Bahasa Inggirs

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Nama : Ilman Rois Sabillah


: 135130100111033

Kelas : 2013 C
Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Brawijaya

1. Why are you taking this major ?

why I chose veterinary medicine, because I wanted to deepen the knowledge that all
people are not given the opportunity to learn about animals, and I've also read the
story of a prostitute who enter heaven by helping the dog,
of the story makes me more determined to get into veterinary medicine.
because destiny was in live and I want to be a veterinarian who has a lot of business
in the field of animal husbandry and to be a change in the surrounding environment
and governance
2. Who motivastes you ?
parents who motivated me and myself primarily to provide an honor, if I can and can
3. How does she/he motivate you ?

parents motivated me by giving a picture of the future must be good, not in material
terms but in terms of science and expediency in the neighborhood, be useful, do not
get cocky and leave it to Allah, let Allah give way.
4. Why do you take her/his advice ?
because to become a success should have choices sendri, and my choice to be a vet
because it can work in government, the private sector, as well as an entrepreneur and
still a lot of job opportunities to be a vet.
5. What do you think about your progress ?
to achieve the dream must have the intention and the will to be independent, to have a
target in every year, wrote the dream, see every day, to do so, always praying,
searching for as many friends.
if you want to become an entrepreneur must be friends with an employer, and if you
want to succeed, friends with people who are successful and want to succeed
6. What do you think about the prospect being a vet ? How will you get job ?
the prospect of becoming a veterinarian who is widely available in Indonesia, from
the government sector, the private sector, agriculture, wirasuwasta, working in a
clinic, could open his own practice.
shortage of veterinarians in Indonesia very much.

to work primarily in the field must have the skills, both in behavior, has a lot of
insight, and a hard worker and is supported by a good understanding of science
the future prospects after graduation, working outside Java, after it was returned to
Java for business and opened his own practice.
to work primarily in the field must have the skills, both in behavior, has a lot of
insight, and a hard worker and is supported by a good understanding of science
7. After studying here,what do you think about this department ?
in my opinion, the veterinary college at insha allah promising for the future, but the
passage of time there is something that I think is very disturbing in the learning
process, such as facilities, academic etc.
but all must be planned and prayed for success on desired by Allah SWT

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