Civics 17

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The Party of the 1st & 15th

By Joshua Smith

The environment

Reduce the amount of deforestation

Make solar radiation more viably in everyday life
Relocate animals from desolated areas
Stop letting people swim in lakes and oceans
Discontinue the use of cigarettes
Reduce the rate reproduction in already populated areas

Criminal law

Criminals will be punished justly, swiftly and efficiently

There will be 2 judges as to prevent bias
Having 2 judges can grant multiple perspectives on the case
Civilian jurors will have more say during cases as to identify the harshness of
the punishments

Divorce and the process

In order to file for divorce in Canada you must follow 10 steps before your request
can officially be granted. These steps are the following.
-Step 1: You would need to want the divorce -Step 2:Obtain a divorce application
which differentiates across the provinces of Canada and can be obtained from a
lawyer, books store court office, etc. -step 3: you must determine the grounds of
your divorce whether it be a fault or no fault divorce. -step 4: determine whether
your divorce is contested or uncontested. -Step 5:

Same sex marriage in Canada


Will be allowed in every province

Teach our kids to respect the choices of others
Adoption and sperm donations will be free for those that want kids

Health care
The healthcare system in Canada is a system in place to give citizens the ability to
obtain treatment and preventive care from physicians as well as care from dentists
and hospital regardless of medical history.
Privatization is extremely controversial in Canada while a private health care
would give those in need of treatment as long as they have the money to get that
care in a timely fashion, the problem with privatization is that those that do not
make enough money could not afford even the most basic of vaccinations.
While Canadian healthcare is technically free to its citizens it does come at a price
in the form of income tax that all citizens must pay annually.
In terms of the privatization/free health care debate I believe that free health care
would be the best for the country for the reasons I mentioned above, if
privatization were to be in effect only the richest of the rich could get the most
trivial treatments.

The political spectrum

We would be the left wing we would be known as diplomatic, communist, arbiters.

Party leader

Lupe Fiasco

Actual name: Wasalu Muhammad Jaco
Born: Toronto,Ontario,Canada
Work experience: Rapper, artist, singer
Education: home schooled, self taught,
Public school education
Political experience: non

Reason for running

Lupe believes that his ideals would prove
To improve our country and laws, as well
as to provide every citizen and child within
the education system to fully understand
their rights as Canadian citizens.

The Party: The 1st & 15th of Canada

Slogan: Prosperity and determination
will bring peace and progress.
Party Leader: Lupe Fiasco

Election speech
Good evening and gentlemen both watching at home and joining me live, I Wasalu
Jaco run for the position of Prime Minister of Canada not just to prove a point and
not to improve my music career, but i stand before you because i feel as though i
can make Canada a safer, respectable and well educated, and though what i have
planned and with my ideals of the perfect Canada I do Believe that that vision, that
that dream can come true. With your help and your vote together we can make
Canada not just great again but we will make it better than it already is.

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