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Let's not blame Eve for this too. No, not this time. Every time they
speak of things going globally wrong, they put a woman to blame. Certainly,
Hillary may have had something to do with Vince Foster and the White Water
issues. But, let's be for real. From White Water to Lewinsky, Hillary had a
lot of Dirty laundry to clean. So, what can be worst? The second installment
of The Clinton Pay for Play Corporation.
Marcell David Reich(sic) a.k.a Marc Rich, a.k.a Richie Rich, a.k.a. The
Third Reich, is as far as anyone needs to go with the Clintons, but we will go
further in our opinion. Why White supporters vote for them is unknown,
'why' Black people vote for them is insane. Marc Rich was an international
trader of arms, oil, hedge fund.
He violated international trade embargoes and was basically committing
treason. But, Jews are allowed to do that. When Black people were being
tortured and enslaved in South Africa, he was trading with the Jewish Slave
Masters. He dealt with Castro, Angola, Nicaragura, Saudi, Gaddafi, Pinochet
in Chile and many other governments against the interest of the United States
Corporation. However, profitable to the Clinton Corporation.
As a fugitive from justice, and having been convicted for the various
federal crimes, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton accepted millions of dollars
from Rich. They as a estate gave Hillary 100,000 for her senate race. Then,
later Bill gets 450,000 dollars for his Library foundation. Clinton was
president at the time. This doesn't coincide with Hillary's view of the poor
Snowden, and people blowing the whistle relating to government fraud.
Just as they apologized for slavery, and Rwanda, Bill later expressed
regret for issuing the pardon after the checks cleared through his accounts.
It(the Money for pardon), wasn't worth the damage to my reputation.
Jimmy Carter, president at the time when OPEC affected the economy and
had American hostages Rich was dealing with said: I don't think there is
any doubt that some of the factors in his pardon were attributed to his large
gifts. In my opinion that was disgraceful. This along with being in the oval
office with your penis in a woman's mouth, accompanied by the lies that you
didn't do it.
Hillary was on his side not the woman's side like now. Rich was even on

the FBI 10 Most Wanted List. He was hiding in Switzerland. This person in
1983 was indicted on 65 counts of criminal tax evasion, wire fraud,
racketeering. So, why didn't the Rockefeller laws work in the case of white
people, while black people were going to jail in a Reagan, Clinton prison
The FBI may have released the Clinton Email investigation materials
along with this element of Bill Clinton's past. However, The Clintons' are
dangerous, as the foreign policy of the Untied States Corporation, and its'
laws are for sale to the highest bidder. Black people are not that Rich. Not
one time did Bill or Hillary Clinton release or pardon one Black Panther
Party member arrested for crimes they did not commit.
Until this day, Black men are being held as political prisoners in the
prison industry today. They have the nerve to mention Nelson Mandela and
Martin Luther King Jr's and other Black leader names in their speeches with
honor, as they are the people responsible for their criminalization, and
assassinations. Unfortunately, you can't bring them to heel, and love them
too, being Super-predators and all. The people that bomb Iraq, Vietnam,
Yemen, Libya, Syria, Sudan, etc, and not the Mafia, not the Slave Masters, or
the Racist and sexist church, but Black people, the ones preyed upon since
the beginning of the America Corporation are labeled super predators.


The U.S. Prison Corporation

The Penal Colonies, Colonies for Black People


New York City
NOVEMBER 13, 2016

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