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Fatima Obaid H00298145

Lesson Plan



1 November 2016


Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?


Number of Students/ Grade


Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

25 students KG2A

Learn about animals.

Learn about colors.
Learn counting.

Story book.
Painting brushes

Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time: 30 Minutes
Warm Up:
Ask the students to stand up and make a circle and jump three
times then club their hands three times, to make them
encouraged, excited and interested to take the new lesson.
Lesson Introduction:
Tell the students that I'm going to read a story for them.
Read the cover page.
Ask questions about the cover page.
Read the story and ask different questions about the animals
and the colors while reading.
Ask students different questions about the story.
Active Engagement:
Craftwork (whole class activity)
Students will have different materials such as plates, paints, papers, glue
and painting brushes and they will do craftwork (Masks) about their
favorite animal.
Role Play (whole class activity)
Students will use their masks to do a role play about the animals.

What I expect the students to do:

Warm Up:
Stand up and do what I tell them to do.
Lesson Introduction:
Sit and listen.
Answer questions.
Show their knowledge about animals
and colors.
Active Engagement:
Choose their favorite animal.
Design their own animal craftwork using
the materials.
Role Play:
Role plays the story using their masks.

Learning Centers Materials

Animals flashcards
Small Group Learning Centers: Time 10 Minutes
Learning Center 1 Title: Animals' flashcards
I will have the animals in the story flashcard and I will show them to the students. I will ask students about each animal, its
color, sound and where it lives. Also, I will let them show their knowledge about the animals and discuss with them.

General Comments
I think that the lesson was successful because I was able to achieve my learning outcomes. The students were
able to learn the names of the animals and they recognized some colors also they learnt new colors. Students
enjoyed the story and they were engaged and active. My MST praised me and she was happy with my
performance. She said that the activates were good and suitable for the students' and it helps them develop
different skills. Also the students liked the activities and they did great on them. I was happy because my MST
complained me and because I was able to build a new knowledge in students' minds about animals and I helped
them develop their language by learning the names of the animals and colors.

Fatima Obaid H00298145

Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus

I have some personal targets that I want to develop in the future which are maintaining the time and different
voice level. Because I am a very shy person I get shy to change my voice and have different voice levels while
reading the story so I want to overcome this thing and be able to have different voice levels. For the activities I
want to have activities that support reading and writing.

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