Reading Notes 2

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We might almost venture to say that one's fate and well being depend on the symbols of value that

motivate a person.
An adult should escape from this mother-world by a new birth, but sometimes the mother attraction
is so powerful that youth cannot proceed to gain the freedom of maturity.
A son too tenderly loved by his mother may remain psychologically enclosed with her love, uite
unable to make a life of his own. He may feel completely blocked and fall into despair, or even take
his own life. This is really the story behind many cases of adolescent suicide, where the boyy was
the darling of his doting mother. It is usually the most promising, the most brilliant or artistic youths
whose lives come to such a tragic end.
The average individual finds a reasonable measure of satisfaction in a collective adaptation work
that is not too exacting or too boring, a marriage that judged by conventional standards is all right,
enough leisure time to at least feel fortunate. That the work is just not boring instead of being
stimulating, fulfilling, calling forth all his creative capacities; that the marriage is all right instead
of being deeply satisfying and growing relationship that the leisure is filled with activities to pass
the time instead of being joyful or interesting or wonder-provoking experiences -this speaks of the
penury of the times, due to the loss of a relation to deeper values, so characteristic of western
culture today.
Some, thoroughly dissatisfied with this superficiality, and others not able to achieve even that much,
fall into despair or become hostile. There are those who suffer all their lives from a sense of their
own inadequancy; they feel they are unnaceptable, doomed to be outsiders barred from normal
companionship, that whatever they do will be wrong, whatever they desire will be forbidden. They
are accursed, alienated from God and humanity, and also from themselves.
For deep in the unconscious of everyone hides the image of a royal person, the Self, the individual
we were meant to be.
Janet Dallett When the spirit comes back
Our culture has no niche for people who descend to the place of the big dream. Unless they happen
to be artists, they have no place to take their gifts, and they rick being thought crazy if they speak
what they see. If they do not speak of it, they may in fact go crazy from carrying alone a burden of
symbolic materical that belongs to culture as a whole, material that could heal our social wounds if
we received and understood it.
Certain times in the life of the individual are like windows into the place of the big dream, revealing
glimpses of mysterious threads that bind our destinies one to the other and make meaningful
patterns in our lives.
Eatern though takes for granted that everything happening at a given moment is connected.
For centuries, women have existed to carry the psyches of men, just as the function of horses has
been to carry people on their backs.
The idea that man has a feminine side that could develop in to something different from the woman
with whom he lives is equally fantastic.
With rare exceptions, the drive for men and women to become fully functioning human beings,
distinct from one another, is brand new. this time when the creative psyche has begun to make its claim.
...sing.. stems from an Indo-European root meaning to make an incantation.
Hit in the third eye, the ajna chakra of kundalini yoga, Colette was jolted into the highe
consciousness that permitted her true voice to come through.
Lets go to analakshmi for di

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