 1525 of 2652: <%oppressed_tork> dumbass sto
p inviting your neonazi friends to scw
[2016-11-02 13:41:29] <Naenil> >watching RT
[2016-11-02 13:41:54] <Eck> technically AP news feed but rt has the licence
[2016-11-02 13:42:09] <winnilourson> whats up arab_moroccan
[2016-11-02 13:42:18] <Arab_Moroccan> nothing u?
[2016-11-02 13:42:54] <winnilourson> lol usually when peeps share reddit links h
[2016-11-02 13:43:12] <winnilourson> is because they have a point to do that kin
d of stuff
[2016-11-02 13:43:34] <Naenil> Like, "hey, can you ban this retard"
[2016-11-02 13:44:06] <Arab_Moroccan> Well the video in the link is vert bloody
[2016-11-02 13:44:09] <Arab_Moroccan> very
[2016-11-02 13:44:12] <Naenil> Or "lmao check this thread is everyone retarded o
r i m very smart?"
[2016-11-02 13:44:36] <Naenil> I put an extremly graphic flair
[2016-11-02 13:44:51] <Arab_Moroccan> i see
[2016-11-02 13:45:02] <Arab_Moroccan> ( i m still a newbie)
[2016-11-02 13:46:29] reptar joined (reptar@Snoonet-ghh.3cn.8dmtot.IP)
[2016-11-02 13:46:39] <Naenil> denadryne, aren t there black-only communities in
[2016-11-02 13:46:56] <denadryne> wassup
[2016-11-02 13:47:31] * reptar is now known as Snoo39949
[2016-11-02 13:47:31] <Naenil> was the one where the church was burned and vanda
lized in one of those?
[2016-11-02 13:47:50] <denadryne> winnilourson i triggered my azn student by tel
ling him nigerians had the highest median income and educational attainment of a
ll immigrant groups in america
[2016-11-02 13:47:59] <winnilourson> lol
[2016-11-02 13:48:05] <denadryne> he was like
[2016-11-02 13:48:09] <winnilourson> hahahahhahaha
[2016-11-02 13:48:09] <denadryne> including azns?
[2016-11-02 13:48:11] <denadryne> im like
[2016-11-02 13:48:11] <denadryne> yeah
[2016-11-02 13:48:35] <Naenil> They really do denadryne ?
[2016-11-02 13:48:35] <Naenil> damn
[2016-11-02 13:48:47] <winnilourson> yeah

[2016-11-02 13:48:48] VoivodeSlavkoAleksic quit (AndChat1948@user/VoivodeSlavkoA

leksic): Connection closed
[2016-11-02 13:48:51] <denadryne> tfw roles in america are reversed and azns are
the crack sniffing big-bootied nappy headed hos
[2016-11-02 13:48:55] <denadryne> while blacks are the model minority
[2016-11-02 13:49:03] <Naenil> I d love to see such an america
[2016-11-02 13:49:10] <winnilourson> but north america has been getting the uppe
r class of nigeria
[2016-11-02 13:49:13] <Naenil> That being said, that s kind of what obama is den
[2016-11-02 13:49:16] <winnilourson> mostly igbo nigerians
[2016-11-02 13:49:29] <winnilourson> from well educated merchant background
[2016-11-02 13:49:30] <winnilourson> so
[2016-11-02 13:49:36] <denadryne> naenil no more classy japanese tourists in fra
nce doe
[2016-11-02 13:49:41] <winnilourson> it tends to up the data
[2016-11-02 13:49:43] <denadryne> just a buncha ratchet scallywags like the russ
[2016-11-02 13:49:56] <winnilourson> tbh the russian tourists ive met
[2016-11-02 13:49:57] <Naenil> lol heard about china having to blacklist their o
wn tourists denadryne ?
[2016-11-02 13:50:00] <denadryne> but muh azns are naturally harder working and
smarter than those other minorities winnilourson
[2016-11-02 13:50:02] <winnilourson> are some of the nicest people i ever met on
[2016-11-02 13:50:18] <Naenil> russian tourists went in my house for painting th
[2016-11-02 13:50:18] <winnilourson> lol you know i never believed in that model
minority shit
[2016-11-02 13:50:23] <winnilourson> my ex gf is white
[2016-11-02 13:50:25] <Naenil> They weren t even triggered by the nato flag
[2016-11-02 13:50:26] <winnilourson> and the one before that
[2016-11-02 13:50:29] <winnilourson> black
[2016-11-02 13:50:29] VoivodeSlavkoAleksic joined (AndChat1948@user/VoivodeSlavk
[2016-11-02 13:50:29] * ny.snoonet.org set +v VoivodeSlavkoAleksic
[2016-11-02 13:50:30] <winnilourson> sooooo
[2016-11-02 13:50:42] <Naenil> tfw winnilourson wants to try out everything befo
re sticking
[2016-11-02 13:50:49] <denadryne> winnilourson so wat, you prolly were just chec
king them off your racial checklist
[2016-11-02 13:50:50] <denadryne> kek
[2016-11-02 13:50:51] <denadryne> ^
[2016-11-02 13:50:51] <winnilourson> nah not getting married
[2016-11-02 13:50:53] <winnilourson> like ever
[2016-11-02 13:51:01] <Naenil> "white - check"
[2016-11-02 13:51:07] <denadryne> winnilourson you still have to get a hapa and
a blasian doe
[2016-11-02 13:51:08] <Naenil> "black - check"
[2016-11-02 13:51:12] <Naenil> "beur - check"
[2016-11-02 13:51:15] <denadryne> lmaooo
[2016-11-02 13:51:25] <denadryne> naenil now winni has to get every permutation
[2016-11-02 13:51:28] <denadryne> black-white
[2016-11-02 13:51:31] <denadryne> black-asian
[2016-11-02 13:51:33] <denadryne> white-asian
[2016-11-02 13:51:37] <denadryne> white-beur
[2016-11-02 13:51:38] <Naenil> Stop chasing achievements winnilourson
[2016-11-02 13:51:57] <denadryne> winni will eventually fuck the whole rainbow
[2016-11-02 13:51:57] <winnilourson> i don t have a racial checklist
[2016-11-02 13:52:02] <winnilourson> but blasian is done tbh

[2016-11-02 13:52:02] <nvl> winnilourson, what s the next one?

[2016-11-02 13:52:03] <denadryne> including aborigine girls
[2016-11-02 13:52:06] <denadryne> and first nations
[2016-11-02 13:52:20] <winnilourson> i m in a long term relationship with an ara
b right now nvl
[2016-11-02 13:52:37] <nvl> winnilourson, yeah but after that
[2016-11-02 13:52:39] <nvl> :--)
[2016-11-02 13:52:40] <denadryne> sounds p model minority to me winnilourson
[2016-11-02 13:52:46] <denadryne> the best minority
[2016-11-02 13:52:50] <denadryne> able to bang every other minority
[2016-11-02 13:52:54] <nvl> lol
[2016-11-02 13:53:00] <Naenil> That s white ppl denadryne
[2016-11-02 13:53:14] <denadryne> theyre not a minority...yet naenil
[2016-11-02 13:53:25] <Naenil> They are in some states
[2016-11-02 13:53:28] <Naenil> of the US
[2016-11-02 13:53:32] <denadryne> like in hawaii
[2016-11-02 13:53:33] <denadryne> sure
[2016-11-02 13:53:51] <Naenil> like like AZ like that
[2016-11-02 13:53:54] <Naenil> or NM
[2016-11-02 13:53:58] <samsoninbabylon> Naenil NDGT sucks
[2016-11-02 13:54:10] <Naenil> ? samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 13:54:54] <samsoninbabylon> Neil degrasse Tyson
[2016-11-02 13:54:57] <dumbass> america irl http://i.imgur.com/Ro7KW1B.jpg
[2016-11-02 13:55:01] <denadryne> winnilourson did you start your journey after
you got sick of seeing only asian women with white guys
[2016-11-02 13:55:10] <Naenil> ah
[2016-11-02 13:55:12] <winnilourson> no
[2016-11-02 13:55:17] <winnilourson> dated an asian girl in hs
[2016-11-02 13:55:17] <denadryne> in DT montreal
[2016-11-02 13:55:27] <winnilourson> made the realisation
[2016-11-02 13:55:34] <winnilourson> that i dont want to deal with asian parents
[2016-11-02 13:55:48] <denadryne> so youd rather deal with arab parents instead
[2016-11-02 13:55:48] <denadryne> ok
[2016-11-02 13:56:00] <nvl> What about European parents
[2016-11-02 13:56:04] <nvl> Or South American parents
[2016-11-02 13:56:14] <denadryne> euro parents will let u bang their daughter wh
ile theyre home
[2016-11-02 13:56:15] <wqzz>  () YA ALLA H
[2016-11-02 13:56:19] <dumbass> .bef
[2016-11-02 13:56:19] <wqzz> dumbass you befriended an Islamist in 3.827 seconds
! You have made friends with 96 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 13:56:20] <Arab_Moroccan> hahahahah
[2016-11-02 13:56:27] <Arab_Moroccan> denadryne so true
[2016-11-02 13:56:51] <samsoninbabylon> Tbh nothing sounds as bad as Asian paren
[2016-11-02 13:57:00] <winnilourson> tbh quebecoise girl are the same
[2016-11-02 13:57:01] <winnilourson> but
[2016-11-02 13:57:04] <samsoninbabylon> I d rather have my gf s dad be in isis
[2016-11-02 13:57:06] <winnilourson> still
[2016-11-02 13:57:09] <winnilourson> LOL
[2016-11-02 13:57:17] <Eck> wat
[2016-11-02 13:57:22] <Naenil> What s so bad about asian parents
[2016-11-02 13:57:24] <sorzer> https://twitter.com/Jerusalem_Post/status/7938719
[2016-11-02 13:57:24] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @Jerusalem_Post (The Jerusalem Post): Kenya
says withdrawing its troops from a UN mission in South Sudan https://t.co/RCQR4Y
ySYj #BreakingNews (10 minutes and 48 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 13:57:29] <Naenil> teach me life
[2016-11-02 13:57:35] <Arab_Moroccan> I remeberd my dutch friend, he had a siste

r and his sister had a boyfriend and they banged each other while we were sittin
g with his parents in the living room and we could hear his sister getting bange
[2016-11-02 13:57:44] <Eck> how come sorzer
[2016-11-02 13:57:54] <nvl> So Arab_Moroccan is from NL
[2016-11-02 13:57:55] <samsoninbabylon> Lmaooooo
[2016-11-02 13:57:57] <Eck> that mission has been going for like 2 years
[2016-11-02 13:57:58] <nvl> Gross
[2016-11-02 13:58:04] <Arab_Moroccan> nvl Yes i am
[2016-11-02 13:58:15] <Naenil> I did that with my gfs Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 13:58:17] <samsoninbabylon> Naenil just look at /r/raisedbynarcissis
ts and search Asian
[2016-11-02 13:58:26] <Naenil> tfw no gf
[2016-11-02 13:58:27] <denadryne> arab_moroccan did the parents pretend nothing
was happening
[2016-11-02 13:58:33] <Naenil> brb eating raclette
[2016-11-02 13:58:37] <sorzer> Eck: not sure
[2016-11-02 13:58:45] <Arab_Moroccan> They indeed pretend like nothing was going
[2016-11-02 13:58:49] <Arab_Moroccan> hhhhh
[2016-11-02 13:58:57] <Arab_Moroccan> never forget that scene
[2016-11-02 13:59:11] <samsoninbabylon> That s brutal
[2016-11-02 13:59:22] <samsoninbabylon> Tfw foreigners still live with their par
ents past 18
[2016-11-02 13:59:27] <Naenil> actually no
[2016-11-02 13:59:37] <Naenil> I need to make dishes
[2016-11-02 13:59:37] <Eck> https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/africa/icc-gets
[2016-11-02 13:59:43] <Naenil> THIS IS WHY I SPEND MONEY EATING OUTSIDE
[2016-11-02 13:59:44] <Eck> sorzer ^
[2016-11-02 14:00:02] <sorzer> could be
[2016-11-02 14:00:05] <Naenil> wasn t kenyatta convicted
[2016-11-02 14:00:08] <Naenil> or something
[2016-11-02 14:00:11] <sorzer> oh
[2016-11-02 14:00:28] <Naenil> .g kenyatta icc
[2016-11-02 14:00:30] <wqzz> Naenil: https://www.icc-cpi.int/kenya/kenyatta?ln=e
n -- Kenyatta Case - International Criminal Court: "International Criminal Court.
EN FR Home Kenya The Prosecutor v. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta ... Uhuru Muigai Kenyat
ta. ICC-01/09-02/11. Closed...."
[2016-11-02 14:00:30] <sorzer> that might make sense cuz the icc was mad about k
iirs visit
[2016-11-02 14:00:32] <samsoninbabylon> Naenil wash dishes
[2016-11-02 14:00:37] <samsoninbabylon> Naenil or do the dishes
[2016-11-02 14:00:38] <denadryne> winnilourson apparently sperm donations from a
sians are becoming a thing in africa
[2016-11-02 14:00:42] <sorzer> but i think that was to south africa?
[2016-11-02 14:00:43] <Naenil> yeah sorry samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 14:00:49] <denadryne> african women who want straight hair
[2016-11-02 14:00:51] <samsoninbabylon> .takbir naenil
[2016-11-02 14:00:51] <wqzz> TAKBIR () TAKBIIIIR
[2016-11-02 14:00:53] <samsoninbabylon> Shit
[2016-11-02 14:00:54] <denadryne> get azn sperm
[2016-11-02 14:00:56] <samsoninbabylon> .takfir naenil
[2016-11-02 14:00:56] wqzz amputates naenil
[2016-11-02 14:00:58] <Eck> .bang]
[2016-11-02 14:01:00] <Eck> .bang
[2016-11-02 14:01:00] <wqzz> Eck: There is no Islamist. What are you shooting at
[2016-11-02 14:01:02] <dumbass> .bef

[2016-11-02 14:01:02] <wqzz> dumbass: You tried befriending a non-existent Islam

ist, that s fucking creepy.
[2016-11-02 14:01:04] <samsoninbabylon> .bab
[2016-11-02 14:01:04] <wqzz> :s
[2016-11-02 14:01:04] <Eck> wwwww
[2016-11-02 14:01:06] <dumbass> damn
[2016-11-02 14:01:11] <samsoninbabylon> .takbir
[2016-11-02 14:01:11] <wqzz> TAKBIR () TAKBIIIIR
[2016-11-02 14:01:15] <sorzer> Eck: Naenil http://abcnews.go.com/International/w
[2016-11-02 14:01:17] <dumbass> .beffffffffffffffffffff
[2016-11-02 14:01:27] <sorzer> its cuz they fired the kenyan head of forces ther
[2016-11-02 14:01:30] VoivodeSlavkoAleksic quit (AndChat1948@user/VoivodeSlavkoA
leksic): Ping timeout: 121 seconds
[2016-11-02 14:01:31] <Arab_Moroccan> .takbir
[2016-11-02 14:01:31] <wqzz> TAKBIR () TAKBIIIIR
[2016-11-02 14:01:45] <Eck> ah
[2016-11-02 14:02:06] <Arab_Moroccan> https://twitter.com/muslim2day/status/7938
[2016-11-02 14:02:08] <winnilourson> lol asian sperm donation
[2016-11-02 14:02:09] <winnilourson> w
[2016-11-02 14:02:09] <winnilourson> e
[2016-11-02 14:02:09] <winnilourson> w
[2016-11-02 14:02:28] <DLAMN> SMH https://twitter.com/ShaneGoldmacher/status/793
[2016-11-02 14:02:28] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @ShaneGoldmacher (Shane Goldmacher): Man sho
uts at press for selling out "for a few shekels" at Trump rally in Miami https:/
/t.co/f4MApeMgxa (2 hours and 3 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 14:02:42] <Arab_Moroccan> Netanhanyu: Many Arabic country s see Isra
el as a partner nowadays.
[2016-11-02 14:02:48] <Arab_Moroccan> He s right....
[2016-11-02 14:02:50] <Arab_Moroccan> :(
[2016-11-02 14:02:54] <nvl> Arab_Moroccan, Arab League + Israel = kill Iran tbh
[2016-11-02 14:02:58] <Naenil> He s right
[2016-11-02 14:02:59] <Naenil> :D
[2016-11-02 14:03:06] <mzrxa> it s true tho
[2016-11-02 14:03:14] <mzrxa> fucking slaves
[2016-11-02 14:03:33] <winnilourson> lol
[2016-11-02 14:03:39] <Eck> lmao DLAMN
[2016-11-02 14:03:41] <winnilourson> .g mossad new challenges gordon thomas
[2016-11-02 14:03:41] <Eck> hahaha
[2016-11-02 14:03:52] <wqzz> winnilourson: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB1000142
4052970204653604577249290856037210 -- Five Best: Gordon Thomas on books about Mos
sad - WSJ: "Gordon Thomas on "Haganah" by ... Five Best: Gordon Thomas. March 10
... offering insights worth keeping in mind as Israel faces new threats and..."
[2016-11-02 14:04:01] katzen quit (katzen@user/katzen): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 14:04:14] <winnilourson> it goes into solid details about how some a
rab countries believes that
[2016-11-02 14:04:19] <winnilourson> iran is an existantial threats
[2016-11-02 14:04:25] <winnilourson> from the mossad pov
[2016-11-02 14:04:27] <Arab_Moroccan> nvl I think Israel is bigger threat in the
region then Iran... Yes Iran has his problems to but come on...
[2016-11-02 14:04:27] <winnilourson> its interesting
[2016-11-02 14:04:45] <nvl> Arab_Moroccan, Israel loves Arabs
[2016-11-02 14:04:57] <Schweini> lol d Naenil
[2016-11-02 14:05:00] <Schweini> nice snap
[2016-11-02 14:05:00] <nvl> Israel is the natural ally of the Sunni Arab world
[2016-11-02 14:05:02] <nvl> :)

[2016-11-02 14:05:11] <Arab_Moroccan> Israel loves traitor Arab

[2016-11-02 14:05:20] <nvl> All Arabs are traitors
[2016-11-02 14:05:20] <Arab_Moroccan> nvl not true at all....
[2016-11-02 14:05:30] <Schweini> allahuabkarrr
[2016-11-02 14:05:31] <Arab_Moroccan> Israel is the ally of zionist puppets
[2016-11-02 14:05:57] <nvl> The road to al-Quds goes through payments from Tel A
[2016-11-02 14:05:58] <Arab_Moroccan> Sunni or not sunni, a real Arab never part
ners up with Israel...
[2016-11-02 14:06:00] <nvl> What can I say
[2016-11-02 14:06:26] <Arab_Moroccan> I d rather die then becoming an ally of Is
[2016-11-02 14:06:42] <nvl> Isn t your government allied to Israel
[2016-11-02 14:06:42] <winnilourson> spoken like a true baathist tbh
[2016-11-02 14:06:44] <Naenil> Israel is cool Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 14:06:53] <winnilourson> didn t your government beat a fisherman to
death like
[2016-11-02 14:06:54] <Naenil> You should do a trip there
[2016-11-02 14:06:55] <winnilourson> 2 weeks ago
[2016-11-02 14:07:04] <winnilourson> and supported a rapist against a algerian c
[2016-11-02 14:07:08] <Naenil> They took his fish winnilourson
[2016-11-02 14:07:08] <Arab_Moroccan> I have nothing against the Israeli ppl in
[2016-11-02 14:07:18] <nvl> Ok xaashi what is "mxaa waa"
[2016-11-02 14:07:20] <winnilourson> he still ded naenil
[2016-11-02 14:07:22] <Naenil> and the man tried to retake his fish
[2016-11-02 14:07:25] <Eck> just the zionist gov amirite Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 14:07:27] <Naenil> and he got crushed
[2016-11-02 14:07:33] <Eck> .biji bibi zion
[2016-11-02 14:07:46] <nvl> xaashi, is it like a laugh
[2016-11-02 14:07:56] <Arab_Moroccan> Did you guys know that Israel is pro SDF a
nd pro Rojava???
[2016-11-02 14:08:03] <Naenil> :D Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 14:08:07] <Naenil> Super biji
[2016-11-02 14:08:09] <Eck> really, i thought they were pro assad
[2016-11-02 14:08:17] <Naenil> This channel is rather pro kurd in case you didn
t noticed Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 14:08:35] <Arab_Moroccan> Yea i ve sensed it somehow
[2016-11-02 14:08:36] <nvl> Israel is pro Turkey
[2016-11-02 14:08:38] <nvl> And Turkey is pro Arab
[2016-11-02 14:08:40] <Eck> lol
[2016-11-02 14:08:43] <nvl> Israel is pro Arab
[2016-11-02 14:08:46] <Naenil> pro KRG too
[2016-11-02 14:08:48] <Eck> turkey is pro terrorism
[2016-11-02 14:08:51] <Naenil> which is good
[2016-11-02 14:08:56] <mzrxa> PPKK is pro israel ?
[2016-11-02 14:08:58] <nvl> Eck, exactly pro Arab
[2016-11-02 14:08:59] <Naenil> litteraly the three entities I support Eck
[2016-11-02 14:09:01] <mzrxa> right
[2016-11-02 14:09:07] <Arab_Moroccan> Israel is not pro Assad, they bombed Assad
several times before just a month or two ago
[2016-11-02 14:09:10] <Naenil> No pkk is theorically pro palestine
[2016-11-02 14:09:21] <Eck> do you support the gov Naenil
[2016-11-02 14:09:23] <nvl> Arab_Moroccan, they re pro Arab
[2016-11-02 14:09:25] <Naenil> Arab_Moroccan, israel got a direct sight on damas

cus from golan

[2016-11-02 14:09:31] <Naenil> If they wanted to kill assad
[2016-11-02 14:09:33] <Naenil> It would take like
[2016-11-02 14:09:34] <nvl> Arab_Moroccan, Bashar isn t Arab he s cryptomajoosi
[2016-11-02 14:09:37] <Naenil> 2 minutes?
[2016-11-02 14:09:38] <mzrxa> ocalan s been raised by the palestinian left
[2016-11-02 14:09:45] <Eck> lol
[2016-11-02 14:09:50] <Naenil> isn t ocalan from MIT mzrxa
[2016-11-02 14:09:54] <Naenil> or is it salih muslim
[2016-11-02 14:10:26] <Arab_Moroccan> The fun part is, Bashar doesnt give a care
about religion. He himself says that he s muslim and he does not call himself S
unni nor Shia (majoosi)
[2016-11-02 14:10:41] <Naenil> dude he s a fucking alawite
[2016-11-02 14:10:45] <Schweini> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEZWE8NqZiY
[2016-11-02 14:10:47] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Terrorists will lose! - length 3m - 2,334 likes,
272 dislikes (89.6%) - 370,870 views - otuzniak on 2012.06.09
[2016-11-02 14:10:47] <Naenil> and puts alawite everywhere in power
[2016-11-02 14:10:49] <Naenil> like his dad
[2016-11-02 14:10:55] Kallipoliz joined (Kallipoliz@user/Kallipoliz)
[2016-11-02 14:10:55] * ny.snoonet.org set +v Kallipoliz
[2016-11-02 14:11:00] <Pruswa> That s because Alawites are more reliable for him
[2016-11-02 14:11:04] <Pruswa> Not because he cares about religion
[2016-11-02 14:11:07] <winnilourson> are alawite muslims?
[2016-11-02 14:11:10] <Pruswa> Assads are Western people ffs
[2016-11-02 14:11:19] <winnilourson> are sufi muslims
[2016-11-02 14:11:19] <mzrxa> he was arrested by MIT Naenil
[2016-11-02 14:11:23] <mzrxa> with the help of the syrians
[2016-11-02 14:11:28] <Arab_Moroccan> Alawites call themselves muslims
[2016-11-02 14:11:32] <nvl> Bashar isn t human but a robot made in Tehran
[2016-11-02 14:11:32] <winnilourson> are that weird mix of sunni islam and triba
l malaysian tradition
[2016-11-02 14:11:35] <winnilourson> muslims?
[2016-11-02 14:11:37] <Pruswa> http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/12032
1065811-assad-and-wife-story-top.jpg do these people look like Muslims to you Na
[2016-11-02 14:11:39] <winnilourson> how does islam work!
[2016-11-02 14:11:48] <denadryne> winnilourson idi na hui
[2016-11-02 14:11:50] <Pruswa> Idk winnilourson, p3tcuck will tell you that they
are not
[2016-11-02 14:11:54] <Naenil> yes Pruswa
[2016-11-02 14:12:01] <Pruswa> What I know for a certainity that Alevis aren t M
[2016-11-02 14:12:02] <Arab_Moroccan> But Assad is closer to sunni i think, beca
use his mufti is sunni and he prays in sunni mosque.
[2016-11-02 14:12:19] <Pruswa> Assad isn t a religious man
[2016-11-02 14:12:27] <Pruswa> Assad family is completely westernized
[2016-11-02 14:12:32] <Eck> yeah good people
[2016-11-02 14:12:34] <Pruswa> They are Alawite in name
[2016-11-02 14:12:42] <Arab_Moroccan> He s secular but he s muslim and he calls
himself muslim
[2016-11-02 14:12:48] <Pruswa> They put Alawites in high places because Alawites
are less likely to fuck with him
[2016-11-02 14:12:49] <samsoninbabylon> Yeah 100% sure he is an atheist
[2016-11-02 14:12:56] <Pruswa> Well maybe not an atheist
[2016-11-02 14:12:58] <Pruswa> He is just a
[2016-11-02 14:12:59] <Pruswa> Umm
[2016-11-02 14:13:01] <Pruswa> Cultural Alawite
[2016-11-02 14:13:06] <Arab_Moroccan> No he s not atheist.
[2016-11-02 14:13:15] <Arab_Moroccan> Many ppl misunderstand something
[2016-11-02 14:13:23] <Arab_Moroccan> Baathism does not mean atheism

[2016-11-02 14:13:26] <samsoninbabylon> He s atheist

[2016-11-02 14:13:30] <Schweini> God, Syria and Bashar!God, Syria and Bashar!God
, Syria and Bashar!God, Syria and Bashar!God, Syria and Bashar!God, Syria and Ba
shar!God, Syria and Bashar!God, Syria and Bashar!God, Syria and Bashar!God, Syri
a and Bashar!God, Syria and Bashar!God, Syria and Bashar!God, Syria and Bashar!G
od, Syria and Bashar!God, Syria and Bashar!God, Syria and Basha
[2016-11-02 14:13:30] <Schweini> r!God, Syria and Bashar!God, Syria and Bashar!G
od, Syria and Bashar!God, Syria and Bashar!God, Syria and Bashar!
[2016-11-02 14:13:30] <winnilourson> WEW PRUSWA
[2016-11-02 14:13:31] <winnilourson> LOL
[2016-11-02 14:13:34] <nvl> Bashar is an atheist Jewish majoosi
[2016-11-02 14:13:38] <samsoninbabylon> I m not saying all Baathists are but he
def is
[2016-11-02 14:13:47] <Arab_Moroccan> Most Baath members are religious and belie
ve in God
[2016-11-02 14:13:47] <samsoninbabylon> 100%
[2016-11-02 14:13:58] <samsoninbabylon> Atheist af
[2016-11-02 14:13:58] <alesx> pkk is like the radical kibutz communists in 1940s
israel, it s an insurgent group
[2016-11-02 14:14:02] <alesx> israel is pro all kurds
[2016-11-02 14:14:04] <Schweini> .tell p3tc0ck
[2016-11-02 14:14:04] <Mossad> Schweini: I ll pass that on when p3tc0ck is aroun
[2016-11-02 14:14:09] <nvl> Arab_Moroccan since you re Maghrebi, Baathist and fr
om the West have you considered making hijra to the IS
[2016-11-02 14:14:26] <Arab_Moroccan> Why to IS?
[2016-11-02 14:14:27] <Arab_Moroccan> lol
[2016-11-02 14:14:29] <samsoninbabylon> His dad was trained in USSR Air Force lm
ao they wouldn t train a Muslim in Intel
[2016-11-02 14:14:36] <nvl> Arab_Moroccan, ask the thousands who went hhh
[2016-11-02 14:14:38] <mzrxa> alesx PKK trained with the PFLP for years
[2016-11-02 14:14:41] <Schweini> .tell p3t
[2016-11-02 14:14:41] <Mossad> Schweini: I ll pass that on when p3t is around.
[2016-11-02 14:14:49] <samsoninbabylon> Nvl lmaooooo
[2016-11-02 14:14:54] <Arab_Moroccan> nvl most who went are salafists and not ba
[2016-11-02 14:15:05] <Schweini> .tell p3t
[2016-11-02 14:15:05] <Mossad> Schweini: I ll pass that on when p3t is around.
[2016-11-02 14:15:16] <Arab_Moroccan>
[2016-11-02 14:15:22] <nvl> Arab_Moroccan, same thing nowadays didn t you hear
[2016-11-02 14:15:26] <Arab_Moroccan>
[2016-11-02 14:15:54] <Arab_Moroccan> nvl There s a big difference between Baath
ism and Salafism...
[2016-11-02 14:16:21] <nvl> Didn t you get the memo
[2016-11-02 14:16:46] <Arab_Moroccan> What s memo ?
[2016-11-02 14:16:47] <samsoninbabylon> ISIS is SADDAM is my new favorite media
[2016-11-02 14:17:27] <nvl> Arab_Moroccan, https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CoZsACtXE
[2016-11-02 14:17:30] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> tfw when the only source google can f
ind the shitty anthology you were given to read it in.
[2016-11-02 14:17:32] <winnilourson> sos guys i need to head to a regional offic
[2016-11-02 14:17:36] <winnilourson> so imma tty guys later
[2016-11-02 14:17:36] <winnilourson> <3
[2016-11-02 14:17:37] <Arab_Moroccan> Biggest joke of course, Baathism is secula
r and if Saddam would be alive he would make sure that there was no ISIS
[2016-11-02 14:17:38] <dumbass> thank your government for that samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 14:17:39] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> tfw when you almost spell can with a

[2016-11-02 14:17:40] winnilourson quit (winnilourso@syriancivilwar/winnilourson

): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 14:17:48] <dumbass> american foreign policy best foreign policy
[2016-11-02 14:17:51] <nvl> Arab_Moroccan, 100% broof in the photo
[2016-11-02 14:17:58] <Arab_Moroccan> hhhhhhhhhhhhh
[2016-11-02 14:17:59] <Arab_Moroccan> omggg
[2016-11-02 14:18:03] <Arab_Moroccan> broof
[2016-11-02 14:18:05] <Arab_Moroccan> omgggggggg
[2016-11-02 14:18:08] <nvl> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CrTrZ1xWAAEjy-Z.jpg
[2016-11-02 14:18:15] <nvl> Syrian rebels love Ba ath
[2016-11-02 14:18:22] <nvl> ;)
[2016-11-02 14:18:35] <Arab_Moroccan> They love how Saddam died
[2016-11-02 14:18:44] <Arab_Moroccan> Saddam was hanged by Shia
[2016-11-02 14:18:51] <Arab_Moroccan> Rebbels are anti Shia
[2016-11-02 14:18:52] emr1028_ quit (emr10@Snoonet-4kf.bik.8h6id1.IP): Ping time
out: 121 seconds
[2016-11-02 14:18:52] <Eck> https://twitter.com/miladvisor/status/79387593955806
[2016-11-02 14:18:52] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @miladvisor (Military Advisor): Admiral Kuz
netsov naval battle group now near Krit,~1000 km away from Syria. https://t.co/B
IGYaZyJxq (16 minutes and 24 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 14:18:53] <Arab_Moroccan> do the math
[2016-11-02 14:18:54] <Eck> ITS HAPPENING
[2016-11-02 14:19:27] <Schweini> ganja must be ejaculating rn
[2016-11-02 14:20:17] <alesx> mzrxa: the radical communists eventually disappear
ed from israel. same will happen with the pkk, but they play a role in the path
to a free kurdistan
[2016-11-02 14:20:33] <nvl> Arab_Moroccan, it s ok rebels are not the only ones
with amusing trucks http://d.ibtimes.co.uk/en/full/1458024/syrias-president-assa
[2016-11-02 14:21:20] <Arab_Moroccan> iyaakom wa suriya :D
[2016-11-02 14:21:28] <solidus_snake> PKK really isn t communist anymore
[2016-11-02 14:21:35] <Eck> https://twitter.com/NYTArchives/status/7938615017906
[2016-11-02 14:21:36] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @NYTArchives (NYT Archives): In 2000, a "shy
young man" known as Dr. Assad was seen as "a beacon of hope for a new, more rel
axed Syria." https://t.co/gokO3iegSP (1 hour and 16 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 14:21:39] <Eck> wew
[2016-11-02 14:21:43] <solidus_snake> at least, they aren t Marxist Leninists in
any real sense
[2016-11-02 14:22:02] <alesx> socialists
[2016-11-02 14:22:18] <solidus_snake> in the broad sense of the word, sure
[2016-11-02 14:22:24] <mzrxa> pkk dropped the marxist-leninist ideology some tim
e ago
[2016-11-02 14:22:31] <solidus_snake> yep
[2016-11-02 14:22:52] <mzrxa> it doesn t make them stand with israeli oppression
[2016-11-02 14:22:52] <dumbass> TAK are the real niggaz
[2016-11-02 14:23:06] <solidus_snake> dem confed is like Jeffersonian democracy
mixed with Maoism lite
[2016-11-02 14:23:57] <wqzz>  () Y A ALI
[2016-11-02 14:24:00] <dumbass> .bef
[2016-11-02 14:24:00] <wqzz> dumbass you befriended an Islamist in 2.989 seconds
! You have made friends with 97 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 14:24:01] <mzrxa> .bef
[2016-11-02 14:24:01] <wqzz> mzrxa: You tried befriending a non-existent Islamis
t, that s fucking creepy.
[2016-11-02 14:24:07] <dumbass> cucked
[2016-11-02 14:24:09] <mzrxa> fucking arab lag
[2016-11-02 14:24:09] <Eck> wut https://twitter.com/Conflicts/status/79379885236

[2016-11-02 14:24:09] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @Conflicts (Conflict News): MORE: @RT_Erdog
an says he will build a 5,000km "safe zone" inside #Syria - @RudawEnglish (5 hou
rs and 28 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 14:24:15] <dumbass> im juba of irc
[2016-11-02 14:24:19] <dumbass> i never miss my duck
[2016-11-02 14:24:29] <solidus_snake> aside from Mossad s alleged involvement wi
th Apo s capture, I don t think PKK really cares about Israel either way
[2016-11-02 14:25:18] beyw joined (beyw@user/beyw)
[2016-11-02 14:25:18] * protectandserve.snoonet.org set +v beyw
[2016-11-02 14:25:55] <Prky008> 
[2016-11-02 14:25:57] <solidus_snake> israel isn t even a remote priority for th
[2016-11-02 14:25:59] <mzrxa> fak off
[2016-11-02 14:26:16] <mzrxa> it s not a military priority but ocalan had close
ties with the palestinians
[2016-11-02 14:26:17] <beyw> .ban
[2016-11-02 14:26:17] <wqzz> beyw: There is no Islamist. What are you shooting a
[2016-11-02 14:26:32] Snoo39949 quit (reptar@Snoonet-ghh.3cn.8dmtot.IP): Quit: h
ttp://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 14:26:39] <beyw> wasnt pkk essentially forced to fight israe
[2016-11-02 14:26:43] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> It s a false flag set up by Hillary b
[2016-11-02 14:26:47] <beyw> they were in the bekaa valley
[2016-11-02 14:26:51] <beyw> when israle invaded
[2016-11-02 14:26:52] <mzrxa> forced ?
[2016-11-02 14:26:53] <beyw> afaik
[2016-11-02 14:27:00] <beyw> i mean
[2016-11-02 14:27:03] <beyw> they were there
[2016-11-02 14:27:06] <beyw> so palis prolly went
[2016-11-02 14:27:09] <beyw> ocalan helps us
[2016-11-02 14:27:10] <Schweini> yes u said that 50 times already dumbass
[2016-11-02 14:27:12] <beyw> and yhe went
[2016-11-02 14:27:14] <beyw> sure
[2016-11-02 14:27:20] <beyw> thats how i imagine it
[2016-11-02 14:27:20] <beyw> idk
[2016-11-02 14:27:22] <dumbass> because its true
[2016-11-02 14:27:25] <Schweini> also this nick sucks
[2016-11-02 14:27:29] <beyw> but pkk was already in bekaa valley in 1982
[2016-11-02 14:27:30] Schweini quit (Schweini@Snoonet-itr.6nd.tgg5hc.IP): Quit:
http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 14:27:31] <solidus_snake> beyw: they were in training camps with pal
estinian militants and a few of them got killed by Israelis but that was decades
[2016-11-02 14:27:36] Schweini_for_Hillary joined (Schweini_fo@Snoonet-itr.6nd.t
[2016-11-02 14:27:36] * ny.snoonet.org set +v Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-11-02 14:27:36] Schweini_for_Hillary quit (Schweini_fo@Snoonet-itr.6nd.tgg
5hc.IP): Changing host
[2016-11-02 14:27:36] Schweini_for_Hillary joined (Schweini_fo@user/Schweini-for
[2016-11-02 14:27:36] * veronica.snoonet.org set +v Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-11-02 14:27:39] <beyw> Schweini: it does
[2016-11-02 14:27:42] <Schweini_for_Hillary> better
[2016-11-02 14:27:49] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: fuck this nick too
[2016-11-02 14:27:58] <Schweini_for_Hillary> dont be rude
[2016-11-02 14:28:01] <mzrxa> from what i know it was an ideological stance not
a circumstantial one, they could ve easily gone the SLA way and got all the isra
eli support they can get

[2016-11-02 14:28:02] <beyw> sorry i just have a lot of aner

[2016-11-02 14:28:04] <beyw> anger
[2016-11-02 14:28:04] <Schweini_for_Hillary> that was quite rude
[2016-11-02 14:28:05] <mzrxa> south lebanese army*
[2016-11-02 14:28:10] <beyw> im filled with anxiety
[2016-11-02 14:28:10] <Naenil> .tell Pruswa https://twitter.com/conradhackett/st
[2016-11-02 14:28:10] <Mossad> Naenil: I ll pass that on when Pruswa is around.
[2016-11-02 14:28:11] <beyw> anger
[2016-11-02 14:28:13] <beyw> ANXIETY
[2016-11-02 14:28:15] <Schweini_for_Hillary> idk if im gonna be able to forgive
u now
[2016-11-02 14:28:29] <beyw> fuck your holier than thou attitude
[2016-11-02 14:28:33] <beyw> ay em trk
[2016-11-02 14:28:36] <beyw> TRK
[2016-11-02 14:28:41] <beyw> sajk
[2016-11-02 14:28:42] <beyw> im not
[2016-11-02 14:28:46] <solidus_snake> Israel doesn t gain anything from supporti
ng the PKK. They were allied with Turkey and Barzani
[2016-11-02 14:29:05] <beyw> solidus_snake: they gain a stronger non muslim act
[2016-11-02 14:29:07] <beyw> as ffriend
[2016-11-02 14:29:08] <alesx> israel has no beef with the pkk. it does list it a
s a terrorist organisation but that doesn t really have an effect on anything. i
srael doesn t condemn the pkk either
[2016-11-02 14:29:27] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: have you seen my snap
[2016-11-02 14:29:30] <Pruswa> Naenil: Fuck this place
[2016-11-02 14:29:30] <Mossad> Pruswa: 18:28 <Naenil> tell Pruswa https://twitte
[2016-11-02 14:29:30] <beyw> i dont feel well
[2016-11-02 14:29:33] <Naenil> They really ignore each other
[2016-11-02 14:29:33] <alesx> they re a tolerated tool for the most part to gain
kurdish independence
[2016-11-02 14:29:36] <sorzer> https://apnews.com/142da668f3d84357b82abba979c027
[2016-11-02 14:29:37] <sorzer> LOL
[2016-11-02 14:29:44] <sorzer> MAHAN AIR IS GETTING EUROPEAN ROUTES
[2016-11-02 14:29:49] <mzrxa> >allied with t*rkey
[2016-11-02 14:29:50] <beyw> everything sucks
[2016-11-02 14:29:55] <mzrxa> >no beef with pkk
[2016-11-02 14:30:00] <solidus_snake> Israelis are very sympathetic to Kurds ove
[2016-11-02 14:30:14] <beyw> naenil how are you my old friend
[2016-11-02 14:30:26] <Naenil> all fine
[2016-11-02 14:30:27] <mzrxa> when i say israel i mean the state
[2016-11-02 14:30:30] <Naenil> trying to evacuating cheese smell
[2016-11-02 14:30:30] <mzrxa> should be obvious
[2016-11-02 14:30:33] <Naenil> from my room
[2016-11-02 14:30:35] <solidus_snake> there s a large actual jewkurd community t
[2016-11-02 14:30:51] <solidus_snake> Israel has supported KRG for a while
[2016-11-02 14:31:08] <beyw> fukkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[2016-11-02 14:31:09] <beyw> life
[2016-11-02 14:31:11] <Naenil> every single voter counts in israeli politics mzr
[2016-11-02 14:31:19] <mzrxa> did you eat raclette where you sleep Naenil
[2016-11-02 14:31:27] <Naenil> yeah mzrxa
[2016-11-02 14:31:35] <beyw> i need a girl
[2016-11-02 14:31:42] <mzrxa> Naenil every single israeli is ISF
[2016-11-02 14:31:55] <beyw> there arent plenty of good looking girls in my scho

[2016-11-02 14:32:03] <beyw> this is very problematic
[2016-11-02 14:32:08] <Schweini_for_Hillary> ill look at it soon beyw
[2016-11-02 14:32:11] <mzrxa> IDF ***
[2016-11-02 14:32:16] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: its jsut a rant
[2016-11-02 14:32:19] <beyw> you dont have ro
[2016-11-02 14:32:27] <beyw> its my emotions in text
[2016-11-02 14:32:35] <solidus_snake> not every single israeli is IDF, although
the majority are conscripted
[2016-11-02 14:32:46] <Schweini_for_Hillary> ok ill just unfrinend u so i wont s
ee it ever beyw
[2016-11-02 14:32:59] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: I AM NOW FRIENDS WITH PUTIN
[2016-11-02 14:33:03] <beyw> best friends
[2016-11-02 14:33:07] <beyw> unfriend obama
[2016-11-02 14:33:10] <solidus_snake> haredim and non-jews don t have to serve
[2016-11-02 14:33:19] <solidus_snake> ie arabs
[2016-11-02 14:33:29] <beyw> haredim will save israel from arab expansion
[2016-11-02 14:33:32] <solidus_snake> but they can
[2016-11-02 14:33:57] <mzrxa> why don t they have to serve solidus_snake
[2016-11-02 14:34:17] <Schweini_for_Hillary> >born too early to see kurdish inde
[2016-11-02 14:34:18] <alesx> mzrxa: many of israel s allies have no beef with i
ran or even hezbollah, it s not personal
[2016-11-02 14:34:25] <Schweini_for_Hillary> >born too late to see kurdistan bor
der israel
[2016-11-02 14:34:41] <Schweini_for_Hillary> >born just in time to post independ
ence memes
[2016-11-02 14:34:54] <alesx> being allied with turkey is just a matter of inter
[2016-11-02 14:35:02] beyw quit (beyw@user/beyw): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/
- A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 14:35:33] <Arab_Moroccan> What s the meaning of memes ? It reminds
me every time i read it about tits.
[2016-11-02 14:35:46] emr1028_ joined (emr10@Snoonet-4kf.bik.8h6id1.IP)
[2016-11-02 14:35:46] <solidus_snake> you wouldn t want to force your citizens t
o fight against their own family/clansmen/ethnic brethren mzrxa
[2016-11-02 14:36:05] <mzrxa> how are they your citizen but not their family
[2016-11-02 14:36:53] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/arisroussinos/status/79388183
[2016-11-02 14:36:54] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @arisroussinos (aris roussinos): First glimp
se of Mosul itself from the Southeast front https://t.co/v4zhqW929X (11 minutes
[2016-11-02 14:36:55] <Naenil> .biji
[2016-11-02 14:38:05] <Eck> .biji Naenil
[2016-11-02 14:38:08] <Eck> .g biji
[2016-11-02 14:38:09] <Naenil> It s complicated to explain Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 14:38:09] <wqzz> Eck: http://www.kabalarians.com/Male/biji.htm -- Bij
i - first Name Meaning - What does Biji mean? (male ...: "Your name of Biji gives
you a very happy-go-lucky, spontaneous nature. You see the humorous side of man
y situations and can laugh at yourself as well..."
[2016-11-02 14:38:14] <Naenil> .d meme
[2016-11-02 14:38:20] <solidus_snake> mzrxa: israeli citizenship isn t based on

ethnicity. arabs/palestinians in pre-1967 lines have full citizenship

[2016-11-02 14:38:21] <Naenil> .ud meme
[2016-11-02 14:38:21] <wqzz> Naenil: [1/10] (noun) 1 : an idea, belief or belief
system, or pattern of behavior that spreads throughout a culture either vertica
lly by cultural inheritance (as by parents to children) or horizontally by cultu
ral... - http://meme.urbanup.com/388612
[2016-11-02 14:38:53] <Arab_Moroccan> i see
[2016-11-02 14:39:22] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Yeah that s not what people mean when
they say meme except for Richard Dawkins, though.
[2016-11-02 14:39:44] <Eck> R I C H A R D D A W K I N S
[2016-11-02 14:39:59] <Schweini_for_Hillary> AXXX feqir bey
[2016-11-02 14:40:04] <Schweini_for_Hillary> .tell beyw AXXX
[2016-11-02 14:40:04] <Mossad> Schweini_for_Hillary: I ll pass that on when beyw
is around.
[2016-11-02 14:40:22] <solidus_snake> non-jews do serve in the military though.
the druze in particular have a very good reputation in the IDF and reached its h
ighest ranks
[2016-11-02 14:40:27] <mzrxa> but citizens are divided by pre and post 67 citize
ns, and also by jews and non jews with regards to their duty to the military and
[2016-11-02 14:40:53] <Eck> isn t killing not kosher to jews
[2016-11-02 14:40:56] <Eck> thou shall not kill
[2016-11-02 14:41:09] <Eck> mfw IDF are 100% zionist fakes
[2016-11-02 14:41:15] <yat> how do u say motherfucker in kurdish Schweini_for_Hi
[2016-11-02 14:41:31] <Schweini_for_Hillary> uhh
[2016-11-02 14:41:31] <alesx> there s an (unless) claus
[2016-11-02 14:41:37] <Schweini_for_Hillary> it s really rude though yat
[2016-11-02 14:41:47] <Schweini_for_Hillary> it translates to i fuck ur mom
[2016-11-02 14:41:54] <yat> yeah im only gonna say it to beyw Schweini_for_Hilla
[2016-11-02 14:41:56] <Eck> unless theres kids on the street calling you names a
[2016-11-02 14:41:57] <yat> so no worries
[2016-11-02 14:42:04] <Schweini_for_Hillary> he s kurmanc so he prob wont get it
[2016-11-02 14:42:14] <Eck> or unless theres babies in houses sitting minding th
eir own business
[2016-11-02 14:42:26] <alesx> the list is very long. self defence being the guid
ing rule
[2016-11-02 14:42:37] <Eck> kek
[2016-11-02 14:42:57] <Eck> slaughtering children as self defence
[2016-11-02 14:42:58] <Eck> wew
[2016-11-02 14:42:58] <alesx> not only jews believe in the 10 commandments
[2016-11-02 14:43:06] <xaashi> nvl: sorry I got a highlight from you but didnt re
ad it?
[2016-11-02 14:43:07] <alesx> italy did some sick shit back in the day
[2016-11-02 14:43:33] <sisisi> Yat its sagbab
[2016-11-02 14:43:59] <yat> oh ty sisisi
[2016-11-02 14:44:00] Confused joined (Help@Snoonet-gre.hi1.c65pnc.IP)
[2016-11-02 14:44:05] <Eck> sagbabylonia
[2016-11-02 14:44:13] <sisisi> Lol not sagbab
[2016-11-02 14:44:14] <Eck> saggyboobs
[2016-11-02 14:44:21] <sisisi> Although Its close yat
[2016-11-02 14:44:24] <yat> .tell beyw Schweini_for_Hillary said ur a sagbab? wh
at is this
[2016-11-02 14:44:25] <Mossad> yat: I ll pass that on when beyw is around.
[2016-11-02 14:44:26] <sisisi> It means son of a dog
[2016-11-02 14:44:28] <yat> :)
[2016-11-02 14:44:33] <sisisi> Basically same
[2016-11-02 14:44:35] <Schweini_for_Hillary> fugg

[2016-11-02 14:44:37] <sisisi> With motherfuckers

[2016-11-02 14:44:39] <Schweini_for_Hillary> what have u done yat
[2016-11-02 14:45:01] * Confused is now known as Snoo42988
[2016-11-02 14:45:01] <yat> .yt how could this happen to me
[2016-11-02 14:45:01] <wqzz> yat: [5You0Tube] How Could This Happen To Me (with lyrics)
- length 3m 20s - 47,107 likes, 1,161 dislikes (97.6%) - 5,287,351 views - Jozacharyia o
n 2009.10.18 - http://youtu.be/y983TDjoglQ
[2016-11-02 14:45:05] <yat> Schweini_for_Hillary, you irl
[2016-11-02 14:45:16] <Schweini_for_Hillary> .tell Prky008 yat called u jebenti
mate idk what she meant but thought i d let you know
[2016-11-02 14:45:16] <Mossad> Schweini_for_Hillary: I ll pass that on when Prky
008 is around.
[2016-11-02 14:45:32] <Schweini_for_Hillary> did i spell it right
[2016-11-02 14:45:33] <yat> jebem ti materinu
[2016-11-02 14:45:39] <yat> that means fuck ur mother
[2016-11-02 14:45:40] <Prky008> lol
[2016-11-02 14:45:40] <Mossad> Prky008: 18:45 <Schweini_for_Hillary> tell Prky00
8 yat called u jebenti mate idk what she meant but thought i d let you know
[2016-11-02 14:45:47] <Schweini_for_Hillary> aw fug hes here
[2016-11-02 14:45:49] <Schweini_for_Hillary> fucking communist
[2016-11-02 14:45:53] sorzer quit (thunderingg@user/sorzer): Client exited
[2016-11-02 14:46:11] <Schweini_for_Hillary> my serbian friend said it all the t
ime yat
[2016-11-02 14:46:15] denadryne quit (denadryne@user/denadryne): Quit: http://ww
w.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 14:46:19] <Schweini_for_Hillary> well
[2016-11-02 14:46:26] <Schweini_for_Hillary> he said jebem ti
[2016-11-02 14:46:29] <Snoo42988> I thought this about the Syrian Civil war
[2016-11-02 14:46:51] <yat> that means fuck u Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-11-02 14:46:51] <Muzzly> its syrian civil war: facebook edition @Snoo42988
[2016-11-02 14:46:53] <Prky008> everybody says jebem ti
[2016-11-02 14:47:04] <Schweini_for_Hillary> allah bless
[2016-11-02 14:47:18] <Prky008> yat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QysrEHIF6pU
[2016-11-02 14:47:18] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Crnac psuje na srpskom - length 16s - 1,510 likes
, 233 dislikes (86.6%) - 396,356 views - Dragan Aleksic on 2014.02.21
[2016-11-02 14:47:35] Snoo42988 quit (Help@Snoonet-gre.hi1.c65pnc.IP): Quit: htt
p://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 14:47:45] <yat> LOL Prky008
[2016-11-02 14:48:14] <yat> Prky008, this is classic https://www.youtube.com/wat
[2016-11-02 14:48:14] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Oj Srbine jebem ti tri prsta - length 6m 29s - 2,
352 likes, 1,447 dislikes (61.9%) - 470,271 views - Pushlek zgb on 2009.07.03
[2016-11-02 14:48:15] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Snoo42988 this stuff is cover so the
NSA doesn t think we re suspicious.
[2016-11-02 14:48:35] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Damn, he quite
[2016-11-02 14:49:14] <solidus_snake> mzrxa: the fact that people in post-67 bor
ders don t have citizenship(Israeli or Palestinian) is why there s still a confl
[2016-11-02 14:49:27] <Schweini_for_Hillary> are alpha industries jackets too ma
instream now
[2016-11-02 14:49:30] <Schweini_for_Hillary> i wanna get one
[2016-11-02 14:49:31] emr1028_ quit (emr10@Snoonet-4kf.bik.8h6id1.IP): Ping time
out: 121 seconds
[2016-11-02 14:49:34] <Schweini_for_Hillary> yat
[2016-11-02 14:49:36] <Schweini_for_Hillary> lmk
[2016-11-02 14:49:44] <yat> Schweini_for_Hillary, huh
[2016-11-02 14:49:45] <solidus_snake> while the Israeli far right would like to
annex the west bank, they can t because they risk turning Jews into a minority i
n their own state

[2016-11-02 14:49:48] <Arab_Moroccan> Some inside information from Mosul telling

: "ISIS untill now didnt really start with the offensive, everything they did so
far was a part of the preparation for the real offensive."
[2016-11-02 14:49:57] <Schweini_for_Hillary> https://d379fjjlki4dcp.cloudfront.n
.jpg yat
[2016-11-02 14:50:05] <yat> Prky008, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxvPuK34ubc
&t=84s this is classic
[2016-11-02 14:50:05] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Ivo Fabijan - Moj stric je bio USTAA - length 3m
22s - N/A, N/A (N/A) - 127,443 views - Vuk Sa Drine on 2013.06.26
[2016-11-02 14:50:22] <yat> i havent seen many ppl w that Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-11-02 14:50:25] <yat> i would say u ok
[2016-11-02 14:50:33] <Schweini_for_Hillary> ohhh right u live in the US
[2016-11-02 14:50:38] <Prky008> yat you are probably the only jew that likes the
[2016-11-02 14:50:42] <Schweini_for_Hillary> where fashion arrives 10 years late
[2016-11-02 14:50:44] <Muzzly> isis was planning to lose all the time amirite Ar
[2016-11-02 14:50:57] <yat> i dont like the ustasa but their songs are funny Prk
[2016-11-02 14:51:08] <Prky008> lol
[2016-11-02 14:51:32] emr1028_ joined (emr10@Snoonet-4kf.bik.8h6id1.IP)
[2016-11-02 14:51:33] <yat> .tell dumbass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCcUXm
[2016-11-02 14:51:33] <Mossad> yat: I ll pass that on when dumbass is around.
[2016-11-02 14:51:34] <Muzzly> it was merely a setback!!!!!!!!!!!1111
[2016-11-02 14:51:39] <yat> emr1028_, reeeeeeeee
[2016-11-02 14:51:39] <wqzz>  ( ) TAKBEE R
[2016-11-02 14:51:41] <yat> .bang
[2016-11-02 14:51:41] <wqzz> yat: WTF!? Who are you Dick Cheney? You can try aga
in in 7 seconds.
[2016-11-02 14:51:42] <Prky008> ban
[2016-11-02 14:51:42] <Muzzly> .ban
[2016-11-02 14:51:42] <wqzz> Muzzly you shot an Islamist in 3.045 seconds! You h
ave killed 68 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 14:51:43] <solidus_snake> .ban
[2016-11-02 14:51:43] <wqzz> solidus_snake: There is no Islamist. What are you s
hooting at?
[2016-11-02 14:51:46] <Muzzly> rekt
[2016-11-02 14:51:48] samson quit (harry@Snoonet-slusae.o3mf.78ee.ggi62a.IP): Pi
ng timeout: 121 seconds
[2016-11-02 14:51:50] <Prky008> .ban
[2016-11-02 14:51:50] <wqzz> Prky008: There is no Islamist. What are you shootin
g at?
[2016-11-02 14:51:51] <emr1028_> hi yat
[2016-11-02 14:52:00] <dumbass> damn yat didnt know he translated this one
[2016-11-02 14:52:01] <Mossad> dumbass: 18:51 <yat> tell dumbass https://www.you
[2016-11-02 14:52:02] <yat> hi emr1028_
[2016-11-02 14:52:04] <Arab_Moroccan> ISIS will give the Iraqi hell when hey ent
er the city
[2016-11-02 14:52:08] <dumbass> this guy is the realest tawheeder
[2016-11-02 14:52:12] <Arab_Moroccan> Iraqi army*
[2016-11-02 14:52:16] <yat> has this been posted to the sub yet dumbass
[2016-11-02 14:52:23] <dumbass> idk
[2016-11-02 14:52:29] <emr1028_> yat you cucked me
[2016-11-02 14:52:40] <yat> how did i cuck u emr1028_
[2016-11-02 14:52:48] <yat> i told u keep asking around smh
[2016-11-02 14:52:52] <emr1028_> nah you didnt
[2016-11-02 14:52:55] <Muzzly> didnt gulf media and half the west say the same a

bout fallujah
[2016-11-02 14:52:57] <Schweini_for_Hillary> fuug no medium size
[2016-11-02 14:53:08] <emr1028_> tbh i could have found someone else to go with
but i dont just want to go with some random person who doesnt know the band
[2016-11-02 14:53:14] <emr1028_> because they wouldnt enjoy it
[2016-11-02 14:53:20] <emr1028_> and then id be stuck with them
[2016-11-02 14:53:23] <yat> i told u
[2016-11-02 14:53:26] <emr1028_> while anco plays forest gospel
[2016-11-02 14:53:29] <yat> sendin u screenshots
[2016-11-02 14:53:29] <emr1028_> 123 GO
[2016-11-02 14:53:34] <Arab_Moroccan> Fallujah is not the same as Mosul
[2016-11-02 14:54:11] <yat> dumbass, this vid is dank https://www.youtube.com/wa
[2016-11-02 14:54:11] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Tighten the Rows! (Nasheed) - Army of Conquest
- length 5m 52s - 19 likes, 1 dislike (95.0%) - 419 views - Yahy at-Turk on 2016.10.28
[2016-11-02 14:54:41] <Arab_Moroccan> Do you guys listen to nasheed? :D
[2016-11-02 14:54:46] <Muzzly> what makes you think isis is capable of anything
significant at all in mosul
[2016-11-02 14:54:53] <Schweini_for_Hillary> only yazidi nasheeds
[2016-11-02 14:54:54] <mzrxa> so could the 5.2million refugees return to their l
and in israel ? solidus_snake alesx
[2016-11-02 14:55:11] <solidus_snake> short answer: no
[2016-11-02 14:55:41] <solidus_snake> at least not to pre-67 israel
[2016-11-02 14:55:49] <mzrxa> why ?
[2016-11-02 14:55:59] <solidus_snake> Jews would become a minority
[2016-11-02 14:56:04] <mzrxa> oh i see
[2016-11-02 14:56:11] Rane joined (Rane@user/Rane)
[2016-11-02 14:56:11] * tx.snoonet.org set +v Rane
[2016-11-02 14:56:17] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly I think ISIS is going to lose in Mo
sul, but i m sure that they re gone give the Iraqi army a real taste of hell bef
ore the lose. These guys are going to fight untill they die.
[2016-11-02 14:56:18] <mzrxa> so it is a state favoring the jews
[2016-11-02 14:56:19] <Rane> what up
[2016-11-02 14:57:12] <Muzzly> Arab_Moroccan, the isis that was in fallujah was
far more ideologically motivated than mosul
[2016-11-02 14:57:22] <solidus_snake> states typically favor their ethno-nationa
l population
[2016-11-02 14:57:22] <Muzzly> and it was over in less than a month
[2016-11-02 14:58:39] <Schweini_for_Hillary> karbala keyboard warrior ^
[2016-11-02 14:58:49] <Schweini_for_Hillary> there is no truth to this
[2016-11-02 14:58:49] <Muzzly> ;~)
[2016-11-02 14:58:57] youssefprime joined (youssefprim@Snoonet-mdq.jft.cc5tpj.IP
[2016-11-02 14:58:57] * calvin.snoonet.org set +v youssefprime
[2016-11-02 14:59:04] <Arab_Moroccan> What made Falujah ideologically stronger t
hen Mosul? I ve been following Amaq and other ISIS media the recent two weeks an
d I ve seen a high moral with those fighters.
[2016-11-02 14:59:08] <Rane> hey youssefprime
[2016-11-02 14:59:17] <youssefprime> hey
[2016-11-02 14:59:17] <Mossad> youssefprime: 01 Nov 05:02 <P3TC0CK> tell youssef
prime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BNUJx0HPj0
[2016-11-02 14:59:25] <Rane> Arab_Moroccan don t buy ISIS propaganda
[2016-11-02 14:59:26] <Rane> tbh
[2016-11-02 14:59:30] <Muzzly> fallujah is where aqi was born Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 14:59:35] <mzrxa> <solidus_snake> mzrxa: israeli citizenship isn t b
ased on ethnicity. arabs/palestinians in pre-1967 lines have full citizenship\
[2016-11-02 14:59:35] <Muzzly> the people there are crazy
[2016-11-02 14:59:41] <mzrxa> ok
[2016-11-02 15:00:13] <Cioran> Arab_Moroccan whatever gave you the idea that spi
rits were high?

[2016-11-02 15:00:14] <youssefprime> .tell P3TC0CK seems it hit to the left of t

[2016-11-02 15:00:14] <Mossad> youssefprime: I ll pass that on when P3TC0CK is a
[2016-11-02 15:00:18] <Rane> ISis is losing on all fronts
[2016-11-02 15:00:20] <Cioran> The reports from non-ISIS sources seemed pretty d
[2016-11-02 15:00:23] <Rane> i doubt their fighters have good morale
[2016-11-02 15:00:24] sorzer joined (thunderingg@user/sorzer)
[2016-11-02 15:00:24] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v sorzer
[2016-11-02 15:00:24] * Bashar set +o sorzer
[2016-11-02 15:00:27] <Rane> except maybe against FSA
[2016-11-02 15:00:28] <Cioran> Mass executions of ISIS officers
[2016-11-02 15:00:31] <Rane> but FSA are just complete retardd
[2016-11-02 15:00:34] <Cioran> People defecting
[2016-11-02 15:00:37] <Cioran> Internal dissent
[2016-11-02 15:00:40] <Muzzly> they have to maintain high morale in their own pu
blications obviously
[2016-11-02 15:00:43] <Arab_Moroccan> Rane I ve been following ISIS fighters in
and outside Mosul, and supposly Mosul has more foreign fighters then Falujah. An
d these fighters are also motivated.
[2016-11-02 15:00:44] <Muzzly> that doesnt mean its the case Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:00:46] <Schweini_for_Hillary> T U R K I S H B A C K E D F O R C E
[2016-11-02 15:00:55] <Schweini_for_Hillary> ISIS R E M O V E S K E B A B
[2016-11-02 15:00:57] <Rane> Foreign fighters = less experienced
[2016-11-02 15:01:07] <Rane> Fuck both ISIS and FSA
[2016-11-02 15:01:12] <Arab_Moroccan> Not if they re Russians
[2016-11-02 15:01:12] <Rane> .biji SDF
[2016-11-02 15:01:21] <Cioran> Rane depends, many of the Chechens are supposedly
[2016-11-02 15:01:27] <Rane> true
[2016-11-02 15:01:32] <Rane> Chechens are fucked up
[2016-11-02 15:01:37] <Rane> In my hometown we had a lot of them
[2016-11-02 15:01:58] <Rane> If someone was Chechen it meant they could probably
kick your ass
[2016-11-02 15:02:07] <Rane> some Belgian teens even made up Chechen ancestry to
seem cooler
[2016-11-02 15:02:14] <Arab_Moroccan> OMG
[2016-11-02 15:02:19] <Rane> well only one I knez of
[2016-11-02 15:02:24] <Arab_Moroccan> Achterlijke belgen weer hoor ;)
[2016-11-02 15:02:29] <solidus_snake> mzrxa: the refugees weren t in israel betw
een 1948-1967 so \_()_/
[2016-11-02 15:02:30] <Rane> hahahahahahah
[2016-11-02 15:02:45] <Rane> ja Arab_Moroccan maar het was er maar 1
[2016-11-02 15:02:47] <Arab_Moroccan> Laat me raden: Gent?
[2016-11-02 15:02:51] <Rane> Ik zit nu Gent
[2016-11-02 15:02:53] * Tetra Tetragrammaton
[2016-11-02 15:02:53] <Rane> kom van Oostende
[2016-11-02 15:02:57] <Muzzly> no moonspeak yo
[2016-11-02 15:02:58] <Arab_Moroccan> Ah oke
[2016-11-02 15:03:05] <Muzzly> du hast mich gefracht
[2016-11-02 15:03:11] <Rane> it s Dutch you idiot Muzzly
[2016-11-02 15:03:18] <Muzzly> how am i supposed to know
[2016-11-02 15:03:24] <Muzzly> dutch is almost deutsch
[2016-11-02 15:03:25] <Rane> anyway so this kid said his mom was Chechen

[2016-11-02 15:03:29] <Rane> so he acted like a Chechen

[2016-11-02 15:03:33] <Rane> even though he was born in Belgium
[2016-11-02 15:03:34] <Naenil> Muzzly, beware Arab_Moroccan is baathist
[2016-11-02 15:03:42] <yat> .tell denadryne im cracking up at this name
[2016-11-02 15:03:42] <yat>
[2016-11-02 15:03:43] <Mossad> yat: I ll pass that on when denadryne is around.
[2016-11-02 15:03:43] <Muzzly> that explains a lot tbh
[2016-11-02 15:03:44] <Rane> and no one knew his mom was Chechen until he got in
to puberty
[2016-11-02 15:03:47] <Rane> started acting tough
[2016-11-02 15:03:49] <Rane> boxing n shit
[2016-11-02 15:03:53] Dune joined (Dune@user/Dune)
[2016-11-02 15:03:53] * calvin.snoonet.org set +v Dune
[2016-11-02 15:03:54] <yat> .tell denadryne
[2016-11-02 15:03:54] <Mossad> yat: I ll pass that on when denadryne is around.
[2016-11-02 15:03:56] <Muzzly> you know they found a gigantic saddam mural in fa
llujah Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:03:58] denadryne joined (denadryne@user/denadryne)
[2016-11-02 15:03:58] * calvin.snoonet.org set +v denadryne
[2016-11-02 15:04:01] <Rane> I swear so many of these foreign/wannabe-foreign ki
ds are all the fking same
[2016-11-02 15:04:04] <Muzzly> that wasnt there before 2014
[2016-11-02 15:04:05] Rammstein joined (Rammstein@Snoonet-7h8.pgj.n83opr.IP)
[2016-11-02 15:04:05] <Rane> They do boxing, think they re tough as shit
[2016-11-02 15:04:07] <solidus_snake> mzrxa: i support two states, palestinian r
efugees getting palestinian citizenship, recognition and compensation for al nak
ba, but turning the clock back to 1946 isn t going to happen.
[2016-11-02 15:04:12] <Rane> But they re just losers mostly
[2016-11-02 15:04:18] <Rammstein> .yt engel
[2016-11-02 15:04:19] <wqzz> Rammstein: [5You0Tube] Rammstein - Engel (Official Video) length 4m 26s - 52,549 likes, 1,270 dislikes (97.6%) - 6,370,856 views - Rammstein Off
icial on 2015.07.31 - 4NSFW - http://youtu.be/x2rQzv8OWEY
[2016-11-02 15:04:35] <dumbass> i used to be a huge rammstein fanboy when i was
[2016-11-02 15:04:36] <Rane> Arab_Moroccan ben je Nederlander? of Belg
[2016-11-02 15:04:46] <dumbass> my favorite song is mine wut will nicht sterben
[2016-11-02 15:04:55] <Rane> .yt Rage Against the Machine Bull Parade
[2016-11-02 15:04:55] <wqzz> Rane: [5You0Tube] Rage Against The Machine - Bulls on Para
de - length 3m 54s - 75,703 likes, 1,975 dislikes (97.5%) - 14,656,136 views - RATMVEVO o
n 2013.02.07 - http://youtu.be/3L4YrGaR8E4
[2016-11-02 15:04:58] <Rane> this is my shit
[2016-11-02 15:05:00] <Rammstein> .yt Links 2 3 4
[2016-11-02 15:05:01] <wqzz> Rammstein: [5You0Tube] Rammstein - Links 2 3 4 (Official V
ideo) - length 3m 37s - 37,624 likes, 778 dislikes (98.0%) - 12,905,823 views - Rammstei
n Official on 2015.07.31 - http://youtu.be/Ph-CA_tu5KA
[2016-11-02 15:05:01] <Arab_Moroccan> Falujah is full of pro Saddam and pro Baat
[2016-11-02 15:05:17] <Arab_Moroccan> Rane Ik ben een Marokkaanse Nederlander ;)
[2016-11-02 15:05:24] <Rane> cool cool, daar geboren?
[2016-11-02 15:05:27] <dumbass> Rammstein i heard rammstein is reunited now
[2016-11-02 15:05:29] <Rane> of verhuisd als kind
[2016-11-02 15:05:31] <Arab_Moroccan> Uiteraard ;)
[2016-11-02 15:05:32] <dumbass> and are gonna make a new album
[2016-11-02 15:05:35] <Arab_Moroccan> Geboren en getogen
[2016-11-02 15:05:38] <Rane> dan ben je gewoon Nederlander :p
[2016-11-02 15:05:39] <Muzzly> that includes the dwa3sh Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:05:40] <Rane> in my ogen
[2016-11-02 15:05:43] <Rane> *mijn
[2016-11-02 15:06:04] <Arab_Moroccan> Haha, ja in die optiek ben ik gewoon Neder
lander ja.

[2016-11-02 15:06:05] <Rammstein> >mfw people want me to stay around in rammstei

n http://i.imgur.com/z1Pu9R1.jpg
[2016-11-02 15:06:17] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly, what do you mean by that?
[2016-11-02 15:06:21] <dumbass> lol
[2016-11-02 15:06:37] <Rammstein> Rammstein was made for EVA anime music videos
[2016-11-02 15:06:40] <Rane> how old are you Arab_Morrocan?
[2016-11-02 15:06:43] <mzrxa> yeah there s no turning back i know solidus_snake
but recognition compensation, and stopping settlements and blockade is far down
the road
[2016-11-02 15:06:54] <Muzzly> majority of them are ex-saddamists and they dont
necessarily hide that Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:06:57] <Arab_Moroccan> Currently 27 years old
[2016-11-02 15:07:16] <dumbass> israelis: germans need to pay reparations to us,
but we dont need to pay reparations to palis
[2016-11-02 15:07:20] <dumbass> lmfaooo
[2016-11-02 15:07:23] <Rammstein> Israelis are Germans.
[2016-11-02 15:07:25] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly, i m very pro Saddam and i also don
t hide that fact.
[2016-11-02 15:07:26] <dumbass> gotta hand it to the jews
[2016-11-02 15:07:29] <Rammstein> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OeHrNdK43E
[2016-11-02 15:07:29] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Neon Genesis Evangalion Engel (English) - lengt
h 4m 25s - 1,265 likes, 81 dislikes (94.0%) - 203,101 views - MiharuShimizu on 2009.01.01
[2016-11-02 15:07:31] <dumbass> they are good at stealing money
[2016-11-02 15:07:35] <Rane> Baathist, Arab_Moroccan?
[2016-11-02 15:07:37] <Naenil> what is your reddit username Rammstein
[2016-11-02 15:07:37] <mzrxa> also thanks for allowing people to get water
[2016-11-02 15:07:38] <Muzzly> ......................
[2016-11-02 15:07:45] <Muzzly> Arab_Moroccan, im talking about isis
[2016-11-02 15:07:45] <Rane> Kon ik al vermoeden door de "Arab" in je naam lol
[2016-11-02 15:07:46] <Muzzly> are you isis
[2016-11-02 15:07:53] <Rane> ben je dan ook Arabisch socialist of gewoon Arabisc
h nationalist
[2016-11-02 15:07:59] <Rammstein> Paranoia1919
[2016-11-02 15:08:04] <Muzzly> this moonspeak
[2016-11-02 15:08:17] <Naenil> !kb Rammstein
[2016-11-02 15:08:17] * Rammstein was kicked by Bashar (Requested)
[2016-11-02 15:08:17] * Bashar set channel modes +b *!*@Snoonet-7h8.pgj.n83opr.I
[2016-11-02 15:08:27] <Rane> Why d ya kb him Naenil
[2016-11-02 15:08:32] <Naenil> https://www.reddit.com/user/Paranoia1919 Rane
[2016-11-02 15:08:32] <Rane> is it porkchan or something?
[2016-11-02 15:08:36] <Muzzly> are you pro-rebels Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:08:39] <Arab_Moroccan> Ik streef naar een sterk Arabisch front en
het Arabisch socialisme en nationalisme (tot een bepaalde hoogte) steun ik ook.
[2016-11-02 15:08:44] <Rane> ah Naenil
[2016-11-02 15:08:56] <Arab_Moroccan> I m pro Assad in Syria of course
[2016-11-02 15:09:00] <Rane> cool cool Arab_Moroccan, heb ergens wel sympathin vo
or het Arabisch socialisme
[2016-11-02 15:09:03] <Muzzly> oh
[2016-11-02 15:09:07] <Rane> Ben zelf Marxist
[2016-11-02 15:09:07] <Muzzly> usually saddamists are pro-rebels
[2016-11-02 15:09:08] <Muzzly> ironically
[2016-11-02 15:09:11] <Rane> grote SDF supporter :)
[2016-11-02 15:09:12] <yat> .tell germanperson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8
[2016-11-02 15:09:12] <Mossad> yat: I ll pass that on when germanperson is aroun
[2016-11-02 15:09:13] <Arab_Moroccan> True
[2016-11-02 15:09:35] <Arab_Moroccan> That s because they feel betrayed by the I
ranians and Bashar works with Iranians

[2016-11-02 15:09:51] <Muzzly> the saddamist persecution complex of the iranians

is stronk
[2016-11-02 15:09:58] <nvl> "Gas the Berbers race war now" - Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:10:12] <Rane> lol nvl
[2016-11-02 15:10:17] <Muzzly> have you noticed how the same saddamists now open
ly welcome an imperial turkey in iraq and syria Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:10:17] <Dune> why is that tag green? https://www.reddit.com/r/syr
[2016-11-02 15:10:22] <mzrxa> also a secular one state treating citizens with eq
ual rights and duty seems a better solution, unless you think that politics shou
ld be based on ethnicity and religous belief
[2016-11-02 15:10:24] <wqzz> [7Reddit] Disaster: Entire unit of Pentagon-backed New
Syrian Army captured by... : syriancivilwar - 38 comments, 28 points - Doublefros
ty, 1h ago NSFW
[2016-11-02 15:10:25] <Rane> I never even knew there s a difference in Berbers a
nd Arabs TIL
[2016-11-02 15:10:35] <Rane> Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Dune
[2016-11-02 15:10:39] <Muzzly> there isnt
[2016-11-02 15:10:40] <Rane> Wow rebels suck hard
[2016-11-02 15:10:47] <Arab_Moroccan> Personally i have my problems with Bashar
al Asad, but he s the best for Syria.
[2016-11-02 15:10:50] <Dune> sup Rane
[2016-11-02 15:10:56] <Rane> sup Dune
[2016-11-02 15:10:58] <nvl> "Gas the Kurds race war now" - Muzzly
[2016-11-02 15:11:07] <Arab_Moroccan> Berbers :D
[2016-11-02 15:11:17] <Rane> Muzzly you got a problem with my hevals bro?
[2016-11-02 15:11:18] denadryne quit (denadryne@user/denadryne): Quit: http://ww
w.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 15:11:32] <Muzzly> nvl has been extra bored as of late Rane
[2016-11-02 15:11:36] <Muzzly> dont take everything srsly
[2016-11-02 15:11:39] <nvl> You mean boring
[2016-11-02 15:11:41] <nvl> or
[2016-11-02 15:11:43] <Arab_Moroccan> If the Amazigh or Berber nationalist are t
rying to fuck Morocco up with their stupid ideas, believe me: we Arabs will slau
ghter them and make them vanish.
[2016-11-02 15:11:45] <nvl> Maybe both
[2016-11-02 15:12:02] <Muzzly> do yourself a favor and never do a blood test Ara
[2016-11-02 15:12:05] <nvl> Said Mo from Holland Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:12:20] <mzrxa> wht re their stupid ideas Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:12:24] <mzrxa> what are*
[2016-11-02 15:12:26] <Arab_Moroccan> Arabism is more then just blood...
[2016-11-02 15:12:31] <Muzzly> ofc
[2016-11-02 15:12:42] Rane quit (Rane@user/Rane): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/
- A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 15:12:47] <Muzzly> but that hatred for berbers when youre probably p
artially berber is you know
[2016-11-02 15:12:50] <Naenil> .tell h8speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR
[2016-11-02 15:12:51] <Mossad> Naenil: I ll pass that on when h8speech is around
[2016-11-02 15:12:57] <Muzzly> do berber nationalists even exist any more?
[2016-11-02 15:13:05] <Arab_Moroccan> More then ever
[2016-11-02 15:13:18] <Arab_Moroccan> It s supported by Israel
[2016-11-02 15:13:24] <nvl> United Tamazgha soon inshallah
[2016-11-02 15:13:25] <Muzzly> really?
[2016-11-02 15:13:28] <alesx> are you for pan-arabism?
[2016-11-02 15:13:29] <Arab_Moroccan> Yes
[2016-11-02 15:13:30] <mzrxa> (((arabism))) is discriminatory by nature
[2016-11-02 15:13:46] <Arab_Moroccan> Of course, i m a pan Arabist

[2016-11-02 15:13:54] <Naenil> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRKN3tvS9F0 lmao

[2016-11-02 15:13:55] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] MacBook Pro 2016 Parody Ad - length 1m 22s - 1,43
4 likes, 61 dislikes (95.9%) - 67,409 views - Iggyhopper on 2016.11.01
[2016-11-02 15:14:09] <Muzzly> most people are
[2016-11-02 15:14:28] MarsOz quit (MarsOz@user/MarsOz): Quit: Leaving
[2016-11-02 15:14:37] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/shadihamid/status/79354450476
6767104 Muzzly ;)
[2016-11-02 15:14:37] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @shadihamid (Shadi Hamid): I used to think
"existential" politics was a Middle East thing. But it s happening here. My essa
y in @TheAtlantic: https://t.co/1u1bHVimQ2 (23 hours and 9 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 15:14:40] <Muzzly> but how you reconcile that with supporting saddam
is another thing
[2016-11-02 15:14:53] <Arab_Moroccan> You should follow what s going on right no
w in Morocco, Amazigh nationalists are trying to get more control on the people
with creating hate against the Moroccan police state and the Moroccan Arabic ide
[2016-11-02 15:15:04] <Naenil> lmao
[2016-11-02 15:15:04] <yat> im gonna name my kid shahid
[2016-11-02 15:15:07] <alesx> lol
[2016-11-02 15:15:14] haruhara joined (haruhara@Snoonet-66s.8oq.ge28sn.IP)
[2016-11-02 15:15:16] <Naenil> tfw america is joining the global south Muzzly
[2016-11-02 15:15:19] <haruhara> .tell Naenil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv
[2016-11-02 15:15:19] <Mossad> haruhara: I ll pass that on when Naenil is around
[2016-11-02 15:15:21] haruhara quit (haruhara@Snoonet-66s.8oq.ge28sn.IP): Quit:
http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 15:15:33] <alesx> Arab_Moroccan: does israel meddle in moroccan affa
[2016-11-02 15:15:39] <Muzzly> are you talking about the riots Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:15:41] * Naenil set channel modes +b *!*@Snoonet-66s.8oq.ge28sn.I
[2016-11-02 15:15:47] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly Yes
[2016-11-02 15:15:56] <Arab_Moroccan> alesx it does but not openly
[2016-11-02 15:15:57] <Muzzly> do you genuinely support the alawites?
[2016-11-02 15:15:58] <Naenil> diaspora smh
[2016-11-02 15:15:58] <Mossad> Naenil: 19:15 <haruhara> tell Naenil https://www.
[2016-11-02 15:16:00] Rane joined (Rane@user/Rane)
[2016-11-02 15:16:00] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v Rane
[2016-11-02 15:16:06] <Rane> wow my internet sucks
[2016-11-02 15:16:10] <alesx> what did they do?
[2016-11-02 15:16:15] <Arab_Moroccan> I support the alawites as long they follow
Baath principles.
[2016-11-02 15:16:26] <Muzzly> how are they following baath principles?
[2016-11-02 15:16:33] <Muzzly> by givin millions to killary
[2016-11-02 15:16:34] <Muzzly> ?
[2016-11-02 15:16:42] <Arab_Moroccan> By staying secular firstly
[2016-11-02 15:16:45] <Rane> Alawites funded Hillary?
[2016-11-02 15:16:52] <Muzzly> yes
[2016-11-02 15:16:53] <nvl> He means the dynasty in Morocco
[2016-11-02 15:16:54] <Rane> Proof?
[2016-11-02 15:16:59] <nvl> The Alaouite dynasty
[2016-11-02 15:17:07] <nvl> Not the religious sect in the Levant
[2016-11-02 15:17:15] <Muzzly> first google search Rane http://dailycaller.com/2
[2016-11-02 15:17:26] <Rane> thx muzzly i ll check it out
[2016-11-02 15:17:30] <mzrxa> Arab_Moroccan why don t they like the monarchy
[2016-11-02 15:17:47] <mzrxa> i m genuinely asking

[2016-11-02 15:17:48] <yat> the alouette nvl

[2016-11-02 15:17:52] <yat> the cheese dynasty
[2016-11-02 15:17:54] <yat> in france
[2016-11-02 15:18:14] <Arab_Moroccan> Ah i see
[2016-11-02 15:18:18] <Rane> Arab how do you feel about the recent protests btw
[2016-11-02 15:18:18] <nvl> Muzzly, p sure Arab_Moroccan thinks you re talking a
bout Assads too
[2016-11-02 15:18:23] <Rane> So much pings for him
[2016-11-02 15:18:28] <Arab_Moroccan> hehe
[2016-11-02 15:18:38] <Muzzly> lol
[2016-11-02 15:18:53] <Muzzly> were you born in belgium Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:19:01] <nvl> Close, Holland
[2016-11-02 15:19:01] <Arab_Moroccan> The Alawite of Morocco (King Mohammed 6),
i support him of course because there is nothing better at the moment.
[2016-11-02 15:19:17] <Muzzly> whats the difference nvl
[2016-11-02 15:19:54] <wqzz>  ( ) TAKB EER
[2016-11-02 15:19:57] <mzrxa> .bef
[2016-11-02 15:19:57] <wqzz> mzrxa you befriended an Islamist in 2.770 seconds!
You have made friends with 26 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 15:20:04] <mzrxa> YIIIISSSSSSS
[2016-11-02 15:20:06] <youssefprime> .bang
[2016-11-02 15:20:06] <wqzz> youssefprime: There is no Islamist. What are you sh
ooting at?
[2016-11-02 15:20:07] <Arab_Moroccan> I prefer the polics of his father (Hassan
the second) because his father was firm in Arabism (well more then the current k
ing) and he had a hard stance against Amazigh activist and left wingers.
[2016-11-02 15:20:23] <Arab_Moroccan> politics*
[2016-11-02 15:20:41] <youssefprime> Arab_Moroccan: cool
[2016-11-02 15:20:42] <mzrxa> why are leftwingers bad ya Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:20:45] <Rane> Arab_Moroccan you re anti left wingers?
[2016-11-02 15:20:46] <Rane> :o
[2016-11-02 15:21:00] <mzrxa> also what is arabism
[2016-11-02 15:21:04] <Arab_Moroccan> In Morocco yes, because they tend to be Am
azigh supporters
[2016-11-02 15:21:20] <mzrxa> and amazigh are bad morrocans ?
[2016-11-02 15:21:27] <mzrxa> or are they even morrocans ?
[2016-11-02 15:21:36] youssefprime quit (youssefprim@Snoonet-mdq.jft.cc5tpj.IP):
Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 15:21:45] <Muzzly> what do you think about the s7rawis Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:22:00] <Arab_Moroccan> Amazigh as in ideological Amazighism, yes
they are bad and they should be banned from Morocco.
[2016-11-02 15:22:17] <Arab_Moroccan> Sa7rawis are good ppl and are Arabs and ou
r brothers.
[2016-11-02 15:22:19] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/arisroussinos/status/79388833
9598446592 lmao
[2016-11-02 15:22:19] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @arisroussinos (aris roussinos): Entrance to
an ISIS tunnel whose exit points are still utterly mysterious https://t.co/5Uj8
QVbaPx (30 minutes and 35 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 15:22:35] <nvl> sisisi, are you there
[2016-11-02 15:22:57] <Muzzly> so i take it you dont support the polisario
[2016-11-02 15:23:18] <Arab_Moroccan> No i dont support them.
[2016-11-02 15:23:24] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> tfw your dorm neighbors chose the 1 h
our you were going to sleep to do karaoke.
[2016-11-02 15:23:29] <nvl> Why not Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:23:33] <nvl> They re more pan-Arab than Morocco is
[2016-11-02 15:23:44] <sorzer> https://twitter.com/nycsouthpaw/status/7936060793
[2016-11-02 15:23:44] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @nycsouthpaw (southpaw): Scholastic poll of
153,000 K-12 students (Clinton 52% - Trump 35%) suggests, perhaps, the GOP s fu

ture predicament. https://t.co/kRC5oKv0W9 (19 hours and 13 minutes ago)

[2016-11-02 15:23:57] <dumbass> tfw you live in a dorm like a loser
[2016-11-02 15:24:01] <Rane> .define Amazigh
[2016-11-02 15:24:02] <wqzz> Rane: Amazigh: a Berber - https://is.gd/1wVSzX (Wikti
[2016-11-02 15:24:05] <Muzzly> i dont get how you reconcile the alawites with ar
abism to begin with tbh
[2016-11-02 15:24:06] <Rane> Oh lol
[2016-11-02 15:24:12] <sorzer> shabaab decisively for clinton
[2016-11-02 15:24:14] <mzrxa> do you treat amazigh as you treat fellow arabs in
morroco ? Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:24:15] <sorzer> YA DEMOCRATIC CUBS
[2016-11-02 15:24:32] <mzrxa> i m asking cuz the only berber thing i know is the
ir music
[2016-11-02 15:24:34] <nvl> mzrxa, he doesn t live in Morocco
[2016-11-02 15:24:36] <mzrxa> and it s quite nice
[2016-11-02 15:24:47] <Muzzly> its better than moroccan music, thats for sure
[2016-11-02 15:24:50] <Muzzly> no offense Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:24:51] <nvl> mzrxa, but on his trips there he probably vandalises
Tifinagh signs if he knows what they look like
[2016-11-02 15:24:52] <Arab_Moroccan> Polisario has it s problems and its not su
pported by most sa7rawis
[2016-11-02 15:24:59] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> tfw when you re too tired to come up
with a witty retort to dumbass stupidity.
[2016-11-02 15:25:23] <dumbass> if you smart enough to come up with a retort
[2016-11-02 15:25:27] <dumbass> you wouldnt be in a dorm
[2016-11-02 15:25:35] Libdem joined (Libdem@user/Libdem)
[2016-11-02 15:25:35] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v Libdem
[2016-11-02 15:25:41] <Arab_Moroccan> Alawites Are Arabs and they are ones who p
reserved the Arab idenity in Morocco.
[2016-11-02 15:25:55] <mzrxa> rip mohammed abdel aziz
[2016-11-02 15:26:00] Gene joined (Gene@Snoonet-emv.f2g.r3dkes.IP)
[2016-11-02 15:26:00] <Muzzly> no way
[2016-11-02 15:26:06] <Gene> .tell winnilourson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
[2016-11-02 15:26:07] <Mossad> Gene: I ll pass that on when winnilourson is arou
[2016-11-02 15:26:07] <Muzzly> you dont actually believe that Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:26:11] <Libdem> :)()()
[2016-11-02 15:26:16] <Gene> If you just unbanned me I wouldn t need sockpuppets
. :-DDD
[2016-11-02 15:26:19] Gene quit (Gene@Snoonet-emv.f2g.r3dkes.IP): Quit: http://w
ww.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 15:26:29] <mzrxa> is your the king truly a descendent of memet ?
[2016-11-02 15:26:32] <Muzzly> judging from the moroccans ik
[2016-11-02 15:26:37] <Muzzly> and i visit morocco a lot
[2016-11-02 15:26:43] <Muzzly> theyre all crazy arab supremacists
[2016-11-02 15:26:49] <Muzzly> no way they needed the alawites to et there
[2016-11-02 15:26:50] <mzrxa> memet pbuh&
[2016-11-02 15:26:53] <mzrxa> *
[2016-11-02 15:26:59] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly The alawites have their flaws but t
hey are better then anything else in Morocco right now
[2016-11-02 15:27:06] <nvl> Pure Morocco from the Aravim tbh
[2016-11-02 15:27:12] <nvl> Purge*
[2016-11-02 15:27:15] <yat> <dumbass> if you smart enough to come up with a reto
[2016-11-02 15:27:15] <yat> <dumbass> you wouldnt be in a dorm
[2016-11-02 15:27:16] <yat> lol
[2016-11-02 15:27:21] beyw joined (beyw@user/beyw)
[2016-11-02 15:27:21] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v beyw

[2016-11-02 15:27:22] <Muzzly> sure, but thats because the alawites dont let any
good alternatives grow Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:27:22] <nvl> Islamic State of Tamazgha hhh
[2016-11-02 15:27:24] <Arab_Moroccan> Believe me, the Arabs in Morocco thank the
[2016-11-02 15:27:33] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly, thats possible
[2016-11-02 15:27:39] <dumbass> its true tho yat
[2016-11-02 15:27:58] <Arab_Moroccan> Btw, most ISIS supporters are berbers and
not Arabs
[2016-11-02 15:27:59] <dumbass> huehuehue im going to pay twice as much as an ap
artment so that i dont have my own room
[2016-11-02 15:28:04] <mzrxa>
[2016-11-02 15:28:05] <yat> i loled tho dumbass
[2016-11-02 15:28:06] <mzrxa> fak
[2016-11-02 15:28:10] <dumbass> and so that i have to share a bathroom and kitch
en with manchildren
[2016-11-02 15:28:45] <Muzzly> doesnt surprise me
[2016-11-02 15:28:58] <Libdem> >arab supremacists
[2016-11-02 15:28:58] <blood-wiper> lol anyone watching al jazeera rn
[2016-11-02 15:28:59] <Libdem> wow
[2016-11-02 15:29:05] <Muzzly> you know youre both crazy tho Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:29:09] <Libdem> blood-wiper yt?
[2016-11-02 15:29:11] <yat> >watching al jazeera
[2016-11-02 15:29:12] <Muzzly> theres a good mix of arab and berber in morocco
[2016-11-02 15:29:16] <Muzzly> none is either berber or arab
[2016-11-02 15:29:30] <mzrxa> https://youtu.be/dkXAFuM2_lE
[2016-11-02 15:29:30] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] 
 - length 12m 13s - 2,
HILASS on 2013.10.29
[2016-11-02 15:29:31] <blood-wiper> ya
[2016-11-02 15:29:36] <yat> no blood-wiper i dont regularly watch the althani fa
milt chit in ppls mouths
[2016-11-02 15:29:42] <blood-wiper> the yt livestream
[2016-11-02 15:29:49] <mzrxa> it s basically the kurdish music of morroco
[2016-11-02 15:30:06] <yat> no one gives a fuck about morocco
[2016-11-02 15:30:10] <yat> not even moroccans
[2016-11-02 15:30:14] <blood-wiper> well anyways ahmed mansoor is interviewing t
he aj staff cuz studio and programming got upgraded
[2016-11-02 15:30:27] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly, it s important to make a diffrence
between a person with Berber blood but identifying himself as an Arab and someo
ne with berber blood and hating Arabs and the Arab identity. Most berbers are Ar
abs (in ideology) and that is a good thing.
[2016-11-02 15:30:30] <mzrxa> that s rude yat
[2016-11-02 15:30:37] <mzrxa> Arab_Moroccan does
[2016-11-02 15:30:41] <Rane> .yt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGo-yZgwJN4
[2016-11-02 15:30:42] <wqzz> Rane: [5You0Tube] Lice Bernadim sper para - length 3m 24s - 1
ike, 0 dislikes (100.0%) - 116 views - zafer umut on 2013.01.08 - http://youtu.be/OGo-yZ
[2016-11-02 15:30:44] <Rane> favourite song
[2016-11-02 15:30:55] <yat> u care so much abt morocco that u misspelled it mzrx
[2016-11-02 15:30:55] <Dune> yat: isn t al jazeera worthwhile for non-ME related
[2016-11-02 15:31:02] <Naenil> >arab ideology
[2016-11-02 15:31:02] <yat> lol dune wat
[2016-11-02 15:31:06] <yat> no
[2016-11-02 15:31:07] <Muzzly> thats the point im trying to make Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:31:11] <Naenil> My ideology is french
[2016-11-02 15:31:11] <Dune> I mean, by TV standards
[2016-11-02 15:31:11] <Muzzly> there is really no big difference
[2016-11-02 15:31:16] Kallipoliz quit (Kallipoliz@user/Kallipoliz): Quit: http:/

/www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client

[2016-11-02 15:31:16] <Dune> CNN is garbage
[2016-11-02 15:31:22] <yat> even by fox news standards
[2016-11-02 15:31:22] <yat> no
[2016-11-02 15:31:25] <Muzzly> berber tribes are literally more arab than arab t
[2016-11-02 15:31:31] <Naenil> watch france24 Dune
[2016-11-02 15:31:45] <Muzzly> but the two pretend like moroccans are either 100
% berber or 100% arab
[2016-11-02 15:31:49] <Muzzly> when the only difference is language
[2016-11-02 15:31:56] <mzrxa> they re right leaning Naenil
[2016-11-02 15:32:03] <Naenil> They are mzrxa ?
[2016-11-02 15:32:12] <Naenil> I always assumed f24 was kind of left leaning
[2016-11-02 15:32:15] <Dune> idk Naenil I hoped al jazeera would focus more on i
nternational matters
[2016-11-02 15:32:18] <xaashi> Al-Jazeera Arabic is great for comedy
[2016-11-02 15:32:23] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> I don t understand, how does the soun
d bleed through the walls so well.
[2016-11-02 15:32:24] <xaashi> I watch it when I visit my parents
[2016-11-02 15:32:24] <Dune> i don t remember f24, shoulda check next time
[2016-11-02 15:32:26] <Naenil> but f24 is an international channel Dune
[2016-11-02 15:32:40] <Arab_Moroccan> 70% in Morocco is Berber and the rest is A
rabic with 1% of Jewish Moroccans.
[2016-11-02 15:32:47] <mzrxa> it s my impression might be wrong
[2016-11-02 15:32:49] <Naenil> It s like RFI but for TV basically Dune
[2016-11-02 15:32:54] <Naenil> .g rfi
[2016-11-02 15:32:54] Kallipoliz joined (Kallipoliz@user/Kallipoliz)
[2016-11-02 15:32:54] * protectandserve.snoonet.org set +v Kallipoliz
[2016-11-02 15:32:55] <wqzz> Naenil: http://en.rfi.fr/ -- News, info, live news Radio France Internationale - RFI: "Follow any political information, cultural,
sporting and live streaming on RFI. The latest information, news and events in F
rance, Europe and around..."
[2016-11-02 15:32:56] <Rane> Jewish Moroccans?
[2016-11-02 15:33:01] <yat> is f24 the one that played the location of the jews
hiding in the freezer in the sipermarket Naenil
[2016-11-02 15:33:06] <Naenil> No yat
[2016-11-02 15:33:09] <Naenil> That s BFMTV
[2016-11-02 15:33:10] <Muzzly> do you know why the rif republic failed despite c
rushing the spaniards Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:33:11] <yat> lol
[2016-11-02 15:33:12] <Arab_Moroccan> Al Jazeera is fun with Faisel al Qasem
[2016-11-02 15:33:19] <mzrxa> rfi is good, also their arabic monte carlo doualiy
a is very good
[2016-11-02 15:33:21] <Naenil> f24 is for international diffusion
[2016-11-02 15:33:25] <Rane> ever saw the meme about Al Jazeera?
[2016-11-02 15:33:26] <yat> Rane, did u know that most arabs were jews at one po
[2016-11-02 15:33:33] <Rane> Yeah yat
[2016-11-02 15:33:38] <Rane> My friend from Iraq is called Ali Al-Kanaan
[2016-11-02 15:33:41] <Naenil> http://www.rfi.fr/emission/info/geopolitique-le-d
ebat mzrxa Dune I advise you strongly to listen to this dank podcast
[2016-11-02 15:33:44] <Rane> Al-Kanaan used to be near Israel
[2016-11-02 15:33:48] <Rane> so I figured from that
[2016-11-02 15:34:03] goyimknows joined (goyimknows@Snoonet-emv.f2g.r3dkes.IP)
[2016-11-02 15:34:04] <Arab_Moroccan> Rane Most jews from Morocco returned to
Israel, we had a big Jewish population living in Morocco.
[2016-11-02 15:34:06] <yat> baghdad was like 40% jewish in the 1920s or sth like
[2016-11-02 15:34:06] <goyimknows> .tell yat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR7

[2016-11-02 15:34:07] <Mossad> goyimknows: I ll pass that on when yat is around.

[2016-11-02 15:34:08] goyimknows quit (goyimknows@Snoonet-emv.f2g.r3dkes.IP): Qu
it: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 15:34:10] <Muzzly> canaan is canhan in arabic Rane
[2016-11-02 15:34:17] <Rane> What s Canhan
[2016-11-02 15:34:21] <Muzzly> caanan
[2016-11-02 15:34:35] <Muzzly> his surname doesnt mean the same caanan in englis
[2016-11-02 15:34:39] Pruswa quit (Pruswa@user/Pruswa): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 15:34:42] <yat> who did u ban Naenil
[2016-11-02 15:34:42] <Mossad> yat: 19:34 <goyimknows> tell yat https://www.yout
[2016-11-02 15:34:49] <Naenil> That s porkchan yat
[2016-11-02 15:34:49] <yat> and why are they sending us chit lol
[2016-11-02 15:34:52] <yat> lmao
[2016-11-02 15:34:55] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly You mean the rif republic of Al Kha
[2016-11-02 15:35:06] <Muzzly> yes
[2016-11-02 15:35:06] <yat> have you let the admins know Naenil
[2016-11-02 15:35:09] <Naenil> We should find him a job real yat
[2016-11-02 15:35:12] <Muzzly> its not like theres another rif republic
[2016-11-02 15:35:14] goyimknows joined (goyimknows@Snoonet-emv.f2g.r3dkes.IP)
[2016-11-02 15:35:18] <goyimknows> look at me
[2016-11-02 15:35:19] <Naenil> !kb goyimknows
[2016-11-02 15:35:19] * goyimknows was kicked by Bashar (Requested)
[2016-11-02 15:35:19] * Bashar set channel modes +b *!*@Snoonet-emv.f2g.r3dkes.I
[2016-11-02 15:35:19] <goyimknows> i am the admin now
[2016-11-02 15:35:27] <yat> goyimknows, lol
[2016-11-02 15:35:32] <Muzzly> spooky
[2016-11-02 15:35:45] * Naenil set +v mzrxa
[2016-11-02 15:35:48] <Dune> Naenil s reflexes are unrivalled
[2016-11-02 15:36:01] <Naenil> .seen Tetragrammaton
[2016-11-02 15:36:01] <Mossad> no info about Tetragrammaton
[2016-11-02 15:36:09] <Naenil> the fuck is that
[2016-11-02 15:36:24] <Tetragrammaton> me?
[2016-11-02 15:36:29] <Naenil> Yeah sorry
[2016-11-02 15:36:41] <Naenil> There is a ban evader amongst us Tetragrammaton
[2016-11-02 15:36:42] <Schweini_for_Hillary> everyone shut the fuck up
[2016-11-02 15:37:01] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly Well it s very easy, the French and
the Spanish army crushed him after they worked together and they used chemimal
bombs and his army was about to be crushed.... So he hanged the white flag givin
g up
[2016-11-02 15:37:08] <dumbass> i think tetra was on a few weeks ago
[2016-11-02 15:37:14] <Naenil> Might be true dumbass
[2016-11-02 15:37:18] <Naenil> Sorry for the ping
[2016-11-02 15:37:26] <dumbass> N O P I N G S
[2016-11-02 15:37:32] <Muzzly> Arab_Moroccan, but the main issue was the rifi in
[2016-11-02 15:37:33] <Naenil> Oh yeah it s atomic_turtle
[2016-11-02 15:37:49] <Naenil> I still don t know who it is
[2016-11-02 15:37:53] <Naenil> But it s not porkchan
[2016-11-02 15:37:55] <Arab_Moroccan> Yes the French made the Rif people going a
gainst him
[2016-11-02 15:38:09] <Rane> dumbass
[2016-11-02 15:38:12] <Rane> why do you hate pings
[2016-11-02 15:38:12] <Naenil> now the rif is where our kush is made Arab_Morocc
[2016-11-02 15:38:16] <Rane> ? dumbass ?

[2016-11-02 15:38:19] <beyw> biji amazigh

[2016-11-02 15:38:20] <Mossad> beyw: 18:40 <Schweini_for_Hillary> tell beyw AXXX
[2016-11-02 15:38:21] <Mossad> beyw: 18:44 <yat> tell beyw Schweini_for_Hillary
said ur a sagbab? what is this
[2016-11-02 15:38:22] <Rane> you don t like pings right dumbass
[2016-11-02 15:38:26] <Arab_Moroccan> What is kush?
[2016-11-02 15:38:29] <Naenil> weec
[2016-11-02 15:38:31] <Rane> kush = weed
[2016-11-02 15:38:33] <Naenil> weed*
[2016-11-02 15:38:36] <Arab_Moroccan> I see
[2016-11-02 15:38:37] <Arab_Moroccan> yes
[2016-11-02 15:38:43] <Arab_Moroccan> Hash
[2016-11-02 15:38:43] <Naenil> There is a kebab shop in my city called "le rif"
[2016-11-02 15:38:43] <Libdem> KUSH = MARIJUANA
[2016-11-02 15:38:50] <Naenil> It s the best kebab of the city Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:38:51] <Muzzly> do you do the kif business Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:38:53] <Libdem> hash is different
[2016-11-02 15:39:02] <Libdem> hash is a form of marijuana
[2016-11-02 15:39:03] <beyw> .tell yat lmao
[2016-11-02 15:39:04] <Mossad> beyw: I ll pass that on when yat is around.
[2016-11-02 15:39:04] <Arab_Moroccan> I see
[2016-11-02 15:39:11] <Arab_Moroccan> no i don t do that shit
[2016-11-02 15:39:19] <Muzzly> why not
[2016-11-02 15:39:21] <beyw> Arab_Moroccan: Weish thaT MORROCCAN KUSHHHHH
[2016-11-02 15:39:22] <Rane> good Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:39:23] <Naenil> tbh it s called shit in france Libdem
[2016-11-02 15:39:28] <Rane> I used to be addicted to that kinda
[2016-11-02 15:39:38] <Rane> my short term memory is ruined
[2016-11-02 15:39:38] <Libdem> naenil stupid. Because hash is very different.
[2016-11-02 15:39:49] <beyw> Naenil: hash is nice
[2016-11-02 15:39:49] <Naenil> When legalization will occur, morroco will be #1
[2016-11-02 15:39:52] <Arab_Moroccan> It s not good for you, i had a friend was
addicted and it clearly made his memory weak.
[2016-11-02 15:39:57] <Naenil> In THC export
[2016-11-02 15:40:02] <beyw> ye Libdem like as long as it is good shit, it is go
od shit
[2016-11-02 15:40:08] <Naenil> Yeah I ve seen several friends fail their school
with that Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:40:10] <Muzzly> thats because you people mix it with the blackest
of tobacco Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:40:12] <Rane> yeah Arab_Moroccan but it s also great to get to kn
ow people
[2016-11-02 15:40:19] <Muzzly> the addiction comes from the tobacco
[2016-11-02 15:40:21] <Muzzly> not the kif itself
[2016-11-02 15:40:23] <Rane> true Muzzly
[2016-11-02 15:40:26] <Arab_Moroccan> really?
[2016-11-02 15:40:30] <Muzzly> ye
[2016-11-02 15:40:30] <Rane> but weed itself fucks up your memory
[2016-11-02 15:40:38] <Rane> and makes you dumber
[2016-11-02 15:40:43] <Muzzly> you know the kif in 6nja?
[2016-11-02 15:40:47] <Libdem> in general its the psychological effects of THC a
ren t that great. But the phsyical effects of marijuana compared to alcohol and
tobacco are less dangerous.
[2016-11-02 15:40:50] <Arab_Moroccan> Yes
[2016-11-02 15:40:51] <Muzzly> its illegal because of the black tobacco
[2016-11-02 15:40:59] <Arab_Moroccan> Temara, Tanger, Tetouan
[2016-11-02 15:41:01] hashashin joined (hashashin@Snoonet-2lh.0p2.r9efte.IP)
[2016-11-02 15:41:01] <Rane> I don t use black tobacco tho
[2016-11-02 15:41:02] <Muzzly> the cops arent going to bother if its only 7shish

[2016-11-02 15:41:07] <Libdem> because THC is the only chemical compound in weed
that makes you high
[2016-11-02 15:41:15] <Muzzly> but if they even smell a hint of black tobacco th
ey will jail you
[2016-11-02 15:41:16] <Rane> true Libdem
[2016-11-02 15:41:20] <hashashin> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Racjd5A8IDg
[2016-11-02 15:41:20] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Hash Documentary From Morocco (HASCHISCH 2002)
- length 1h 16m 17s - 991 likes, 59 dislikes (94.4%) - 373,363 views - GoodMarijuanaStr
ains on 2012.04.21
[2016-11-02 15:41:31] <hashashin> I mean hash has a lot of problems.
[2016-11-02 15:41:33] <Dune> I have to rewind all the time Naenil
[2016-11-02 15:41:35] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> I don t understand how people can be
such shitty singers yet seem to enjoy doing it so much.
[2016-11-02 15:41:41] <Naenil> for Dune ?
[2016-11-02 15:41:47] <Dune> dank podcasts
[2016-11-02 15:41:52] <Naenil> Join them MinkowskiSpaceTime
[2016-11-02 15:42:01] <Naenil> Download Dune ? Where is the problem
[2016-11-02 15:42:04] <hashashin> I mean besides dabs hash is probably the 2nd m
ost dangerous marijuana concentrate.
[2016-11-02 15:42:08] <Libdem> hash is different from weed because its usually m
ixed with other shit which changes the chemicals you release when you smoke it.
[2016-11-02 15:42:11] <Libdem> you can get pure hash
[2016-11-02 15:42:12] <Dune> nah it s not a technical isue lol
[2016-11-02 15:42:29] <Libdem> but generally the arab hashish is mixed with othe
r herbs or honey n sheet
[2016-11-02 15:42:29] <Naenil> It s better to listen to that in transports Dune
[2016-11-02 15:42:32] <Dune> they speak fast and dense
[2016-11-02 15:42:36] <Muzzly> im in chefchawen at least once every two years an
d people openly smoke in front of the cops at the main square Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:42:39] <Dune> ye but i live close to work
[2016-11-02 15:42:43] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Nah they already hate me for politely
asking them to maybe not play the piano at 2 am in the morning.
[2016-11-02 15:42:45] <Muzzly> its the black tobacco that gets the police riled
[2016-11-02 15:42:48] <hashashin> i ve probably smoked some weird stuff in hash
[2016-11-02 15:42:55] <xaashi> drugs are bad
[2016-11-02 15:42:57] <hashashin> it s the best still
[2016-11-02 15:42:58] <Libdem> also the super-weed thats being made in US is bad
[2016-11-02 15:43:07] <Libdem> too much THC
[2016-11-02 15:43:08] <hashashin> xaashi you have no grounding on this
[2016-11-02 15:43:09] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/DrPartizan_/status/7315108467
[2016-11-02 15:43:09] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @DrPartizan_ (Dr Partizan): Kurds in North
Kurdistan imitate the video of PKK Gerillas destroying a Turkish army helicopter
. https://t.co/LBrppLnvO6 (5 months and 22 days ago)
[2016-11-02 15:43:10] <hashashin> .quote xaashi
[2016-11-02 15:43:11] <Mossad> Quote 2582 of 2652: <xaashi> coordinate the tans
with the beans in my rockstar skinnies
[2016-11-02 15:43:13] <hashashin> .quote xaashi
[2016-11-02 15:43:19] <xaashi> yikes
[2016-11-02 15:43:21] <Naenil> hashashin, what is your reddit username
[2016-11-02 15:43:23] <beyw> whats the deal with black tobacco Muzzly
[2016-11-02 15:43:27] <xaashi> my druggie quotes are floating up
[2016-11-02 15:43:39] <Muzzly> what do you mean by deal
[2016-11-02 15:43:44] <Muzzly> its stronger than dokha beyw
[2016-11-02 15:43:48] <Schweini_for_Hillary> there are like 5 versions of those

[2016-11-02 15:43:49] <hashashin> Unit901Hezbollah

[2016-11-02 15:43:55] <Naenil> ded Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-11-02 15:43:56] <Muzzly> and moroccans refuse to smoke only hash for some
[2016-11-02 15:44:06] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly Yep that s tetouan ;)
[2016-11-02 15:44:09] <Libdem> best form to consume marijuana is to vaporize it.
Because you only smoke vapor which has no carcinogens from the smoke.
[2016-11-02 15:44:14] <hashashin> you just warned me :/ https://www.reddit.com/r
[2016-11-02 15:44:21] <Muzzly> beautiful place Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:44:32] <Libdem> you can also eat it but its pretty dicey unless y
ou know very well how much weed is the food
[2016-11-02 15:44:34] <hashashin> why
[2016-11-02 15:44:42] <Naenil> lol hashashin
[2016-11-02 15:44:43] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly How many times have you been to Mor
[2016-11-02 15:44:52] <Muzzly> 6
[2016-11-02 15:44:56] <hashashin> i m not wrong :(
[2016-11-02 15:45:01] <Naenil> I now remember
[2016-11-02 15:45:01] <Arab_Moroccan> Nice
[2016-11-02 15:45:12] Pruswa joined (Pruswa@user/Pruswa)
[2016-11-02 15:45:12] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v Pruswa
[2016-11-02 15:45:14] <hashashin> Hillary s brain has worm
[2016-11-02 15:45:15] <Muzzly> will probably be way more in a few years
[2016-11-02 15:45:18] * Pruswa is now known as Pruswaa
[2016-11-02 15:45:19] <Naenil> hashashin, to explain, we have a ban evader roami
ng around and that s why I ask people usernames
[2016-11-02 15:45:24] <Muzzly> theres no better vacation
[2016-11-02 15:45:26] <hashashin> that s fair
[2016-11-02 15:45:28] <hashashin> who is it?
[2016-11-02 15:45:29] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly, what country do you currently live
[2016-11-02 15:45:29] * Pruswaa is now known as Pruswa
[2016-11-02 15:45:32] <Libdem> hashashin lol source pls
[2016-11-02 15:45:39] <hashashin> .yt hillary brain have worm
[2016-11-02 15:45:39] <wqzz> hashashin: [5You0Tube] Report: Hillary Clinton May Have Br
ain Parasite - length 3m 56s - 383 likes, 65 dislikes (85.5%) - 25,998 views - The Alex
Jones Channel on 2016.06.09 - http://youtu.be/hwG6sTu-G8g
[2016-11-02 15:45:41] <Muzzly> norway
[2016-11-02 15:45:42] <hashashin> ^
[2016-11-02 15:45:42] <Kallipoliz> I m weighing the pros and cons of staying dur
ing the 2nd americna civil war
[2016-11-02 15:46:00] <Libdem> lol hashashin alex jones is sheet
[2016-11-02 15:46:02] <Naenil> because we have a policy of avoid offtopic discus
sions on US election hashashin
[2016-11-02 15:46:04] <Arab_Moroccan> Are you originally from Norway?
[2016-11-02 15:46:14] <Muzzly> no im iraqi
[2016-11-02 15:46:15] <Naenil> Because it leads to flamewars
[2016-11-02 15:46:19] <xaashi> hes korean-somali
[2016-11-02 15:46:20] <Muzzly> had to escape a few bombs
[2016-11-02 15:46:21] <Libdem> FLAMEWARS!
[2016-11-02 15:46:22] <hashashin> hillary should have a policy of avoiding discu
ssions on syrian politics >:/
[2016-11-02 15:46:30] <xaashi> Muzzly: are you actually iraqi?
[2016-11-02 15:46:31] <hashashin> get out my country
[2016-11-02 15:46:34] <Arab_Moroccan> Halaa
[2016-11-02 15:46:42] <Arab_Moroccan> idan anta 3iraqi
[2016-11-02 15:46:48] <Muzzly> no im half korean half somali xaashi
[2016-11-02 15:46:50] <Arab_Moroccan>

[2016-11-02 15:46:58] <xaashi> mashallha Muzzly

[2016-11-02 15:47:04] <Libdem> guys if nothing in life works out im going to be
a khat farmer in subsaharan africa
[2016-11-02 15:47:09] <hashashin>
[2016-11-02 15:47:19] <xaashi> btw do all Iraqi teen chicks watch Korean dramas
and stuff too Muzzly ?
[2016-11-02 15:47:23] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> You can vent your anger at #kurdposti
ng hashasin
[2016-11-02 15:47:28] <xaashi> its an epidemic with Somali gyaldem
[2016-11-02 15:47:29] <hashashin> what s that
[2016-11-02 15:47:33] <Naenil> .tell Pruswa https://twitter.com/TurkeyPulse/stat
[2016-11-02 15:47:33] <Mossad> Naenil: I ll pass that on when Pruswa is around.
[2016-11-02 15:47:38] <hashashin> kurds suck
[2016-11-02 15:47:39] <Naenil> .tell sisisi https://twitter.com/TurkeyPulse/stat
[2016-11-02 15:47:39] <Mossad> Naenil: I ll pass that on when sisisi is around.
[2016-11-02 15:47:44] <Arab_Moroccan>
[2016-11-02 15:48:07] <Arab_Moroccan>
[2016-11-02 15:48:13] <Libdem>
[2016-11-02 15:48:15] <Pruswa> Why would it sisisi?
[2016-11-02 15:48:16] <Mossad> Pruswa: 19:47 <Naenil> tell Pruswa https://twitte
[2016-11-02 15:48:21] <Muzzly> no korean dramas afaik xaashi
[2016-11-02 15:48:31] <wqzz>  () A LLAHU AKBAR
[2016-11-02 15:48:36] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> .ban
[2016-11-02 15:48:36] <wqzz> MinkowskiSpaceTime: Your gun jammed! You can try ag
ain in 7 seconds.
[2016-11-02 15:48:39] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> .ban
[2016-11-02 15:48:41] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> .ban
[2016-11-02 15:48:42] <Pruswa> No one is angry at him for purging Glenist scum, a
nd those who would be angry for purging seculars already hated him
[2016-11-02 15:48:42] <hashashin>
[2016-11-02 15:48:42] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> .ban
[2016-11-02 15:48:42] <Pruswa> .ban
[2016-11-02 15:48:42] <wqzz> Pruswa you shot an Islamist in 11.201 seconds! You
have killed 45 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 15:48:43] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> .ban
[2016-11-02 15:48:43] <wqzz> MinkowskiSpaceTime: There is no Islamist. What are
you shooting at?
[2016-11-02 15:48:44] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> .ban
[2016-11-02 15:48:44] <wqzz> MinkowskiSpaceTime: There is no Islamist. What are
you shooting at?
[2016-11-02 15:48:47] <Pruswa> Get fucked nigga
[2016-11-02 15:48:51] <Arab_Moroccan> Korean dramas are very popular with Morocc
an girls
[2016-11-02 15:48:54] <Pruswa> .killers
[2016-11-02 15:48:54] <wqzz> Pruswa: Islamist killer scores in #syriancivilwar: g a
nja: 177 n aenil: 144 y at: 119 j ayssan: 112 c omrade_cody: 112 p out: 94 k atze
snake: 83 m uzzly: 68 b aco: 59 p rky008: 59 b abyrage: 51 e ck: 48 r eptar7: 48
[2016-11-02 15:49:01] <Naenil> You re just too few Pruswa
[2016-11-02 15:49:03] <Libdem> i dont speak arabic so i don t what you re saying
[2016-11-02 15:49:11] <Naenil> You will lose the TCW Pruswa
[2016-11-02 15:49:11] <Pruswa> Arab_Moroccan: H*jabi girls here are obsessed wit
h Koreans for some reason
[2016-11-02 15:49:14] <hashashin> salams lol
[2016-11-02 15:49:19] <Libdem> i just know how to salam "insert name"
[2016-11-02 15:49:23] <Pruswa> Think not
[2016-11-02 15:49:30] <hashashin> ^

[2016-11-02 15:49:30] <Naenil> Speaking of that, did any fagget answered my modm
ail in TCW Pruswa
[2016-11-02 15:49:31] <xaashi> Muzzly: hmm seen
[2016-11-02 15:49:34] <Pruswa> omars can t fight shit
[2016-11-02 15:49:44] <hashashin> Alamut
[2016-11-02 15:49:45] <Pruswa> I don t even check that sub
[2016-11-02 15:49:46] <Muzzly> you know its the fourth time you ask if im iraqi
[2016-11-02 15:49:49] <xaashi> Muzzly: 90% of Somali women/girls in the diaspora
are Korean drama and music addicts
[2016-11-02 15:49:51] <xaashi> its super weird
[2016-11-02 15:49:58] <hashashin> Nothing is forbidden, everything is permitted.
[2016-11-02 15:50:04] <Pruswa> If TCW starts, a quarter of omar forces will die o
f nutritional deficiencies before the war even begins
[2016-11-02 15:50:07] <Muzzly> arabs just love japanese people xaashi
[2016-11-02 15:50:09] <xaashi> Muzzly: yeah I dont remember much from here tbh. Im
usually blazed af or multitasking when Im here
[2016-11-02 15:50:13] <Muzzly> but they cant tell the difference
[2016-11-02 15:50:22] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly are you from Bagdad?
[2016-11-02 15:50:31] <xaashi> like right now Im at work but Im on a bunch of adde
rral pills
[2016-11-02 15:50:33] <Muzzly> im from the south Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:50:36] <Libdem> hashashin do you ever use chat arabic?
[2016-11-02 15:50:36] <Muzzly> nasriya
[2016-11-02 15:50:44] <xaashi> waiting for this huge compile job and someone to
answer this stack overflow question
[2016-11-02 15:50:45] <hashashin> like masri?
[2016-11-02 15:51:01] <Libdem> hashashin its the one that uses 3,7,9
[2016-11-02 15:51:02] <Arab_Moroccan> The south of Iraqi is pretty save right?
[2016-11-02 15:51:09] <hashashin> i think the numbers look weird
[2016-11-02 15:51:10] <Muzzly> ye
[2016-11-02 15:51:15] <Muzzly> no sunnis to blow themselves up Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:51:29] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly hahaha
[2016-11-02 15:51:43] <Arab_Moroccan> Basra, Najaf, Kerbela it s save
[2016-11-02 15:51:44] <xaashi> Muzzly: real nigga shit Im trying to visit Baghdad
in the next 10 years
[2016-11-02 15:51:46] <xaashi> doable or nah?
[2016-11-02 15:51:52] <hashashin> xaashi: death wish? lol
[2016-11-02 15:51:55] <xaashi> lol
[2016-11-02 15:51:59] <Muzzly> its pretty doable now
[2016-11-02 15:52:01] <Libdem> xaashi you should be able to
[2016-11-02 15:52:03] <Schweini_for_Hillary> just stay indoors
[2016-11-02 15:52:08] <Muzzly> im going next year
[2016-11-02 15:52:08] <xaashi> Im not trying to die in a IED Muzzly
[2016-11-02 15:52:10] <hashashin> like "ugh my wife is ugly fuck this i m going
to baghdad"
[2016-11-02 15:52:17] <Muzzly> xaashi, ieds only in the north 7bb
[2016-11-02 15:52:19] <xaashi> Muzzly: you shia? hows karbala ting rn
[2016-11-02 15:52:24] <Libdem> baghdad should be safer than dehli xaashi
[2016-11-02 15:52:25] <xaashi> Muzzly: fahamt
[2016-11-02 15:52:39] <hashashin> karbala s the center of pmu power so
[2016-11-02 15:52:41] <hashashin> pretty safe
[2016-11-02 15:52:43] <Muzzly> since they took fallujah theres been pretty few a
ttacks on baghdad
[2016-11-02 15:52:49] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly, when Saddam rules no one cared if
you were sunni or shi3i
[2016-11-02 15:52:49] <xaashi> interesting
[2016-11-02 15:52:52] <Arab_Moroccan> ruled
[2016-11-02 15:53:03] <Muzzly> Arab_Moroccan, moroccan kif costs more than leban
ese in iraq

[2016-11-02 15:53:04] <xaashi> its funny I dont think Ive met a shia ever
[2016-11-02 15:53:05] <Muzzly> and you dont partake
[2016-11-02 15:53:08] <xaashi> kinda weird
[2016-11-02 15:53:10] <Muzzly> its a shame ya 7bb
[2016-11-02 15:53:14] <Libdem> xaashi undercover shias
[2016-11-02 15:53:19] <Muzzly> Arab_Moroccan, also thats bs dude
[2016-11-02 15:53:23] <xaashi> Libdem: probably, true
[2016-11-02 15:53:23] <Libdem> hezb operatives
[2016-11-02 15:53:30] <Muzzly> everyone cared if you were sunni or shia, you jus
t didnt make it clear
[2016-11-02 15:53:31] <hashashin>
is my mawla
[2016-11-02 15:53:46] sorzer quit (thunderingg@user/sorzer): Client exited
[2016-11-02 15:54:01] <xaashi> Muzzly: sectarianism that real huh
[2016-11-02 15:54:01] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: zutt
[2016-11-02 15:54:06] <Arab_Moroccan> Muzzly, many Iraqi police and army going w
ith their job cloths to Kerbela shrine and other places...
[2016-11-02 15:54:10] <Arab_Moroccan> In the time of Saddam
[2016-11-02 15:54:18] <hashashin> i hope sistani succeeds khamenei
[2016-11-02 15:54:24] <xaashi> I was just talking to a friend of mine Hargeisa,
she said the flight from Dubai to HRG had Somalis from all over the horn on it
[2016-11-02 15:54:24] <hashashin> that d be wonderful
[2016-11-02 15:54:25] <Muzzly> people werent allowed to even do arb3in during sa
ddam Arab_Moroccan
[2016-11-02 15:54:43] <xaashi> the whole flight they almost had 5 serious fights
because everyone wanted to kill everyone else over tribal bs
[2016-11-02 15:54:48] <xaashi> crazy
[2016-11-02 15:54:52] <Naenil> xaashi, will somalia ever get a real state
[2016-11-02 15:54:53] <hashashin> plus baghdad is dangerous, too many power stru
[2016-11-02 15:54:57] <Muzzly> are you memeing hashashin
[2016-11-02 15:54:57] <hashashin> even when you re on the same side
[2016-11-02 15:55:02] <beyw> Naenil: it is a state get lost kiddo
[2016-11-02 15:55:07] <hashashin> ?
[2016-11-02 15:55:08] <xaashi> like the itinerary was Dubai> Djib->Harg->Bosaso->
[2016-11-02 15:55:12] <Naenil> .addquote <xaashi> I was just talking to a friend
of mine Hargeisa, she said the flight from Dubai to HRG had Somalis from all ov
er the horn on it <xaashi> the whole flight they almost had 5 serious fights bec
ause everyone wanted to kill everyone else over tribal bs
[2016-11-02 15:55:13] <Mossad> Naenil: Quote added.
[2016-11-02 15:55:14] <xaashi> Naenil: no
[2016-11-02 15:55:17] <Muzzly> how would sistani succeed khamanai?
[2016-11-02 15:55:24] <hashashin> why not?
[2016-11-02 15:55:28] <Muzzly> what
[2016-11-02 15:55:29] <nvl> xaashi, sounds like Somalia needs a 10 million state
[2016-11-02 15:55:38] <Naenil> Somalia being a black hole of governance is reall
y problematic lol xaashi
[2016-11-02 15:55:48] <Muzzly> how much did you smoke hashashin
[2016-11-02 15:55:50] <xaashi> nvl: we need foreigners out. No one hates Somalis
than Somalis but wallah no one loves Somalis more than Somalis
[2016-11-02 15:55:53] <hashashin> It d be good for Iran too
[2016-11-02 15:56:07] <nvl> xaashi, you mean cleanse the ar*bs?
[2016-11-02 15:56:10] <xaashi> if there was no meddling from foreigners wed have
peace super quick
[2016-11-02 15:56:14] <Muzzly> they belong to different 7wza
[2016-11-02 15:56:15] ArabKing joined (Arab_Morocc@user/Arab-Moroccan/x-51533465
[2016-11-02 15:56:15] * calvin.snoonet.org set +v ArabKing
[2016-11-02 15:56:18] Arab_Moroccan quit (Arab_Morocc@user/Arab-Moroccan/x-51533

465): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client

[2016-11-02 15:56:25] <hashashin> It s not like Khamenei is even Iranian
[2016-11-02 15:56:28] <hashashin> He s Azeri
[2016-11-02 15:56:30] <xaashi> nvl: Arabs are meddling heavily in Somalia. Al-Sh
abaab is just one of their trojan horses
[2016-11-02 15:56:31] <nvl> He s Iranian
[2016-11-02 15:56:34] <nvl> Just not Persian
[2016-11-02 15:56:38] <hashashin> Yeah
[2016-11-02 15:56:45] <nvl> He s not from Baku
[2016-11-02 15:56:46] <ArabKing> lol
[2016-11-02 15:56:46] <xaashi> man I love adderrall wew
[2016-11-02 15:56:48] <hashashin> So it wouldn t be the first nonPersian to lead
[2016-11-02 15:56:52] <Rane> wow my life is like a movie rn
[2016-11-02 15:56:56] <hashashin> Baku is Israel imo
[2016-11-02 15:57:00] <Muzzly> he is hashemite
[2016-11-02 15:57:22] <Libdem> yat
[2016-11-02 15:57:39] <yat> Libdem
[2016-11-02 15:57:40] <Mossad> yat: 19:39 <beyw> tell yat lmao
[2016-11-02 15:57:52] <hashashin> Have you guys heard?
[2016-11-02 15:57:56] <samsoninbabylon> You guys wanna see the most multiethnic
/ multireligious force operating in syria ?
[2016-11-02 15:58:01] <Rane> Man I miss h8speech : (
[2016-11-02 15:58:01] <samsoninbabylon> Hint: it s not YPG
[2016-11-02 15:58:03] <Rane> .seen h8speech
[2016-11-02 15:58:04] <Mossad> h8speech was last seen on #SyrianCivilWar at 2016-10
-31 01:27:14 saying "katzen: cheers, i won t "
[2016-11-02 15:58:10] <ArabKing> https://youtu.be/lc0J2aIvSww
[2016-11-02 15:58:10] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] YouTube
igh Oughighuch on 2011.02.05
[2016-11-02 15:58:11] <Rane> samsoninbabylon: blasphemy
[2016-11-02 15:58:16] <Libdem> yat r u going to vote hillary or trump?
[2016-11-02 15:58:18] <nvl> xaashi, does Kenya meddle a lot?
[2016-11-02 15:58:25] <yat> i voted mcmullin Libdem
[2016-11-02 15:58:31] <hashashin> Muzzly ok i WANT sistani to succeed him, but i
t s not likely lol
[2016-11-02 15:58:36] <Libdem> yat cia operative go figure
[2016-11-02 15:58:44] <xaashi> nvl: lol theyre literally occupying us
[2016-11-02 15:58:45] <samsoninbabylon> Most tolerant force operating in Syria :
~) https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/3El8ulOb/IMG_0697.JPG
[2016-11-02 15:58:54] <nvl> xaashi, so is Ethiopia then
[2016-11-02 15:58:55] <yat> lol
[2016-11-02 15:58:57] <xaashi> samsoninbabylon: whodat
[2016-11-02 15:59:01] <Muzzly> hashashin, sistani opposes wilayet al-faqih
[2016-11-02 15:59:03] <xaashi> nvl: duh
[2016-11-02 15:59:06] <nvl> xaashi, but meddling in internal pol
[2016-11-02 15:59:08] <nvl> Is what I mean
[2016-11-02 15:59:08] <samsoninbabylon> US DoD :~) xaashi
[2016-11-02 15:59:09] <hashashin> iran needs to include more 7wzas
[2016-11-02 15:59:11] <Libdem> mfw both US and Russian presidents were in secret
service :/
[2016-11-02 15:59:21] <xaashi> samsoninbabylon: tabaarakallah :^)
[2016-11-02 15:59:25] <hashashin> how are they an islamic republic if they div
ide usuli shias
[2016-11-02 15:59:32] <xaashi> nvl: dude ethiopia runs somalia lmao
[2016-11-02 15:59:38] <nvl> xaashi, I know
[2016-11-02 15:59:43] <nvl> xaashi, I m asking Kenya
[2016-11-02 15:59:51] <samsoninbabylon> Puntlaaaaand.....!
[2016-11-02 15:59:51] <Muzzly> najaf opposes any form of religious role in polit
ics so long as the mahdi is absent hashashin

[2016-11-02 15:59:56] <xaashi> same deal just a lot weaker and incompetent nvl
[2016-11-02 15:59:58] <Muzzly> the qomis would love to include them, they just c
[2016-11-02 15:59:59] <hashashin> and wouldn t that be perfect for iran?
[2016-11-02 16:00:01] <hashashin> ;)
[2016-11-02 16:00:08] <Libdem> samsoninbabylon who are you voting for?
[2016-11-02 16:00:11] <xaashi> ethiopians are scary evil and capable
[2016-11-02 16:00:27] <samsoninbabylon> Fucking guess Libdem
[2016-11-02 16:00:32] <ArabKing> Muzzly if you got time watch this: https://yout
[2016-11-02 16:00:32] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] YouTube
igh Oughighuch on 2011.02.05
[2016-11-02 16:00:38] <Libdem> donald j trump? samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 16:00:44] <samsoninbabylon> I already voted
[2016-11-02 16:00:46] <Muzzly> i was watching it first time you linked ArabKing
[2016-11-02 16:00:49] <Muzzly> but its memri
[2016-11-02 16:00:55] <Muzzly> i mean come on bruh
[2016-11-02 16:01:01] <Libdem> well who did you vote for? samsoninbablyon
[2016-11-02 16:01:01] <ArabKing> No problem
[2016-11-02 16:01:02] <samsoninbabylon> And please cmon
[2016-11-02 16:01:17] <ArabKing> Memri is bullshit but you understand Arabic
[2016-11-02 16:01:20] <samsoninbabylon> KKKillary KKKlinton
[2016-11-02 16:01:29] <hashashin> yahoodi channel
[2016-11-02 16:01:34] <ArabKing> Btw Yahya Abu Zakaria is pro Assad
[2016-11-02 16:01:42] <Rane> samson
[2016-11-02 16:01:52] <xaashi> I got like 3 different sites telling me I can sta
rt voting today
[2016-11-02 16:02:00] <xaashi> might actually go later
[2016-11-02 16:02:01] <Muzzly> i doubt many berbers support israel ArabKing
[2016-11-02 16:02:08] <Naenil> If you had to choose between destroying KSA or fi
nd a cure for cancer what would you take xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:02:10] <hashashin>
[2016-11-02 16:02:14] <Eck> if you re not pro assad you should be jailed for int
erfering with a sovereign country
[2016-11-02 16:02:15] <Eck> tbh
[2016-11-02 16:02:17] <Muzzly> hasbara has just been very active in africa
[2016-11-02 16:02:18] <ArabKing>
[2016-11-02 16:02:26] <xaashi> Naenil: cure for cancer doesnt make sense
[2016-11-02 16:02:31] <xaashi> not a thing
[2016-11-02 16:02:33] <Naenil> sssh
[2016-11-02 16:02:33] <ArabKing> Muzzly there are more then you think ;)
[2016-11-02 16:02:36] <Naenil> You see what I mean xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:03:01] <xaashi> KSA isnt inherently evil, I dont want it destroyed.
I have a lot of family there
[2016-11-02 16:03:03] <Libdem> xaashi there is a cure for cancer
[2016-11-02 16:03:19] <hashashin> hasbara always sounds like a japanese person s
aying hezbollah to me
[2016-11-02 16:03:19] <Eck> https://www.rt.com/news/365141-aftermath-mosul-airst
[2016-11-02 16:03:20] <Eck> wew
[2016-11-02 16:03:25] <beyw> Schweini_for_Hillary: cawo i am here recognize me
[2016-11-02 16:03:27] <samsoninbabylon> >RT
[2016-11-02 16:03:35] <hashashin> xaashi tell your family to revolt
[2016-11-02 16:03:48] <Eck> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnbZ_tQdfBA
[2016-11-02 16:03:48] <Eck> so sad
[2016-11-02 16:03:48] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Iraq: Brother mourns as deadly US airstrike ki
lls 8 family members - length 2m 10s - 8 likes, 4 dislikes (66.7%) - 140 views - Ruptly
TV on 2016.11.02
[2016-11-02 16:03:57] <hashashin> iraqis getting killed by usa again
[2016-11-02 16:03:58] <hashashin> what year is it?

[2016-11-02 16:04:09] <Eck> gotta stop em

[2016-11-02 16:04:11] <Muzzly> how long has it been now
[2016-11-02 16:04:15] <xaashi> hashashin: all my Saudi family love the kingdom a
nd are very patriotic mashallah
[2016-11-02 16:04:15] <Muzzly> 50 years?
[2016-11-02 16:04:17] <Eck> time to blow up the white house
[2016-11-02 16:04:21] <Eck> REEEEEEEEEEE
[2016-11-02 16:04:22] <hashashin> xaashi are they wahhabi?
[2016-11-02 16:04:31] <xaashi> hashashin: no such thing
[2016-11-02 16:04:35] <hashashin> that s a yes
[2016-11-02 16:04:36] <Muzzly> do they get state allowances xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:04:47] <xaashi> Muzzly: the ones with actual iqamah yes lol
[2016-11-02 16:04:54] <xaashi> the others are very poor :(
[2016-11-02 16:04:59] <Muzzly> thats exactly why they support the kingdom tho
[2016-11-02 16:05:05] <xaashi> lmao
[2016-11-02 16:05:10] <hashashin> saudis killed the hashemites, how salafi is th
[2016-11-02 16:05:16] <Muzzly> saudis > hashemites
[2016-11-02 16:05:24] <hashashin> saudis < rat milk < hashemites
[2016-11-02 16:05:35] <xaashi> Muzzly: thoughts on the Rasheida family?
[2016-11-02 16:05:48] <Muzzly> abdelnassers biggest mistake is alienating the sa
udis instead of the hashemites
[2016-11-02 16:05:51] <xaashi> the rightful rulers of the jazeera that got exile
d in the 1700s to sudan/eritrea
[2016-11-02 16:05:55] <Muzzly> im pretty sure he found that out eventually
[2016-11-02 16:05:59] <hashashin> https://i.imgur.com/NAljO51.gif
[2016-11-02 16:06:04] <hashashin> xaashi do you have family in egypt?
[2016-11-02 16:06:08] <xaashi> hashashin: yes
[2016-11-02 16:06:10] <Muzzly> arent they the ones who make up the lower djibout
i class nowadays xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:06:17] <hashashin> how they feel about sisi?
[2016-11-02 16:06:28] <xaashi> Muzzly: theres a few but theyre mostly Eritrea and
[2016-11-02 16:06:36] <xaashi> Muzzly: they run the human trafficking and organ
[2016-11-02 16:07:01] <Muzzly> they smuggle the we wuz semites to israel too
[2016-11-02 16:07:17] <ArabKing> https://twitter.com/RamiAILoIah/status/79390206
[2016-11-02 16:07:44] <ArabKing> #BreakingNews #ISIS to release an official audi
o statement (possibly by the Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi) shortly.. #Iraq #Syria
[2016-11-02 16:07:52] <Pruswa> AHAHAHAH HOLY SHIT
[2016-11-02 16:07:52] <Pruswa> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Zrtjsq4QSk
[2016-11-02 16:07:54] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Douya hiroima atlmal / TROLLDR - length 59s - 3
, 0 dislikes (100.0%) - 1,558 views - Huffle Shuffle on 2016.09.25
[2016-11-02 16:07:57] <Pruswa> sisisi:
[2016-11-02 16:07:58] <Pruswa> sisisi:
[2016-11-02 16:08:03] <Pruswa> OH MY FUCK
[2016-11-02 16:08:05] <Pruswa> GUYS
[2016-11-02 16:08:07] <Pruswa> GUYS WATCH THIS
[2016-11-02 16:08:09] <Pruswa> BAHAHAHA
[2016-11-02 16:08:22] <xaashi> Muzzly: Ethio Jews? not really. before the border
was closed, mostly Sudanese and Eritreans lol
[2016-11-02 16:08:32] <xaashi> Muzzly: ethio jews get flights on El Al lol
[2016-11-02 16:08:36] <Pruswa> BITCH SAYS "A HIROSHIMA(YES A HIROSHIMA) SHOULD B
[2016-11-02 16:08:38] <samsoninbabylon> This dude just left his backpack at the
bus stop while he went to throw a can away
[2016-11-02 16:08:40] <samsoninbabylon> What an idiot
[2016-11-02 16:08:46] <xaashi> yikes
[2016-11-02 16:08:53] <Muzzly> its not like the we wuz semites are exclusive to

ethio xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:09:00] <xaashi> Muzzly: looool
[2016-11-02 16:09:03] <Muzzly> its a global phenomena unfortunately
[2016-11-02 16:09:35] <Schweini_for_Hillary> http://i.imgur.com/TI7kquh.png beyw
[2016-11-02 16:09:48] <beyw> lol
[2016-11-02 16:09:54] <beyw> and pruswa lol
[2016-11-02 16:10:27] <Pruswa> Oh my fuck watch it till the end
[2016-11-02 16:10:29] sorzer joined (thunderingg@user/sorzer)
[2016-11-02 16:10:29] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v sorzer
[2016-11-02 16:10:29] * Bashar set +o sorzer
[2016-11-02 16:10:30] <Pruswa> Those are Kldar and Erdo
[2016-11-02 16:10:43] <xaashi> reminds me I really need to visit Eritrea before
it gets fucked up
[2016-11-02 16:10:45] <hashashin> Schweini_for_Hillary: https://i.imgur.com/unde
[2016-11-02 16:10:53] <hashashin> whoops
[2016-11-02 16:10:54] <beyw> loll
[2016-11-02 16:10:54] <hashashin> https://i.imgur.com/CfWwuZd.jpg
[2016-11-02 16:11:05] <xaashi> really sad I havent been to Yemen before the khara
ruined it :((
[2016-11-02 16:11:19] <hashashin> saudis ruined yemen
[2016-11-02 16:11:25] <Naenil> Pruswa, can you translatye this https://i.imgur.c
[2016-11-02 16:11:53] <Pruswa> Naenil: The signs:
[2016-11-02 16:11:59] <Pruswa> "Wollaxi we have missed the Friend ; _ ;"
[2016-11-02 16:12:06] <Pruswa> "Tradition and honor"
[2016-11-02 16:12:14] <Pruswa> "Autonomous K*rdistan"
[2016-11-02 16:12:15] <Schweini_for_Hillary> http://i.imgur.com/ROUJAlk.png beyw
[2016-11-02 16:12:22] <Pruswa> Something about independence
[2016-11-02 16:12:23] <Naenil> lmao
[2016-11-02 16:12:29] flifla joined (flifla@Snoonet-q43.pv3.bro6c7.IP)
[2016-11-02 16:12:43] <Pruswa> Commune cooperative leadership of the people of A
[2016-11-02 16:12:44] <Schweini_for_Hillary> http://i.imgur.com/KTaeQHR.png beyw
[2016-11-02 16:12:57] <Schweini_for_Hillary> BERDEWAM BIKE
[2016-11-02 16:13:00] <beyw> lol where do ytou get these
[2016-11-02 16:13:04] <Pruswa> "5/5 domestically produced ancestor rocket" writt
en on the rocket
[2016-11-02 16:13:10] <Schweini_for_Hillary> a vid
[2016-11-02 16:13:10] <Pruswa> And finally, it says
[2016-11-02 16:13:17] <Pruswa> "THE STATE IS COMING ; _ ;"
[2016-11-02 16:13:19] <Dune> was pretty dank Naenil
[2016-11-02 16:13:20] <Dune> th
[2016-11-02 16:13:20] <Dune> x
[2016-11-02 16:13:27] <beyw> they look nice
[2016-11-02 16:13:29] <Pruswa> A violation of Spurdo rules actually
[2016-11-02 16:13:31] <Naenil> np they re beweekly Dune
[2016-11-02 16:13:33] <Pruswa> Spurdo is never frowning
[2016-11-02 16:13:45] <Naenil> And sometimes with very nice subjects
[2016-11-02 16:13:46] <Dune> what is biweekly, twice a week or once every two?
[2016-11-02 16:14:06] <Pruswa> .tell sisisi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Zrt
[2016-11-02 16:14:06] <Mossad> Pruswa: I ll pass that on when sisisi is around.
[2016-11-02 16:14:06] <Naenil> twice a week
[2016-11-02 16:14:33] Rane quit (Rane@user/Rane): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/
- A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 16:14:37] Rane2 joined (Rane@user/Rane)
[2016-11-02 16:14:37] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v Rane2
[2016-11-02 16:14:46] Rane2 quit (Rane@user/Rane): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/
- A hand crafted IRC client

[2016-11-02 16:14:52] ArabKing quit (Arab_Morocc@user/Arab-Moroccan/x-51533465):

Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 16:15:06] <flifla> tbh i m insulted that nasrallah is not an admin h
[2016-11-02 16:15:22] <Pruswa> Reddit name flifla?
[2016-11-02 16:15:40] <wqzz>  () TAK BIR
[2016-11-02 16:15:46] <flifla> allahu ackbar
[2016-11-02 16:15:51] <Dune> .ban
[2016-11-02 16:15:51] <wqzz> Dune you shot an Islamist in 11.263 seconds! You ha
ve killed 2 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 16:15:52] <flifla> Pruswa: why?
[2016-11-02 16:16:09] <Pruswa> Rules
[2016-11-02 16:16:15] <flifla> stop killing all my soldiers
[2016-11-02 16:16:27] <Pruswa> Not telling your username can get you banned
[2016-11-02 16:16:27] <Dune> they aren t your friends yet
[2016-11-02 16:16:36] <hashashin> https://i.imgur.com/rXlthH8.png
[2016-11-02 16:16:46] <flifla> oh
[2016-11-02 16:17:00] <hashashin> there is a ban evader flifla
[2016-11-02 16:17:08] <hashashin> they ask me too
[2016-11-02 16:17:28] <flifla> idk man i just got here and you re asking for my
reddit name
[2016-11-02 16:17:31] <flifla> that s like
[2016-11-02 16:17:35] <flifla> wow so advanced
[2016-11-02 16:17:38] <flifla> we should take a step back here
[2016-11-02 16:17:40] <flifla> hello
[2016-11-02 16:17:46] * flifla is now known as shreeep
[2016-11-02 16:17:52] <beyw> https://youtu.be/LvscKtFFhjY?t=3m6s sisisi pruswa w
hen you decide to blatantly lie instead of saying "idk"
[2016-11-02 16:17:53] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Wikileaks Nedir ? - length 6m 17s - 85 likes, 4 d
islikes (95.5%) - 75,631 views - papadilma on 2010.12.07
[2016-11-02 16:18:02] <Naenil> We deal with extremely annoyong people that ban e
vade repeatedly shreeep
[2016-11-02 16:18:12] <Naenil> annoying*
[2016-11-02 16:18:33] <Pruswa> beyw wat
[2016-11-02 16:18:34] <Pruswa> lmao
[2016-11-02 16:18:43] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Translation: Naenil got trolled by po
rkchan and ragedband him.
[2016-11-02 16:18:52] <Dune> shreeep: this is IRC you can join without saying he
[2016-11-02 16:18:53] <hashashin> who is porkchan
[2016-11-02 16:18:55] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> *banned
[2016-11-02 16:18:55] <Libdem> today my professors says he looked up a student a
nd his old google profile said "gas chambers at auschwitz" for his proffession.
and many people in the class started laughing. Then i was like damn. We r sum fu
kd up peepoh
[2016-11-02 16:19:06] <Naenil> No MinkowskiSpaceTime he s being banned by snoone
t admins too
[2016-11-02 16:19:07] <Pruswa> Man I wonder if there really is a chestnut type n
amed Vikiliks now
[2016-11-02 16:19:13] <shreeep> Naenil: idk man i m new here
[2016-11-02 16:19:16] <shreeep> and that was a cold welcome
[2016-11-02 16:19:17] <Naenil> If you want you can join him MinkowskiSpaceTime
[2016-11-02 16:19:23] <Naenil> That s IRC shreeep
[2016-11-02 16:19:23] <hashashin> what the fuck is going on
[2016-11-02 16:19:26] <Pruswa> Naenil: But he is still active on k*rdposting
[2016-11-02 16:19:51] <shreeep> well my reddit is shreeep
[2016-11-02 16:19:53] <beyw> naenil why was he banned
[2016-11-02 16:19:56] <Naenil> thanks shreeep
[2016-11-02 16:19:59] <Naenil> spam beyw
[2016-11-02 16:20:03] <shreeep> yw

[2016-11-02 16:20:11] <beyw> like how did he spam

[2016-11-02 16:20:13] <beyw> like this
[2016-11-02 16:20:13] <beyw> s
[2016-11-02 16:20:13] <beyw> s
[2016-11-02 16:20:14] <beyw> s?
[2016-11-02 16:20:16] <Naenil> yeah
[2016-11-02 16:20:22] <Naenil> and posting his twitter constantly
[2016-11-02 16:20:26] <beyw> why do snoonet admins ban you
[2016-11-02 16:20:27] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> lol calm down Naenil just because I f
ind it funny that s gotten into you head so easily doesn t mean I m gonna start
trolling at the same level he does.
[2016-11-02 16:20:28] <Naenil> And spamming syriancirclejerkwar
[2016-11-02 16:20:29] <Libdem> naenil dude
[2016-11-02 16:20:30] <beyw> for that:(
[2016-11-02 16:20:37] <shreeep> afk for a bit
[2016-11-02 16:20:49] <beyw> MinkowskiSpaceTime: wew chill dude
[2016-11-02 16:20:52] <Libdem> naenil is running out of crack
[2016-11-02 16:21:00] <Naenil> You really think i m the only one mod that is ann
oyed by this MinkowskiSpaceTime ?
[2016-11-02 16:21:07] <hashashin> Don t lie to them Naenil https://twitter.com/R
[2016-11-02 16:21:07] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @RadioPorkchan (Porkchan): https://t.co/pJN
Vv01LU9 (15 hours and 55 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 16:21:08] <Eck> wew someone take away MinkowskiSpaceTime s barrel bo
[2016-11-02 16:21:14] <Libdem> EYYY
[2016-11-02 16:21:20] <hashashin> :^)
[2016-11-02 16:21:25] <Naenil> !kb hashashin
[2016-11-02 16:21:25] * hashashin was kicked by Bashar (Requested)
[2016-11-02 16:21:25] * Bashar set channel modes +b *!*@Snoonet-2lh.0p2.r9efte.I
[2016-11-02 16:21:39] <Pruswa> Naenil: How long did it take twitter to contact y
[2016-11-02 16:21:43] <mzrxa> lol i actually pity this guy
[2016-11-02 16:21:43] <Pruswa> They haven t sent me back anything
[2016-11-02 16:21:59] <Naenil> Well the thing is Pruswa is that I was using my o
wn email Pruswa
[2016-11-02 16:22:19] <Dune> MinkowskiSpaceTime: annoying people is easy. You ma
ke it look like it s "getting into someone s else" or something complicated.
[2016-11-02 16:22:26] <mzrxa> for what Naenil Pruswa
[2016-11-02 16:22:33] <Pruswa> Yeah but I sent them one with another email
[2016-11-02 16:22:39] <Pruswa> An appeal to my suspension
[2016-11-02 16:22:46] <Pruswa> A day passed and they still haven t replied
[2016-11-02 16:22:52] <Naenil> Yeah, that s might be the problem
[2016-11-02 16:22:52] <mzrxa> wat why would you be suspended ?
[2016-11-02 16:22:55] <DLAMN> RIP
[2016-11-02 16:23:13] <Naenil> MinkowskiSpaceTime, in twitter he like posts his
shit tweets and then mentiosn HUNDREDS of people in the replies
[2016-11-02 16:23:16] <Naenil> he s pathetic
[2016-11-02 16:23:31] <DLAMN> idk why porkchan suddenly went off the rails
[2016-11-02 16:23:36] <Naenil> And he completly spammed the circlejerk sub, so h
ard he got banned from reddit too MinkowskiSpaceTime
[2016-11-02 16:23:40] <Naenil> Like reddit-wide
[2016-11-02 16:23:55] <DLAMN> naenil he also had some alts that reddit suspended
[2016-11-02 16:24:00] <Naenil> yeah
[2016-11-02 16:24:11] <DLAMN> "islamfortrump"
[2016-11-02 16:24:12] <shreeep> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3870880/
[2016-11-02 16:24:24] <samsoninbabylon> The shia claiming thing is weird ad

[2016-11-02 16:24:26] <samsoninbabylon> Af*

[2016-11-02 16:24:26] <MinkowskiSpaceTime> Fuck I can t even think clearly right
now. I ll reserve judgement until after I get some sleep.
[2016-11-02 16:24:34] <samsoninbabylon> Same with the houthi obsession
[2016-11-02 16:25:07] <Naenil> .quote
[2016-11-02 16:25:07] <Mossad> Quote 2541 of 2653: <Pruswa> Jews in general tend
to be cool people, while THE Jews are pretty awful
[2016-11-02 16:25:12] <Naenil> .quote
[2016-11-02 16:25:12] <Mossad> Quote 1272 of 2653: <@solidus_snake> i m reminded
of hezbollah every time i see the don t tread on me flag
[2016-11-02 16:25:32] Eckles joined (Freedom@Snoonet-uid.c4p.eaivj8.IP)
[2016-11-02 16:25:57] Eckles quit (Freedom@Snoonet-uid.c4p.eaivj8.IP): Quit: SCO
TLAND YA BASS! FREEEDOM!!! http://dnbr.club/scotland
[2016-11-02 16:26:02] <Eck> ffs
[2016-11-02 16:26:03] <Naenil> shreeep, if you want to asses the weird culture o
f this channel you might want to read that https://x0.no/usen
[2016-11-02 16:26:32] <samsoninbabylon> https://twitter.com/arisroussinos/status
/793886415532781569 wew
[2016-11-02 16:26:32] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @arisroussinos (aris roussinos): The answer
to "how do ISIS dig so many tunnels?" is: they rig together industrial borers fr
om farm equipment https://t.co/D6QETvZSWo (1 hour and 42 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 16:26:51] <shreeep> Naenil: thanks
[2016-11-02 16:26:52] <Naenil> yeah lmao samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 16:26:56] Eck quit (Freedom@user/Eck): Quit: SCOTLAND YA BASS! FREEE
DOM!!! http://dnbr.club/scotland
[2016-11-02 16:27:04] <Naenil> that s our "quotefile" shreeep
[2016-11-02 16:27:04] Eck joined (Freedom@user/Eck)
[2016-11-02 16:27:04] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v Eck
[2016-11-02 16:27:16] MinkowskiSpaceTime quit (MinkowskiSp@user/MinkowskiSpaceTi
me): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 16:27:30] <samsoninbabylon> .biji feminist secular unibrow
[2016-11-02 16:27:31] <shreeep> tbh it looks like shitposting
[2016-11-02 16:27:39] Eck quit (Freedom@user/Eck): Quit: SCOTLAND YA BASS! FREEE
DOM!!! http://dnbr.club/scotland
[2016-11-02 16:27:39] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/arisroussinos/status/79388833
9598446592 samsoninbabylon https://twitter.com/arisroussinos/status/793889236281
[2016-11-02 16:27:39] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @arisroussinos (aris roussinos): Entrance to
an ISIS tunnel whose exit points are still utterly mysterious https://t.co/5Uj8
QVbaPx (1 hour and 35 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 16:27:45] Eck joined (Freedom@Snoonet-uid.c4p.eaivj8.IP)
[2016-11-02 16:27:46] Eck quit (Freedom@Snoonet-uid.c4p.eaivj8.IP): Changing hos
[2016-11-02 16:27:46] Eck joined (Freedom@user/Eck)
[2016-11-02 16:27:52] <Naenil> A good half of it probably shreeep
[2016-11-02 16:28:02] <xaashi> ziggurats lol
[2016-11-02 16:28:05] <samsoninbabylon> shreeep: it s a mix of shitposting and i
nteresting convo with a pretty diverse group, plus great live updates during eve
[2016-11-02 16:28:08] <Naenil> We need more ziggurats
[2016-11-02 16:28:12] <samsoninbabylon> ^^^^^^^
[2016-11-02 16:28:26] <shreeep> i see
[2016-11-02 16:28:32] <shreeep> it looks fun
[2016-11-02 16:28:38] <samsoninbabylon> Tbh everyone needs more ziggaruts
[2016-11-02 16:28:46] <samsoninbabylon> Ziggurats whatever
[2016-11-02 16:28:47] <xaashi> yeah why dont we use/make modern pyramid/ziggurat

things tbh?
[2016-11-02 16:28:51] <Naenil> I wish I got one in my city but that s the wrong
[2016-11-02 16:28:54] <Naenil> Not space efficient xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:28:58] <xaashi> like that would be way better than strip malls or
high rises
[2016-11-02 16:29:03] <Naenil> Weren t there weird sudanese pyramids
[2016-11-02 16:29:04] <xaashi> Naenil: meh youre no fun
[2016-11-02 16:29:05] <samsoninbabylon> xaashi: the white man strikes again
[2016-11-02 16:29:19] <xaashi> samsoninbabylon: picture that new high rise on Ce
ntral as a ziggurat lmao
[2016-11-02 16:29:25] <Naenil> There is a small glass pyramid in The Louvres x
[2016-11-02 16:29:28] <samsoninbabylon> Lmaooooo
[2016-11-02 16:29:31] <samsoninbabylon> Inshallllllah
[2016-11-02 16:29:44] <xaashi> yeah Im on tier 3, south face"
[2016-11-02 16:29:50] Libdem quit (Libdem@user/Libdem): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 16:29:51] <Naenil> http://ekladata.com/Vk1Jlu8idTzRmJJ2pazWgaE-n1w.j
pg xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:29:55] <samsoninbabylon> Holy shit hahahaha
[2016-11-02 16:29:59] <Naenil> It s the entry point to the museum
[2016-11-02 16:30:14] <xaashi> ayye
[2016-11-02 16:30:28] <yat> whats the entry point 2 ur museum Naenil
[2016-11-02 16:30:32] <yat> .flenny
[2016-11-02 16:30:32] <wqzz> (

[2016-11-02 16:30:35] <Naenil> http://parisium.eu/g/louvre_pyramides.jpg xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:30:38] <Naenil> .flenny
[2016-11-02 16:30:38] <wqzz> (
[2016-11-02 16:31:01] <samsoninbabylon> "It's a great apartment, when it's a ful
l lunar phase the architecture concentrates the moonbeams and light joints with
[2016-11-02 16:31:11] <xaashi> Naenil: looks bless jheeez
[2016-11-02 16:31:14] <Muzzly>  () TAK BIR
[2016-11-02 16:31:22] <Naenil> .fight Muzzly
[2016-11-02 16:31:22] <wqzz> ZAM! ZAM! BOOM! Muzzly wins over Naenil with a ruin
ous elbow strike.
[2016-11-02 16:31:23] <xaashi> labayk
[2016-11-02 16:31:28] <Muzzly> ;(
[2016-11-02 16:31:31] <Naenil> :s
[2016-11-02 16:31:38] <xaashi> Muzzly: you make hajj ya akh?
[2016-11-02 16:31:45] <Muzzly> im 19
[2016-11-02 16:31:45] <samsoninbabylon> Gotta hop the blue line in cedar xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:31:46] <Schweini_for_Hillary> (
[2016-11-02 16:31:46] <Naenil> he's atheist xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:31:52] <xaashi> Naenil: so
[2016-11-02 16:31:58] <Muzzly> still gonna do it Naenil
[2016-11-02 16:31:59] jebtowin joined (uid194200@Snoonet-6fbh0p.eibh.q3g2.abchvt
[2016-11-02 16:31:59] <xaashi> oh 19 lol. damn I thought you were way older lmao
[2016-11-02 16:32:02] <yat> xaashi, do u consider shias muslim
[2016-11-02 16:32:03] <Naenil> oh ok Muzzly
[2016-11-02 16:32:08] <Muzzly> i mean why not
[2016-11-02 16:32:10] <Naenil> So young and yet so salty xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:32:12] <jebtowin> https://twitter.com/RadioPorkchan/status/793911
[2016-11-02 16:32:12] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @RadioPorkchan (Porkchan): &lt;Naenil&gt; M
inkowskiSpaceTime, in twitter he like posts his shit tweets and then mentiosn 10
0S of people in the repli https://t.co/CrcV8m28a6 (7 minutes and 58 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 16:32:15] <xaashi> yat: strictly not really but I guess they say the

y are so.
[2016-11-02 16:32:16] <Naenil> !kb jebtowin
[2016-11-02 16:32:16] * jebtowin was kicked by Bashar (Requested)
[2016-11-02 16:32:16] * Bashar set channel modes +b *!*@Snoonet-6fbh0p.eibh.q3g2
[2016-11-02 16:32:20] <Muzzly> ill probably sneak in lsd while i do it too Naeni
[2016-11-02 16:32:29] <Naenil> h3h3h3h3h3 Muzzly
[2016-11-02 16:32:39] <xaashi> yat: but Im not some anti-shia extremist like most
religious Muslims (not that Im religious )
[2016-11-02 16:32:54] <Naenil> see shreeep that kind of ban evader
[2016-11-02 16:32:56] <xaashi> Muzzly: Ill probably do it but not hajj, just umra
[2016-11-02 16:33:03] <yat> i seent yo snap, i know u not religious lol
[2016-11-02 16:33:07] <Muzzly> do it on lsd xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:33:18] <xaashi> i dont want to die on arafat lol
[2016-11-02 16:33:18] <samsoninbabylon> Wait has yat seen snaps of us xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:33:22] <mzrxa> umrah on lsd ?
[2016-11-02 16:33:28] <Naenil> You will fail at the stone throwing Muzzly
[2016-11-02 16:33:31] <Muzzly> mount arafat would be crazy
[2016-11-02 16:33:33] <yat> if u were religious u would have sold me to the turk
s in the resto xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:33:33] <xaashi> samsoninbabylon: probably, i dont really filter wh
at I snap lol
[2016-11-02 16:33:40] <xaashi> yat: lmaaooo
[2016-11-02 16:33:42] <Muzzly> lsd doesnt work that way Naenil
[2016-11-02 16:33:42] <samsoninbabylon> Xaashi idc just wondering
[2016-11-02 16:33:43] <mzrxa> you ll stone a pakistani shia
[2016-11-02 16:33:47] <Pruswa> I am going to trim my beard with the machine I us
e to shave my pubes now
[2016-11-02 16:33:50] <Muzzly> imagine all the monkeys at mount arafat
[2016-11-02 16:33:53] <Pruswa> Then take a shower of course
[2016-11-02 16:33:55] <Pruswa> Wish me luck
[2016-11-02 16:33:57] <yat> yeah samsoninbabylon duh
[2016-11-02 16:34:04] <xaashi> samsoninbabylon a real one tbh
[2016-11-02 16:34:06] <shreeep> Naenil: yeah i saw
[2016-11-02 16:34:10] <Muzzly> what made you think im older xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:34:13] <shreeep> i wanted to comment but just didn t bother
[2016-11-02 16:34:14] <Muzzly> is it cuz i have a brilliant mind
[2016-11-02 16:34:16] <yat> samsoninbabylon, u look just like i thought u would
[2016-11-02 16:34:24] <shreeep> i m busy being sad reading that article about po
ison ivy
[2016-11-02 16:34:24] <samsoninbabylon> yat: I m an amerifat to the core
[2016-11-02 16:34:36] <xaashi> Muzzly: idk. Ill probably go back to thinking youre
older in a week anyways
[2016-11-02 16:34:45] <Muzzly> lol
[2016-11-02 16:34:45] <yat> you look like the sterotype of the woke white dude s
[2016-11-02 16:34:45] <Naenil> You have a pube shaving machine Pruswa ?
[2016-11-02 16:34:49] <yat> and i mean that in no shade
[2016-11-02 16:34:51] <samsoninbabylon> yat: :(
[2016-11-02 16:34:55] <xaashi> lmao
[2016-11-02 16:35:01] <samsoninbabylon> TRIGGEREEEEEED
[2016-11-02 16:35:08] <yat> am i wrong xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:35:09] <Naenil> I know how Muzzly looks like irl and he doesn t l
ook 19
[2016-11-02 16:35:11] <yat> am i wrong tho
[2016-11-02 16:35:11] <xaashi> samsoninbabylon: I still think your boy with the
dreads works at the bank btw

[2016-11-02 16:35:14] <Naenil> So in my head he s 25

[2016-11-02 16:35:20] <xaashi> I have no way to prove it but I swear that was hi
[2016-11-02 16:35:20] <Schweini_for_Hillary> muzzly looks 40
[2016-11-02 16:35:22] <yat> AM I WRONG
[2016-11-02 16:35:22] <samsoninbabylon> xaashi: i could see it, idek
[2016-11-02 16:35:28] <germanperson> https://twitter.com/MatthiasNowak/status/79
[2016-11-02 16:35:28] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @MatthiasNowak (Matthias Nowak): Philippine
s Duterte rails at U.S. monkeys for halting gun sale https://t.co/z7q2ih16NV
via @Reuters (17 minutes and 42 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 16:35:29] <Mossad> germanperson: 19:09 <yat> tell germanperson https
[2016-11-02 16:35:30] <xaashi> yat: NO
[2016-11-02 16:35:32] <germanperson> what a boss
[2016-11-02 16:35:37] <Muzzly> what Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-11-02 16:35:40] <Dune> .quote youssef
[2016-11-02 16:35:40] <Mossad> Quote 2288 of 2653: <youssef> I am ashamed to be
a gov t supporter right now
[2016-11-02 16:35:42] <Muzzly> how do you know how i look Naenil
[2016-11-02 16:35:45] <Schweini_for_Hillary> what
[2016-11-02 16:35:45] <Naenil> How many weeks before CIA gets him germanperson
[2016-11-02 16:35:47] <Naenil> I saw a pic Muzzly
[2016-11-02 16:35:54] shreeep quit (flifla@Snoonet-q43.pv3.bro6c7.IP): Quit: htt
p://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 16:35:55] <Muzzly> what
[2016-11-02 16:35:55] <Muzzly> the
[2016-11-02 16:35:55] <germanperson> i love people standing up to american imper
[2016-11-02 16:35:56] <germanperson> !!
[2016-11-02 16:35:59] <Naenil> that must be a good year ago
[2016-11-02 16:36:01] <Muzzly> where did you get it Naenil
[2016-11-02 16:36:06] <Schweini_for_Hillary> lul
[2016-11-02 16:36:08] <Naenil> Someone posted it here
[2016-11-02 16:36:11] <Naenil> I don t know
[2016-11-02 16:36:13] <Schweini_for_Hillary> L U L
[2016-11-02 16:36:14] <samsoninbabylon> I am a white guy
[2016-11-02 16:36:14] <Muzzly> W O W
[2016-11-02 16:36:17] <Schweini_for_Hillary> DOXXED
[2016-11-02 16:36:17] <samsoninbabylon> Only a little shame
[2016-11-02 16:36:21] Pruswa quit (Pruswa@user/Pruswa): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 16:36:21] <mzrxa> dxxxd
[2016-11-02 16:36:24] <Naenil> You have glasses right Muzzly
[2016-11-02 16:36:33] <Muzzly> wwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[2016-11-02 16:36:34] <dumbass> duterte the madman
[2016-11-02 16:36:37] <dumbass> i love this guy
[2016-11-02 16:36:38] <Naenil> lmao
[2016-11-02 16:36:41] <Schweini_for_Hillary> shia doxx
[2016-11-02 16:36:44] <Muzzly> why did you not ban that guy Naenil
[2016-11-02 16:36:46] <Schweini_for_Hillary> karbala doxx
[2016-11-02 16:36:50] <yat> no tea no shade but you look like the white guys who
kick it in rapper entourages samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 16:36:55] <yat> while i just look like
[2016-11-02 16:36:55] <Naenil> I think I wasn t even mod by then Muzzly
[2016-11-02 16:36:58] <yat> housekeeper
[2016-11-02 16:37:01] <Muzzly> it was probably zzqw
[2016-11-02 16:37:02] <xaashi> im dead
[2016-11-02 16:37:03] <Naenil> To say it was a long ago
[2016-11-02 16:37:05] <Naenil> Yeah Muzzly

[2016-11-02 16:37:09] <Naenil> I guess

[2016-11-02 16:37:10] <Muzzly> the fucker
[2016-11-02 16:37:14] <xaashi> housekeeper kulaha kkkkkk
[2016-11-02 16:37:18] <Naenil> They made fun at you for looking bangladeshi Muzz
[2016-11-02 16:37:19] <yat> pero am i wrong doe xaashi
[2016-11-02 16:37:23] <Muzzly> lol
[2016-11-02 16:37:28] <xaashi> lol
[2016-11-02 16:37:34] <Schweini_for_Hillary> lol
[2016-11-02 16:37:36] <Naenil> lol
[2016-11-02 16:37:53] <mzrxa> lol
[2016-11-02 16:38:43] sorzer quit (thunderingg@user/sorzer): Ping timeout: 121 s
[2016-11-02 16:39:09] <Muzzly> dont all muzzies look like bangladeshis to europe
ans tho
[2016-11-02 16:39:19] <Muzzly> except when its a religion and not a race ofc
[2016-11-02 16:39:24] <Naenil> only with glasses Muzzly
[2016-11-02 16:39:25] <yat> i used my calculator to solve a math problem on one
of my exams. got the right answer. didnt show work.
[2016-11-02 16:39:29] <yat> -14 points
[2016-11-02 16:39:30] <yat> kill me
[2016-11-02 16:39:32] <Naenil> classic yat
[2016-11-02 16:39:36] <Naenil> l2math
[2016-11-02 16:39:40] sorzer joined (thunderingg@user/sorzer)
[2016-11-02 16:39:40] * quokka.snoonet.org set +v sorzer
[2016-11-02 16:39:40] * Bashar set +o sorzer
[2016-11-02 16:39:55] <yat> i know how to math i just didnt show 42 unnecessary
[2016-11-02 16:39:59] <Eck> sorzery more sauceery
[2016-11-02 16:40:20] <Naenil> When I was in HS the final result was like 10% of
the final note yat
[2016-11-02 16:40:37] <Naenil> Even for the baccalaurat
[2016-11-02 16:40:39] <mzrxa> same here
[2016-11-02 16:40:45] <mzrxa> i did the french baccalaureat tho
[2016-11-02 16:40:52] <yat> wut mine s like 70% of the grade
[2016-11-02 16:40:54] <Naenil> Yeah must be it lmao mzrxa
[2016-11-02 16:41:24] <Naenil> I have to say I got 20/20 in histoire-go back then
mzrxa . I wanted to say it because for once someone can understand it
[2016-11-02 16:41:30] <Naenil> plz
[2016-11-02 16:41:34] <mzrxa> wtf
[2016-11-02 16:41:36] <Schweini_for_Hillary> nerd
[2016-11-02 16:41:47] <mzrxa> and you;re studying CS now ?
[2016-11-02 16:41:49] <Naenil> yeah
[2016-11-02 16:41:54] <Dune> Naenil: woot
[2016-11-02 16:41:54] <Naenil> It was bac S mzrxa
[2016-11-02 16:41:58] <Dune> is that even possible
[2016-11-02 16:42:03] <Naenil> "Le sahara, ressource et conflicts" Dune
[2016-11-02 16:42:06] <samsoninbabylon> yat: i kinda do sometimes lmao
[2016-11-02 16:42:09] <Naenil> boom 5 pages
[2016-11-02 16:42:22] <Dune> :( I got 5/20
[2016-11-02 16:42:24] <Naenil> F
[2016-11-02 16:42:32] <Naenil> The second party was chinese history Dune
[2016-11-02 16:42:32] <yat> u do what samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 16:42:42] <Dune> the fuck do u know bout that lol
[2016-11-02 16:42:48] <Naenil> I was the only one to take the sahara subject Dun
[2016-11-02 16:42:49] <mzrxa> can t remember hist-geobut i got 13 moyenne genera
[2016-11-02 16:42:55] <Dune> lulz
[2016-11-02 16:43:00] <Naenil> I talked about deng xiaoping and all

[2016-11-02 16:43:04] <Naenil> In my HS Dune

[2016-11-02 16:43:11] <Naenil> I checked, litteraly no one else did
[2016-11-02 16:43:24] <Naenil> tfw i m a nerd
[2016-11-02 16:43:43] <samsoninbabylon> yat: i have some rapper friends
[2016-11-02 16:43:49] <Dune> all these disserts exams I was like "the fuuuuck I
m supposed to stay here 4 hours" t_t
[2016-11-02 16:43:52] <yat> tbh samsoninbabylon u would
[2016-11-02 16:44:00] <mzrxa> lmao Dune
[2016-11-02 16:44:10] <Dune> philosophy is the worst
[2016-11-02 16:44:12] <Dune> they re like
[2016-11-02 16:44:20] <Naenil> I got like 11/20 in philosophy
[2016-11-02 16:44:24] <Dune> "poetry in the society"
[2016-11-02 16:44:24] <Naenil> fuck this tbh
[2016-11-02 16:44:28] <wqzz>  ( ) ALLA HU AKBAR
[2016-11-02 16:44:30] <Dune> .ban
[2016-11-02 16:44:30] <wqzz> Dune you shot an Islamist in 2.181 seconds! You hav
e killed 3 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 16:44:30] <mzrxa> .bef
[2016-11-02 16:44:30] <wqzz> mzrxa: You tried befriending a non-existent Islamis
t, that s fucking creepy.
[2016-11-02 16:44:34] <mzrxa> wa;qeprojgt[;wldrofjhg
[2016-11-02 16:44:37] <samsoninbabylon> 30 year old Somali dudes love gesturing
at the ground
[2016-11-02 16:44:38] <Dune> now write 5 pages about that
[2016-11-02 16:44:41] <samsoninbabylon> What s up wit that
[2016-11-02 16:44:42] <Dune> good luck, bitch
[2016-11-02 16:44:57] <Naenil> Dune, La politique chappe-t-elle une exigence de vr
it ?
[2016-11-02 16:45:06] <Naenil> (does politics escape the need of truth)
[2016-11-02 16:45:14] <Dune> god
[2016-11-02 16:45:21] <samsoninbabylon> Taking flights make me so validated for
not storing all my files on the cloud
[2016-11-02 16:45:27] <Naenil> The other one was Une uvre dart a-t-elle toujours u
n sens ?
[2016-11-02 16:45:30] <Naenil> Or a cicero text
[2016-11-02 16:45:42] <Dune> I d hang myself
[2016-11-02 16:45:49] <Naenil> I got 11
[2016-11-02 16:45:55] <Dune> I lucked out and got a text that we studied in clas
[2016-11-02 16:45:57] <Naenil> Immaluclyboi
[2016-11-02 16:46:02] <Dune> or was it history
[2016-11-02 16:46:05] <Dune> must be history
[2016-11-02 16:46:13] <Dune> ah no they had texts in philo too
[2016-11-02 16:46:13] <Eck> you are history
[2016-11-02 16:46:17] <Eck> like a sand dune
[2016-11-02 16:46:23] <Dune> badum
[2016-11-02 16:46:28] <Naenil> tss
[2016-11-02 16:46:29] <Dune> so yea
[2016-11-02 16:46:30] <Eck> .yt darude sandstorm meme
[2016-11-02 16:46:31] <wqzz> Eck: [5You0Tube] YouTubers React to Darude - Sandstorm - le
ngth 8m 58s - 202,341 likes, 5,813 dislikes (97.2%) - 12,395,995 views - Fine Brothers
Entertainment on 2014.11.27 - http://youtu.be/onn37CCCT0c
[2016-11-02 16:46:32] <mzrxa> keck
[2016-11-02 16:46:35] <Dune> lucked out and got 4/20
[2016-11-02 16:46:36] <Dune> kek
[2016-11-02 16:46:40] <Naenil> hehe
[2016-11-02 16:47:04] <Dune> idk how jury found 4pts
[2016-11-02 16:47:28] <Naenil> "yo you might want to give that lad his bac"
[2016-11-02 16:47:31] <Naenil> "Oh yeah sorry"
[2016-11-02 16:47:34] <Naenil> "puts 4 points"

[2016-11-02 16:47:43] <samsoninbabylon> Also low key the Somali beret obsession
is fly af
[2016-11-02 16:47:48] <Dune> ah right they have to give explanations for 0/20
[2016-11-02 16:47:55] <Dune> meh philo was such a low coeff
[2016-11-02 16:48:07] <Naenil> History was 3 :/
[2016-11-02 16:48:13] <Dune> and they put that first, just to make sure that you
feel like you re gonna fail the whole thing
[2016-11-02 16:48:15] <Naenil> Why i m in CS already
[2016-11-02 16:48:17] <Dune> philo was 3 too
[2016-11-02 16:48:25] <Dune> cuz money Naenil
[2016-11-02 16:48:30] <Dune> jobs
[2016-11-02 16:48:31] <Naenil> e x a c t l y
[2016-11-02 16:48:53] <Dune> u were an irc nerd already?
[2016-11-02 16:48:59] <samsoninbabylon> xaashi: at the blue line stop in cedar,
heard an allahu akbar literally as I walked up
[2016-11-02 16:48:59] <Eck> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YKZQQSpf1w
[2016-11-02 16:48:59] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Bill Clinton s Son Holds Explosive DC Press Co
nference - length 1h 5m 58s - 1,346 likes, 43 dislikes (96.9%) - 11,104 views - The Alex
Jones Channel on 2016.11.02
[2016-11-02 16:49:00] <Dune> u got nice grade in english too then?
[2016-11-02 16:49:00] <Eck> wew
[2016-11-02 16:49:01] <samsoninbabylon> Classiccccc
[2016-11-02 16:49:02] <Naenil> I joined modding right after the bac
[2016-11-02 16:49:09] <Dune> ah, unfortunate
[2016-11-02 16:49:14] <Naenil> I used to force myself to read history books in e
nglish in HS Dune
[2016-11-02 16:49:21] <Naenil> So i got 18 in the bac in english
[2016-11-02 16:49:21] <Dune> lul
[2016-11-02 16:49:36] <Naenil> I also read The Economist weekly back then
[2016-11-02 16:49:42] <Eck> lmao
[2016-11-02 16:49:45] <mzrxa> am i the oldest one around here ?
[2016-11-02 16:49:47] <mzrxa> im 27
[2016-11-02 16:49:48] <xaashi> samsoninbabylon: loooool
[2016-11-02 16:49:49] <Dune> didn t u have any eco topic?
[2016-11-02 16:49:51] <Naenil> I m 18
[2016-11-02 16:49:56] <beyw> 1888888888888888888888888
[2016-11-02 16:49:57] <xaashi> samsoninbabylon: berets?
[2016-11-02 16:49:57] <Naenil> nah
[2016-11-02 16:50:02] <beyw> literally 19 tomorrow :)
[2016-11-02 16:50:03] <samsoninbabylon> xaashi: on god man
[2016-11-02 16:50:18] <xaashi> oh you mean like the taxi driver beret
[2016-11-02 16:50:23] <mzrxa> yeah you youngsters are the majority according to
the poll
[2016-11-02 16:50:27] <Dune> mzrxa: scw brings a bunch of oldies, I doubt that
[2016-11-02 16:50:27] nee4speed111 joined (nee4speed11@Snoonet-hn7.qhf.o2cdp3.IP
[2016-11-02 16:50:27] * athena.snoonet.org set +v nee4speed111
[2016-11-02 16:50:27] * Bashar set +o nee4speed111
[2016-11-02 16:50:32] <Naenil> like I rezad that when I was in premire Dune https
[2016-11-02 16:50:34] <xaashi> yeah thats like east african dadcore starter pack
[2016-11-02 16:50:50] <Dune> I need to get books :(
[2016-11-02 16:50:54] <samsoninbabylon> Idk the name http://m.rosegal.com/cheape
[2016-11-02 16:50:56] <Naenil> >Broch: 1392 pages
[2016-11-02 16:50:59] <Naenil> took 3 months
[2016-11-02 16:51:01] <samsoninbabylon> Yeah hahahaha I love it
[2016-11-02 16:51:09] <samsoninbabylon> 15 year old just asked me for a cig smh

kids these days

[2016-11-02 16:51:21] <xaashi> yup, that
[2016-11-02 16:51:26] <Naenil> <samsoninbabylon> 15 year old just asked me for a
cig smh kids these days
[2016-11-02 16:51:32] <Dune> do u resell any by any chance xD
[2016-11-02 16:51:32] <Naenil> That was worse before
[2016-11-02 16:51:40] <Naenil> Nah it was on my kindle Dune
[2016-11-02 16:51:43] <Naenil> I got the ebook tho
[2016-11-02 16:51:44] <Dune> aah
[2016-11-02 16:51:51] <Dune> ur a young fucker
[2016-11-02 16:51:59] <Naenil> I bought a kindle when I was 13 Dune ;)
[2016-11-02 16:52:00] <Dune> we didn t even have smartphones back in HS
[2016-11-02 16:52:05] <mzrxa> is it good Naenil ?
[2016-11-02 16:52:09] <Naenil> yeah
[2016-11-02 16:52:11] <Naenil> I still have it
[2016-11-02 16:52:16] <Naenil> It s the one with buttons
[2016-11-02 16:52:17] <Naenil> ask samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 16:52:33] <Naenil> http://www.the-ebook-reader.com/images/kindle-4.j
[2016-11-02 16:52:35] <mzrxa> i meant the broche
[2016-11-02 16:52:35] <Naenil> dat
[2016-11-02 16:52:35] <samsoninbabylon> It s super good
[2016-11-02 16:52:37] <mzrxa> book
[2016-11-02 16:52:42] <Naenil> Yeah it s a gud book mzrxa
[2016-11-02 16:52:57] <Dune> time to start reading CS books Naenil
[2016-11-02 16:53:02] <Naenil> >cs books
[2016-11-02 16:53:08] <Naenil> There isn t such thing
[2016-11-02 16:53:15] <Dune> get on the dragon books
[2016-11-02 16:53:31] <Dune> so what did knuth write
[2016-11-02 16:53:36] <Naenil> Manuals
[2016-11-02 16:53:41] <Naenil> Technical Essays
[2016-11-02 16:53:42] <Dune> okay
[2016-11-02 16:54:01] <Naenil> Basically research but in a digest form Dune
[2016-11-02 16:54:08] <Eck> wew Naenil old enough to be my son
[2016-11-02 16:54:08] <Dune> that s what dragons are
[2016-11-02 16:54:24] <Naenil> Yeah but that s not something you read on the bea
[2016-11-02 16:54:55] <Dune> why not I read 3D modelling books on the beach
[2016-11-02 16:55:00] <Naenil> https://www.amazon.fr/Collapse-Societies-Choose-S
[2016-11-02 16:55:04] <Dune> can u read Broch on the bitch?
[2016-11-02 16:55:04] <Naenil> This, on the other hand..
[2016-11-02 16:55:11] <Naenil> lol
[2016-11-02 16:55:12] <Dune> beach*
[2016-11-02 16:55:27] P3TC0CK joined (P3TC0CK@user/P3TC0CK)
[2016-11-02 16:55:27] * tx.snoonet.org set +v P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 16:55:28] <Naenil> I prefer using a kindle, it s more lightweight
[2016-11-02 16:55:43] <germanperson> NIGGAS LOVE SNEAK DISSIN ON TWITTER
[2016-11-02 16:55:44] <Naenil> And you can use it with one hand
[2016-11-02 16:55:47] <germanperson> THEY AINT WANT BEEF FORREAL
[2016-11-02 16:55:48] <Dune> doesn t it suck ass with the megasun of the beach
[2016-11-02 16:55:57] <Naenil> It got no backlight Dune
[2016-11-02 16:56:00] <mzrxa> 3d modeling books dune ?
[2016-11-02 16:56:02] <Dune> still
[2016-11-02 16:56:04] <Naenil> It s basically magnetized ink Dune
[2016-11-02 16:56:05] <Dune> mzrxa: ye
[2016-11-02 16:56:21] <Naenil> It tries to simulate paper
[2016-11-02 16:56:28] <mzrxa> like you learn 3dsmax by reading a book ?
[2016-11-02 16:56:29] <Dune> hmm

[2016-11-02 16:56:29] <Naenil> You can t really damage your eyes with that
[2016-11-02 16:56:34] <Naenil> and it isn t bright with sun
[2016-11-02 16:56:44] <Dune> hm
[2016-11-02 16:56:55] <Dune> now that I think of it I can t recall the book
[2016-11-02 16:57:24] <Dune> Naenil: i didn t know it worked so well with sun
[2016-11-02 16:57:32] <Naenil> https://www.facebook.com/TehLurdOfTehReingsOffici
[2016-11-02 16:58:05] <Dune> fuck now i have read the facebook notifications
[2016-11-02 16:58:22] <Naenil> lol
[2016-11-02 16:58:29] <Eck> don t do it
[2016-11-02 16:58:40] <mzrxa> D O N T
[2016-11-02 16:58:41] <Dune> mzrxa: I mixed things up I think, it was Coq Art, n
ot 3D modelling
[2016-11-02 16:58:54] <Eck> mzrxa show me your warcry
[2016-11-02 16:59:01] <Schweini_for_Hillary> http://i.imgur.com/msX6cPJ.jpg
[2016-11-02 16:59:07] <Eck> .yt war baby
[2016-11-02 16:59:08] <wqzz> Eck: [5You0Tube] War Baby - Tom Robinson 1983 - length 4m 7s
- 1,003 likes, 18 dislikes (98.2%) - 292,783 views - Tom Robinson on 2006.10.15 - http:/
[2016-11-02 16:59:24] <P3TC0CK> naenil you there
[2016-11-02 16:59:25] <Mossad> P3TC0CK: 18:14 <Schweini> tell P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 16:59:25] <Eck> this song is literally how old I am
[2016-11-02 16:59:26] <Mossad> P3TC0CK: 19:00 <youssefprime> tell P3TC0CK seems
it hit to the left of them
[2016-11-02 16:59:32] <Naenil> y
[2016-11-02 16:59:35] <mzrxa> what are you studying Dune
[2016-11-02 16:59:40] <P3TC0CK> naenil I got a letter from a politician in the m
[2016-11-02 16:59:53] <Naenil> what for P3TC0CK ?
[2016-11-02 16:59:56] Pruswa joined (Pruswa@user/Pruswa)
[2016-11-02 16:59:56] * calvin.snoonet.org set +v Pruswa
[2016-11-02 16:59:58] <Dune> real-time critical systems, computer architecture
[2016-11-02 17:00:04] <P3TC0CK> j appui l etiquetage obligatoire des aliments ge
netiquement modifie tel que le propose c291
[2016-11-02 17:00:07] <P3TC0CK> they re asking
[2016-11-02 17:00:10] <P3TC0CK> if I approve of GMO
[2016-11-02 17:00:12] <P3TC0CK> labeling right
[2016-11-02 17:00:14] <Naenil> Yeah
[2016-11-02 17:00:16] <Pruswa> Done
[2016-11-02 17:00:24] <Eck> ban all gmos
[2016-11-02 17:00:30] <Naenil> nO
[2016-11-02 17:00:32] <Naenil> Actually
[2016-11-02 17:00:38] <P3TC0CK> what naenil
[2016-11-02 17:00:38] <Naenil> That s about labelling GMOs P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 17:00:41] <P3TC0CK> yeah
[2016-11-02 17:00:44] <Naenil> like if something countains GMO
[2016-11-02 17:00:48] <Naenil> It should be precised
[2016-11-02 17:00:49] <P3TC0CK> labeling yeah
[2016-11-02 17:00:53] <Pruswa> Oh my fuck
[2016-11-02 17:01:00] <Pruswa> It looks even more like a S*lafist beard
[2016-11-02 17:01:07] <Eck> big red label on the front saying contains gmo s
[2016-11-02 17:01:13] <Naenil> What s with it P3TC0CK ?
[2016-11-02 17:01:13] sorzer quit (thunderingg@user/sorzer): Client exited
[2016-11-02 17:01:18] <nee4speed111> disagree with labelling GMO s
[2016-11-02 17:01:31] <Eck> in europe you don t expect to see products containin
g gmo s
[2016-11-02 17:01:32] <P3TC0CK> https://openparliament.ca/bills/42-1/C-291/ naen
[2016-11-02 17:01:33] <Eck> only america
[2016-11-02 17:01:35] <P3TC0CK> I will nee4speed111

[2016-11-02 17:01:36] <nee4speed111> If you want to advertise your product as GM

O free that s fine
[2016-11-02 17:01:36] <Eck> third world countries etc
[2016-11-02 17:01:53] <Naenil> EUparl iirc made pretty stark measures against GM
os Eck
[2016-11-02 17:01:53] <nee4speed111> But to label something as a GMO needs scien
tific evidence that its dmaamging
[2016-11-02 17:01:54] <Dune> mzrxa: basically avoiding that probes crash embaras
singly on other planets
[2016-11-02 17:02:03] <Dune> what
[2016-11-02 17:02:09] <Dune> GMO doesn t mean damaging? Oo
[2016-11-02 17:02:12] <P3TC0CK> Genetically modified food
[2016-11-02 17:02:13] <P3TC0CK> Aliments gntiquement modifis
[2016-11-02 17:02:13] <P3TC0CK> 5. 1 No person shall sell any food that is genetic
ally modified unless its label contains the information prescribed under paragra
ph 30(1) (b. 2).
[2016-11-02 17:02:15] <yat> lol nongmos are actually worse for your digestive sy
[2016-11-02 17:02:21] <Naenil> What is he the point of mailling you P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 17:02:32] <Naenil> How many shares do you own in GMO firms yat
[2016-11-02 17:02:37] <nee4speed111> lol
[2016-11-02 17:02:37] <P3TC0CK> he is asking his voting base if we support it or
not naeil
[2016-11-02 17:02:39] <Naenil> PUT A DISCLOSURE
[2016-11-02 17:02:43] <Naenil> ah ok
[2016-11-02 17:02:44] <yat> 0 Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:02:49] <beyw> very american to be pro gmo ive noticed
[2016-11-02 17:02:49] <Naenil> Do you P3TC0CK ?
[2016-11-02 17:02:51] <nee4speed111> Disclosure needs valid reasoning
[2016-11-02 17:02:57] <Eck> yeah beyw
[2016-11-02 17:03:00] <beyw> like extremely polarized between europe and usa
[2016-11-02 17:03:09] <nee4speed111> Forcing a company to put a disclosure for n
on-sensical reasons is something I dissaprove of
[2016-11-02 17:03:30] <Naenil> That s something called the precaution principle
[2016-11-02 17:03:43] <Naenil> Or right to information you can take it the angle
you want
[2016-11-02 17:04:03] <mzrxa> not all gmos are the same it s like the kurds
[2016-11-02 17:04:05] <Eck> if its not grown naturally I don t want it, I want t
o know if my food contains pesticides or w/e
[2016-11-02 17:04:10] <beyw> lol
[2016-11-02 17:04:15] <Dune> nee4speed111: you re the one to judge these reasons
non sensical
[2016-11-02 17:04:17] <P3TC0CK> le NPD croit que les canadiens ont le droi de ch
oisir ce qu ils mettent dans leur assiette el, pour ce faire, nous avons besoin
d une information complete grace, entre autres, a l etiquetage des ailments gene
tiquement modifies. Le 14 juin dernier, c est avec fierte que jai depose a la ch
ambre des communes le project de loi c-291 visant a rendre obl
[2016-11-02 17:04:17] <P3TC0CK> igatoire l etiquetage des aliments genetiquement
s modifies.
[2016-11-02 17:04:17] <Pruswa> Oh my fuck
[2016-11-02 17:04:18] <P3TC0CK> naenil
[2016-11-02 17:04:24] <Naenil> Personnaly even if I don t mind GMOs I d prefer 1
)To know if what I eat is a GMO 2)If it claims to be "biologocal", i d prefer it
do be for real
[2016-11-02 17:04:28] <nee4speed111> Should you force vaccine companies to put m
ercury labeling on their vaccines Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:04:30] <Pruswa> I legit look straight outta T*rkish Hezbollah
[2016-11-02 17:04:32] <beyw> learn french you cuck P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 17:04:36] emr1028_ quit (emr10@Snoonet-4kf.bik.8h6id1.IP): Ping time
out: 121 seconds

[2016-11-02 17:04:38] <nee4speed111> After all, its the precaution princinple

[2016-11-02 17:04:38] <Eck> they do nee4speed111
[2016-11-02 17:04:48] <beyw> Pruswa: you havent shaved or what?
[2016-11-02 17:04:52] <P3TC0CK> I am you retard
[2016-11-02 17:04:52] <nee4speed111> Not me dune, just genetic scientists
[2016-11-02 17:05:00] <Naenil> No because medicine is a different sector than fo
odstuff nee4speed111
[2016-11-02 17:05:03] <Pruswa> beyw I SHAVED
[2016-11-02 17:05:08] <Pruswa> Trimmed the whole thing
[2016-11-02 17:05:08] <nee4speed111> But its the same principle
[2016-11-02 17:05:10] <Naenil> It s not the same business practices at all
[2016-11-02 17:05:11] <Naenil> No
[2016-11-02 17:05:12] <P3TC0CK> naenil I am neutral on GMO
[2016-11-02 17:05:16] <P3TC0CK> but lean
[2016-11-02 17:05:17] <Pruswa> And now I legit look like a Hezbollah K*rd
[2016-11-02 17:05:19] <P3TC0CK> towards No
[2016-11-02 17:05:23] <Pruswa> .g Kurdish hezbollah
[2016-11-02 17:05:25] <wqzz> Pruswa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurdish_Hezbo
llah -- Turkish Hezbollah - Wikipedia: "Turkish Hezbollah (TH) (Turkish: Trk Hzbulla
h), Although it named itself as Turkish Hizbullah (TH), the Turkish government an
d media want to refer..."
[2016-11-02 17:05:32] <beyw> pruswa wait your head?
[2016-11-02 17:05:37] <Pruswa> No my face
[2016-11-02 17:05:38] <Pruswa> smh
[2016-11-02 17:05:41] <Pruswa> Here https://imgur.com/a/4n3JH
[2016-11-02 17:05:42] <P3TC0CK> I think it s a waste of time naenil
[2016-11-02 17:05:52] <Naenil> yeah I understand P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 17:06:01] <beyw> how did you look less hezbollah before Prky008
[2016-11-02 17:06:03] <beyw> Pruswa:
[2016-11-02 17:06:08] <Pruswa> Idk
[2016-11-02 17:06:09] <yat> GMO =/= pesticide
[2016-11-02 17:06:15] <Naenil> nee4speed111, To understand it: French agricultur
e positionned itself in the global markets (it s the #1 of EU before "it doesn t
matter) as focusing on quality before quantity
[2016-11-02 17:06:16] <Pruswa> It didn t look as hezbollahish somehow
[2016-11-02 17:06:29] <nee4speed111> All the label does is prejudice consumers a
gainst a certain type of product
[2016-11-02 17:06:32] <Naenil> Like we develloped something called the AOC label
Controlled origin label
[2016-11-02 17:06:41] <Pruswa> sisisi: https://imgur.com/a/4n3JH r8 how hizb*lla
h I look
[2016-11-02 17:06:49] <Naenil> And a lot of people care nee4speed111
[2016-11-02 17:06:54] <nee4speed111> I know
[2016-11-02 17:06:59] <beyw> you look like a semi-convinced hezbollah Pruswa
[2016-11-02 17:07:03] <samsoninbabylon> I m so damn tired
[2016-11-02 17:07:06] <Pruswa> ; _ ;
[2016-11-02 17:07:18] <Pruswa> samsoninbabylon: you saw the previous beard pic r
[2016-11-02 17:07:18] <P3TC0CK> well french agriculture naenil
[2016-11-02 17:07:20] <P3TC0CK> except for milk
[2016-11-02 17:07:22] <Pruswa> Here is the trimmed version
[2016-11-02 17:07:23] <Pruswa> https://imgur.com/a/4n3JH
[2016-11-02 17:07:23] <samsoninbabylon> You look like you re in the Christian wi
ng pruswa
[2016-11-02 17:07:27] <Pruswa> It looks fucking worse
[2016-11-02 17:07:34] <Pruswa> I look even more jihadi now
[2016-11-02 17:07:36] <samsoninbabylon> It does, you re right
[2016-11-02 17:07:40] <samsoninbabylon> Hahahaha damn I m sorry
[2016-11-02 17:07:45] <P3TC0CK> I can tell from that picture you are a disgustin
g manlet pruswa

[2016-11-02 17:07:47] <Pruswa> fugg :DDDD

[2016-11-02 17:07:48] <Naenil> At least we have chees to compensate the milk P3T
[2016-11-02 17:07:51] <Naenil> cheese
[2016-11-02 17:07:56] <P3TC0CK> man brie in the US
[2016-11-02 17:07:56] <nee4speed111> Its like forcing Milk producers to say thei
r milk is homogenized
[2016-11-02 17:07:58] <Pruswa> Do you really need that picture P3TC0CK?
[2016-11-02 17:08:00] <P3TC0CK> was better than brie from fance
[2016-11-02 17:08:02] <nee4speed111> There is no valid reason for it
[2016-11-02 17:08:07] <Pruswa> Welp
[2016-11-02 17:08:13] <P3TC0CK> I think they re actually forced to do it nee4spe
[2016-11-02 17:08:14] <Naenil> How would you know
[2016-11-02 17:08:17] <Pruswa> I did it because the hair on my chin grew more th
an the rest
[2016-11-02 17:08:23] <Pruswa> So eventually it will catch up
[2016-11-02 17:08:24] <nee4speed111> If you want to say your milk is "natural" t
hat s fine
[2016-11-02 17:08:27] <Pruswa> And look better than the previous version
[2016-11-02 17:08:27] <beyw> Pruswa: maybe kamals youth should embrace a beard
[2016-11-02 17:08:28] <samsoninbabylon> Naenil P3TC0CK french Brie is so much be
[2016-11-02 17:08:29] <yat> eating nongmos makes you more likely to develop food
[2016-11-02 17:08:30] <yat> kek
[2016-11-02 17:08:35] <nee4speed111> I ve never seen it here P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 17:08:38] <mzrxa> shave that thing Pruswa it looks like pubic hari
[2016-11-02 17:08:39] <mzrxa> hair
[2016-11-02 17:08:41] <Pruswa> So it is a good thing in the long term
[2016-11-02 17:08:47] <Pruswa> But worse in the short
[2016-11-02 17:08:50] <P3TC0CK> usually written in ingredients nee4speed111
[2016-11-02 17:08:51] <P3TC0CK> or near it
[2016-11-02 17:08:59] <Pruswa> Should recover in a month or so
[2016-11-02 17:09:01] <Pruswa> Until then
[2016-11-02 17:09:03] <Pruswa> Allahu Akbar
[2016-11-02 17:09:12] <P3TC0CK> lmao my rep Naenil looks like he hit puberty las
t month
[2016-11-02 17:09:18] <Naenil> Maybe it s the importation that wasn t good
[2016-11-02 17:09:34] <P3TC0CK> https://www.google.ca/search?q=pierre+luc+dussea
ult&oq=pierre+luc+duss&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l4.3366j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF8 naenil
[2016-11-02 17:09:36] <nee4speed111> I have too many friends in biological scien
ce courses to believe that GMO s are inherently dangerous
[2016-11-02 17:09:37] <beyw> i love my beard
[2016-11-02 17:09:43] <P3TC0CK> he s 25
[2016-11-02 17:09:44] <P3TC0CK> wtf
[2016-11-02 17:09:44] <Naenil> Or the cheese itself, brie got high prodution vol
ume and it impedes on quality P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 17:09:53] <Pruswa> Of course you do, you are K*rd
[2016-11-02 17:09:59] <Pruswa> Anyway, it is 12 PM
[2016-11-02 17:10:01] <beyw> you look like him P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 17:10:01] <Naenil> Why are your reps so young
[2016-11-02 17:10:02] <Pruswa> AM
[2016-11-02 17:10:04] <nee4speed111> Its just super-accelerated version of crop
selection humans have done for thousands of years
[2016-11-02 17:10:05] <Pruswa> 00 00
[2016-11-02 17:10:13] <Pruswa> I should take a shower and go get some food befor
e they shut down
[2016-11-02 17:10:19] <Pruswa> Kamal have mercy on my face.

[2016-11-02 17:10:21] <beyw> you know best

[2016-11-02 17:10:21] <P3TC0CK> I don t look prepubescent beyw
[2016-11-02 17:10:26] <beyw> P3TC0CK: a bit
[2016-11-02 17:10:37] <P3TC0CK> https://www.google.ca/search?q=pierre+luc+dussea
[2016-11-02 17:10:39] <P3TC0CK> >19
[2016-11-02 17:10:40] <Naenil> the best argument against it is that it participa
tes to the monoculture nee4speed111
[2016-11-02 17:10:43] <P3TC0CK> no I don t beyw
[2016-11-02 17:10:44] <beyw> i mean you have an adult face
[2016-11-02 17:10:47] <beyw> but you look weak
[2016-11-02 17:10:53] <nee4speed111> Banana s are not labeled as a modified orga
nism, despite the modern banana being a mutation
[2016-11-02 17:10:55] <P3TC0CK> my body looks normal
[2016-11-02 17:10:58] <Naenil> I mean lack of diversiy in the crop mix nee4speed
[2016-11-02 17:11:03] <Naenil> diversity
[2016-11-02 17:11:07] <nee4speed111> That s a argument for farmers though Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:11:10] <nee4speed111> Not consumers
[2016-11-02 17:11:23] <Naenil> Farmers are 5% of french population nee4speed111
[2016-11-02 17:11:26] <beyw> Pruswa: there are kurds without beards yknow
[2016-11-02 17:11:27] <Naenil> I duno about australia
[2016-11-02 17:11:30] <Muzzly> tfw nee4speed111 following up on the fella7 name
[2016-11-02 17:11:37] <nee4speed111> ?
[2016-11-02 17:11:48] <mzrxa> http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/02/opinion/gmo-labe
[2016-11-02 17:11:49] <samsoninbabylon> Pruswa hey at least now the omars won t s
uspect you
[2016-11-02 17:11:55] <Muzzly> bad joke 7bb
[2016-11-02 17:12:06] <nee4speed111> ok
[2016-11-02 17:12:06] <beyw> LOL samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 17:12:17] <beyw> it is his greatest fear
[2016-11-02 17:12:24] <beyw> he jhas found a solution to his problem
[2016-11-02 17:12:51] <Naenil> http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/03/us/black-church
yp=cur You saw that nee4speed111
[2016-11-02 17:12:53] <samsoninbabylon> .tell pruswa hey at least now the omars w
on t suspect you
[2016-11-02 17:12:54] <Mossad> samsoninbabylon: I ll pass that on when pruswa is
[2016-11-02 17:12:58] <samsoninbabylon> beyw: lol right hahaha
[2016-11-02 17:13:00] <nee4speed111> yeah Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:13:04] <yat> every selectively bred organism is an ngo
[2016-11-02 17:13:11] <yat> you will have to label literally everything
[2016-11-02 17:13:19] <samsoninbabylon> Corn
[2016-11-02 17:13:20] <samsoninbabylon> Wheat
[2016-11-02 17:13:26] <samsoninbabylon> Literally every plant we eat
[2016-11-02 17:13:27] <wqzz>  ( ) TAKBI R
[2016-11-02 17:13:29] <yat> .bang
[2016-11-02 17:13:29] <wqzz> yat: Better luck next time. You can try again in 7
[2016-11-02 17:13:29] <beyw> .tell Pruswa listen to samsoninbabylon if there eve
r is a coup, your beard will show how pious you are
[2016-11-02 17:13:29] <samsoninbabylon> .ban
[2016-11-02 17:13:29] <wqzz> samsoninbabylon you shot an Islamist in 2.835 secon
ds! You have killed 4 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 17:13:30] <Mossad> beyw: I ll pass that on when Pruswa is around.
[2016-11-02 17:13:30] <Eck> it s not like RT to say alleged whenever the US do
es something wrong http://i.imgur.com/q7SgVZv.png

[2016-11-02 17:13:31] <Eck> .bang

[2016-11-02 17:13:31] <wqzz> Eck: There is no Islamist. What are you shooting at
[2016-11-02 17:13:46] beyw quit (beyw@user/beyw): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/
- A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 17:13:51] <yat> Naenil, http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2015/willgmos-hurt-my-body/
[2016-11-02 17:14:24] <nee4speed111> Like, people who doubt the scientific conse
nsus of climate change are the same as people who doubt it on vaccines, and peop
le who doubt it on GMO s
[2016-11-02 17:14:36] <Naenil> I dc d The last thing I saw was <samsoninbabylon>
.tell pruswa hey at least now the omars won t suspect you, can someone send me t
he backlog
[2016-11-02 17:15:04] <yat> Naenil, http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2015/willgmos-hurt-my-body/
[2016-11-02 17:15:09] <nee4speed111> You can t say Climate change is happening b
ecause 97% of climate scientists say it is, then turn around and say GMO s are b
ad because "natural" and ignore those same scientists
[2016-11-02 17:15:31] <Eck> wat
[2016-11-02 17:15:49] * Naenil set the topic to Welcome to #syriancivilwar | htt
p://vocaroo.com/i/s0h1n7Mfzs9D Lyrics http://imgur.com/a/RzHWo | Ban evading wil
l lead to !kb on sight https://youtu.be/gOcjdnMU9WI | Quotes: https://x0.no/usen
| Memes: https://x0.no/user | Week In Review V2 I3: https://goo.gl/mt8si6 | Rul
es: Don t be a dick. No Racism. No yurosprachen.
[2016-11-02 17:15:55] <germanperson> i make murder music
[2016-11-02 17:15:57] <Naenil> yat, I m not saying ban gmos
[2016-11-02 17:16:09] <Naenil> I m just saying, consumers have a right to inform
[2016-11-02 17:16:13] <Eck> most of those scientists believe the sun is melting
the snow
[2016-11-02 17:16:14] <Eck> top kek
[2016-11-02 17:16:15] <xaashi> never got the irrational fear of GMOs
[2016-11-02 17:16:21] <yat> Naenil, literally everything you eat is GMO
[2016-11-02 17:16:28] <yat> if it is selectively bred
[2016-11-02 17:16:29] <yat> its a GMO
[2016-11-02 17:16:30] <Naenil> No yat , because I don t live in america
[2016-11-02 17:16:33] <Eck> not in europe its not
[2016-11-02 17:16:37] <Naenil> that s not the definition of GMO
[2016-11-02 17:16:41] <yat> yes Naenil bc you eat commercially farmed food
[2016-11-02 17:16:55] <Naenil> Most food in europe isn t GMO
[2016-11-02 17:16:55] <yat> where do you think the seeds come from lml
[2016-11-02 17:16:57] <Naenil> Don t be childish
[2016-11-02 17:16:58] randomuser987 joined (t.zook@Snoonet-hvq.pvu.vac9op.IP)
[2016-11-02 17:16:59] randomuser987 quit (t.zook@Snoonet-hvq.pvu.vac9op.IP): Cha
nging host
[2016-11-02 17:16:59] randomuser987 joined (t.zook@user/randomuser987)
[2016-11-02 17:17:14] <Naenil> Selecting crop isn t GMO
[2016-11-02 17:17:16] <yat> some artisan farmer in normandy somewhere has been g
rowing them since 800?
[2016-11-02 17:17:24] <Eck> wat
[2016-11-02 17:17:25] <Naenil> genetically modifying crops is GMO
[2016-11-02 17:17:26] <nee4speed111> The scandal over golden rice in India has r
esulted in many more millions of people going hungry
[2016-11-02 17:17:27] <yat> yes Naenil that is literally modifying it geneticall
[2016-11-02 17:17:28] <Naenil> yeah you d be surprised yat
[2016-11-02 17:17:37] <Naenil> Through labs ffs
[2016-11-02 17:17:37] <Dune> selecting != modifying
[2016-11-02 17:17:45] <yat> its modification dune
[2016-11-02 17:17:46] <Naenil> Are you being deaf?

[2016-11-02 17:17:53] <yat> quite literally

[2016-11-02 17:17:53] <Dune> what peasants do?
[2016-11-02 17:18:00] <Eck> gmo craps are literally mixing cow hormones with pla
[2016-11-02 17:18:03] <Eck> >craps
[2016-11-02 17:18:04] <Dune> how do they modify in any way the ADN? lol
[2016-11-02 17:18:07] <Dune> with forks?
[2016-11-02 17:18:10] <nee4speed111> Golden rice is a variety of rice (Oryza sat
iva) produced through genetic engineering to biosynthesize beta-carotene, a prec
ursor of vitamin A, in the edible parts of rice.[1] It is intended to produce a
fortified food to be grown and consumed in areas with a shortage of dietary vita
min A,[2] a deficiency which is estimated to kill 670,000 children
[2016-11-02 17:18:10] <nee4speed111> under the age of 5 each year.[3]
[2016-11-02 17:18:14] <Naenil> The defintion of GMO as used by europarl and all
is about lab modification yat.
[2016-11-02 17:18:22] <yat> oranges are GMOs dune
[2016-11-02 17:18:28] <Dune> because?
[2016-11-02 17:18:29] <Eck> lmao
[2016-11-02 17:18:30] <yat> you know most oranges are cross bred with other oran
[2016-11-02 17:18:33] <yat> so are wheat
[2016-11-02 17:18:34] <Dune> and?
[2016-11-02 17:18:35] <yat> and other grops
[2016-11-02 17:18:38] <Eck> still not gmo
[2016-11-02 17:18:40] <yat> and what does that do?
[2016-11-02 17:18:44] <yat> it genetically
[2016-11-02 17:18:46] <Dune> ADN has not been directly modified by humans
[2016-11-02 17:18:46] <yat> modifies
[2016-11-02 17:18:48] <yat> the crops
[2016-11-02 17:18:49] <Naenil> And i m saying that yes, most of what I eat is is
sued from crops that aren t modifyed genetically in LABS
[2016-11-02 17:18:50] <nee4speed111> What is your definition of modified?
[2016-11-02 17:18:50] <Dune> it s been BRED
[2016-11-02 17:18:52] <Dune> that s different
[2016-11-02 17:19:04] <yat> that is literally what GMOs do
[2016-11-02 17:19:07] <nee4speed111> A lab is just a more efficent process of mo
[2016-11-02 17:19:14] <Naenil> GMO lab modification isn t "just" breeding
[2016-11-02 17:19:15] <yat> they take the traits from other plants/strains
[2016-11-02 17:19:17] <Eck> .g definition of GMO
[2016-11-02 17:19:17] <wqzz> Eck: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetically_modi
fied_organism -- Genetically modified organism - Wikipedia: "A genetically modifie
d organism (GMO) is any organism whose genetic material has been altered using g
enetic engineering techniques (i.e., a..."
[2016-11-02 17:19:19] <yat> and mixes it
[2016-11-02 17:19:22] <nee4speed111> Over what happened over thousands of years
[2016-11-02 17:19:24] <Eck> there you go
[2016-11-02 17:19:35] <Dune> if you irradiate an ADN or try to flip some A, G, C
, T, and whatever, you re GModifying it
[2016-11-02 17:19:40] <Naenil> >The first genetically modified mouse was in 1973
, and the first plant was produced in 1983.[1]
[2016-11-02 17:19:41] <yat> genetically modified organism (GMO) is any organism
whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques (i
.e., a genetically engineered organism).
[2016-11-02 17:19:42] <yat> lmao
[2016-11-02 17:19:43] <Naenil> >we do that since centuries
[2016-11-02 17:19:47] <Naenil> r u serious
[2016-11-02 17:19:54] <yat> yes Naenil crossbreeding is a GMO
[2016-11-02 17:19:58] <Naenil> no it s not
[2016-11-02 17:19:59] <nee4speed111> Honestly, look up the scientific consensus

of GMO s, instead of being scientifically illiterate

[2016-11-02 17:20:07] <Dune> yat: that s not, according to the definition of GMO
[2016-11-02 17:20:08] <yat> mendel did GMOs with his peaplants
[2016-11-02 17:20:12] <yat> genetically modified organism (GMO) is any organism
whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques (i
.e., a genetically engineered organism).
[2016-11-02 17:20:12] <Dune> maybe in your mind GMO is different
[2016-11-02 17:20:13] <Naenil> No it s not
[2016-11-02 17:20:18] <Eck> I think the gmos have gone to your heads
[2016-11-02 17:20:20] <Dune> but the commonly accepted definition of GMO exclude
s that
[2016-11-02 17:20:23] <Naenil> We use a narrower definition of GMOs in europe ya
[2016-11-02 17:20:27] <xaashi> mfw Naenil is secretly axis
[2016-11-02 17:20:29] <Naenil> Can you please get it
[2016-11-02 17:20:37] <yat> europe is retarded
[2016-11-02 17:20:41] <nee4speed111> Humans have domesticated plants and animals
since around 12,000 BCE, using selective breeding or artificial selection (as c
ontrasted with natural selection).[7]:25 The process of selective breeding, in w
hich organisms with desired traits (and thus with the desired genes) are used to
breed the next generation and organisms lacking the trait are not
[2016-11-02 17:20:41] <nee4speed111> bred, is a precursor to the modern concept
of genetic modification
[2016-11-02 17:20:41] <Naenil> k
[2016-11-02 17:20:44] <nee4speed111> agreed yat
[2016-11-02 17:20:46] <Dune> wikipedia is reatrded too then
[2016-11-02 17:20:46] <yat> >nonvaccination
[2016-11-02 17:20:50] <Naenil> KLMAROEfSDQRFfe
[2016-11-02 17:20:50] <Naenil> f
[2016-11-02 17:20:51] <Naenil> AUAHABHAA
[2016-11-02 17:20:53] <Naenil> ARE YOU
[2016-11-02 17:20:54] <Naenil> YAT
[2016-11-02 17:20:58] <yat> wikipedia literally defines it as " genetically modi
fied organism (GMO) is any organism whose genetic material has been altered usin
g genetic engineering techniques (i.e., a genetically engineered organism)."
[2016-11-02 17:21:01] <Dune> yat: you think nonvaccination is an european thing?
[2016-11-02 17:21:10] <Naenil> WHILE YOU AMERICANS ARE WORSE AT THIS
[2016-11-02 17:21:14] <Naenil> OMG
[2016-11-02 17:21:14] <yat> cross breeding is genetically engineering
[2016-11-02 17:21:16] <Naenil> lmfao
[2016-11-02 17:21:20] <Naenil> ded
[2016-11-02 17:21:21] <Naenil> i m ded
[2016-11-02 17:21:27] <yat> youre also retarded
[2016-11-02 17:21:34] <Dune> no it s not yat. like, there s no argument right th
ere. it s not.
[2016-11-02 17:21:41] <samsoninbabylon> Wat are you idiots fighting about now
[2016-11-02 17:21:47] <Naenil> What is a GMO samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 17:22:00] <Eck> fucking americans eat so much gmo they don t even kn
ow what a gmo is anymore
[2016-11-02 17:22:02] <samsoninbabylon> GMO includes breeding
[2016-11-02 17:22:05] <Naenil> New World people think it s when any genetic modi
fication is made
[2016-11-02 17:22:20] <Naenil> Old world people think it s when genetic engeneer
ing in labs is made
[2016-11-02 17:22:23] <Eck> enjoy your oranges grown from horse cells
[2016-11-02 17:22:28] <Naenil> again, >The first genetically modified mouse was
in 1973, and the first plant was produced in 1983.[1]
[2016-11-02 17:22:36] <yat> Kind of the ultimate idea of in human intervention i

n plant cross-breeding is what were thinking of in terms of GMO technology. GMO t

echnology can also be thought of or I think of it as precision cross-breeding. I
ts where youre able to take a single gene, or maybe a small set of genes, and tran
sfer them into a new genetic background. So maybe something that has tremendous,
elite qualities in terms of its traits
[2016-11-02 17:22:36] <yat>
maybe has excellent ability to ship or be stored or
maybe great flavor quality but has some problems with disease susceptibility. An
d, maybe by adding one gene, you could solve that problem. In something like an
apple tree, this might save 50 years of breeding time by being able to add that
one single gene.
[2016-11-02 17:22:36] <yat>
[2016-11-02 17:22:38] <yat> So this is the principle difference between cross-po
llination, which just occurs naturally between sexually compatible plants, cross
-breeding, which is a human-facilitated process by which humans do this, and GMO
technology, where in a laboratory were able to move one trait with precision to
confer some new quality or some new trait onto a plant product.
[2016-11-02 17:22:43] <yat>
[2016-11-02 17:22:53] <yat> a bunch of humanities majors in here who never took
a cell bio course
[2016-11-02 17:22:54] <yat> mfw
[2016-11-02 17:22:57] <Schweini_for_Hillary> nice spam
[2016-11-02 17:22:59] <Naenil> .g european definition of gmo
[2016-11-02 17:23:00] <wqzz> Naenil: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetically_m
odified_organism -- Genetically modified organism - Wikipedia: "A genetically modi
fied organism (GMO) is any organism whose genetic material has been altered usin
g genetic engineering techniques (i.e., a..."
[2016-11-02 17:23:12] <Dune> *think of it as*
[2016-11-02 17:23:27] <yat> Naenil, "A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an
y organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering tec
[2016-11-02 17:23:28] <Dune> it is like precision cross breeding
[2016-11-02 17:23:28] <Naenil> These desirable characteristics appeared through
naturally occurring variations in the genetic make-up of those plants and animal
s. In recent times, it has become possible to modify the genetic make-up of livi
ng cells and organisms using techniques of modern biotechnology called gene tech
nology. The genetic material is modified artificially to give it a new property
(e.g. a plant s resistance to a disease, insect or drought, a plant s
[2016-11-02 17:23:29] <Naenil> tolerance to a herbicide, improving a food s qual
ity or nutritional value, increased yield).
[2016-11-02 17:23:31] <Dune> it isn t, though.
[2016-11-02 17:23:38] <Naenil> >modify the genetic make-up of living cells and o
rganisms using techniques of modern biotechnology called gene technology.
[2016-11-02 17:23:39] <Naenil> ^
[2016-11-02 17:23:46] <Eck> ^
[2016-11-02 17:23:47] <Naenil> This is what the european definition is about
[2016-11-02 17:23:59] <Eck> wikipedia is bias american propaganda anyway
[2016-11-02 17:24:11] <Naenil> https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/topics/topic/gmo
[2016-11-02 17:24:13] <Naenil> similarly
[2016-11-02 17:24:17] <Dune> even wikipedia says GMO is in labs
[2016-11-02 17:24:17] <Naenil> Modern technology now makes it possible to alter
genetic material to create novel traits in plants, animals, bacteria and fungi.
This technology has so far primarily been used in crops to increase insect resis
tance and herbicide tolerance, and in micro-organisms to produce enzymes.
[2016-11-02 17:24:19] <Naenil> Organisms that have had their genetic material al
tered this way are called genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Food and feed c
ontaining or consisting of GMOs or produced from GMOs are called genetically mod
ified (GM) food and feed.
[2016-11-02 17:24:26] <nee4speed111> 670,000 children die of Vitamin A deficienc
y every year, Golden rice is a GMO that specifically tackles this problem, which
is endemic in many parts of the thirld world, but because of stupid Environment

al organizations who have provided 0 evidence about them being damaging in any w
ay, nearly a million people will die in the third world because of
[2016-11-02 17:24:26] <nee4speed111> a easily preventable thing
[2016-11-02 17:24:34] <Dune> unrelated nee4speed111
[2016-11-02 17:24:36] <yat> Naenil, Organisms that have had their genetic mater
ial altered this way are called genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
[2016-11-02 17:24:37] <Dune> we re defining GMOs
[2016-11-02 17:24:39] <Naenil> You understand the definition gap?
[2016-11-02 17:24:41] <nee4speed111> Very related
[2016-11-02 17:24:42] <yat> why do you not read this
[2016-11-02 17:24:44] <yat> Organisms that have had their genetic material alte
red this way are called genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
[2016-11-02 17:24:51] <Naenil> Modern technology now makes it possible to alter
genetic material to create novel traits in plants, animals, bacteria and fungi.
This technology has so far primarily been used in crops to increase insect resis
tance and herbicide tolerance, and in micro-organisms to produce enzymes.
[2016-11-02 17:25:00] <nee4speed111> Scientific illiteracy of rich white westene
rs is causing issues dune in countries such as mine
[2016-11-02 17:25:00] <Naenil> M O D E R N T E C H N O L O G Y
[2016-11-02 17:25:05] <Naenil> CAN YOU FUCKING READ OMG
[2016-11-02 17:25:10] <nee4speed111> Its very relevantr
[2016-11-02 17:25:14] <yat> breeding itself is genetic modification
[2016-11-02 17:25:19] <Naenil> =fgr
[2016-11-02 17:25:19] <Dune> nee4speed111: I don t give a fucking damn about you
r "GMOs are good" speech. we re answering "what is GMO"
[2016-11-02 17:25:19] <Naenil> zds
[2016-11-02 17:25:19] <Naenil> sq
[2016-11-02 17:25:21] <Naenil> cqSsqThat s
[2016-11-02 17:25:24] <yat> do you know what darwin called evolution Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:25:32] <Naenil> That s not what the european legislation is sayin
g yat
[2016-11-02 17:25:34] <yat> "descent with MODIFICATION"
[2016-11-02 17:25:35] <Naenil> CAN YOU READ
[2016-11-02 17:25:40] <Naenil> PLEASE
[2016-11-02 17:25:43] <Eck> debunked nee4speed111 http://www.foodrenegade.com/gm
[2016-11-02 17:25:45] <yat> the european legislation is honestly retarded
[2016-11-02 17:25:54] <yat> >foodrenegade
[2016-11-02 17:25:57] <nee4speed111> I don t care that you don t care, my argume
nt wasn t that GMO s are good, just that anti-GMO activists are stupid and damag
[2016-11-02 17:26:01] <nee4speed111> dune
[2016-11-02 17:26:06] <nee4speed111> >foodrenegade
[2016-11-02 17:26:07] <Naenil> The european legislation is ABOUT what is MODIFIE
[2016-11-02 17:26:09] <Naenil> ffs
[2016-11-02 17:26:19] <yat> yes Naenil do u know what that means
[2016-11-02 17:26:21] <Schweini_for_Hillary> STOP SHOUTING
[2016-11-02 17:26:23] <Dune> do you even figure the context
[2016-11-02 17:26:24] <Dune> rich "white westerners" are more scientifically lit
erate than rich ppl in most other countries
[2016-11-02 17:26:24] <yat> it means engineering seeds lmao
[2016-11-02 17:26:26] <Eck> no whats damaging is planting your shitty poor crops
filled with pesticides and making us eat it
[2016-11-02 17:26:29] <yat> no theyre not Dune
[2016-11-02 17:26:31] <Schweini_for_Hillary> EVERYONE CALM DOWN
[2016-11-02 17:26:32] <Naenil> Holy shit yat
[2016-11-02 17:26:32] <yat> ex: germany
[2016-11-02 17:26:33] <Dune> no need to get racism in there
[2016-11-02 17:26:39] <nee4speed111> And yet on this issue they are retarded dun

[2016-11-02 17:26:41] <Schweini_for_Hillary> .weather
[2016-11-02 17:26:42] <Naenil> Sell your fucking GMO shares and get a brain
[2016-11-02 17:26:43] <wqzz> Schweini_for_Hillary: Stockholm, Sweden - Current: Ov
ercast, 35.4F/1.9C, 80%, Wind: 1.2MPH/1.9KPH West, Today: Mostly Cloudy, High: 37F
/2C, Low: 30F/-1C. Tomorrow: Partly Cloudy, High: 36F/2C, Low: 24F/-4C - https://i
[2016-11-02 17:26:45] <Dune> less than others
[2016-11-02 17:26:57] <nee4speed111> What do you think about the fact the vast m
ajority of relevant scientists thing GMO s are perfectly safe
[2016-11-02 17:27:00] <yat> what GMO shares do i own Naenil? a degree in cell bi
ology? lol
[2016-11-02 17:27:11] <Eck> majority of scientists have GMO shares
[2016-11-02 17:27:12] <Dune> GMOs are a super BROAD thing
[2016-11-02 17:27:21] <Dune> plenty are probably harmless
[2016-11-02 17:27:26] <nee4speed111> Do you say the same for climate scientists
[2016-11-02 17:27:33] <Dune> but there s that 1% that may or may not have fucked
up risks
[2016-11-02 17:27:34] <yat> Selective breeding is a form of genetic modification
which doesn t involve the addition of any foreign genetic material (DNA) into t
he organism. Rather, it is the conscious selection for desirable traits.
[2016-11-02 17:27:36] <nee4speed111> Do they all gave share in Green tech or som
[2016-11-02 17:27:40] <Naenil> and nee4speed111 when europe legislates on it wha
t do you think we legislae on
[2016-11-02 17:27:45] <yat> Dune, thats more attributable to pesticides tho
[2016-11-02 17:27:55] <yat> and pesticides are already very heavily regulated
[2016-11-02 17:28:01] <nee4speed111> Europe influence is much more than just loc
al legislation though Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:28:08] <nee4speed111> You guys have massive influence
[2016-11-02 17:28:09] <Dune> not enough imo yat
[2016-11-02 17:28:13] <yat> if they include anything, they should include that the type of pesticide
[2016-11-02 17:28:14] <Naenil> Yeah
[2016-11-02 17:28:25] <Naenil> And what i m saying is that the definition Europe
uses for GMO is narrow nee4speed111
[2016-11-02 17:28:27] <Eck> climate change is a meme too, the scientists work on
like 500 years of climate studies but they don t include the fact the earths cl
imate changes every 1000 years or so
[2016-11-02 17:28:31] <yat> GMO is a retarded fear-mongering label
[2016-11-02 17:28:40] <yat> pesticides are the real trouble
[2016-11-02 17:28:43] <Dune> it s holding back medical science for sure
[2016-11-02 17:28:52] <Naenil> I m not even being GMO
[2016-11-02 17:28:56] <Naenil> Actually i m pro GMO
[2016-11-02 17:28:59] <Naenil> Like for real
[2016-11-02 17:29:16] <Naenil> I m just arguing about the fact that when europe
makes legal shit about this this is with a narrow definition
[2016-11-02 17:30:02] <Dune> Eck: of course they do lol that s widely known
[2016-11-02 17:30:40] <P3TC0CK> naenil is gmo
[2016-11-02 17:30:52] <P3TC0CK> naenil get a gmo forehead tattoo
[2016-11-02 17:31:08] <xaashi> European nanny state laws are really dumb
[2016-11-02 17:31:17] <yat> agreed xaashi
[2016-11-02 17:31:18] <nee4speed111> The way I see it, the difference between a
farmer in Mesopotamia 10,000 years ago picking the most nutritious grain (i.e th
e one who s genetic strain had mutated in such a way) and a scientist inserting
a gene into wheat that does the same thing, is that we can control the process i
n a lab better than we could out on the field
[2016-11-02 17:31:27] <nee4speed111> Just my opinion on it
[2016-11-02 17:31:29] <yat> written by a bunch of scientifically illiterate ppl

[2016-11-02 17:31:29] <Naenil> I also think that when a product is claimed from
biological agriculture like an AB label it should be GMO free
[2016-11-02 17:31:38] <yat> u think boris johnson knows anything abt gmos
[2016-11-02 17:31:39] <yat> lmao
[2016-11-02 17:31:41] <xaashi> Having to deal with shit like EU privacy laws at
work made me realize how much we take for granted in the US
[2016-11-02 17:31:41] <Naenil> Welcome to the wonderful world of bio ethnics yat
[2016-11-02 17:31:49] <dumbass> muzzly is a GMO
[2016-11-02 17:31:52] <Naenil> ECHR is better thp
[2016-11-02 17:31:55] <yat> >bio ethnics
[2016-11-02 17:32:00] <Naenil> bio ethics*
[2016-11-02 17:32:01] <Naenil> lmao
[2016-11-02 17:32:04] <Eck> yeah like gmo s making your kids autistic xaashi
[2016-11-02 17:32:05] <Muzzly> i prefer chem trails tbh dumbass
[2016-11-02 17:32:09] <yat> bio ethnics are GMOs
[2016-11-02 17:32:21] <nee4speed111> Are you vaccinated eck?
[2016-11-02 17:32:22] <dumbass> bio ethnics?
[2016-11-02 17:32:27] <dumbass> is that like racist GMOs
[2016-11-02 17:32:28] <Naenil> I said bio ethics
[2016-11-02 17:32:28] <Naenil> ffs
[2016-11-02 17:32:33] <samsoninbabylon> xaashi: I m saying
[2016-11-02 17:32:34] <yat> these people dont know chit about bioethics tho Naen
il lol
[2016-11-02 17:32:39] <xaashi> yat: can you believe a bunch of EU countries like
Germany require all user data to be physically in the country for your web serv
ice for example? Insanity
[2016-11-02 17:32:52] <Naenil> Yeah we don t like being stumped on the face xaas
[2016-11-02 17:32:54] <nee4speed111> I like how this debate has divided along ne
w world/old world lines lol
[2016-11-02 17:32:55] <yat> they dont even have conclusive proof of the harmfuln
ess, in fact they have the opposit
[2016-11-02 17:32:56] <Naenil> sorry
[2016-11-02 17:32:57] <Eck> sure im vaccinated nee4speed111, tb etc
[2016-11-02 17:32:58] <xaashi> I had to deal with so much of this bs this summer
[2016-11-02 17:33:01] <P3TC0CK> if I want my son to glow in the dark
[2016-11-02 17:33:03] <P3TC0CK> I should have the right
[2016-11-02 17:33:16] <xaashi> Just to be compliant
[2016-11-02 17:33:19] <Eck> im not some hillbilly that says hur dur vaccines cau
se autism
[2016-11-02 17:33:23] <yat> and theyre like "REEEEEE GMOS AUTISM CANCER" as they
appoint fat ppl as their health ministers
[2016-11-02 17:33:29] <nee4speed111> But you just said GMO s cause autism eck
[2016-11-02 17:33:34] <nee4speed111> Which is just as retarded
[2016-11-02 17:33:36] <Eck> it was a meme
[2016-11-02 17:33:39] <Eck> just like gmos
[2016-11-02 17:33:40] <nee4speed111> oh
[2016-11-02 17:33:42] <Eck> lol
[2016-11-02 17:33:43] <yat> xaashi, germany is honestly going full retard
[2016-11-02 17:33:46] <Naenil> yeah we have actual green movements
[2016-11-02 17:33:48] <nee4speed111> lol
[2016-11-02 17:33:58] <Naenil> We also don t have pipelines exploding randomly c
[2016-11-02 17:34:06] <nee4speed111> It doesn t matter tbh, GMO s are the future
[2016-11-02 17:34:13] <nee4speed111> Whether now or in 50 years
[2016-11-02 17:34:14] <yat> what does that have to do with being scientifically
retarded Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:34:20] <nee4speed111> Progress will eventually happen
[2016-11-02 17:34:20] <Eck> the future of something dangerous

[2016-11-02 17:34:33] <Naenil> Europe has just better regulation on industry

[2016-11-02 17:34:35] <yat> we dont have random ppl shooting and bombing hundred
s, idg your point
[2016-11-02 17:34:39] <Eck> one day they ll mix horse genes with cows and hello
[2016-11-02 17:34:41] <Naenil> <yat> we dont have random ppl shooting
[2016-11-02 17:34:43] <Naenil> thanks
[2016-11-02 17:34:48] <Naenil> I needed another laugh
[2016-11-02 17:34:49] <xaashi> GEMA just cut a fat settlement check with YouTube
yesterday after like 7 years of blocking content for more dumb nanny state rule
[2016-11-02 17:34:56] <yat> >shooting hundreds
[2016-11-02 17:35:03] <nee4speed111> Who doesn t want a horsetyrannasurus eck
[2016-11-02 17:35:05] <Naenil> The city you are in was litteraly bombed
[2016-11-02 17:35:08] <Naenil> but OK
[2016-11-02 17:35:08] <nee4speed111> It sounds pretty cool
[2016-11-02 17:35:12] <yat> >3 ppl died
[2016-11-02 17:35:15] <yat> >boston strong
[2016-11-02 17:35:19] <yat> >we shall overcome
[2016-11-02 17:35:26] <Dune> what vaccines are required in the US?
[2016-11-02 17:35:27] <nee4speed111> OM EL DONYA
[2016-11-02 17:35:28] <yat> pls foh w that weak chit
[2016-11-02 17:35:29] <xaashi> Ayyee
[2016-11-02 17:35:34] <yat> >be french
[2016-11-02 17:35:36] <Naenil> and today and yesterday fucking policemen were am
[2016-11-02 17:35:37] <yat> >go to cafe
[2016-11-02 17:35:43] <yat> >20 ppl shot
[2016-11-02 17:35:48] <yat> >run to store
[2016-11-02 17:35:51] <Naenil> no sorry yat you can t
[2016-11-02 17:35:52] <yat> >locked in freezer
[2016-11-02 17:35:55] <yat> >10 ppl shot
[2016-11-02 17:35:58] <yat> >try to escape
[2016-11-02 17:36:03] <yat> >bombed at stadium
[2016-11-02 17:36:11] <yat> >try to go to concert to forget
[2016-11-02 17:36:13] <Naenil> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_b
[2016-11-02 17:36:15] <yat> >shot and bombed
[2016-11-02 17:36:26] <Naenil> http://i.imgur.com/rTwy6ed.png
[2016-11-02 17:36:34] <yat> >be on lockdown
[2016-11-02 17:36:37] <Naenil> http://i.imgur.com/jx6PlNO.png
[2016-11-02 17:36:43] <Naenil> \_()_/
[2016-11-02 17:36:45] <yat> >police officers have orgy instead of protecting u
[2016-11-02 17:36:59] <samsoninbabylon> EU is so fucked
[2016-11-02 17:37:01] <Schweini_for_Hillary> this is fucking war
[2016-11-02 17:37:03] <yat> >have list of known jihadis
[2016-11-02 17:37:06] <samsoninbabylon> I respect UK tbh
[2016-11-02 17:37:08] <Schweini_for_Hillary> can u two calm the fuck down
[2016-11-02 17:37:11] <yat> >catch none of them
[2016-11-02 17:37:14] <Naenil> !k yat
[2016-11-02 17:37:14] * yat was kicked by Bashar (Requested)
[2016-11-02 17:37:20] yat joined (yat@user/yat)
[2016-11-02 17:37:20] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v yat
[2016-11-02 17:37:20] * Bashar set +h yat
[2016-11-02 17:37:22] <yat> lmao
[2016-11-02 17:37:27] <yat> im not wrong tho
[2016-11-02 17:37:33] <nee4speed111> Everybody needs to calm down
[2016-11-02 17:37:34] <Naenil> You can t bash france on that when you re america
[2016-11-02 17:37:35] <Naenil> You just can t

[2016-11-02 17:37:40] <yat> yes i can

[2016-11-02 17:37:43] <samsoninbabylon> Are we talking about shit french securit
y services?
[2016-11-02 17:37:44] <nee4speed111> Never new P3TC0CK GMO letter would cause su
ch a stir
[2016-11-02 17:37:46] <Naenil> There is one country in the world that can t
[2016-11-02 17:37:47] <Naenil> It s yours
[2016-11-02 17:37:49] <nee4speed111> P3TC0CK is such a shitstirrer
[2016-11-02 17:37:49] <Naenil> So now fuck off
[2016-11-02 17:37:50] <yat> btw youre still welcome for 1945
[2016-11-02 17:37:58] <Naenil> And you for 1776
[2016-11-02 17:38:08] <samsoninbabylon> Yat it s wasted on him, he s Vichy
[2016-11-02 17:38:12] <yat> LOL
[2016-11-02 17:38:15] <P3TC0CK> when you re this a big troll nee4speed111 you ca
n basically just grab any IRC chat by the pussy
[2016-11-02 17:38:22] <Naenil> Should have let the english finish the job
[2016-11-02 17:38:28] <samsoninbabylon> Tfw we haven t had a homegrown fascist g
roup actually seize power :/
[2016-11-02 17:38:30] <nee4speed111> >GMO debate
[2016-11-02 17:38:34] <samsoninbabylon> Dat unbroken democracy
[2016-11-02 17:38:35] <Eck> they took down your towers with planes and then they
managed to fly into the pentagon yat even after numerous warnings from russia
[2016-11-02 17:38:37] <nee4speed111> > debating 1776 and 1945
[2016-11-02 17:38:39] <Naenil> You have KKK endorsed trump samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 17:38:42] <Naenil> but ok
[2016-11-02 17:38:45] <P3TC0CK> >russia
[2016-11-02 17:38:46] <P3TC0CK> >warned US
[2016-11-02 17:38:56] <Schweini_for_Hillary> oh hey look (   ) it s P3TC0CK (   ) the "
rebel"""" supporter (   )
[2016-11-02 17:38:59] <P3TC0CK> Russia can see 9/11 before the US
[2016-11-02 17:39:07] <Eck> they did though
[2016-11-02 17:39:12] <P3TC0CK> but can they see why the rubble is crashing
[2016-11-02 17:39:12] <Schweini_for_Hillary> (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   )
[2016-11-02 17:39:17] <samsoninbabylon> Naenil: not elected thoooooooo
[2016-11-02 17:39:17] <yat> lmao
[2016-11-02 17:39:18] <wqzz>  () TAKBE ER
[2016-11-02 17:39:21] <Dune> .ban
[2016-11-02 17:39:21] <yat> .ban
[2016-11-02 17:39:21] <wqzz> Dune you shot an Islamist in 2.644 seconds! You hav
e killed 4 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 17:39:21] <wqzz> yat: There is no Islamist. What are you shooting at
[2016-11-02 17:39:21] <Schweini_for_Hillary> (   )
[2016-11-02 17:39:21] <Eck> .bang#
[2016-11-02 17:39:22] <nee4speed111> .bef
[2016-11-02 17:39:22] <wqzz> nee4speed111: You tried befriending a non-existent
Islamist, that s fucking creepy.
[2016-11-02 17:39:28] <Naenil> Please can we wait for the 8 before saying it sam
[2016-11-02 17:39:38] <Naenil> I myself shill for clinton but like it s not wonn
ered yet
[2016-11-02 17:39:41] <P3TC0CK> I like that Russia named it s money after broken
[2016-11-02 17:39:45] <P3TC0CK> not much expectations
[2016-11-02 17:39:49] <nee4speed111> If trump wins, lol
[2016-11-02 17:39:54] <nee4speed111> Shit is gonna be weird
[2016-11-02 17:40:00] <nee4speed111> For the next 4 years
[2016-11-02 17:40:02] <yat> i love living in america. here we catch would be bom
bers before they set bombs off
[2016-11-02 17:40:05] <yat> feels good man

[2016-11-02 17:40:05] <Naenil> If trumps win i m going to spend my money on alco

[2016-11-02 17:40:08] <Eck> rubles not rubble
[2016-11-02 17:40:23] <yat> >be american somali
[2016-11-02 17:40:25] <P3TC0CK> eck no one cares about scottish english
[2016-11-02 17:40:28] <yat> >go to mosque
[2016-11-02 17:40:36] <yat> >feel safe bc US stops bomb plots
[2016-11-02 17:40:40] <Eck> I like how canada named their money after Coronary A
rtery Disease
[2016-11-02 17:40:40] <yat> what a country
[2016-11-02 17:40:40] <Eck> P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 17:40:42] <yat> MURIKA
[2016-11-02 17:41:00] <Dune> Naenil: that would mean no le pen tho
[2016-11-02 17:41:06] <Naenil> Are we talking about the thousand islamophobes at
tacks that occured in the recent months in america
[2016-11-02 17:41:08] <Naenil> How so Dune
[2016-11-02 17:41:12] <nee4speed111> https://twitter.com/_Youhanna/status/793920
096141852672 Does the guy holding the soccer ball look like Muhammed Ali?
[2016-11-02 17:41:12] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @_Youhanna (Youhanna): Some more old photo
s https://t.co/K5RbOnHDns (43 minutes and 17 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 17:41:18] <yat> the ones that got arrested Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:41:20] <yat> hell yeah
[2016-11-02 17:41:24] <Naenil> Not really
[2016-11-02 17:41:28] <yat> .g kansas bomb plot arrest
[2016-11-02 17:41:28] <wqzz> yat: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/10/14/
three-kansas-men-arrested-terrorism-plot/92094694/ -- Feds arrest 3 Kan. men in a
lleged bomb plot USA Today: "Feds arrest 3 Kan. men in alleged bomb plot. Federal
authorities announced Friday that they have arrested three Kansas men in connec
tion with an..."
[2016-11-02 17:41:29] <Dune> well ppl are gonna see what far right is like and t
hink "not that shit in my country"? maybe? no?
[2016-11-02 17:41:29] <Naenil> Many mosques got burned unpunished
[2016-11-02 17:41:31] <Naenil> but ok
[2016-11-02 17:41:40] <yat> >burned
[2016-11-02 17:41:41] <Naenil> That s not the way far right people reason
[2016-11-02 17:41:43] <yat> >bombings
[2016-11-02 17:41:43] <Schweini_for_Hillary> these 2 ........
[2016-11-02 17:41:45] <yat> so
[2016-11-02 17:41:51] <yat> those are kind of 2 diff things
[2016-11-02 17:41:51] <Dune> sure but these people don t make 50%
[2016-11-02 17:42:00] <Naenil> I was talking islamophobe attacks yat
[2016-11-02 17:42:03] <Naenil> When did I said bombing
[2016-11-02 17:42:05] <Eck> P R E S I D E N T T R U M P
[2016-11-02 17:42:07] <yat> >france
[2016-11-02 17:42:08] <Naenil> Can you quote when I said bombing
[2016-11-02 17:42:09] <Naenil> thanks
[2016-11-02 17:42:11] <Naenil> oh you can t!
[2016-11-02 17:42:12] <Naenil> Sad
[2016-11-02 17:42:13] <yat> >talking about islamophobe attacks
[2016-11-02 17:42:14] <Schweini_for_Hillary> hey P3TC0CK (   )
[2016-11-02 17:42:22] <Naenil> Why bring france yat
[2016-11-02 17:42:22] <yat> .lenny
[2016-11-02 17:42:22] <wqzz> ( o  o)
[2016-11-02 17:42:28] <Naenil> you said america was safe for muslims
[2016-11-02 17:42:34] <yat> it is lol
[2016-11-02 17:42:38] <Schweini_for_Hillary> (   ) how do you feel P3TC0CK (   )
[2016-11-02 17:42:53] <Naenil> http://www.voanews.com/a/us-rising-islamophobia/3
[2016-11-02 17:42:53] <Eck> yeah if they re not already in guantanamo yat
[2016-11-02 17:42:54] <Naenil> I guess

[2016-11-02 17:42:56] <Naenil> I guess it is

[2016-11-02 17:43:03] <Naenil> On average, the study recorded 18 incidents per m
onth during the 12-month period, including 12 murders, 34 physical assaults, 49
verbal assaults or threats against individuals and institutions, 56 acts of vand
alism or destruction of property, nine arsons, and eight shootings and bombings.
[2016-11-02 17:43:04] <Schweini_for_Hillary> any country who kills their mudslim
s are heroes
[2016-11-02 17:43:10] <Eck> wew
[2016-11-02 17:43:13] <yat> 18 incidents per month during the 12-month period
[2016-11-02 17:43:17] <yat> lmao
[2016-11-02 17:43:18] <yat> wow
[2016-11-02 17:43:32] <P3TC0CK> aren t kurds muslims Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-11-02 17:43:32] <nee4speed111> Have you ever been to Dearnborn?
[2016-11-02 17:43:34] <yat> .g islamophobia in france
[2016-11-02 17:43:35] <wqzz> yat: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/france-isla
mophobia/ -- France Islamophobia - The Huffington Post: "A French restaurateur app
eared to be refusing to serve women wearing the hijab on Saturday night in a vid
eo that has been widely circulated online"
[2016-11-02 17:43:45] <nee4speed111> .g dearborn michigan
[2016-11-02 17:43:45] <wqzz> nee4speed111: http://www.cityofdearborn.org/ -- City
of Dearborn: "Official site, includes information about services, departments, c
ity news, elected officials and the community."
[2016-11-02 17:43:49] <Naenil> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/
96/Gathering_of_eagles.jpg yat
[2016-11-02 17:43:53] <P3TC0CK> wait Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-11-02 17:43:55] <P3TC0CK> aren t you
[2016-11-02 17:43:56] <P3TC0CK> muslim
[2016-11-02 17:43:57] <Dune> .g burnt mosque usa
[2016-11-02 17:43:57] <P3TC0CK> !!!!
[2016-11-02 17:43:58] <wqzz> Dune: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/nor
thamerica/usa/9457333/US-mosque-burned-to-ground.html -- US mosque burned to grou
nd - Telegraph: "US mosque burned to ground A mosque burned to the ground in Miss
ouri on Monday, in what worshippers suspect was a hate attack, less than a day a
[2016-11-02 17:44:08] <Schweini_for_Hillary> we classify as moderate muslims whi
ch technically dont put us in the category of arab muslims P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 17:44:11] <yat> mfw france calls US islamophobic
[2016-11-02 17:44:13] <P3TC0CK> huh
[2016-11-02 17:44:16] <Naenil> There are weekly occurences of people kicked out
of planes because they speak arab in the US
[2016-11-02 17:44:19] <yat> tfw legislation on burqinis
[2016-11-02 17:44:20] <P3TC0CK> are you sure
[2016-11-02 17:44:22] <Dune> mfw when US calls france islamophobic
[2016-11-02 17:44:24] <yat> LEGISLATION
[2016-11-02 17:44:25] <yat> ON
[2016-11-02 17:44:28] <yat> BURKINIS
[2016-11-02 17:44:30] <P3TC0CK> aren t kurds a huge component of IS islamists Sc
[2016-11-02 17:44:36] <P3TC0CK> and also a lot of islamist rebels
[2016-11-02 17:44:36] <P3TC0CK> :)
[2016-11-02 17:44:39] <Schweini_for_Hillary> yuuuge
[2016-11-02 17:44:40] <Eck> P3TC0CK so when are you helping your brethren and fi
ghting alongside IS
[2016-11-02 17:44:48] <Dune> .g muslim kicked out plane
[2016-11-02 17:44:49] <wqzz> Dune: http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/18/us/muslims-sikh
-sue-airline/index.html -- Muslims, Sikh unfairly kicked off flight, suit says -.
..: "3 Muslims, Sikh kicked off flight because of their looks, lawsuit says"
[2016-11-02 17:44:52] <Schweini_for_Hillary> let me school you P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 17:44:56] <yat> In 2008, 148 French Muslim graves were desecrated ne

ar Arras. A pig s head was hung from a headstone and profanities insulting Islam
and Muslims were daubed on some graves.[66] Dalil Boubakeur, a director of a Pa
ris mosque described the vandalism on a Mosque in Paris, France as Islamophobic.
[67] On December 13, 2009, The Mosque of Castres in southern France, was vandali
zed in the night.[68] Swastika in black paint, "Sieg Heil" in German, "France to
the French"
[2016-11-02 17:44:56] <yat> in French, and "White Power" in English were scrawle
d on the mosque.[69] Additionally, a pig feet was hung on the mosque.[70]
[2016-11-02 17:44:57] <yat> lol
[2016-11-02 17:45:02] <P3TC0CK> kurdish schools are banned schq
[2016-11-02 17:45:03] <P3TC0CK> Schweini_for_Hillary:
[2016-11-02 17:45:04] <P3TC0CK> :)
[2016-11-02 17:45:05] <yat> >a pig feet
[2016-11-02 17:45:06] <Schweini_for_Hillary> there are 400-700 kurds with isis r
[2016-11-02 17:45:10] <P3TC0CK> 8^)
[2016-11-02 17:45:14] <Eck> yat show me your feet bae
[2016-11-02 17:45:15] <Schweini_for_Hillary> we r 35 mil ppls
[2016-11-02 17:45:16] <Dune> > American Airlines flight from Toronto to New York
[2016-11-02 17:45:17] <Schweini_for_Hillary> HOW
[2016-11-02 17:45:19] <Dune> of course
[2016-11-02 17:45:21] <Schweini_for_Hillary> IS
[2016-11-02 17:45:21] <P3TC0CK> about what about all the islamists in Iraq
[2016-11-02 17:45:21] <Schweini_for_Hillary> THAT
[2016-11-02 17:45:24] <P3TC0CK> who are kurdish
[2016-11-02 17:45:24] <Schweini_for_Hillary> HUGE
[2016-11-02 17:45:28] ecross joined (ecross@user/ecross)
[2016-11-02 17:45:28] * protectandserve.snoonet.org set +v ecross
[2016-11-02 17:45:36] <Schweini_for_Hillary> thats another thing tho
[2016-11-02 17:45:36] <Eck> speaking of kurds hi ecross
[2016-11-02 17:45:37] <P3TC0CK> what abou all the islamists in JFS and other org
s :)
[2016-11-02 17:45:50] <ecross> Eck: Hi
[2016-11-02 17:45:55] <Schweini_for_Hillary> yeah glad abu al kurdi brought his
brother and family over to sham and joined JFS P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 17:45:56] <Dune> randomuser987: who are you?
[2016-11-02 17:45:57] <P3TC0CK> I mean YPG is hardly representative of kurds eit
her Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-11-02 17:46:05] <Schweini_for_Hillary> (   )
[2016-11-02 17:46:11] <P3TC0CK> 8-)
[2016-11-02 17:46:20] <Schweini_for_Hillary> did u follow the kurdified arab
[2016-11-02 17:46:29] <Eck> p3t just stop talking, stop digging
[2016-11-02 17:46:30] <P3TC0CK> how does it feel that Kurdish nationalism was st
arted by Islamists Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-11-02 17:46:39] <P3TC0CK> who thought ottoman empire was not mulsim enough
[2016-11-02 17:46:42] <P3TC0CK> *muslim
[2016-11-02 17:46:43] <P3TC0CK> :)
[2016-11-02 17:46:50] <Schweini_for_Hillary> pretty good, shows how you can lear
n from your mistakes
[2016-11-02 17:46:55] <yat> On 14 January 2015 it was reported that 26 mosques i
n France had been subject to attack since the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris.[4
[2016-11-02 17:46:57] <yat> lol
[2016-11-02 17:46:57] <Naenil> http://www.tcpalm.com/story/news/crime/st-lucie-c
[2016-11-02 17:46:59] <Naenil> \_()_/
[2016-11-02 17:47:00] <Schweini_for_Hillary> and that kurds actually take NOTE
[2016-11-02 17:47:08] <yat> 26 mosques since 2015 Naenil wew
[2016-11-02 17:47:15] <P3TC0CK> they just kill/torture/ and deport people they d

on t agree with
[2016-11-02 17:47:21] <mzrxa> fastaqeem vs zinki who d you be supporting P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 17:47:21] <P3TC0CK> based on secular values now Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-11-02 17:47:26] <P3TC0CK> fastaqem
[2016-11-02 17:47:28] IG joined (IG@user/IG)
[2016-11-02 17:47:28] * veronica.snoonet.org set +v IG
[2016-11-02 17:47:28] <Schweini_for_Hillary> proofs
[2016-11-02 17:47:32] <ecross> An Asayish a day keeps the enemies of Apo away
[2016-11-02 17:47:33] <P3TC0CK> ENKS
[2016-11-02 17:47:44] <P3TC0CK> how is their leader Schweini_for_Hillary
[2016-11-02 17:47:50] <Eck> yat I don t blame them after all of that shit, the t
ruck and calais etc giving muslims a bad name
[2016-11-02 17:47:51] <Schweini_for_Hillary> ENKS deserves to be tortured tho 8)
[2016-11-02 17:48:07] <P3TC0CK> wow Jash kurds criticizing other jash kurds
[2016-11-02 17:48:09] <P3TC0CK> shame
[2016-11-02 17:48:16] <Naenil> https://www.aclu.org/map/nationwide-anti-mosque-a
ctivity check that yat
[2016-11-02 17:48:18] <Schweini_for_Hillary> wow
[2016-11-02 17:48:26] <Schweini_for_Hillary> typical sunni arab pointing fingers
[2016-11-02 17:48:27] <Schweini_for_Hillary> !!
[2016-11-02 17:48:28] <Schweini_for_Hillary> 11
[2016-11-02 17:48:29] <ecross> https://twitter.com/arbetarsolidare
[2016-11-02 17:48:32] <ecross> Hahaha MADNESS
[2016-11-02 17:48:44] <Eck> democracy
[2016-11-02 17:48:50] <yat> Naenil, The Christian Civil Liberties Union opposed
a planned mosque on the ground that theres going to be . . . bloodshed one of thes
e years coming up.
[2016-11-02 17:48:53] <yat> they count this shit
[2016-11-02 17:48:54] <yat> lmao
[2016-11-02 17:48:56] <Naenil> Watauga, July 2016
[2016-11-02 17:48:56] <Naenil> Police are looking into a voicemail that threaten
ed to murder members of the mosque and that suggested there should be another Ch
ristian Crusade.
[2016-11-02 17:49:01] <ecross> Apparently this guy is some fucked up Scandinavia
n retard who pretends to be a pro KCK Kurd
[2016-11-02 17:49:05] <yat> they count trolls wew
[2016-11-02 17:49:10] <Schweini_for_Hillary> thats correct ecross
[2016-11-02 17:49:12] <yat> 26 actual mosques burnt in france
[2016-11-02 17:49:18] <yat> and u give me emails and voicemails
[2016-11-02 17:49:22] <ecross> Schweini_for_Hillary: Idiot was calling for genoc
ide earlier
[2016-11-02 17:49:22] <Eck> ecross is that hevalno
[2016-11-02 17:49:23] <yat> yes that is comparable Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:49:23] <Eck> lol
[2016-11-02 17:49:41] <Naenil> Don t tell me america is a paradise for muslims
[2016-11-02 17:49:42] <Schweini_for_Hillary> i blocked him once then he begged m
e to unblock and that he was gonna be civil ecross
[2016-11-02 17:49:49] <ecross> Eck: I don t think hevalno is that retarded
[2016-11-02 17:49:52] <Schweini_for_Hillary> via some other account
[2016-11-02 17:49:52] <Naenil> They almost got pogromm d after 2001
[2016-11-02 17:50:02] <Eck> citation needed ecross
[2016-11-02 17:50:05] <P3TC0CK> mzrxa why
[2016-11-02 17:50:05] <ecross> Schweini_for_Hillary: I think his account was sus
pended and this is a new account
[2016-11-02 17:50:16] <yat> lol what Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:50:18] <Schweini_for_Hillary> likely
[2016-11-02 17:50:18] <yat> no
[2016-11-02 17:50:25] <yat> america is great to muslims
[2016-11-02 17:50:33] <Schweini_for_Hillary> bomb them

[2016-11-02 17:50:43] <Naenil> http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/12/22/us/

[2016-11-02 17:50:49] <yat> the democratic party had a muslim keynote speaker :)
[2016-11-02 17:50:55] <Eck> americans are scared of muslims
[2016-11-02 17:50:58] <Eck> even their soldiers
[2016-11-02 17:51:08] <ecross> Eck: I love that scene from The Dictator
[2016-11-02 17:51:10] <yat> A resident organized a Facebook page against Islam a
nd confronted those attending Friday prayer at the towns first mosque. Members of
the Facebook group have threatened to throw bacon at the mosque.
[2016-11-02 17:51:10] <Schweini_for_Hillary> thats how it should be
[2016-11-02 17:51:11] <yat> lmao
[2016-11-02 17:51:12] <Eck> a b u g h r a I b
[2016-11-02 17:51:15] <dumbass> yeah because juba killed so many american soldie
[2016-11-02 17:51:19] <dumbass> who wouldnt be afraid
[2016-11-02 17:51:26] <mzrxa> just saw the news, don t really know the differenc
e between them and you know your rebels
[2016-11-02 17:51:31] <yat> random trolls = all america
[2016-11-02 17:51:34] <Schweini_for_Hillary> kill them before they lay eggs
[2016-11-02 17:51:35] <ecross> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdKm5lBb2ek
[2016-11-02 17:51:37] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] THE DICTATOR - Official Clip - "Helicopter Rid
e" - length 4m 7s - 3,174 likes, 62 dislikes (98.1%) - 597,303 views - RepublicOfWadiya o
n 2012.05.14
[2016-11-02 17:51:44] <Cioran> Have any of you noticed how the Islamic State kin
d of engages in bid3ah?
[2016-11-02 17:51:51] <Naenil> random trolls=all france too I gues
[2016-11-02 17:51:58] <Cioran> When performing these pep talk/hands on each othe
r oaths?
[2016-11-02 17:52:03] <Naenil> I could use the arguments you use to declect yat
[2016-11-02 17:52:09] <Naenil> deflect
[2016-11-02 17:52:17] <Dune> or just use the bot
[2016-11-02 17:52:19] <Dune> .in yat
[2016-11-02 17:52:20] <wqzz> yat, You re so ugly, your mother had to tie a steak
around your neck to get the dog to play with you!
[2016-11-02 17:52:27] <Dune> woah
[2016-11-02 17:52:29] <Schweini_for_Hillary> .in (   )
[2016-11-02 17:52:32] <Naenil> Damn that s rudze
[2016-11-02 17:52:36] <Dune> pretty rude
[2016-11-02 17:52:37] <Eck> lmfao
[2016-11-02 17:52:42] <Dune> usually softer
[2016-11-02 17:52:46] <Naenil> Wtf this bot
[2016-11-02 17:52:47] <yat> yeah Naenil bc the US legislates what muslim women c
an wear 2 the beach right
[2016-11-02 17:52:52] <Eck> .in Dune
[2016-11-02 17:52:52] <wqzz> Dune, I heard your parents took you to a dog show a
nd you won.
[2016-11-02 17:52:55] <Naenil> Well, it soon will yat
[2016-11-02 17:52:57] <Eck> reee
[2016-11-02 17:53:00] <Dune> lulz
[2016-11-02 17:53:02] <Naenil> When the trump movement will crystallize
[2016-11-02 17:53:02] <yat> lol Naenil no it wont
[2016-11-02 17:53:08] <Eck> .insult Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:53:08] <wqzz> Naenil, Shouldn t you have a license for being that
[2016-11-02 17:53:27] <Dune> wqzz likes to call ppl ugly
[2016-11-02 17:53:36] <Naenil> .in Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:53:36] <wqzz> Naenil, You didn t fall out of the stupid tree. You
were dragged through dumbass forest.
[2016-11-02 17:53:37] <yat> Police received at least one anonymous call reportin
g a threat to the Muslim Association of Puget Sound.

[2016-11-02 17:53:38] <Cioran> lol, a guy in one of the new IS videos just shoul
der fired a recoilless rifle, impressive
[2016-11-02 17:53:42] <yat> lol
[2016-11-02 17:53:46] <Dune> lol
[2016-11-02 17:53:53] <Naenil> That s fuckin savage lmfao
[2016-11-02 17:53:55] <Dune> wqzz pinging dumbass
[2016-11-02 17:53:57] <Naenil> Where they get these
[2016-11-02 17:54:10] <Naenil> .g gonzobot
[2016-11-02 17:54:10] <wqzz> Naenil: https://www.reddit.com/user/Gonzobot -- over
view for Gonzobot - Reddit: "Gonzobot 32 post karma 93,062 comment karma send a p
rivate message redditor for 6 years. gifts on behalf of /u/Gonzobot have helped
pay for 216.25..."
[2016-11-02 17:54:13] <Eck> .insult P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 17:54:13] <wqzz> P3TC0CK, It s better to let someone think you are a
n Idiot than to open your mouth and prove it.
[2016-11-02 17:54:19] <Dune> .in Bashar
[2016-11-02 17:54:19] <wqzz> Bashar, Looks like you fell off the ugly tree and h
it every branch on the way down.
[2016-11-02 17:54:19] <Eck> ^ this
[2016-11-02 17:54:22] <dumbass> kick wqzz
[2016-11-02 17:54:33] <Naenil> .g gonzobot github
[2016-11-02 17:54:33] <wqzz> Naenil: https://github.com/snoonetIRC/CloudBot -- Gi
tHub - snoonetIRC/CloudBot: CloudBot - The simple, fast...: "snoonetIRC / CloudBo
t forked from edwardslabs/CloudBot. Code. ... gonzobot-dev (unstable): This ...
please open a issue here on Github and contact us..."
[2016-11-02 17:55:01] <Dune> .insult wqzz
[2016-11-02 17:55:01] <wqzz> Dune, There are more calories in your stomach than
in the local supermarket!
[2016-11-02 17:55:08] <Dune> fuck off
[2016-11-02 17:55:17] <Eck> lOL
[2016-11-02 17:55:29] <mzrxa> .insult wqzz
[2016-11-02 17:55:29] <wqzz> mzrxa, Learn from your parents mistakes - use birt
h control!
[2016-11-02 17:55:41] <mzrxa> rude
[2016-11-02 17:55:41] <Naenil> .spank Eck
[2016-11-02 17:55:41] wqzz grabs Eck and paddles them ten times with a hickory t
ree switch.
[2016-11-02 17:55:46] <Naenil> damn we have this
[2016-11-02 17:55:48] <Eck> .y
[2016-11-02 17:55:51] <Eck> .w
[2016-11-02 17:55:52] <Schweini_for_Hillary> is it finally over
[2016-11-02 17:55:56] Jenkins joined (Jenkins@syriancivilwar/Jenkins)
[2016-11-02 17:55:56] * protectandserve.snoonet.org set +v Jenkins
[2016-11-02 17:55:56] * Bashar set +o Jenkins
[2016-11-02 17:55:57] <Eck> .help
[2016-11-02 17:56:02] <Dune> .roll 666 666.1
[2016-11-02 17:56:03] <Eck> .milk Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:56:03] wqzz milks Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:56:08] <mzrxa> .kek
[2016-11-02 17:56:11] <Naenil> .dice 5d6
[2016-11-02 17:56:11] <wqzz> Naenil: 22 (5, 3, 5, 5, 4)
[2016-11-02 17:56:24] <Eck> .turkbir
[2016-11-02 17:56:24] <wqzz> cCc ATATRK EKBER cCc
[2016-11-02 17:56:30] <mzrxa> is there a list somewhere ?
[2016-11-02 17:56:32] <Dune> .dice 2b4u
[2016-11-02 17:56:37] <Eck> type .help mzrxa
[2016-11-02 17:56:41] <mzrxa> .help
[2016-11-02 17:56:43] * dumbass is now known as Bugglar
[2016-11-02 17:56:45] <mzrxa> .wew
[2016-11-02 17:56:48] <Naenil> .flip yat

[2016-11-02 17:56:48] <wqzz> (

[2016-11-02 17:56:57] <Eck> .smaug Naenil

[2016-11-02 17:56:57] <wqzz> Naenil: Fuck you, you backstabbing, cop killing, do
pe pushing, kid snatching, unibrowed, jash cuck shabiha scum. I hope Nusra Kills
you all.
[2016-11-02 17:56:57] <Dune> .yomomma
[2016-11-02 17:57:02] <Eck> LOL
[2016-11-02 17:57:08] <Dune> .yomomma yat
[2016-11-02 17:57:08] <wqzz> yat, yo momma so fat she has to use a vcr as a beep
[2016-11-02 17:57:15] <mzrxa> .schweini2
[2016-11-02 17:57:15] <wqzz> http://scw.dedion.org/memes/schweini_gets_drunk.txt
[2016-11-02 17:57:17] <Eck> rude af
[2016-11-02 17:57:37] <Naenil> .wa 1EUR in TLY
[2016-11-02 17:57:39] <Dune> !k wqzz cheering death
[2016-11-02 17:57:46] <wqzz> Naenil: No results.
[2016-11-02 17:57:49] <Naenil> .wa 1 EUR in TLY
[2016-11-02 17:57:52] <Naenil> .wa 1 EUR in TRY
[2016-11-02 17:57:55] <Schweini_for_Hillary> my skin
[2016-11-02 17:57:57] <Schweini_for_Hillary> is darker
[2016-11-02 17:57:58] <wqzz> Naenil: Result: TL3.46 (Turkish liras) - https://is
[2016-11-02 17:57:58] <Schweini_for_Hillary> than tree
[2016-11-02 17:57:59] <wqzz> Naenil: No results.
[2016-11-02 17:57:59] <Schweini_for_Hillary> bark
[2016-11-02 17:58:03] <mzrxa> .manbij
[2016-11-02 17:58:04] <Eck> .brit
[2016-11-02 17:58:04] <wqzz> https://i.imgur.com/M0Mifgl.png & https://archive.i
[2016-11-02 17:58:07] <Eck> wtf is tis
[2016-11-02 17:58:13] <Schweini_for_Hillary> who dis sucka mayne?
[2016-11-02 17:58:18] <Dune> .horoscope Naenil
[2016-11-02 17:58:19] <wqzz> Dune: Could not get the horoscope for Naenil.
[2016-11-02 17:58:20] <Naenil> .wa 1 GBP in EUR
[2016-11-02 17:58:25] <wqzz> Naenil: Result: euro1.11 (euros) - https://is.gd/py
[2016-11-02 17:58:26] <mzrxa> .amerikanets
[2016-11-02 17:58:26] <wqzz> http://i.imgur.com/hHdSJqa.jpg
[2016-11-02 17:58:38] <ecross> Schweini_for_Hillary: You let an Iranian pee on y
ou? Shameful
[2016-11-02 17:58:42] <Eck> .dadjoke
[2016-11-02 17:58:42] <wqzz> How can sea captains use amphibians? As froghorns.
[2016-11-02 17:58:43] <Eck> .cunt
[2016-11-02 17:58:52] <Eck> .cunt ecross
[2016-11-02 17:58:52] <wqzz> ecross I bet your mum dips her nachos in vaginal di
scharge you cunt
[2016-11-02 17:58:56] <Eck> oh
[2016-11-02 17:58:57] <Eck> wow
[2016-11-02 17:59:05] <Dune> wes
[2016-11-02 17:59:06] Eck closes laptop lid
[2016-11-02 17:59:06] <Schweini_for_Hillary> thats ok i pee on people from my ba
lcony all the time ecross
[2016-11-02 17:59:06] <Dune> wew
[2016-11-02 17:59:08] <Dune> that was trash
[2016-11-02 17:59:09] <mzrxa> .list
[2016-11-02 17:59:09] <wqzz> http://scw.dedion.org/quotes.txt
[2016-11-02 17:59:09] <Schweini_for_Hillary> i had it coming
[2016-11-02 17:59:11] <ecross> Eck: How dare you
[2016-11-02 17:59:19] <Naenil> I think it s from mars0z Eck

[2016-11-02 17:59:27] <ecross> Schweini_for_Hillary: You are now a Mullah

[2016-11-02 17:59:32] <Dune> .islamqa periods
[2016-11-02 17:59:32] <wqzz> https://islamqa.info/en/search?key=periods
[2016-11-02 17:59:38] <Eck> lol
[2016-11-02 17:59:47] <Schweini_for_Hillary> call me ayatollah schweini
[2016-11-02 17:59:48] <Naenil> .bible
[2016-11-02 17:59:53] <Naenil> .bible *
[2016-11-02 17:59:53] <wqzz> Naenil: Please enter a valid passage!
[2016-11-02 18:00:03] <Naenil> .in wqzz
[2016-11-02 18:00:03] <wqzz> Naenil, Why dont you shut up and give that hole in
your face a chance to heal.
[2016-11-02 18:00:04] <Cioran> When did bulldozers become such a big part of thi
s war, by the way?
[2016-11-02 18:00:05] <ecross> Schweini_for_Hillary: Will do
[2016-11-02 18:00:10] <Naenil> wow
[2016-11-02 18:00:14] <Dune> backfire
[2016-11-02 18:00:20] <Naenil> .fight wqzz
[2016-11-02 18:00:20] <wqzz> ZAM! WHACK! POW! Naenil stands victorious over wqzz
with a savage palm strike.
[2016-11-02 18:00:20] <Eck> .cunt Eck
[2016-11-02 18:00:20] <wqzz> Eck I bet your mum dips her nachos in vaginal disch
arge you cunt
[2016-11-02 18:00:27] <Eck> oh same shit
[2016-11-02 18:00:27] <Cioran> Was that a later development?
[2016-11-02 18:00:31] <Eck> stale
[2016-11-02 18:00:33] <Naenil> .quote
[2016-11-02 18:00:33] <Mossad> Quote 1552 of 2653: <YPG-Wendy> If there was a bu
tton to kill all people who think having sex with minors is ok, Turkey would be
a lifeless wasteland after I press the button with my cock
[2016-11-02 18:00:33] <Cioran> Or was it already prevalent around 2011-2012?
[2016-11-02 18:00:35] <Dune> .fight dumbass
[2016-11-02 18:00:35] <wqzz> SLAM! KAPOW! BOOM! Dune is the victor over dumbass
with a savage roundhouse kick.
[2016-11-02 18:00:45] <Naenil> .quote
[2016-11-02 18:00:46] <Mossad> Quote 119 of 2653: <&oreng> JaN is literally the
cowbell of offensive ops.
[2016-11-02 18:00:55] youssefprime joined (youssefprim@Snoonet-mdq.jft.cc5tpj.IP
[2016-11-02 18:00:55] * hobbes.snoonet.org set +v youssefprime
[2016-11-02 18:00:56] <Pruswa> Just got out of the shower
[2016-11-02 18:00:56] <Mossad> Pruswa: 21:12 <samsoninbabylon> tell Pruswa hey a
t least now the omars won t suspect you
[2016-11-02 18:00:58] <Mossad> Pruswa: 21:13 <beyw> tell Pruswa listen to samson
inbabylon if there ever is a coup, your beard will show how pious you are
[2016-11-02 18:00:59] <Pruswa> Doesn t look that way now
[2016-11-02 18:01:04] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: hey
[2016-11-02 18:01:05] <Pruswa> that bad*
[2016-11-02 18:01:05] <mzrxa> PurpleNoor: Sunnis are incompetent and lazy
[2016-11-02 18:01:09] <P3TC0CK> hi
[2016-11-02 18:01:09] <mzrxa> is that p3t ?
[2016-11-02 18:01:15] <Dune> .in P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 18:01:15] <wqzz> P3TC0CK, When anorexics see you, they think they ne
ed to go on a diet.
[2016-11-02 18:01:15] <Eck> .djkhaled
[2016-11-02 18:01:15] <wqzz> They wanna come stress me out? Heh, bye B
[2016-11-02 18:01:23] <Eck> wat
[2016-11-02 18:01:25] <samsoninbabylon> Hey guys
[2016-11-02 18:01:25] <Naenil> no that s purpleolive mzrxa
[2016-11-02 18:01:29] <mzrxa> oh
[2016-11-02 18:01:32] <Naenil> .dj

[2016-11-02 18:01:32] <wqzz> It s important to use cocoa butter.

[2016-11-02 18:01:35] <P3TC0CK> what do you need youssefprime
[2016-11-02 18:01:40] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: is the infighting right now true
[2016-11-02 18:01:42] <samsoninbabylon> yat: eating this Damn Torta
[2016-11-02 18:01:47] <youssefprime> between rebels
[2016-11-02 18:01:51] <Cioran> P3TC0CK would you consider the repetitive ISIS ri
tual of performing oaths/pep talks while stacking hands a form of bid3ah?
[2016-11-02 18:01:52] <P3TC0CK> where youssefprime
[2016-11-02 18:01:57] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: aleppo
[2016-11-02 18:02:03] <Cioran> They tend to swear by Allaah
[2016-11-02 18:02:04] <P3TC0CK> haven t heard anything
[2016-11-02 18:02:04] <youssefprime> between zenki and fastawem
[2016-11-02 18:02:10] <Eck> .minuspts
[2016-11-02 18:02:10] <wqzz> Eck:
[2016-11-02 18:02:14] <Eck> wat
[2016-11-02 18:02:15] <youssefprime> https://twitter.com/archicivilians/status/7
[2016-11-02 18:02:15] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @archicivilians (archicivilians): #Syria: I
nfighting between 2 Opposition factions inside #Aleppo; Fastaqem Union &amp; Zen
ki Movement; after one of Zenk https://t.co/oJm2u5Tcre (1 hour and 14 minutes ago
[2016-11-02 18:02:18] <yat> how is it samsoninbabylon and whats in it
[2016-11-02 18:02:23] <mzrxa> iwas asking about that P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 18:02:38] <Eck> .minuspts 1
[2016-11-02 18:02:38] <wqzz> Eck:
[2016-11-02 18:02:39] <ecross> A-P-O
[2016-11-02 18:02:44] <Eck> wtf is this
[2016-11-02 18:02:51] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/BeyondTheLevant/status/793919
145247174657 yat kek
[2016-11-02 18:02:51] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @BeyondTheLevant (Beyond The Levant): It "b
egins..." https://t.co/oboETHGxuD (1 hour and 8 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 18:02:59] <Dune> .pout
[2016-11-02 18:02:59] <wqzz> http://i.imgur.com/PKpY0KL.jpg
[2016-11-02 18:03:00] <samsoninbabylon> Pretty good yat pretty basic, chicken ch
eese tomato lettuce onion etc
[2016-11-02 18:03:01] <Naenil> err I wanted to link that to Pruswa
[2016-11-02 18:03:02] <yat> lol Naenil
[2016-11-02 18:03:09] <Naenil> but still cute yat
[2016-11-02 18:03:09] <ecross> Pruswa: Hi
[2016-11-02 18:03:10] <P3TC0CK> I ll ask fastaqem union youssefprime
[2016-11-02 18:03:14] <Dune> .pruswa
[2016-11-02 18:03:14] <wqzz> http://scw.dedion.org/memes/pruswa.gif
[2016-11-02 18:03:17] <youssefprime> >ill ask
[2016-11-02 18:03:18] <youssefprime> what
[2016-11-02 18:03:20] <youssefprime> u have cobtacts ?
[2016-11-02 18:03:22] <Naenil> iraqis are cute, now they think they are a nation
and want to take out turkey youssefprime
[2016-11-02 18:03:22] <youssefprime> contacts*
[2016-11-02 18:03:25] <Naenil> yat
[2016-11-02 18:03:34] <ecross> Pruswa: Did MIT contact you yet?
[2016-11-02 18:03:57] <P3TC0CK> kind of youssefprime, they talk to me on Twitter
[2016-11-02 18:04:03] <youssefprime> ahh
[2016-11-02 18:04:08] <P3TC0CK> 1 commander and 1 of their media accounts
[2016-11-02 18:04:17] <youssefprime> no wonder they didint let u in the US lmao
[2016-11-02 18:04:23] <yat> if u want a fire torta, get a bolillo with beans, ch
eese, fresh avocado, fresh salsa, red onions and add meat if u want to
[2016-11-02 18:04:24] <ecross> We should have partitioned Iraq into three tbh
[2016-11-02 18:04:25] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/AP_Planner/status/79387098610

[2016-11-02 18:04:25] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @AP_Planner (AP Planner): Tomorrow: National
Sandwich Day (4 hours and 21 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 18:04:28] <yat> so baaaaaamb
[2016-11-02 18:04:30] <ecross> Leaded, unleaded and diesel
[2016-11-02 18:04:35] <Naenil> It will happen eventually ecross
[2016-11-02 18:04:36] <Naenil> lmao
[2016-11-02 18:04:41] <samsoninbabylon> Yay yeah I need to step up
[2016-11-02 18:04:44] <Naenil> .addquote <ecross> We should have partitioned Ira
q into three tbh <ecross> Leaded, unleaded and diesel
[2016-11-02 18:04:44] <Eck> I might have a bacon sandwich tomorrow
[2016-11-02 18:04:45] <Mossad> Naenil: Quote added.
[2016-11-02 18:04:53] <samsoninbabylon> P3TC0CK: why d you get banned from US
[2016-11-02 18:05:05] <Eck> because he s literally IS samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 18:05:07] <Eck> isn t it obvious
[2016-11-02 18:05:13] <Schweini_for_Hillary> https://twitter.com/loveconcursall/
[2016-11-02 18:05:13] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @loveconcursall (Lara Stuart-Mller): You hav
en t seen anything yet YPG. FSA is busy. They re going to get to you for your to
rturing Arabs to death. #syria (3 hours and 32 minutes ago)
[2016-11-02 18:05:32] <youssefprime> like
[2016-11-02 18:05:34] <youssefprime> LITERALLY ISIS
[2016-11-02 18:05:41] <mzrxa> smuggling IEDs
[2016-11-02 18:05:43] <youssefprime> Sunni = ISIS
[2016-11-02 18:05:44] <Cioran> > German name
[2016-11-02 18:05:44] <Eck> wtf are kurds if they aren t arabic?
[2016-11-02 18:06:04] <Muzzly> iranians
[2016-11-02 18:06:04] <P3TC0CK> no idea samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 18:06:07] <Muzzly> i mean mountain turks
[2016-11-02 18:06:11] <Eck> wew
[2016-11-02 18:06:15] <samsoninbabylon> P3TC0CK: how did you find out?
[2016-11-02 18:06:15] <ecross> Kurds are Mexicans basically
[2016-11-02 18:06:22] <Muzzly> no but they literally are iranians
[2016-11-02 18:06:23] <Eck> the whole region was ottoman empire
[2016-11-02 18:06:31] <ecross> Muzzly: Yeah that is /s true
[2016-11-02 18:06:35] <P3TC0CK> I didn t get "banned" they stop be from boarding
a plane samsoninbabylon, no idea if I can cross the border samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 18:06:36] <yat> i know a mexican kud ecross
[2016-11-02 18:06:42] <Muzzly> their language is iranic
[2016-11-02 18:06:44] <Eck> they all come from the same kebab shop Muzzly
[2016-11-02 18:06:45] <samsoninbabylon> P3TC0CK: lmaooo
[2016-11-02 18:06:49] <Muzzly> dunno why the /s
[2016-11-02 18:06:52] <nee4speed111> They were Iranic along time ago
[2016-11-02 18:07:01] <Muzzly> sorani is still an iranic language
[2016-11-02 18:07:02] <samsoninbabylon> TSA finally doing a good job
[2016-11-02 18:07:03] <Cioran> Indo-Iranian*
[2016-11-02 18:07:09] <nee4speed111> Yeah same language family
[2016-11-02 18:07:10] <mzrxa> can they do that ? like not even give you a reason
[2016-11-02 18:07:12] <yat> idk tho mexicans have a country
[2016-11-02 18:07:13] <Eck> persian*
[2016-11-02 18:07:16] <yat> kurds are more like
[2016-11-02 18:07:17] <Eck> iran is a relatively new concept
[2016-11-02 18:07:17] <Muzzly> thats what im saying
[2016-11-02 18:07:18] <P3TC0CK> youssefprime its true
[2016-11-02 18:07:21] <yat> kurds
[2016-11-02 18:07:22] <nee4speed111> I don t think its mutually legibile though
[2016-11-02 18:07:23] FreeDory joined (FreeDory@user/FreeDory)
[2016-11-02 18:07:23] * cosmos.snoonet.org set +v FreeDory

[2016-11-02 18:07:26] <Muzzly> lol Eck

[2016-11-02 18:07:28] <nee4speed111> Like can they understand each other?
[2016-11-02 18:07:29] <youssefprime> P3TC0CK: ahhh YES
[2016-11-02 18:07:29] <Muzzly> its the other way around
[2016-11-02 18:07:30] <P3TC0CK> they just told me "security" mzrxa
[2016-11-02 18:07:31] <youssefprime> great
[2016-11-02 18:07:32] <nee4speed111> Kuds and Iranians?
[2016-11-02 18:07:34] <youssefprime> thanks P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 18:07:38] <Cioran> nee4speed111 no
[2016-11-02 18:07:38] <Muzzly> they are to a degree nee4speed111
[2016-11-02 18:07:43] <Muzzly> only sorani tho
[2016-11-02 18:07:43] <youssefprime> hey guys http://imgur.com/TGjJL8m
[2016-11-02 18:07:44] <Cioran> Too different
[2016-11-02 18:07:45] <youssefprime> LMAO
[2016-11-02 18:07:45] <Muzzly> not kurmanji
[2016-11-02 18:07:47] <nee4speed111> fair enough
[2016-11-02 18:07:52] <P3TC0CK> I had to send a complaint mzrxa and I m still wa
iting on a response mzrxa
[2016-11-02 18:07:53] <FreeDory> P3TC0CK what happened?
[2016-11-02 18:07:55] <ecross> yet: It would not surprise me, AFAIK a lot of peo
ple moved from Ottoman lands into Mexico at the beginning of the 20th century
[2016-11-02 18:07:55] <wqzz>  ( ) YA AL LAH
[2016-11-02 18:07:55] <samsoninbabylon> P3TC0CK: i mean... you do support AQ
[2016-11-02 18:07:57] <ecross> .ban
[2016-11-02 18:07:57] <wqzz> ecross you shot an Islamist in 2.616 seconds! You h
ave killed 3 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 18:07:58] <nee4speed111> .bef
[2016-11-02 18:07:58] <wqzz> nee4speed111: You tried befriending a non-existent
Islamist, that s fucking creepy.
[2016-11-02 18:07:58] <samsoninbabylon> .ban
[2016-11-02 18:07:58] <wqzz> samsoninbabylon: There is no Islamist. What are you
shooting at?
[2016-11-02 18:08:00] <FreeDory> .bef
[2016-11-02 18:08:00] <wqzz> FreeDory: You tried befriending a non-existent Isla
mist, that s fucking creepy.
[2016-11-02 18:08:05] <Eck> teach me some kurmanji lets play jumanji
[2016-11-02 18:08:14] <P3TC0CK> I only support FSA samsoninbabylon
[2016-11-02 18:08:16] <P3TC0CK> :)
[2016-11-02 18:08:20] <nee4speed111> Many levantines moved to South America in t
he 19th century
[2016-11-02 18:08:20] <mzrxa> cool
[2016-11-02 18:08:22] <youssefprime> suuurrree
[2016-11-02 18:08:22] <Eck> and the rest p3t
[2016-11-02 18:08:24] <nee4speed111> And early 0th
[2016-11-02 18:08:26] <P3TC0CK> FreeDory my flight thing
[2016-11-02 18:08:28] <nee4speed111> 20th*
[2016-11-02 18:08:29] <P3TC0CK> from april
[2016-11-02 18:08:36] <nee4speed111> I don t know if they moved to mexico though
[2016-11-02 18:08:40] <nee4speed111> .g mexican arabs
[2016-11-02 18:08:40] <samsoninbabylon> P3TC0CK: you ve literally told me you su
pported AQ (JFS) because they are holding aleppo
[2016-11-02 18:08:40] <wqzz> nee4speed111: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Me
xican -- Arab Mexicans - Wikipedia: "Arab Mexicans refers to Mexican citizens of A
rabic-speaking origin who can be of various ancestral origins. The vast majority
of Mexico s 1,100,000..."
[2016-11-02 18:08:41] <Eck> .smaug P3TC0CK
[2016-11-02 18:08:42] <wqzz> P3TC0CK: Fuck you, you backstabbing, cop killing, d
ope pushing, kid snatching, unibrowed, jash cuck shabiha scum. I hope Nusra Kill
s you all.
[2016-11-02 18:08:55] <FreeDory> Oh, P3TC0CK did something new come of it?

[2016-11-02 18:09:01] <ecross> That Mexican telco billionaire is a descendant of

a Syrian-Ottoman family I think
[2016-11-02 18:09:08] <nee4speed111> wow, there are 1,100,000 arab mexicans
[2016-11-02 18:09:08] <P3TC0CK> no still waiting on a response FreeDory
[2016-11-02 18:09:18] <nee4speed111> Do you know any arab mexicans yat
[2016-11-02 18:09:20] <yat> hes maronite ecross
[2016-11-02 18:09:23] <P3TC0CK> all mexicans are arabs
[2016-11-02 18:09:30] <samsoninbabylon> ^
[2016-11-02 18:09:30] <germanperson> After a painful scalp reduction surgery to
remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously us
ed the same plastic surgeon.
[2016-11-02 18:09:31] <germanperson> Your fucking doctor has ruined me! Trump crie
[2016-11-02 18:09:31] <germanperson> What followed was a violent assault, accordin
g to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivanas arms and began to pull out fistfuls of
hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He
tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.
[2016-11-02 18:09:31] <germanperson> Then he jams his penis inside her for the fi
rst time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified It is a violent assault,
Hurt writes. According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes
, he raped me.
[2016-11-02 18:09:31] <P3TC0CK> just like all spaniards
[2016-11-02 18:09:34] <yat> yeah nee4speed111 my family is arab mexican but most
mexicans have arab blood
[2016-11-02 18:09:36] <mzrxa> there are 7million libano-brasileiros and 4million
in lebanon
[2016-11-02 18:09:36] <germanperson> what the fuck?
[2016-11-02 18:09:42] <nee4speed111> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f
[2016-11-02 18:09:43] <ecross> Steve Jobs is also Syrian by lineage
[2016-11-02 18:09:45] <nee4speed111> This is the best thing ever
[2016-11-02 18:09:46] <P3TC0CK> lmao germanperson
[2016-11-02 18:09:47] <ecross> Was, rather
[2016-11-02 18:09:47] <P3TC0CK> wtf
[2016-11-02 18:09:48] <P3TC0CK> link
[2016-11-02 18:10:03] <germanperson> http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/
[2016-11-02 18:10:13] <P3TC0CK> lmao
[2016-11-02 18:10:15] <P3TC0CK> trump
[2016-11-02 18:10:16] <ecross> His family migrated from Syria and then put him u
p for adoption
[2016-11-02 18:10:16] <P3TC0CK> literally
[2016-11-02 18:10:17] <P3TC0CK> a rapist
[2016-11-02 18:10:18] <P3TC0CK> sad!
[2016-11-02 18:10:23] <yat> our most famous dish is an arab inspired dish nee4sp
[2016-11-02 18:10:27] <yat> .g al pastor
[2016-11-02 18:10:27] <wqzz> yat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_pastor -- Al p
astor - Wikipedia: "Al pastor (from Spanish, lit. In the style of the shepherd),
also known as tacos al pastor, is a dish developed in Central Mexico, likely as
a result..."
[2016-11-02 18:10:38] <Eck> steve jobs family moved to syria from morroco
[2016-11-02 18:10:49] <ecross> Yeah Ivana was talking about how good sex with Tr
ump is back in the day
[2016-11-02 18:11:11] <nee4speed111> nice
[2016-11-02 18:11:13] <mzrxa> that s shawarma
[2016-11-02 18:11:18] <Cioran> Wait, there was a new Baghdaadii audio release?
[2016-11-02 18:11:22] <nee4speed111> Lebanese diaspora went everywhere yat
[2016-11-02 18:11:37] <Cioran> He rarel makes an appearance in the videos
[2016-11-02 18:11:39] <Eck> if the background doesn t echo Cioran then it s fake

[2016-11-02 18:11:42] <Cioran> rarely*

[2016-11-02 18:11:42] <yat> yeah fuckin lebs nee4speed111
[2016-11-02 18:11:46] <Eck> he s hiding in tunnels atm
[2016-11-02 18:11:51] <P3TC0CK> FUCKIN LEBS
[2016-11-02 18:11:59] <mzrxa> =D
[2016-11-02 18:12:02] <ecross> Eck: You mean IS Subway
[2016-11-02 18:12:08] <Eck> yeah that
[2016-11-02 18:12:19] <Eck> the IS subway in the mosul diamond mine
[2016-11-02 18:13:21] <Eck> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zic64WhR14k
[2016-11-02 18:13:21] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Intel Officer Steve Pieczenik Talks Hillary Co
up - length 33m 31s - 3,011 likes, 62 dislikes (98.0%) - 27,657 views - The Alex Jones C
hannel on 2016.11.02
[2016-11-02 18:13:24] <Eck> lmfao
[2016-11-02 18:14:08] <P3TC0CK> .yt eck is a retard
[2016-11-02 18:14:08] <wqzz> P3TC0CK: [5You0Tube] lubeeloo s BF4 RETARD TIME!! - length 8
m 5s - 1 like, 0 dislikes (100.0%) - 5 views - ECK Jam on 2016.02.07 - http://youtu.be/_k
[2016-11-02 18:14:27] <Eck> .g p3tc0ck a jash terrorist
[2016-11-02 18:14:28] <wqzz> Eck: http://pastebin.com/qMUX5jFv --  oreng use your
jew magic : " OK tbh my life didn t change much after I got a job, I go to work
fuck around for like 8 hours get yelled at in arabic, go home and play video gam
[2016-11-02 18:14:33] <Eck> wew
[2016-11-02 18:14:52] <P3TC0CK> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbiWHtaYZo4 yat
this looks like you
[2016-11-02 18:14:52] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Dance Like a 90 s Goth With Me - length 4m 25s 2,349 likes, 162 dislikes (93.5%) - 62,934 views - Angela Benedict on 2016.09.21
[2016-11-02 18:14:56] <Eck> <P3TC0CK> OK tbh my life didn t change much after I
got a job, I go to work fuck around for like 8 hours get yelled at in arabic, go
home and play video games in my underwear.
[2016-11-02 18:14:58] <Eck> LMFAO
[2016-11-02 18:15:11] <Eck> .addquote <P3TC0CK> OK tbh my life didn t change muc
h after I got a job, I go to work fuck around for like 8 hours get yelled at in
arabic, go home and play video games in my underwear.
[2016-11-02 18:15:12] <Mossad> Eck: Quote added.
[2016-11-02 18:15:17] <P3TC0CK> that is a quote
[2016-11-02 18:15:18] <P3TC0CK> yo uidiot
[2016-11-02 18:15:23] <Naenil> .quote
[2016-11-02 18:15:23] <Mossad> Quote 1242 of 2655: <Schweini_In_Metina> should i
delete all the porn on my 500gb external and replace with dank ypg footage or n
[2016-11-02 18:15:25] <P3TC0CK> can someone ban eck?
[2016-11-02 18:15:29] <Naenil> .rmquote 2655
[2016-11-02 18:15:29] <Mossad> Naenil: Successfully deleted quote 2655.
[2016-11-02 18:15:36] <P3TC0CK> it s literally my first quote eck
[2016-11-02 18:16:11] <Cioran> Wow, the way Baghdaadii pronounces Maw9ul
[2016-11-02 18:16:13] <mzrxa> your canadian boss yells in arabic ?
[2016-11-02 18:16:17] <P3TC0CK> no
[2016-11-02 18:16:24] <P3TC0CK> that quote is from when I worked in dubai
[2016-11-02 18:16:27] <mzrxa> oh
[2016-11-02 18:16:29] <P3TC0CK> like 1.5 years ago
[2016-11-02 18:16:43] <P3TC0CK> he literally just found the quore list mzrx
[2016-11-02 18:16:44] <P3TC0CK> a
[2016-11-02 18:16:45] taha joined (taha@user/taha)
[2016-11-02 18:16:45] * athena.snoonet.org set +v taha
[2016-11-02 18:16:45] <P3TC0CK> lmao
[2016-11-02 18:16:46] <Eck> how did you get into dubai with an israeli passport
[2016-11-02 18:16:56] <P3TC0CK> the same way I got in your mom
[2016-11-02 18:16:57] <P3TC0CK> with my dick

[2016-11-02 18:17:24] <mzrxa> https://youtu.be/w4NEzBEdDvA

[2016-11-02 18:17:24] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] 
[2016-11-02 18:17:31] <mzrxa> harakit amal in syria that s new
[2016-11-02 18:17:36] youssefprime quit (youssefprim@Snoonet-mdq.jft.cc5tpj.IP):
Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 18:17:57] <Eck> edgy
[2016-11-02 18:18:24] <Naenil> .tell winnilourson https://twitter.com/PatriceRoy
[2016-11-02 18:18:24] <Mossad> Naenil: I ll pass that on when winnilourson is ar
[2016-11-02 18:18:34] <Eck> >p3t admitting he fucked his way into dubai
[2016-11-02 18:18:59] <FreeDory> Gay arabs are the dirtiest gays
[2016-11-02 18:19:08] <FreeDory> they re all subs
[2016-11-02 18:19:12] <P3TC0CK> no I arrived with it eck
[2016-11-02 18:19:28] <P3TC0CK> I also arrived in ur mum
[2016-11-02 18:19:30] <P3TC0CK> .lenny
[2016-11-02 18:19:30] <wqzz> (   )
[2016-11-02 18:19:40] <Eck> you arrived with a gay arab?
[2016-11-02 18:19:48] <FreeDory> .lenny
[2016-11-02 18:19:48] <wqzz>    [2016-11-02 18:19:51] <P3TC0CK> .flenny
[2016-11-02 18:19:51] <wqzz> (

[2016-11-02 18:19:52] <FreeDory> .lenny
[2016-11-02 18:19:52] <wqzz> (     )
[2016-11-02 18:19:54] <FreeDory> .flenny
[2016-11-02 18:19:55] <wqzz> (
~ _ ~
[2016-11-02 18:19:57] <P3TC0CK> .flenny
[2016-11-02 18:19:57] <wqzz> ( 

[2016-11-02 18:20:04] <P3TC0CK> master flenny
[2016-11-02 18:20:09] <Naenil> http://www.rawstory.com/2016/11/deplorable-suspec
yat wtf
[2016-11-02 18:20:20] <mzrxa> https://twitter.com/tobiaschneider/status/79393835
[2016-11-02 18:20:20] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @tobiaschneider (Tobias Schneider): Fightin
g between Fastaqim Union and Zenki spreading from inside Aleppo to Idlib and bey
ond - no way this will end well for FSA-aligned FKO. (9 minutes and 51 seconds a
[2016-11-02 18:20:20] <Naenil> "Some guy planted Trump-Pence sign at a polling s
ite, knowing it d be taken down. It was rigged with boxcutter blades"
[2016-11-02 18:20:27] <mzrxa> TO INFINITY AND BEYOND
[2016-11-02 18:20:34] <Eck> rigged
[2016-11-02 18:20:36] <Eck> >rigged
[2016-11-02 18:21:19] <Eck> anyone seen the redacted clinton files yet
[2016-11-02 18:21:21] <Eck> she s corrupt af
[2016-11-02 18:21:28] <Eck> fbi files
[2016-11-02 18:22:42] <ecross> How is she corrupt
[2016-11-02 18:22:47] <Eck> lol
[2016-11-02 18:22:52] <Eck> was that a joke
[2016-11-02 18:23:20] ree joined (ree@Snoonet-t87.6tu.0394h6.IP)
[2016-11-02 18:23:31] <yat> wew Naenil
[2016-11-02 18:23:39] <Naenil> m e a n yat
[2016-11-02 18:23:55] <Eck> naenil is my buddy
[2016-11-02 18:23:59] <Eck> I love him with all of my noor
[2016-11-02 18:24:01] <P3TC0CK> mzrxa it s not accurate
[2016-11-02 18:24:05] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/TimInHonolulu/status/79393609
4219812864 yat what
[2016-11-02 18:24:05] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @TimInHonolulu (Tim Hogan): One correction:
If #Trump is elected then Montana, North and South #Dakota and #Wyoming will be
gone in a Russian I https://t.co/uoh7DWMcpo (22 minutes and 35 seconds ago)

[2016-11-02 18:24:27] <germanperson> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwSNCAqWIAAZcRy

[2016-11-02 18:24:59] <P3TC0CK> .tell youssefprime https://themoscowtimes.com/ar
[2016-11-02 18:24:59] <Mossad> P3TC0CK: I ll pass that on when youssefprime is a
[2016-11-02 18:25:46] <Naenil> https://twitter.com/LCarabinier/status/7939401724
59175936 !!!!
[2016-11-02 18:25:46] <mzrxa> do you know what was the fighting about P3TC0CK ?
[2016-11-02 18:25:46] <wqzz> [10Twitter] @LCarabinier (le_carabinier): Map: #Mosul,
#Nineveh, military situation, 2 November. Full resolution: https://t.co/d8U5UzLH
QM https://t.co/qZBJ6YhvlI (8 minutes and 4 seconds ago)
[2016-11-02 18:25:54] <P3TC0CK> no idea mzrxa
[2016-11-02 18:25:56] <Naenil> holy shit those maps
[2016-11-02 18:26:05] <Naenil> hnnnnnnnnn
[2016-11-02 18:26:10] <P3TC0CK> I don t like asking groups too much on twitter
[2016-11-02 18:26:12] Zapp joined (Zapp@Snoonet-glv.an2.bl46ff.IP)
[2016-11-02 18:26:15] <Zapp> http://www.captiongenerator.com/189472/The-Grand-Fi
[2016-11-02 18:26:17] <P3TC0CK> I don t want to seem like a fuck boy
[2016-11-02 18:26:18] Zapp zap zape
[2016-11-02 18:26:21] Zapp quit (Zapp@Snoonet-glv.an2.bl46ff.IP): Quit: http://w
ww.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 18:26:29] <mzrxa> aight np
[2016-11-02 18:28:39] aff quit (aff@user/aff): Connection closed
[2016-11-02 18:29:51] <Kallipoliz> naenil such a pretty map
[2016-11-02 18:30:42] <yat> i prefer arabthommness Kallipoliz
[2016-11-02 18:30:48] <Naenil> ree
[2016-11-02 18:30:53] * Channel mode set to +R by Naenil
[2016-11-02 18:31:22] <Pruswa> Yep
[2016-11-02 18:31:26] <Pruswa> Looks much better now samsoninbabylon https://img
[2016-11-02 18:33:13] <Schweini_for_Hillary> Pruswa: nudes
[2016-11-02 18:33:27] <Pruswa> You mean fully shaved?
[2016-11-02 18:33:40] <Schweini_for_Hillary> no i mean Pruswa nudes everyone
[2016-11-02 18:33:58] <Pruswa> Well I am technically showing myself wearing no c
lothes there yea
[2016-11-02 18:35:00] <ree> Hi Guys. Does anyone have an idea about what the SDF
will be announcing tomorrow?
[2016-11-02 18:35:34] <Pruswa> They will just sing happy birthday to the Friend
[2016-11-02 18:35:37] <Tetragrammaton> what is this video about
[2016-11-02 18:36:17] <xaashi> Mfw black dude at underground pasty shop knows my
band shirt and puts on my song
[2016-11-02 18:36:43] <wqzz>  () Y A ALI
[2016-11-02 18:36:46] <Eck> .bang4
[2016-11-02 18:36:48] <Eck> .bang
[2016-11-02 18:36:48] <wqzz> Eck you shot an Islamist in 5.076 seconds! You have
killed 49 Islamists in #syriancivilwar.
[2016-11-02 18:36:48] <Tetragrammaton> xaashi what is this about http://www.capt
[2016-11-02 18:36:52] <Tetragrammaton> i dont get it
[2016-11-02 18:37:02] <xaashi> Idk
[2016-11-02 18:37:24] <Tetragrammaton> its too meta
[2016-11-02 18:37:42] Duck joined (sid3009@snoonet/staff/Duck)
[2016-11-02 18:37:42] * veronica.snoonet.org set +v Duck
[2016-11-02 18:37:43] <Dune> ree: raqqa i guess?
[2016-11-02 18:37:45] ree quit (ree@Snoonet-t87.6tu.0394h6.IP): Quit: http://www
.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 18:37:48] <Naenil> Tetragrammaton, what is your reddit username
[2016-11-02 18:37:48] <Eck> try not to click links from randomers

[2016-11-02 18:37:59] <Tetragrammaton> i guess

[2016-11-02 18:38:05] <Tetragrammaton> didnt i already send you a pm
[2016-11-02 18:38:27] * Tetragrammaton atomic_turtle
[2016-11-02 18:38:31] <ecross> Pruswa: Did you know that certain facial features
are very distinctive and one could basically identify you in mere seconds throu
gh access to database with photographs?
[2016-11-02 18:38:37] <atomic_turtle> this is my normal name
[2016-11-02 18:39:28] <Pruswa> I am pretty sure they could find me without the p
ics of they had the means to do so ecross
[2016-11-02 18:41:59] * atomic_turtle Tetragrammaton
[2016-11-02 18:42:37] <germanperson> suka
[2016-11-02 18:43:37] ecross quit (ecross@user/ecross): Quit: http://www.kiwiirc
.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client
[2016-11-02 18:45:00] <Eck> wtf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qQ3XTD-KM0
[2016-11-02 18:45:00] <wqzz> [5You0Tube] Predappio 30/10/2016 - length 1m 49s - 21 likes,
0 dislikes (100.0%) - 1,345 views - CAMICIA NERA YOUTUBE on 2016.10.31
[2016-11-02 18:45:22] <Eck> nazi parade in italy
[2016-11-02 18:49:19] <Schweini_for_Hillary> ree
[2016-11-02 18:50:31] felinebeeline joined (uid129423@user/felinebeeline)
[2016-11-02 18:50:31] * veronica.snoonet.org set +v felinebeeline
[2016-11-02 18:50:31] * Bashar set +o felinebeeline
[2016-11-02 18:50:53] * Socket closed

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