FCC Newsletter Holidays 2016

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Community Church


Holidays 2016

Childrens Worship Choir Rehearsal

The Holidays
Certainly one of the most fun times of the year are the
holidays leading up to Christmas. We have developed
several traditions over the years here at FCC. Once again
we will be having a Craft Bazaar (11/12) / the Thanksgiving
Eve Candlelight Testimony Service (11/23) / an Advent focus
(11/27) / a Christmas Banquet (12/3) / our Pastors Open
House (12/11) / the Christmas Music Program (12/18) / and
this year we will celebrate both Christmas (12/25) and New
Years (1/1) on their actual days in one service (9:30am).
Through all of these it is our hope that you will recover the
sense of awe and wonder those first witnesses had at the
coming of the Christ child. And that you will take your part in
sharing your life with those who love you in this local church,
reminding one another that we are gifts from God placed in
each others lives for this season.

Sundays 9:30am & 11:00am

Jr Church @ Half Time Sundays
Other Activities as Announced

Continuing the Traditions

Celebrating Over Food

Holiday Bazaar

New Commitments
Every now and then the Lord calls us to new commitments of one
kind or another. For the Hendersons, it was a dedication to raise
Hannah in a godly household. For Armando and Megan, it was a
promise to live together as husband and wife, providing their girls
with a loving environment. For others it has been to step out and
use their God-given talents to share with others here at FCC by
teaching adults or children, fixing HVAC units or toilets, trimming
outdoor bushes or planting flowers, or creating events for both those
inside and outside FCC to enjoy. Another year is racing to a
conclusion. How did you do on your 2016 commitments? Who have
you served? Where have you been stretched? To what do you
sense God calling you? And what are you willing to pay to commit?

Parent-Child Dedication

Committing in Marriage
Lunch and a Lesson

55540 Apple Rd @ McKinley



Thanksgiving Eve Service


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