3 Simple Steps To Being A Great Lover

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3 Simple Steps To Being A Great Lover

1. Pay Attention

Youd think this is an obvious thing to do, but almost NO men do it!

Paying attention to your woman is the single best tactic you can use to please her in bed.

No kidding.

Its as simple as that.

See, the problem is, so many guys are just focused on their own pleasure in the bedroom,
the girl is almost incidental most of the time.

But if youre able to step back and look at the situation youre in, youll know this is the
WORST thing to do, at least in the beginning.

See, women respond to stimulus in a very physical way. And in fact, most women will TELL
you how to please them but not verbally.

They will tell you by their own actions.

See, people all have their own model of the world in their head, and how they interact with
others is based on that model.

This means that a woman will kiss you in the exact way she likes to be kissed.

Shell touch you in the exact way she likes to be touched.

All you have to do to use this to your advantage is to pay attention to what she does, then
MIRROR it back to her!

This means that what she does to you, you do back to her in the exact same way.

For instance, if she kisses you softly, thats how she likes to be kissed, so kiss her back

If she likes to massage your shoulders, then thats how she likes to be massaged, so
massage her shoulders too, in the exact way she did it to you.

In addition to this, notice how she responds to the way she reacts to things you do to her.

If she responds favorably, keep doing what youre doing. If shes not responding, switch
things up until you find something she DOES respond to.

2. Use The Secret Twitch

The Secret Twitch method is a really simple way to find out if what youre doing to her is

Its usually best used when you are performing oral sex on a woman.

What you do is take one or two fingers, and insert them into her vagina as you pleasure her
with your mouth or fingers.

While your fingers are in her, you can also massage the G-spot in the vagina, but its not

All you really have to do is pay attention when her vaginal muscles contract around your

When you perform oral sex on a woman, remember to go from light to firm. Lightly kiss,
suck, and lick the clitoris, try different things, and see which ones she reacts to.

When she reacts well, her vaginal muscles will tighten (or twitch) around your fingers. This
means what youre doing is working!

So keep doing it!!!

Once you find a pressure or motion that works to get her vaginal muscles contracting, just
keep doing it. Dont change the pressure, the tempo, or anything. Just keep doing what
youre doing if its working.

Even if the woman youre with starts shouting Faster! or Harder! just keep doing what
youre doing thats working.

This is a sure-fire way to figure out how to bring your woman to orgasm.

Which brings us to our next rule

3. Follow The Rule Of Three

The rule of three is simple. It goes like this:

Thou shall not insert thy penis until thy woman has had THREE orgasms!

Thats the rule.

Before you even begin to think about getting your rocks off, you should please your woman
by bringing her to orgasm for a minimum of THREE times.

Why three, you ask?

Because its not unheard of for a woman to have one orgasm with a man shes seeing.

Its rare, but not unimaginable, that shes had two orgasms with a man before.

But very, very few women have ever experienced three orgasms with the same man in the
same night!

This will escalate you above every other lover shes ever had and make you SPECIAL.

She will brag to her friends about you for the simple cost of three orgasms.

So once shes experienced ecstasy three times, the pressure on you to perform is now off!

If youre the type of guy who doesnt have a lot of stamina or climaxes quickly, your girl isnt
going to care if shes already climaxed three times.

So you can now focus on your own pleasure, and if she orgasms again, guess what?
THATS A BONUS! Your status as a sex god has now been elevated even higher!


So just to recap:

1. Pay attention

2. Use the Secret Twitch

3. Follow the Rule of Three

Its that simple to blow your womans mind in bed.

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