Ed 3508 Mini Unit Reflection

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ED 3601


KR 2011

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Chemistry 30 Unit: 7 Lesson Duration: 60 minute By: Mike Harrison 001181633

(2-3, clear, and measurable)

- Students will
define oxidation
and reduction
operationally and

- Use their knowledge of oxidation numbers to

complete oxidation numbers Mahjong.

- Students will
define oxidizing
agent, reducing
agent, oxidation
number, halfreaction, and

- Solve problems involving oxidization and reduction

Students will:

- Solve problems involving oxidizing and reducing


Formative &
will you know they met
learning objectives?)
(Observations, Key
- Observations, going
around to each learning
- Worksheets from each
learning centre

- Use half-reactions to describe redox reactions.

- Kahoot quiz
- Classify a disproportionation redox reaction.


Resource #1: http://www2.stetson.edu/mahjongchem/
Resource #2: https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/ac5db0f8-73d7-4948-9cf6-87db7749d93a
* Tablets/laptops for oxidation numbers Mahjong
* Worksheets
* Learning centres, groups predetermined and tables set up with worksheets present or Tablets
* Smartphones for Kahoots quiz
Introduction (10 min.):
Attention Grabber: Now that we know the basics of redox reactions we get to apply them. We will be
doing learning centres today after we have got some practice we will do a Kahoots quiz. The attention
grabber is simply just explaining what we are going to be doing for the day. Kahoot quizzes are fun so
I think that will motivate students to make sure doing the learning centres that they actually work
because this gives them the best chance of doing well on it.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: To refresh their memory of last class I will quickly go over a question
on the board using the think aloud model. While doing the example I will do it similar to the last
lesson. I will start with the oxidation numbers, then write what is being oxidized and reduced in
different colours, followed by determining the oxidizing and reducing agents, and finally dividing the
reaction into half reactions. I will also just verbally remind them what a disproportionation reaction is.

ED 3601


KR 2011

Connection to Curriculum: Now that they have the base information they need to actually practice and
use this knowledge. These two SLOs are the base of solving all SLOs for the rest of the unit so it is
imperative that students can do all of these skills.
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Since I am taking all the worksheets from the learning
centres in as formative assessment I want collaboration to occur. I would make it clear that each
student has to complete and hand in a worksheet because they need to be able to individually do these
skills; however, the classroom management technique ask two before me would be in effect. If a
student is struggling they should first ask the students in their table for help. This is a good technique
because most of the time the student will get the answer they are looking for and the student who gave
the answer has to teach the concept which leads to a deeper understanding. This means that there will
be talking so some noise will be present but it should never get to loud because that can be hard for
students to concentrate. During the Kahoot quiz I hope the students are into it and there is a good, fun
competitive spirit. I anticipate that it will quite down during the actual questions but in between round
there will be a lot of discussion because they will want to know where everyone is at in the rankings.
Advance Organizer/Agenda: Intro: practice problem, Body: explain each learning centre and have the
students complete each learning centre, Conclusion: Kahoot quiz and brief explanation of tomorrows
Transition to Body: Ill tell everyone their groups and what table they are starting at. I will then explain
what each station is.
Body (43 min.):
Each of these Learning Activities is a specific learning centre. All these learning centres will be
done simultaneously in small groups. Each group will have 7 minutes at each learning centre.
An Important side note: now that students have achieved the first and second level of Blooms
Taxonomy (knowledge, understanding) this lesson/activities are designed to engage students in the
third level application.
Learning Activity #1: Oxidation number game. The first learning centre will give the students practice
finding oxidation numbers. Stetson University has made an oxidation state (number) Mahjong game.
The premise of the game is you have to match tiles. There are two types of tiles: one will have a
molecule like WF6 and the second kind will have an oxidation number like 6. You would have to match
the tiles so the oxidation state matches the element (the game will highlight one element in the
molecule). This is a great activity for multiple reasons. First and most importantly the response time.
When a student makes a wrong answer they get the results back immediately. I think this is very
important when first learning a skill. Having the immediate feedback means they either just made a
quick error or they do not fully understand how to find oxidation numbers. This makes sure students
are not practicing the wrong technique. Second it is more fun/engaging than just a worksheet. There is
not getting away from it worksheets are needed but when possible I want to switch it up. Even though
students will probably only get through the game once it does time them, so when they are at home
they could try and beat their best time. Lastly the game times the students, this can lead to selfregulated learning. The student could be motivated to try and beat their best time and this will improve
their knowledge.
Formative & Summative Assessments: Formative, observation there is no way for me to get the results,
so it is important that I am circulating and making sure students are able to complete the task.
Specific Learner Considerations: this program is really user friendly and there is not a lot of reading. It

ED 3601


KR 2011

is just matching and I think that every learner has a strong chance to succeed. If they are struggling
they are in a group so ask two before me applies. If the two people do not know then I can help them
with their problem.
Transition Between All Activities: I will have timer on the interactive whiteboard. When it reaches 0 I
will put a 30 second timer on and that is how long they get to get the next centre and start working. If
they were at a station that had a worksheet they just have to leave their worksheets in a pile.
Learning Activity #2: Students will be completing a worksheet that tests their knowledge of oxidizing
and reducing agents.
Formative & Summative Assessments: Formative, observations I will be circulating the room and
seeing if students are understanding the worksheet. The worksheet will also be formative assessment.
This is the first work the students are doing on redox chemistry; therefore, I do not want it to be
summative. I want the worksheet strictly to be for learning, I want the students to know what they
understand and what they do not.
Specific Learner Considerations: there is not a lot of reading or writing but if an ELL student is
struggling they are working in a group so ask two before me applies.
Transition Between All Activities: Same transition as above
Learning Activity #3: Students will be completing a worksheet that tests their knowledge of oxidation
and reduction in a reaction.
Formative & Summative Assessments: same formative assessments as above, same logic.
Specific Learner Considerations: Same as above
Transition Between All Activities: Same as above
Learning Activity #4: Students will be completing a worksheet that tests their knowledge of halfreactions.
Formative & Summative Assessments: Same formative assessments as above, same logic.
Specific Learner Considerations: Same as above
Transition Between All Activities: Same as above
Learning Activity #5: Students will be completing a worksheet that tests their knowledge of
disproportionation reactions.
Formative & Summative Assessments: Same formative assessments as above, same logic.
Specific Learner Considerations: Same as above
Transition to Closure: Ill tell everyone to pull out their smartphones (they can stay in the same tables
that finished the learning centres in).

ED 3601


KR 2011

Closure (7 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: The last assignment is the Kahoot quiz. The Kahoot quiz
covers most of the learning outcomes and therefore will be a good representation of what the students
have learned over the class.
There is a lot of data I can analyze to ensure that students have meet the learning objectives. The
formative assessment from the 40 minutes of observing the students in their centres. Also the four
worksheets. The reason I want 4 different worksheets is because it can be hard to tell sometimes what
step a student is getting lost at. With each step/part of redox reactions broken into these worksheets I
can see where specifically students are struggling. Finally I will have the Kahoot quiz. I can compare
the results from the Kahoot quiz to the worksheets I receive. This is important because if someone did
well at the worksheets but bombed the quiz this could be an indicator that the student might struggle
with tests. This could lead to trying to observe more about the student and if needed talking to the
student about their test taking skills.
Feedback From Students: Kahoot quiz and worksheets.
Feedback To Students: I will mark their worksheets (they will not be for actual mark) so the students
know where they are struggling.
Transition To Next Lesson: I will tell them that they will get to apply their knowledge in the awesome
lab next lesson.
Technology Rationale
The link to the Kahoot quiz I made is https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/ac5db0f8-73d7-4948-9cf6-


The technology used in the lesson was a Kahoot quiz, the oxidation number Mahjong game.
For the Mahjong game it is a great activity for multiple reasons. First and most importantly the
response time. When a student makes a wrong answer they get the results back immediately. I think
this is very important when first learning a skill. Having the immediate feedback means they either just
made a quick error or they do not fully understand how to find oxidation numbers. This makes sure
students are not practicing the wrong technique. Second it is more fun/engaging than just a worksheet.
There is not getting away from it worksheets are needed but when possible I want to switch it up. Even
though students will probably only get through the game once it does time them, so when they are at
home they could try and beat their best time. Lastly the game times the students, this can lead to selfregulated learning. The student could be motivated to try and beat their best time and this will improve
their knowledge. For the Kahoot quiz there are two main reasons why I used it. First convince, since
the learning centres take up so much time I wanted a quick exit slip. The students can pull out their
phones and access the quiz pretty fast which meant I could fit in the exit slip. It also marks every
question immediately so I can quickly analyze the results. Second a Kahoot quiz is more
engaging/exciting than a test. Since most of the learning centres had the students doing a worksheet a

ED 3601


KR 2011

Kahoot quiz was a good way to reengage the students. I like the point system this creates competition
and excitement with the quiz. Also since this is a grade 12 class students will have to take a
standardized test at the end of the semester, ever little bit of practice helps.
For this lesson to succeed the classroom will have to have either tablets or laptops. Also each
student would need access to a smartphone (I assume by grade 12 most students have their own, but if
every student does not they would need to be provided with one). The Kahoot quiz uses the
smartphones and the oxidation number Mahjong can be run on a tablet or laptop. Both of these
programs are extremely user friendly and by grade 12 each student would have the technology skills
need to use the programs. I believe that the use of the technology is an effective way of engaging
students, it is a nice chance from a worksheet. Before the students got the laptops I would make sure
that they would respect it. Respect is a big part of my classroom climate, respect for me, respect for
your peers, respect for yourself, and respect for the classroom. I would remind them that the laptops
are part of the classroom and that I expect them to treat the laptops with respect. For the use of their
smartphones I would also make it clear that they are not allowed to be on them unless instructed. This
would mean that their smartphones would not be out at any part during the learning centres, only after
when we were doing the Kahoot quiz.
I do not think there are a lot of downsides to using these technologies in this lesson. The
Mahjong game is very simple and I think it will be a great way of applying their knowledge. Kahoot is
also really easy to use and it gives test a more exciting atmosphere. The major problem I could run into
is the computers not working. If the laptops/tablets are not working, for example cannot connect to the
internet or will not turn on. Same with the Kahoot quiz if the internet does not work or the computer
cannot turn on. I think not being to access the program (for whatever reason) would be the only
downside of using technology in this lesson.

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