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1. Have you visited or lived in any foreign countries? Which ones?

2. Did you go anywhere or do anything fun this summer?
3. What are your hobbies?
4. What type of music do you like? What is your favorite band?
5. Whats your favorite flavor of ice cream?
6. What is your favorite type of food?
7. Are you into any activities at school? (Theater, sports, debate, etc.)
8. Have you seen any good concerts or sporting events lately?
9. What is your favorite movie?
10. What type of food do you hate?
11. If you were marooned on a desert island and could only have three songs to listen to,
which ones would they be?
12. What would you like to learn in this class?
13. Is there anything that I need to know about you?
14. Is there anything you would like to know about me?

Please feel free to use the back if you need more space.

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