Teks Bandung

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Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

Here, I would like to tell you a story. This story comes from Central java, Indonesia. It is about
the legend of Roro Jonggrang and Bandung Bondowoso.
Long long time ago lived a wise king. His name was Prabu Boko. He had a beautiful daughter
whose name was Roro Jonggrang. They lived in a palace on top of a hill. At present we can visit
the ruins of the palace that is located about two miles south of Prambanan temple. The palace is
called Kraton Boko. His country was so prosperous that another king was jealous.
There was a neighboring kingdom under king Bandung Bondowoso. One day king Bandung
attacked Prabu Boko. In a fierce fight King Boko was killed and his kingdom was conquered. The
young Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with Roro Jonggrang when he saw her beauty. He wanted
to marry her so he proposed her.
Dear beautiful Roro Jonggrang, would you please be my wife? I will give you happines till the end
of my life.
But definitely did not want to marry someone who had murdered her father. So she gave a
difficult condition.
She told Bandung that she would marry him if he could build one thousand temples in one night.
My Majesty, Bandung, it is so honorable to be your wife. But, I have a wish before you marry me.
You have to build one thousand temples for me in one night.
Bandung was surprised but he was optimistic he could meet the condition. He was a powerful
king and he had many friends among the genie and spirits. So he asked them for help.
All genie and spirit, I summon!
Collect many rocks and stone here. Build one thousand temples! You all have to finish before
morning comes!!
With the help of those invisible beings Bandung built the temples.
Meanwhile Roro Jonggrang and her people kept an eye on Bandung. When it was almost dawn
Bandung and the genie had built nine hundred ninety nine temples. Roro Jonggrang was very
worried. If Bandung could meet her condition, she had to marry him. Then she had a bright
idea. She ordered her people to make noise and lights. Women were ordered to cook and make
noise by hitting kitchen utensils. Men were also ordered to make noise around the temples.
My people, come and listen to me. Bandung will finish his work. Please help me to cease him, i
dont want to marry him. Please make noise and lights. Cook! And hit your kitchen utensils!
Then the genie thought that daylight had come. They were afraid of the sunlight so they left
immediately. Without their help Bandung was unable to finish the temple.
Bandung was very angry. He knew that it was a dirty trick from Roro Jonggrang. Then he cursed
Roro Jonggrang into a statue.
Roro Jonggrang! I know that it was your trick! You ruin my belief! I cant apologize you! Now I
curse you being a statue!!
The statue of Roro Jonggrang is now inside the northern chamber of the main temple which was
dedicated to Shiva in Prambanan temple.

Ladies and gentlemen, after hearing my story we can conclude that we have to be honest, being
good to others, and believing only in God.
Thats all my story. May it give good impresssion for us. Thank you for listening.

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