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Ju) 15 2016 OB45AM Connell Wheeler Tiel Law (706) 647-8170 pase 2 Atlanta Surgery & Trauma, P.C. ‘Vernon J. Henderson, M.D., F.A.CS. Prosident 285 Boalevard, NF. Site 535 Adanta, GA 20212 Telophoaes 404-608-1444 Fax: 404-688-1665 Friday, June 10, 2016 Bree Lowry, Attorney PO Box 1206 Thomaston, GA 30286 RE: Jessica Boynton Dor: 03/26/1998 Dear Wis. Lowry: As the attending physician caring for Jessica Boynton during her hospitalization at Atlanta Medical Center from 4/15/2026 unt 5/16/2026, | would like to offer the following narrative of my observations uring the course ef her hospitalization, Jessica was admitted to the hospital at 2:48 AM on 4/15/2016 ‘4s the trauma physician on call for that evening, i met Jessica in the emergency room upon her arrval by EMS services. The report we received from the paramedics who delivered Jessica to the trauma bay was that she was e victim of a sef-Inficted gunzhot wound to the head. it was reported that she was alone Ina closet when, out of the blue, her husband heard twa shots fired! and found her unconscious and bleeding. Asinoted this description is typical ofthe information we might receive from the paramedics 2st reflects the information they were given upon arrival atthe scene of the incident. although we have no way to assess the veracity of this statement there were several observations about Jessica that ‘old nor fit with that description. First ofall, the wound that she suffered was towards the vertex of her skull on the right side of her head; this wound would imply that she shot herseif with a gun polnted Gownward near the top of her skull, This would be a very unusval direction in which to point the gun at Gne's self with the intention of committing suicide. The second most striking observation made by me wile assessing Jessica was that thet it’s reported that the she was right-handed and shot herself with her right hand. Remarkably, neither of her hands had any evidence of any gunpowder stippling from Sunpowder blowback. Literally, both of her hands wero pristine and unmarked. | pointad out tls Observation to the emergency physician, Dr, James Clark, who was also in attendance upon Jessica Jessica's arrva in the emergency room. He too was surprised that there was no evidence of gunpowder Stlapling on her right hand or left hand that would’ve been consistent with her firing a firearm herself. To my knowledge, no further forensic investigation of her hands was conducted during the entire month that she spent in our hospital, Upon her arrival at AMC Jessica was intubated and unresponsive. She remained in @ coma for as long as three weeks during her hospitalization then she gradually regained consciousness, Her couree in the ICU. reflected 9 genuine concern for her potential for developing intracranial hypertension and secondary brain injury. As a result of this concern she had # monitor placed in her skull to monitor the pressure

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