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E-RTG Crane Solutions & Conversions

The work-horse of the container handling industry is the Rubber Tired Gantry (RTG) crane. For over 50 years,
these heavy duty cranes have been a staple at ports worldwide. Typically powered by diesel engines, these
cranes require constant maintenance and fuel management to remain operational. In addition to costs, ports
have begun to feel the pressure to become more Green by local authorities and governments.

Why Electrify Your Rubber Tired Gantry Crane?

VAHLE eRTG solutions integrate easily and seamlessly with your current RTG systems. As the retrofitting of an
existing RTG can be a complex project, the container management decisions are driven by operational
requirements. Some of the major challenges raised by container terminals in using cable reels include:

Significant additional weight and possibly mechanical structural modifications on the RTG

The need to unplug and plug in again to change aisles

Cable alignment between RTG and container stack and additional cable protection to avoid damage

Additional measures have to be taken if a number of RTGs are to operate in any one lane
In response to these and other concerns, VAHLE engineers have developed our E-RTG program. This program
combines proven VAHLE electrification, data & positioning systems to offer ports a complete alternative to
traditional diesel generators. The key focus points of this program include safety and security, operational costs,
reliability, and environmental aspects.

E-RTG Conversion Advantages

By converting traditional RTGs into VAHLE E-RTGs our customers enjoy significant benefits including:

95% savings of diesel consumption

Reduction of operation costs up to 70%

Reduction of maintenance costs (diesel generators) up to 70%

Significant reduction of greenhouse emissions & noise pollution

Automated aisle entry/exit for increased productivity

No matter the port size or layout, VAHLE has an E-RTG solution that will work for you. For more detailed
information, please click here* or contact us directly to speak with an E-RTG specialist.

Additional E-RTG features

In addition to the great benefirts meanioned aboce, our E-RTG Technology also includes:

Seamless synchronisation

Auto-steering system

Anti-collision system

Data communication system

Positioning system

Energy recovery system

TEMPO.CO, Surabaya: Program Tol Laut Presiden Joko Widodo selangkah lebih maju
usai terminal Teluk Lamong yang terletak di Surabaya, Jawa Timur resmi dioperasikan.
Teluk Lamong merupakan pelabuhan semiotomatis pertama dan ramah lingkungan di
Indonesia yang merupakan perluasan dari Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak yang mengalami
kelebihan kapasitas 2,1 juta TEUs. Nilai investasi pembangunannya mencapai Rp
4,1 triliun.
Pada tahap pertama pembangunan Terminal Teluk Lamong memiliki luas 40 hektar yang

dibangun sejak tahun 2010 dan selesai pada tahun 2014. Nantinya terminal ini akan
digunakan untuk melayani petikemas domestik, petikemas internasional, dan curah
kering dengan standar pangan. Teluk Lamong ditargetkan memiliki kapasitas 500 ribu
TEUs petikemas domestik dan 1 juta TEUs petikemas internasional.
Terminal Teluk Lamong disebut sebagai terminal tercanggih karena menggunakan
sistem operasi otomatis. Teluk Lamong tidak menggunakan Rubber Tyred Gantry
sebagai alat pemindah kontainer. Penggantinya adalah Automatic Stacking Crane yang
dapat mengefisiensi biaya dan tenaga kerja.
Selain ramah lingkungan, kapal-kapal yang akan merapat di Teluk Lamong dijanjikan tak
perlu antre alias zero waiting time karena telah didukung oleh Terminal Operating
System. Pelayanan yang diberikan di Teluk Lamong pun semakin didukung oleh
selesainya revitalisasi Alur Pelayaran Barat Surabaya. Hal ini diprediksi akan semakin
meningkatkan daya saing Indonesia sebagai negara maritim sekaligus menekan biaya
logistik dan transportasi.

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