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James Darwin C.

Media Arts 11-C
1. Gender stereotypes in a relationship; Is it okay for boy to cry
Is it okay for boy to cry in a gender stereotype relationship because everyone has to
express his emotion when needed .It is a way to release the pain that he experience. It
lessens the burden that he feels out of the misunderstanding that happened in their
2. Who is to blame for todays insane beauty standards?
In todays beauty standard we can blame the cosmetic surgeons who are experts in
making changes to beauty the face and body of a person thru surgery and medical
treatment its a way of making business for them because this is very costly.
3. Are women less privileged in todays society than men
In todays society women are not less privileged than men because women are nontreated equally with men women are also privileged to occupy or hold high position in
the world of work they are given equal rights with men in different aspects of life
politically and socially . Women are also accepted to do jobs that men usually do like
police women , welders ,elevator operator ,miners ,pilots ,etc.
4. Is intelligence more important than beauty for success in todays society
In todays society, intelligence is more important than beauty for success because to
achieve our goals in life we need to use our brain in making wise decisions, High
intelligence quotient is need to be able to weigh things wisely and make decision,
Intelligence is also important in meeting challenges in life and overcoming problems to
5. The culture of poverty are the citizens of poor countries responsible for their own
The culture of poverty are the citizens of poor countries, The people themselves are
responsible for their own poverty because if the people will not develop positives
attitudes in life they will remain poor. Change should start from people themselves. They
should not always depend upon the government alone, they should start change from
themselves first. There must be unity among the people to get rid of poverty.
6. What is the role of mass media in shaping public opinion?
Mass media has an important role in shaping public opinion. It is through mass media
that people are keep abreast of what is happening around. People are informed of current
situations so that people could decide on what to react in such situations revealed by mass
media. People become aware and become intelligent enough to make decisions in case
problems arise.

James Darwin C. Aquino

Media Arts 11-C
7. Is sincere, love and care for children more important than the type of family (single
parent,gay,lesbian parent)
Sincere love and care for children is more important than the type of family. Whatever
type of family the children may belong it is impotant that the children are given sincere
love and care. The children are entitled to receive true love and care from whoever may
become their parents or guardian because they need proper guidance in molding their
character and behavior
8. Should people until the age of 21 to get married
People should marry or get married at the age of 21 or more. What is important is the
person is already matured enough and already an adult. Not only in age but also in the
capacity to meet the obligations of a married life. He must have a stable job for
responsible parenthood. He must be physically, emotionally and financially ready.
9. Imagine your kid, brother, friend is gay what would fight for his/her rights
If I have a kid ,brother or a friend is a gay I will fight for his rights by telling him to move
on. Do what he thinks is best for him, Guide him to develop his talents and do his best.
Let him discover what he wants to be in the future. Make him feel that he is accepted in
the family and support his needs.
10. Abortion a heartless murder or a method of birth control
Abortion is a heartless murder or a method of birth control. It is a great crime because it
is a way of killing a child. It is a big sin to God because it is against Gods teaching: to
love life. Life is Gods gift that we have to treasure. If we commit abortion we are
committing a sin against Gods commandments: Thou shall not kill.

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