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NARRATOR: Last day of October, in the house of Santiago de los Santos or kapitan Tiago in Calle
Analogue, there is a reception for honor of Crisostomo Ibarra, a young rich Filipino who just returned
after seven years of study in Europe and the only son of Don Rafael Ibarra, a friend of kapitan Tiago
and the fianc of beautiful Maria Clara, a daughter of Kapitan Tiago.
(*insert party background)
(on the stage: kapitan Tiago, nakikipagkamay sa mga bisitayung mga extra muna)
(on the stage, padating na sila Padre Damaso, Padre Sybila, Se or Guevara, Don Tiburcio de
Espadaa, and Donya Victorina, kasama ng mga extrang babae~.)
Narrator: The guest are: Padre Damaso, a fat Franciscan friar who had been parish priest for 20
years of San Diego, Ibarras hometown
(on the background: Kapitan Tiago, handshakes w/ padre damaso)
Narrator: Padre sybila, a young dominican parish priest of Binondo
(on the background: Kapitan Tiago, handshakes w/ padre sybila
Narrator: Seor Guevara, as elderly as and kind lieutenant of the guardia Civil
(on the background: kapitan Tiago, handshakes w/ se or Guevara
Narrator: Don Tiburcio de Espadaa, a bogus Spanish physician lame, and henpecked husband of
Donya Victorina and some several ladies
(on the background: kapitan tiago, handshakes w/ don tiburcio, donya Victorina, and mga extrang
(Note: tuluy-tuloy yung pagsasalita ng narrator sa pagpapakilala kila padre damaso hanggang kay
donya victorina, yung scene sa stage lang yung nagbabago)
Narrator: Ibarra, upon his arrival, produced a favorable impression among the guest, except Padre
Damaso, who was rude to him. In accordance with German custom, he introduced himself to the
(on the background: dumating si Crisostomo Ibarra, handshakes w/ kapitan tiago, and greeted the
ladies by kissing their hands~ XD)
(curtain closes(kung meron))
(change scene: table, lahat sila nakaupo sa table(kung meron))
(change background noise to dinner..(kung meron))
Narrator: During the dinner, conversation centered on Ibarras studies and travels abroad. Padre
Damaso was in Bad mood because he got a bony neck and a hard wing of the chicken tinola. He
tried to discredit Ibarras remark

Extra(kahit sino sa table): Ibarra, How was your life and studies abroad? Was it great?
Ibarra: I was doing great there and my studie
(biglang tumayo at nagalit si padre damaso)
Padre damaso: what kind of party is this?! I am a special person here! Then, Why am I getting a bony
neck and a hard wing here?!
(yung mga nasa table pinakalma and pinaupo si padre damaso ~)
(curtain closes)
(change background sound: night, w/ kalesa sounds(kung meron)
Narrator:After dinner, Ibarra left Capitan Tiagos house to return to his hotel.
(on the background: Ibarra w/ Lieutenant Guevarra says goodbye to kapitan Tiago, and he holds his
hat(kung meron as a sign of goodbye)
Narrator: On his way, the kind Lieutenant Guevarra told him the sad story of his fathers death
(on the background: Lieutenant guevarra talking to Ibarra..obvious ba?haha)
Lieutenant Guevara: Don Rafael, your father, Ibarra, he is a rich and a brave man, he defended a
helpless boy from brutality of an illiterate Spanish tax collector, pushing the latter and accidentally
killing him. He was thrown in prison, where he died unhappily and buried in consecrated ground but
his enemies, accusing him being a heretic, and had his body removed from the cemetery
Ibarra: Thank you for your story Lieutenant Guevara
L.Guevara: Welcome Ibarra
(curtain closes)
(change background sound: morning picnic~)
Narrator: The following morning, Ibarra visited Maria Clara, his childhood sweetheart
(insert song: yung nakakakilig <3 hihihi~)
(Ibarra, kisses the hand of Maria Clara..they talked)
Ibarra: Good Morning Maria Clara
Maria Clara: Good morning too.. Good thing youve remembered me. I heard, there are a lot of
beautiful women there in Germany.
(medyo iwas tingin,yung parang nagtatampo kay Ibarra)
Ibarra: How can I forget a gorgeous women like you? Since I left here, all I thought was you and
nobody else.
(Maria Clara showed a smile :Dmas maganda kung medyo pabebe..joke XD)

(romantic music stop!~ and returned to picnic sound~)

(curtain closes)
Narrator: After the romantic reunion with Maria Clara, Ibarra went to San Diego to visit his fathers
grave. It was All Saints Day. At the cemetery he talked to the grave digger.
Ibarra: Good Morning Misterhave you seen the grave of Don Rafael Ibarra?
Grave digger: oh..that one?..The corpse of Don Rafael was removed by an order of the parish priest
to be, buried in the Chinese cemetery but the corpse was heavy and it was dark and rainy night so, I
simply threw it into the lake.
Ibarra: Thank you for the story.
Narrator: Ibarra was angered by the grave diggers story. He left the cemetery. On the way, he met
padre Salvi, Franciscan parish priest of san diego
(Ibarra pounced padre salvi)
(change background music to suspenseyung may away effect)
Padre Salvi: What are you saying? I had nothing to do with it, I am not the parished priest at that time
of Don Rafaels death. It was Padre Damaso, my predecessor, who was responsible for it and not me!
(Ibarra removed his hands off him, and went away)
(curtain closes)
(change background music to town sounds)
Narrator: In his town, Ibarra met several Interesting people, such as the wise old man, Tasio the
philosopher, whose ideas were too advance for his times so that the people, who understand him,
called him Tasio the Lunatic.
(background: Ibarra, handshakes w/ Tasio)
Narrator: He also met a progressive school teacher
Ibarra: good morning Mister, how are you doing?
(Note: actually, di ko alam ang gender ng teacher dyan but wala namang babaeng teacher nun diba?
Bawal kasing mag aral ang mga babae noon kaya lalaki dapat yan)
School teacher: I am not really fine, the children nowadays loses their interest in studies because of
lack of proper school house and discouraging attitude of the Spanish friars towards both the teaching
of Spanish and of the use of modern methods of pedagogy.
Ibarra: oh really? Thank you for that information sir~

Narrator: He also met the spineless gobernadorcillo who catered to the wishes of the Spanish parish
(on the background: handshakes him)
Narrator: He also met the teniente mayor and the leader of cuardrilleros(townpolice) and the former
(on the background: Ibarra handshakes w/ don basilio and don valentin)
(background sound: walang maisipkayo magdecide)
Narrator: Another side of the story is the tale of Sisa, she was a formerly a rich girl but became poor
because she married a gambler and wastrel at that. She had two sons(crispin and basilio) who were
sacristanes in the church, working to support her.
Crispin and basilio: mother, were here from the churchheres the money weve worked for.
Sisa: Thank you my sonsthis can help us in our finances at home
( entrance of the fathermedyo siga yung dating..pede na rin yung medyo lasing..haha)
Father: damn it! I lose again..(medyo nagdadabog) I need you have money there?
Sisa: this is for our finances..
Father: (*hurts sisa) who cares about about finances?! (*gets the money*) Ill gonna play again.
(*exit ng father* and pumunta si crispin at basilio kay sisa)
(*curtains closed)
Narrator: One day, Crispin, the younger brother was accused by the brutal sacristan mayor by
stealing the money of the priest.
Priest(pedeng extra): the money is missing!
Mayor: it was you crispin who was here a while ago, so it is YOU
(points at crispin)
Crispin:it wasnt me!
Mayor: no more explanations, sent him to jail and torture him!
Narrator: Crispin was tortured in the convent and died. Basilio, with his brothers dying ringing in his
(background: basilio sees dying crispin)
Basilio: crispin, hang in there~

Crispin: you must escape basilio, before the guardia civil need to survive~
(*crispin died , basilio cries and he escaped )
Narrator: when the two boys did not returned home, sisa looked for them everwhere
But because she cant find them and her sorrow, she became insane
(lalapit sa extra)
(tatakbo/lalayo yung extra)
(uupo si sisa iiyak )
(*curtain closes)
(change background sound:picnic~)
Narrator: Capitan Tiago, Maria Clara, And aunt Isabel who was kapitan tiagos cousin and took care
of maria clara after her mothers death) arrived in san diego. Ibarra and and his friends give a picnic,
were maria clara and her four friends namely, the merry Si ang, the grave Victoria,the beautiful iday,
and the thoughtful neneng. And also, aunt Isabel, capitana tika which is the mother of si ang, andeng
the foster sister of maria clara, albino the ex theological student whowas in love with si ang, and also
Ibarra and his friends. One of the boatmen was the strong and silent peasant youth named elias. And
suddenly elias was grappled w/ a crocodile
(background: lahat ng character in this scenenakaupo and nagchichikahan...then biglang napatayo
si elias at inatake ng crocodile at malalayo sa kanila)
Elias: (pinipilit makawala sa crocodile pero di kakayarin ) HELP!~
(tumalon si Ibarra papunta kay elias and pinatay yung crocodile.
Ibarra: you are now saved Elias
Elias: Thank you Ibarra
Narrator: After the incident, Maria Clara sang a beautiful song w/ her sweet voice and they went
(*insert song of a girl w/ sweet voice)
Narrator: Padre Salvi, Capitan Basilio which is the former gobernadorcillo and Si angs father, the
alferez which is the lieutenant of the guardia civil and the town were present . The luncheon is served,
and everybody enjoyed eating

(background: previous characters happily met up w/ the new character at the scene and they enjoyed
eating together)
Narrator: When the meal is over, Kapitan Basilio played chess, while Maria Clara and her friends
played the wheel of Chance , a game based on fortune telling books, saying ot was a sin to play
such game.
(background:characters doing what is written)
Narrator: Shortly thereafter, a sergeant and four soldiers of the guardia civil suddenly arrived and
looking for Elias.
Sergeant: Is elias here? He is being hunted for assaulting Padre damaso and throwing the alferez
into the mudhole.
Soldier: It seems that hes not here anymore.
Sergeant: come on lets go!
Narrator, During the picnic also, Ibarra received a telegram from the Spanish authorities
Spanish authority: Mr. Crisostomo Ibarra, here a telegram for you
(gives a sobre/ piece of paper)
Ibarra: Ohit is about the approval of the my donation of a schoolhouse for the children of San Diego
(*closes curtain)
Narrator: The next day, Ibarra visited old Tasio to consult him on his pet project about the school
(On the background: tasio, doing hieroglyphics, and entrance of Ibarra)
Ibarra: Good day~ what is that?
Tasio: hieroglyphics
Ibarra: why are you writing something like that?
Tasio: it is for the future generations who would understand us and say not all were asleep in the
night of our ancestors!
(*curtain closes)
Narrator: Meanwhile San Diego was merrily preparing for the annual fiesta in honor for its patron saint
San Diego de Alcala, whose feast day is the 11th of November, On the Eve of the Fiesta, Hundreds of
visitors arrived from the nearby towns and there were laughter, music, exploding bomb, feasting, and
moro-moro. In the Morning of fiesta there was a high mass in the church officiated by Padre
salvi.Padre damaso, gave a long sermon.

Padre damaso: Evils of the times that were caused by certain men, who having tasted some
education spread pernicious ideas among the people.
Narrator: After padre damasos sermon, the mass continued by padre Salvi. Elias Quietly moved to
Ibarra, who was kneeling and praying by Maria Claras side
(Ibarra, kneeling and elias kneel/ go to him)
Elias: Ibarra, you need to be be careful during the ceremony of the laying of the cornerstone of the
school house because there was a person that might kill you.
Narrator: Elias Suspected that the yellowish man who built the derrick , was a paid stooge of Ibarrass
enemies. True his suspicion, later that day, when Ibarras, in the presence of crowd,went down,into
the trench to cement the cornerstone, the derrick collapse.
(background :eliaspushed Ibarra aside)
(*curtain closes)
Narrator: At the sumptuous dinner that night under a decorated kiosk, the arrogant padre damaso,
speaking in the presence of many guests insulted the memory of ibarras father.
Padre damaso: Don Rafael Ibarra is a foolish person, he defended a helpless boy from the brutality of
the Spanish tax collector, how foolish!
(Ibarra, biglang tumayo, sinuntok si padre damaso at tinutukan ng kutsilyo)
Ibarra: take it back, the things that youve said.TAKE IT BACK! I know the truth, you are the one
who ordered to removed my fathers corpse in the cemetery and make it thrown in the river!
(maria clarabiglang tumayo at pinigilan si Ibarra and umalis na sila)
(*curtain closes)
Narrator: The fiesta over, Maria Clara became ill. She was treated by the quack Spanish physician,
Tiburcio de Espadaa, whose wife, a vain and vulgar native woman, was a frequent visitor in Capitan
Tiagos house. (background: maria clara getting treated by don tiburciodonya victorina, medyo
nagpapasosyal )
Narrator: padre Damaso,takes this opportunity to persuade the already-hesitant Tiago to forbid his
daughter from marrying Ibarra.
(padre damaso talking to tiago)
Padre Damaso: See, what Ibarra can do to me, he almost killed me, I want Maria Clara to marry
Alfonso Linares de Espadaa.

Narrator: A revolt happened soon after, and both Spanish colonial officials and friars implicated Ibarra as
its mastermind. Thus, he was arrested and detained, then later disdained by those who had become his

(background:Ibarrahinuli ng mga guardya civil)

Narrator: Meanwhile, in Capitn Tiago's residence, a party was being held to announce the upcoming
wedding of Mara Clara and Linares.
(background: reception and capitan tiago, maria clara, linares on the back)
Capitan tiago: I would like to announce that my daughter, Maria Clara and Alfonso Linares de Espada a are

going to be married!
(clapping of peoplesad maria clara XD)
(change narrator)
Narrator: Elias, learning of Ibarras arrest, burned all the papers that might incriminate his friend and
set Ibarras house on fire. Then he went to prison and helped Ibarra escape.
Ibarra: what are you doing here?
Elias: Im here to save you...come..and lets get out of here.
Narrator: Elias and Ibarra jumped into a banca loaded with sacate (grass). Ibarra stopped at the
house of Capitan Tiago to say goodbye to Maria Clara. In the tearful last scene between the two
lovers, Ibarra spoke to Mara Clara and accused her of betraying him, thinking she gave the letter he
wrote her to the jury.
(dramatic sound background)
Ibarra: I cant believe ityou betrayed me ..
Maria clara: No, I never betrayed you! I would never conspire against you.
Ibarra: well, it is a good for us.
Narrator:maria clara was forced to surrender Ibarra's letter to Father Salv, in exchange for the letters
written by her mother, Doa Pia, even before she, Mara Clara, was born. The letter states that
Damaso is Maria Clara's real father.
(on the background: padre salvi gets the letter from maria clara and gave a letter to her)
Maria clara: (while reading the lettersuddenly cries.biglang napaupo at nagulat): I cant believe real
father is padre damaso
(*close curtain)
Narrator: After bidding Maria Clara farewell, Ibarra returned to the banca. He and Elias paddled up the
PasigRiver toward Laguna de Bay. A police boat, with the Guardia Civil on board, pursued them as their banca
reached the lake.
(background sound:putukan XD joke lang fired bullet ..bangbang~)
Elias: Ibarra, go hide under the zacate, Im going to advert their attention. Dont worry, Im going to be fine

Narrator: As the police boat was overtaking the banca, Elias jumped into the water and swam swiftly toward
the shore. In this way, he diverted the attention of the soldiers on his person, thereby giving Ibarra a chance to
escape. The soldier fired at the swimming Elias, who was hit and sank. The water turned red because of his
blood. The soldiers, thinking that they had killed the fleeing Ibarra returned to Manila. Thus Ibarra was able to
(Background: binaril si elias)
Soldiers: Ibarra has been killed, lets go report it now.
(Background: umalis yung mga soldiers, nakatakas si Ibarra)
Narrator: On Christmas Eve, a fatally injured Elas awakens in a forested land owned by Ibarra's family, where
he had instructed Ibarra to meet him. Instead, Elas found the altar boy Basilio cradling his already-dead
mother, Sisa.
(background: nanghihina na si elias, nakita nya si basilio while crying on sisas body and matutumba si elias at
pupuntahan sya ni basilio)
Basilio: are you alright? I am going to call for help..
Elias: no need to..I am going to die anyways..I want you to build a funeral pyre and cremate me and your
mothers corpse. If nobody reaches this place,dig some of ibarras treasure and gold buried in a concealed pot
near the graves and use them for your education.
(*elias coughsnaghihingalo na..hahaha)
Elias: I shall die without seeing the dawn break upon my homeland. You, who shall see it, salute it! Do

not forget those who have fallen during the night.

(namatay na si eliassinunog ni basilio ang corpse nila sisa at elias )
Narrator: Maria Clara, out of her loyalty to the memory of Ibarra, the man she truly loved, entered the Santa
Clara nunnery.Padre Salvi left the parish of San Diego and became a chaplain of the nunnery.
(background maria clara entering and welcomed by madre and Padre salvi~)

Narrator: Padre Damaso was transferred to a remote province, but the next morning he was found dead in his
(background corpse of padre damaso)
Narrator:Capitan Tiago the former genial host and generous patron of the church became an opium addict and
a human wreck.
(background#bangagface #depressed face ni tiago)
Narrator:Doa Victorina, still henpecking poor Don Tiburcio, had taken to wearing eye-glasses because of
weakening eyesight.
(background: kung anu man yung nakasulat sa taas~ tinatamad na ako XD)

Narrator: Linares, who failed to win Maria Claras affection, died of dysentery and was buried in Paco cemetery.

Narrator:The alferez, who successfully repulsed the abortive attack on the barracks, was promoted major. He
returned to Spain, leaving behind his shabby mistress, Doa Consolacion.
(Background: alferez handshakes as he receive his promotion
Narrator: this story ends in One stormy evening, a beautiful yet insane woman was seen on the roof of

the nunnery, crying and cursing the heavens for the fate it had handed her.



Feel free na paikliin pa itoo magrevise

Pasensya na sa mga jokelang at haha#bangag lang talaga ako para di ako makatulog at matapos
ko ito
Sources are Wikipedia at
And bakit ko nilagyan ng message to? Wala lang para lang alam nyo kung anung effort ang ginawa ko
kahit copy paste lang ito kaya.DO YOUR BEST EVERYONE~
Kung may mali or baguhinfeel free to do it
Kung magpapasa ng final script kay mampleaseirevise nyo ito XD nakakahiya yung mga tagalong
instruction dyan
Sorry din kung late~
Pasensya na rin kung mahaba yung messages na itonababaliw na talaga ako XD

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