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Whats on the DVD?

The International Express DVDs are made up of one short video clip for every unit. Most
of the clips are short documentaries, but there are also some vox pops people talking
about their lives and work. Each clip draws on the theme of the unit, sometimes looking at
the actual topic, sometimes a related topic. The clips will bring to your lessons a lively and
interactive way of learning more about and discussing the topics in the book.
The DVD is graded to the level of the learner, and allows your students to reinforce and
extend the language they have already learned in the Students Book, as well as learn some
new language.

What materials come with it?

The video clips can be found on both the classroom DVD and the Students DVD-ROM,
packaged with the Students Book. The clips are exactly the same in both items. The exercises
that accompany the clips are different:
With the classroom DVD, you get a worksheet for each clip. You can print a copy for each
student and work through it in class.
With the Students DVD-ROM, there are two interactive exercises accompanying the clip
the first one is a comprehension exercise, the second, a vocabulary or grammar exercise.

How can you use the DVD?

As the clips appear both on the classroom DVD and on the students DVD-ROM, there is
some flexibility in how you can use them:
Ask your students to watch the clip at home and do the interactive exercises. Then follow
this up in class, by watching the clip again and working through the worksheet to both
extend their understanding of it and give them some speaking practice.
Watch it in class first of all, with the accompanying worksheet, then ask your students to
follow up by watching the DVD-ROM at home to consolidate their understanding of it
and to expand their vocabulary. They could do this alongside the Internet research that is
suggested at the end of the worksheet.

What is in the worksheets?

The worksheets are intended for classroom use. There is about 3060 minutes of classroom
material on each one, generally following this format:
some warmer questions to get students talking about the theme
a vocabulary exercise to help students with some useful words from the clip
a video comprehension exercise. The questions relate to both what you can hear and what
you can see on the clip.
a series of follow-up speaking and discussion questions, which encourage students
to discuss what they have just watched and to relate it to their own knowledge and

Additional ways to use the DVD in the classroom

As well as following the worksheet that accompanies the DVD, you could also try doing some
other activities that exploit the very specific audio-visual medium of the DVD. The following
are a few ideas:
Oxford University Press

Guess the words

This works best if students havent watched the clip before. Turn the sound off on the clip and
show the entire thing, or show it in excerpts of one minute or so. Ask students to note down
the words they think they will hear on the soundtrack, based on what they can see. Students
can compare their lists or you could make a class list on the board. Then play it all again with
the sound on. Students tick the words on their lists that they hear.
What can you remember?
This works best if students havent watched the clip before. Play the clip all the way through.
Instruct students to watch carefully, but not to take notes. Afterwards, give them 23 minutes
to note down everything they remember from the clip. Ask them, then, to compare their
notes with someone elses. Play the clip again, and this time get students to reflect on what
they hadnt remembered or understood. Students then share this information with the class.

Say what you see

This works best if students havent watched the clip before. Put students into pairs. Ask one
person in the pair to sit facing away from the screen and the other to watch the screen. Turn
the sound off and play the clip. The student watching the clip describes what they see in
as much detail as possible while the other person notes down what their partner is saying.
You could pause the clip halfway through and swap the students over. Afterwards get the
students who were not watching to say what their partner told them (obviously dont allow
the students who were watching the clip to prompt them in any way) and note it all on the
board. See if, as a class, the students can piece together the whole thing. Then play it through
for everyone and compare.

Do your own voiceover

This helps students with their fluency and vocabulary recall. It doesnt matter if they have
already seen the clip it will be more challenging if they havent. Play the clip all the way
through (twice, if necessary) while students make notes on what they hear. Then get students
to take turns trying to do the voiceover themselves, by turning the sound off and playing the
clip again. They speak alongside the visuals, trying to get as much detail in as possible. For
lower level learners, you could turn the subtitles on and use this as a pronunciation exercise.

Describe the pause

This only works if students have already seen the clip. Pre-select a few images you can easily
pause at in the clip. Find the first image and keep it on pause on screen. Make sure no one
can see the image you have paused at. Ask one student to look at the image. The rest of the
group must try and guess which image from the clip is on the screen by asking only yes/no
questions. Continue with the other images you have selected and get other students to look at
the image and answer the questions.

Oxford University Press

U n i t 1 Work routines

How many different kinds of job can you name in English?

What is an easy job? What is a difficult job? Why?


Match a verb on the left with a noun on the right.

1 see
a meetings
2 go to
b books
3 go
c conferences
4 do
d friends
5 read
e sports
6 attend
f running

Video check

Watch the video. Answer the questions.

1 What time does Alison start work?
2 What time does Laurent finish work?
3 What is Tinas job?
4 What does Alex do at the weekend?
5 What does Sandra do in her free time?
6 What does Tim do at work?


Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions from the video:
a Whats your job?
b What do you do at work?
c What time do you start work?
d What time do you finish work?
e Do you work at the weekend?
f What do you do in your free time?


Do you like your job? Why / why not?

Do you like getting up early or late at the weekend? Why?
Choose one of the following jobs. Use the Internet to find some interesting facts
a actor
b astronaut
c pilot

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

Video details
This video clip links to the topic in the Grammar section in Unit 1.
Total running time: 4 minutes, 26 seconds.

Video script
Whats your job? Im a marketing manager.
What do you do at work? I go to meetings. I manage my team. I attend conferences.
What time do you start work? I start work between eight thirty and nine.
What time do you finish work? I finish work between five and six.
Do you work at the weekend? I sometimes work at the weekends.
What do you do in your free time? I like seeing my friends and my family, and I go running.
Whats your job? I work in a bank.
What time do you start work? I start work at seven oclock.
What time do you finish work? I finish work around six oclock.
Do you work at the weekend? No, I dont work at the weekend.
What do you do in your free time? I do a lot of sports running and playing football.
Whats your job? I am a lawyer.
What time do you start work? I start work at eight a.m.
What time do you finish work? I finish work at eight p.m.
Do you work at the weekend? Yes, I do.
What do you do in your free time? I go to the movies and I dance.
Whats your job? Im a digital marketing executive.
What do you do at work? I run marketing campaigns on social media channels.
What time do you start work? I start work at nine oclock.
What time do you finish work? I finish work at about five oclock.
Do you work at the weekend? I dont work at the weekend I like spending time with friends.
What do you do in your free time? I go to the cinema. I go shopping. I spend time with friends
and my girlfriend.
Whats your job? Im a general practitioner, a doctor.
What time do you start work? I start work at eight oclock.
What time do you finish work? I finish work at five oclock, sometimes at five thirty.
Do you work at the weekend? Sometimes, when Im on duty, on call.
What do you do in your free time? I sail a lot on a sailing boat.
Whats your job? I am a teacher trainer.
What do you do at work? I read emails. I write emails. I go to meetings. Lots of things.
What time do you start work? I start work at nine oclock.
What time do you finish work? I finish work at six oclock.
Do you work at the weekend? Sometimes I have to work at the weekends, yes.
What do you do in your free time? I see friends. I play with my children. I paint and I

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

Worksheet answer key

12 Students own answers
3 1d 2 a (or c) 3f 4e 5b 6 c (or a)
4 1 She starts work between 8.30 and 9.00 a.m.
2 He finishes work around 6 oclock.
3 Shes a lawyer.
4 He spends / likes spending time with friends.
5 She sails on a sailing boat.
6 He reads and writes emails and goes to meetings.
58 Students own answers

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

U n i t 2 Commuting

How many different kinds of transport can you name in English?

What is a good way to travel? What is a bad way to travel? Why?


Complete the sentences with the words below.

countrysidecrowdedhealthpublic transportrelaxingrush hour
traffic jams
1 I dont like travelling in the

. The roads are always very busy.

2 I dont like driving to work. Im often late because my car cant move in the

in our town is very good. The trains and buses are really cheap.

3 The

4 I cycle to work every day because its good for my

5 I like travelling by train. I enjoy looking out of the window at the

6 On Saturdays, the streets are always

with lots of people shopping.

7 I enjoy listening to music on the train. Its very

Video check

Watch the video. Complete the table.






Ask and answer the questions from the video with a partner:
a How do you travel to work?
b How long does your journey take?
c Why do you travel to work this way?
d What dont you like about your journey to work?


Do you like public transport? Why / why not?

When is rush hour in your country? What is good or bad about it?
Choose a method of transport. Use the Internet to find some of the following
a How many people use it?
b Is it cheap or expensive?
c Is it a good / bad way of commuting? Why?
International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

Video details
This video clip links to the topic in the Grammar section in Unit 2.
Total running time: 3 minutes, 43 seconds.

Video script
How do you travel to work? I travel by car.
How long does your journey take? It takes around 30 minutes.
Why do you travel to work by car? Because it takes less time than taking the train or public
What dont you like about your journey to work? I dont like the traffic jams.
How do you travel to work? I travel to work by bike.
How long does your journey take? My journey takes about 20 minutes.
Why do you travel to work by bike? I like cycling to work for the exercise, and because
What dont you like about your journey to work? I dont like the hill I need to cycle up to
How do you travel to work? I get the train.
How long does your journey take? My journey takes one hour.
Why do you travel to work by train? Its quick and its easy.
What dont you like about your journey to work? Its crowded and its rush hour.
How do you travel to work? Well, I live in Bristol and I work in Oxford, so I travel to Oxford
by car on a Monday morning, and I stay in Oxford during the week, and I travel home on
Friday evening.
How far do you travel? Its about 100 kilometres.
Why do you stay in Oxford from Monday to Friday? Well, it means that I dont have to drive
both ways to and from work every day, so its more relaxing.
What dont you like about your journey to work? I dont like the fact that Im away from home
from Monday to Friday.
How do you travel to work? I ride my bicycle.
How long does your journey take? About 20 minutes.
Why do you travel to work by bike? Because I like that. Its good for my health.
What dont you like about your journey to work? When it rains.
How do you travel to work? I run to work.
How long does your journey take? It takes me about one hour.
Why do you run to work? I run to work because I like the exercise, and I love the countryside.
What dont you like about your journey to work? I like everything about running to work.

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

Worksheet answer key

12 Students own answers
3 1 rush hour
2 traffic jams
3 public transport
4 health
5 countryside
6 crowded
7 relaxing
Bicycle (bike)


None (he runs)
58 Students own answers

(around) 30 minutes
(about) 20 minutes
1 hour
(about) 100 kilometres
(about) 20 minutes
(about) 1 hour

Traffic jams
Cycling up a hill
Crowded trains / rush
Staying away from
The rain

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

U n i t 3 Waterloo station

What do you know about Londons transport?

How many words in English connected to trains can you think of?


Match the words (17) with their meanings (ag).

1 arrivals board
a the place where you get on or off a train
2 departures board
b a person who travels by train, for example
3 passenger
c you can buy your ticket from this
4 platform
d you can get a taxi from this place
5 taxi rank
e this tells you the times that trains leave
6 ticket gate
f this tells you the times that trains arrive
7 ticket machine
g you put your ticket in this when you go through it

Video check

Watch the video. Number the places and things (ah) in the order you see them (18).
a the arrivals / departures board
b a bike hire station
c platform 16
d a taxi rank
e the London Eye
f ticket gates
g an old-fashioned clock
h a ticket machine


Do you like travelling by train? Why / why not?

Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions about a station they know about.
Are / Is there ?
Has it got ?
How many ?
Where are / is ?
Choose one of the following stations. Use the Internet to find some interesting facts
about it.
a Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Mumbai, India
b Grand Central Terminal, New York, USA
c Haydarpaa Gari, Istanbul, Turkey
d St Pancras International, London, UK

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

Video details
This video clip links to the language covered in the Grammar section in Unit 3, and as
an extension to the vocabulary on page 34 in Unit 3.
Total running time: 2 minutes, 48 seconds.

Video script
London is a very busy city. It has got lots of different types of transport. It is famous for its red
buses, black taxis, and underground metro system, called the Tube.
There are also many big train stations in the London area. The busiest of these is London
London Waterloo is in the centre of London. It is near the famous London Eye and is next to
the River Thames.
The building is over 90 years old, but its still a fantastic train station.
Over 90 million passengers travel through here every year.
Waterloo station has got a large glass roof, and there is a beautiful old-fashioned clock in the
centre. Under the clock is a very famous meeting spot for Londoners.
Waterloo station is always busy and it has got 19 platforms.
The ticket office is opposite platform 16. There are also some ticket machines and passengers
can buy or collect their tickets from the ticket machines.
On the left of the station, there are ticket gates. Waterloo has got 130 ticket gates.
Above the ticket gates, there are the arrivals and departures boards. They tell travellers the
times of the arrivals and departures.
Waterloo has got its own underground station, and there are a lot of bus stops in front of the
main station building.
Opposite the main entrance, there is a taxi rank and this a bike hire station.
With its central location and beautiful design, it isnt surprising that London Waterloo is a
very popular train station.

Worksheet answer key


Students own answers

1f 2e 3b 4a 5d 6g 7 c
1e 2g 3c 4h 5f 6a 7d 8b
Students own answers

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

U n i t 4 Auckland

What are the famous cities in your country? Which is your favourite city? Why?
What do you know about New Zealand?


Choose the correct words.

1 Machu Picchu is a popular destination / location for people travelling to Peru.
2 There are a lot of fishing boats in the harbour / hemisphere.
3 Mount Rushmore is a famous architecture / memorial to the four American Presidents.
4 You can enjoy fantastic icons / views from the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
5 Tokyo is the capital / region of Japan.
6 Mount Vesuvius is a famous island / volcano near Naples in Italy.
7 There is some amazing scenery / settler in the mountains of Switzerland.

Video check

Watch the video. Are these sentences true or false?

1 Auckland has got three main harbours.
2 Auckland is an old-fashioned city.
3 The Sky Tower opened in 1997.
4 Viaduct Basin has got good restaurants and cafes.
5 People can climb to the top of a volcano on Rangitoto Island.
6 Mission Bay is in the city centre.
7 You can learn about Maori history in the Auckland Museum.
8 Auckland is the capital of New Zealand.


Would you like to go to Auckland? Why / why not?

Work in pairs. Ask your partner about a city they have visited recently. For example:
What did you see there? What did you do there? What is it famous for? What is itshistory?

Think of examples of the following:

a an exciting city
b a city with an interesting history
c a city with nice scenery
d a city that is famous for its culture

Choose one of the following cities. Use the Internet to find some interesting facts
about it.
a Cape Town
b Mexico City
c Shanghai
d Rome

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

Video details
This video clip links to the topic in the Grammar section in Unit 4.
Total running time: 4 minutes, 26 seconds.

Video script
This is Auckland, on New Zealands North Island. Its a very popular destination for travellers
and its easy to see why.
Its in a beautiful location. There are mountains all around the city, and there are two beautiful
harbours the Manukau Harbour on the Tasman Sea, and the Waitemata Harbour on the
Pacific Ocean.
Almost a third of New Zealands population live in Auckland, so its always busy and exciting.
Its often hot and sunny, and there are lots of different things to do.
Its a modern city full of interesting architecture like the Sky Tower.
The Sky Tower opened in 1997. Its an Auckland icon and is the tallest building in the
southern hemisphere.
Another popular tourist destination is Viaduct Basin.
People come here for its great restaurants and cafes.
They often eat outside. They enjoy the weather and the fantastic views over the harbour and
its famous bridge.
The original settlers here wanted to build a bridge in 1860, but the bridge didnt open until
Today, it is central to Auckland life and over 300,000 vehicles cross it every day.
Away from the city centre, visitors can take a short ferry ride across the harbour to Rangitoto
Island and can climb the 260-metre high Rangitoto volcano.
Another very popular area is Mission Bay. It is 7 kilometres east of the city centre. Here,
visitors can relax on the beach, do water sports, or eat in the many cafes and restaurants.
Auckland has a very interesting history, and the Auckland War Memorial Museum is one of
New Zealands most important museums. The Auckland Museum began in 1852, but in the
1920s, it moved here.
Why did it move here? Well, its very quiet and this beautiful building is the perfect place to
learn more about the areas past.
Maori people lived in this region 500 years before settlers built Auckland. Today, there are
several Maori museums and galleries with wonderful Maori artwork.
In 1840, the first Governor of New Zealand chose Auckland to be the capital of the country.
In 1865, however, the city of Wellington became the capital because it was in the centre of
New Zealand.
But Auckland is still New Zealands largest city. It is a very exciting place and is full of history,
culture, and beautiful scenery.

Worksheet answer key


Students own answers

Students own answers

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

U n i t 5 Selfridges

What can you buy in a department store?

What do you know about the department store Selfridges?


Match the words (18) with their meanings (ah).

1 bargain
a an event to show something, usually art
2 basement
b something you put on your skin to smell nice
3 counter
c a person or shop that sells something
4 display
d a thing that someone stands or sits behind and sells something
5 exhibition
e something very cheap
6 make-up
f something you put on your face to make it look nicer
7 perfume
g the floor below the ground floor
8 retailer
h things put together in a special way to advertise something

Video check

Watch the video. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
1 There are four Selfridges stores in the UK.
2 There is a Selfridge store in Oxford.
3 Harry Gordon Selfridge was born in Chicago.
4 When Harry Selfridge moved to Britain, there werent many department stores.
5 Harry Selfridge sold cheap perfume in the bargain basement.
6 In the London store, there are more floors that sell womens clothing than mens clothing.
7 Furniture is on the 3rd floor in the London Selfridges store.


Do you like shopping in department stores? Why / why not?

Work in pairs. Ask your partner about a department store they know about. For
Where is it? What can you buy there? What is on each floor? What else can you do there?

Think of examples of the following:

a a famous shop in your country
b a bargain that you bought
c a famous brand from your country

Choose one of the following department stores. Use the Internet to find some
interesting facts about it.
a Bloomingdales, New York
b GUM, Moscow
c Harrods, London
d La Rinascente, Milan

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

Video details
This video clip links to the topic in the Grammar section in Unit 5.
Total running time: 3 minutes, 20 seconds.

Video script
This is Selfridges. Its a department store in the UK.
Theres one Selfridges store in Birmingham, two in Manchester, and this one on Oxford Street
in London.
Harry Gordon Selfridge was born in Wisconsin in 1856. He worked for a famous department
store in Chicago for 25 years.
Selfridge was an excellent businessman. In 1906, he came to Britain. He noticed there werent
many high-quality British retailers, so three years later, he opened his first store here on
Oxford Street.
Many people think that he invented the modern department store. He made beautiful
window displays, put the perfume counter at the front and centre of the store, and started a
bargain basement with cheap clothes. A lot of department stores still do these things today.
There arent many Selfridges around the UK. There are only four. But they are all very big. In
Selfridges in London, there are six different floors.
On the ground floor, theres clothing, perfume, and make-up.
On the first floor, there are mens clothes. There are jumpers, jackets, trousers, and shoes.
The second and third floors sell womens fashion. There are womens coats, dresses, skirts, and
tops. There are accessories, like sunglasses and scarves, too.
There are many famous brands at Selfridges. In fact, it is the perfect store for womens and
mens fashion.
But Selfridges doesnt just sell clothes. It sells furniture, stationery, food, and many other
items. They often have art exhibitions, and clothes and shoe festivals like this one.
Today, the Oxford Street Selfridges is a part of Londons history.
And the original modern department store is still a great place to shop.

Worksheet answer key

12 Students own answers
3 1e 2g 3d 4h 5a 6f 7b 8c
4 1 True
2 False (The store is in Oxford Street, which is in London)
3 False (He was born in Wisconsin)
4 True
5 False (He sold cheap clothes in the bargain basement)
6 True
7 False (It is on the 4th floor)
58 Students own answers

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

U n i t 6 Santiago, Chile

What is the most beautiful city in your country? Why?

What do you know about Santiago and/or Chile?


Match the words (18) with their meanings (ah).

1 attraction (n)
a a line of mountains
2 combine (v)
b a tall, thin building
3 historical (adj)
c the natural features of a place, such as mountains and rivers
4 scenery (n)
d an interesting place to visit
5 President (n)
e join together
6 range (n)
f old and usually important
7 tower (n)
g the leader of a country with no King or Queen
8 traditional (adj)
h part of the culture of a country

Video check

Watch the video. Choose the correct words.

1 The Andes mountain range is to the east / west of Santiago.
2 The Andes mountain range is longer / shorter than the Chilean Coastal Range.
3 The population of Santiago is about 5 million / 5.5 million.
4 Santiago is the largest city in Chile / South America.
5 There are some / arent any old buildings in Santiagos city centre.
6 The San Francisco Church is more modern / older than La Moneda Palace.
7 The mountains can be seen from some parts of / all over the city.


Would you like to visit Santiago? Why / why not?

Work in pairs. Ask your partner about their favourite city. For example:
What are the most interesting buildings? Where are the best restaurants?
What are the most exciting things to do? Does it have nice scenery?

Think of examples of the following:

a large mountain ranges around the world
b important historical buildings in your country
c beautiful capital cities

Choose one of the following capital cities in South America. Use the Internet to find
some facts about it. Compare it with Santiago.
a Buenos Aires
b Lima
c Bogot
d Caracas
e Braslia

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

Video details
This video clip links to the topic in the Grammar section in Unit 6.
Total running time: 3 minutes, 35 seconds.

Video script
Santiago is the capital of Chile.
Its a large, busy city in a beautiful location.
To the east of the city are the Andes, the longest mountain range in the world.
To the west, theres the Chilean Coastal Range. Its shorter than the Andes, and the Andes are
more famous, but the Chilean Coastal Range is just as beautiful.
An hour away is the Pacific Ocean, the largest ocean in the world.
Almost five and a half million people live in Santiago.
Its by far the largest city in Chile, but its not the biggest in South America. Its smaller than
So Paulo, Bogot, Lima, Rio de Janeiro, and Caracas.
But Santiago is still one of the most exciting cities in South America.
Santiago combines the modern with the traditional.
This is the city centre. Its the busiest area of the city, and the buildings here are taller and
more modern than the buildings in Santiagos older areas.
And there are lots of beautiful, historical buildings here, too.
This is La Moneda Palace. The Chilean President lives here, and its one of the most popular
tourist attractions in the city.
The San Francisco Church is the oldest building in Santiago. In fact, its almost as old as the
city itself.
It has a bell tower and an old clock.
As well as the interesting old buildings, Santiago also has beautiful scenery, and the
mountains in the distance can be seen from all over the city.
Inside or outside, theres always something to do in Santiago.
It is one of the most exciting cities in South America, and lies in one of the most beautiful
areas of the world.

Worksheet answer key

12 Students own answers
3 1d 2e 3f 4c 5g 6a 7b 8h
4 1 east
2 longer
3 5.5 million
4 Chile
5 are some
6 older
7 all over
58 Students own answers

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

U n i t 7 The life of an events organizer


What kinds of festivals do you know?

What do you know about the Edinburgh Festival?


Choose the correct words.

1 Are there many comedy artists in this years festival preparation / programme?
2 Can you tell me the exact / original time? Its now 23 minutes past 4.
3 Did you sign the challenge / contract for the new job?
4 Please confirm / identify that you got my email.
5 The aim / combination of todays meeting is to plan next years event.
6 There are many things to ensure / organize before the event.
7 There arent enough hotels to accommodate / present all the visitors.

Video check

Watch the video. Are these sentences true or false?

1 The Edinburgh Festival is a music festival.
2 Roy Luxford organizes the Edinburgh International Festival.
3 Roy studied history at university.
4 Roy helps to find places to stay for the artists at the festival.
5 Roy is planning next years festival at the moment.
6 This years festival is bigger than last years festival.
7 Roy says the best part of his job is watching all the performances.


Would you like to go to the Edinburgh Festival? Why / why not?

Work in pairs. Ask your partner about a festival they have been to. For example:
What kind of festival was it? What did you do / see there? What was the best / worst event?

Think of examples of the following:

a an event you participated in or helped to run
b an annual cultural event in your country
c a trade fair
d a great venue for a festival

Choose one of the following festivals. Use the Internet to find some interesting facts
about it.
a Lantern Festival, China
b Festival in the Desert, Mali
c Las Fallas, Spain
d Rio Carnival, Brazil

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

Video details
This video clip links to the topic in the Grammar section in Unit 7.
Total running time: 5 minutes, 37 seconds.

Video script
This is the Edinburgh Festival. It is a collection of arts festivals.
They take place every summer in Scotlands capital city Edinburgh.
There are lots of different festivals. There are theatre festivals, music festivals, and comedy
But they all happen in the same place, at the same time, and together they form the largest
annual cultural festival in the world.
The original festival is called the Edinburgh International Festival.
It began in 1947, and today is still one of the most famous, and most popular, parts of the
Roy Luxford is the Planning and Operations Director for the Edinburgh International
Festival. This means he organizes the event.
But how did he become an events organizer?
Well, my history is quite interesting in as much as I studied for the job that Ive ended up doing,
which not everybody does. So I did an arts management degree at university, and then I went to
work for a touring theatre company as an administrator, and then I became a general manager
of a dance company, and then I ran another theatre company, and my final destination currently
is here in Edinburgh.
The Edinburgh International Festival is one of the largest events in the UK. This year, over
2,200 artists are participating.
So how does Roy organize such a big event?
Well, theres lots of elements that go into the preparation, the planning for a festival which
runs for three weeks. One, of course, is identifying the themes that the Artistic Director wishes
to present in that festival. Secondly, there is contacting the artists and deciding on the exact
programme that meet those aims and objectives. And then thirdly, theres really the very practical
elements once the artists have been confirmed, in terms of contracts, technical preparation,
artistic liaison to ensure that all the companies can travel and be accommodated, and, of course,
we have to sell some tickets.
He is very busy so he works all the time. What is he doing at the moment?
At the moment, I am working on the final details of this years delivery the operations part of
my job. Im also looking very much at 2014, and discussing with the Artistic Director the ideas
for next years programme.
Roy is also organizing the artists contracts. This is a big job because lots of artists from all
over the world play at the festival.
In last years festival, we had I think 3,000 artists from 47 different nations, and I think
thats probably the largest number of countries that weve programmed. And so we really do
programme from around the globe, and we look everywhere for the right sort of production to
suit the festival. And thats, if you love travelling and you love the arts, its a great combination
and a wonderful way to experience different cultures.
The Edinburgh Festival is one of the biggest events in the world, so organizing it can be
I think the biggest challenge really is putting everything in that we wish to present, and to be able
to afford to do so. Theres always many more ideas and many more projects and companies and
artists that we would wish to present than we can physically accommodate within the venues
that we have, but also from a financial perspective, we have a limited budget.

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

But Roy loves his job.

The best part I think is the job itself, its the Edinburgh International Festival and to be the
Director of Planning for such a festival is hugely exciting. I get to work with some fantastic
companies from all over the world, but also companies from the UK, so theres an incredible
dynamic between cultures, ways of creating work, and then, of course, presenting them in front
of an audience.
Roy wants this years festival to be a big success. Hes got a busy job and hes often under
pressure, but its exciting and theres lots of variety, so it never gets boring!

Worksheet answer key

12 Students own answers
3 1 programme
2 exact
3 contract
4 confirm
5 aim
6 organize
7 accommodate
4 1False 2True 3 False 4True 5 True 6 False 7False
58 Students own answers

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

U n i t 8 The Inn at Irving Place


What is your favourite kind of hotel? Why?

Have you ever visited New York? Where did you stay?


Match the words (17) with their meanings (ag).

1 atmosphere (n)
a fashionable and attractive
2 delicious (adj)
b between the years 18001899
3 exclusive (adj)
c food that has a very good taste
4 luxurious (adj)
d having lots of expensive facilities
5 19th-century (adj)
e only available to a few people
6 style (n)
f the feeling you get from a place
7 stylish (adj)
g the way something is designed

Video check

Watch the video. Choose the correct words.

1 The Inn at Irving Place is a boutique / chain hotel.
2 The Inn at Irving Place has unusual furniture / an unusual style.
3 The Inn at Irving Place doesnt have a name / number on the door.
4 The personal maid service / room service is available 24 hours a day.
5 The hotels guests have to check out before 12 p.m. / 3 p.m.
6 The guests can enjoy High Tea in the lobby / Lady Mendls Salon.
7 The guests can easily walk to SoHo / Broadway.


Would you like to stay in The Inn at Irving Place? Why / why not?
Work in pairs. Ask your partner about a hotel they have stayed in recently.
What kind of hotel was it? What facilities did it have?
What did you like most / least about the hotel? Was it in a good location?
Think of examples of the following:
a somewhere with a relaxing atmosphere
b somewhere with delicious food
c somewhere with antique furniture
d somewhere exclusive and/or luxurious
Choose one of the following hotels. Use the Internet to find some interesting facts
about it.
a Hotel de Glace, Canada
b Kolarbyn Eco Lodge, Sweden
c Magic Mountain Hotel, Chile
d The Boot Hotel, New Zealand

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

Video details
This video clip links to the Vocabulary section in Unit 8.
Total running time: 3 minutes, 33 seconds.

Video script
This is the Inn at Irving Place, a small, boutique hotel in the Gramercy Park neighbourhood
in New York City.
Its small and very luxurious. Like most boutique hotels, the Inn at Irving Place is different to
large chain hotels. It looks like a 19th-century hotel.
It has beautiful furniture and an unusual style, and this makes it a fun and interesting place
And something else is unusual about this hotel theres no name on the door or sign on the
wall, so some people cant find it! You need to know the address to know where it is.
This is because the Inn at Irving Place is very exclusive.
Its only got 12 rooms. Each room is very comfortable and stylish, with a large bed and
beautiful antique furniture.
The rooms are all en-suite. In the bathroom, theres a bath, a shower, and a sink.
Theres a personal maid service, and guests can also order from room service, which is
available 24 hours a day.
This is the lobby. Guests check in and out here. They have to check in after 3 p.m. and check
out before 12 p.m.
One of the hotels most famous services is Lady Mendls Tea Salon.
Its one of the best tea salons in New York City. Visitors to Lady Mendls can enjoy a delicious,
five-course High Tea. They can also sit in one of these armchairs and enjoy the relaxing
But guests dont need to spend all of their time in the hotel.
The Inn at Irving Place is in a great location.
Guests can easily walk to Greenwich Village and SoHo, and they can take public transport to
the Empire State Building, Broadway, and the Statue of Liberty.
The Inn at Irving Place provides 19th-century living in the heart of modern New York.

Worksheet answer key

12 Students own answers
3 1f 2c 3e 4d 5b 6g 7a
4 1 boutique
2 an unusual style
3 name
4 room service
5 12 p.m.
6 Lady Mendls Salon
7 SoHo
58 Students own answers

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

U n i t 9 Williamsburg

What are the most important things when you are looking for a good place to live?
What do you know about the different areas of New York?


Complete the sentences with the words below.

1 New York City has got five
Staten Island.
2 The

s: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and

of New York City is about eight million.

3 I was born in the USA, but Im a

4 We live in a modern

in the UK I live in London.

with great views over the city.

5 Theres no bridge across the river, so we have to take a

6 Shes very

. She makes all her own clothes and accessories.

Video check

Watch the video. Answer the questions.

1 What kind of reputation has Williamsburg got today?
2 Why did artists move to Williamsburg in the 1970s?
3 Which methods of transport can Williamsburg residents use to cross the river to
4 Why is Williamsburgs success a problem for its residents?
5 What do property experts think will happen to Williamsburgs rent prices in the future?
6 Which New York borough are some Williamsburg residents moving back to?


Would you like to live in Williamsburg? Why / why not?

Work in pairs. Ask your partner about where they live. Ask about:
location property prices the other residents public transport
Would you like to relocate somewhere? Why / Why not?
Choose one of the five New York boroughs. Use the Internet to find some interesting
facts about it.
a The Bronx
b Brooklyn
c Manhattan
d Queens
e Staten Island

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

Video details
This video clip links to the Grammar section in Unit 9.
Total running time: 3 minutes, 6 seconds.

Video script
This is Williamsburg.
Its an area in the New York City borough of Brooklyn.
It is famous for its art and its culture, and many people are relocating here.
In fact, the population of Williamsburg has increased by 20% since 2000 and will grow even
more in the future.
The reason for this is that Williamsburg now has a reputation as one of the most exciting
areas in the world.
In the late 1970s, a few artists moved to Williamsburg from Manhattan.
The rent was cheap and they could afford nice apartments.
Soon lots of creative people lived in Williamsburg.
Now, its a very busy area, with lots of fashionable shops and restaurants.
There are art galleries, music venues, and other cultural centres, too.
Transport is also very good in Williamsburg. It is part of New Yorks subway system, and
residents can drive across the Williamsburg Bridge or even take the ferry to get to Manhattan.
The only problem is that Williamsburgs population is going to get bigger, and many residents
will no longer be able to afford to live here.
In the last few years, rents have increased by more than 100%.
They are now more expensive than all the Manhattan districts.
Some property experts say that rents are going to continue to increase and Williamsburg will
become too expensive for a lot of its residents.
But where are they going to go?
Well, some people are going to move back to Manhattan.
Other people are going to move to different Brooklyn districts like Crown Heights and
But one thing is for sure. Williamsburg will still be a popular choice for people relocating to
New York.

Worksheet answer key

12 Students own answers
3 1 borough
2 population
3 resident
4 apartment
5 ferry
6 creative
4 1 Its exciting (one of the most exciting areas in the world)
2 Because rents were cheap
3 Car, ferry, (or subway)
4 They may no longer be able to afford to live there
5 They will continue to increase
6 Manhattan
58 Students own answers

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

U n i t 10 Ducati

Do you like motorcycles? Why / why not?

What do you know about the motorcycle company Ducati?


Match the words (18) with their meanings (ah).

1 fan (n)
a in lots of different countries
2 headquarters (n)
b take part in or be part of an event
3 participate (v)
c someone who likes a particular team or kind of sport
4 recognizable (adj)
d known by many people
5 reliable (adj)
e a special road for racing motorcycles or cars
6 revenue (n)
f the main office of a company
7 track (n)
g the money a company gets when it sells its products
8 worldwide (adj)
h works very well with no problems

Video check

Watch the video. Are these sentences true or false?

1 Antonio Cavalieri Ducati was born in 1926.
2 Ducati started making motorcycles in 1950.
3 The Ducati headquarters have always been in Bologna, Italy.
4 Ducati has fan clubs in many countries.
5 Ducati has only recently started racing motorcycles.
6 Ducati has won both the MotoGP and the Superbike World Championships.
7 Ducati stopped participating in the MotoGP World Championship in 2003.
8 Ducati spends about 10 million on motorcycle racing every year.


What do you think is the most interesting thing about Ducati? Why?
Are you a fan of motorcycle racing and/or motor racing? Why / why not?
Work in pairs. Ask your partner about a motorcycle or car company they know about.
For example:
What does it make?
Does it participate in any competitions?
Where are its headquarters?
Have they won any important races?
What kind of reputation does it have?
Do they have any famous riders / drivers?
Choose one of the following motor companies. Use the Internet to find some
interesting facts about it.
b Ferrari
c Kawasaki

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

Video details
This video clip links to the topic in the Grammar section in Unit 10, and to the
Vocabulary section in Unit 10.
Total running time: 3 minutes, 28 seconds.

Video script
Ducati is one of the most famous motorcycle brands in the world.
They make stylish, reliable, and, above all, fast motorcycles.
But Ducati hasnt always made motorcycles. In 1926, Antonio Cavalieri Ducati and his three
sons started an electronics company in Bologna in Italy.
In 1950, Ducati produced a motorized bicycle, and since then they have designed and built
Ducati still has its headquarters in Bologna.
For over 60 years, Ducati has sold motorcycles all over the world. Today, its revenue is
Ducati has produced lots of different kinds of motorcycle. Theres the Monster, the
Multistrada, the Diavel, the Hypermotard, and the Streetfighter.
Ducati motorcycles are very popular and the company has fans everywhere. There are more
than 400 Ducati fan clubs worldwide. They take trips and often race their Ducati bikes.
Motorcycle racing has always been important to Ducati.
They have teams in both the MotoGP World Championship and the Superbike World
In fact, the company has won the Superbike World Championship 13 times!
Ducati didnt participate in the MotoGP for 30 years, but they returned in 2003.
Four years later, Casey Stoner won the championship on a Ducati Desmosedici GP7.
Ducati spends 40 million thats 10% of its total revenues on racing. This is a lot of money,
but success on the track means success in the shops.
The companys racing reputation has helped to build one of the most recognizable brands in
the motorcycle industry.

Worksheet answer key


Students own answers

1c 2 f 3b 4d 5h 6g 7e 8a
1False 2True 3True 4True 5False 6True 7False 8False
Students own answers

International Express Elementary Classroom DVD Worksheets Oxford University Press

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