Trik House

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The Eighth House: About You

7 Comments Astrology Houses

How to Interpret Your Own Eighth House

In order to help you understand the nature of your Transformation,
Obstacles & Longevity karma, we will walk you through a few steps.
First you will learn which Sign contains your 8th House and how that
sign affects your transformations, obstacles, longevity, legacy,
chronic health issues and other 8th house indicators, such as inheritance, gains through
others and sexuality. Then, we will get more specific in accessing your 8th House by
examining the planets placed in that house, and also where the ruler of your Eighth
House is placed. This will all be very easy to do. Finally, we will test your knowledge
with a Quiz using Oprah Winfreys chart.

First, you need to know what your 8th House sign is. To do this:
1. Log into Astroved
2. Run the Chart Report
3. On the chart, it will indicate your 8th House with the the number 8 in the box. The
blue letters in the same box indicate the Sign. For your reference the abbreviated
sign names are listed below.
Sign Name
























Now that you know which sign your 8th House is, please read the description for
the sign that rules your 8th house of Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity.
This description offers you general inclinations you will have due to this sign
ruling your 8th House. As you read the description, please also make note of the
Ruling Planet. We will use this in Step 4 to better understand the specifics of your
8th house karma.
We wish to remind you that there are many factors which influence your chart, your
karma/dharma and your life, including condition of the planet ruling a house, condition of
planets in a house, and what Dasha (planetary) period you are currently running. The ruling
planet indicates qualities of mind and general nature of destiny.









Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity Nature


Purification of desires and dissolution of egocentricity. Brings

difficulties for brothers (3rd house of siblings and Mars as the
karaka for brothers). Mars (Dasha, Bukti, chart placement) can
bring loss of vitality, health and accidents.


Radical changes possible as heart awakens. Depth of character,

Venus Dasha/Bukti can bring transformation of personality (1st
house is also Venus).


Ability to negotiate way to fulfilling desires. Mercury associations

can bring health issues. Gains through friends (Mercury owns 11th
house of friends). Natural tendency toward fairness with others.


Moon brings big changes as well as inheritance. Provoked by

discomfort to look deeply into things. Understands letting go and
moving on is a necessary part of gaining new increases.


Learning to develop detachment. Can bring sensitive ego, identity

issues related to father. A vulnerable personality. Great potential to
break free from past life karmas.


Deep thinker. Enjoys research, mysteries, occult sciences. Uses

intelligence to make best of circumstances. Unconventional


Talented, original artistic ability. Siblings are either troubled and/or

involved with research/occult sciences. Venus can deplete life force
energy. Purification and transformation of desires.


Interest in research and investigation. If afflicted, Mars can bring

scandalous affairs. Great regenerative energies. Courage to undergo
great change and face the unknown. Willingness to create a new

Sagittarius Jupiter

Can bring excessive desires (Jupiter owns 11th house of desires),

knowledge of the Mystery schools. Able to benefit from difficulties.

Saturn brings transformations and revelations of a spiritual nature
(as Saturn also owns the 9th house of dharma). Fortune can be
unsteady in early years. Often uses difficulties to deepen faith. Can
grow in wisdom.





Can bring transformation to relationships (Saturn owns the 7th

house of relationships). If afflicted, brings scandal to relationships.
Must learn to develop trust. Relationships improve as one gets
older. Must learn balance with emotions to avoid weakening body
with stress.



Mind with love for probing the depths of mysteries. Can bring
difficulty in having children. (Jupiter also rules 5th house.) Inclined
to share with others. Naturally drawn toward spiritual practice for

Once you have identified which sign is your Eighth house, the next step in understanding
aspects of your Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity house is to know which planets most
directly influence it and modify its nature.
To do this, run the Chart Report on Astroved. Examine your 8th House and note any planets
in that sign, then read the descriptions for each planet that you have in your 8th House to see
how they affect your 8th house indicators.
Planet in
the 8th

General Effect

If Afflicted


Somewhat shy. Interest and skill in

metaphysics, ambitious, self-acquired
property, lucky, charitable, lover of music
and poetry. Can live far from birthplace.
Potential for government employment.

Weak constitution,
difficulty with father.
Eyes or digestion may
have weakness.


Easy acquisitions, sensual, inner charisma,

learned, changeable. Natural interest in
occult. Potential for inheritance. Generous
in heart.

Loneliness. Health
challenges, few children,


Sensual, crafty. Persuasive in speech. May

manage other people.

Promiscuity. Vision


Enthusiasm, keen memory, insights into

metaphysical matters, longevity, fame,
elevated status, inherited estate. May
change jobs or partners frequently. Good
with details. Potential for world travel.

Speech or nervous
disorders, domestic grief.


Luck through inheritance and other sources Liver/kidney problems,

of unearned income, longevity. Generous. promiscuous.


Long-lived, opulent, high status, generous

Sexual disease and
physical comforts, unearned income. Often
difficulties in love.
owns property. Spiritual interests.


Favorable for strong health and longevity.

Work for everything you get. May need to Loss of strength after
work through anti-social tendencies.
strong beginning.
Skilled at their work. Many responsibilities Perianal problems.
in life. Perseveres against odds.


Fearless, luck in speculative ventures, but

can also lose it. Must guard against
Argumentative, immoral,
quarreling. Developing detachment about
promiscuous, jealousy
critical opinions of others. Learning to trust from excessive desires.
and value relationships.


Deeply mystical, interest in metaphysical

studies. Some delays in developing ones
profession. Must learn to handle enemies.

Covetous, mysterious
reproductive difficulties,

To help you determine whether your 8th house will tend to have the negative influence
mentioned above, refer to the following chart. If your 8th House sign has an enemy planet
in it, then you need to guard against the negative effects. Rahu and Ketu are not listed as they
are generally considered unfavorable for all signs. Generally, no planet is optimal in the 8th
house. (An exception would be Saturn in its own sign bringing longevity.)
8th House





Jupiter Sun Mars


Saturn Venus


Mercury Saturn Sun



Saturn Venus


Jupiter Mars Sun


Jupiter Mars Moon


Saturn Mercury


Jupiter Mars Sun


Saturn Mercury


Venus Mercury

Saturn Sun

Jupiter Mars Moon


Mercury Saturn


Jupiter Sun Mars


Jupiter Sun Moon

Jupiter Moon Mars

Saturn Mercury


Mars Sun Jupiter


Venus Mercury


Venus Saturn Jupiter


Mars Moon Jupiter


Saturn Venus
Moon Mars Jupiter


Moon Mars
Saturn Venus
Mercury Sun

The final step in understanding your personal 8th house is to examine where your 8th houses
Planetary Ruler is placed in your chart and what that means for you. Remember, the Planetary
Ruler can be found in the chart in Step 2.
Now, look again at your Chart Report. What sign is your planetary ruler of your 8th House
placed? For instance, you may find that you have a Pisces 8th House. Pisces ruling planet is
Jupiter. The Chart Report would show you in which House your Jupiter is placed. Perhaps
your Jupiter is in your 2nd House.
The placement of your 8th House planetary ruler will tell you how your Transformation,
Obstacles & Longevity karma will be experienced by you in this lifetime. So, in our example,
if your ruling 8th House planet is Jupiter and placed in your 2nd House (Wealth/Finances)
of Virgo, this favors the ability to generate income from others such as inheritance.
Keep in mind that as the planets have a range of values, so do placement of planets in the
houses. Below are some indications of each House:
Planet that
rules the 8th
House is in

How your Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity Karma is


1st House

A great range of fortunes: if strong (e.g. in its own sign in the 1st),
it brings a skill for the occult, dream work, insights into the psyche
as well as longevity. If afflicted, the opposite prevails. Must be
precise in dealings with government.

2nd House

Ability to earn income from unearned sources. If afflicted, can

bring addictions and speech difficulties. Must guard against critical
speech. Must maintain balanced diet.

3rd House

Brings metaphysics into creative endeavors. Can bring difficulties

with siblings or health problems to them. Must eliminate abusive
language and channel speech in positive direction.

4th House

Can dampen happiness and relations with mother. Spiritual practice

brings capacity to cultivate inner contentment and transcend
material attachments. Must become practical in purchase of cars

and not spend excessively.

5th House

Creates obstacles in having children. Favorable for making money

through speculative ventures and entrepreneurial endeavors. Good
for learning new things and does well to take courses throughout
life. Has real charity of heart toward poor and those without high

6th House

Ability to overcome jealous adversaries. Favors healing ability.

Possibility of chronic health issues. May have some difficult
employers which they can use to develop humility.

7th House

Spouse can have 8th house interests and career: research &
development, investigation, metaphysics. May fail in business
before succeeding.

8th House

Longevity, money through inheritance or luck, charismatic

persona, deep interest/knowledge in metaphysics. Excellent ability
to influence others which they must use in positive manner.

9th House

Favors mentorship from father figure, possible paternal inheritance.

Must guard against renunciate tendencies and learn to support
group success.

10th House

Bring 8th house interests to career: psychology/psychiatry, R &D,

investigation. Can do difficult things and triumph. May have some
periods of poverty.

11th House

Favors positive outcomes from speculative adventures through

friends. Has influential friends. Can bring difficulties to siblings.

12th House

Favors long distance travel (esp. foreign lands), spiritual

attainment. Health away from home should be guarded. Interest in
religious matters. Must guard against unnecessary expenses.

By means of another example, if your Eighth House is Aquarius, then your planetary ruler is
Saturn. When you look at your chart, you see that Saturn is placed in its own sign of Aquarius
in the 8th House. Saturn, being the planet of longevity, in the house of longevity, brings you
the promise of a long life.

At this point, you now have an understanding of:

What sign rules your 8th House

What planets, if any, are in your 8th house
What planet rules your 8th house; and
In which house your ruling 8th house planet is placed in your chart.

This will give you a good basic comprehension of which signs and planets are influencing
your transformations, obstacles and longevity. If you have 2 or more planets in your 8th
House, look to which of the planets are weak and causing you difficulties based on the

descriptions of the planets above. Then remedy that planet!

When Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity Karma Become Active
Overcoming obstacles and sustaining strong health are generally an on-going interest for most
of us. But there are times when the lessons and opportunities for growth in these areas are
most pronounced. To see if you are in a period especially influencing your 8th house issues,
run your Planetary Influence report in Astroved for free. This report will tell you your
major and minor planetary period, called Dasha (major) and Bukti (minor). If your major
or minor planet is either the Ruler of your Eighth House or in the Eighth House, this will be a
time of increased focus on 8th house conditions. If the planet is good for you, look for
opportunities for transformational change through the loosing of old boundaries. If it is
unfavorable, then there can be chronic health issues or challenges with reputation or moral




What Can I do About my 8th House Afflictions? There are several option to remedy ill effects
of the planets affecting your Eighth house.
There are secret mantras to help appease a planet that is destined to cause you problems. The
powerful and secret mantra to improve your 8th house affairs can be found on the Personal
Transformation Video for Level 2.
There are also planetary remedies you can do based upon your newfound analysis. First, to
strengthen your Eighth house, you can chant the mantra of the planet that rules your Eigth
house. The mantras for each house can be found on the Astroved site. Astroved is unique in
that it also offers Virtual Poojas that combine Mantra and Visual depictions of the planets.
This is another powerful way to win the grace of a planet that is not in your favor. Click
hereto try a virtual pooja now for free.
You can propitiate a planet on the day of your 8th house ruler. For instance if Mars is the ruler
of your 8th House (i.e. Gemini or Virgo), then on Wednesday, the day ruled by Mars, you can
try fasting during daylight hours, but eat before sunrise and after sundown or remain
vegetarian the entire day.

The Eighth House: Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity

In the House 7 Makeover, we covered marriage, relationships, partnerships and
moral conduct. Now, House 8 covers primarily transformations, obstacles, longevity and
legacy, as well as chronic health issues (versus acute health issues related to the 6th house).
Signs, on the other hand, are filters that color how the Houses and planets behave. This
newsletter will cover the sign of Scorpio, which is considered the natural 8th House of the
Zodiac. That means that the sign of Scorpio naturally colors things in line with the qualities of

the 8th House.

Let us begin by covering the general significators of the 8th house and what they influence in
your life. Then in the 2nd week, we show you how to examine your own chart (and others)
and find which planets are influencing your 8th house. As we progress through the final 2
weeks, you will be guided through a powerful meditation and transformation workshop that
will enable you to improve your ability to overcome obstacles, create smooth transitions and
transformations, and improve your health. Your own personal 8th House is the subject of the
next newsletter.
The Eighth House is known as the house of Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity. It is
one of the moksha houses, a house of enlightenment, indicating what must be changed, left
behind or transmuted for purification of the identity and spiritual liberation. It is a house of
great mystery, the hidden depths of the persona, carrying the highest and lowest of human
expression and experience. A strong 8th house indicates a healthy mental and physical
constitution, ease in overcoming challenges that naturally occur in life, and longevity. The
hidden depths of the 8th house also bring the karmic undertow of criminal intent and criminal
behavior. It is a house of both sexual deviancy and kundalini rising as well as the continuum
between these two points. Whereas the 7th house is the sexual relationship between two
people, the 8th house is sexuality and the sexual act. If this house is disturbed, it can bring
sexual deviancy. If it is strong and healthy, and the individual is on a high spiritual path, it can
bring the capacity for tantra, a science developed by the Siddhas to transform sexual energy
into spiritual energy; thus the transformative potentiality latent in the 8th house becomes
The range of kundalini describes the range of potentialities held through the 8th house.
Kundalini just awakened but difficult to control is expressed as the Goddess Kali. This is
associated with the subconscious mind (things hidden). When this energy has become
controlled and brings peace, it is the Goddess Durga (death and destruction). When fully
awakened and manifesting as positive creative (transformative) power, it becomes
Mahalakshmi, Saraswati, and other forms of Mother Divine. The 8th bhava can also bring
psychic abilities. As with any gifts, and especially these, proper unfoldment is crucial for
unlocking their highest benefits. This includes having correct intention in using them. Else,
misery and psychological disturbance prevail.
It is the house of the dream world and can bestow the ability to remember and interpret
dreams. As the house of death, in indicates longevity and also the capacity to experience
samadhi, both expressions of the dying of individual consciousness, and dissolving back into
universal consciousness. Thus, St. Pauls famous description: I die daily.
Materially, it is the house of all things hidden. This includes hidden mental and psychological
disturbances, hidden wealth and serious diseases. It also concerns unearned wealth such
as well as lotteries, inheritances, and gains and losses from the stock market. As a secretive

house, it involves research & development, investigative and

intelligence activities. Hidden agendas and motives underpin criminal
behavior, or unethical dealings. Certain planets placed in the 8th bhava
can bring a tendency to be underhanded and dishonest.
As a house of legacy, it is also a house of scandal (negative legacy). It
is the house of transforming consciousness. As such, it holds the
potentiality for drug addiction as well as nirvana (bliss consciousness).
The seeking for experience beyond ego boundaries is defined by the 8th house. It is
conceivable that an individual who has overcome addiction can then transmute 8th house
karma to experience samadhi which is the 8th limb of yoga.
Your personal 8th house its ruling planet and chart position, planets influencing the 8th
house and its Lord (ruling planet) will also give clues as to your own Achilles heel. These will
also indicate benefits given by the 8th house, such as a long, healthy life. Keep in mind that
as we evolve, so, too, do our planetary qualities and influences.
Scorpio, Vrishchika , is the 8th sign in the zodiac, a water sign, and the natural 8th house.
Mars is the ruler of Scorpio, giving its qualities to the 8th house as well. And like the 8th
house, Scorpio deals with what is hidden. Therein lies its potential for both creativity and
danger. Scorpio can be tenacious, vindictive, selfish and determined. It produces warriors,
military, policemen, and athletes. Physically, it is the genitals and anus.
Scorpios tend to be secretive, intense, intelligent, perceptive but cautious, very passionate
and sexual. If afflicted, there can be deviancy, underhandedness and a tendency to temper
and violence. Its important for a Scorpio not to get stuck in negative emotions such as
jealousy, anger or attachment; as well as in the 3rd chakra of personal power. These will
interfere with development of their highest qualities and bring pain. The quest for Scorpios is
to surrender to their hearts. Then things will flow properly as they are operating from their true
Mars is a planet of intense creative energy and extroverted emotions. It is a planet of great
passion, intensity and force. Mars represents brothers, friends and associates. It brings
power, strength, courage and aggressiveness. It can also bring devotion and loyalty. When
strong, it brings will, determination and strength to follow through on personal goals. When
weak, it brings jealousy, competition, violence, a controlling nature and self-destruction.
Someone with a successful military career would most likely have a strongly placed Mars.
The positive traits of Mars give a strong logical mind and oratory skills which lend themselves
to success as a lawyer or politician. Mars mechanical and technical abilities makes for strong
scientists, engineers, mechanics and chemists. Mars can give athletic success and
excellence with martial arts.

Mars rules machines and anything technical. He governs work, research and material
pursuits. His passionate nature yearns for union, but his overbearing side often makes that
illusive. He is ambitious, zealous and can be arrogant, impulsive and inflexible. Saturn with
Mars inhibits Martian energy and drives. Jupiter enhances them. It governs blood, menstrual
cycle, accidents, burns and physical vitality. The best house placement for Mars is the 1st,
6th or 10th houses.
As the planetary significator for death and longevity, he becomes the karaka for the 8th
house. Saturn brings its qualities of heaviness and serpent wisdom, the grim reaper of the
planet family. He casts a shadow over materiality so that Truth may reveal Itself. He is the
great abnegator, denier, of self-expression, in favor of discovering Self-expression. The
placement and health of Saturn in the chart bring insights into 8th house karma.
The moon is debilitated in Scorpio. No planet is exalted in Scorpio. Some schools of thought
say Ketu becomes exalted in Scorpio.
Remember that when assessing a chart, multiple factors must be taken into consideration. No
one effect, such as planetary position in a sign or house, will be the sole indicator of fortunes
and influences. In general, one must assess the strength of the house, its indicator, and its
lord and occupants, as well as other planetary influences and the Dasha and Bukti you are
running. The following are general indications for when a particular planet is posited in the
sign of Scorpio.
If you have a planet or planets in Scorpio that are in good condition then the negative affects
can be lessened. Likewise, if the planets are afflicted, the positive effects would be lessened
or negated. The chart must always be considered in the aggregate.
When the Sun is here, the persons actions, represented by the Sun, will be Venus-like. They
would be involved with arts. Their careers would flourish in Taurus-like slow steady
established occupations or businesses. They will be able to accumulate wealth over time,
slowly attaining returns in conservative, long term investments.
When the Moon is here, the persons emotions, represented by the Moon, will be Venus-like.
This would be a even personality who is attractive and popular, but quiet. When the persistent
quality of Taurus is linked with the Moons emotions it can lead to possessiveness or jealousy
not wanting to let go.
Witty, clever-spoken, bold, enjoys discovering underlying causes and mysteries. If afflicted
can be obstinate, crafty, malicious, selfish, tendency to over indulge. Will likely use mental
acumen in life work, such as chemistry, alchemy, metallurgy, detective, military. Such people

may have interest to study spirituality and must guard against being reckless.
Independent, artistic, proud, sensual, extravagant, money gains through others. If afflicted,
difficulty with opposite sex, potential for lack of restraint or modesty. Potential for great
psychic intuition. Must guard against quarreling or seeking revenge. Is refreshed by visiting
scenic places.
In its own sign here, Mars makes the individual clever, diplomatic, strong memory (for
details), proud, aggressive, self-assured and successful in life. If afflicted, over indulgent,
haughty and cruel. Great potential for owning property as well as natural talents with occult
arts. Energetic and must keep that energy guided in positive directions.
The individual will possess perseverance and elegant manners, good imagination and
appreciation for elegance, be exacting, passionate and zealous. If afflicted, superior air,
selfish, imprudent. Money is gained through Scorpio occupations (see above). Usually has a
strong appearance. Must guard against vindictive tendencies. Can be very hard working.
The individual is adventurous, forceful and strong willed. Can succeed and influence others
through unseen ways and channels. If afflicted, rash, hard-hearted, arrogant, over-bearing ,
unhealthy and violent. Not favorable for public office. Must guard against sarcastic speech.
Can have genuine interest in the occult which they must use for the welfare of others. Must
be very careful in using fire or weapons.
Now that we have understood some of the characteristics of 8th House, the sign of Scorpio,
and the planets that it favors, test your knowledge with the quiz below!

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