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Makes federal laws, approves
treaties, declares war, and
controls the economic


The State Duma

The lower house of the Russian
Parliament. This house is made
up of 450 members and are

The History
The Social Democratic Party was created in 1897, and in 1903 the government split
into Bolshevik and Menshevik factions. In 1917 the Bolsheviks overthrow the
government and take over Moscow. During the years 1917 to 1991 Russia was under
the Soviet Rule. After 1991 Russia becomes independent. The office of the Prime
Minister was created in 1905, while the Presidents office was created in 1991. This
occurred when Boris Yeltsin was Russias first president. In 1999 Yeltsin resigns and
Putin is now acting president. Putin is still acting president today. In 2002 Russia
created treaties with the United States, and the Nato-Russia Council. In December
2003, President Putin gained control over parliament. 2006 was when Putin signed a
controversial law that gives authorities extensive powers to monitor activities of nongovernmental activities.

elected for five years. All bills

must be first considered by
this branch.

Federation Council
The upper house of Russian
Parliament. Created in 1993 to
act as a voice for Russias
federated entities. A council
made up of 2 representatives
from each federated entity
exists. They work with the
lower house to draft laws. They

The Government
Many government duties are split between ministries, each ministry has federal services
and federal agencies available to them. The head of the government, the prime minister,
is elected and appointed by the president. The governments duty is to oversee the
implementation of financial and monetary policy, ensure domestic and foreign policies
are implemented, and sure the rules of law, human rights and freedoms. The power is
split equally between the President and the Prime Minster. The legislature is divided
into two chambers of authority, the State Duma and the Federation Council.

can also declare a presidential

election, and impeach the
president if need be.

The Judiciary
Three Types of Courts.
1. Municipal Court- serves civil
and criminal cases.

The President and The Prime Minister

The President of Russia is elected every six years for two terms. The current President of
Russia, Vladimir Putin has been in command since 2012. He has many duties as
president, these include determining the basic domestic and foreign policies, as well as
being the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The president can also veto
legislative bills, resolve citizenship issues, and award state decorations and grant
pardons. The only way to become president is to win an election, while the Prime
Minister is selected by the President. The prime minister of Russia serves as a vice
president to the president. Some of the duties of the Prime Minister include, nominating
officers, implementing domestic policy, submitting proposals to the President regarding
the executive branch, and distributing duties among government officials.

2. Arbitration Courts- practice

specialized disputes that deal
with property and commercial
3. Constitutional Courtdisputes over laws already in
place and whether or not they
are constitutional.

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