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Name: __________________________________________________

Canada Unit Test

1. Match the terms to the correct definitions.
Monarchy (C)

A) receives power from the provincial government. Mayors in the cities and towns
lead this. They have a council that decides on by-laws that deal with issues in their

Parliament (F)

B) synonyms include leading, major, main, and primary. In a parliamentary

democracy, the leader of the cabinet and often also of the executive branch. This
person leads the executive branch within the legislature

Prime Minister

C) a royal ruler, such as a king, queen or emperor. Countries that have this have
kings or queens whose powers are restricted by the countrys constitution and

Provincial (E)

D) located in Ottawa, responsible for issues that affect Canada as a whole country
such as international relations, immigration, criminal law, taxes, national defense,
and foreign policy. Made up of elected representatives, including the head called
the Prime Minister.

Municipal (A)

E) located in Toronto, responsible for issues that affect the province as a whole
such as education, health care, the environment, agriculture, and highways. Made
up of elected representatives called Members including their leader who is called
the Premier.

Federal (D)

F) the name of the legislature in several countries, comes from the French verb
parler meaning to talk. Canadas national lawmaking body

2. List three responsibilities of the Canadian Federal government.

3. Which responsibility is NOT one of the Canadian Provincial government?
a. Lottery
c. City parks
b. Drivers License
d. Education
4. Name 2 differences between the Canadian and the United States government.
5. The Provincial government meets ____________ and is lead by ____________.

6. How many provinces and territories does Canada have?

a. 8 Provinces and 4 Territories
c. 10 Provinces and 5 Territories
b. 10 Provinces and 3 Territories d. 9 Provinces and 4 Territories
7. Provide two arguments in favor of Quebec sovereignty.
8. Provide two arguments against Quebec sovereignty.
9. Which of the following cities is the capital of Canada?
a. Toronto
b. Fredericton

c. Quebec City
d. Ottawa

10. What four provinces divided Canada after the Dominion of Canada?

11. Match the following dates with the correct event:




a. Flies Red & White Maple Leaf flag for the first time
b. Gold discovered in Klondike region
c. Dominion of Canada is formed
d. St. Lawrence Seaway opens
e. Charters of Rights and Freedoms
f. Police force formed

12. The opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway allowed which of the following?

It allowed tourists to visit Canada much easier

It allowed travel of cargo ships from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean
It allowed more people to attend the Winter Olympics
It allowed more variety of fish to enter Canada for food

13. _________ are physical objects left behind by past people at places where people lived, worked,
and played.
a. Exports
b. Artifacts
c. Inventions
Match the inventor with the export invented
A. Alexander Graham Bell (C)

A. Pager

B. Al Gross (A)

B. AM Radio

C. Donald L. Hings (D)

C. Telephone

D. Guglielmo Marconi (B)

D. Walkie Talkie


Which export was invented in 1949?

a. The Pager
b. AM Radio
c. The Telephone
d. Walkie Talkie


What type of economic system is Canada?

a. Supply and demand
b. Command
c. Market
d. Mixed


Who is Canadas biggest trading partner?

a. Mexico
b. Europe
c. United States
d. China


True or False. A command economy is an economy that has no government involvement. False. It is
an economy that has full government involvement and they make all of the economic decisions.


Label the province or territory with the correct corresponding number on the lines below.

1. __________________________

7. _____________________________

2. ___________________________

8. ____________________________

3. ___________________________

9. ____________________________

4. __________________________

10. ___________________________

5. __________________________

11. ___________________________

6. __________________________

12. ___________________________
13. __________________________

20. Who is the national governing body for sports in Canada?

21. Which two scientists co-discovered insulin?

22. Who was the first Canadian woman in space?

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