Progrssivism Study Guide

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Study Guide

____________________________Protected the right of poor workers

____________________________the right to vote
____________________________made segregation legal: separate but equal
____________________________this book showed the horrible living conditions that many
immigrants were living in by residing in tenement homes
5. ____________________________progressive Governor from New Jersey who fought for
fought for lots of reforms (similar to his New York counterpart)
6. ____________________________this author/journalist was responsible for taking pictures
that exposed the horrors of living conditions for the poor
7. ____________________________Helped financially by offer insurance, loans, and legal
assistance to Mexican Americans
8. ____________________________Defended Jews against physical or verbal attacks, false
statements, and worked for fairer treatment
9. ____________________________opened the first birth control clinic
10. ____________________________ & ____________________________which two candidates
spilt the Republican ballot
11. ____________________________progressive governor of New York who fought for a fair
system of hiring workers and made corporations pay taxes
12. ____________________________this amendment insured women would have the right to
13. ____________________________required inspections of all meat sold across state lines
14. ____________________________wanted African Americans to be physically free from
peonage, mentally free from ignorance, politically free from disfranchisement, and socially
free from insult.
15. ____________________________name of Teddy Roosevelts reform plan during his
16. ____________________________many progressives believed this was the key to loyal and
moral citizens; led to discrimination
17. ____________________________wrote about lynching and helped start the NAACP

18. ____________________________this book exposed the horrible conditions in Chicago meat

packing factories & fertilizer plants
19. ____________________________movement that wanted honest and efficient governments
and social justice
20. ____________________________ & ____________________________according to Progressives,
what two things caused social injustice and corruption
21. ____________________________this court case limited the amount of hours women could
work in a single day to 10; later served as a justification for lower wage
22. ____________________________this was the theory that Christianity should be the basis for
reform and social charity should try to mimic the Bible by establishing the Kingdom of
God in the US
23. ____________________________journalists who used dramatized stories to gain awareness
for social issues and corruption that needed reform
28. What are 5 reforms of Governor
24. What are the main ideas of WEB
Robert LaLollette (these shaped our
DuBois and Booker T Washington?
modern political landscape)?

25. What are some of the hardships

29. What does the ICC do?

women faced in the work place? Why

was it difficult for them to fight back
against those injustices?

30. What does the Sherman Anti-Trust

act do?

26. What are some of the ways women

fought against injustices during the
suffrage movement?

27. What did the Pendeton Act do?

31. What happened during the Coal

Strike of 1902?

32. What is the 16th Amendment?

33. What happened during the Election of


34. What did the 17th Amendment do?

35. What did the 18th Amendment do?

36. What did the 19th Amendment do?

37. What are the outcomes of the

Progressive Reform?

38. What ended Progressivism?

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