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Edward Limin Lo

Master of Science, Geology, University of Kentucky (UK)GPA 3.739
Analyzed sediment from central South America to improve facies characterization in
distributive fluvial systems (DFS) and reduce risk for exploration in DFS.
Bachelor of Science, Geology, Louisiana State University (LSU)GPA 3.637
Applied settling and erodibility tests to determine Mississippi R. mud compaction rates.
Teaching Assistant (UK, LSU)
Taught freshmen field camp at LSU and several intro geology courses at UK.
Research Assistant (UK)
Focused on generating quantitative data from surface and core sediments.
ExxonMobil Guadalupe Mountains Field Course
Actively discussed sequence stratigraphy and Permian Basin hydrocarbons.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Calculated flow and mass balance for salt management policymakers.
Louisiana State University
Tested how sediment transport affects cavesnail habitat in Missouri.

Aug 17
Dec 13

Jun 14-Present
Jan 16-May 16
Mar 14
Jan 14-May 14
Jan 11-May 13

Relevant Skills
LSU Field Camp (6 weeks in Colorado Springs, CO)
Advanced proficiency in Spanish and Portuguese; intermediate proficiency in Mandarin
Techniques: chemical analysis, carbon content, radionuclides, remote sensing (ArcGIS)
Lo, E.L., Bentley Sr., S.J., and Xu, K., 2014, Experimental study of cohesive sediment
consolidation and resuspension identifies approaches for coastal restoration: Lake
Lery, Louisiana: Geo-Marine Letters: 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s00367-014-0381-3
NSF Graduate Research Fellow
Pursuing a PhD in Aug. 2017 to improve interpretation of the rock record.
U.S. Fulbright Fellow
Investigated how aquatic vegetation influences distal distributive fluvial systems
and conducted geoscience outreach activities in Brazil.
Volunteer LSU Focus Area Chair in Civic Awareness and Engagement
Coordinated well-established projects with at-risk youth and spearheaded a new
project bridging the gap between LSU students and local Native Americans.
Geology Club at LSU Treasurer and Service Commissioner
Contributed novel ideas for outreach at public events (e.g. Audubon Zoo Earth Fest
and Louisiana Earth Day). Managed the budget and local banking needs.
GSA Student Grant; LacCore Travel Grant; UK McNair Fellowship; LSU College
Honors; Marathon Geoscience Diversity Enrichment (GeoDE); LSU McNair
Research Scholar; LA-STEM Research Scholar

Aug 16-Present
Mar 15-Nov 15
Jan 13-Dec 13
Feb 11-Dec 13

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