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Name Ashlan Britton and Emma Fotheringill

Honors EES- Mr. Dillman

Date 11.2.16
Period 4th

The Lorax
Choose two of the following questions to reflect upon and write about on your Forestry Page underneath the
heading I Speak for the Trees!

How could the Once-ler have managed his company to protect natural resources and not run out of trees to manufacture Thneeds? Is it
necessary to protect all the trees from axes that hack?
The Once-ler couldve got the fur/fabric from the trees instead of cutting the entire tree down. The trees take 10 years or so to grow back. It is
necessary to protect the trees from the axes that hack because its ruining the animals homes and killing them.

What did the Once-ler mean by UNLESS? What responsibility does he seem to think someone like you needs to take? What kind of things
can we do today to ensure that trees will be available for all different purposes in the future?
We think Once-ler meant that things wont get better unless everyone equally cares like the Lorax. He seems to think that someone like you
needs to take

3. Compare the Once-lers attitude toward the environment at the beginning of the story with his attitude at the end.
The Once-ler was careless at first toward the environment but began to take the Loraxs opinions into consideration and once he lost everything he
realized he shouldve listened to the Lorax.

The Once-ler explains his actions by saying If I didnt do it, someone else would. Is this a good excuse for doing what he did? And why?
We feel like this isnt a good excuse. The Once-ler doesnt know if that wouldve for sure happened. Most people want the animals to have a
safe environment not destroy their environment.


The Lorax says he speaks for the trees. What does this mean to you? What is the Loraxs attitude at the end of the story?
The Lorax means he is there for the trees because the trees are there for them. The Lorax wants the trees to stay put and safe so the environment
is there for the future animals.


What seems to be Dr. Seuss purpose in writing this fable? (A fable is a fictional story that teaches a lesson.)
We feel like Dr. Seuss wrote this to show us what the future would be like if everyone had the same mindset as the Once-ler. Hes showing when
all the trees are eventually cut down mother nature is going to be destroyed.

On the same page.. write either an alternative ending to the Lorax or a sequel to the Lorax
Write a alternative ending to the Lorax with a more positive outcome for the Truffula tree and ecosystem
Write a sequel to the Lorax that might explain how the Truffula tree made a comeback through replanting and proper forest management while still
being used to make Thneeds.

The little boy and the once-ler made a plan that they are going to create a growth serum to grow the trees back and get life back to the way it was.
The plan was to make the serum by taking the grass the Lorax left when he departed from this wasteland. As they began to grow the trees back up
animals began to come back. The business sprang up once again. The trees are constantly growing each day. The city began to expand and the onceler was happy again. The Lorax heard about this and came back to the land o see what the once-ler has created. The once-ler then asked him to
speak for the trees again. The end.

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