Class 9 Dps Science Sa2 016

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FAHANEEL AL-WATANIFH INDIAN PRIVATE SCHOOL, SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT II (2015-2016) SCIENCE CLASS IX - SET B hours Maximum Marks : 90 General Instructions: a) Gi) ii) Gv) o (i) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) The question paper comprises of three Sections, A, B and C. You are to attempt all the sections. All questions are compulsory. Alll questions of Seetion ~ A , Section ~ B and Section ~ C are to be attempted separately. Question numbers { to 3 in Section — A are one mark questions. These are to be answered in one word or in one sentence. Question numbers 4 to § in Section ~ A are two mark questions. These are to be answered in shout 30 words cach. Question numbers 6 to 16 in Section — A are three mark questions. These are to be answered in about $0 words each Question numbers 17 to 21 in Section — A are five mark questions. These are to be answered in about 70 wards each. Scetion ~ B has three OTBA questions. Question number 22 is two marks, Question number 23 is three marks and Question number 24 is five marks. Question numbers 25 to 33 in Section - C are multiple choice questions based on practical skills. Each question is a one mark question. You are to select one most appropriate response out of the four provided to you. Question numbers 34 to 36 in Seetion ~ C are two mark questions based on practical skills Page 11 SECTION A SD What is a polyatomic ion? Give one example Y¥ What are the charge and mass of a neutron? of Name two discases that ean spread in an unhygienic living surrounding. 3° Find the pressure exerted, when a thrust of 20 N is applied on a surface area of 10 cm?. “ (i) Define Kinetic energy. Gif What is the work done by the earth in moving around the sun. ae A Give the formula of magnesium hydroxide. A) Find the formula unit mass of ammonium carbonate, (atomic mass of N=14u,C=12u, O=16u,11=1u) Giff) Define atomicity. VW Gf Find the simplest formuls of a compound containing carbon and hydrogen in the ratio 3:1 by mass. (atomic mass of C=12u, H=1u) (j} When 1g of hydrogen is bumt in 8g of oxygen, 9.00 g of water is produced. What mass of water will be formed when 3g of hydrogen is bumt in 50g of oxygen? x Ww ‘Draw the Bohr model of sulphur atom. ( atomic mass number of S=32) G8) An atom of an element has 7 electrons in its outermost L shell. What is its atomic number and state its valency. ()/Name the forces acting on a plastic block when immersed in water, (9 A dining hall has dimension 50m x 15 mx 3.5 m. Calculate the mass of air in the halt, ifthe density of air is 1.3 ky/m’. 10. AS kg ball is thrown upwards with a speed of 10 m/s. (i) Calculate the maximum height Page 10f8 attained by the ball, (ii) Find the potential cnergy when it reaches the highest point. VW. wWavesot frequency 100 Hz are produced ina string as shown in figure: Sisplacement distance along path of sound wave Find Its (Amplitude (i) Time period Gis Velocity 1 yen the conditions for an echo to be heard clearly. c ‘An echo is returned in 6 s. What is the distance of the reflecting surface from the source, given that the speed of sound is 342 m/s? \ Sam visited Ram's tow nship during his Christmas vacation. He was amused to see the milkman in the township carrying a lactometer. This move of the milkman was well appreciated by the township members. 465 What is the use of lactometer? On What principle docs it works? GiYWnhat value is shown by the milkman? 1s Y/Mention two characteristic features of thallophytes (j) Name two plant under the same group. {jji) Write any two features that distinguish thallophytes from pteridophytes. YS. A person enters a museum and observes the animal specimen. He looks at the one marked as bat’ and calls it a *bird*. wa How will you explain to him that bats and birds belong to two different classes? List 4 distinguishing features and also give one example each of the other members of the above 2 classes. Page 20f8 16 Name the discase caused by the fullowing, S65 Trypanosoma. Leishmania. (if) Helicobacter pylori. ds Vhat do you call a disease which produces a long term effect on health? Give two examples. si) How many atoms are present in 12g of C-12? What is the name given to this constant? @ ‘The formula of chloride of an clement *X" is *XC},". Give the formula of its oxide. ci) (ie) Calculate the number of moles in 32g of oxygen gas. (atomic mass of O=16u) Calculate the number of atoms in 11.5y of sodium. (atomic mass of Na=23u) (y$ Calculate the number of aluminum ions present in 0.051g of Alz0s. (atomic mass of AI=27u, O=16u) U5 State the Law of Conservation of Energy. (J Prove the law of conservation of energy in case of a freely falling body. @ Write the relation between commercial unit of electricity and the S.1. unit of energy. (if) Name the physical quantity that is expressed as KW. wf gv What is infrasonic sound? (iif Write two practical applications of reflection of sound. @) A body is vibrating 6000 times in one minute. Ifthe velocity of sound in air is 360 sms, find (ay frequency of vibration in Hz and (Bf Wavelength of the wave produced, 20/ (What is the basis of the principle of immunisation? 8 India was declared as a Potio free nation by WHO last year. How did we achieve this? JiidGive two examples of vaccines other than polio. fiv) Write one difference between vaccines and antibiotics. Page 3 of 8 fo yt Write the phylum for each of the given organism. Also write one characteristic feature of cach 5 phylum they belong to. Mig Se ‘i ity SECTION B YH Explain any pwo sources of water pollution. P (i) Name 2 gases given out by buming fossil fuels which dissolve in rain to form acid rain, 3 (ji) Our earth is covered with approximately 75% water, still there is an urgent need to conserve water. Why? (iii) Why is water necessary for living organisms? i How can we conserve water? (any 5 points) 5 Page 40f8 SECTION C The products were 2.2 1 25. In areaction, 5.3g of sodium carbonate reacted with 6g of ethanoic aci of carbon dioxide, 0.9g water and sodium cthanoate. What is the expected mass of sodium ethanoate? A285 B.8. C. 28g D.0.82g 26. In an experiment to verify law of conservation of mass, which of the following needs to be carried out? A. Weighing of the reactants only B. Weighing of the products only C. Weighing of the reactants and products D. Weighing is not required 27. Which quantity is transferred from one place to another with the propagation of the wave in a medium? A. Energy B. Density C. Mass D. Velocity 28. The hollow pipe in the experiment to study reflection of sound, should be made up of : A. Rubber B. Plastic C. Wood D. Metal Page Sof 8 29. Four students A, B, C and D observed and compared the pressure exerted by three different faces 1 of metal cuboid of dimensions 10 em x 8cmx 6cm. They recorded their observations about the depressions observed by them in the sand by the different faces of the cuboid as follows : A. “A records that the depression is maximum when the face of dimension 10 em x 8 em is in contact with the sand, B, *B? records that the depression is maximum when the face of dimension 10 mx 6 cmis in contact with the sand. C. °C" records that the depression is maximum when the face of dimension 8 cm x 6 emis in contact with the sand. D. *D' records that the depression is equal for all faces. 30. Choose the option that best describes the feature of spirogyra. A. Multicellular, autotrophic, root like rhizoids B. Cytoplasmic strands, autotrophic, presence of rhizome C. Presence of male cones, nonvascular filaments D. Filamentous, Presence of cytoplasmic strands, presence of pyrenoids 31. Given below are pictures of two animals *x’ and *y’ belonging to two different phyla, Which characteristic features of their bodies are specific features of their respective phylum? y A. Wings of *x' and segments of *y" without appendages. B. Three pairs of appendages of 'x’ and clitellum of *y* C. Jointed appendages of x’ and segmented body of *y* 1D. Wings of 'x" and slender body of *y* , Page 6 of 8 k ‘xt and 32, Sameer observed the following specimen in the laboratory. They are sketched as "s ty’ below : Which one of the given sketch has a cell wall but not a plant? AUX Boy C. Both x and D. Both are plants 33. Which one of the following is not a swimming adaptation of a fish? 1 A. Presence of tail. B. Streamlined body. C. Presence of notochord. D. Presence of fins. 34. (i) You are to find the weight of a solid cube of aluminium of side 3 cm and density 2.7 g/em’, 2 Which one would you consider as the best option for the choice of spring balance? A. Spring balance with range 0 10 $0g and least count of | g B. Spring balance with range 0 to 100 g and least count 1 g C. Spring balance with range 0 to 200 g and least count } D. Spring balance with range 0 to 500 g and least count 2 g the cube float or sink in water? Page 7 of 8 35 36 (i) If sound waves falls at an angle 23° with the reflecting surface, which of the following is the value for angle of reflection? A. 67° B. 23° Cc. 64° D. 65° (48) What is the angle of reflection if the sound wave hits perpendicular to the reflecting surface? How will you identify an angiosperm plant as a dicot or a monocot plant by observing the roots and flowers? Page 8 of 8

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