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Catch Us If U Can moral value : kindness

The world is full of kind people. Granda says this after total strangers help him and Rory without any
condition. The moral value of kindness is highlighted in the novel.
Even Rorys teacher, Mrs Foley is concerned to Rory. She feels bad looking after granda is too much
for the boy. When Rory tell her about Castle Street, she even thinks of fostering Rory out of kindness
of her heart.
Strangers like Tyrones family show kindness to Rory and granda who are in need of help. It does not
matter to them that they do not know these two people at all. All they know is that the two people are
fugitive who need help to run away from the authorities so that they can be together.
Ruby helps tha pair out of kindness. That is why she later refuses Rorys money. She says she
wanted to help him because he needs it and not for money.
Samy and Annie offer to drive Rory and granda to train station. This is a kind gesture to people they
have just met. They suggest that Rory and granda escape by train to Glasgow. Due to their kindness,
granda says he will never call them tickles again.
20/10/2014 BY AMAIAN
Using details from the novel you have studied,
describe a close relationship between two characters
explain why you would consider them to be very close Support your answer with close reference to the text.
Name the novel and the author that you have chosen
Choose and write the names of two characters from the story Describe their close relationship
Explain why you would consider them to be very close
In the novel Catch Us If You Can by Catherine MacPhail, Rory McIntosh and his grandfather share an
inseparable bond.
According to Rory, they are like a double act. His father abandoned his mother and him, so when his mother
died, he was taken care of by his grandparents. The death of his grandmother had left him with his grandfather.
He called him Granda and Granda had looked after him all his life and now it was his turn to look after Granda.
However both of
them were incapable of looking after themselves because Granda was too old and sick while his grandson was
too young to shoulder the responsibility of looking after himself and his forgetful and sometimes disorientated
grandfather. Whatever the difficulties, Rory and Granda refused to be separated. Rory argued that sending
Granda to a home would kill his grandfather and forcing him to stay in a childrens home would be unbearable.
That showed how close they were and how emotionally dependent they were on each other.

Rory loved Granda so much that he was prepared to make a lot of sacrifices for the old man. He let go the
chance to be in the school football team because he needed to look after Granda. He had to run home from
school during lunch break to bring Granda lunch. On several occasions, Granda had unwittingly lost or
misplaced Rorys homework and that had earned him the wrath of his teacher, Mrs Foley. Besides all these, he
had to think of the little precautions to take to keep Granda out of harm. Still, he did not want to part with his
Granda who would have been better off in an old folks home. Granda felt the same also. The bond between the
two was a special one. However, events took a decisive turn when Granda accidentally caused a fire in the
kitchen of their flat. Granda was taken to hospital and then to Rachnadar, a home for the elderly. Rory ended up
in Castle Street where he met the troubled Tess and fought with her.
He was miserable there. Granda fared no better at the home. Rory felt that they had been cheated by his social
worker, Val Jessup. He plotted on the run while the police launched a hunt for them. The news of the runway pair
was everywhere on television but they managed to evade the police with the help from sympathizers along the
way. They suffered a lot of discomfort while on the run and the old mans condition worsened but they seemed
happy. Being together has become a source of strength to them. They were finally persuaded to go and see
Rorys long-lost father, Jeff McIntosh, who had been traced to Liverpool as a result of the publicity. But before
they could do this, Jeff came for them. They ended up together again, and this time in a flat near where Jeff and
his new family lived. Jeff was finally ready to assume responsibility for his father and his son.
Rory and Granda were inseparable. It looked as if only death could separate them. Nothing mattered as long as
they were together.
4.3.2 PRACTICE 2
Using details from the novel you have studied, write on the theme of happiness. Use evidence from the text to
support your answer.
Name the novel and the author that you have chosen
Choose evidence from the novel which relate to the theme of happiness State the characters
Explain what the characters do to be happy
In the novel Catch Us If You Can, Rory McIntosh has been living with his grandfather since he was a young
boy. On the surface, this arrangement such as theirs cannot be a happy one because Granda is old and sick
while he is too young to be able to look after himself, let alone his forgetful and sometimes disorientated
grandfather. Granda would have been better off at Rachnadar, a home for the aged where his needs will be taken
care of by professionals and Rory would have been able to lead a more normal life at Castle Street Childrens
Home. But they refuse to be separated. Despite the difficulties, they are happy together. In their own obstinate
way, they are guarding their right to be together and be happy.

However, when Granda causes a fire in their flat, the social worker assigned to them takes Granda to Rachnadar
while Rory goes to the Castle Street home. Rory is upset and so is Granda. Rory believes the home is killing his
Granda. Then, Rory decides to run away from the home, rescue his Granda from Rachnadar and they would
run away from all these meddling people. They are on the run for several weeks and the television is full of news
about them. A
massive search is launched for them. Ironically, while on the run, they experience some of the happiest moments
of their lives, with the help of sympathizers like Darren, his best friend who steals his mothers caravan key to let
them hide temporarily, Sammy and Ruby who shelter them when the police close in on them. Then, there are the
sympathetic petrol station operator, Rab and his girlfriend, Annie. Their run comes to an end when Granda
becomes ill
and causes concern to Norma, Annies cousin who is helping them to get to Liverpool to find Rorys father. She
calls the police. Alls well that ends well when McIntoshs long-lost son, Jeff, who is also Rorys father comes for
them. He is ready to assume his responsibility as a son and father.
Rory and Granda are basically searching for happiness whether as a stubborn pair fiercely defending their rights
to stay together in the flat in the face of insurmountable problems or whether as runaways, oblivious to the frenzy
they are causing through their actions. They sincerely believe that they are looking for happiness. After all,
nothing matters as long as they are happy because life is a quest for happiness.
4.3.3 PRACTICE 3
The title suits the story perfectly
Using details from the novel you have studied, discuss whether you agree with the statement above. Give
reasons for your answer. Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
Read and understand the statement given
Name the novel and the author that you have chosen
Explain how the title suits the story
Use evidence from the novel to support your answer
The title of the novel Catch Us If You Can by Catherine MacPhail is simple and catchy that suits the novel
perfectly because it captures the actions of a grandfather and a grandson who cause a frenzy when the police
launch a massive search for them. The grandfather has run away from an old folks home he hates and the
grandson has escaped from a horrible childrens home.
The title has the semblance of a challenge to the people tracking down the pair. It sounds cheeky, insolent and
child-like and it reflects the character of the runaway pair. The grandfather, suffering from age-related ailments
can be childish and does not realize the implications of what he has done. In his pursuit, he has caused bodily

harm to a youngster who recognizes his grandson, Rory, from the news on television and wants to turn them in.
Then, he steals a car to get away. All these can be considered criminal but he is happily nonchalant or ignorant of
all the legal implications. His grandson and accomplice, Rory, is a child who knows no better. The expression If
You Can is not only tongue-in-cheek, but also suggests that tracking them down can be difficult. One would
think it would be easy to catch them but it is not. Although what they are doing is unbelievably crazy, they have
earned the sympathy of
many people along the way and this has helped them to evade the police for so long. First, Darren, Rorys best
friend, plans the first lap for them when he steals his mothers caravan key for them to hide out while they think
of a better plan after they leave the homes.
Then, they meet Sammy and Ruby who offer them help as the police are closing in on them. Next, there is Rab at
the petrol station who gives them a respite and convinces them that they should go and find Jeff McIntosh,
Rorys father, in Liverpool because it is time for him to do something in his whole useless life. After that, there
is Annie, Rabs girlfriend, who hands them over to her cousin, Norma. Norma finally brings the whole saga to an
end when she decides to call the police because she can see that the old man really needs medical help.
The title suits the story perfectly because it is a story about a grandfather and a grandson on the run. It is also a
reflection of what the story is the police are not looking for regular criminals but just two ordinary people whom
the police do not want to apprehend but to protect and keep out of harm.
4.3.4 PRACTICE 4
Using the details of the novel you have studied.
describe a decision made by any one character in the novel
do you think the decision was a wise one?
Support your answer with evidence from the novel.
Name the novel and the author that you have chosen
Choose a character from the story
State the decision made by the character you have chosen
Give your opinion whether the decision made by the character you have chosen was
a wise one

Use evidence from the novel to support your answer

In the novel Catch Us If You Can by Catherine MacPhail, I would choose the decision made by Rory, when he
decided to get Granda out of Rachnadar and run away.
After the death of his mother, Rory lived with his grandparents. When his grandmother died, his grandfather,
whom he called Granda, looked after him. Rory and Granda were very close to each other that they had become
inseparable. When Granda became sick and his memory began to fail, it was Rorys turn to look after Granda.
One day, Granda accidentally set fire to their flat. This brought the authorities to step in. Finding Granda and Rory
incapable of taking care of each other, they sent Granda to an old folks home, while Rory was sent to a
childrens home in Castle Street. The authorities had no choice but to do this for the safety of both Granda and
Rory. Granda might pose a danger not only to himself and Rory but to those around him.
Rory felt he was wrongly torn away from his Granda. Furthermore, Rory knew that Granda hated being in
Rachnadar, the old folks home, and Rory himself hated it in Castle Street. So he made the decision to run away
with Granda so they could be together.
I can understand Rorys position but I do not see it as a wise decision. In the first place, he was too young to
make a huge decision like this. At his age, he should have thought about school. He should realize that he was
incapable of taking care of his old and sick grandfather. Granda was too old and frail to go on such a challenging
and demanding journey. Moreover, Granda needed his pills to sustain him. Besides, Rory did not know where he
was going to. Where could they go when they had no place and no one to care for them? Rory, too, asked
himself the question whether it was a wise decision. People may say that those who love each other must stay
together but this is based only on emotion. I think Rory made the decision because he had no one else in his life.
It was not only because he loved Granda so much, but also because he did not know how to live without his
Granda because all this while, Granda was always there for him.
To make decisions, we must be objective. We must think rationally. Seeing the unpredictability of things and the
health condition of Granda, and Rorys immaturity, I strongly feel that Rory made an unwise decision in running
4.3.5 PRACTICE 5
Using details from the novel you have studied, write on the theme of forgiveness OR reconciliation.
Support your answer with close reference to the text.

Name the novel and the author that you have chosen
State the characters
Choose the events from the novel which highlight the theme of forgiveness or
Explain what the characters do to show forgiveness
Support your answer with evidence from the novel
In Catherine MacPhails Catch Us If You Can, Rory has been cared for by his grandfather whom he calls
Granda for as long as he remembers. According to Granda, his own father was a spoilt brat of a boy; just
mentioning him would make Granda angry. He grew up to be someone who did not appreciate what he got and
left Rorys mother who later died of heartbreak. And that was when the senior McIntosh decided to cut all ties
with his son. He is adamant that the only son he had is Rory and he can very well take care of the boy.
The irony of the situation is, Rory has been looking after his Granda who is not well and needs medications for all
sorts of ailments. As a result, Rory has to look after him, take him to the doctor, prepare his lunch and make sure
he takes his medicines all too big a responsibility for a young boy like him. Despite the difficulties, both Rory
and Granda refuse to be separated, as any solution would entail sending the old man to a nursing home and the
boy, a childrens home.
However, after Granda accidentally sets fire in their flat, he is sent to Rachnadar, an old folks home and Rory to
the childrens home in Castle Street. They cannot bear being separated. Rory takes Granda out from the home
and both go on a run. Soon, the police is looking for them. News about them appears on the media. Rory and
Granda manage to
evade the police because they get help from people who sympathize with them along their journey.
Investigations reveal that Rorys father, Jeff Mcintosh is in Liverpool and they are advised to go and see him.
While on their way to Liverpool, Granda becomes too sick. The police is informed by one of the people who helps
them, Norma, who feels that the old man needs immediate help. Jeff, with the help of the authorities, arrives to
take his father and his son with him. Both father and son are reconciled and Rory finds his long-lost father. Jeff is
ready to take on his responsibilities as a son to his father, Granda, and as a father to his son, Rory.
The story ends with a reconciliation between the ageing and ailing father and the son he has vowed to disown,
Jeff. As for Rory, it is a happy reunion with the father he has never known.

4.3.6 PRACTICE 6
From the novel you have studied, what is the most important lesson you have learnt? Support your answer with
close reference to the text.
Name the novel and the author that you have chosen
Think of a lesson you have learnt after reading the novel
State the characters and the hardships they go through that have an impact on you
Explain how the story affects you
Use evidence from the novel to support your answer
From the novel Catch Us If You Can by Catherine MacPhail, an important lesson I learnt is to be persistent and
determined when facing challenges. Often, persistence leads to better results than losing hope easily. Two
characters in the novel, Rory and Granda, handled challenges with determination. Rory knew that he must be
strong and determined in order to withstand the rigours of the escape. There was never a time he felt like giving
up and turning in to the police. It was the strong sense of perseverance that helped him bear all the hardships. It
was the same with Granda. When things got difficult, he was even more persevering even though it was hard for
a man his age to be on the run. He knew he needed to be strong so that he could be together with Rory.
The escape got very arduous and tough at times. The police were always after Rory and Granda. There was a
wide TV coverage on them. But Rory and Granda were determined to pull through. They knew they would be
together and not be separated as long as they continued to run. From the way they went through their escape, I
learn that challenges should be dealt with determination. One must not easily give up hope and accept defeat. As
long as one has the chance, one must keep on going till success is met.
4.3.7 PRACTICE 7
The characters in novels often face problems. Some solve their problems but some do not. Using information
from the novel you have studied, show how
one character solves his/ her problems
one who does not solve his/ her problems
Support your answer with close reference to the text.

Name the novel and the author that you have chosen
Choose a character, state his/her problems
Explain how the character solves his/ her problems
Choose another character and state his/ her problems
Explain why the character fails to solve his/her problems
Suggest what the character should do to solve his/ her problems
Use evidence from the novel to support your answer
It is true that characters in novels often face problems. Some manage to solve their problems but some do not.
In Catherine MacPhails Catch Us If You Can, a character who manages to solve his problem is Rory. His
apartment is burnt down due to Grandas carelessness. He is then forced to part with his Granda. He is sent to
stay at the childrens home in Castle Street, and Granda is sent to the old folks home in Rachnadar. Being very
close to Granda, Rory can see that Granda is miserable at the home. Rory can sense that Granda has lost
interest in everything and it breaks Rorys heart to see Granda like that.
So, Rory comes up with a plan to run away with Granda. He knows, by doing so, he can always be together with
Granda. As long as they are on the run, they will be together. It can only be for a few days or a couple of weeks,
but to Rory and Granda, their time together is precious.
On the other hand, Tess, a girl whom Rory meets at the childrens home, fails to solve her problems. She has a
sad life. Her mother is in prison and all her relatives reject her. Being homeless and unwanted, she is sent to
Castle Street. Instead of making the best of her life there, she worsens it by becoming a bitter, angry and violent
Her violent outbursts become so bad that she loses control of herself and her actions. She injures others, making
them keep away from her. She fails to make friends and so, remains lonely and friendless. She cannot overcome
her loneliness and sense of rejection. If she had chosen to be more positive, she would probably have made
some friends who can help her instead of feeling rejected and unloved.

4.3.8 PRACTICE 8
From the novel you have studied, write about an important moral value you have learnt. Support your answer
with close reference to the text.
Name the novel and the author that you have chosen
State an important moral value you have learnt after reading the novel
State the characters and the events where the moral value you have learnt is
Use evidence from the novel to support your answer
From the novel Catch Us If You Can by Catherine MacPhail, an important moral value I have learnt is that
family relationships should be nurtured and not taken for granted. Granda looked after Rory after Rorys father
walked out on them. Since Granda was old and forgetful, Rory took it upon himself to look after Granda. Nobody
forced or told him to do it but Rory felt it was the right thing to do. He was willing to forego things that teenage
boys should be doing. He did all the household chores, made sure Granda took his medication and had his
meals. He even kept Grandas pipe to make sure there wasnt any untoward incidents. Granda and Rory did not
take their relationship for granted. Granda, on several occasions, had expressed appreciation to Rory for always
being there for him while Rory felt proud to have Granda as his grandfather. Rory was protective and defensive of
They nurtured their relationship right up to the end even when they had a family, Jeff and Karen.
Sammy, Ruby and Tyrone also showed a strong family relationship. Sammy and Ruby were free and easy but
respectful with each other. Ruby would tease Sammy and vice versa. But, when it came to making decisions,
Ruby left it to Sammy, showing him respect as the head of the family. Tyrone was respectful and obedient to his
parents, Sammy and Ruby.
All in all, I have learnt from the novel that family relationship should be nurtured and not taken for granted as
family happiness and stability depend on this positive attitude.

4.3.9 PRACTICE 9
From the novel you have studied, write about the plot of the story and state what you think of the plot.
Support your answer with close reference to the text.
Name the novel and the author that you have chosen
State the main characters and the important events in the story Give a brief summary of the story
Give your opinion of the plot of the story
Catherine MacPhails novel Catch Us If You Can revolves around a teenager, Rory, and his
grandfather whom he calls Granda. Rory and Granda are on an escape adventure from their
hometown to Liverpool because they do not want to be separated from each other. They have cared
for and looked after each other for a long time and with Granda getting on
in years and becoming forgetful, Rory takes over the responsibility of looking after Granda on his own
One day, when their flat caught fire due to Grandas carelessness, both Rory and Granda are placed
in a childrens home and an old folks home respectively. Granda is badly affected as he becomes
withdrawn and lost. Rory knows that Granda is slowly dying in Rachnadar, so he decides to run away
with Granda. Rory and Granda make the great escape but with no destination in mind. They only want
to be free and to be together. They spend a few happy carefree days at the caravan site. When the
police catch up with them, Rory and Granda are helped by Sammy who gives them shelter.
Their journey is a struggle to stay free. Strangers help them all the way, giving them shelter and
making safe plans for them. Rory has doubts about whether he is doing the right thing. All doubts are
dispelled as Granda looks happy even when he is exhausted.
Eventually, Rory decides they would travel south to Liverpool and look for his father, Jeff McIntosh.
Granda objects and rages about this when he realizes what Rorys plans are. The climax of the story
is when Granda almost loses his life in the cold bus shelter. After that, they end up in Liverpool. It is a
happy ending as they meet up with Jeff and become a family again. The plot runs in chronological
order. The reader can follow Rory and Grandas interesting and sometimes heartbreaking journey

from their hometown to their final destination. Rory as the narrator projects a solid account of their
thoughts, feelings and gives good descriptions of the setting. The approach makes it easy for the
reader to understand and appreciate the story. I think the plot is simple and relevant to our society
where young people tend to forget their obligations to the old.
4.3.10 PRACTICE 10
Who is the most interesting character in the novel that you have studied? Give reasons to support
your answer.
Name the novel and the author that you have chosen. Name the character that you consider
Explain the role of the character in the novel.
Give evidence from the novel to support your comments. State your opinion again.
In the novel Catch Us if You Can by Catherine MacPhail, I think Granda is the most interesting
character in the book.
Reading through the novel, I found out that he was a caring and kind grandfather to Rory. The fact
that Rory was to return the favours implies that Granda must have been a good man and good
grandfather. His love for Rory is absolute. Also, Granda finds it hard to bear that Rory has to be in a
home and wants to get out of hospital to take Rory home. This shows how much he cares for Rory.
Granda is also a charmer. It is because he easily compliments others especially women not only for
the looks but also for their talents as he praises Ruby for her cooking. All the times he remains the
perfect gentleman, like opening the door for the young mother at the clinic.
Other than that, he is quite a fascinating character. He knows a lot about films and film stars. His love
for movie stars makes him even name his son and grandson after some film heroes of his time. Also,
he loves singing and has no inhibitions about singing some old songs, however badly, in front of
With all the above, I believe that Granda must be an interesting and remarkable man.
4.3.11 PRACTICE 11

Based on the novel that you have read, write about an incident that changes the life of a character in
the story. Give evidence from the novel that you have studied.
Name of the novel and the author you have chosen. State the incident you have chosen.
Give reasons why you think this incident changes the life of the character.
State your opinion again on the importance of the incident to the life of the character.
In the novel Catch Us if You Can by Catherine MacPhail, an incident that changes the life of the
character is the great escape that Rory and Granda undertake. Rory decided to run away from the
town he lived in after taking his Granda out of the local old folks home. The escape took them to
many places and they met many different people who
helped them on their journey. Rory learnt valuable life lessons from meeting all the different people.
From the travelers, he learnt about compassion and kindness. From Rab, Annie and Norma, he learnt
about people who offered help sincerely and treated them kindly. Also, Rory s life would never be the
same again. It was because, his father turned up to help him and Granda. Finally he had a father, a
stepmother and two adorable stepsisters. He had a family and that was a life-changing moment from
Rory was worried about his Granda earlier but then he didn t have to. It was because things started to
fall into places for him. Certain services provided for the elderly made life better for him and Granda.
The escape exposed some of the problems that the elderly and their caretakers faced in the course of
their daily life.
With all the above, I believe that all those changes would not have taken place if not for the great
4.3.13 PRACTICE 13
In the novel you have studied
Pick any one decision in the novel made by someone or some party that you disagree Explain why
you disagree.
Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

Name the novel and the author that you have chosen. State the decision.
Give reasons why you disagree with the decision. State your opinion again.
In the novel Catch Us if You Can by Catherine MacPhail, there is one decision in the novel that I
disagree with. It is the one taken by the government to separate both Rory and his grandfather.
Rory and Granda are very close and each depends on the other for love and comfort. They are family,
a double act and one cannot survive without the other. When Granda accidently starts a fire in the
flat, the State makes a decision to put him in a home because he may endanger himself and others. I
was so mad with the State.
I can understand that the State has the interest of Rory and Granda at heart when it makes this
decision. But, what makes me disagree is that it regards them as only a case on which it needs to
act, not as people with feelings. It is because each citizen has a right to run his or her life the way he
or she wants to without outside interference. Unfortunately, it did not happen that way.
In addition, no discussion has been held with Rory and Granda how best to solve the problem. When
the two run away, however, the police go after them as if they are criminals. As a person interviewed
on a television rightly said, the police are wasting their time hunting down an old man and a young
boy instead of chasing criminals and fighting the gun culture. The way the State tackled the situation
pissed me off.
As a conclusion, people should be treated with greater respect and compassion and not like cases
to be solved.
4.3.15 PRACTICE 15
Love, compassion and family relationship are important in one s life.
Using the evidence from the text, explain how this is true. Support your answer with close reference
from the text.
Name the novel and the author that you have chosen. Discuss the different aspects of love.
Give your views with examples from the text.

Catherine MacPhail put the elements of love, compassion and family relationship in her novel, Catch
Us if You Can. From the beginning to the end of the story, those three elements hold the story
The love between generations shows that love is continuous and never ending. For example, Rory s
love for his Granda is unconditional and vice versa. He is ready to sacrifice anything so that he
remains united with his grandfather. The grandfather, in turn, has devoted his life to bring up the child
from birth and his whole life revolves around him.
Love in a family and the power of love among family members are also portrayed in this story. For
example, Sammy, his wife, Ruby and son Tyrone portray a warm and loving family. Besides that,
Bernie, his wife and daughter are equally warm-hearted and helpful. Rab and Annie are loving and
caring too.
Love and respect among Rorys friends also keep him from troubles. They look upon Granda with
great affection. Darren, the one who is the weakest in the class, shows much compassion for Rory
and helps him as much as he can. Mrs. Foley also shows sincere, love and care for Rory. She shows
her concern towards Rory when Granda is admitted into the hospital. She realizes that Rory should
not be in the childrens home.
As a conclusion, the concept of the elements of love, compassion and family relationship bring beauty
to the story.

Question: Based on the novel you have studied, write about an event and how it affects one of
the characters. Give evidence to support your answer.
In the novel Catch Us If You Can, by Catherine McPhail, an event that affects one of the
characters in the story is when Rory takes Granda out from Rachnadar, a home for the aged. After
taking his Granda out from Rachnadar, Rory decides to escape from the town where they both lived.
Their escape takes them to many places and they meet many people who help them. Rory
learns valuable lessons from these people. For example, Rory learns about compassion and kindness
from Sammy and Rubys family. From Rab, Annie and Norma, Rory learns that there are people in this
world who would help others and the help comes in many forms. When Norma reports Rory and
Granda to the police, she does so out of the kindness of her heart. This makes Rory touched and
This event has changed Rorys life. His life has changed for the better when he and his
Granda are reunited with Rorys father. Now, Rory not only has a father, he also has new family

members; a stepmother and two stepsisters. Granda has also learned to accept and forgive Rorys
father and this makes Rory very happy.
Before this escape, Rory was worried about his Granda and as he has to take up the
responsibility of taking care of Granda, he cannot lead a normal life of a young, growing boy. Finally,
at the end of the story, however, Rorys life has improved as there are certain services provided for
the elderly. He also has his father who is willing to take care of Granda whom he has neglected for
years. Due to this, Rory can lead a normal life like his schoolmates. All these positive changes would
not have happened if Rory had not taken his Granda out from Rachnadar.

Novel Question: A memorable event and how it affects one of the characters

In Catch Us If You Can, a memorable event that affects one of the characters in the story is
when Rory helps Granda to escape from Rachnadar, a home for the aged. After taking his Granda out
from Rachnadar, Rory decides to escape from the town where they both lived.
Their escape takes them to various locations and they encounter many people who assist
them. Rory learns valuable lessons from these people. For instance, Rory learns about compassion
and kindness from Sammy and Rubys family. From Rab, Annie and Norma, Rory learns that there
exist people in this world who would go to great lengths to help others. When Norma reports Rory and
Granda to the police, she does so out of the kindness of her heart and not out of malice. As a result,
Rory is not only touched but also grateful.
In addition, Rorys life has changed for the better when he and his Granda are reunited with
Rorys father. Now, Rory not only has a father, he also has a stepmother and two stepsisters.
Before their escape, Rory was concerned about the welfare of his Granda and the former
cannot lead a normal life of a young, growing boy. At the end of the story, however, Rorys life has
improved as there are certain services provided for the elderly. Because of this, Rory can lead a
normal life like the rest of his schoolmates. All these positive changes would not have occurred if Rory
had not helped his Granda to escape from Rachnadar.

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