Sokolova M A Gintovt K P Tikhonova I S Tikhonova R M Teoreti

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eEn i e A' ' ,00J

RP lRNed Pronnlil'|.


It lollws ltm lhis' lht honetis a n anh _ y

wolld sa the nst lundnentl blanh oflinqutiGj neither
lnqutl lh.ory r ligxti llli 3n do wnhot phonel
' d no lnquqe desliption Plele without phonti.s
lhe s'e.e onmed wit e sl.en med l lanqug.
phonets lais to b o' equl inonne wnh


n ok is imed at futulo the fnqlish, elahers

ol foteiqn Ianguqo re defini1el awar of th eisten.e f
Dhonelis hey le lws elng told lht t is essential thol
le suld e ski|fLLl photlins he letin my difie
lI some tehe mo.t n wn Udetndjnq, sme protest
lhat t 0ol i'l their ower tI !
ne(iians thersdey lhat nis llly nessI,
e het
il in fl essr fra |guaqe
nilly 'e
in? I would .epl that Il lng!ge tee

l ltial urDses' lo teh a

foreign lnquge lo ny ryp I|ele.' ll ny lrse n

J l]o

heli'(42 p' 23l.

. '" J,'i1P7P\o1d'.i'
es y whi}1 te lhuqht k .tu

|d or g've udi|e sh: te nlure l (hese es' 1heiI

re|!n t the m0lnq.
ombin.lins n.l lhir lunbns
Phetis iudies the sound sstem of l|lo |gtrg tht seg'
mPtl emes word nle* s|labj stDtlre d
mi|y ..n.jned uith eIcssi lvl wovel,
nets olLged t le lel level
ls' os]derle dn o' th.
|,",''",,'on"'n,,'i) ]" dl. t ,
lnn he am'nn'q nd ns d
meaing, onl nenlnglul 5Und seq0en.s re regIded s
s!h, ld the s.ieno o']rhon
Iodued y a llum vol p.
ltus 5 re' l may e' afiec olorganized inlotion f |an'
quge onseque.tly' ponetis mpoiant in lhedudy of|n.
guqe An undetndig of it is Ierequi lo ny adqute
undE*(and'ng ol the rulure or wlkiq oflnguge No krnd
ol |inguti sludy n b de

Poetis hs lwo min divions] o. lhe oe hnd phoDolo.

9y' !h sludy of te sound pallems o,laguges' of ow spke lnguag funtis s .tode, and o the olhel' lhstudy
o' lusl' tt ais lheode,
eloi n|ysmg th liguli funtin of oeti ui we
nd to kw how th vol mot! ls i prcduig o.l
speehnd wht nelhods are plied m invenigatinq th maten|forn f$e |nqge' that is i sustae,
um. seh the resull of highly ompli.t.d seri oI
even' e lormtion ot lhe onept tkes l t a linquis!
lelel thal is in ihe ri ol th spel.( th nge my ud
l'sho|qll he 'ssaqe,oed wiihjn te blai is tansnitlgd lng lho neLs sysle lo the speh olgns. hrelor.
sy lht th. hua brin ntl' lhe hvioul ol u]t
olgans wih ffls in roduig r6ula! Dt
ln' oIseeh sounds, n so.d staqo my e alled phsi.
o ddo,' ! o|d.o ll, a 1hus prdu.]no sund wvs olsequently e th'd
{ 1A, dly omm
', '
I as speakr, so te lsl stagos
of l|! ,o ld \dvP. \ . . ]6FP1, Pd,'q
olryoL.g'| palatDs' lh tmfu si oi the soken m65o!e
e ri d lh. lin9utstl ill.
Drl''o oI the infon!ation onvyed'
A|thugh nt 9gl one o| the rgos in,o]ved in the
!te.l' nhlism is used on|y |or sekig we an, foi pr.n
ns oIspeh'' in te snse ol !L
trE wh|h Ie liv' dir*l| r indnt|y, in th. ress of


o'dne wnh ln h..Jul] lunlo lhe rg.s of

!|)'.h mly be qrupd sto||ow

h0 sritry r w'mhnlsD

fumhes the ow ol dn
lhe lil rcquisilo fr the pdulio ol spe sounds,
]lL D]hm f!{lod the lunqs' lhe sid'i . r

n)'rIl he

n nnam Dejled lrom 1lL. l1Loqs lv'dcs !he

ih lq!ted lhe powel
mhanm RLLnng 0le fol. f the wive lte llnqs
ofsPoh soUids sLLab1pulss
dLev1ios in 1h.]
ti o' nqnsh, .re di.1ly lelid
3id nynmi. {legs 1h
t] lhe elL.ur oI tlle ,n!{ls wh nYlP t m{hn
Im thc LlDqs rhlough lhe win
to the Lperstaes of1h lol tal' Fnn o' alln ses io lh
lrnr onlinioq lh vul ords, ho fuDlltiln l lhe

ns,','n \q,jo" ol'hlol .,,n no,on/l"6i'.

',I, sel lh hLngs Al led lwo dns t lhe vo|ords

s a vibll.l should e elien.
he oelig et}'en lhr vol rds is koc' s teglols
Whn theq|otis lghd losed and !e iI set up be]o{ it
te so )|ed qlotal sto rdued, ]t olton urs i glh
whn n reinles o eve repl Ip] l'] lt]
loedes lhe neqeii i'ultion of vowl !!nds e ost
jmDonnl seh lution o'
!o| ords lhn lol i! the
prdulion ol vie' Ihe etrt 'he
al ords ar ruqhl toqlher nd vlrte whlf slbj.ted l th
presu f n pssg irom 1he ]ungs. his riltio .ausd
b onllle$ed n lor'ng n eing f the q|otis nd the fo|
lwig redued n lss!rc pelitinrq (he v.|olds 1o me

he heighl o' lho sking voie deends on th teqleny

." \'s'.'

'P p..,h j, n"

highr th tht ol womn


'o,. l. man
lhe voal ordl of won-


villio ttlus produin9 modifi.atins f tIE Dllh .omponenl


donalion More lhn

tht, we ale ble t modity th sizc r

s we allel (he Dliludeof01e viIaiion thi. uss

+ lo {lfldqlod| ldvi
|.lLoshaes o,lhese avties modf 1hentepiodu.ed in


lhns.Jiving nse 1 jlitrlr sunds,l

Io shalln'ie urslYs h.E
siple desiltion oi th
D.Juti Juntion oI the or9ns o. '
spe*h' and leIr th tder



tolmli lo ny s

,Rl hsilog oI l.lher

( ooks o geerl lmquts

here ar thre In.hes of honelis eah espondig to
n Iess nenlioned hoy
Eh .I ths bln|ies uses quie speial se ol methods,

of 1ho oeh

olgnsnd le o

oldj'1io of these movemen 1n the rod!Iion o' s'nqle

olnds d ti' ofsoUnns ||.d niDlato phoneljs,
.!usli. hnels studis
w iD }hi lheair virtes
trlo. th.seake1s mouth d
'hc thelisien1s r Unlil
y, tlll(ory ho0lis hs en the dmitig Ianl d

]on deslv w'k as berD dno in iiu]atry tes' lu

eed io lter the b|n il l'
nin!I wy, espi]]y IoI lhe purose oftehing' austic
Iesen!.! spiI inirn for reser wIk nd .
Neveihe|ess' in the lele fut0re it fra in
tr l nstJ.lly growa dn i tehig pronu'iaIio! we
t' pe lt te deelopnent of outing thnique .'i]]
qLve re lo aIlsa .liq nhis,
\" da! o|phon".i i,voJ:!,in | nPd1n9 D.o!e$
kv s udilor phnetis lts itelds li or in the ss'
1D f enng' Nhih is blain ativi{' tlran jn te pysiolqil
nlk|ng of the ear o. th etrus .tivity etve the er dnd
!. bljn' ]re f,eas wih we dliDintsund_ quali
ly sealins of ilh, loudnss' le.gth' ie
h.r. his
ldnh fhleiis of greal inielell lo a.yo.e
wo l.hes t


is itereiing low to onsidr lh metod' aplid i


v.niqa ting lhe soun d matter of to lnquag.

lt is Dselul to dtingnish tween honeli {udie6 arned
out witoul othel istrunets of|ys than the hum senses
ad suh s a.e sed un t wnness of rlnng oronput
, 13!tri,.6 and E.h'J dqn! o. 6ynlhe.,,,nq devn\
he us t suh a devi s th la-order do nt of ouE
inp|y rn iselfy istlumetl n s fthe sh lded,
ul sinly 6erues t puPose l lililting the 6p nls
lnd onsfuing le|i. ofs
Fim the in'ng of hetic t pnelician has le]id
min|y on hat he.ould feel ofh w spg nd on *hat he
(.{h y r"in
' o, d | "dl bo,\ of h r wn and th. inflm"nl(
q d prtie hegis ig
1|] usuIal
ol vol apatul' and y exen
al he may 'untionig
qune osider
tes ol the hed sund unI the nture o' tho ani0|alios Irro
dL!lng n' hese skills arc ligalr fr hti.ians ind mke
Dl'onts n i lalhg lhan siene. al ai vhih ftun erpe'

ln{mPnld| f.nod, d".,,q f'om p) .'s/ .nd h), ,.

tJ rdrr to sllQment and nldd t rfity te imps9ons

d'vq tro the humn senses' espil|y (huditory imprcs
!ls ne thsle fi{led by lhehmnlions oI(hperePlul
heeoImstruec va]!|e in asendi.g (enture oI
th. ]'nittions nd hara.ledis f lhe hJmn snsory pri
t's rovid'nq lii'el ann more deti|ed nlys gist yhih
saory nLsn be assssed In a qeneltw theitodu
1jon f mahnles lo. mesurem
it us tol d.lailed dudy of ny
olthehenna wllih Ie Iesentm te sundwsvol i'] th
an]uLtor res t an qivn oment' and in lh hnges of
these henone lron momn' lo momenl, h .lri.d n ]n'
typ l invesiiqlin tqether
vnh sensory no|s widely used i oriml
h. l6uhs vilb|. ftom innlumenla| alygs sulement
those vi]a|e
sensor inaIysis, Plaiiuy iody lhre
, o o,"o. nl nhon4,'
'Io . 1 u ! h !\|l| wo.k lcj dnd k bqns
done wilhul ombi|]ino lhse tw gys f honelj jnvtiq


el,o( o, ao|, , , v lcory 'r.n,

ofn|sk hy innunek Ie o.
d.ot ostlve to e !tol, olh ,,ltive'
id U]tiv.. ethds re vide|v dNdlY usd in mod
.n oetiG' Aiiiu|(ory phods ho*s il dmv nd
phsiology nd te tols fo! n'aestigring just wht te 6pe
orgs d rc lo .ih ar sd in th6ehelds: dir*tsqyo.
non' wh.rever it pos'ile e,g liP nvement sone lngue
'vemeit] mi.ed with {y hloqrh oI j inema.

the "ojl|v." nlthods


Jtse tho mvrmenl oI the il i the tems .l ounil, h

(neral means itduing nirpne rto lhe see.h
n1 rnto



.lviIy d ntysing the lesull m Gms ol lleqn; ofb

lo nd mp]nude ' virlo m l.tion to time. he use o'
{!d' 1hnia] devi6 splrogrh'.ilonogrph nd thr
,o nd d0aja d1d und ))n.\r/'n d.,n6
n Pnq.,y
]m'ned,Ih lhe mihod of;''r obsi
e ilures on , 11 my b. qood illusrtion of ih useof
]e Dethds 8lid in 3sdlory poti a

t6 ol e

As was naled bove phn.tiis anol al oIv s d'

lnbe nd lssifiec l the natlil frn of Dhoneti uns'
.y are |s inlerened t|le w in ghih so;nd phenome3
l]!on a pnillnr |qug. how lhey r ulilized in lhal
ld add0. 'nod
l1cv p|) ,1' if6t,q lhc ned1ingfu.
l ''n o1s o|lh"
d,sudgP ]rc1. lhlli'. thJ nud's
the !!gu(i fmdio of olsonnt d vowl suds, sy|li
s!h s p!l,
n'ss and tenpo |led Dnooolo!, 'et!rs,
UndPlood lo mPdn d.m.
l]lo.y fut'on' ta| , the |e o' ihe v.nous |emels ol lhe
ng!ge i lh dlinqunig of one s.quoe { sound6' uh
is wrd or sequene f vords t onolh* of ditrelen!
hotg .onsider th di*nmtor funti lo e
o'c m' linguti funtion of ny phoneti unii w annol
nDl !h othft fu.tion oI honeti uni, th! ' en i. th.

sy|Lales' {o.ds rs6 nd evetr let, h t0.

tin| oI s.ial spet of ph.neti hn'nen wl llsl
dued i te rks b ]'A,l'dooln,de ouiten Llr on
N's'ruetskov delred phonoLogy t be linguist'
Ltmnin n'Ult nd ou{i ooeiis tonlomy' phynl
., h 'oa' "l,on ', .ndco o/ n "a, l'
*" " ,


"', '^
.. 'p". n
",l. '...l', '

llola1' ' .r'n o^ n lnc mFl,s, l'm o| speA h so 'd(

nJ ,\;hy "n 'on''.l". ho1o|oq} " '..1|ho, "l .',1 '
is f,on imnnt soial spt]' Phonolog ol
iveiigtes 'l]
se*6 iIs wn methods o.invstjq(io whih will e desribn

ihrouqh nudy ol th nluie of lalguqe' esiu ol soken

]iDqLqe' v|ule insiqhls le galned inlo hun. psyho|ogy
in ino lhe funlinlng In in soirl ht *h we d
$ that phoetis hs nsidelable s.ial v|ue.
As regrds th leainq f se]Ii loroign, the
t4 l| A o,| ,y l qviag
Io velbead|'cn
ne note/s la0quage rel| vell
Dlme l eol. to speak
o' sme ta'n'g in l'nq!t's
nd phoie(is f qenll nd in lhe rouniation l paiiulI
qug is mino lnoJ nd mte to e onsidered quiei
lI tahr l freign languaaos i shol oI speial fatlties
mkig him ore effii.n! in his luhe wrk n the spoke
|nqug s well s in t vaiely of other things' suh as.o
]lq wnh andjo !!a]idslike lpe{olde and lnquaglbo.
il.'ies .l in knwig wht l do boul an oI h urls who

A know|edqe of t nlu!tr. o

idi.0|atry and Dii. roeihs of le Iodution f seeh

des|e in te 1ea|ljno llolign lgUges, he 1eahel
whih lhe sund s*e oI the
trDl]'s otheI tongu.' as *||s the im lh 1ehinq vh|h
maer of lh Inun.i1io o' th. lnguge i e lemt,
]]!' 0]0{ be ab| t

loinl out t

g eeftes r lljning .d
le both equ|ly imtant 1 modern ln
io0 .f thnil eq!ient _
llks laD rordors' lnauge lralries el _ hs IoDqht
q ofthe pronunialion oflrcign
lLtr|a1ory Ujning

AaIt Im ns k.y posjtin In y kiid ofsien(ili n|'s

of languag phnets p|ays an i

tios oIIingutis' A few my

A study ol p!s hs we edu.0onaL va|u IoI

lmon everyne lliziq the mortane of |lnguge in Uma
muniatio lt ftr 1o ention h.e that thouqh lnquge

the mon imrtant meihod w

naniI6t| nol the nly ethod, We n mmunidte b qe*
lur, fai|elesions' or to0h
Inquage, ne stud of the om|e of v.o!s mmu'dl6n
tnlques is definnely !levanl t ting foreig lnguaq'

l our teho|ogil 9e hon!s hs

trtr'nbel ol teno]g'i| ljlds

b{me imponi


on thereserch side mU Prcset dy wolk jn honelis entis


',.o..p|' .' d i,,o].llPd i

t.s ofhumn sph

|hoeliia wolking

lvluh bs reseIh lo edne*ith the

|ongside th e psh ojogist o udnory De

lllO0'ii0 tuiher edd t


mthemhon nd lhmnui1ios ening in dvin9 nd

Pfec(ino nhines tht wi|| undelslad. that is resond t hu.
n'd s'eh. tol lhe
.Les 1ht will rodue
with high degreefinlelIigibilit og

nizble humn sph sthetilly, mhinos lhat will lelily

dtquis nd idei)1ity i dividual ske' nhines lor leD
duing humn seh jn udile I vis'|o frs' For ine'
theepe.imenlal $ago le devi6.or tdig, lhe inted aoe'
seh A lntle luther w s yet' bll apprently well ith
lhe ounds of tlosiility th!lmti orheli tyewliter
whi wi|l vi speh dtrtl ib pnnt.d words on pel'
.!se ollhe obvius plali nnpoltne of advns jn ihes
|lbortion w ] devel b.!wn

Forthos who workin seh !h

lgial ndi1ios tseh' hoetis fms an sential pfl l
the p'essionaL tininq syllUs ho.etis . nle into te
nd dum ele nd e l

r.|.v6d.o1o nl'e.oImdialndd.iial9b]ems.
An undelandlng ol holis hs prled exlme|y


tliol spls ollanauaa6 and in the lio|d of dialtolqyi d.

siqnig r inv'ng sy*ens l writing or selling (ihoqr'
hies iol uDR i.n |anquges shorthand, spe|ling iefoml,
t nam.s ol ol

{lds otoved lrofr o(hel ]nguqes'


our tunhr pint should e md

nd soi.l lie.s A rdl
ljnip]e lnel|y]ng the ho|e hnguli pro n t la.
nni n pnf sort'.nd
il oI ue|ves, Il pler
ny soiety. Fm lh. abov o! my see tla( honeiiG nte6
nelhods of |inguislis on|y, N Ih oflingutis an e nud.
d wilhout IesDposing t |es! lhe sdy f lhg sc of
soiet'' he wy in vlri.h hneti overlaps m its sujt m!
tor {ith othel ademl *udies hs eome w|l rrled
vel (h li few ye' nd i lhe st tw dedes w hve

Pdi,i| qdiyilndr sJjc ,

s!h s soiolinguislis (and soiohonetis.oilspondinaIy)'
hoUuisli mte1illinguislis nd o1hers' hos, s
eir lnles suqgen
valdsuseptile t *Ud.rm two oi fview Goi|ogv

nd linguislis' pjoIog and Iinguistis and so onl, nd

d development of epa nd
delivd llon oth
-. diP\ thP wos la wjh lonu0.idIio1 ia.
leI with soiely,It is lenudy ol the w r whi phoneti
o dif'elent sial funlions and
lhe dovitions oi wht thes funtins I, so.iet here is used
m i bdst sense b over a stnm of phenoe to do
wdh .lionlity' ole lesrit.d liol .d si.l gIupi nd
idu wnhin tem, er th
f t e doed' even out 0languag s
lell 'nnunerale
innGtigatod as|h' oniq fol
w ns i diffent
f th differenI kinds of nglish p'oluiatin'nste'
silulis _ h we l tlkig lo qua sue oc l subo}
di6i whn w e "o lh jo, whe w e old or ounq;
io eude' inloft' qlee
'ng tht ve1' so. so.iph'
o. ad o on w ma hPe
le(i.s ay suply elemen(ay lotioo ou!] ,'who say'
wht' hw' usig hat heti mes' l om. vhen, 3nd
wh? l teg pheiic we would osider th *ud 1l.
oohngu(is t e n esseh rt of the expltio in l
inl|' we would ke t mention ne more en|e ofInter

o!J} Psyhlln0t6li3 s dEti

t[e eany s!es' and i'] ns n frm vered the sholgil
l'lions of rteme| l
to lngug p'hol(r. N!dys n on wo!|d
!o den


Pshlog he .
qun'o fl.gug. y hndle, 0' Il.nt l
'hihIanguq is
1ed'tes.r stu(ur.s lh'kiq
lo whih
as nory, tl.
!on' rell nd onlnts n preptioni
'hings Dd lh eitnt to
whih lnqug has a edain lole
l in te udecGdig
'o ol spen prdution r
.i human dvelmel; the roblems
.oad i||ustlions Is! ounds
]e ld of phontis is lhus bominq {idor and tndinq to
itend vg lheliits origitly set y ik urely liglisii plllions on lhe olhi hond th g!wing intersl in phonel is
g rognition oI te entl psi.
lon of languqe in eaey |ine of so.6t ativit, n is mponant
ur se nd




is D.oljia


ds d

hould rc0]n hq!t d look

ntrd/ 0lthe spoke loI I Lanqnaqe ltis

ol !hnil

se o{ lhP

ndd, nolw(*nd'ng

l qcn'l jntrod!ljti.0 l th surc1 I

v |ouqc (he tehcro{!]hlonsul1

]' lrqlLsh lhEh

At the f.Ul!e5 l ileLg0 ]0!((ls

Ou6os o' Dhoiolis al i'!rodued:

t ount

funto]nq of ph.! Uins ]n tt]o Lnnquiq hIhl ho.

hotret hen.e.!ly Dnul a'y l'. 'egIds
] d.v.]Pieo1 t ng]Ls)l'
1h ole in(edd r dUss lse ro]e l mdem
!]'.nd] sL..e wL.I aIe nrrn!L Orce'gn }'ilh !hnr ]
godge tedllnlg, l.]le 1eheI m!
W o! lhil t bnk witL enL h'm
to w.Lk o!t tuly s!on. DloI]
dlo aleiaL hc jnt
ln Pho0c!s 5 ] y otheI5Lb]


]) lLl.oLe

w0 mjl


We sh|| tr .e to qr ga trom .]nD] souDdina lb

Iems .t IheoreliL
'odU]ng| defini
tions whih i|| povide

na.(ing ot m th $jL
e uIh6 kil|(' 1o exlle
|]nze t1honels shoLId e nud'ed s.jnhtilll, and fo]]ow
ti5 UP n|sinq the.bjt fslud, plnuniatio i som

o hop a.o0sid]e amounllm'

teher of ng]ish owevel il would be
|yone (o work syslh|ly
lhrough so mny aaes f te tex( }itout tele eigsoned'
l sp.til Iesn for d.ig so, h i!lrodutory
'o!eren monied by fuflhl lediq on thee nd
ad lalh d sie|! Isl |ig!1i tsks' o te otel vhih
wi|l enbLc le nudec l .o.h llesjon loblms] to
satsty lhot ap|id Lnteren in (hesintifist!d oI thirsujl'
As ou see lrom lhe aove $ ook
to nsidr

te.ei to lho {utlre




seq'nc'' ' s0.16nd sUorasgl!cll hooe!s 'hse

]ll th3larger unis ol.nnted sPeh: sylla]c' *.lds'

ll'issnd tex'he lhos.etonnI the neti. n.
r.i I].qlis)r lun!.ln the pl.c$ of j'u.i.a(iol will e
l I U].j oern oll|rl'
I des.itin oI lhe honeh

r L+d D lhe s.LIed It.elv


de t nlem lt o !
temt t sl o(1 ]] ])ssiLe uent apIo.hes t te honn

. ol .lnl] ll.n.tis s }'e||s

ol gnrol l'nq0tis' whIh 9j||seif. is to as

.l iqln)

gLig ]r.

?. whl kind

o{ nghs is !sed in l l*.|1edhLng' We

wr F tr loll the
j ]Lll'. nn,fE0qls}] 'nu'!o in pifolal holso
lh q.eemenl' h.we!cl. s Ir s the tIm ,.noln]' is LUo
LIlel.n1 wy5 some soLG,
n'i(h 0le so lled "ne!tr' ny]
l]trd''g t th .'tin nhni Iked !moIers.lo
NJorc slile, hoa'evel sems to c 0]e
renev vho ]o.ks uPon the
.'\ e '.? ! l,d\ s, "

rl dqg tl

',oew s n is |eall otposllet

n s slPlh]ng ldel whih do.s

i ]l,l eit in obj*(ive sre.h Welooktronthenorms

i'' i]0L. unny oflhoneh nles realed the ro.$ f on!
! dlio oldne wih vrying ti.qlinL d s'l
r'l the io{n]!] {'hler we Ie golr9 to d*|l rhe I,
' ls .onei(od 'ith nyhnl v|li.n of orl seh m|udi0g
] '
f le ondi'ions ud
(t'e re|tioship b.tweo 0le utge l{i th t..]n
i l.d
l n'.nd sidlsillon el


PRLii's oF PoNosYllsls


asen.e of ehia] lds whi|l o0nG for (helk

.' rtrlli1i. !'lh lhl|]sb

dutn, IoUniation y
ous jlo, hoso l(ois lle qUlte


an sibi|ny fsig.
llg linguti m.ling so it appr.pite l rclg to these
fat 5 extliquisli he hter tht folls sed on
! JrI \d,,d,,on, . ]"d|!,
udeEld'g nd loduing lnquq is direlly useful lr the

ion ol t.ahlq phnelis' he

d,F l' sJ
nd,on .'
s. ol lk h'e. 'n,'
to ofir bi|e'
redale od shon intdutio to the mln themes .d to'
L5 oveled Dnt honos(ylli n0di.s
we shUld point ou! right at te
(is .pni11' dev|ig nd ontovi| lild ol study
lhoLq a grei de| of ls.i work has e dole ln i, n
It rthel tre!.ky oflook'nq l phe(
i plleolen guis wele L
,'e o0] s Ien t oIdeti|ed

lIe \'e g


lo dese i dti| whl !h problc and

.houLd want 10 qive u sone
und.tadlng of whl qave a mlghty imUe t th new way
of ok'nq t he(i henomena' e oi( is tt duling lhe
ht hall ofoul entuy lmgu have shoqn interen in wrille
fonn of lhe lnglge and so th emphs in languqe sfud ws
|a'dn nlysinq afiten se Itisnl ;ng the ld lhin{iv 6 lht lhe situalio hs hnged my o sid th( n
ordei ad otel thniI lds
,um,n p,|
no'd|!\ 6'd |,qL',t,'!
generl Lnlguisls gt qood opnunn
ol stld'ing ihe thr
fr l lnquge rea|izljo spken lee _ te va.iety
hrh hd een laely r.onp|otely ignored' It not

u lbo llt i
l n sjve l

funhel Ies, Uti] qun..

is od| te wnten fo ol ]naiao loLzih



]ns eause n po u.s d

rl illdl' d]9d]u] ol,]nguge eIP.esio so \tlen Lqlts

l ' jng i]volv.l vcsliqil]il] ]D!|.!Jtj jn !s. lh.y Fl'ze.l
l rlq!qe js n.lD l.]ted
'l ll ld |]le Pe]e lnn] (|]e!
L'] l!.s ]i tlts. !]ilnn l'Dquq0 6 trn!] DDoIln1.l! l !
] ldd.|)daed the i'l)le
rlD v'e'na liqo!. s n

o}'0llP, i e.a'le


mens lo n end !lside iIself

]ll 0le esseot|poenies o,

!]. sne' ed.oleld.ndnyscd'

Jo n kcl (o e Ieasonl
!i{n 5a depends d'{lly o| iDdnon lhe situtil the



o'111is deendn

f'lyoirD|ilcd aDd


l!|]d e quite unle li to a(ml to lse ll s ofi

like lo il oot lwo thing l|la( Inter for Ihe e.
'o0ldthi lollows
ald nand ut len on th had

othr nd, lI lheso vrietis

] | ]u.h
mmo s le re lel'zlos of the s s,.s
r lx 1 rnens
lht lherc ro lequ]al pa(els oI v.ition
ng!ge mens *l]ih coonilulD
]! teIe Ie hIleli?d b



l1re rin'l)les of (is sellio nd

\c P 1e1' . llm vhJ

trngemel was of

o 6, |1P.v'c)e,a
',,]auqe nns onstruli0g
' lhe uterne' d dt le
llle dLlle ona ut.ldl lrom ano(her

]l mL* nled lhot the .le9ory

quLsts Ihe .nh ol lLgL

f stle is nol

ne{ in


",^'f'' d'\,'o f,qL',,
.nil'gd lol uit[ 0lg e]elcils f the

wtr|i l l0Lg]5 ol lu.lioal nles lled lotoal


,! .'l ,',


].n!UiUgds5Lh Ll ith thetr ei

rtl sD]d on! ut here th1w
W. shill o0|y try t show now
ndnc b0!v.en funclin| ad
l( s ecn suqqcnen tat .unuon| nle an denn

s a fui.1iondLset oftm]!(ns i']t }'hih lnqUgees

Ie trnqa ] .d 1o tnslI i{rti.D on9dcr|e

nU]. oI3lemt hveeen

D *e( ea ( wolkut
'nd.ut Ln sDite | th ( il
.|snn.l]oo .| lun.!l nles
li.s. ll (l]er Uo.ds lhere o

]js t


f.l y the lllowmq lesoDs. As

|nguq. eYe01s tke p]e in snutiols

tr e iDld

q!]le o]e.Ol! nn vrius letr leIdepeden.. ld in.

lun' !sgq!en1l n dlfllUIt

5 t.onnnun).Jlii js kn!!
ln l|] oLL klovn oe!oD slq
qcslcd .'']]o v,v'vlnqrdov ll0] tltre flhns d
dLlUulred ll r|l lun!on t m0j.ili llloq!'l
n']e th. n] Lno ol Lo'.i']9 l|lscs' onoa| ald sjci1i,i
nr]i!] aod ll]e erot r nLnon 1ULj!. ny]o dd the elle}
Letles slyr.r' 5l'Iio l tll ]rnd tr'LLy refle6 soe l
wovr' r|]e trieon ofd
nnqrhtrtg nyles des nol seem Lrale enuqh lt Ylus
lhl ]'.rl ( ||ed le em.vfUho E rhe q.n.l|Gsk fhL
eln@ ur nor f nyle, es]des tha |guage .l h! sho!|d



othor ln funIiols no1sefle d5

,d Da,| 'o|,',,nJ.|P.
oenrldee l]elwee

ole tunlion oln


n] Fol e

o' s]elli nLP


n' nly fl infIm'g eop|e bul

in dusions (lks

. 1l{ .nuni1]o lsi.nlc

,,,'' oon o,qud


lw funtions, wht lo e laken inloount here the

i LLly o{ dtiqtrll]n! !hos lwo lutions, whrh one f
In fi.onnunrtion the I6s l ea
d 14"' " { ,0 om' 1i,
iil nll ain intorminq i be malkd
plimii in dllUe _

ll in.lo0l sil0:' e tels (ht ale mn mnlonl del(

vil' I: sientifi nyle' pUli.iii nle' !siness ylo. es
l'(s n nd olloqtil styIe
|.|ll evrdy oral sh' though mon shla sh th
nL and !e fms oflnguaqe realizdtion
lll1rislis of f!nlin|st|os hneli lvel l nlys his

llowevo'.od wou]d nt to deny w tha( o|speh

d te qL"l'y o' /d in.
lims nd lids of lal speh y
lrqeI tan ln willen

'aI nd omafiso of||
'ese vriIions is a matrd ol sevele.omp|on s' n the one
!trlr tems ol arlia] |ikeness e(een them, Now one lhmg
tr gv'denl lhdt lhsets of phonelinle forminq foturos do not

m harirrized b diflelen! qulities,

Wo have ted aove tht
1ln r elled
varitions in lanq!age use, e lteran
'ilhlevels] ho
l).0did o lhree
ll)e l'l leve] is lhe alea ofpnoslylll,
sDmnanzi.g e ay sa tnal phonostltiG studies lhe
phonoli mns are used in t or tnt pn[Ulr sii!hn
w]r'h eercises !he oditioning inuene of a 6t oI lcl
quti' he aiD of phoost|
l'.s lo an|yse || pssile kids ofspoken !lleres iih the
n'ijn pu.s. of idntifying lhe hnet fetur6' oth segnn.
0i and suprsmetalL whih al. lonritd to enin kinds f
qh suh ftules hve ee us 3nd !o
'.tets' to ep|ain

|assib lhm to lgri6 sed lpo view ofthenfutjo,

Ie desig honli nl
lal it obvlous
| essry lo lr l elin w 'olnlilg
snu$oh, We shuld note here tht sneDati hauslive
dnd ull'le|y alisti view of honoiylti ditreretjti oi
olaj speeh to edtlaied oldedy n|ysjs of the o'!n!
lv .ltl'quisti siuiion p to e ]andtory. .
nlns shws tht il an e dli!d b thrc ompoenc' tt
UosL n'iDn' seo hese mpnen disliguish

tio.] u, hus a sph siluation e denned y lh o.

Uio re]ted l h l|rm a
i'ull way. having aniult im oI om u iti.g' m.
mulitig oll a DaiiUIar (o' i prtiulrseinq,
lili|y sjtuati is rcnnted }nh the puse nd the
of the mnruia(iofl, For pUlose l be delied s
s of se(ing d pn'ipia go.
it i'nonmked wnh !hih
lhe tviiies of 1he n]olls lh.ughll silution to om
e viewd jn lers of grl
'Ilil lpes nd i f te ivn iyp.] spei.6ub.

hel er to b onsder|e nuber , quile geell

l, "' o.l'ivir,
g |6,1lq,]"l,'!
ndU.1ingd meeli! a!ig ]inq qame, et su tlvi
ly ltes Ie so'a||y roglzel a5 unis ' nnltioi tat Ie
I! resonbIe lo

sune lllat hvit lyes

vai]ale to

l lndo hns ofII possibili

nes bul aie rgnizd int dune ofalivnies lht se lo oe oI
th same .ldr' s we mighI suggei that ademi livities
,', a r .
' 'qh |ev4d ! ho' ?d
d.usions' ei a: relted lo arivit tes a!.9
10 thel g!u. f tivjt, tyes' sUh s' fI exml
dsul .hat' whethel .f denn nd 'i1 (o shoo]t! !l
e|ahouG (oe of the ses fsL n oposition igh( be th
' d{'P i pl"dl"ol, of '"F |hd'
\Urd leve|.|!{e.| roun'loi mcrt. ]
jt sholld e nold thal 'ivn tye lo des not q]ve
dequte aount of te urs. in a situdtio' I( nI sEjfl

llj| Iae f psjble t6ss lt piiopanc will oent l

Wrd the tvil but nol i.h s'ili!e will e involv

l'Ple do not set ot t |etuIe oI to .hl n something, lhey

trllid l let!re on !hysis, I lnerture. or a, to hat .n
v.ithe. I ot lhev hve lead' t]e noto. oI urose le.
qtrrcs te spilihon l.o0tec t f,ot del ed levl than
hdl ol livitv lvDe'-l we shll l| 6uj.l mag, or tp
ld'id we sall ;$une omohy betwee subjt tel t
lllc h tviry nd li of seh ignrig suh st!tl
igh' okng *hile .hq
t int oui here tht su.
woik, ut we shou|d

mjp tlc,"rId| .m,AloL

4'F' v dflo r.d ] d's wh
p,' un' | ' DP'n
rin f prontrnilion on.
.0led it .ti!j! tyDes lhat form the otio ol lh. pulose ol


Nw L.!'s nsidel no(hel

Dinijl sel vlis wih
[ nllker ofv!u5 ltlalen{is | tho individul s!eake
Js Well s oI |liosls elweon ani.'pn' halate.siis
it'ndlviduls m, be dlvidd into ihse whih 8per t ha'a
nd ihse shi hrte
rP.ze lh individul s an
soil gloupllg'
te the mdividual as menrer
not rimary fous of th
l iIdi!idLlkti htertis arc 'qnitiant
volLlme, s lt u5 1ul. our tention l loial reltinsps, h
Ll|q o of ro|es d r|e ldtions is ommon| .nIouded
i ],P


r d.tor and not hk a fd(el orsomee's lend il is likel

b e wen h is i'l suqr r a hsia|and i.quringbout
,"6 n ol d pJ'.' | ' d\u$i' q
d'La ",.hoo,".g'"
' "
sDh nfundig my well e
ll'nn oI no o.upalial loles su as 6tang I fiends
]tLl ot lder nd yungerhi|dren .l
Usully ge of il.]'anG is also n mnnt tory ior
Amonq othr things ge assited with the

, F,'',.'',.'nl|..d{y6no'n50,d|a'o'D,

,iF DPo,!i0

d }it ihe tution of diffrcnt

hseh ehvioulofa eo nl ol
! ol!.ys
aoDt is r her ow! a9 ut oltthe
]slener o.lhe
e'ver o. the vetbl mssge us' old po|e
!]ok nd re skeo t i a difilet w lrom young pIe.

|cvels olmpelon

l l0nane an eldn eo Lsu]]y speaks in hjqh iid

voie, eoDl !iera]l u5e hj0hel nh l.v spekiq ro

s|es seem t e susumed

seikel se

nqlh and Rusi we seU|te tt su|l diffelntiaUon


dit{ren.s n'




!erb.nding in i l/eodng'
,leicsho] more l'eqlentj
bos id m.n *ho roa|iz
an lo.jl vialin
f'ei fen| skrs use


usu|| do no! lnola|y ,

o c ]lolal dnnon

e{ loilies N. 5 e|aolaton ' sita nd le'.,

te dndrd .elizlin t lhe

' 1 6 ',i' ,odlc,

lor rtliPl s well s

oI fonnl
- mloml' 1'e
s.ees o the iorml l ,'hlgh
d oI lh. s|e isreo difielel!i1ed iIo tll1 !Ioale t

]nj lndl

',. ".'.'',, '.y'' J,,

lt n'ould noted herc that the

t. rel'ze so dil,erees !s udutedl o' immense imia!e
ul lunhrI .|arili!on f rther inriale quenns
n 'tere*
n| .me llo ole obselvl]ns of |ivig seeh nd
w0uLd natUI|| leq0ire a delalled emm.tin ola muh lrqer
|king out patloan' onlont we sholld add oe
mole hiatesn thl eds .onsidrtn ht le euto
tionl slt of the spekel l the moDnl oI spe Iodun
whih is hk| l reve| tolunito mrkers wih wold o
I reh
he |n ononet
w have t onsider ]|d sing' U'
te J' i, dlin6d y !"vqdl,6(,.' ttP l','.' 'h
'5. .ienltion lpniia h lo som elenI dete
m'ed the ativity lhe rc egqed ii thus in ltu the
skl s1ands i sm dlane .I d lalno lh add.$c! in pnva(e Iit lhev rc siluai.d v.i.Yis fth IheL
It isqLto obious nw th! see.h oveln mIerom nd s.e{|\
in fae,t-f omnunihn is viou| phonololl .
tinguisha]e i unbr ' *as,
senes m eqd olnq dimenss: ubli plival'
meoal eal ohle . aslal' hiq.ultur |ow
ulturcd' nd many tervlue sals In ]le pi these dive

shla oloiioa in|udiq eliPsi5' reetilio' s]reed and s]ij!q.

Ilth s R nr !]ot ronu.lin loitls t mIke

We avetempled toshow
sidred s ns


lille',II olhs

gen'Ily Dnderstod y
easy ( see how numr

hele vtia.ons of phoneli

nns A.raawok .o. undrstnd'nq and desrilng them hs
e.ive lea(rcs I the situalionl
rcumslan.6 ' ]alquaqe ve
lelel f aalyss It u|d e tu lo siy thl lhG D!]D ws
given god del o{ale tio and 0le'e lot idta btied
vnl the help ofspeial inveitin llws us now lo sinq]
ut. numbel of fa.tors ih res
I) the urpse or th ai o' (he uteIne;
2) the speke1s tillde]
3) &efom of omfi Unition:
{) lh degree f f.'mhyi

5) lhe dlee | spoten 1o

or the lelere!e l th lal txt t wri(te oe)

ltsho!1de mentioed ght hre lhi lhe urose ot the m

of lhe D(r!e m e.alled a poet. n.Iig latol
All othr ftors aDs dilialio.s wnh]n th oI thtstyled
tli! why ft e referd t s stle-odi'inq
her o more tg that should be inted'.lre,
oll hr. Al]

!h.s ttors ale inteld'endnt nd jteoeled, e re

.q|ed out wjth thP pu'ose Idesbig neti henomn
s (ht to qive qood idea oI ho thesstem works

Now we shall try !o onsidor eah ot the above mentind

l of hleti vntios nay or
he in* ltr w shou|d nsidel lo puos

of lh De

D.e nd ihe cnjel mtll' As ws menlioned oallier, we

shou|d asum omrpy betw
thesulel mat in lae pan delemm6lhe l(l items, it
'hAd 'Ilhc Ll,A'd,'c.1!l.a'a lon ln.'at,on,5 j hj,
st lhe aim.ould skn ol s thesl!! oflhelangug'useI nd s ii may e lled a siyle.forming fator' on lhe pho
neti |eve|thele'e vritions relted l desibe whtl.nguge
js ei']g used fr in t snulioi: is (h spker trylnq t pl
sude? t eholt? lo dlslllne] he lehino' dveiislno'
munng ntllin9 lc ? h f le dove.nentiond vriants
nkes lhe sloakersPl{t numer of luntionalhoneli mans
wh (h puoslInkig thell'tion oIlheaim more efl.
!ve, I terms o' phonl'siis w
rNays ol rehng thespeake1s ursiv ble i 1 snuhn
in whih lho 1el ued
Anotnr elllingut fio! on o,le rrled t the
8prA/s iUdP 1 l].P Ld
ol |o hdl h" 5 sdy'' U'
tno,.dq" lnoI d 'fUn'.d!t j|'d.
lg s everydy lile situlo so il
's lor lanquge usI to osider the situati!
flo! !
po 1' lv. ,"ve |, q |,'. pq
nal hP',,"lin,,nF,hn'
1q doo | dy l.! h
',y eliit n posiliveor
resons' h emtions' h flor foms a.omplex Undle 9il\
ouler hrlenni (ure ol oral se It no new olion
tht ny ral 1ext ddressee-orienln, is ns lht le ].
|wys .ele
vd|A.|,phqr h!'o,.on
0. sdd | glliy d'* oll lom ,Ldg"
wntlen fom. ll sun' lhn fto!. e onside!d
a re|vl f
ture of otI speh' It on omon |inguti rlizalion m.
tonalin vaities whih .an e nLmlous like vnties o' alri
tudes andemotions an mdividu| eres in vrious liJ situ
tions, onludlnq we mht s lht sujtive .oloung of
or| speh s o.e f its most Dteqial haratennis.
sdrinq thr Io of f,Uilio w sould s that
alure olpartiianon in th |ange vent lesults in t}.o PU

nari.ti.s: EoDologu nd a diIgu., It shuld be e'

lin hle that dtitio. eleen nonologue nd d'.
logue a f y.ondrtlned e Ut { note th's dtinlion


o|ogug the seking by on. ildjvjdul i suh vay$b.].tylmiuo,'o1\ o," D,l!:ns
o1\qL' tPe6l-q s " "r "''o j\.l thr .nipo
'. forne pcon lo mFunile
tion ofthe' It quite o*i|e
nh nothg ad !o e te onl speakl. simirn i\'o eople an

mono|oguet e other, oo|ogumg (ken to th use1s

mediun leliio.ship i those seh sutios in whih t.thel
eo'|e present do tjoin j oIal an renot meni io xpt,
erhs, t sov aploval ol dalova| llom lh lguh
oi1fview on| one fiDre onsidered t e rIevt' i,e, the
length of the uterarce' |oques re Usully mor extndd.
ney Ie hrtrizd m
( oolo|ooues usu|ly hv mole
nl on!uity nd selto
Phon-,o9.n.i|'o ol ".lh., ol ']"'^o, dl,Ps.annl h-dn"
lqil ne eh klld h!t.rjzd b 6pifi usqe o' ln
gugo means of an



dialoqu and a mnlrguoIiom Dsholin

unils, it . e rved y !e l! 0lal p.opl who find thom

se|ves blod leIn dia]guig q!ne esily' whil nologui.q
lequressil tliniog oen in te' here re
of p"op| \o , P |', lliu.
qune dequtl bul who fi| lo


nq oq" qhj,.



Ao.g lhe sil f.tols detelminig the Usge ol stylii.

I th fomalily oldilUii whi is vry ol'n lelarcd


ovious lhat te Ioess ofsleking very olle' rog

ro|es and re|atioship e miertion ol idividu
ls dds upon then ming and aep'inq lhe ro|es ofsol
bhvlur' A enin idividualh
orgn'z!n whih es hi tob.addrc$ed in a elti fsh.
ion h subldinales in another w his equa ald m
wa y h sueio so lo ome to lerms wiih hoN roles
'hnd llllons I re|ized i lnaue we seak of fobliI or
dl. Fomalny flts hw the ddlo$e, (lhe 6pealrr] i.

iilio ofsjl

ds i tt ddresee

lthe Ltner]. hc !lnonip (he]qus! rel'(,
|ti.ns ]!'l(J pn''pdc 1n
ulh.n 1h. rc]iiooshi ns'ded on lhe

nf.rmlny 'o olgvalt' so a'e

s!okcn l!Lge shes re]ljonshjs' i1 dennes
nd ii ih. aleqory of frnhIy whih
nhks seking ltj iq|lt kldot|nguqe
nsidin]q a mmui.rivo situa1io fIm lhe l)o'nl l
|d hve t dnln (ht it m].es
lIe ]e!g! us.I rehze the in]
lL. demds lI h lnguq .nsiusns. s the dihotmy
loi] . lol| iltiia] . u']Itiil unde6iood hre
as the ibsee oI res.. of5oiall lelizat n6ty to folow
m]ql'1 5y tal

lo us lhom ln d.!s]nq th w ve to dmit lhi th

.dlgor oI lli1 qenera|| ilUded nt. e sel d nyle.
d'lfereD1iatig fto aphed Il slgges tht lnquqe user
ssesses the 6i|ii t seak i dftelenl sly|6, 11 the dsc
wih eoDle whs lofessions re hiqh]y vel| ones' s!h cU'
L usul hve very ullula| kqund, In the ose
ise the ]gUti blla!loUr of s'edkel fmal situtin
dos ot dLtrfi
h ehvioul n inlimal stutin
of0]c fator ulon tehonetilon fseh


A. o'io'4'

i,. o',,-l

of lpPd, 1 o,,q . n d 1'y

!q0 J,a
speh d$tin.t, tholuq}j dlo is osious tento !U
the frm otltdudn maks m hose the lU|| nl o'
nuitio0 he nlin f lhr apritees l sekmg doU
nough pisufr| pn o' the U|tural ode hi.h isls tht
lo l\ l',l dnd Lq xp|., n 5U!l
',.k',' |. d1ln
, { 1
'i,J| on | " ou|d l.|q |\ .p,',l d1d mo,.

fuirrio effiielIy s mda ol.ommu'Lo
lt wo(Ld e a v ovecimplifitin to ssul. rt thle.
nl two vriti6 f .onunhn' heE re' eilin|y' m4l)'
ofthen Indeed lhere n infiniie numbelnd thev havU
u.dries eh mlgrs jmperepli|v into ih neL

ll" tv plrvaielios !hat hve eei mtned ov illuslrale

ro]e t doq.oe of formalll s ai Dtllinguh. aie!ry
'll W. shou]d pomt ut hel thdt there olher ftorwhi|lis
! ofln rcfeed to s lh one relatd lo dee l lilnht
lrt we me lhe qu.n(il of addressccs h latol deler
nr.s tl] distin(ion f Ubli and .o-puli. ral tts L,'
! 32] sehis quhfied s ulj whe seaker lGlend t
gIoU ofeop)e, Non ub]i .omuialion ou i tae.
ntualios i! w.uld e ftr to meinon t!l there re
ldl'i) f .,6,' dndIL |i


LLnqDti lel'!on Ithe Ifia|]l on b1h segmen1al and

lPrasegeIl |eve v.ry imDnn( for *Ldent olDolhI
L.quag. . b.inqs t h le'ning tlk ]| 1he hts od
aod hn 0ltrfe Le.n'nq i
ll] |d'qug nrvoIves susdiq 1hese nd qunn'g o1hoc
on'inue t inl!plel snuhs
l !j suki i'] is *n 0|!ure In oter vords h gls f fI
] iLLil f situlion inomlet e m llen hve a fla|
'.l d pe'hs lellve|y one bot hc m no' knw
r[.q'nlion in beltn lhe.t

]i ol exalLe'

In Ru*ian the leve

o.,uq in
l]l !Ionoon.d oth wnh lov isinq nd 'kinq
low fll'ng (.ne' vh'h
.0]od5 eut] wh e m nghsh Go,dy] proued with a
)! ltl].q tono sounds !an| rude, hilo lisiq loo maks il

! !e mentioled onos, hy ale: lhe 3Dekels ldivi{lu

3oit prvenl igof illigi
in' set d ge | 1he sker e 6t iig t I out
rlL0n lhal they are lDldeial' Dmnal
ey re
] lLn.tnsti of |nauqe userndn nl vry
wnh very lIl
! i eelin' ]ikelIthe above.mentioed oles' so lhy r nl
i'Lelately .hose y lhe spekel t tne fime I text pdu.
! i' thouqh thy oay very wll sry ds h jdoltifyinq {ea.
l rc' thls fro Ih ol.i I vjew lney my e sidered i.
r )

.'li' leporl mine'

one of lhe mon imoltnt nle modifing Iators te de.

q'0e f polhon, s il we examin lhe situations in whth

peo'| a]ek lther than {rilo l!m the onn l view of s

cen \o,d n h!l .hA, ,A
speaking spntanotrsl s oposed t. lhse in whi.h they arc
sekinq non{ineUsl s lhe ir and (l' |tUler e
mn olten diq |]e tpg .l seeh stulions whih lead to sph inlude lsoo teahiq, le|eYion nd
I a event

vrtioi betveen exneilr

onve*'ins We soD]d Ie|
lt..n two oles ofstne! thle re
tis, Fl eimple' the soiting

.l!ally laki.g

e olol6



ilentatl has st0diod le

lhn]! befr] ih !o!le r.snons a! highl verbt
Li1iin, l]r. leahe., the lwyer
d!] te stag eiteiainer boome osted to produ'nq

f epene' h meais tht l

lhlgh te hve n wnlle text in !.ont t thom there re ele.
mcn ol plooalaloi nd reetitin i! Ihetr seking erfm'
s wh'h qive them som o
e n* den idenlitied at the
l)hlco |e!c! of iaLs'
li n utterane qu|ihed s fUli so(aneous li.quis.
its vII relizlin laklng

p|a. t 1h ot oI spekinq thoug' l u6e' n ould be

lhoughl overin dvne. here
seh lvi is n! snle he rs thl ou. fol tat
..n'| f.o' tlee nqs: ) the u[Ie (o 1og 1o e i
there e nemory onst];
lhs 3!e u!.an6 pdu.ed in lhe II of |etules' ons'
c(,; b) lhe hme of (he sk. i
eonvyd wjlhou( ay henttni,oI eample nes ovr the
dio nd v; ) the sleker r|izinq somebod else s ultel
q IoI edm|e ledig i{ of rose' qLo!.g et, I lhe
ve m.nli.nei ses 1e Utelane r alher ils vel| reaiza.
tio re.ed in 'jvne' i' wrill.n on a shet ofier. his
mentl pldulin -n led'
lr t! l pl",,
L |} '"",Pd 5"
sekI ]dy 6e le writlen vaaljust to eL hims]fremem
er te logI sUsjon l lhr on'onls In this se lhe
spcetr is Lso fllly rrd In .ilht o. the bove n]nlined

nh th ulpose l ein p. olllv,l! serues s m0!s ftimiziion ol lhe press
I L'no o,vn|cn ' .Fo.'d oP

ldF hln '| loblfud
.., al 'h po,,'o,|,.y
| l.n'.,P|v Px"|.ded h.
'\ '
n1cl niffe [im te form! in la'nY sD{ i'i og niztio f |at


glmmlia| msns wih one l tho most


lok up (h deqEe of sontnety s a style'

Now i,
' weshould dmit tha! its a dive
|difv'na ftol
. lh; Dhon.ti oqnizi of an lsl tel' In olhel words,
l!.en two kinds of s!.*h tivit' i,e, .pring nd redig
!x]h *lhoul nd with feren. to te iiten tet) his dis
tition mludd y mos phetiians nno th set f inl]un.
q llors no mtterwht spl of seh a!lysd AtulL
lll. lo k'nds of orl !xls dfiI quite onsid.l m lhe wy
ll'e pheli ens oflhelnguq. re Usd,It we ant t d
ve b nmit th vhere pho
|d's venals with psho|ingulis' new lerdillinr

shlinouislis as dti.t re ' siane developed in

k|own t

,n.'f ]oou,J,. dno o'/,ho]y i.

hve lned fol ol lhn hund.ed eG ngDge
1'lluq,,ol lJi J-hl ' nd, i,

itD]!o from psyhloqy D|ys a imont and plh!


tue th( inve]lion f

e d orgniztion I a.tiviti
iL to whih ptdutio nd perception of spo t.k I'
lll. ttereing syhol igu lis stud re Lguge isknown
l' e a hufan lilily An un et t two
l{ le' nllhefm o'the ress din the lm ollepd.
1is th rcsult ol te Itrels. so it pef0y ler lhat it is

Dj|].*lle t iteIet phoneli ha!lensii ot living speh

Wnou( hvg an ida of the syhj lws ofse{h .reDiion
eloe we q on l des.nbing p

ivP lentonr| ki|rds ol


realizations wo *ou|d like t

g'v n idr' voy skelhy o']o, { wal lhse !w


] loil is lhl sekrng nd rediq eing roesses l

mmU'ho d vne s of seh dlvn re to din.renl
e, the soLndnlr] uler aenelted jn
qul dilfe'et wys,' who| a wrilre; ( elg;d alouo'

hc, oo o vdl lPdl'

d1eq'|lgl o) ,ln,6|lol } d1.
othei e6o, s he eed ot lhink of whal to saY .r rtllel of
, he on| lhig ll hs l uo
ud' i,e t ralizeorllY rhe lde.
a5 ve6Dy *l65ed s oI Is md nm;l d s
nJ" oh' -dl,d'o 'm !|o n" .', ;.q 'm n.
d 9.dg" B,,c,' j |.
'l ' 'cq

ba ]e to the fies lth wfi! n dequi;v.l

!. c',]Pd'',0'
d I.o' p.J' h.,.",y hP . qL,@,J?l


s l1", {' oJ,i,l'dd1l

1dnJ o" W .'"

whi|e sonnus seh Iknlq ple

{when n noles
lle proess I psyhr .livil ol's oI rwo equdy

Ie osed)


:" .,q",.ol."d,,1q l'"Pl,.nq
ioldon,.l"'nfu^ h"'9U'
1 li|,o b \p,",s '." ,de
q' d. ,',od ,, lo1L

" a d ,
Ld d'k.j"' .y'
.l'1q"'. qno lha
"," J,
aJ nlhe lvrm
5p{]r (\ tv
mon lnonnt hrlernlis oI soke sDonra'
lext shuld nl f ll meiio henmeno slled l

hsn'iD he poi thl whi] geDloq text s*or

l's !mr or rtheI nt enu9
lrmfle gxlession he hshose beause he sjuLl
oPoG lan!'g what he qi.] io say nt nd o mo.
n! shat he sig, he wordinq tkig lar smullane.
Ly wiih pln!ninq nsele01], 1he seakeI ei(ates
Ik hosnates l renemer lLnll Diee f lDflmnn,
Th hsillin phenmnon bro|.s d]. FDl ld gveiiess
f'hne. form. n'oe appear
hlqlh .d qua]il wh'h se]dom (url lhe syntl]jurctte
|oDglhenmg f suld wnhin Ihe WIds d in t|le wOrd nn|
hItelized y nlmr ol.o|
rj'ail felLres .th on seqmen1aI ad suIsgmetl levls:
vIiUs killds of assin olon' ledulin lG'o wtl]h m.lfn
j'nDhiialion of sond seque
lses v'}ing lldn.* {rUl
ver L.!d to vl Low), nw
lt.'n vary fn t ver s|o})
A'g lhe leafes dtiltguhing Ihe tw dsrien ki ds !l
lLat eeds oIe det cd ao
lrlIi.' hl k t ddnniiti
aLled a ,lnl9!'1a),' l slanenis 1ea! h.sit1g nel
rliz'q alull sIgml) r,ho.. may
pdLse wh'h reks iI' s n ito.n
!.o! do.s iot iLde wilh a snlgml) Plss t l|lced oI

lhe ie

I i]ktrlg lses t the

nmcn( ol

ljn slg vlds nlvnted lo.ovi new situtiols

'1ih D]e fee] lhiI ll] !dillonl lpe { }.lds does.t over
yDu oll.n nd 0log Ie teq.{s ld., 1he
l'nl lo hav.e*
nyLes dless, new hn nyles ' nd ille'

sunriz]n! we m s lht

lL te aove.mentlned.c
J'n !}]eli mrke of sDn


les aIe nliel .qelher with sili mmtil, nily

ln 1ch'ng nql(h, 6illy spokn Dqhsh one shlld bo
.l se'l' phoelic mrke ol hving speh, hey
| |lidlerlis A studol oI
nghsh should e ssin ught s!h a|ianlies, o(he'we
soken let iou]d sud like a red e uh[h would ul.

..r$olLgUl h.leI' tltt d.1orm'De the Ia*s ind !ho

. ] L{{ o| dlnioitolo A]n.n! lh llel auses shlld be

we[ Rle

s||fizmg bney we may 5a,lht }'e hve kied to de.

se l]re Uin etalinquh sluIioin Iloc thl mke (he


ln.]uqe user hose the pploprite ode oI ponetj realiz

o el Iht re lololed here Ie
n.l || tht .d lo e .nsidered' hy wi]l hwevr' f] d
lem!.ry tamework r lhe d5

hvo Les mirknlg wer, he id l|]15oLLd e lc]lzed thl

j evc]yd ]fe slu.toos ]f
.lho min.on I sevl o]
lenr ol delennnes the nLP


{el lhould e ";,".",..,


t lve n n]e.d'ffon1lnq v]ue et we sholkl note thl

rld aod desled jndPPPde(L.

]].fu.]iffrnl !.l.s f ho
refeed (o delol flqme of
e whole tet tLIa||y dlvlded
inl jonoloq!es]' srmn1i
r n]l.slen
tr](d hratelnL. hi.h un]||y relned lo the set ol
rts of 01e u(olane thl hve

trtr' !!. .ns of



.t'l L.1ee eoted d l!'ented seqments oIi Ul

qrelel ihdn in ledin!' n0 ! nr Ja( lhl in se[

!l lvl]sc would hov. to

ilh level i!ni.s' l.m lwhi

nd soe th

.il ! n.] !s.s dnd s!ec' 1e). rhrhm

l Lr] trq .ul nl. dif,l.'(ia1ig mens

of eti |eve|
g. no diI! l iself, Pllole!

1 lhe proes .t lliztio0 'i

l l P ,n"o\ ,6'',l

]e lo re

'ns loqj e0ooq t q'vo a

1e pIlem f ]trssifilin of

ol In. pin.G Ie |.veLed by trnel amr mlnd witll


vhih would

| n.i e

bo a

Dolimnfio le. ha.ateni wih ollv l

,'len 1o n| n'fferentiling lenrc o te
As qs mr0!oed ar|ier ( is tlle ellhnguli. fto .st]y




Ilow.ver, 0'ee is oi lh'i


.r ho0onListi oit ol vLew n ly* should smqle

] ] l! q {h]t lO djli|rcil lol] (he oes used a5 s for
il!Lnnq tDndioLny]s ollLgP We mke it|er


;".;:1.;:1,;:':;"HT'l ;';::il l,l.:.tji:^::"",






j ::]":,:iij.i1,r"j:, :":: ::l.': :,:.:.""."l.':::,;;
r"'.j.|l" ""]'.:::lI". -
"y .* i.-' "" . r.
." do'

'," '',.- ]":':.
'e' o','g.
,;;.;'".. :': l:11 i*.1dP+L
-;;; ;.:,r,; ;;.;:,".ii:;;.;,":
:;:::" ' " ,- - .,, - . "


i tq

ii:. }ii


suplsegmental level' hile e lthe folnliry or situtio' fr

xm!l) veil segm.ll vJieties, so fl the sake of dsri.
n]g d eIiinq hnostylti vIieties it sms prelrbl to
lonsidr eh leve| splatel lntil a n dequte s*em of

a ,.y d'll-|E 19 1aidFl.6r ml'nd d\6

q.d gunds fr esl|isig ilonbonl styl sutb|e nt
o fo!soi|igDti resarh tt for lh puos of |eam
g nd lehing fig lnguage'
mioht e gene!||y asuned lhtlhe ale ve intoniioI
nles sing|ed out mail oldinq to lhe urpse Iomunl

..l]on and to wih e.ould lef au the main vand6 ol ul

(e ge.rted i veryd, ommuftion ol odefl mn'



2 Aadmi sil lsientili),


Pu|iti ny|e (oIioriD.

{ De.imator ny|e (Anli)

onv6ation| dle 1amiliar)'

Jt dilleretitn l inlnatio. .oldin lo lhe puose oI
..inUnjhon nl is definile|y
ibve (helo arc oter rilo.s th( tretintonation m vIioUs


l. p e lo, d , le1rcJ,Px'', |,." \ 0 :n

.n0 hoeii
'Ad rterisiiG f d ferenl nyles' su. ses v
k bo!l ovenina 1fusin] olstvIes'
o sunnize we uld sa lht the dlinlin f nneti
)n use shoLLd nko| nd give

e'ng lo lhe dsnplive sll

th GsDot te suggosted lasifitn neallo d'
(lLa(e l re{tetinq n0meous sDeh re|iziions' n the
one hand .d n ole oiher, it il lhe (o lnderstad a0 !l
lf we temted t snetze l| oli ose
l]ons nd .unt f! a|] the otlDs lhe lsk would lve
]ent so




'Lcd ra6|d,. of lho , vlA


We lioht on|l|d y sing lhat we hole lhis will c

usclul le l kow|edg.ll lemr.ause oth th.lleiqn

*udnt ld th wuld.e ther olnglh ned to dve|o th
awdrcess f differct phoneti stles ofth |nguage' e shuld
be tughl to a|ysend dslie thsekilq habils ofna|h
eo|e eshou|d |efr to disovel lheptts whih djfforonti
1e nyIe vrieties t eip|in as fIs pssile h pele sek
e wht {otfr ofphonti eps'
sion the my oo. ause the nIe shuld be s ntull s
dres .d lit (he line, lhe plee and the eon, esdes he
should be le lo leah other eop|e the sme thjnqs us
tehing a spokon frclg lnquge mans lh i|it

vidu|s ulture is fol th isn tal th telook iludes

this htel, he hapte thdt follw wllt e s o. lhe
tht nlisii differebtion ot oral spe*h noi e ignred in
tehingboth frci0nlnguge d mothl lngue,

hDter ll
IlE FUNoNAt AsP ospIJ soUNDs

his h1er is.oe.ned ith te l'nguii fution ofini

vidul suids tht ,eqmon6 l seh,'
We !eoiq to duss here tedefinitins fth phoneme'
melhods usd i; blishinq the phonemi. nn'lurc of lan.
guge tho sysiem ol nglh lhoemes' modifitins otsouds
in neted seeh a d nyln differentitin ol vowels and

o know how solnds ale ldued y seh oqans not

P'oua|l to desrie .d |ssiry lhe s lngug uns, wen
lJk out rhe soulds of |nquoe 0]etem,und'n e
In the fi6t ple' wean
fi lwo l(herdifiernt
in ngllsh lt] binq
i lhat 11]
th show'nq

it d ldl eina len nd

how lh nsi

lrge Umbelofirs' s
Ui o the otor hand il w le relully t lhe lt] in lel and
o!le i! wiih the {'1 ln ?t l]
soDnds re ao not lhe am' te ltlof ]el6 alveolal' while
]c t ol l'tliP,s oPn 6, | Doln Pxmpl
etweenthe sounds has tunliouy signiiian.ll js fft.
] |eal lhat the sens l,to!nd,'in the6e two ses ditrerent.
avoid th .miguiy lhe l'nqulst Uses to seprl lrms
,ohonDe' usod t. men 'oU' in i ntstive sense nd
,rllho'' used lor sound6 whih Ie vnG of phome:
Lnlr in

they Dsu||y uri differnt psitions i! th wold (i, in dif'e

ent envonments] d hn .!nol otlst wnh d other'
nor c Lsed t mke menjngfu|iiIions
Aso! praly knov fo (heouse oI genlalljnqlistis'
the dfLn't'Ds of lhe phonemo vryeatly'
he tU| mtrilis! view of th hn'ne vs q'nted
soviet ]ingUl L'v,shhr]' AoIding to L,v'shher
lhe 'e
honeme m ho vie*ed l flnliojlal materia] and L
nla( !iI hese thle Nls o'the hlemo al..ono4lltd
in the d.finiti of lhe suggestd y v'A.vassilyev'
ho loo}s ulron the honeme s ,,,', di]hl Unity of tse
asl)o euse the dltnlin on. iothel id arc thus nie.

v.A vsilev delined lhe hneme like lis:

,.]esl.l(al ponee the slles
li.e, nhel indlvl
le n't sm]ler nseuliv. soq'ne) lnguge unit Gu.d
ly!e)lht elis in 1ho sp l all the meme.f given lan
glgc mm!it s sul] spe*h souds h'h e | oJ
dlnguishinq ne word ofihesme lnguqe or one q.Dnli
l ]rfr ol word flom another grmmlial lom ol the same

|le l drwbk of0ns deimii. thl i! G loo lq ad



e phnm mim| nril |nlqlli. ut rel'zeo

olnds Dpos|. to .thel pho.
ncm6 d th 9 kguge b dlillqu lhe meing.ftn.l

they ls0a|| u in difflelt psitio.s i the w.rd {l,e' in djfftr

ent evments) dd hen dnl ot* witn eh other'
noro Lsed to make meagfu|dlintins
Asyou prbbl know from lheoutse ot qnell ]ingLhs'
thedfLi'ns oflhe phone vr} gled
he tuly ntrilti view f lh hneme was rigintod
y lhe soviet ]igUl L,v sher , AIdino to L,vs|l.I'eJb
lhe hneme my e viwe'j s a
mteril !d a.
nlalUil, hrse thlee sPls o '
the of lhe suggested v'A,vssile'
ho looks ulron thc phono]e as .,,,a Unil of lhese
s' euse the delemine one othel n'j nle lhus ite!

v.A vsi|ev dehned lhe Dh.nilo liko this:

hesqme.lal phoneme the smllest 1ie funhel mdlvl

gments) |0guqe unit (souid

nemeG f given |.
h souds whi ar |e oI
d'nLnguhiq ne !rd ofthe sm lnguqe or onaqrmlr!
l fm' oI wold fr Dother grantil fo f the sme

ly!e)(ht isls in |h see

oI all the

he o.| {tla'bik I0lis dennllon thI io lnq nd

,,o| |'A ,|' , o,,
lol o i L d o.
|le hnec d miimal *r('+hn!]uli Uiil rdlgd nl
spe lhe Ion ol seeh sUnds opsl lo olh.r Dh
isli']quh th eaIng oI mo


us .nsidel lhe honeme lron th int o|v'w ol ns

me a luntiol uit As yu
kw lrir te ab.a in phnelis luto usuauy undI
nood lo mn dErimlnto' fun]lon lllal is, the role.f tne
l ,A l,''na' .y,'"a .'." d1. gA n
Ir or a|so one utlanefrom nothe!'

he positio of hoemes in tho h.nti envir.

,,l(" n|'d? l|," dn 9 o,'
sl'bo|h polh Jiqht l)b'
smelimes the oontn ol nemes sefuos to disljnoljsh
lh D]00n'!r.f l. 'n,|e Phss '|J' w6hetdad|
- dle


s{ondly. lhe phnofle

]n lhe forn' oI


lerll ral ad ojediv' nt

sDh sounds' jls

]]oPhoes' e


i 1etr niul1ory] otl though there .

msson phneli simillily bolw.n lhOm,
der |h nolh phonene ld],
t lea* ihse of its ||ohonos thih a know l everbody
on As l know lrom tlt Dr.
!al Uelnglld' pho!lis ld]wen ot affred lhe
',l |c p. cdi q o, |o
' 'np'l'
lveolr' l.nis np' hisis how it soUnds D o|.
lon or]n suh ods s di &rn w' ei., when it letn s
ty'| ai]nLatry hr(endis t 6
o.snnl ld]
'h yhih do nl
l]rd the prinip| llophone, Ie allhonrs
lidlo an distiguhle ngs in lhe hi! of seth ale
ime lre re qUne .editle
d'!',,0 lh. d,i,L|:o l d||o\o. . i . u undol lh.'n
auene of lh iqhoufig souds in diffeEnt hoeti sjl!!o0s slh llhns . a||ed 6uhsldlary
he eales elow nlunil the niulatory modifiahons
o,lhe phonen |d]in vnous phonli. onte:
ld] s|ighn t|ized etof. llonl yo'.k nd tho soGl l]j, e.q, d.ol di}' dd 6dym'
ra ot idati]

..]i]it * +d d4oi Jul. ii


6il{ a'r

ld] is .onoun.d witnout n lsio


anothr stp
,|J- .&ine d !' gd dJgi il is pnoued with the nsal eloe the nsl sonol. ll nd ll' e,g gdde oit
dd.t ..t,d@ei |he D|osin is l'te!a| e.orr th.lte!l sono.
Idn| I||' e'9, iad]' bad1' oa kgh|,
he alYeol r sition is pniulrly sensitivt lhe inflle.
f th pl of i(Ultio! of a fo|loig onsont, hus lol
lowed Fl lhe ononit {d] om6 *{lveId' e'g, d
d.emi follod y th itelde.ll Io] 16l ilb*oms dentl, .'g.
Idh' |d |h wo' gd hig
When Id] followed b the lai| {*] it ftes lialjzed,
In the innll position ldl patilly evoied. ,g @i
i th illeeoa|i ostio r we. foll*ed by sonolnt i
iully voied e,g' orr /edder' ve i lh wld filal psihon it
voieles' e'g, rodd ragd' old'
hese modifi.alins ' lhe nonene Id]Ie qun $mied t
demonstat te aniulatory d'trere btwn ils |lohons,
tough the ll Ite ould be sil lded, ]f you onsidr
the !du.tion of lhe ||ohones l lh phon bove you w l
fid thi thy osl6s three nil|tory felurs jn.ommoni al|
f tm .rc .or|igul leis s!o!s
oseque{' thoug llopho
rcss sin']r nilory flur6 t}' D frequenll' sow 8tilerl Dneli. difiren.
It i rftl ovius tht jn t.hing ngl .ounition
lhe d]'felene etwen le ]lophones f the sne holr
shou|d P lc P$dl'l) ' ojJol.o h" d jns o. | vf' o.',"
I o||oh.e, .!, ,o.d.d,,
f., s | ',1'na o||hP !uoJ'o ry a||o
he6 shuld b vjded too, Nol ll lhe sub6idialy !o.
hons re gnllly id U| (elio! to' In teahino lh
pnunlion f ld]
insln' jt hnldl nry lo o..
, ld| b.l,a n vo;d s m
hi6 Dosiiio. ! ao o|al!!u
\q|q \ il " "sdry.o pld ,l,A,p{io]]y l. o led d| IG'
lhP |
d1j l b- p.' o, nd
"l o.ft '" ,1 |h\ p{t.on

reILIly made up erisol will lude te d.gei of for

Allohones ale lnged


simil! qloPs'

*hih lhe memers feah glou le

ot osed to oe (her' bul ar. oosle to nembe f
n lhergrou todti.gun meaniis i otee J arse
q!e. nsequntly llhones f (hesame hoee ever
0l in simi|al Dholi olc' th re enlk.jy leditable
ordiq lolhe phnti d lhus rr no lseto]
tht grous oI6ouds in

zed in spe*t' d not .

5nd eatl ttea||ohone editen by thisoltl hneh

env'omeit hey 'e mod led by pos!,|!i, dilll nd
ln ft, noseh 6ounds ar asolutely l*,

' imoint fr dtinquhing meanigs' fo!
[noFing 0hther' fo. instn.a th m$q ws lole i or lqpe n
ul thele Ie lo spekr _ ]teel ehange thjun lh
,m6sge'ielf' he tisteel mdy
u a variety ol in'olalio!

|ii he Iives ' r9aI onajn
lrsooldlus ge and even motnl dt laqr tnerl'il
d) nd muh othe ifomati, oi of t (hg soia| i.for

ones hus' while honeni evldene imit lol leil od

qrmati| enmg mo* otelssls o.ommuniiio ale
o\")"d } mol" \
o,nq",' "s .A" ] , nd'' Fq
se{h ad lnjlst t]'nenig olthewlds'
he .elti.sis belwee. the a.d lhe phone
Fe soudly]tstlod lhe follo*iq shem]

}ndly. tlophones oIthesme pho!me no ma(l how dit

lent te niultio my .
as the same nouisti
lnil he qustion lGeswhy n 'uniion
se|dm obs diff'nes i.lhe tu.l niU|iory qulitis.
lwee. the ||ophn6 l th sme phoneos,

he nlives!edker s quile rld

l] L(quo ll nuh lss wIe oI lhP ||o!hnes] t s'
l, )n,t that he 1|| not hoa.
hoes L'ke ln Lveo]l nd dent| sc Id] e wIds
rrrdd d r0.],| c!.n when d
e nedd h reso lht
n]P Pll(eo! hn! dn jm.not {unlon lhe languaqe: thy
e Irj ell olIei dd b eab]e

dr{JoIolt osj1lis



F0 exm! lhr

.o]/' bUl( Dot



1i'e in dirrerenl envnonmn)

e.h lher lo mke men'nglul

drk l}]
eIo.e v}'.l' E| (l'.Lcl l|]nl

thlet.l.odtdn vj1h.dh olhs io 0t w.' r|tl l &lns
}'i( k| ] /'! _


oI Jdr _ i
lhI oD s Ir] nd

so!ds ll] Ln.Judq

'Ic!'.a. solns \l'j.h


hv. sjmJl

!'e.oD]n]trn(y D!!1l]1 ]anqu


ei D]nln''eildvg' tL

the meDa |o n]non ol p

l'cd'ng l m'he!'s d

l the lJna!q ]n dl;'qull]ng


]'. hvPslle]rer des


drl'.e.e al{e.i 0,e d)lophogs oi re sme hner e.0se
i l'ds no n.ljon !uo llo dtUL eta'e l l
iol'o of
h'.m. td] f.l iilaDe' des ot Iie.1 lhe
'he w nrenre o
do nt
t|]' i0 ltto wod {,]q ld] Lv m dy n
en1l. notl oal|e, In te
Rtrs'n *0.d !.n9 (he nressed vowel ljI a mle lloDl ln
i i the w'd !.lio{d It is eve lorc f.ot the wo.d .
's l1Rusisp.kinq
ocoplo d nlosee'nlh dltrelee

ad 1hLs to hnqes jn ihen I]o]'|' d nl dLnnrquh 1[e

Ln.Dq so qe havr good q.oLLins nle thdl lh [one' 6
an nct hgun| l'it
iou0ds n]1 lL.oL.'odrl.d!otr!
As hs eP srd .t
es oI nt sire hog]e, A1 d]e
ime tme the flj
s d uidl otdsnnhle lccttrs'
pEoemes ol tlle ldgtr!r .ne]nd |l f!(lonilly lelevnt
LLed 0le inlnnl f the po.
neme N her of tl]e t'.u]a!n
ol !}]c pho.l8 ai c nne(
eP ldi' l!tr sqd d0 d
]i Ij ..|!s]\e n]J]lLo Ls d!dtrq0n h
one ]dl
P1 .i l,.d
n] 2'] ld] wLll e rcPd |q] Ll rh lclqoL- ni.ula
lotr s
lhg x.[ (

ol LdI
out g.s x'
,Ii 1u(nlI ,.,lJ l'ld lji,. j]l qt'y tr 'n.aid!l
s'le Io
al'.lr]n ld| l q.0.I'u..r u
0] ljnql. j( l)i.{lrye r|' {.e n
(PLlzed nl seeh ln th0 mteLfolm oIsec.)r uods' i ||!]

ll'.n.' on

0l otIo. hn.L


. irL iite thil

n e

l lessliy dL!llo?s ol o0 I lll. honou o]

A|| le l]q'].ns .l ll]


ieo], 1 wh w]e te.h'lg rolo.]ool te dlnol ask
0tr] D0j to fulolle 1lns o. 0tl Dl)O.. Wo ' o]!
ti. lm lo ]D!i one t s ].hones

Ihe diultory tlDIs h'h t

ieJlo re allPd dlitive oI
o etl Ielevnt Ie'
pse n to se lel pho
eme i the se ond] oniexl,ll ttl. o.sedsOuds dittel
in oie nLu|tor telLIe nd lh diff!.n biinqs bout
hnqes tllo men]gllhe wrds the ot*ig ftLFs 'e

,o cd


l o d ,llo,,l'c J',p'jJ o o.'l lq



hs lhe initial nso

nnl lp] nd 0]ewoId m.egins vith lk] othso!ndsaro

lh."oil di{folene beic lh1 lp] |lj and
.k]n'!]u hP.efor t ossile lo sy thal lbial and
i'. nois . Ie|

h lljtr|ator liures whl.h do n1 soac t dn1nlqu]sh

oos a0 fded h] b
freings l js vhy 5lion is no dtintive letLr f

As { hds e mlnttrcd bove

of the hnmo afie (e mnnlg. Natu.|]y' ane }'h
iudjcs lre'gn l!]qe Iakes mtks La lh i.tiul! I
pi'trl' !!'ds, ]sitEs lhe rntrn.iti.i er
I6 s pnoloqil iid ohoeti
lf n a]]piroeot!oe phneme lelcd b i ||ohon
f dfleleDl llonene t nlnke is lld phoDloa]|. e
.truse lhe neanlng lIlle i'rd is invnaly ff(ed lt hDD5
when lho Yow|


lho word .lomes sliglltl Ie

.ge. diphthonqized 1h word

,rn l rd

\, ' .
nlnLion to n ly00 otlguqe lahPr'
ll o' Jlo)o'Po| h"ll,o1"P, Fn, ,6d r d olc '
| . ol ,hP ."n" ,'onPac lLla l, ,olP j' d|led ph,,
hcns when Ih ilmit oflhe pbonole t modified aod'
onsq!trein the mn'lq oflhe wold not afited, e.q ]
Wlq Ll' vo"||' j .',,) ]ono,1,J,1o"lo.-JP.

ta.ome. rr 6 ,..od,,nq ol
(he wid des no| tlng Nevortho|ess lg!g lclners re

rn'd nol to lel onet nislakos ito lhen ronuniiin r

lhe do k the the dl ' their loleign aenl Nill e
Gl| be ao nl !o leltene/s elepton.

It ]nterenmg t t naqe !onsidel thes*e ofhon

ed s t6i!lion''. lnsnp.
lio 6 a set ofsyo lepl6oating spen sounds, hesmboh
Zati Isouds nlLtrlly tr !d'nql he(hel lhe'n
lJ ]ndiate lhe
@{I the mod'f'atons ofils||phonos s well
o.'h 1IA) hs q'on a.
eP1ed vlUes to an iventr ofsmls, mai| ilDheL u(
svmo| lql rcplesenls le aiqu]no as in q.. d oi


flt tp? ol ootlofl' nlo D

1|on, p.ollds sperl] snrb lor ll le hees oI )
ow or al|olhni talsli!D

ru!oI a]]vi O' pdniulr ||Poo' fea1ules' ho bld

talsrilon n'nLy lsed ll l)
h *nkinq d'lll mo.J t)lo'en' diy|)
ois l rilh glish mdn| doe to lhe vrylng
h't] is ngj (o 1'ol qol nd !]tily Nw
u shl]
he liIn te ws lntodued

D n!]es, Ile re|ized lhe ditrere

|l etween lh vwel solnds

gdt' p{, nd
1n lhe ords
(,i' 'l
owevgr he 'med t ledumq the numer ofsynb to
m]n'mlm nd lo0q]y insted tht enaln onve.(ions sou|d
t n1ed one for |l, o.e ol lhs o0ven!ns is' fI innano,
rlst l bole mentedloq a
ds wen s in qun('ty D.Jnes slpposod thal lis oveiti'
sit f int.duino spil sym.
o to difftcliale te qua]ity I these vowels' i yh he
Dsed thesamesymb.
lhen, Aoiing to D Jes' ott




l ll_l'

e dlotd like

lhl t|] _ l;]' I] _ Ia]' ]

rL kd o|n',o '.rqUP.

the vovls
u l)ld {l,]lhoug o^dd)l

lll nd til. tDl d

m,l p{r.n(
'd is not dLlv fetue f th vowet'
glee thnt vowI lngth
e honelj nlxt th|

detintely rdundnt, Fl eafile' i su wrd iE s,fuT_
heo|' ok-..|k, pU1]
vowe !e prob
- 1|henlyoposed
difiene etween lem li
thetr qualiiy whi.h iterefole .elevnt,
o;e than that, Pheti tsrilio is god bask for
teh|nglhe lonujnon ol foieiqn languge' eig owe
ful vis!| id, hieve god rsults n esry tht the
lners of nq|h should ssite eh llevant difiorn el sn|s, ntal is eah phoeme
sho!|d av spia| sInol, Il not ihe ditrercne alw@n th
trs ol sotids ov may wlong|y assiatd vith vowel
isnon distii.liv (redudt]in modem nglis'
tio hlst Dsed b vA,vssiev, uses n. phoioqia| nundelstdnding pvidinq se'
' ) rok lol d,] vw.| Dl'oAm^ |'|,lr |", |J] l, l^l' {!],
] Ul l|, ll l, J.l B.q o go .tud| d d., ol l o|'
n be ironq|' rmended iol leahing Ih lounjatin l

Ill, jU dad

F lol|j

d. i q|vc

'd '.' tua] !pe{h' ,-aa

sounds. in.olpurtel ls muh hneli infomation s it is ssI l d.
nnqu)sh tl'eluntioling of sLds in lnquqe. he nao ol
hne! tansIili inoortes as nluh Iehneii if
miioD as the phonetiEn desit, o! s h n dtinguh' It
vldes sil symbo (o deote not ol te Phonone as a
laqua!0 uni1bt also its |lohoni. nodifitions, he sY!uol
innn indid ilaled aniulationl f, I!i;n]
'orh tye l tnsnlio is mmly used in reserh rk
A|tU|' d n lr l..o y s 6!
' | |Ld6 5yn bR
llhoPs m oldq
phAu'nd p.''itu,.l ldlJ,e ol an !hohon1 modilhd'' 'o
g l
tnq 'nlniol'or flh n$n o nRry l m.
sisl un lhe soft dnd hrd vaitis of it usig nI only
hutao j]] te jdilion ol th hald lanantl' '

]j tnds l the heme thr, on linquisls h8ve looked

Un (hephem s ne oftesi |anququnits. Butnot!
o'the havedesIibe. il in lhesame wy lne njonty lthe

t dtgu orhles nd
a'olds lhus eig fulionl unit. i{owever sme ol the d.
le t m lrel
othe plefel nsiall
grunded delinnins, sone sh

_5. .' d'vd,F \d''or,') oo"' ol on,og)

slP of wh(h will e dussd blow' vie}'s ot th
seem t fl|mio four maln lsss


e .,ncllisli, or 'lhlogil,' vLe legIds th ho.

eme s
]nll nnaqe,'or taqe1al wich (hesek
idel sUnd l bauso
nletii re1n]on o, sUnd net to imsi]e d rt]y
eLse t
|nuie eened y nigouring souds, A,
'h oelio! ||ophones of th pholee al vay..dtrlg to this
ing !l(eliztions ofit, ]l view ws.liginaledy 1hfound
e. of llre |]on''o tl)eory' the R
.une 16l nd sm'hila ]ike n aDere 1o haYe eel adoL
ed D.sDn. hsaeoll of viel' s shred by ihel lin
gU' All so'.nl'(t' 176)fr e' I1o desed honemes s
n]de !'hLhsek sk
he ,,Dsh|g]al'' or menl.|n'
view f lho onemo
was .olghl k nlo laloul
l lhe oeme s a t.! hs ronl| een levlv' L
'de undel dill.ont temio|ogy ihm
jt def'liiely noI pssi|e 1o esllIsh suh idel souds
th'.h d ot t in !alit, For this les e Ameii. lln
guist Llomfie|d 146) and h folloe* ejted 1he view nd
the glish phoelijan D'Jns 164)' vhi|e basill fvourle
to Ihe v'ew pleloiied in pltie to tke phy6i|' view, h
lel|y delb ne nnot e
tk u hy soviet nguG.
he so.alled ,'fudtol' view lrds tho poneme s th
rinima| solnd Unit y whih meanilqs . be diffenliated
wnhout nuh rald to .1ua|ly loounod speh sounds,
]ueninq dillercntilion is talren to be a denninq hr.teftti of

phoels' hus the ahsene of pal(aIizalio ]n ltl andplalli

zlio l ll] in nqljsh do ot ditrerelile minos' and th.t
.ore ll] nd | nnd e signed to differnt phonemes bDt
boIh form )lopllons | te honone lll he sme rtiU|lory

fet!les.lthRU*ianl^]id l^']dodltrelentialemninqs.nd

l\| '"d l^'l a'{bq"'",qo.d r d't'en' nP- ir

Russ' f' !o^ !0' ,o.
Alding lo tis neto

ot lmi| I
sunds sie i Yery od
r uliory featurcs' tht is thos
hi.h lrm lheinvrianl l lhe phoneme' ale jnvlvedi th dit

the phoefr

Ieltl1i0 ot meni]]qs It th so ued dtintivo ftu! t

esou.d hih mk up lhe phleme offsponding to il Fr
xamp]' overy sound f ihe ng|h wId ]dde. inludes te

lhe 1hd 5oud ld] is sn here woLld give ise l diflereni
wod ]o,ei iin o'herund bfies fonis lhe resu|l
mel.l pul'r ve'on of ]
a fettrr thUs deDends

ol ttleo

sjbla lealus elgmq to the sme

vol ords hus vhen th

sei lht

|s Ihe


] propenies ssiatd i1h the, lhi is fs*h sounds,

n vieq { the hn !-s ioneiby L,jelmdev ndh
i*ites in lh nhgn hnguti itle' liJ.uldl| ad

he views of the honem dused ove 0 qulified

ll of|hem r9
but not in lhe !Iily, tht
human seh seeh solnds being only hoeb nn .sla'n
nons of th6e on.elions
,fanily'' of Ie.
hee s a
ted unds satis'ing eitin
l. h various finb6 o' lhe,
simi|rity loenothr in otheIwods e|ated in hala.t!.
2 No .mbelo.!h. family' D ouri t sne heli
e tem.lorm of lh. ,'phsil' onption s ropod'
ed D Jes 16{)d shd by lh d G Iagel (a5)x



sme aproahes
the si e|emen ol nhono|oqi

.l nnL| re I1hel nlD tll.

ws dehed aov le fl'ilon olDloh eta lon dn
.i.ove fealfes lloD] lc
l.o hn
see.h so0nds' his view i5 shaEd
freigD 'IonUed
|igu soe m nlU|' the w.rks o' N.n'el
'nny1t,1l, L |omf'P|d (!6] R'Ikbsoi
l62) ,rre 162)
e funloDl v'Aw l (he hnenreqve le lo blnh oI
]ing!nl]s (]LPd phonoloq" ol hoPmls, whih is .n
e!'ed wnh r.AllioisiDs elwee ontig sound. l |an.
guge Ia s'| ileresl lies in nblhinq the sstem f d
tlnlve l'c(!res ol tho |ansuse onemd' Phnelic linned
. dorl'p'o ol o oJ{r '. Fy,'o,
]oqil sD{ls oI ph| sounds wnllolt onem to Ultr
]'nquist funtin' lle sUotrs l lhis on.epton eve r.
rmend l etl hoelic llon linglis! disilines whih
en'n|y 0not e epted b sviel onetils
A nrnger form of lhe,untional'pploh is dvoted in
the so a|led ,'nb'!tn.r Yiw ol lhe honme' ih regrds
phoneml as esenl.ll jndeedent ofthe ouni. nd phylU.

olld e $iqnd lo the sama phonem on !y othel grolnds

t fl'l o,h4 d ao \"
isc lo djl{ornl


and difiont heaning, is pploh my

grou of niuttorily similal so0nds

any rard l ns
futional nd stt sts'
strmmnz]nq we ft stle thal the malenlisti etion
ol the phon firsl ul fofuald y L,v,shel a e Ie'
qaded s the mon slitab|r
tho pulos of leahing,

No{ tt you ve d god idea of wht honm w

{i|| try lo shw wh.t lhe im oI ho!lgil.olys of speeh
sUnds i wht m.lods n e aplie lo lnn sofr of nalys
ullity of.ounds of nry
imoitn. i qrouping lhea ito funtnlly siilr lss
t lheu!se' !n photi.
il should look ton *i pnmdnly as a study of the
spoken fom f th languge. study te souds ol

nudy te w the funtion' l1' to find out whih sounds a

al qloued to .utionally snli|r Unils' terfied honeme6,
phooloqial ana|ys of lguaq i' lh
he hnl 'm o'
ideatihatio0 of le'h
honmes nd lidig !l thePems oI re.
l|inshi! into whih lhe
as the so0nd sste of tl'at la.'

c?.o )s l 1l,l9
speh sunds Fl e&mple i, we deline 13]no the poloqi'
wulde quneenoDgh lo rcmind of tho gerl |ss of I!.
t'n o' lh smet' For niullry deslipti w.
l|rd h, h.|'''o|nd,waq
foed the 1ip of
tongue ad th lvelar lidge

lh.she oI the lngue whe theon.u.ho mde ( grove

in the ente of lo tongue vhl]e ihe sides i. a ]ontre w(h
lh lveola. dge) and so on so
't 'h.sp*hsUnds
from the irL|lo.r it l view
i (he dlflerenes and Ju
|.tis { lhe]l rdulio
le in the loUs f tention
syste' whih is t!y sel of re|lionships aDd opsitions

Il omno kowl.]. lht
ferel iun]bel of hoems .nd
lng llrem so eh |nquge h

h m'ne f the siem

ditrPrnt lnquges have



llohon roleseiI

nelrmlnated v t| lhe ou'cl

lhout ]e sool vlu o'
an]LItory a0d aU*'
oIsoUds ll lh lnguagc d
hyli]]y dlfferel unts ale ide.
Lned as te sme sound Us lhe |]ave sjmilr luntjos
l1 noth", naLdd".o U|l/
o/ L".Ja ,{rJ , dlfl" An, 016l \. ll'Ay pPio l|l.n' '1cy
quu lunlons his natenenio b iDUn.ted thefo||ow
rg exmDr' Desne thnaniculto.y difflee lhe1w nglish
rtd... .t .o, o.


flc,q,P h4p4

',P ''
the m.aning'
wr shd|| mo* prol find
th! lhe ative sDeake re.ot orm|l awre of lhe dilforene

lhen does not fft

belwe lhese tw $unds'

(ivespeakec lha! lhy hve ditree nqlish ngl sek

Pa do 1o nPd ,nc o''rq"'. D.d!' , ol jmpocnP i'
the .omm! n ialio los'
In theRussd lnguge sif,ila l' though not ditre
ene dwee l^,] nd I^]affc lh monlnq ln] in ny{ re
ilaedby l^ ] the lsult will dltreret wrd*, so the R]E.
san l^] nd l^i sonnds difirent n lhe niDllry level are
identi{ied y sere f Russian as to diflolnt lhonns, Ana|ogia||y' te 5pke6 o'syia notie differee etween the
lti] of Enqlh len nd lhe ltl of rei@r ditrercne vhi po
neni ln synn Utnl ||oIrni innglh
e re y othr differens hih a! unimortt
lh honologial lov] llysis FI exl (erealiztion of
te lp] heme the words pie' , l@l ]sl' he are l| dil.
lerent bause ! th ph!ti
te wdy(hesolnd lp]loses is snatin in dl. vld ]op.
,i the ft* sound h] reed y g|ot|{o ul h.
loqjall these sunds re the se, us a very imoni on
re|liv nd n!nenG onennl pho.ologil tlis nd
||oh[ vrn an us!|ly

s (e m f lh honolgi| nlys i!' fidy to deler

ino whih dilielenes I suds .e honeoi nd whi.h are
non.phonni dnd' sndl to
the invetI f (he ho.
neDes of lhis or !ht laquge,

]t should e noied tht ntrme

t|ed foJ asena'ninq tIle hnelj nlulu l L0q!aqe'
(he h
For an Unkown lguq the pede of
nemes of a lngla9e s the small6t ]nquaqo
unns has sevell
nges, eftn de to dlem
menls lsmetation o|soo.h ontinuul) and lo re.ord lhem
grhl||y by mens l uophoi transliIion, o do lhis
naly{ glhe numer f sound squnes with differenl
meininqs nd oftpIes lh' FI eaile, le omson oi
lsk] d lslJk] leloa le segme(s Gundq lll and l.] om
pai f l'k] nd lsplk] revels th seqnm n nd lsp] .d
lhe lunher maro of thes
wih ll|k] aid Ilk]' |k]
'sml gmn6 ] lI] Ll
d lsak] slits l|les. semenG inb
ll e tr t divide lhem luher lhelo is no omparn that al.
|o!is Us b dlvide Is] lt]r lplinlo two od wehave lhercfol

i.ivod a1 1he m'niml segneni

f.llows thl l6 p5siLe toslq| ut thr mDinLsgeIs oD
psing lhem lo one nolh.l i l
diffl n' .ne .lemgl( oi]
he nel ne m le Iedure
Lto ,Utio|]y sn'lal glous, we do not knw rt wht
angllq nd w|t soo.ds Ie
mere| Dohes of ne !h. lanl pllonee, he.e r to
tnon w]deLy Lsed m!'ljo{ls ofhdig i olt he dl. lho diltl
Uhonl nelh.d nd (he sennli m'llod he doibulionI

slo0s lhell

l)jdt 1hedrutUin odo]of1anquqes xrnh

tl0.nled fm lhe l9s 1o 1e ]05s emDhsL1.d ,'le la.G

0Ut the ldquage. 'o.h I'] li.l tese phonnins Lndel
en]m(ed tlle dlnnv.
olle honeso ]to onJd
( is'Le l. d]sve' lhe'!n(i
honam.s ' nguge t|] rjqii
to 1l'e two lws l hoemi nd illptlonl dtiLtion t]s.

ALLohdcs f d)ffeien! phoierDes oLI In th. same o.

ene nevel ul in lhe sdt

he lal llrt ( sinds i lnglqe mnle o'uq

noe. hey re sald t e i omnlelIy dinrlbuto Fr

emle' if w fu||y lallalize |ll m tl]e {ord Jel n ma sund
bul not lel oI .l e ||oI]D.s
1he neveroUl in 1hsm h
dilfercnl hoet..Dltnmel
tht \'h the lw tal] different sulds t per.elvei|
s iden1ial onos . l l d
sounds must e P]e ol oo
nent h]d I]m ilal'd Dill ll]nd ldlii Joy nd day
hus lo oo|usjos lllowl
1 II mle.l ]ess dltrerentsouds !r in the sme hooo!
otet ihe soUId P llon.s ol dillerent honolos ]n this
se 1hn ddu'ii ntrslive
2 lfnre r |es s] al sDch s
r p\0'i..nte( the rc al

ulo .omtnmDrY
W wou|d loini oLt hele tt (e jdeljlia'in fphnemes
on the grlnd ofmp|ementr' ntibutin not wilhout i5' nlele hen
ldry d6t]tr1i0l ol i0 i.1 l the sme honemP ]l
th 9 wth
ngLch L|'] an.l lD], lh] (oG ]y lii'll
olb0lore v.w]*h!L.l0|ou(
onl nEdill If'n]] lteI d
tiL1io modified y addi]oi olthe'jr.liD..oDeh

"^dm "
hl lPv.o.I



voLs sU .hia1elns Denil idel] oI hne!]P5

ol l]!.gDunds of1hPf dt'!ln lorexiDD]e ifsoUndo
xt nd aothei D ou on|y
guhPd soll mes o. tle o$toi eleen ihese two'
e l}'O set f Dhorti lols re mplen!g e nolheI
s aLLohones of 1h sme ho


butioni g!.uods. Ai'u]1y'

is {.

Idow ]lolloD05

lhele no ovLn5 teI]oD'iq whelh. t|x t}'o soUds Ie nrIIiicn0 silill l not]
hw similI lhy n'i e n'
\ lhoso0nd x id lh. llund Y in( b. po*LbLy

n]uldtty |.aoln' 1he w.l
|k|].p]! D(rcd h] lk'p|]]




v s

l|os ILo'onl lkl'?]

0s fLosDll lkl..?]

trthdr dwi h]ft|ll Yot

1'. lutm



dn lpl ond lp] qFi

nti'e seaker assoites (he

h] dtd l] (.._.nb] udetnd what

hp]rennlg hele we m0n boy nlc se.h s oxlunl
viewed fl.'n ll'o pclehves: oe onernlq the sel (h
olhei lhe llnener ol mp]' hl]] 0d lP] Ie tered y tl]e
re sme phonome lhuqh bllr
Lr', d'. -,
P'.1'. sil.ilnty l r de1eImLod trer D lhe Unitr
Lookq qin dr le .f lh]dld ll
naLjsh ve n s no thl tose soUds arP dsil] bt
i'!l!on d ln eIepton, Dd threlor hale lo l)s t
alL for 'n9 teted s hlelilly 9'n'L., tl'l mks i ver
unhk|y 1llt lhe Lld e neleE ol lhe sm Dhoe'
m. lreli ontel.
sO lar !'e hve tr'doled ses vhetr tho dt'uliol Ul
r!'pltclfy, hr \
ever, lhird !o$illt]' name]y, 0l 0le so!nds oth o.ur ]
th. 1{ay the Use
e oI th R!$jdD
udd. Lno'

nls t sin9le Dllonele ut nnc the stuan.i sois s!uE.

ht Unusu w wou|d lke soijo toule lo ljnd (l!] rcsl lll
l|] vliotr i'] le reLtioD oI le sme !h.lele \{e ou
eFi'n n on lhe ss oI diall,orn
s |siolID!u^
ti.s rl Uid
oe vI.! 'pre*lge'
fim whih l|]e
niauon round isul orloss
tonlsech lI || ejntions fn lD we hvetu] floe !.
in. u1lh *temn( in seos ofdmison lhIlhe l.
.a| ftors t ork hae not yet n .lined
It }'uid b!nfirto im| tht onetiin5 of,trulurdx
euslft lke ..unt oI ntiv. sakerl oDnlion rr!cu
ulel distlu1ioial lh failed they onsidered Dduve
seake'pinion to know ifthnlzed wolds diffeled in mdo

lhP.o.d],odf.e' Ldl"d' 1g


'n 6d o,. ii na d dl,vP \prato,, 'o:n'4
1q, dnxF v ''o !'',
plopel GjPtl) 'molhd
hjize Ih eed
d ploodures
D'oodures s ends in tl.
tds undetDdinq lq!ge'

hel js othel'e(hdoIonolgi.l .ls widel Used

in soviel ljnauisti.s tt lled rholOfianti nlhd,It plied
lor hnolgrl nlys l both unkno{n lnguges and ln
qu9ps akead dsed In s l lhe ltter il is Used to deie
mie lhe phoDemisla1us ofsounds }'hi.h arc nol ealily iden(i
ponologrl ini ' view nrelhod is sd n d
'tom rDle tal phonemes n dtmguish wolds dd mo
heEs 'hen pDosed !o ono anole' he semti mtod l
]dentifig ihe phnes ol |nguage thes qet signili
n ss!mati substitution o'
soud forod'orin .de l s
suh suni1l(ion leads l
hanqe oI menilg. It with t 'ne
hngo oi meing n ntd is proedure is ]]ed th mU.
talioh lj Itons f'ndlng iil pilsr ol words nd lheir
gnn]a(i| lorms F.l oamle' an n]* lvrs I the se
rtree ln'trl nlni1utes theso!nd lp]Iorthe'ound l] he
subinu. |eads t lh hne of Innlng his wL|d e a
nlng Nida] lI' I] d l] n e ri.d s aLtohnes I
d'ftel.Ol Plronemes jnimal ptrs rr Uselln f.r stlnlg
qlik| nd sjmLy (he ho.enJ ol te laiguge If we ntLe
b anjll(r lPlfu lsl' ld]' l*]Feget minim]trs ol words wnh
d'ffe.ent meDn'g s' d n so, |sl' Idl' lw| Ie |ophon l
Ui suL]o* we iiut tp lol h] !l L9'
Wloi! flm le olnt l vlew of
i!i,n, Ul lhP qoid wou|d i|| b rao!.
n'zcd as!]
u1o1dnthing ls s 'e m olude thl tl]e
Ltras'rlgd Lp| n l||oheflhes'n l] poeme,
posi1io m t lei.le mii]nnl
stolllo of lnguge !
De.essI tl Gt|h lhe who]e sdem Ioposniohs' A1l the
s0lnds s]rouk|besd l wort| initll }'Idrnedi]and word.
nds ol op5itions IInrem6 r

paf s.

1o enlGl] thP nemi

]]l la'] Dffelc0ti!gfnrc fjs


lftl' dlitive te1ures re nrlked tlle oositin sa(

e d(ble eq e_&,'oofetuis Lusive _ olu
Iftlrlee dtilive fetlls le malked the ppositin s'o
tlle' e.P.
lhcn DillerenlilnQ fet!.es: o..lusY_
ns'i1ive |bial _ -drni|' lon volLosi _ le voi...t
we shou)d remiin oU hele lht the fetutos o. houle
thl ole l. of df'elen1iahng
e ltlles tal d noltke n in difle
ennatLnq (h melng al. termed s ielevnl or no'dlin
lve tre |aeI m e of two kinds: ) in.idnlll


ol !o

, ed.01t,'

|Png,1ol vouk


tve oponlion elwee vied d voiles soialls is eU.

sem! nlelhd oI noD.loqlL naLs

Lsert i soviet hnaLisl]s s wll


n.w '.lel

overwhehninq mllil ol

Jc hav indlld so fr o1al 1he r]h|ogiL aIys ol

d'stlDti.i od]p|.]llIy d
et (ht s oI tve sodko.s
thc intLilns l
tl)e Iu]os i.'oiid 1o ove should !nl
he ..| &'s.l
'l wh w dpt
{e1' lr tlle aifl I Iinlutl D|ss to exln' and t lke
ngs out lnquq s lr 5
l'J] !i lh] Ie ontdn'e
dlul.i l.1i.!l the lnqlage Ll i wou]d bo oll(Le

oroF, ',)"nP!s .f tsIl\h

log monhthnqs lhe h*ked haracter of stessed sh
owds, h mu.dg hakvwets' it wel| t reemel rhat
9ngLe opDont.!.mis sinolefits ntene ditrer fiom

( E

rjv|y e|.!ntb nrd.LtL| t^rIeiLres.

J, i],6 U A of"o U'd,on

' l|le tn'al su'nLg ol !o mlo|'| sy tht (he hne'

m of ho]gidI
sn'n t |D!Dq]] is D!nred' It
' ol i!]uqe' t.i
ze lhe 5oLds
1o !]]! 0l.!l i't tDttoily lnli|al sss. Il i nDrry
nnpin. lrleInilg ond lehi']9 fore'qn |nguge beUs
lj nd one the destin ol lh.
| , r'. ./ ?n J .. r1"," ,. .1,"

nd,tqr ,r.u ,r"'i"t"..o".t

ie nguqe nIned: !hone].s re nl olled' unrelted
nPlo!o 1 ,hd,'md4\
m1\ |l".i,
*p , ! \P '



A]|hl h re

q D;"'.
!0|d ) rLr l|'c io'd'|*ol'.d1.,.,o1o1
'd" odr l.l
h. ;J.,4 . '
l4m9 |1c |\o nUPd n1o
,d.. ,J 1 l,vc
'"mc' f',lL
thdl L
jP..n| 01 !I Aon'ns r
l,,'hi l .mc!'Fq."|ves ,' v l do'o!Pl
'o ldrd'.l
60 d And\q d n
',d]_ .|l n |h \ pd' d w0j5 .' ,i. F19l], oI.\. p,o
do 19 vo^Pr l"l md . dq ,le
|-AFl o|'10, rdd,L. ol
o, o oL!c nomdl| d,q,'
,"y "


.js. lo so0nds

sc!rile h


he prcvious stin as een oemed ith the ms d

melhods lphomlgiI nlsis ln
s(tin trqoing to
roblems l'hih
s.ho|le lryjng'edIe
to des.e theq|h suds
lro the lun.
We shlLtry l |iii n.hal lnn.lslod
by qualil f a soud' wht n
onsiderd onn0en f qulit d to deterie }'hln f
rhn leimo{nt enough (o e* oUI tlention as ologi

w ol Intrdution w would |ike l lemind yu lhat

lere e lwo major ]sses ofsounds taditiall dhguned

b phonenins ny lguge' h0 ar. lemed nDb
nd vowls lt wuld e fil t enlio tht lhe dlinlion
bsed mily.n udnory efit, os Eknown l have
vo'e d oeombined whil vowe ale sounds slg ol
voie on|y. rm the n]u|iory oint l view lhe difien
dle t the wlk ofsDeh orgas,l se of vowls no ostu
tion ]s mde, tn seofnsonts vnous oslrutions .ede'
so sonts ale hIterized y so.||ed lose diullu!
dlldl o' ,'"iIe' l btkq oI Ih d,.
sage by an org l o!gs' h |osure js lrnd in suh

c) lho'', .lcdm

,lPd o.htrde.'1, ol"Nq'v.\

', result snts eD so0nds wnfh

r to udlle frilin. As
have ne s ther indisensb|e nd oi defi njohalalerist'
Wha( we hv sid kes i lqi enouoh r; onsidei eh
lss lsunds indeendnlly so weshiist wnh sonls.

tli.guish desIitinbut itsuld bjustiliedj[o'n

'1ig of a |nquage point olview, h.!.lGitshouLd try t
inlud. iI ssle' blh th Ielvant letues and lhe
os thl reedundnt flom phonoloqial poinl ofview ut ar.
onslderl rnpoldnt for lho aniullio ofthesuld ew
shouId o! thl hnlogil desripli.n l soundj wi]l e mde
not oly ain

lati!|atory levd.
As to the dsstion l nqlh son thle r iew

in terms

Ardiq to v'A'vaslyev {79) plimar imptane should

e qiven l lhe lype of ontion and the mner of produ
tion of ne, o !h 9lound he dsiiguhes lwo ]ae les
the produtio l wh' .omple{. obstru.

lhe Prdulioo

he oloqi] releval. fth lelure uld be xenpll


on ole ilu|alory |evel h onsol ddy b idenlihed

nmq lwo qenrrl fG ut il:
ll whtson ol(juldtor ponuleitis fomed bj

?)ere!' i th muth (orhrynl it rdued

nosides ihse n]ol hIteistls t niUIar qulity of a
nnt ma depend on a i ofolhel faIors, that is y wnt
]ultry l0 (.Iorqns]an itin is de, hw v|
du.non' whdl at lsd s
Isoror' whdt the forc o'iiuliory efft d;ry ote'

(l v'ew th pd'uli qu|ily o.aosn! would e bd

s mle bundleflercs'h sund isluowu
t hve (hr aspts] usll.. anlulllv nd Ddilry nd
thelelole.nudiednlhes.lreeleve|s Flrheskein|

,l\ooo obviol\
|te,. 's
dlvjdiq le beiwee lhe'ryig to wrk'1d'
out a |ssjli

l o ]l !6 lh.]d


l'n f suh omle UniIs as speh sunds n ana|ysr snou

spi thos ropeiies oIsoundsvhih ar rc|evnl to lhesu.
let un.e du$iol 5 lhe (emp t lssif solnds should
hve tlleoretil foudlon. esides eh lssilition shoU]d

ol whih n iomleteob


sea lolusivo nstihve)




{lusive -onnlitive)
{.lusjve _ otdlv
h ol lhe tw lass6 subdivlded into noe .nsonnls .d
snoln, he di!ion ased on lhe fator of pvailinq ither
he udiory hI(eld ol
,A' in n,
' '
'' on d,c dj.'dPd ,| lo,.v
onsot {r {os)
nd ffIiies, he fllwmg sme mht


Anothe! oint of view sEd y <Jru.lsovit h!e.

tiian.lauto olih. book moq then]. ey sDgqt iht te
*t d si l tiple l]asifitin shou|d e nle dIee of
noe su.h nsidertio lds l didig nghsh onsnn
I! es lo see It lh term ,dlee of e'' be|onqs (o
audilory leve| of n|ys' ut n hdly 6sry ro oi.t out
thtlhe n inhisi .otio betwn aniuliory and au.
d'ory d'c ,ol dA!'
rc s9



l doov. m"''on.o !. r
lnP of
el lha1defies lhe (hItelisti nole dequ!|v,

li|, ll],



'P m udPd,n




dlee of isel uld bloYed y 1heflIoi.

mak lne.o snnt _sono!!t,

wheel lo.nsnt
he lIlwlng s.ho.le my jlllt

lvil_wi]] vel lbflk_mdk]

lhe utho l th's book:

Ldio ! v.

lking alt sonoran it {6sr lo;!in that Uly

.onsnnts that phonelicns hve tditionny lt l tgu
et aboul he poi.l is (t sonoiant arc.sounds lht di.fer
gredUy tm all thqso.a.ts ofthelnquq, is |gly
duo 10 the f! lht in then produdn the;n;dqe bdkgl
two ]ans fsp.h n fill wide' tat uh vldel lhi
dution l nos nsonntl' s result, the audnr
',P, 1 ,d'IiJ.|''
.kP s
ls thn onsonk. on s
grund snf lhe ilh phonetiians relel soo ol rhese O
.od || " la(, d .n v -, ll b|, l^|, o.A^dm
c'6 po.d l o 'l,"on,ndl,P
alF thy le .ha!tenzed shly defined foant slu
lU. nd

olth llr

veo 'q, o-,


osnn|' dq.r, oL' om lh.

Aol'l'ng l lhe soviet pho.tiians sono.lls Ie olsid.

|o ba!n' d l,I.o| d j L,ory .o
h' |-J'
', ',dn
lod|||he Dl'-.L-,
as r.s fi.''on f.onsndn 'lFd dlk o
p' !p'oqd n d 6l..'l'
or n A1lla !.6,r,dry
\d|L" l vdd\ p'o.'Fs d,(
vo o sound, e m} \e .hi, ,l 9!t ddju.dlory d,o
snJ, d d sno'dl !ou|o U
vry g|l r|iod uon in r6rt. hephonologial Ievn

sumizin9 Iirfly wen emphsize ll'eft lh.l ihe lw hItetis' that th degre of noise and

Pn ,J n!,9| l,of
o mtte. jh of lhn ones
fi6t ut thncsriptjo0 oIlhes*em Weou|ddd l1ay l
dged by i1s .flclivness, oth
aove enlio0en )$]tja1iotrs
lol tehinq use ouson

.nsonanG whi|' should be onsidercd frm le phonoloal

int l v'ew' he |e oInlU|ti is detr!0ed by the .
(ive o!9 o'sh agjnn lhe i!' ofltlulali!' ANordig

h ls of lE| osonG i5 sudlvided in1o: al bi|abl|i

ll'o.dent|; and 0mnq thes o' Iingu|osnnls three
sulases Ie dislinguhedi the r: ) ioilingul' ) ed'o'
|igul d ) klmgDal he lsJntio f snnls
' ||,.''o'"o ' 'P lo||o q (hAm

f ,l, )
,.^ d h" *,l'l}"n,
t DI6!e r aseie of vo@ !n the above-menlioed o$.
tio.i .d .o!*dn dhdi'" fetuie. hus il e s'd that
v] ls_z] tt_]
l' ll
d|' lk -q]
the oDDosilios
lonoer |hn




|" 'dl,'v



letules, It lol th leson ih

|ess'vo[d aveqLv |ae t
hele is.!e moaiilllr chrtr.isti hih usually


oll nexl pdi( shuld e made in rin wilh otb.i

uo pmqly' lhd voi.ed . vreless hla(risii whih
s lo be,, b4 4cd .\i, ljoq
L''o l,,,] |!|, ll,1l,,f' 5|,",.don'h".;';,

JoU,who' o,oc
cd oao',o1 , ,n aF


6'. o!, ,

Adi i'' llt l'P o lhP,o.o,d1 |
j1 !:,
on t ,oidal. l" ,,o1||
" "-..
.rId"Ad | bA
', d
no\ 'I
(,a e.'!

!l, hrc Ie lelalve|y fev onsanl rpes i nqhsh t!h

roune th lowld Do'tion ol th slt |al h .e lh n.
i osive sEi lin. t n hl he dLnfi iiom orl
sives Ln 1ht llleso't li lo

trA ol \,b,d,,'n, ol lh" vo.oI

'l, owi\q d.U',detl. o)
l Ptoc' . id, l( on
|lr!'o|oq'.., d1d . oJ,l,' .,Dt ol

lh 9ni oli soll Dal.

I lssjfiod that



lat lht no d

,ll i


.he ,..
a,' ,, ^t , h l " '

of the sft D|dll ',

honoloaian r.levt lett
innDens| nolila0t featlIe oI n(|h asl oisonn
* r we hov (emled t sh{ lhe wY lh.siniul
try hralesbs n p lnleIreted iioD the phono]09il
o';t o. vle* dnd wnr lsifill v]|Le tese hrate*ns


herc re hoeve. o(her Ilems of phonolal h

tel. ln tte olh onsndnr| snem n th blem l l
lriates tllt iheir hooloil sttUs aid then nLm.l. Il
wuld be tlue to s 1hl ll]ough i( loiq *ndmq loblen it
is oviols t ne 1]o qun]ted with the *ato luent

qAq6 'l"o \,,or{

lns ner lor il diDLnhed'

he qusijol :




ktrn ol


lqll l{' 4] slnds

b,!trl!k r 0']lis



moooemi enlil'6 or

(sequens' lustersl?

no^ o\ hondcs l
'l', \'1d Y {, |hP,yn.moItnoFh.on'dL, o.
d { h i| l qs . l'l dj] ||s d/| 1o l| d6l 'o|hq

o dfine it js not an asy o! ajus o(el, If w le Io

aaryse aIl the thries con.rInq lh roIem' lhe task


oe thing n |.i tt lhe aov. mentioned sounds ale

mplees bause rliultoily nd aouslill wen dli.

n. l|
d'fiqAna b.,,Pcl ld, l
l],. n |jl d d0d|',d]othdhqosPdonrhPsDeeoo|
, | d pnou(
,e,6d qd9
iId m.o.c o| dl ul'"
lhD '*
m, , m|r' ' dJI!', r ,n r d ;, d '' p|o\ 5d

.friats as tr !e f.iltives Ut in rlny t nnr of te0

lin aod th. le l.gug whete th ate none,
As ws nentioned abov., te rolem oI firjtes a Doint
ot onsider.le', mong ho!tiins. Aolding to
sv,| .pidin( m g|sh hon4r(' lhA'A je lo dft,|cs
Eglh. they le: Il,' ], D.Jon.s'points oul th r si l
thm: |'i' 1 ls, dzland lil' dl]{64) A.Gimsn in.s lheir
numbel ddilq lwo re fintes: lto' d6] l57),
we uld sk' yhi mighl aounl for suh djffelone m
e It is lhal soviet look l qlh ffri.s
|F } l d D\o1om" lh"N' lodjng lo n,'
pn0Am ns ih'PP o\D(lJ a',i.L,ory !ot.. dd IU'jond|,"
'ha Idll.l tA: ,ha 1ll 6.qn,l ,dnI one, A( lo |,.F nonL.


"fo..Iok'1s d'lh",P 'np"6 fiom
" Un.,o',|po',l
\?w,. F nA .5ry.o dPle lh.i' .'''a'o.y'nd.vl
' i\ .'.
p!edure qenerIly atried out oldinq to lheiul6 worken
ut y N.s,eceoy {,1) A.ordi.g 6 h poinl ol view c
ss o, tehing

d nnoemi il:
l ]l.menc elng to Ihe$me5L'
b)i 6 pdud by Pnr(ultry effi;
l s durtin should ot *.eed ml duIati f ithr

A l' a!. {hiG.hd l

o ol,o.'s
.od,1,l lhA, vPo J,,'de l'd od1 oi || A.'p,o'5
|hlLoh '.h, j e il c!,6n.' '.'
' 6|} v!Pn,oI | po'L l lhc
,'.oo.n dlo

P hl dnd lhe s{nd 9.ou|d



ldl hy n ems rlstJjed l

u' o a'oup f dff dc\ o' lolivn6l a:vr' o,
heoreti]ly in eh l.guage lhel igh! e s mduy

|et us

!r to pl thesnbria lo lhe ave enlio.ed

Rlle l. sylli idlvi8ii. If we onpaIe lhe IootEg


y! ro |'he pldlln] 1on,\' rod,.n||y i

lwo fr.m tms ot o 1 f' 'o.o}

o L ri) oI
'|olr!'bv ol.t-.dl ...
.' l'ed

l'g lUf)l _r'ghthl l I|pl

mat6s |.|r l_t6|
ufi* |.|t:G|] .ou1sd
eiglh lcol
witethom .w ojnl
in t.
gjvPn,n.he |,|Un lh"
'.d'lo oac syllil" dnd'.nno|
\odnd. |tr|, l|'|, 15 ll| P]ong
" ,.


oman,s by a 5q]] d..jd,aq

wP "UU {
he Russian l] hnn whih
do,dn'ol |os. d.ll'l.)|,do|.s,.f, ld'oI hU
l fl ti], w ol|o dsu 'nd' lh. 6'|',u]dlion ] |e
Yo'ed ounte8fls des ol diffei frm the voiele* on6.

Rul ll,
i.diyl.ibilily' w
ana|s sovs t
queslo 'eongenous and hleth. mximlm olniu|to
r lelules in omnon; thl at lhe eginning l lh aiula
ton the orgns of sPeh r. in the oto ofthe snd l!'a
tiv elmei! li]' l], ] ll Ii]' lz], ul lhere a ofi o.
lu0o l lsurel tolmed t lip nd lhe side. of l

g d

6ide teeth,



lsll lelesed nd th ail es.aPes 'he

ilo th muth .vty,
lhe ov.nentind

.omles re lodued y oneaniuldtory efforI,

Rule llr. DUrtioh. we souId o! here tht lh vailabl
dat I tht kind l rli|e eoug !vel If'] m.
|es whih osideled hnemol y 1I honetiin5
| dPf nAd p'opel|y d6 to lhA ,0 qt\ o'
' lAa'h ol 50nd. "Pnd!
. D,'\uAv l.2 P, d]d {.! ti
on 1he
i lhe phoneti otet, threfore ilnnot scrv
''d,d]c o".s ' hon|o9."] d'dIt. |-lr 'P! |hd
no|h l nq|', lul ,1 .h. ro'd. |
dno lmfl ..h'1
d ff!nt ldI j1 oih

jn n' ]s does no( rove' how'
a be ven lnger than
ever lhd l' is iDonenj'




pon. lhn lhe lwo pvius

ve vue,
sl 1d: dP


|ld.|FF lo' di'n |o!



wfi w.ou|d e ltain It lhe .nl6d

md 'I., so |c|id|Iy thd/ l d1 b

.il. |.l)

nonolnre( o. ndit lhy uld

eter lhe phonologil

del o'thelU8qe, l53),
he ruIs suggstrd y N.s.ruersko i4) a .sd o .r
li Ll6 |' d nd ol no.,!| mdj ,"'oF, j"l ;sv -"ll " .i]
lh9,oLnd, ol phono, Adu6o esl mn) rJd .q' lh"]
on L' l d.f,P 'h poc
ldlor nd pnono|qal .,q
|n thP,llp'dJjon ol"
drnivP ,pondn( lo lp|r.| tcon Arol.

id' h

pnonn' f ore oundry nnot pss within il' e'

.aLsP,l oC.idDy 3*UmPd lhdIi phdmA moDho|'"d].y
d,vis:, Il od.l
ldl, li flom '1 Dolnt | v'; sP


e seUre to lrnl lhe bonphnmi. natus, sinP

lov re indesallIe, As l ltsl' ldz] aid I16], ld] mp|*6
mohm4 Is]' lz]' {6l' th6e l* te-.nt" u."
out y te naliv seker kLnd
e|nent 'e oasil snq|d
of heli ollex'' so these .m|oxs do noi oespond to
lhe hnologil n'odel. oI lhe g|ish |quaqend nol ex
ist in thesstm of ponems h.sevith lln |dl] omplees
is ni)l )ore dilflult Ardiq to morphonlog'l ritrnn
they hve moJe qluds lh tl'e bov entied l'l| ld4
116]nd ld] to e .onsidered n
he elog io lhe same mrhme In suh situlins anlis
ply nlenati'seke/s kwledqo' whi ight se a'].
d!l.0al liteon. fr liauis1i anl$s e |iqoly based
rules 1o eegnizod' mbitions to
otined. so lkg o tfl, lI' if we
noled nd
ssufi. th! in lh wold .dlr lil dpensle levin soe
h'd d1d lh'ro'" i' :..
U -J i' d Jl l. dj'pPn,d " "t'q
fee|inq not .et
squorce ol t'i + Ul, ihe tive spekl's
t s aidlnlq !t a trnii Perhs lh reason is {Iy lo do ith
J]hih ot be t.a!.d so eil lI' Ifqe dcen ld]in
{d]' Ir exal]e' we ould qel l5']. Dt l3l not a Dm(d
lse i' ! oly in fev ol
owed tords so n n( stftor. mduse it wulddd to
ket one of lh otro]l.d !ils
un]t An1h. son: il we lred ll l] sequns whd
otelse!]uPes oft l1e {o!|d ve lind lhesstem of.
g|ish son? PI||el t the ldlloml therce {kll lp4'
164 ul ther nolllinq arallel lo lldsioi|arl to ll' s it
's lhe ntivo sek6 da nd rcgaid
m e said lhal
If]' l] s
site souds' that is mosed l distintjve elements on
dhg hd' lln ldr] e nol normlly !rded s nylhinq
'e sequns' A..Gims hmself adl tht h grn them
mnnlon.m,.'c. 01 .\P d,'. ol 'h" d'lj"J]ry . e.iol

y wy l nlusion Ne uld say lht the two aprhs

(ht hv. en doted towr
igh( affnat ngth lq]' I],

lt4, ldn' tl' ldzl' lt6] ldo] stent with n niulatory

ad ou*i. vieq' blse in lhjs respl le.ntitis Ie jdivi
sil, th wy the rilish phoneliias se the s'tuhon,
is int f view undotimal* ihe phonolgtal spt nd

on the othr hnd' soviet p.etiins I osislel in

oil"n o |hP h.nml lm
nolpno|qldl d1l| ,.
Il morophon un, dnd Ill|, ,d'', .r'' |dZ|' lt(i|
D'poi.m|. 'lAr.s
*i.],ly o, nn.h. dd'' d,tory dd .oU,|!
f th lexes. I lh se te loUniiion Deu|inus
pq, Ui|P d,' 'n , y LIi, Ldl noL, Pd 1 on Di' at,on wilh 'h4 soUo,
ao.hP |l LdI os Dd'L flll Jr '', lo'l jl lqd.! (D,dr
on l1 d'od1' |.|oo,n p,:,.dl ] .
." 1 |d mJodP.1('l
'n'|[' ''.. on l...'a .. p'".
,o 1on d t,,) ucae'd,
F..l*pF'no tP w"m ,Ed'.] .o'ddil(
. ,'.',U

oe Used ] so|viq |h6P loblems

ummq *a hve n desied we ould nie ihil

r a ,o,i'r' of sov,{ lpA o!, Ijq|,|' 1o'.|'', !<
F ev!ll Ih0 i0||wi] l)
.|Ne or.i tsp.h,

aicu !l lhe rovn]e nessal insirutve lnnlm!n


malison elwen the ghsh ooloiaa lnd thse oI te

m.iher logue d so al. onsid| monnt fr thing
mll inluded mto the lssihation

odlltlions ol .nsn i ofiled sr]e

neno we ]rve Lokd t slnds individuaL]y, trt ln.

glaqe i.vryday Ne is t ndu.ted in terms ofltd sep
Ite unnsi it is .{ornd in
urts ln wordi hrases d lnger utleres, No we shll e
io sUds o( on|y wnhi words
onened wtll
Ut lso
le onnsted inlo lger Uit6, h!
dA d IJd,,] !omP
d {'
tn ol wrd 'c,tdLLdnd oI ihe sne wrd ln lok ol
onled speh, 'sola!i!
hese hnges le nostly qui IU|al nd
pledrt|e' sli|| te |en of delrn'ng l|le Phonemi sttus f
solnds ntedsperh y lal to frlilod b@se f
nnds seh hese modili
tins re oserued blh wnhin wlds and t wld bouldnes
As ou kw lro' t|je pra!aloufie oIhl!ti.s' sph
nnlelu6c .lw!D onsnlG aid v*.lsDd slthn' eh

:o]1's''o l'1,' o il ) a1',.'' d',P 1' c d,o,P.'','',|'U,'"

d" l,doJbl.d| |h l'.tP onl olnry -,l/ llo fn|,6| qL6,jl. d d ,o;o'kh,n
ddv|,, ('h6.n nF h

latioi o!loda!n' vo*el


ld lion !ih


lveold {li k'||wd lhe n'trcntil |6J om dnhl:

e tem mmodiio Ite Usedy liquisc to dnote
of,,vow| + .onsonant type.or,.onsonat +
vowel rypr,', lr inslne, some sl'ghl degree of szlion of
voe reded r
|ializtin l osnnls
'ollwedldinq th vowels l] nd l]
tho nnolhags

J lL'

dr].,dc o,1|'1.,o\,l.dr

i. lh" !n.ond dl6, o' nl:, ! A


U|hqs ,] .5e
' 1om loo|oqi] .l ! o

one oft. wide spr.d sund

dulion' Redulion is a'a||y qualntve ol quntittiv weakening of vo}'e in unnre*ed posifions, e,g, Dd].d 0]oe'd.

Elisin or omp|ele |ols ol sounds' bol vowo|s .d Louso'

nn' isfle osotred i. nqlish,!]Eion likly lonlnlnl
rclol speh nd mim| j rid led olqu]dl
' 'ow

th]ng, he


|. il|n4 o,Wo Do'n.'pd t ol.omLn]o.

, d,' i! |o,nlo'
'l. ddo.e$, | '! ,e

e/s w

to mJehend

tht ida, he sinpnfi

ov.n. F'q.',, e) d
mo. v
''"d ''' l!'L
n",,olon /"1o o.d blo,i ol'nA Dn,{h qo,ono
e.m| .^oq',o., |holc


J6 va\ ao qUilo un'



'd 'AllIo

onP Jou|d Aro&l o o' dPd|o| dnoL,,

,i1Pl wha J
1-'..: ',]' 'l". ,
^-|" "-"i.
wo. ,lc ]. r64,dd v d



l q

, ]rc L1d

l,Jld, F'.nl




, " 'Utrr l. o
". " .o " o' .""
rl"1's "d 'jd hv Il " ',-,n*.,
' "a';v ' ''" "
.. 1*.," 1. '-h fu..',dl",J';ih:
A \r4
.a!:|n.'., |o1 " |k.l'n".ound

e b)ztf
qLd|idh\ " |ed ul. o| on'o' 6'.,
.U, 1c, .hdmd 'mn |P
n'o'"+ o|

oo.n ' d. o,

i'deta) l] I0]
l, nle dent| ll] ldl, lwed
'he tho inleoo los
sunds lpnid reqresive sJi]tion whel
kw'dslrom ,,te'' soud to a eaiier'.i' e'g, eigi}''
l i,ie,',.ead',aid,.
2 1e ost lvo|r ll], ld| undel the ifllee f lhe on
lvoor lll ltl regresive ssii|li) eg ,lree,' ',lr0o',
ai nghl wrd''' d,,'' ,dream''. '1h lhid rom''.
3, he pslalv| ls]' lz]e|ore l](o!''lete resivN.
simjltin) e q l'.rsej'I l'lrJl,u:] ,] s,io tofto] drs J."

{, he afti{ive h + n' ld + n omia1ions lin.onpl.t l

qresiv simi|li' 0. qrdude lqrcduflI], ogtuE
fqra'Joi] ala yU ldl[]' d\I|.l u lk!,n,l' \|]|ol l].| on

Fc who.e


ter in oder to o. mole l

haJtensli whi vry i 1 v is nar| l'ays th
p|ae of adilltiol' 3nd lhe sounds oneled le mmn|y
lhose *hih involve mplet losule t some iil in lhe
moui tl lsjves and naa|s whi.h m3y e iDuslrted as

'n?1o]d'o0..' "
to IF e ol o'!uld.
n. 'o' d.h;q"5 i|. l d'd..

Il esy l see fro the ep|es ove lt the sounds

Nsal onsonant ae no1 |e.s susetib]e to ssii|tion' lle
e i niullin l nsls k



reins i|l ef.


Il i .el






ll ilveo|lb

syfin' lml tD

'vm'l,' ln] mes de.tdl efrc thejntlde.tal |]'

I] pldt.lveolr esding to le lllow'
|dn].' ln]

"*' .'c

we should |ile (o no1e hre that naloqy wh ]veo|!

osoanc.sI asii|lio petles ni only Niihi (he o
',1"? l' d.o d!l.s ,y||d oJad.'. jn
"\ n rss mohene
oudaries Ior mpl.' in ple.
lixes - un. s in ixmp|et'' ,u?ltelul'i ,'i!I!f'

h. {'l| simnd6 b lp] id ona 'li lr], the


ouddies' e Jn.., i.d.i

so hnged as .esu)t oI s.
simr|!on' *hih ma be Ll]Uncted s ftLows:
(o e ]so

Ijtodl dross

t tonnor]ses ils plslon g|ad! *t)u'

.rl{l l(il'eqressive ssimn nn
In the sqBn. l

qla|tll| ad.1.l

.ol]wed y
ti0|alion 'lsive
l 0le |osive 5oUd

d o'P wrk of thc stlplte

isdl h'ter ol Iosil .e]ese: ,,sUddg,' .l Iow,'' ,'t
'!rhl lel' iegre*ive .$imi lin '
l lhe srqtrcle f i sve llloued y

lh. ]ndn ll]ll'e



rx]'ossrve ssimi|lns]. ll otvlus (hI i'] ih ot loe

(iiL]| ro{'Fssrl *innlhnr

|nh s.n'nls l' i' l' |' ]' w| penen y lhe
k' 5] I !'nil| dev'ed eq
,,fulns'' ,'pl.' ''''
f,i, sk' t ' 'qx'k

llP v.ied/vo]eless (pe.t.s

RUso la.qo! |q qaL' .mL| |d\R1n|
.m)ni, h onn.n] .
Pe]]ynnit g
Il sh.nld be iol.l tht the ine
)n lh

llkeil nqlh],,]lr.lq, 1[n.l'],',,qelsdi.k"' anu.b.t

lPl', ,let s qo.



smilli.n e*
illh.s tr] s0ll 'oftls sls
|0],..] qd,a'Ll l00. ls | + t}tryl ln slI
(e of

p.{ t|ws

k | +


ll d
s lho mLes r{i
nli(ii] vol]ess toiE nso!di'

o% Pd



se hsltrlo eyrs Yl,ysnd i!


h. wk foms oI the veits d le ao asmilied

Ii nsona oflhe 'edinq wld (hus

t !]e nolvoiLPs


Lnl Yol.e|els

h|koj]' he t9e ol v.eG

nqhslj shouId llc

ho0 ldLowed y n.lhe

lilhdj lsni

n'l, . q



s o1 tyij Ls teahefi

!'.l ol iln


eP of lh e]!hori't(] .k
owe {Dnodt) .'|.1 |||1' fu|l, n, !n',w, (|l
|e sed Ii h.n loDso

1.1 |.a] r|1

h!silio oft sli

o( tl)| son ]le



n,r! ,wrl Ii] l'] eq iz _

l/, lt*i s' _ ,trs 1.!l


tt] esu]t l pr]lqed



J o1,4 .'.l

i 1omInonalo]



n tPl ol ( nol'nj so!.a

synem ann ssiiljoD ijlng !h. !'ork ol lhe vo| on
mon l
to e led
th1 te des.nen |].Dhnr .eahzb of
I the





ots.nnd Jd.rpl
oqul|'lo' o'5h lh.n
is ntel olsl|o D( oel
nes l]ntolltLn] duesnm alon]nvL!slllea]lU'
dns ll1, ldl do..rt4n l I.leIlutoas c q,
oI: hald Drolem lh'poijl
hI,1|ow l[. ,rrU]
q .tosl
trl llrt LLsoits



hrdi.u'd 'j

h 1]].*eI]|.s lll @isis voiLo*nes


ld] ordin|y

ot olh ol l|]n nnn thrf.nLu]

d ,.





lm i j mn scl
..'h]] 5eeh t.
|ls wen f., ll]eJldlr|Lj], q'
e ytr krend lfdl]i |rdI

3 Alveo]I p]o'ves aie olton l

l'ed y anoih nsoant eg, nl dly ll'ks 'de']' ,il o
rs.wN'|, fudddo4 l,m.J ptz] U vowl lows
whol sy||dleonst ennls' o q d], pavd l
|es ma lldd in .pld seh: ,'JI.,, l ttn ',e,
l' r'n,'), I h |
Eimples f historiL eLkion al
onsanG in y,n. *.U }iqhl le ned'aL onsonl lt]
losle' ,sle' nft' lJ,
lsoud odilidis my difiere(' vryia llom !nii s
simillion whe one sound felulo is modfied' like i '1en!
1tveo|r ln] eomes denta]) lo lual loss oI soud Fol
eanp|o: lislen ||'snl, exi y lnks'd.]' omplelo s!Dd dp
d," l.,.,i",
l' j,' n' ] ]].

hg |veLi6 l]] lz] nd 11] ld]

n ]




I tr]t.n1 nli] .m]ele te of




nneled saeh

sDeh {e inoil'.jn
l.tred 00l}'eetr !lg v0we' 0,q

0.l!,es tfs!



l]] p]e

asim liD 6


An nd AlIr ldj.l d ft'kn

l]le jde oIil ld r.d n]Y i]
]ni Jn.l l litrd p]]

h. so ||ed hkllg . .onon Pmple oI mseiLo' o loh| .| nq]ish
lus il |oaIlht lhe |ikig d tile lr]e dh PIt

olthe9me otre'i. plooss|

We wuk| ]ike t poinl out qhl er lhat ellon t L!!I

lelo ]ss olsuds' th vowe nd sonn is seruc!
llle stDtDre of qlish wolds' it ty!j.aI oI r1)jd .|lolcl
seoh nd.ks ihe l||winq sounds:

I lo$ l | pq\'dldno po,i.,v".,' OLn\ . lq

i d''i,tl" lo,,
Uf ,,c c'l'l'd] v4b houP' /6' /'ad', '!
srod eg Wna. r]6 ]t doe? l\ld .z i'.ddjl'
7 {|] '.ld l . b,| u]m p'c'P; LJ l,l ." o,..,rw|z|, d'o
rt!'J a],'qhlh lt

l. ne(lo,
whP lhe 'ord-tin] vel is i .lh']]on. whih qIides ( lI]
Ml' l!j1' |.l 0 |r sono tl] nds b e m9ned e'!r
4?4 |R'iIDIi ii'7 l1iin0]
In se ot
lU]al'd'na diI]h1hoi!]s l1U] l!UI th ilb'aI
sondil Iu] 'he
5d]m6 m$ned e'g q l,Nw'0] i,l,q
ol insenilr the soo s lr] tJ] lPl m sem
'loelslhe lndeny lwlds 1h. *onomy l ii]!|atory' n' e1nno forn lies
ese' lh 11jlltor poiot ' view to nlsei 1ose sunds

<'! --v

e inseiton oI .onsonant |ike solnd' am.|y sonlnt'


optio] s']]Le 1g onsnt + vwel lvl hus' isenio

o.urs in onnled sh i oldel t fai|ilalo the lo6s oI
nl N wl .f lovidinq .xt

Now y va ilusio. weshuld lik l say (ht te U

d ,n" ,uno qudIj, d5 .
e.slion In as on. f Ihe fa'
turs of phoneme lo* lei. ntnis sulfijent nDmel of

' .'



ds in

speh.hdm re olo.
f lioDhog of

l.y a .eliztos

lkinq alrout vowe requtr6 fitbsj then(iu'do

ry nd aou*' hl.ths As ws metned enil' vowe
Unke olsonk re prdued vith no oskution lo lh
alem oftr s on te prcellio |evel lhn inIrl rtris
it wuld he ilere*lq lo kow lht d liimum vwl syl

tem ol a |ng!qe |ik|y l iko



11erofth nqlLsh lnqLge it wuldbelir lo me

i hs no! voLi sl
lm of Uh ]dlgoi iUbot of Phonemes'
he qu]ny f a vowc] 6 knwn l e de(ermi0d by the
eze' vo|LjnP ld n'e l the m
liedy the movemenl o. lv. ssh .ans tht is the (oDque
d the lis sid.s the nlu|I qnlity of vowe] de
end on ]ol ol oter iru|Ior l'all..istls' $'.h s the le|
liveslblIily of1he (gue' lhe sniOD ollh hs phsia|']0
.. i lhr se9met' le fo!
so vo'el quity .uLd De l.lght
f s undl f denn niL'l,1. hr1r(is wlirh nl

.t'l.' nl. bi[ D.(itin

nluth vil 1he

lonqLr uses lhe lLD und

qle ]dkPs i fte h nei ilr Ihe
]engteiIlq oi v{eL ]kes t|]e .]qans J
of th

o! m.tin.d nlllt.ry l
hP n]s ol llr. i'0|1oly
lowP ||owed ehlns to suqgen the rile '{hLh al
on.iv.n lo e.I!t il.onale r la55ifiator d.s.ljlno
l niLit ol ninlti

he nst importnt hla.lerisli f ihe qulitv of res

vowe (ht th ar ouni.a||y il. 1; ae kn} Io
b. r|i,"|! d'llq1'
|hAy r.y rd, e 5did r lo'n
botrndries of pho.eti.Iield ofv}e,i mod.m n.s life,
L! l|v d.\pv.\r h'qlP{ dP ol U','l.n.s dad so dl
un I alni. of plQ as rcgds to vwe we ould sod
lheonmen vowl ssten dds two othel vowls lo l
rn'mum tnqle to give frve vwls systen oflhe te:


.hrlel l tho voke]endi

]n t pIt iht l||ws' a of

les kill beonside.d fon |olrial oint ol view,

slilit d nillion sifis

hor re igo o$ite varieties: al thetongu. osition

) hng6
'h1k 'h


ltd vore| ro|ativel pulo in


sod s vowel onsisl

third vriet. nnenedite

ltd m lhe fo|lovino vy: it is imossile to find simPle d

hq'. .n wih nhtsees s lor dion,o,.,i



'| ' ''

(he as ol nrctrl(ry morphoologi|


s wll s le


ld rIl'.

1he lt th( ieitller n]Iheme.r slla|e !und.ry

thr serte the n!.|eUs aid lh. |idg n pss wi(i'r lo.
emPrP: l'
I'k*' lD] q Il ' 'Dl !o'1o
] ,rOuqh,lg lkl]r ] r0r|t}ID]
dnq' lps]
]pod, hc Dresnt*!dy fthedulaljoo o|djhlllolls shows lhi ihe lngt | dihthongs is lhe snIe s lhi
the se
lhl hratezrs the g1lsh Iong mnp|rthos
hoe(iret I, ii sitrl'Itot


materforsviei phootiins it does ot lean tht 1h a'y f

se.Lng (he siiltin is sared rith phon!lns A Gisoo loI emIe. dlin(uilhes lwent valr hnemes uhich
aie mdo f vowe]s nd vowl gliies i57), seve f (hem Ie

tGd shtrt DPm6: l'] tl' l.] lD] lU]'ll] lljdthil

reol 5lgnes: Io:] h] l:]{i] l0] k'] tU] Il] l,U], tiU]
lil ti 4 fi! ot rch [e idtrf,| lliveLy e: {oJ,
l.]lrl' li] lt']ith rcn fe red Io lq honems wnlj on
rercl!r|jd6 I.l]' I'l lD'] with qlid 10 lll' ltrU]' lN] with
o|,d" ' U|'dl |,.l |,| U] *Jd d" |" ,' " ,r l ,'
, J o, .o .cvcd rtP , ,
difiel.n.e etween |.D!| lhthonqs nd kq diltthoncU'us
nd onse'ttr.ot] w u]d sy that il
Io ...uDl dequa1e'
|y |ol more dcli.a1 dtinhons o.o'iLs
e hve Io dmlt tbt
l[ouqh il E ot df'v d ferene r le se whn i!|j
Dt it.ImJ d!ut dtinqll
iniil]t htilL lsPhn tol leadlmq Do' il Ure
Inl olq]lsj] it il nnortanl l. kDw tl]l (he ve li]dtr



, orj

' '.,


re known to

.xt wilh (ltDl

tr Wc mighl s 0]t ow lolo mLh viIa]? dt o

b]]'.d a'nh lhe el f tllo mutl equipre!l hoDrh 1he
tetion !D
nw i s beoo
or saLi5fa(oril
' x!Iained h
nisol thl ouls fr th present sit!non oUld c fol!!

dihllrongs eUse n d]htog ould o .o'nmltted



h ] hi'.



!1oihoDcmi lrala1o! ln(|ish dihl.nqs 'oved

erelve lhese sound mloxes

v,^vss]|ev l79l' LRzi!der (l6] tet q|ish dihtogs

n{Pssr nl onl lol |inqli

d'ng ils of pltia| npoidne in teahina nq| as
Us9n thele re no d'hihgs
or dLhth.noids s ei etlies su omintion6 f
ods d l, ' y]' l a]' \a a] \g' noo' Io' p.' pdn'
!r'ml 3y)' d dh* e biphoneni luiers, slig
ethe' t vowel Dd lhe R!ss. siil li r !*o vwels
olh elme i th duners I
so spoial (1en1ion suld given (o the IonUi1ion olo
th nulels' eig ilo.q
lido' beinq ver wek ad idistnt,


onsie. llom pllooIoqL]

he loue, I (he ske I



ltonznt| nd ven[l

Aord'g t ll] h.izoil tr]v.'nPl soviei hone!'as

dt'nq(jsh nve |ss.s t Dglh vove hg alr:


l. |'

] ll' l.l,)]l
lt(Uli' l.{Ul|;

4)&k l'] {J] LtL] lo.]

5) rck.dvid: lo]. {U1)]
A sl'ghl|y i(elnt JD}rah seen lo hve ..n c)ren y

\, 0.,r I ,. . I | ..
|'J\ l |. |Ullou
,'i Pd^".
.s nl seen ro e onst

Anther Ialul of ngl vow

]Lded int le pinoles of lssifi! liD Ioudjg lldL
,1" ,,,u,,,
to dnguh blwn tw liP psnionsl rundd nd

' 'i(:
] .l| l^] |]: l l]

b bi _n

s.e lo e


r;diq kes !l.e rlher due

J]v olhel, Ie lt n lhI n

the dele .l l!nding nif.rant d de

eds n o] h.jqhl ol the I6ed
is Ie, so |i! round'ng p

o ,lP

lery |os

t!gle .n|on ns vlL mvemoil, he

.los.] !d


l'.D.D] dYl ]o}'

lwo strlses i0 ea

]is I e

9i, !s


(r.IP]v.(.ll sovr;ii)

ro;d d io vl;los

]d: {Jl' lU]' t'{,]] lul))ll

J) ro, ltJ Ir j lJl' k] ' hLU)

r'I0 l.1'] la] lrl|)]

l{l ]L| ],Loi' ol
n. hologi] lelevne of the lenn



.n beeisi|y d..Yered


under d!$'


ndmg 1 l.lavnt o|ai

e differen!led o. ns s, Ll

nql u.hke

,olo ol l]^J1l' d'o o',

t his kmd oftntin iv]


d' dPglee ofhtrknrss 'y

vry d deends on the f|lowlog onsonnl efo IoiE
er.eplil. thn efIe le's
h ].y well t meh lhai lhouah (his h.ltrh hs
no |oqi| va|ue il of
It shonld e melered lht si'].e l| R!s.
sn vowe re frce spial (ention sholld e dlav to]!king
nqlish shon vwe hked,l1 not the lenlh ol wels tht
lho'| oo lh. p'r.l.d-Pn.on
', lt.\d'6''", 'l"l ,i,
' suh wlds s b.' sv.j be.
l.r' dt. shou|d e divided inl sltoles in suh a w
ked u'lLike R!$in 6.!' 3.

At lh int e Ie rady !o side. nther ili.!|alory

arateftli t E0qlGh vowek lht then|enlh orqunhl,
dition ly divided ilo tw
vrieties .o'd'ng to then Iength


nn vsels: ll] |"|' itr|' iol i', l^], li]j

l':], io:] r],1 ] lD ]




l]n'p!nl td9reo0enl alq


.|uired fo.j1s lodod (J

tiLlljon] whm slds &e 1.d onle speeh l|ioy

2] 1]re



ol1ho s|||

r) thc.rion l lh!]5old itl a snl.'

J] lIe ponl l lhthml.*.utrrc
6]r1rP posn]on l loneqIDD'
7)teDosiljo Ln phl;'
3l th ponlo jn a !(.le,
9]lhe lemo t lh hole Uncne'
10) lh. tFe of pronliialon'
hP r.b]em le nlns ie one]d


{trl fn]y tifi ol. b.itrs.

in s
q|l' he hooeme l] ] sldd

he opNtrn l

wilh whelhe' vd'

" l ,, |,,1D
,tc.,.t,. r.n9rro1o.a..o .."...,"..

I | ^'r '

i,, |av., j,






, ,.tt,''',,JI -"...d_
l'..], d l'o'
l v
ooD ,ln o




l, "d.


hldly lolm qunrilliv O[l

te lLLownq coo|alioi .itn !irhl .ul

l Pciln J]l

Dlfferenl sL6 ah vajnq sLlLn.o t]


honed elmL]

lenles |je anaLss l nl

In 1U| see t solns Ii:] ad hi alo 0n|| le.]Lzed

i0 RP s diD|t0loi.en Yowels' so l'] ]d lul a.pGed b

n o.s,

Ill sllelrnUnlon

ostons A na loe]lion l


i l pnon. UqL.i
'i's(dnexll/9, 204)
ll o!,1 ,IvA 1. ,\o ld .. l ,, Pol" . , o,.|, jo'.'.

].l^] iil

tio, so on lhis q.oun!]


.(|' 'q h] l'] he

. .n| in oe oDD.n


2 A felre i .snPjilil

tet, As to (he sohe len0( of q]Gh| |oDa nn

hloli|| shi vwe i ve
the lit 'nq Dhono1i tet, A ,Gson' Ior em]rIe
.t (hd li:] m b.d hll o |onq s
li]] ol
.e nd ny apliimlcly hav 1e ime da
'lhe h]
vwel l bid us n gene.
nnl foowjng vwel n].leses ns |iqt|l l5?l Blt nlL| tlr
words bid ld D".d.P perelve
Yowe are ditrerenl
qu]n, l|] en
d li:| eiq llni ]ose liIw)
d dih'
rhongized vove|, he onlusion thl fows 1Irat vo}'|
qualtity n.ot e .onsid.led a minnnaIdislntive fetu.esme
iffer.nt ph.D1io.!\t' s. n s



goih tig here thit n t.n( aonpilng no0l

of syslm. r one of
sunmizi.q wo my s that t
as fr




of Eng]h v}'e h.m phon|oqi] Pit f vi2{' l!

h. It]voue|e|nq

lory nd oinl f vlew, It is well.kown tht

v.wl in l.stssd sllle is percervrd s v.ry shon weak
nd jnd(i( h tr0nlesed sylllrs re usuD ss't
w{ !o'Ls of ent| or .t|izd qua|ny h] l]l' so'lms
lU] d lho dihthogs lr0]' '] 1or sylbi sonnrl' '!]
;.,q l"'^D]' lP'". L,f.J LId Uuslol] fodo l'motrD] lks54 dn l\^dn]

lsse{! s

hlo.jaLl sho( in.|s t e ]engIhened in NIodernqlh, ese

ill etor ]eis l] ld]' h]' l] lml' I], Iz]' I'l lhis





l]ds b o,iethese le d

l l,'ll.|,0'd.,r'|.|'Ja,.'o|.



a',, !q

qU]! jes ll'o.J.le.

ol fLll qut some

oojlo JpJ uolo, l


ol lLn|es of pronuo'ti,

x iminl t mention herc lht in the Rusian languge

Laln in !nnlessed ositin, il
!sl|lv rdied, so lhe nqllsh fult qu|(


,tri l'rtNP]l| p.l,p


nie ]'nl.||y nIfl

: '':


] nilny


t( |lclonrlv iona v!]! re

lix is ]].lerjsl.

\.^P qd ..''
" "| o' d],

ptrs:./n ldL?l
Ik'|' trdr l Dil




v'] "') 4"'o,dP'v jn,o,'d'',n'""1,,o aq|,.F

i' 'A1\


(o j, r

hdvP, " J |o, ol o'|Pl,'o'

'''': I" '-" '

.ow. vor|\ ci Pm l\o'd''.vLen


ldq .


n d;'' 'i.



formL ain .ren'j *|e of Dro

Dlnliion ined f (ho neutl soud Used jn n'l.rmJ| sul
seeh l':,r'n!ft.slnu1lel'ls_lN|'15 ]'.trl'ts]
lr net po'ntslr!ld e 'ndc -
!honlogil F|sn

vWels ir


Idr idG,P"Lo9 l,Aa

liih lDoJ] ml alij]'
nse noredued vo{. in lnnre$ed syll]es are ly!j.|

d ilno nx Dho0cl'L nils khjh

h.brs i l'ldy lhd l|t



g thefu ]na l']' In the

ll'sz]l rcrtel




d,'yId ']tlEnanE|sodphoi
l|]wih is.wn dlnmdlve b

' 'cni!jg.l Iei.l unts s the

!LIes.le ofd frrel1hog tlle
D.llnd |]j l/'s oftpt 0m0 n'd..ndent ho.
m.d b (he l]] hnemP f llre mn'L ars g'ven

on ihe.lhefhnd the pro]rn

of lhe phoet]i

stlls l the

jtusE lere Ie ueus acnlins.l vi'e|s

d unnrcsPd 5]Lles e1wc


s ol l]re sme

i stessed

w , l':

1Le dllerl.d souids re |k,pho0os of ne nd lho !!

Dl'ooeme s |h. re denvlives f th sme let| unns $.
t|j. eltl sounds in te emlPs

0 |


o,.l n.'jt,'''

' "||o0" ' '


L1liJ.h0reme s nobqn,],
by slg lht we hve tied Io look 6t
. nle lqhl .illde


| o,


l' d
' '| nq,]" d,/,r
'l '


] iems f svnem' Il is {onh

sLq lhl phoolog[n reLev&n dhti!;ry
j, d , q o; ,o
'dos \o.

||, tn

. 'no'|
'", :,' : |l

tr 0 ,J,,

.,'fr| 0




dv 6'1',n.,l,;
' '"",

l"''';'. '


u \^n6t. \61ho,r.

hev d q'],q lud

Ja, |,y ol t' o,os lh


o, \she t

A1 |n he




\ome, lhil


vwel depend
di'felent heti environmec, nglish vow rc
hve ostioal |enllh s yu pbly reme lrom
sain (o 'n
s' e. hee - c.d_ e.| 1.
.o i' o'
o n,odo.o' 1 1" vo" "| tj,],' A,,A, ll,.lj
voed.nsonnt ld] itl
il obvioDsly shone' efore lhe
n ( shonen efle lhe li
oun1iv. d'f'lion oI os
losn].s Uslressed !o'{e ]
wlh illunratd y n]eeimpLes lo}':
, full vlueIe usually s!.
jeled lo qD|itdti! dlanqas| e q dn lJe] sOnsj.
ln'] a.fud ItDn{llk'i_ 0'.i].' lk)ldrk'] InsthJ
neutal slNj{.]
the qln of to vw] ledued b
hese exdpls i|]trslIte the uthzed
1rd!dl rlo.
s the sm



e n] stnd Fl thr mod lrquel sound I qlLsh

ls bo!l |eve er Pt l |L
Pn ol h] h is (L*r rc
]Ied lo 11] uin.o*od osnions we q' q0l. ]se to te.
d f've ei(h* F| ttx] ln
rPsed ll] hjs high frequn.y oI lr] ]5 rl'c ..5! ..1h. n'yth
mi DnrD] if 0nst.*od s]l].s n] q]vcn on| a short .llI.
nlql fL'|l Ie'
dued ll mmo knowledge tht nghsh rh(hm relers
!ln in kllih stessed syl|]es aItrte ih unn.essod
ones ne e|lt l this i be soen even si'q|e {.( *hre
nLed hy hange ofvol qL.
,] n||,P * oP, l)] d l-]om
u l l \o,"| .om
" onajyg
{trntn's]; in both wo.(Ls rlll


lcmig wih


nnnrssed oton tl wo!|d e lmossile t hve li] r

nl$od sllbl' and aImon s i'nossiblc lo l]{ f'nI voeI


lnlsd syl|b|e
we should oDt out tht in Russian the.e is a ue]l dve.
Ioped sdem l uiIesed Yowe' AIl lhe Russ]n vow Ie
vwels l] nd l'll ole
reqolan subjted to redulion
in eveq?

^o- oPn d.Fon,' da q


he degree f sDd vekeinq drds on

the l of lh lnnlssod vo'd
rlation to lhe nlesse( ooe,
he l4h.r lho unnreslod sllLe .rn lhe stessed one 1he
waker te vovel in lhe Dn*ressd syl|l g' !olo.

2 sliqht dl oInas|iztion mrks vow. nlded

lwod by the nsl onsont l[] ln'], o'g tv'
1h"' "m.' (.nmod(in],
he ralizlion of du'ion : we|l s sin tln nd .
.mmd(io nnted wth (hei|e tsp.ll ln lido].
|oqu'l slrh redution m rn']' ]n vow| e|n the om.
|ete oms]o ot the unnless
ustesed s|||es,


s hkely to ur in a sequenr of

nifl.|' t'do lillve' |ti!ry

olten otr
tl unsr6se s|||es nfe.dn lhe
'n lhv *ppe
ona' ,g, .n.|'



lre raml be|ow |U*rles nge.y{tqe ledutio

l'D.]udigzel.l.duton] f a Dlase,

a,'g lk'biLn] 19 wlLdc

po'|oj: dt',o.p lirb!!l] ill

l]] the nrused sylll lihe

tnl e illustld t ll'. forl'q in o'

d! L!|c]
sllle f the word
o0' lpl blsund in ihe unstrss'lds:


elt ilh lh ll sound in the nlessed sy||ale ol ole

.0I' ploh (h m.lteillom lhe onloq'l
vLewint n n i'nl]dittodif'
L.Ds c Lcd !' n]. pro Lel



en'el peds ol tI'

ed wi1h lyi|. vll du.

A tholid g ag' the.gnshsok
]nqudq. wh'h ws ihe djlel onI ol the nglh we
! ll o|d q]]sh .I

w.lle frms

whih n hs
if twerespoken:isleleamedsif
]r i'l. a lIe'g. lnq3ge, here re mny lsons II lh:

1uldIy dlJ ! ljdes ' l)1e

ur. dil|c, elweeD ld


l enain in!erc|ati whih * ondi(]oned y teterD .htn.dn|e of seh

inq t th.n silon iD ll]e w'd

' I'|,1l,\

' Ilj

'|q' d.i v6''v, do a,o '
le...tons' Il E perllIy'|",\.'d,.'.^oo-sundJ|.

tjn,.h' Jo',l||




' 1|dd|6..




'ifc ! '.

fo, q1110n'


sud hnges our qldual

l]d l d'd., .re|'q l,oo"" l

the ls30s suds old
l.]]0ed ul 1he hqes rc io dcll

|.Ar{ oItm'r l.-lu . d\

lnquage' nlo'il llemlils distnguh
nnn l wolds ad |erl ons m lhe l6s f
vord,old]g' ge proyl&.?,Olinol (rovld vas l ole ne





. lolen

ro'.] ,Fifl cs., hdn..! ,l

' nn"(
lP hs|ry ol };sll
lhc o ll] .nP.o,i.lo

d.n FA 4l

m ,1P Ut


,' '' !.



/U 1m o e'
!q|n s th. (wsods s sera! oen.



hdv" .]|,\

ne llemlions eemIified aovee quite ru|r, }]'ori.

al alledtis mar]r oth vowels and .onsonan'

el' neilhel aie th0y 5uj
slm up' lhesound hnqes vhih oued i te pess olhis.
lo] deve'oment I lho ng|h ]guage le reaeld in
rsenl d g| s lterntions ! onemes differenti(inq
woIds, lhen deriv'iv6 nd grmmli| !mi we reging t
]ntod!here heii rc|izaliG ol the mon o hnl9!.

iois ut word UiIdinq and wrd

lolmlion . rtjons arc ttol suponed suffita,
he f|lwlg lt ofeles lesenis lhe noi oDmon lyPc!

_t rU]: ilnd _ Iofund_ folnd

ll: see_sa seen
lD :_]l: h.r hid _ hent

lb|a|telnlons o' th tye

3 D!(ion ofsinqull .d luIl lors ofouns:

l[ _ i]: tot tr.!h

_4]: frou


l' D(ilin ol nrU| vrl ltfis:

lu rl

sek soke




undelstnd undetod underslood




h d_hlldle
D(int of ns o' sph in erymolgl||y orl'ed

li tl: fen'fiive
| .]: dns ' ddsify
lD_]: long_ gth
|]:_q: d_read(h
I.l 'l nln llion
lt_']: we_wdom
his tpe ol allelti fte irelgtlreed ot only y
sufixtion ul lso lhe shlfting f *'ess lilre in: ?dlpo||ifu|t,'c]ind| li fron'

l Dtinli of nlull vel forms]

td-rl: snd-snr rend-renr

2 Dti.lion ol pns ofsph in etmologill el.ted

bme.m ome








3' vwel + osonn' Al'e.lios

t and the shi,1jnq l lessl

l' -'|



to trl

+ ly
+ io -:
+ {. z]:


(I'e d Jtr'}

liv _lile

los _s

re ntrnerous ly.s l vwol

ttPd y le exlm!|es L!{

lish nd 'e known s onlxlu

lion of ltmled sounds ]]

l gl'll|Irms id d9ryo
t'vs l words seems !.y omlitedid exi|e he nud ol

w ale inl'ened now in

(l-v J'"i'
'onq po'_ n
Jrcsed slllls nd i lhe wek sition wh.n lhey re in lha
onsonnt ft qell sid t be
the re i woL p.tns {e l|tey re wId,inl ol Ide
hel m e diffreni so|ulons t th pI|e o, ph.nene
idehlialin in ek nlions ol lIleIDted w|s he q!e
iion ss whe1hl lhe sound |trl l le wo.ds olivily nd
l n a lloplloe of the l] o
Iol oidn6 ls i. mlre' at60 *hih lses some of is s
lintivo lelu!s ln the !n*Iessed psitio. he d'fleree
q0ile esenh| s in (e ftn aso the neurl sold idon!]fied
as independnl nullal phnme' the s{ond it neu'
tl'zed ||ophone ol the l!] I lD] honan6 ollh o6pid






",t6,''e 'o.n r ) ,,',',. 'i!

voied/vieloss ssimilllion ld vowel .edUtio l the lan

mIhen's orphon.|oqy *u.lies ole wy m whi.h 5unds

an ]ternle s d]f'eret l.a]a
a ilml trli( of nrnin W wul
cme A
l glee lt
s!h s .li69 My oni ol lw
nn Ji..,oli. hve rwo ilD
Dent m.I0'ees' he mnins of d .t6t' tr s wll\ ol
, ut wht fUnli do lhe ]U'.
phems yd * erlorn? ol] thesis olthe e]lnes .


1 d\ ,o\P6o'o6'i'dl

d1,, lh.,,'1llpo4,

mnt by lh0
ol allmted sounds? h sot o]od
bdw een|il,s
s]nd Inalion in one nd the sme !'.

m lmll .aliiu' lm.'

.liv {..kllvl
adivnv kl';i'i
r\''tn.arll i.r,.il]
.ontlt lkD'd.lIl
-.ndU| |trnd^rlI
o.tst llD rin] _onftn|

sho] of d]ffent trends ile nl utrninou\ ]n s.Ivjn!] lh

r|en] oug|l lh dUsi
in dctonolg fI tlls l tht
h so .||d mo4']oLoqil sh.l .eD

s.0zn0v' A A'ReloImk

ts R] Avsv


he oor|Jt ol Deltdltn. n

hd i (h. \hiiies; iI is pan'l n

N,s,elsko 13,1) nd R Jksn (62] A trlizli gid

1o ul *hen t'o r mre ls
onil'l wilh c.h tllr ] m51 pstios Like gox ,tr]i le

milsa.ts onndin ete. ponetis s lhe 6iene of

tho sLnd sste nd nolholg f lhe lnquaqe wi {u.
dies qrmmli.l .ings' A
nd t|le sne| unil in mIphmq d tualize
'|. p\o"m! Jrudu'P ol |nP m'"m, L. lh. nhonmr
onIn( of l morDhe is snr It should e noted he
tha! altealions of ohees a.not e mistken foi the oppo
sn'ons ofniniD|Pns in diflrcnt stms o'olds' oi instn'
I]_ lx] !o l]'
Ix] is n allention of sUnds
within ih sane pnme i the 9e oryene' wheE l]
||ohi rRljztio. 'the lxiDho0me' {hile Il lx]in


diffrlliat6 the tu| eaninq of th wolds' Let us ompaI

lhe sten: y er' ,^o:o,
distinlion of lhe selenes is lost s soo as they ate ro
ouood'In the wold u l.] th
ononant loses e I ts
slinlive felules (voied/voi|ess)
'in| Ut it soited wih
il i molhlogilly ound with Ihem d
mnicns a llpon l ! 16] phonene us the soud Inl
ma be an llohone of dlffernt honmes: it the pinip]
llhoe f Ihe onelie l]in lh vold DU kland Ihe su.
sd'aryl]ohon in 1heIek osi'ion ofte ho.e llin lhe
lhe |lemlion ega_&. lhesouds |^l.l]re uo
hones oI o0 dnd lhe smopneme lo] 50 l^l the llp]lul
d the honeme Io] the ak psnion of the
,qd It
'ord s!D'
mLght e l|oone o'soe o'er lhoeme l]lol
ds ne nd the sa]e sound
differe.t hnmes'
'o qlh word o.lily lhe neutral soud l] the rr
J tl'e
,l. ho, P lf

s ]]]n|l


'"::-", nLo


:.:::",-"--:l' 1
D' :
| , '


oo ds 'h' ro,,g",;.::,i':':'fl
. rp roo'r

lo' olh* '',,d

:ii' i'+.{,,..*i1t}'

'i:;.l,; ':;:*.,'


'.',6| |' n

: ;1;.xI".:

".1;"^' '.:]o]
l.l ]:|. 9'


:;.. ;,;,h, ;, :
i| so'4 FdU"


F"n, ilr(




}:i":j llJ1


he os.oy philo]oqists Iim IhI

inter.hnqe o' sounds

of ". 1P'o'.1,|'|.n",ol.y!
llophone of lhe lp]phoeme'
qia| knd dhn lh. oho
neme s lo||ows] .o y^a oEa e!.



llle nolion oI oe!{; ,' sugqsln R'I,vsov ll) d.]nonrts psnjall dele.mined Ielizlioos o'
lhe ph0neme sil]n|| lllnatig so!ds ale olouped into

..!yl D or t]lP hoEme (he ' r

.] lr]P ls t ,l, rl] l].l !l[!.]P llsceos ltri1d'
lo]dtr'.r l..]i D.l
viP tlle

lthI omn |loPes)wth othelphnmes,


s l]|d(0d

lll 'o.d]|ogy

NslUoG[y llh Prgue hon''rn]| s.h.. lr!l.liv.d

.l n.nq!]s.hio l tIlo Do

rly )]. i]trodu.P.l ].del ho

I ihe mologil one!lion the ]tertions of lh. pho

nemes 6e nol nlsed pai
the molDhofte, as fom nd
ontent mke diltil Dni'''on
he heli system not '

strd Yot


lol dnd lo|cn' J' lot

s n nswr lo lh

De de,


I.l.r s'e ord'n.y seake alo in o d!t thal (e sud

whn mru i4 wdl'keu6 16lnot {nl' ad m the nql

o,d,n.dli nrrocdov.,\o'| ,' lPl 1h,!''.

nl lll ],.ldl

he so.alled Leninglld pnoloai] s.hol iLvshhefia

d his fo|]we L R.zlndel I tusevi.h] asset tht the

. . , ,o ,1

,o ,,A
J ho ef. ,hil" lol f 6'@
| |0 "'
|,] |n l] A Jo'd ,1},l cn
lo 'c l' ho1PmP d,o ]' J I .
p _ b tho l| 'cslive|,lre slpponer;.l l
In (h. |]e of wrds oI th. same rool morDheneo6_
pu.]o. lhe sound l]m rL' n ||oh.n o.e
neme nd lhe s.ud |6] in (h derivtives mil.{] lc


,1o,o1dn' 16ld1o l oo j |oFd y U,

lD ln
ptr6 d 16]in ryu6!, ney re: '{..d'fqPn.n1o"mc,
plosiviIiI voielsslolus
'', \,vP | vorPd'c,lop l1q 'P.d'b,. ol
]al'q , onojoqol pDo',lion! |P _ l5L | .n16
A ld' d,.c Ilq|,(h |d.udc
l)'n |n. so'd.d1d lsUnd l.1 .\. rods ' o yl o
lnPmo.phcAbP]oodlfl-.lFonP, qld{,,.
e JA o !o!nd l)]

r\...ldi'nl l.ruP


r]c.d| pqo of

.ll.x lir|]d
l()] r !] rP l]l! i
uil]t|1.!i' l]ll_ 0l |



&r'! t1l d'd tol

. _ r/'

ll io

]ol1 tl]e
o, n]!i sood Ln lhe .n
.n[ lwo
h.le|i !i c n0Ul'dl]zcd,
]es lllnh d. o.l.!l in 1I
qn4 ]' h] l] Gn nanjlw. iD le de tlre 0n
]d'l Dlvrs i th. La0!,uqe' the stlr those 1w feal'
owgv h] lD] nnd neu
tle (NP thar mol prcei lns]ilyl is o shred
lm] s n .cut|izhn I l'asa|s mun iDvolve ll th 1h'c
'd te an.n Itizdn l'i
'n elolltr] ]0l' {irl'
fe,6 mmon lo iheso' voje|ess ]']!
.i!G m| tll, ls] {o]
In igL]sh lnilial lsl Pede losiv.' ut iitial l]]
Gnnot si ll]' ll] ont@n in fion olher ivironmenB in
.jlsh, l|]cy nlale thr fehrcs vio]ess lonis on{live, lr'.
(rout thsound lhat U i ihe

wdd!!zr}c l!]aid

not |l],

I .on.hi.n w hv t dm
lions le IiI/. one idea| h. ohol.qil oneh
as .Ll s lh. thr f lh ih'hone sms .omp|iated
e mon otimum
thr nd


slli sti odifi'i ons .f sou ds

so Ial w. an]sod sund monjfjalins tpicai I onnled

iy rlelel.e


d s

lelizilions aulod lhe vilmet isl.iutioi o.sunds

lhe uelane nd ot|lr Lingu1jc ft ad e]nlquh la.


diaLogue dd pol]guei redingdd sonlane

slyl! opsons |lve ]nq eei oed nl |iguist !



suggens disdsste foldti. .l

]s hll.li7cd b lctD] niu!l


ql]L ny|e 157] .own d6r

nh oi !le{h i,13), v A vass'

l79] otbr svid n.ld rsh. jL t

lLll nl. 19] lnfontra| se i
lhe lllowLnq d.Ii'lil'ls de ]so Lsed: rLd olIoql'l5eeh,
.\s vas mentioed r|iel' i)'|li Dr.dinl'ons o' n!oD

oo( Lw]s jy 1 nIw d odeaine Plwe." d le.c1

h nyLo sp{ !. nj0.. j]]

o' sp.ll n]Ifec grony fro'1

leslh5 in d'flerenl ha1ion

he dLfcrene seems to e n
sontne.!s sDoh usu|ly h.Qte!zed y th. vlilions ol
lil (em., ].uie* d de

segmental mod]f[!Ds le l's


le' he sm sud modifi!ns ohen nk olh sph

vn'6' rcadmg !d sp.akg thugh the us. of the sinlihed

sold |om] often mre ip'al
spedldg thn
0l1 0es (ht ln spekq t ls 'or
mor fraqun(l used
'or lh. ]n
Nw let trl to dlfferenl foms ol munilio As hs
Jtdy been nrnhnd' mono]oqle ften I.nlDposes p!li
skinq ki1h ondell. d(ae oI the ddressel llir fim th ddle$ee {thelistenr)or a Die Il
Glve D]qus a'e le ll0 livate el nd inlimle,
y mole phn.t. lrls], o
the o(hrr hnd speh m vry

!o o|le et]inqoti fato m trnge 1h.oosi1e silu.

!on: (he spek s h]g] ei(ed niiatio fse ritit silu
lin }i|l oe lull l sltiq wh e di]ooi dDsslll Ul
p.ors beiwn olelrues wil' htrc]i mn tlsc
slylis. sund vnli.n so] 1o hve ihe tnd.i towrds
difi!ions i. sePh wilh i|l.
qLikninq oI is leI) aid the wekening ol the Iefunl$,
c.q @)v.rl |q^v)n'nnl 9N' d qNN q^il],
Phonol me.s whih le nylt||y re]evanl deend n
etlqUlislLdbn oI lh dnouEe,
he iyhi modhs oI
olship be1wn th speker ld
|islenelnd te degl olIomahty i ihet dis.ourse, sesh
f ltenlin 1t the seke6
(t m fm| silutions the

nLi!anc will monjto thetr hquis!] ohaviUI' If the soakel
wn to be lea| undcrslood lhke whil loduig ilurc
uih d!liona| 6im)l he shou|d und epil and h p!9,
d s su'ercl' l lnfolm s
le lelxedi lss all.ntio will e
and siplred it will sound,
ons00n1|y, the dlo. { simplililion of spe (sinil
nn redllion' e|i) m.y e lokd U as styl. loming


"o1{ lhil,h.' nd'.!l..of5Lndnof!i'o5
se{ omnunitin is only
b'nn'nq 1o bo te ojl ol tholouah
innfumell nlys to'
day, he investiqlions re usull sed on lhe .oirnive

plin.ip|e !d ve shalI follow lhe sne prio|e


oul des.


we wou|d hke t sli the desi}li.n wnh vovel

assimil.on rcdu-

'l hrter of souid 5i1

dree ollnn|i1y s lhe gIet quli1lve stility o{ voe in
s|ow frmal sh nd morcfleqle( soud vnllt jn Ior
ml spk ng|h. ot ilnt nd k vi? i s epliit
ltiullin lend | hi9iog towaIds neUt|lzed souds
espll in qlammat| wolds,

t.||inq ou ut
his is the pleI
j ]{)tl

Ye' uld you sk tn waiter f ve a sil n.l th

1e hislolill ln( vowe| li]'

lio; s th et ge it !nderooes quanlila'ile rdu.tin and
finny hnges ns qu|ny s woll'

registred i lhe listen.',s mind Ut tDall Ur in lh spekot usul]y wre of the hanq.s
do not fft lhe mea'nq, II u |ok at the ti.



he stagos oI

tin and oipi|l .ommod

o oI the t.n5rilio., t{ra i

ls lron I _h'(,)wi


llj |lkod3o o:k 6 wc1|r*ikn '{ll

t/o,rr: Go.d.venii'sil.'(rl

11)] 1



nnd'' ]Illl.s posibl..

njl,) 6e 1wid1U) { lf .'.]t

ldku! Wlld ou mdsn!o

l, ] !lt ] )r:..r.l]]J

e similI res of rcdrction is likewe oserd


l' l tr':6

oh' 6' ||nqhI. hl sun you?

l\]u l jes ):lIi | .' nj)[{U]


No!' lel trs

ovol l a rici osefuati' I lho Doss'bl
sund mod llons
'lls whih oul oelsh
wesh||ty lo Lllunrle the e'dinq mrqlJ vneties oI te
sund moaililins *llih ear Pgu]all lnforma| sp.e.h
the oP lrml n9|h beinq lakc 6s thc slai]nq polnl i ile

As t li|]zIion ofvowe ihe m!nt.l l.un.|jnq vanes

qr.all belwee 1he
spckec. n'e vowe| l]:lsees t
re'n hp roUnding s'ndividUl
rule, e vwe]s lo] nd j] hve very
htle ny' loundinq a1 ] m
t |osethe roundin!] aIioqlhel
lu]' lo]sem
Dihthnqs ar vor often nohlhonqizd n] intorma|

hed'h!h.i lllEds b


e s'nphf'd


11 )nd '!].tr
ln n unissed psilio il is .thol
,ere ij fu .in J*



re djhthong l!] ofte. gds

a son of

ne lU]endinq diph1honqs o)d Io] re sifiLified nno l]

and lt] rnlql
olh in iresod .d unstesed psilions he q!lil ol



re son





I the ls( lhree eiml.s the lo$ oI l] 1 lhe mii| L

ss n] i'ial nlonal form a
nlssed slll vowd tn!
tion fl.t| .U6 l elend
wofds' lr |oss of lhe neut| sotd hl the reDosition l.] l
th paii.le l. pieeded by .onsninl is i voly omDoo pl

l the mjl of sok uternes blnning ils tho

int'l Il] lnid vhel rhe hrse nlns o wt|lou( l.Iked
puse fter the plvi.ul slg'



5 somelimes .om ete

) cut z.d


vowe| ehlon is v.r} lreqlenl in infra| nvereatinl

o'ha. p,o clc 1v|vl d*:m,|t,on
on,!, ,
1.Jt i| . , 'd |' vPD ' on.
mon Lo !].U*resed syllles
of lsl|i vlds,liko]

s Daid


Likewe in plysy||j w s
cx- n islIen simp|]lion to lrJ],

As re av. ]ady me(ioned vwl.cdulio! often Isu]

lu]l nsonnt dlne6lik Il.] {..]' h lkj] till the
sound sys!m' f, lm' | 0. dd llivaiq oIlV
oI| p]@, p|a an.l p\o]]ih.n] doy .].,u4 .ir.Je nd lo)r/e.lve
Iind, t| dld diffllrln'

Algde wilh laulirlusle in informll reles speh *e

find eti lac wh'h sem impossible ror lhr nglis onun
.i.6lnl' ttsk]' l6p]and othgs'

o ssimi|alios ofnonn ..ordinq !o voi.ed (|en)

voierEs (ln) ii de not so on i nqljs s iey
Ie n' Russin. still l d' o.voimg oI deviing oIoso large udiene to i'omlIe|s
onvation and enns with iher|in ol th.sou d e,g, ]d Lt
pj'li d.,'14e' tdUn' 9'.
lm' i ] ml !i

n .leful eding efo

ese sequen never oUr in

utered |eany and .l,liitl bu! in the ilen I iforml
the lesi rmient ans l te utelano, hese
l omp.e$ion, or sim|ifitjon
whih ale ko{i i0 lho! ]nqugos In ihe R!s9n |guge'
orm]snGleus seh

In le inler.dilo slaqos nle |u'tol

rcplesentod by a

he osonna Ie |s Ikedly difieient in foml .n.

vefitioi|n| aoidio to thotrp|a? ofni.U]tion wod li.
ml mond8 hl' ld] ln]' smdim.s lm], ls] lzl immdii|y
Iuwod b ve]! or )l nsont Undrgo son fdt,

1ion the Iedu.l'ns n'em

neiel is main] in!o.on.d i! lhe

men'ngs l|]cs'ok ims t.onvey ain iol in lho pise h
\\r ' \'),,l',,,n .''l,'rl'. 0lr l9
is reovelabLe lhe l'nener stsfied we ve t regId e
msions andreduls then s kidoto.o the n oI
the sek }.ho aims not lo qiye moe inlomton tha *e6
1ty fdy
|ln! wiu
i'"Jo}' J l|.' md[d1l om ! ,o1
d'ffiux lserue '!r so usd lo iq(orinqn,
t hnc]s al tro' Lon' h

omn iendeni.s in l
' ho ploess ' d ferent
of on'on'
sns f simi|.lions lial Io.1he ng5h Iangug is usuli
i f one memer fphonene y
anthe. ne n{hn'! fsimiltin is oplex fltemtions oI segmen1I lli,tions vilhi 1he luner Ih is difi].
Dlt to oxomp]ify i te sok of te pt lolm of trn
slion' .si]i whe the desried sund is onIy panilly

lnneJ ol lhe ]sure lr lhe ll] mrkd qlotll sto l?l

a oseedb.fol. tl'c 'odild ]sive nsonnt

lilti odililios

d.'1 !ruennj l'd!'Dk tw6tJ1)nl

,/ l] cfe |e] lb]




qod mming l9D ]i|D]

l. lql


\ lk]dde lkl'


ld] el'{i6


wshou]d stngly emhao the idr thl! lhe nude. o

not remmlded to
t6e rtem lrfrs f lhe liljg
f .s ,1
' U,
' ''o'b! - the
*ed hg' ls] lz] soulds m n.kd", the lta|
a |veo] ld l. bone Dl


!]ore readi|y (hn 11] we lind (he |os

d]ediatel follwi.q
that n wu]d

o1hP onsnt




6' i lud




wr dz

e eli

lrl nlne' the Ds.iiol ] i5 oIten elided

n ste$&]fonn }rd ove.l./ ad m.edle|


'' Dd,dbI'',,'a.no1,o J|.t'hcdl.JliiJ,

lll lol ,o,',\ ]n 'o,danl l lne

ind'vidoa| Uen, !umer of ll

t6 the ssmilated soljUDl
Dledmg ti] re( of sev.!a| snos wilh gl!l|y
on one lead' l an f'ri.':
wou|do! lwodn': wUd5t *JUl
.d yu lrtdj't kodL]o< kUo]
mmd yu |m nt mjldru |n6o]
.al] | vd |ro d . to l'JU ln'lu|
Dori }U lbiU'iu . JUljo -JdUtrU]

o fld invo,lod
.h( d'P l'] .no ld lj',' ,Ud||v o.!,
J d .||6l' fid|sl.'.
' o,,oda\ n sd'd l . mol6 .n ,no lo' i .nLl ld| lbe
.|idAd n1 .h6 d, lo
]i b' .ie




e dit. afrrc ll is onm I

th dof'ni1eness ol lh
Leny cnLished nd ll] .a
lo of th d.fiile i[re ld.l




n1d]trzn fll
)n1d) 1tkD.

1. elision l lI] is to le ntin .tel te vowrl

ro$ s eilishd il nle eanler erids o| !h.
alis ]anguqe whi.h is re,](ed m th lonui.ilo! I the
{o.ds la]k'
sonehmcs nl lhe wrd''y'

l1l h


ll-" !!lisjon.f l|| i words binni.q wnh

lI dw full5t

we hlo .j t
eemlity th
lhe lnfrml .onvrelionl sl| to ll.\J
RLsj |P.ioG tnprehed soken nq|6 ]l ldl
ne lunior


shou|d nol e lquird

l th kind should


Lell d

we sho!L.l l]ke r.

luqht te teme oI deles sDe( like lms pil f'

musl?x'l1 thit 0'0y oold pr
.r snDd modLfhns l'edu1io5 a5snniLtions) of nn1e.
sg| nd irrr ile ]nlDe 11h 1he ]ss of Dlosi.n
lh. df'l!r|
i. viniiIii
ore!l st, ll onfis tl'e
pro|e oI ntlnle nuhml p|a1jodnli .l honli unis:

ol h0DeIo Dt i.qns dd



'D.olo d' '.']cd,d'P,,d4eb{'.c'

d' 6|1p] 'cd'o6
D o'. ld, o d
phn' nd styll
vntions of
a.s the relizllil of nli. felul6 whrh I unjveE| Ir
eye.y seake i. tylo ' doLe


dnn.' d6y

ne' Api tom the dlinlive,

onIexlua| nd iyii l0lures n difie6 in l timre nd Dt
3oI Yoie quall|l* of vry speker whi.h ak his seh
Iqniza]e thoUqh we m nl se lh seker ut on] e
h' vrlth.ladi orin a l|o!hoel|k h0s (hesoUnd lelli2a
hns o' ponenes al.fiaIked leisonalftures in additl I

'I h '|e' onoj-d w').l"

d've frd6' e'q tlld] |dtd]

d|| 1hP d!nliv. t.s


ldd]_ ldd]' ll]_ lill'


Ijqlory fl ll

k!I] hc
l nsLh-

LLoplloc d'ffec f.on hneme in lhe degree of nlalio,
s(i|| llophonj vlil]ons d nol olo. ||smen'a] modjfi
|ilioDs due t xlina!isli

]y pmnlns lt '0ks] he l^lhzti.n hre stvofll

larnl lthehonome k]]
e aa|s of ilGli fiodililions o' suds ||ovs u5 lo

t .ommunjalion,


meniq ol l hlre ,1
so i. bso|u1e|y te' lo llre
'l'ink sD]lhu!]h lhe seakItDl.
Lle pe'eives n s [l'oI0k

s phonee ! a||ophonl a varint nd hoe foll d

kind of lelrh f honeljc units in diso!ls,
As vs freiioed al the in of th stio! lhe dlee f
foli! orin terwords lhe ailfi of relljonshiD ;rUl
podiipn ol the durs. Ioves t b most signlh.nt in lhe
nL'. modltions o! sou.ds' h. I ol etliu's! f
tors s nle fominq s s
ad suprsmentl |evels d wnG




old |'5n. '!

puls ol lessrc ther wih }'as epementll based y

R ,sion 17,!),h t.r is
prlio in sphis puting !'es nd e sylllesdd
so tal lhe nuer of lhe s
|es in an !(terne deiminad (he nlmbl t ertos

;iti.[ed y soviet nd lorc L|igu ',6ucv I.I em

D], *.iles that m phlase J numer'ulds nd sauntl
ivu"" -. e p-'."."d..t single eptahon 11]'

,l L t.

es to te prlem lthe sLtdl, Fial| we wil]tr to desib

lhO essnlia| h.allislis ' !h. .glGll syLlaj sym wllh
e.l on the sujrd
*ould be teaes l ngl|l

Athr rhry mon o.!e0 leferled t l]]e lheor f slll

|. ul fod oJspeen It qeiiorll alled lh. s.od.
tv.]ery nd sed o the et t s.nol Aoldlng lo
oJespee ea.h s.0nd hrteri7d eda'n dree of
sono.i1 whih xndeto.d os lii Prope. l snd
nds otr e ei|Lsed.


!t +.w

a leidoo, 1o IUn. o! oDu]) tllotielvs. h5

eiq the sll.s1 prnunea|e


lhe s||a|el

n'ed b atin sI
s||bl lormtion nd sy||br
divin whih tl0 dLaihaluiy'
fla *e lookt 1hgLish s
fill generI plo|em of the syLlaLe, e we sould note 1Ilt
I llle sY|||e hs fl
tl 'tnly
hglistis s fild of (hreliat iedatn' e'
sides, onsid.lable
od' o'e
ul ihuqh phonehs hs rqlesed l.l enouh the rolom I
tesllbl sl an oen que{
It nrssr t metjon 1hat the s]]le is a faln omh

nP, lhd

niultor auditry and flntonl' whjh

{ll6ls 1" o
fthe henomenn gave fte to

m thers, Let Us ons]dd l

lkinq aout (e nlys of lliulatory oIlor st ol
lhesle weou]d nan wth lho so ||ed eD'mlory, oren

lhroualL th lse vwe' Ihe


losves' lh vorcles I'Lt'os in.] ends }'ith ltrc

voieles ]rlos]vos s the ]eai s
monlonorus sunds teild ( nrm the e(Pr of lhc syl]le nd
lhe {ld
sss tlo] t|] 'nimll
ools {pl tlnqh l with greate' die l snril to l]re
mum sona IJ ]' I( d]
lh.ou!'h ln]lo sodimuff' gilh 11:

lt 6 tu lhl th nlPle


'l rnqlges w'.l
0tdi! it ln iems of s
n nqhsh LslDps] s.0s souId ve thIe syljles iis.d oI
dul, A.oldinq l vA' v
k | th thy lht n fi io e|a'n nle (!al mha
nis l syllle lom1ion and slll.divion 1?9) esides the
one1 of wilh ghi lhe lery Its nol ver
]eI]y deljn.d. wh( m]'es i 5t]|]6s.on\'e!
sll] s ho(i phenomenon sUhed in lot olter


lhr th theory ofthRumani

d |inqut A.Roseti nd le lhery ol tho 2.h ligukt
varit of roahes lo th
ro|rm ot lhe slll mes tal t ot n easy maer lo de'
sriei,ht wh lh lhei6 refeed to ove re uaD'e
sp( l lhe henomenon lore.
m|e' the sonity theory auts .l fol pe!etiillly oi
sounds lh. Dulse the. tkes in' nsidelt only th fo'.e
ofeipirtion et, surnziq w9 uld slte tt th q0e,io
l 'urtory (or hsioloqia|) ftghn ' syllble fom'
hnetis, we ftigh( supse
thl lhis mham is simili in || |quoes nd uld oc !*
ories' suh s F. dsoussure's

qIdd s neli nd physiologil Univels|,

j sviel ligtrtis there hs bn ad(ed th theo U] !L
llwy Lvshhell, {ro)'lt
lled lh. thol l U6|ar t
]an!]!ages therc sy|| hnm nj lhentIrh s]]a]e

.l] h


enlq thatlhelensionofrtrD|ljl
.es.s wihi lhe lige of sonnIs nd (e de'
vli .ons nleIo lhe
al ed mrql|, ne

. q,,'\'o.'!1{'lol


rd'f,l ,U]
'|el1.!) je.v,b,. \ 6! o,.
oroounea|e Lnil . b hra!izetl y thlee' hysi;ai '' 'i"', i | ,'An5,v d1d |e

ete of th jyllle' lhn lh.

athel drese within te onvo onsonn. so the
o|Lnn follows: !I e lk i|atn nd le v mentied auni dt on the
sDeeh rdunon |ve] the syll|e be teted s a. I l
i'urloy etron' IoI aple:

d ." hdur 'okP1sb

dl" on P thq oj,le l'o ve]. of p,C' |n ' pq
0on. he svil ]inqut ad psholgl N'l,zhiti. h;s suq.


!]o$ed ihe s.lled |oldss l

or levols (15), e eipe lrn|s led oul b N lzkin
showed iht the rc OIlouds o
to vriations oflhe vollme of h.yngel pss{,e whih mod'
d by onthn ol ts val, eaftow'nq f the pssge and
whih resulls frn' it leiniore
the tul ludn6s of vowI thus foijnq lhe ek ot the stl
le so..olding to th lhol thesyllletoulde thlght ofs
lhe al fludnes vhh o|tes yi1h the rc of niulatry
etroi tll seh Dl.d!tion l
Ie duet the wrk ofa||lh.sPe

.nept No hnli as su.eded s f i g'vrno 0

ald adoquale on|n!. oI wht nle sllle
I|l djllilxies seen lo l'o the vliols Dsi'lt'es ofp
PIoh to the unit, 'eoUId sy

l' some |inqlc osider the s

to unit whi ks aly ftrnli
he o!ldlies ol th sll|e d
not a]was oiide with those
2 owevel (h lt oi l'q
WeshId nole herc tht h'le tr'ng t dPln'e tho syll|e

llo aiiulaty polnl l vicw

a]l |nquqes, Whn we men

1hefunlionl sel oflhesllie il shouldbedel'.ed wth rel

l'tin t!se' s A G]n'

n oits !l il mdy e lolDd
sound sequee diffe!Dtly in lnquga l57),
he drliition ol lhe sllle frm 1he fuitionaI pint l
vie istinq in modoln ]igu
a] sy|||e .hai o.ponellol l vrying lnqthi
bl syllbl isnstted on lh
slituek 1whi usua]ly o. vov| .onsnot
)the nDdusfa syn v
voveis le
nals otional; tere ae no liquags
FowP!., lh,P dl. 19UJoP':n
hih t funtion peloften y on6n0tsi

.l] the dtrLl.o t plloD'n.s

s|lanl In.ali



L L4n,

lllo sylLbi nn'.tUrc tol

eni lules e pn ' honehs that dea vih th se.l of

|d.glaqe )led phoota(is, |\onlati Dossiilni.s .l

As lh. pho0etiins o]nl out' in lh0 nq]ish lquge lhe

nghsh i


l|09] bnn,' |:dl]

eeptn {|l, l1]' lD],

'he 1.1Ll,,"*"
', lOl oIle lj'Ir]l0.'


Ds d ler |usters Iike i te wor(1l l!'!I 'y l1'g!i]

dqr' lksr] Pxl.a d ds In suh sa thr olnt ofslla.
| dNEion o1 ea] fund, Let Us os]del (he lnn a'.

n!nLll{ dd 1h.!qmn' f


oint ols||e dision i

ofsylble division i
nt syllle .emlns losed ordino t
honIti rules ol te glis )ngUge eause l|le sh.n
vowel shotr|d lemia heked Jl
ns show nt t oni d s]lle d'vlsio ul wo like lpl'l
pi.y L10j k] np. | 3] .'
D' ] side the '
,h l
.LLr. l ara!
1hat ]
nguge then.esed sll|e i tenruture
llvvl] ]was o'cn. lo
|]rle in 0glsh (h k'd l sl
l' v]shn nd e|d s to be ab|| l Dn,'.DD llr
woI.|s f 1h Ie oe
) 1e I).jn'

In ot ss t

tng]'s]] ].rdqli!e hs devalopd 1,r losed lie ol syu.rb'e .s
ld n is le oe tpe lhil
lorms ti ns olsyl|] l.ndti h n!nrcr ' sylIa]e v.
nllits i.o tlr .i oI view o
e vlons ]n nle oumer f
r\s l lhe


o, s]]ls in 1he q|h

lt np|e lkrl



0,E. ln!] al

i vr

,{''l},l ll''p]6'ijl sili..y' IrD.tII]I] undlur!y'


t'h!] r,mpdh,'ty,

l'^nIn'l.hI b'IJl L'lel/igl.

s. lr we havo dosried sme oI lhe se f syl|ai

n.utLIc t nghsh As was meIi.d niel' lhe olhel ssl
ol l1le d'|l] unt hih aIlenzes lh seeh ljnL
!'n sylile divIsio h linguh motn o's)]le di
vbn L0 different ]nquges ill findinq (yo]oqv of sYIldgs
i, hc.v||'|, n'\
lho]]li nlu(!r f lhe ]g!ge' its s]]ai. lyoloqy
illl ,n,, . J,..'P |d | 9' dq'
rl ,,,'P L pou6ad
sounds f lnguge n be qroLpd inlo sllles .ldjg lo

.hle il


vvl) lPP .

]ri'] ob' nd so on



J'' the bov.nntrni.d otnn]' 0'P w.n|s

the Llowq w: |] g'i],
or roomds a lqr] ln
(h ngLlsh lgUge on (he
re 0ein]nsj|o i'nu| Lune
otd tr]iti|'osnion d.osquentl 5hou]d e oken y s|
'oudr'folexmr: ld.min] ad,x'e lb.htr]oh
shou|d e onid ut tt (eIe e ses ven th dist'
u!.il nllia ma fai]' In
ase }'hen tl'e nu )d ot,nel
wtrd lekslrc] .x,d e hve
'e div'o:
10 nd the os'Le po'n ofslle

lk.{reJ- a.k nnd

l ltk bt ted t
ould e
l jl n lh livesekel.s nuiiOn
lied , nle n]bolsiLs leelmg ol ew pnunialion
nks him diide lh *ords ol su les lni lkjt] 1r
(url way l divisn,n isfiti
It' .mUid wds like |lronG


it.lin iht un

b6|m.t ii




It 0 bo

osi1ions Ln

wol e!se, s rt
(|ro la]izalio f the he'e nl d'lfele1
syLIa]e li'lni.rl, medi] h.|) ren nl ditrelon1

.sily sn

1he emp]e tl syl]blo


he lgiaI dtintion belw

Nw e sh|l .n.ida to !ry imonnt fLn.lions of l

sllbl lons |nguaq uni 0l

g.el mgillde' lht ords molhems d utte6, l
t !sEt tqo thiqs soDld
lions etw lh dti.Iive fe.
trtr.s of lh phonmes ad thel
(l5) s.ond wnlin sule {l Pquene olsl||es)sodi .ltenis ol sPeh
he sylll is si'i. minin|
sursqmtl fat!rcs,
l otlrer fUnton of ihe syll|e is ils disllh'lv futn ln
th t6t the sle hrolelizn by itsility to dltrlen
wIds nd wold form. o i||ustle lh se1 ot linml
Uhntes olelti! llophn.s lhould mdrle the eqinniq or
s en lound in no]h to j|
lu5k(e the word;e fuit m the slli' lhi is
l 1rci] eae. l'i tqt] il\rG'
he disti!tion hre |ies i:
th dg@ l snl of l. sounds whih is qloalor
meer oI th olposition tn nte sondj
''Idllhni djJ'elei of l.l] i
9!n n sghtl dvoi.edunderleunllheinili| ll];
) lhe leng'h of lhO dihtong II]] in
sond fienPr of
th oposition n is shollI us lhe syllabl
.losen y a

s'nolimes lhe dijferen nl s||aidivion l]ql]l e the .

lo d'fieleltIioi senl.nes in su.h miim|pi s:
Isaw elees lsaw helrce
Isw the mel, _I5d'thom eal.
eI pPo,nod.n in nghsh
'hlh smetfies iIl'ta1es lhe ljnauli v]tre t the sy]]ble
he f'
miont ol honetiis reqdl 1h ]nglh ol the
'e 1o o d.lining
syLj vow|

ldtl lho s||bi boUnd.

he .dys re gettinq hote'.

e word noll.l. the selene ronound with the

l.n hs lhe syl|abi. budary wnhin rh.onnnt lt] eus
f lhe hked hrter l lhe lD] vowel, when pnoued
*ilh a fti.g tonethu vo'.|i9 llolnged so that itomes free

eough lo indile the sy||i Dd dw. lDl .d t'], In

s!h ses e nlghl sa lh( 1he sy|lle divo here one ol
lhe flo thot diffelential lhe
es Yet the dilferee nl lws lun disp|aed buse
N wls mtioned bov, durali
herlr thls set of lhe prolrm
noods some funher froredeti|.d investiqatin
summa zjng w. mighl sy lht
neived of as snllest ro.

ouele uni1 wilh ote.tjI Iinquli imortane, ht ls

why it .vats j fu(io8l vahe on|y asio.lly
ulii1ies oI thr s]lbi s!fu.lure fnqlish whih should


hDtr Iv


l) sylli oundry G inside m1e]i oisnt preed.

y vwe' fremle: alyl |L*t nn holl|i
2l ounday b.Iole n interuli onsonll
In (h sehn we s]] lous u

] th s.lonts lll, l] l,l] re s]lai il lhoy rc pleded

Dy ooe onson0c' fI exD|:1',e ,]Og) r.n:
4) lhere nnol be nre lh on. vowl (. phthon! 9l d
Inohonql witin n sl|e]
5) te tfl and ost fundamcnlai si sllurue s l

6 ", '|l ,

Rlssin l.rne ' qlish s well s wou]d e le.h.6 ol

,|', , o"

1 |'

v.1 "!i
!IOq syllbIo djvion ' 0le ii.Llatry
ond o

lo de.
q!le clePhn j )rrsrs d.oosequeDn lo mUnderslnd
Ieve] ]eds

ate.ns ollish !lds esqLe.e ofs|lles in tho wold

1prnuned ideti||y he s]]ale ol sy||les wh'h re
lh the ter sllbIes oi ihe
word 'e sid lo e stessed or.nted' he .[elhn of v,..


eg] th st with !l'.

A imsn lhe etret
I |l f loul.a(o!s for., (o.e
te nilllin ol lhe nless sy|l|e qrcJter mDs r enelg
6 Ioduedy thespedke, uroen languges su a! ng|h
Russin rc lived to p.sess redointl
nynmi wold nes. in sadivian |guags th word dtess
c].n!'d' 0.i,., F, i',.,''c, n
svdis' (he od irmd (omn) n dtngued lron te
vord,too (ome) by a di'lorrn. in lon o Usil {r
ires n sed in
f voi Dn.h in lelolin t. nighh!ring sl|los, l ise lh sound seqUee ]ru ro
s piq'', wilh lh *ing lone_
,,m, withlhefl]igtone_''tolive,'

elg| lingu (D,Istl (50]' A'iso (5?]]qi.o

(lrl in ng|h wold stess ol aen( .omple phonom.on

musi.Jl om,onent.l wold stl.s

ilh lrvel tat sjgf( in making the syllle proniOlt'

If the wolds l,ort {n) and

l',oIl {v) r said on lvel lone and eh vovol with ts own
lenqth, it is l(he dirtllt to d1iquh them, he toni oI u.
s.;|.omoet m e helpfu|i dehninq lhe |e of nls 'n
wod s n is os.d *i(n tho sllle ma ed by the ih
ang' whih ontriu(es to lhesyll|e prinene'

s.nyro .lon w
n.log rdIU''| d!l to the l
deDendq i. *drltr the p
d; tr dUsd' h. mJ druk nh dn' theI f sn on pldh' olsp
on lIP
oxDl]rnl! I the hcDomeno l1 dec not ana|s.
retve levl In.!nen| n

;,.,*; .r

he plment ol (he pit.h ch

nress, Il shu|d be led here tht !h. vry lye ol ilh
.h3ng iis dnh. osnol in

--d n--

sDeker wll]h

Del.e'ved v t

*".,r) "r"" h,"

J Jjo,
lo!dness',l1le a!slioU(elpa'G


lIqlen nd dUI1io r.s!!ve]y

he ith dielion .hnged bul lhe

on lheotel hnd.

whole ide

ny e nvoed y utte
ne. we shll dal wnh

ing sing|e wod lone wld ph!se)'

the n!.s6 nd lhe mu
here undoul]ledl a ]se in
nlll rolm


nres the ae also





l olo






ain distinlins f the vowel

unn*ed lyLlbles

I lkmg

dquliy lg ow.| ol


*iesed sy|l.

in tho unnres.d s||ab|es' hus lhe wrd

d en5 of



stes id


qun1j1'ive wnh re|lrivel

d vowel, ompIe 1he qualit


.n " \c| ,n

. ,0d'


r ptk|' |0 i
'l r Jl
'o i1,o', 'hdt '4d,'
Dr*l 150) the
' stenql|l, i.lonn
sund relsUrc fo.e' owel'



li(uve .poienG f word

is awai1ing ns

he lt *r.nqthns lh
y te owe|Legth

ihe inteelton of ils oponnG

ln01ude, prmiee, em

ofvie t.h nd lengt dro


sers 1o d'ftel fu.'n tI'a(

i nqllsh h qu!tauve .!onen1 ls gIraler l| Ln

nl qhs w. .ed l l}c
o!D.e vwe oI fulL lormtion
J]d l.'[ |enh ; 'n*.d Nnios' lhc .i lws rn!d
helefrc 0l v.'e|s of il l l.'l(illl dl. !i]mkdly rLvcd
s n'sed,In ]hn' lh qDl

ln Ihe !nrossd slllles whih somerimes ur in Enolh

\a\ds |1 hlrd tnl pule,
Russd Dllocl l

ns Pn'i



v zr1olLst.v' 17 rL uLiD. q]


d'{ell o te (.
r. ause some d'iquny hen lell.d l rd stess |'e
nr.*ed sl||es Ie often sld l
es ] (ir 'i'ng (oG,,r.nn! n'enols tcssed'

0 ''.uLd

Lik t


lllh hvenolhmg

(o d wnh w

mon kow|edge thl n,Unds oI s


oI \'ods trl

{i'h lh


l }'hi.h dds t lhe '

fet of loninene ul not nnt wi1h the vord nrcss
Il'non) ll.dtlon|l 1englh t
lonlly lna sound ln the stesed $'llLe nd tdihnl]y
|||e dns 10 te eff( ot ule
|e, 9' tJi
ln]' li?|],

erlo! ll'e

lorms It

ih nlnq


s.dinli nlDl.n

thl nr

Rlsnii ( jDlls .n' l.rl L'ldrg

'j s'l o' v.w.'1. '''

qLLn hih 5huld nt mixed wi(h lhe q!an!l(ive

slm n up 'minen in seeh a bload. te.m td

n.ess n bt]nd y the oloet { wor nres' su.h as
r.u.lPJs the lnlrt' (he qu
enl sonnly l (he vw.| and i(s hlonl ]ength In d.UEe

Lnql9.s Ie
nlDg Dle



dif.rennled ordiq to lhe DlnI

nress ] wol

] lngJges wi1h l'd

stess lh

pi[l|r sy|ll m
For ne' in Fli.h lhe nres
limi(ed lo

lho Ian s]ll. of 1he wrd 1]' pronucd m iso|lionl 'a|

in Fin.
nh nd zsh il i5 lied o lhe fil sv||a|e' in .lish on the
oe bll hn syll.le. somelolian words trwe Lnt R05'n
g'na| nresses nd qLle n lde f

Flci ' e



e t' DnAjt

here arc tLlLv s mny d

dlees.t*rasillherd.x,tr,l 1trg!tn]i's.t'ho
.c|cva0l!n wrd


wk nrc$ hc
$hoLils l..h .nd rqeI ilnd
foul ontas1i! d.q.ccs
f l'.rd nlc*' lncj' l.!d, ledn..d
{45] olPr r\mei duct


F'nnh xen.K,ya
zh ^ad! pn.
Psh: 'a, o!e, or!

" l 0 ,,,o

!6! _'i 1' y&'

6 8oii r6rL']





ple nl oIined lO

is eemplified m

Enahsh pDelle elq]nnin-llo

Ru$in:6eo _ !5la _ ;o^*6

rnol]Ad.lin lho ir.snil.l'v. 1.nlry *rss l GA

ten/ nresl1ec lhPnn6es 1ry lry' Oiy.t.Ouos d

lhoqlh d
Ienv te ex(e of


ni'y \!e*.n J d'tonL 5y]l

o.vel t|] ls!!n ot !tr.

turo l

.lh words

hele lht thcn'|

js hle t


..n nqlis wldno.k,In Ger

rlgodqes tt'e word nress
|e o Ihe sood slLblc' tho l
wih prehxes, h t'nden.y wls l]]d reesstvr on nglh
words I A|o sdxo og'n s we|| s le FrDh bolro'nas
]dalgd k 1o the l5th en!!ry) ie subjeted to ls rslve
leld.ny .sPcd
tlje n,

vn/,l,/' inssiilJld


olnas q rc.!,n .,U'.&

de m.ks Enqsh

s 'i1h

monosyllL. l disy]]d' bo!]

otnJ]w.iDdt(trmvlds eylcld{oaLteratem'hefl.w
oIsD..h'eg, l .li]1,jJeye lr.s .il
sd aid unress.] sy]lnl

den.v h lo .esnlday nqlish

'hih Uscd 0le eln. olle sodal itcss i0 0le m!lh.
sv(d' Frn. .llw'ngs' e q !lunn qai'Kni' a. si.
P p]aan.D' ol ]r n'ess.i
D (ee d lursLLiuc }'ort,
..1'n|n'sih1lt 0I'on.| he inreeLlti' ololh the'ees
s'v d (he Ihyr|]ol'dl 1ende
nh oowed wo.d erg]n/ oi


the {nn sn] lh len']t

Ihesme !. ddtrn]n lo lhe
ho resivelDdy eing slroqcI' lho
ty||' wolds likr94] q
sillrl. from 1|rea d ",,IIl hbrD Jo.|]\ J1$ j.
,, ||j

,oj,^'',1 'c -.


,ry J,c,,

vP d

jv'la,J dqlF.



va.tions in lh. aentual

slru@ of ng|h r!llis||ai

lo1io ol to ted]s, 0 slres o lhe inia] svI||e
Lsd lhe lssve tedeny or the nlss on
lhe s.nd 3y]|l under lhe inUene of ihe stronq rthmil
tnden l te rsnt d. e'g' hospil| hoilo|t

!|i|!c ds\nl dls|ddl

onsbn|, ]o'g1ope

A 1hird lndey ws t.ed in lhe ini'lity olthe ontu

tendon] de.
stless lhe
l *Iutule olg|h
'orddres l the 'Pleli9e
oiqinl l rent word
nvtive ofien lelis the
e.q' tii] _ 91l!e' r,
ne unrous vrjalions ofnglis wlld st$ Ie sden'
lized in th. lolog of..olll s!lu. f ng|ish wk
{orked ul GP,uev l31) e|ssnes thcm aordig t
the nlmber of nlesd syllles thetr !].o r .hIter llh
min lnd (he sondry stess)' n dlstluli ol nlssed sL
lles wifi lhe
(he entu] lyDe l wolds vit two equl
lules of wlds' eq'!ld
nlescs m e reseled v sevel| aentul irutures: ,c/].
.d l aa]''n| fr|indd | !-a-|' ol q]a'akin.| | !a- ],
AentLd] tyDs ind i..entUl s
qih le mo.Phrqtl lype l w
]s' nr smn! vlUe I th rO
le citul lys le:
I | ]- | h rcent!l te ]arks olh simPle nd )
polnd wds l'e ..eitr'l dr
l9 d m.r sl!]es' e'q ,|d]1| po$i]' m|hrnr]o\|'

L]] l

he nua| to G

l]rr ]!rIv' lrr]]

v l]r-J

lke U'sn' Uss

he tye is lel|ze
n.0 ompound }'rds'

]td'..e/ g])''lnl.t/e.

Vt L'r.] hP .entu] tyDe mlks let er I

nr)c olds 0n soe .m.uld 'ds s we]l ln mp|e
2' lhe root nd tesu||j:

r]' l]7r-l



he iye iludes rlhel s]l Du'nbcr nf

nl '^r' ''1 la

n lrrt l he lpe is fund in ver sml] numb8 oI

vords' Usu|| snl)|o words wnh the *reses n ole fi the
I Lrr-]. hll tpe 6 met in rI innaies oIomlnd
lf-rl. h t lepr.sen1ed y lro f
emDre and .molnd words' eg, da.a|4
xl. lrtr.l he lype found l
wrds nstn'q oIthe lhreeolnpone, e q ingcre.D.''
nqlish wolds he msl widel
e yP l l ]- ], ype lrr ]. !'e v lrrl Dd ye vI
|i!| h le i.ludes vlie
tUls wi1h ditrel.n( Ume f.y||ales nd i.ks (husnds o.
words so (lr! tol' of lh.m o'el Ihe InLn u]l<.fntos1!o!
E']!]lish rds i(d {e tgdre n tyial for the Enq]Gl v
yDL| ItLle ol nglh .el
l!l stu.tUre ns n'sli|iiy. n
l' !6'lA a, tr"/ 1"v.lft ',
] ) n!'ner ol ire$es: Uss
r ]]
l ]r]! ] l ]
2) lI'o p]e ol ltss: no'ob/ l]
l-]-- ]i

J) th. delrree oI stss:


]ro v]ilit ol the woId

onld seh he eludl nhO
|l.({|undei lh. LnflLeO oIIhl' e,g'

o' U,o|i,L''d ,oe

d 1"'.'ole




wo'ds mi be

.. Lno|,\lid,

ne the entual Dtr.d f

qr ,, Wr| Jf od,
.d!o0 dlm]nhed' lhe vwe le
ondar sressm be dr.pled e'.


, o|


reduod or elidd' the se.

he iwhole orgni zati o' lhe imeetiq vas


h. vnllt I t]re nqljsI
Isec gedl dijlitr]ly for iude : L0qlii he sho3k|
veL| auLnled lh the ioul moi ujdeL srod n']
rPes oI'/ot metiod ove dn. b iw.e.f te o'o.]l,
in.i tem
Dlleled b

lls q'v.n mDlrs oI (.

r'te shall na'lry l see tho'


d dl11lone n demataln
9le* js ver Lmniil lh tlom t t)jorel]| d tlre l.l.
.l vlewoi sc.1e *rss usuaLLy lal oo the very s!tje
f 1lro gol{j whrh is mrked woid stes, hus lhe en|ll
nlulu. ofthe wi lodetermies tho trqenret of nlss
in a hIase' a! the sm lm 1
a]tls ondnioed the sema! nd snG.til f(ors h.
w.ds l'lh !sU|| .one s
wo.ds, ho ove le ln ide ot tha phise lhouqh
wod ij].ludg fo.m wol.s m e mrken ' senleneiless,
i ha5.eidio s.illl vLe 'n lheseit0ne
l]e omn]on h'(er f woln
aLso osPed th. r|lylhmil leden 1 .llente stesd
l ronnile|
dd syllPs d '.ouio

N\'w sh.uld hke


dlngnE tt uolios fyod nlcss

Pd d]fiere.l ]3ngudge trnls:

old nturil plied !o l woId s a ho!u's! u.t
sei(cnnl.s is Dlrlie lo hIse
s.ndLy' lh dln.iion t lhe rhy0lmi nture ol a '.rd
nd Phse ]n obsN
nols il' 0o'iD|wo]ds oited'n phI5e' .q

orwhe lhe rylhlni st0!tre ol the o]ted wold does .l

.oinide wi(h (htl hase ,g'
i'1een. .Roo F]l'!n 'F'I(een ges
so in l s!.h h'n the hel
ddtl ha.tPlis1is nled vi1h rhthm' me|d and
1emo l]u!h lh snin.e nes f||s on lh sll|e mrkd

b lhe vrd inss it is not l|d in lhe nre*Pd sy)l]e o,

islled wd tr! in a word Wihln speh on(iUum, sm the
len. la|| n lllfi nr
senten .trss olganizos a senlen.e
lnlo a linquish.nit. hrls to lm ils lhythmi and inl.nlin
ptPm pedols ts dt.tive luolio on tolve|of rase'
ln disUsiq ennj| nrulule f nol qords we sould
d of9old ir.s wo'd, ,,
a |gLge eifrms lh.oe funlions,


wd stes illutes

2 he s.d 9lou}

jes the hnge

whe l shillig of the stess vh[h

entul pltei of lhe word may be

Dnnresd syllabl ol lh v0.s eq,

a word' il oanizes ihes||lesof

viq definne aentual nfu.

lur thdl ter fleltinshipfiong thesll|esi wold
does nol e( without lh wordrcss huslhe wrd stss Der
' su.d onnuu eomes a
Phrse hen it div|d into unns ran'zed ord nress

Il' w.d ei]es eon l iden1il suessio oJ

. d.inn. aentll ttem oI a wo.d h fun.lon
twordn'ess is kn s ldentililory {l.oonnlve)' sl
d' | onnd1,,
ll ,|,,,d,d '.1d{e'|o|io
ncd etual p(ern of wlds'
r nml uno(dlng
I Wrd nles JLno is ple f dltrerntitinq te me.
thUs performing ns dti'lclive lLn.
ton. h. entul
oI words ol lll0 deglees f wrd
*l* d ll'etr
'alrns olositins' ,g' l.n _ ' pon'

3, he largen qiou of suh !ai6

.hnc l lhn etu| t
redulion ol the unstrssd !6{el g.

l w s mnifsls lhe

s||les s

vA vssilev
D!ntio), Ln r]0n




('m .trleme for


td l?9], F' inne l limr

ek wld a.nteme lLdressd
!'( dilferenilinq lhe noun lro lho
.e groos | words }'ilh ldenli.

b mcais offt'nq oft nres 15?).

l A smn qloup f wlds wherc lhe noln dillerenntd
tom''ve. olP snio of te enl0ll pneh I t

oPPosilions lentLl lyps of 9lds aleao oseryed s

nmint fir in {ord,om
l' lr-.l_ |,-]]
e.o,,Ignize_.organi ziio
.su*itut .subilulion
2 |J! -|_|!-!-| q teoigni2 te.o'gani ztio

.pred'os _'ple'disoitio

l].-| _ l]--]]
a |-!| |2-. r-]

e,g,'p|thz_ palth.zolion
olen !o)ei'zato

he is ls a g!up of .enlu
{old onito.s. e,g'
Dound nous reoposed to
epa tA
'dnin! qil




th samo dtintive fun.lion

osd in te RusJ, n dl{ercn.
tIes ords nd then oramft.r fms eg

' *ord


he wlds ri'e
dfiIent Ieial uts' thoy niffor]n.'.iinq
]td' 610 6e@i lels.nt dttflnt
wo.d UiId
P]d Lnn oth
]n9 nn jn kord lo.alin l sininlr o' sl.e$ 'ni.mni.d


s {LLas



ii iq|inl

n|se lan|y


ila {



s.s lA.'An'aL !. Il) Jhey

'e ethel om!0nds onsling.l t! semdnnalL imoint

]nkiJbolh olo'neic s]g0iJiai|

luLl.d lhe menLglul we


| .c|v01sc]l.dLe ef'o5 oI

l rnm]od djov
' IIt

: hdtd''



D.ud d)hvr w.|.ed'

lei1ul y! |)



lg|l |fu'n!'nv

tlr.!inl.$.d slllia !y

sllscd lh !{| li]i

$ej' lhesont l] we*en




g 'otltl,]dd

l.pen is Dl

seve leen Iorls ]venty?


sme tede.y 6 .sgd

lr\erul 'e ) <]' no

n is s|nned

Il te

a]d ob.


rat (o ]ndke 1t'e

lhen e|emen he tehel shou

h:! n|nt:.&,


e e somelmes oos'{ lo olhol
n lem..( eq, .tnl' n' '
b.lton l,.l}tr ]inq kb| sh-qr]. ha]]el d|l
In.lD'] v.5 hve tw eq\


]re reglIah ol1he enlu!

!oldjl|e hc nlss my
dorjvtiYcs welo wld forma
hon erformed b the qf'nmli|ns alon. ca. ..

R'l Avnesov olsde the vihty ]n the |eent ol

n]e Rusia wr.l {ress n lnd

sge'|l.itd syne

l noi'qi


d.ntud|stutrc o,ngl)sh
e ery (live b
'e I wrd
he 1y'l n1kes oI Russin IcanleG i0 Ihe shP.e
I: 1) wtrds nh the m .d
soiry nres6 ('funyd'i0n])] ?)
wilh lwo equa]
nrcses in onnton s.ceh (t! s|ons' '.(
t oqnn)| | wa\d\
s.d .]]5]. l oi.'e.0
|l. Lstiltry.t Iiq] aetn


5 of

oI te

lhe sndly nIess i

wl ae m.kd enel two
n.eses 1lo!d dltiven ' y oiPnre$ lonound
n' se!nIi.lttr ii l
ive' s it lls ecn ]Uirled
bv' one mol. lrrou of n'rd
qIu vhil' IIms etU] osill.ns l njliePt is of
.olnied y lh shIjtLnq
.Jnre e q' n,bllnl .O,]c 1v)' .lns'i i'r) td!1r],
le Io onnLIt ronolning

Afieronsideng th sdem l nglG]] smen|l phnees

the syljbi irutre nd lhe aentlal nrulure of nlh
w'ds we re 1o fols n (e (oi ol Dni!|l threii| d
Ialia] intelen ie' iD'ontio.
ille: n6l' 1o presenl n
Ee' simP]e yel dequa1e deliii
sri (he m'n n'(u] 1
Ihnd !o 8'eIhds for tn
le va oInotton and Iu1 !.xD|.rc lhc funiin I
mati] and Iei) aiqui1y
whih al sokon as a ont
!u9s in niflr.nt wiy,
iin] the lessr ilily io r

c|re{hhl whih


nh lhe rhythmr o!a6lzlion ol

be 0|.olg| dussed ]


tiU1cs lo lho omm(nialivo value ' lh0 l olsDo|1'

with ilonali is t me'l 'osmPtic' l ,,dolaIivo' el

nc o!tivol lnnnonn1' u' lht in lad n |idsn to

ni.livo Dlo$. Unlonultcly

nlIl tl'l1he nudy oIiit!n i

the nUd fsouds wi1 the .e

ilions h skill is

more dltri

!no0sn]s lll6n lo s.uDds'


aDi iio)n l oinn

.nli]n'n l.'niDds t|l l(|.l t tltc suod5


oL. ' rF !"1r1, | .1.'

filn produ.e,
..' .o'!...

.nelijns wrc r.o0

no god rs.n to osidel i! longside wilh the thr. I)losodi

ope oI
't' lldnessnd
''e, 'ntnti
there is ot|l6
term ,'lo(i'' ghih es
1e lhIee lsodj oonena ndsunnutes lhe lem ''in!
non' I1 isyidl Used i! linqU
dAtndlnq nd' onsequ.lly' it more dequalc, We
nlooty lhl ln
woU]d e ole sun] lI Urbook loo
( hs not een .ptd in te tehing
bo1. f!oatel
]Lke t Doin!



ut lht mv



sholIs ltdve


b ipt

'/e ]I D.l !r..]

r'ow denn'oi 0t nnona! d

n a wide. definilon tryi'lq ( .l.

l dl| l|! 1luee 'sod] ompo


We would like lo s4 vnh $e deslio f l.h n

,' n l ,o.' ls
"u"|s '1d.\", o.
ll is qune ]moss]le Io dsi. inlona1iol in a wId r lw'
somelies lhe us nd dwns of ih d l!dn.$ le m
,e s!ie of the . I
rd to lhe wvs ol lh o.e,
o! n ]n fto'nen esemirli.q
|e!5 nd dns.'dlo hufian vie' 1,17 D lE
nele *]de ag.eeme.I amolqsoviel llngt lht n e}
!Dn leveLint.nlin a onlx' whol,lormed siglh'
loudness nd lp Jl'e lh l'e ot
spe{h and Da1 dol .e|led' sme svlt ]ing!t iefounh omonn!.t jntontio As a
!rld seh !mr s
u 1o nw 1jmr.hs nt een sLtli.ielly nlv.nL
lj do!ns ]nEuis!llntion hv
been thoiuqh| des.i lr.uq seh !mr. dl'oi'cly coo

We wDkl

inlil ll'e 1em 'intonlon'' lh Dh lfiPleG nl {use qnI||y lI ltl

.5dr prmt
not sLla lo

6o, W- dP hm|y 'n0, Ad l,dl

l me!inq rised it is ].any'A]les




tundamentl lIqUen ollhe vibrlion f!ho

g ghih speh unii lns'

Fuher D sl]] it
l0r ]evr] whi.h 'e n].te sLn|e Ior (he ]ms ol leamq he
.l6 pres.G speial ie.en fl

oIel] hon.ti.s,



lhe devllnq oI yernali.s D the


of1eaLng n].h'nes t|'e noilne oIth

isl .I ln10nhn nud vill detjDi!1y qro*'

rNe reqoi0g

i.w t.nentten lhe lhree

ld16 pi.h loudnes d

i.[ 5yIlLe ol l sh hl
Lag some ol l slLbl5 ]r.!e slgDLlLn1
{nh lhe lemo olsh 0]oy

Drosdi. oln
temo nd.

n].v.s.l ie



etrd ilh Iounncss q.0]I


An Loln!on !ern o(Los.le nu.|us aid a oli

d|es Imtl .eedLng I J.I
lre oondles of itonl1i.n D!el
.nl0 ll]d1 1e'I]I] pLses
lnlonn l(! ser to lullze syn1aqms ]n ola
se.h' m e u{ll l.l.'ni''d
up ol ords hih sem
nl9ms il. |l!{j iD'oalio
alouD ,

lld syilaq'ns'
eg the snlene I lhmk he 1s o'nq so

In orl


I think,'

nd ''h js ommq son

6 normdLly alullzed s onr intntion qroU!.

the ]eql f 1lle



1iPs i'j ]'glnh

lhe mi ]noianl ntlel

od( t. n.d t. dishngxish in



Up'-|e nunb.r ot i'non!

g'oups deeds o n'.ln9lh

nli ]lo{a ormDhsqiven t v.iols ts ol it f,]

phDs on ll]6 bed'





,th od'' c'rcss.s 0n em-

to otheibeds.

he moanjDas I lh. nDleal los ile dillitrh lo seif in

,' a|| J,



summer Lwe,went ( t wiIh m ste'


' 11,16




dtement nrm|l ends wilh

lono sn].!] it $ens a {6l o' whih lo r'.kcr .ai]]'

wh.sJo? t]e-hltt!'e.1.
Whi.5 $e lnne?
.t'aIi?e n]h laqnge unns


shoLId e vIewd t.q.lel
t selte

th nd

(|le nuleus, r fol

of Di


e lhroc o' l|]m ]. (. dlin1


ljnq!it. signifian


wi te vlios f loudess lhe

n sine n den n.t olsible
|0dnoss in.leiinq the effrt ol.etu.

il of

k is i duss lhe nlom ol

nin1ion atr
q!j imponn.. ono t (he
ene tai the thPc d loms
n mtonlli.n !om' Forma|| 1l
tnqly stessed syllale wh

q000lly lhe ln l.nqly aented s||dbl l an ithon pt

tem nd whih mrks si9niliant.ange oI th dirtion, !hal
is w|re'e the p!h goes dishnll up ol dwn e nule tne
the m.n lmoint pn of the intnno &en witho!(
ll o the otholhand a lnlul

A rinq ioe of

D ]v.l ld l

l' oI lhe tr!t .wit h is skin( !l c'g

l th'kl ll go U

_.AIe o!


\* h" t.-i"q ,s".,?

sundiI ifmton ln itenent

a iten spoken wnh a nsing toD l mid leve|1o0e' boso
(h ilomhon mplle' elng dndet fl its fu undel
dg1etL nd

nding ! !h.maln asenio g,

su'e l li ou nw' _r



w n !g

oulqig or olil denils, mmds, inviitions' gi!

rege'dl| sken wnh nsig ln
Wh' sh]l l do now?


-Do go n


wih lhe nsig

n ssens sonelng and at the

sne time sljqqsts iI't ihee s
D oU lik p'mu? _\smP.(imes' lut nt in genoral


tlle .ginnina oi in th middlo of phlas. it is mo.e

f'.eful alle]ative lo tl' Inlg 1one eplessing lh 5senin or


.ught to talre .plent,

DoyL g.eewh hnn? 9Yes,

wat I do to neld mt6? YoU.ould lo|ogize
were lhe R of lh FaIl Re etnds to *lessd syLb|o
lol , '0,d ,l.A , ,|l. ! . .l ,] ,'(l L) ,6 ,ns "

yoll upils

1o f||ow te


You kw ih.t io nqLh lhe.e ftn |r evid.c

D L0ton!o.gloo! ou0dary' ut n udile u]nr IoDc
tnvemPnl rediiq' I suh

ol hed md osdr n to

ln l.
weight ol evidqle seems t forc lhc sed solut fo. .]

! ll


leel lone G

o lhe lv.I Ulr

ways moe IminoD!

. ,i".
ol oL|i,"

A|so te sy||a)e o whi n uG



' , '1,lJ1

lenglhnd nlnan

tll, nd lhere Ll nlythnl rek belween whl !'.

h lone erly

|ws U on th ln leil lem

in sptneoDs spe) elore phonoti

l lj] D.n nlbOn|]1e nrU.t!es

o!' 0l !r ltrdom' sl
ooqt]...isjo0aLv llodld


lh lone

lep..d by

hs ili.uIar

'oris1i I red]lq oe(r

l|d o o mes ]qnored


h flli. ftinq lon' s i a

iD pnh fol]owd ' Il the .u.lus lhe last sllbl. of
qru te l]Iand rise oth takeptae o nesyl.
dr nulear syllle' ot

wi|l mk n sir fr u nd

(oe ma e


heo e l}'o mor." nu|el 1oDs ]i ng

Re t.|l ad
Rne in R. But etdig .efiement (o se.'sh:
lh.y aY nol

sol!EL seol]L1.l.5 for thP l


lhe lon.s n is dval]le ot l

)] L's

e Ie]ed y j

jh f.rcLal


oIher L5UiLe

he loe

nu.Lrtrs dlnnl
w] ||d n]e iijl' ' you
n5 Iler l||lnq lne,le .n oI0le to
r|on t.n' is t |o ilh Afir i ftinq loe (he lest oi the
]wdl il.h dne.lion,I

jjl.Dil!'] tel
f.']}inq il

lh.1* theIs{hs l lhe jlluo

Ln .llcr0 a.e lhe heid ind 0]P pr'Jd
'h'h l.ln] !lla p.e
ner nd like th lail thy !rey
. |oked Upon s 1ii e|emen eq


plo nudrI n an 1ako

vai!n wn.]
pr.nUIeus does n1 usUa1|y 'Iet the
.!ano' lhough i ofte .nves
men'nls a$oi(ed wnh lInod or ne(i *les hle l.
lbe n grd!]] desends ll1P ln,reps ] to the nulus' l
whih lhe sy]lales lorm n as.ding se'
qu!e and a level 1e }ho ll lhe s]lls *i mol or Iess

varitins in ih lne uI

g09i.l eed'en lhIe jl

ppe. nd loe! |lmils,Irl rr.d

, - --'\

ne ih rge ofa who]r itation nit in fl lhe

val e1ee0 lhe llighenij1hed
Pilhlev m ehigh' medju] 6nd |ow'


mninq ol the 1fiinaI lolo 'd

ols ws nifen'ng


l nulel Diom

ges i menlng f: lhe ig ed(|

igh Re, thPt.ll.Rel,N( l ||l

As lhe a.'p]es sow, lh difflt lypos of p.e U]eUs do

ot tlet le gImmli|meaniq oIthesentene Lt they !
ove smethi']q o1lho lpkel s tilude
nel|izn'q we my s tll miaimll an intonlio !
syl|0bIe' whih llsD]e!s' !d in thiss|
l]e !hele is elodil ghde I a iliuIa sound' xim||y
n onsls f thlre lhff snen: the hed, lhe pr. hd d

l onrns ofone

{o norc pit.h

the nh


s nd Diih lvls

Darmete whih n nliderly modity

st6s nrutre r.I'ii.h ranq
t th woie inlontio !tlenl ol of eh of

of the nh nd

lhe m.e (e eiqh( ot lhe Dith o


Jl| oJ n]f,n

il( ll[nL'

sh is


lhrof t


omenl oI tr1n.lil[r ]re

UnLmnnl loUed t grelel sPcd

motherlhinks h!


l be mmon lolnoq

.y ,sjd


lhiks hijn tJo,' p.und t

noun.d very quLk|y 1o lnde lno lhi sedr mon.e

AD s1t. fsee. .n be s!li1 into srllel onjos L c

phses Lntnlion qroups ll Ines l Ls
o|ete nop ol llon1ion ..I


..,fr q.od

sn iuses '{hrh


.ntn puss md]]' !s

thill .. lh on']l oi

lani n]ill'


e UsPd t set lntlo



lll. .nd l


ve, Long pUses wh' Ie dpplml.] twiP s LUlg

s thc fut lye. Jre oled (o se.| l)h.e1i {ho]es
Ftr!ol||y, (he]e mi b. di5!
nossqPs, ]r.s4' ll.n

mhn Di(ss see lo make esi]] lolnie.1rdin

s!. rthera qoodnu..ll

does 5h |]ve? _ i]n
- whel
' ,, ^"], '. o , o


*" l 5m!d'

bundq ho nGt n'] (he ln Il: IJI

.jvale it.h hange, ejlhgl *e!hg dn or 9elg u. de
he thel
ncni.d;n ihe drc.tin ot u].r loe
.'.; . ,i. r ," "
, .r,oo . ;D ] ,,( 'J 1 .t.
rheIefiue;il dmn'nq ssrmnt| DlloDe. l.i.
(ions lvirio.s i 1e'o' sP'Gnn el ] wl'ih re'n'l. lh
onatln Un




loUd0ss .d lomo are lol hz.rd

vl.ihns, ne ules ! hnqe re hqh] olqized' N m(er
!'va]e th individ!l vIl1iois t tese !nodj ono-

r hoes ofi

ne ala thy led



1o eome formlized

|.o'odl. ,." o, 'o|.l


l slndIdi'cd, so


h)h ]m lhP

meninq thev qi! t; thPlleerno jmp]i.!n tlll se.kcl's

lrit' f;e|]iq 'hey see i nrhnial fulio. - rhev
r,lov,de m|d ilo wh
il."" ah'"
allrs Ieplsent 1h.
jnt;nrional min)urn of seeh a0d re very helIll fl eg'n.
lnguaae l.I|ng,

what th 0n suib]e way t represen.g 'il.hon Ln

ere arc vnety oI methds lor r{o.dioq i1oalo. at
trs in wnling d {0 n Loo

lcac.l vr|n]ns i'r


d.o!ld tlresele.e

eI ones, he Inst


F (5] ivIv6 diwmg

so{ n.h eig,

ihod the sy||.b|s ar wittn

t difielell hei.Jh .$ tl'e paq, he method piiulI]
lvuied b D'oliqer (47) foremp]e:
o|inge''s ok .f .eding hs ih oe. tit]e:

t vory.nvn'.nt

is melhd lhl lhere hs

Pen no qeer| alrreement
id Dle-n0|e!p{s nqlish i.lonalin sslm rqun6nl oldl
lon so the sinle{ lDJnen
rggn]zes ol two tons' Il1 nd lise _ s lo dlnl
q!sh, b!l n.l nlfiiot fo! lh.t)honoIoqial an|ysis woshuId
dn(|y g've Prcfere t m lo h!!h L.v.||cd Iole -le mn deliIon



h methd q0ilo s

lo! marking



o t "ol'jA


its !lil]n w

lo lhe 1hnd ,'|eve]s' melhd' n!D]bor of d

zed a'd the Utelane is md!d
a..ortl'D!|L, hi5 m.lhd 'as fvured so. A''.n |i.
gus s'.h s P]ke 171) Jnn otlleG who rgn'zed fou.lle
In' ]w, nnnl hig ndet hiqh' thm ll0'n
].i sjnc ]* lmq!ls wo hve doted lh Ienlod ve
fdvu.ed ]ow lO hLq n!nrenq


d d

wh'.h J D oonor nd G.Ir^0old




stss mrk L:


h Liin esnds


'1 he |ouih meihod is fvourcd b aost of lhe osn

phooohLs suh s D,Jones' R inodn. J D.o'nor d
GF,Alold' ,Illlid' D,rstI n'othe' s well s by s
hdv Y, ,P \l |v
roved it h neihod hs Umel o|' advantqe; Fii|'' nol
o stsd sl]bl6 are mare,
s*ondly, dtit ndi'i.alios of pilh in te !]a! svlLdole
r indrcted by spjl smols ie, y downgad nd;l up

i in t s simPl as it
r^ic P]Qve

n is leI


the ove lht lhis syn.n] d

enls finlDtion !! ilso b


I(e. olnt wl|| e te de

ft'tonl l!el'h lo|eft lal hs long goer wilh u5 e
.omcs morelessin!] hoy toapturein elig.uld use
n onlib0'e. tlw a lcnhe 0t wlkinq5p olts 9q'fiane? And' lill'

lon so ve

s|| nsfier tho unl(ive Iuto lh. 'n'

tunn.l ol i'nntio o l the jms ol ommuni! tne
ehJna. of inforni!n etwee peole he enlg of

Nlko|Pva ]es tc thlc

lunhs ol mtjation dP]imila1nlq
nd semnii.
'nloalalinq snto dd
ruilions l2al L se|ii sugqes lhesmno
nyl! nj1ions tl lmer e'g the lIy ann tho tw. ]1
l0I elg te scoidi. nlh!, i5]; N vhr..n]isn' sqles

J.vt5 oLniLv lr.n 1h. ram

0o. }nys *[]l n D.qluocd

oDl.!l f lctr Lnn

io e ]c n]

.q! llm lheoj{t 1hdtisg'v

i] o rnv.y .a.ilol|

s ds


le sntei: lLdnks fI he]ing nr ln

oe m.nii]q . n'ffPrcn e

tn!oi 0d lh0

i inlllel
5 o dift.enliale

(e meniq ol

50mnz'n!' we my say lht

)s Powflt|
tl.m dlis lhl t
s, It fo]]ows
det'i]loly nol $'| t div.rce lUnlion I Lntiation lim


Iat l

dhlive 1I Pn]o.)) doll0itli0a' x!le6jlvc, p1|,

1ive aonhli !nIe!]slin!] l6] othel sviet n.l freign phe


]edlnqs o



oI ll'c] ay b.


I mn'ni'in Il should be
nc Di 1d.|nIg and integl!g ln(i'lrn s[.uLn
h'nlos so'n! thc urose J

e dsl,i.Ds of jnlon!ion s
mr pe t ]]Uenin t. Lo
thefieldtsPtnneDt.lhooIotJ,De{rj ioisnjffelord9'
tlLe kDn]t tl.i]n!


bi. oni J Do..noolnd GF

hn Ii(oton t exres tesekPI's lt trnlo l l|l.sjllJ

Dd lhO h thes'A n]en'nqs not l ple'
these nl|r 3!n

lerlul unili

lie Dloi

tm lrh!.drc *Yg) d

d 1he sme ]ii| OIosition'
l.('al |!n!o ol'D!osato,
lle ol lariel oI ol| seh

ere no geral aqleemenl

the hednlqs of re Iun1ions I inlona1ion whih n be u]u5
tled lh diJleene $ lhe aprh to th 6U]t y sme

h l lDr seoteDe 1y0s'

el' qusl]on' m,!and and e.|amalion'


grmlidl' e 'gurs nc( lat there a utl or lnmalkod

tn hi and then e|i ]]othelhoios s m.ninqnn
o0tn 159) hls ifoe lak.s l

LghRe ntdi.lory

tl]ik JD,oor .d GAr.ld, ollid a!tri!!6


seprte lqnihne t thr Ie.nU|erhoies' qin tk'9 one

, d\ fd
D yn| I6e n pprh sd
. the vjev '''lhl ny
ninq.annl eived l see.
Inq lh. issDos s|ely in ei(her gIti| or lludin] lens
iqores the siqniJne oI re hed d hed hies nd
'Je only kilh lelal loes e sl'pns R Qunks view lht
1one U.iths fninq u|eus unIess lh'e somspjfi Ie'
,n Jhv,',)
lked as su the hj of
1ow or m'djinqo! |eveLlones 150)
halc re olhe sinllr lltlos whih ses one feture
] onmn: Jll Of 0ll p |itt]e tD'iD t dl h.]ogiI
si( of Ih levl ndpilh
e PIh we utline in l|] ok d feren( ql. on
1ule ol ||


m tld us





Fn ro,d!..

] lRus6n |ul holYlth{ lk lem,

In mrked sition' le nuloi y be on y woln in n
vn *o!ds like enl po
nuns' rpsitios nd !i]i'lies whih re not nrmall
stessed al all n ieiv nu.leal nre* fol spil onkdiwe
er tmolhPl

yi J,' osvlo'|.po,,
..ov ro..r.

yll l.lhel sl]d in sw!' 1No l e was \oln


n is signll.d the fn.

nes on t|le tld orn.'
someties there ma dou|e ntos' i lhe hrse'

n pululon in wrn'n'] nd
speh n mlevaria|e ln ilssu
i].g f lormrn ll wtlnq unlg up sph inlo jnl'



u1 lher. l. ases w oU m
ea'eI pdi f ll]e lronli.n qr
qrou LsU
l dIv 11e1io (o d arl'ol an l lhe
mo.h.ned ol Uder
ll io ont* it with somellq alredy'nlrnt
nod Ln lhe ontt
l loail sPn


qtrtt o.lI

nalon g'u d |l.d 1l'.



espd||y drws t edlcls te.ti.n, h

mked s the u.]etrs la||. n

ok o how it.nti.n l'.

'lnP i,l,|'oj
o' J l
h js loo nrutU.e 1he',inIrmlin n(cnl of n i(oti.

tho mrsq dd the ]nqth ol qfff'mtil

(|le seatel

sreld over groD ofwods

olt oI lhe osnle siions o'
nonnl . lnmIked. vi|e
ol mIkd effl ln le e.
l]] other
aive a

i'd,,o o'

ll e|h the nnaIien

]w. ould pk

e iha JnqLig oor imninl

wolds en1nq tld
(io louses n th nu.leus ol (hese mtoDa!jo units he n!C]

sc' ad "ewness' ot tnfrm

ld dlverq oI t{] ni.ian{s

'ees of D'll

lre ln lok] ns weould rk i h.l'

e m 1okius ]?e Uld ik

Drosodi prmete' we seo te desIili.n l in

t of the desriDtioi finterlio
es rr mIrm1lo bout t|le
the lellioshl etwen d lho dj5


!i lepllr


s']]il,]| d.l.nn!:d y Jd'.


Piful!' d'nns tafton

stss F.l


caL'ne' ]l

o! w

wlh does noloI]lL hvP

e lak.n i. ver road sese: il m in|''de sonelhLng thl

has tcan bn sld in whrh se tl' dt..edent m, e
!e l s.Ina!!nq ior sel
d i 'ay even ielel vel gueL, t
some aset of n'.rod kn.w
thouqht to e awar. ol. he inl
ln de t mlerpre( lesen1.n.
trm vel olAxr

.r.ase f the degrPe of ludness I lhe s]l]e, the s]ow]ng

now. f lh. tomp make senIen aent rDll
,4 *m hs 'lisscd h efi

lion l o] rhemel
these.kel snin.s


Ne Il
eiinq wh'.h th s'akf does
ou1alledy licl. i a,tP]e;

hedre kws ut ]rP.l

Wl djd 'Iohn s6y 10 yu?

l !' |nl t tme
ln e r.cspose
ws l]kins' ve n]IIm!n ii.
ed given lc redlng
v'onny '{hal lon ]m,





Noli.o !i lhe dei s to helh.r soe fmtin


ol no! hs lo emde t spelrl on the s oI

e Ihinks the add!.ssn ike lranled flom the Jtu'

the utlel8ne mke

s lis
rapldly i.d lo le de.
e unonsiolsly e lhe .ges intonalio0 gloups nd
slgns U.|erstesses ao!dingly' u1ln ny oniulr sltua.
lion' the speake/s asnlptions rUn the sk of bLnq w!on9]
h( he lkes to e etievble int.mlion n nt in fa1 e
retivle lIlhe ddesee In tis s thee is 'ekdown o'
wi|| !lbll seek ]nat:
{. nd . lesinq thetenniso!19

n reLves

sugqns iil
ee mlond .r Luded lo Lt th o ]. my bP elP'dPd

ifmln whih is jvn y the ntLn oule

For tt]lle few dilferent l)c6onl le e0.ted
h hs ome'

]w5 fnst, thl .

.-\fromtuationalontel thl wld

Iheo'l'c. on.ephasized

5 nle ajer l lcw,

l0d, l*od' 1l lhe l.lm1ion ol

. bus vnll inlo.m!o misJng' B ui'nq tll nuleLs

jdlion les0d wih leq0n Il n elnIio' whLh
t.l fi !o nnli|. ]f d !!l the o'iginl nU|eus oi ]a'.q,
te onvgl]o. otr]d hve l.
DIees oI lnformlol alo leL.'
olsentene iIess Ut t thP hoi.f1he nL|rI (one' 'e
1ed (! se faIhnq lon..l wide
l|ll cm'h!. iless (o q]vo an.

oqi!e sLsi.tLry oi

di.tabIo fr.m lho ontet oI stU(ion' the risnlq orlvel ul..

l le.ent ers some prmislnq

Ys, w(tqlelrljs

qvoun'e D*'me

inv|vq l.hiqes blwen

. nea.s ol glvig nd re
ve' i moro thn lh: n

eNnlq inlonnlin As ws *atrd

mmunl1ion etwoon ]l.p|
t0ds and enlins oftheseakInd ehci uses il io inauene
the aniudes nd .v1our ofth
tion makest 'the salt l Ulerne with0l na slement
l(en e ndect.d bo! lh l$qe t*eles |ouness' ln
t Uses ofit |ed l efiaassinq ambiq!iti6 155l
so n.lh! useI inl.lin in
feelios o cotion6 nd f,od.l
\ ,o "
th ta:mi(liq feeIings nd t il ( lrafiess emnon


plls .ord'ng lo

ililllul detdment

wi!h !alti!lr qlmmilia|

slrutjon Ay sentee m v

me}y ,\ llrs lnoi los

Dlc.din(! i''




Ng, ' of

usP'uL 1o s l

the c nt

theIoLL.ulg Lo hne d]dLoquo:

llcvi..a a


o lld

rmi t]lmans 1o verse. lt is

il tPd( hrse Iike, ]n no]aljon' wi'l lh0il.n

Dow.ft| auei' Iol thc

whave so fr ni]ned oul doslilion to the sign i. |

illion !'nhin ises;weno!'w]nl l. dn0ss ihn'nlion l

s,,n." | |nP m
t0 handlethe a' ii wi fUnt

now we sh]l be thnlk]Dq

|eds o
tons dwoe0 hla!$ *n|' onsid.nnq how one
'de 0!s on.
I lhe meaos lhal n'|fi|
oljo oI il0rlia h|hti

'hen a yo!no i'? tNo,ldeihd' reserd]

lvhe dld ounnh? \Now (ivo]!od)
when d'd u oe?
-Now' lNow?
1qrea(l noished)

..' .aili( ii olli.' lt

jtud lo the subjl mnller

s.n( a(enli.n


tolli0g, skin' ommndilr or e|'mlng'

und with seve'l d]{'r'Anr

os m.d]li.'iol5 an v.y l


0]e Iaiuq l!nil

Dhses l('cl']cl wnh]n nt le

wlr( thiqs e]onq lre los.Ly

As vilh *olds yhi.h mayna

neanlngs s }'ilh i(olio aters enunmdr(e etl
nani0q !ilh lqnl]va.iatins rl.l i1.I0 ng|h moninas|


,h ,'


otet for wnhoul onlext lhe

ul aq0m0l is ll]:
'nl 'ow.
dd laifig ft nLlure and tleani']g' II wr rem!e hrse
llom ilso(el wsUl ofi1hl liqht, h. ft tht we re

trq lo uidedaid tn b..sUled so'ne i]htn'ins



iei rn

nful!.. 0d !'0ni'jq lp in('

In the oseI se.s llMt 1 resonse elllti|nd

tulo lohn G n] lhe use,' Il
Dho0.n sequee'l,on'' i' ikon nl a dferent tex(' l

1he openlnq nd lh

ffiedi!. ons ihus itegratng

!h qodlooking
A lenlleman ws Dh sulled

veiji( Ile !ldn t

oUq |d g.old hjm s'og
she videntl rl'zed th1 sh hd md a m1a[c l.r she
.'o|oqlzed' d ex|ained: ''oh lm sory, when I ftn s.!'y!
I llu9ht u were the latheI o. l iw hi|den,,' sho wlod
e' sh di.n'' llize ol ouse
Iit lhi she a's a shg!l.ner
lhi he ws unaIe ol
nt d tbe
he p]1h lanae' ihe'llcdegle oI |oudoss ol
delioily slwer s o]palod

nlos. arc]ll

ll. n'[ Im fl|le fslons ''le s

whih lh sqlone'John



lhe ojt !s

hlase rn
two xm

one d lho same wrd seqool'e m roounod

nitfIe( mto.o bei0q Ielevnl lo dittclent te'

. D'd rJohn |lDe oU esteidy?



Nt ol 1e use oi aniulI piIh hanqs is an inponat

means ftyig inttin qroups oi hss lglher.
A.n dnd fliulal osilions o'..e seem lo be har
trti. of le hls. r of lhe text st!u.!!lo w ted io f
vour the twotemes flh. plase the egininqnd the end

d'l." Plo -l
mdy "
'teaen. ul tho are less Dlominet "'P
he .$o .ge.eiall .m. in Nolvel.
elo (e firs! stong a.!l is nw.and lhe



sme xmp]s oI h nnoiljon

ivLved nl

vd ) ,q ,l {,1'
rnh itoolq' whse nom
ed speh iltlon qrous' h



lgo1ii! 0d aUn!de wh'. n e

i.h' b]q l shonen.
]g loes nlrenr o[r lllc loudness .f lhe v]e
oUs otIjcl ws ol the olher
al] 1he tjDe shdes of

] ina of t] no
'l'e d]lle.ont
dpLiPd' an.{ lo kP
nd d9Iees l]oudess nl
lesomles the honen alysis
e|i ol 1hPjn suh l aLyss'i!h.s

ot so!nds ol d lgua!e wheleb hn1i.'os stahsh 1ho

ses, Ap|ien t i'nn.tin t n
|le dislilliv hlniin of inl.n
$nn of the sme vold soquon

Intonl ten lako lheil d

lonlioqro!P, ph'se nd tt leve'!s lhe phrss:

I't omes 1 ll ne kow

Il .a.y
{ |et De
t !on... l !w op|e re
rkn.w 'es
tn. {''o one
pled to me ul it is
oe ut ry is p{led
ry wh ilercns the spak{)
tilonlin q.oup5 re posed
lo lh ont ,1eJoyed it._,1\joed
th Dnh
le hlse dd'ng in'il''the sond
Dlion ld ,|. \oel.l n(
'o|u,19 6
ll i',o'|d'P!"rud'o,
h"/rl'n d.l De!

lhe dialogue segmn


l;o diretonl thigs' I wli(i']9 the diffele. n]y c

ma;kdv Dunl!l]on ]n '|sh t Inlkod y usig lw


(h hDDes1olive h the sutll , ' lhen Ie division vuld bo

fb lh;;e inIomljotr qus: ' ste l sho llves n' th


(erns of lh te *inu|u' and

tho resnse manits ditl.lent mnl.g,

An s{lion ol lheintnh pnefr'

of ils lhle


l| uni, hPs. uan' lo'm d (

l. el hese Doli.ol uls
hke hoetnes ons! ol Um of vfiis' h; lemma
tonemes for msin.e osist of a uer ol llllo, wnln
rc frutul on distin(iae, 'ilpl a|Iolon is rli!!!

he Dlr of lcminl 1es ln

olps we
lin qouDs' sodies lhe be. oI
lo |lr.

.hmf: Jn

th nu.lus' ut o in lhe re hoad ad




if lher

\No' \N' m oh' \no y,

Ll. mJ oef lno|og..o| ' ni 'ho r'm'nd| ,on.,
\' l' c h mP s,luon.c o| o.d, mo oP
d q


(in o! elnton

nounen wn ;i'IercnI


,hl oe l two
the othd Dd' if th rnina is
o |ives Ln lhe suth ' thr divin

l did,t soo lhe ddor I be

aus I ws ill l|d .ou|d


\'s ill lbul fr

hDs. in on n'ng the dlo.

qe(her wnh t|lP inrese oI l
,\P fmdn!!. (n.

]q ' l,

,P c {,,]y j,
mponanl to lhe meig lhal
othe'his l(|ydeends on to iet orsiutio in {hjb
lf. '.*'.^q 0" hidle56' om" n' 'd' JD'o',.
aloo lo bA J''od, In !' 1
Iish' as vu kw li|{on!.0 wolds regenrlly anted
,i|mmdIJo omJ wo.d. dle m'c L'Icl) (ocdn,.'
olh l'l. a'ol n. \P

une.t or .eDd if lhe moanjg lquirs it'

Le( Us onsidellh! sentene 1l was . unusull lin da ''
As le inninqof's ny lold on (he ldio lh ls three
wols wuld be Dlilln imp

en wnh rhe n0leus on 1he wrd ''dy,, ne fnn trce w'ds

n, helis!.el ',oUIdge( ret cear pitUre .
jl lhe fit volds wl nolherd os
lhe *r'ssetjna
n three werc herd leay,llte
ldst Ihrc wolds *hih form the sPmnti ente were ]on thore
wouli ovduall no jnlofidtin qinedtI|
ne sme seitees b sid in resose (o thg !trenion
-wht st I nd }'s iI?'In
ase the wold "dy' lhe re
'hbause (he qu.nineI lred
r' qou|d |s some fts frce
'' n, ,ho, ,' 1'91, o.
hnr In lhsnlla(jon lherelo.n] two imonant words- un
Id e s\f'iiet s ..mlle
sw.. lo thr q!n'on, he nuleus vi|| e lhe wrd ,}iny,'

da? the singla word unusul]il wuld rar tfie iol alt oI
thefft!n ou|d e' in th *n, mo imp;t n 4l


o(he nd seque0tl wuld e !h nU|eUs o' the in104

.amma1iaL wolds lnay e o impon;t

!h nenlng if
he wrd ,,ws'' 'fol inslae has
]esl u! it 1he seIen.s

th. osnln I lelnull klns

llds nd eolinl epressed
.A !diulll lnn b!l lh

no Ionqel wonh s!na, ln lhis

6 vlo !' lhe mition .ieYed lflnllr the

)po!n ol lhe dti!iio ln Ie.minl loes hnfiIi''9 the
e lhe Dpsition OI


lon5seel n]ffe..lia1ele.1u] meni[a.thesd1otr!c

II1\e hrse "l (lon.l wanl u lo readiD'lhino' has (|re
o^,] ]l1, .,' 1o|
n ," o "j }'h ,o l ;"' '.'
'ole \P"r ,n ...d".oro-..
1q "...,
Dod wnh the llinq rjsin lne

..,, .

rles F'en.h \tehl

]He oms




..; .,.-...

spkr he spekel nrun

quldy nrore ln(eell.d i!] tl]e

I leel'nq (h

,,Wh?,' lor !tD m l). pl'

l']re qDenln
ou..d wnh ihe lw.ll]'a I
l1 synrlheli' lPnd|' inlerested
he senlee 'Ys, s resose (o lhe
nimllDs Did u greE wih lljD?'ronounod wth lhe low
tone sounds leq.!, |' detaCcd einq Iound
flllnq{ing tone i1 ilies qUIe sp'l shde o1
oinl' soudlng onc.ned hl]t

All lhr lhr s.lins f lhe


lhen ,ls'wolld 0llre mo* n!ol

iell t simpl be Il ws ,

lnt .{oId t || nd deod. (e




l h re


] erng Prolli.Pd
llo,'sunds mor lind| lan whcn


.ilnl wrvet'






in 1he



,q, J''l''


Wc hve een nmd wth lhe rldtn,nshi etvr

t gmtial ptels nd Ieil opo't]on UsU|lv


t l.



Il he sa9

ldne wi1 le words d stru.

sonelhiq nie' h Iotnlion usual.

no'd''Aa,|'', A|| l,p"' o,..n'ol\ lo' '

l ' iatrei whrh nel
ten qlfilalil suuture nd a sp6al inleq





ol th. ! eutllzlg

*lmen( m.y souid queining itesed. In ih se ut
l dilflure I( om.nstes lhe
gmm1i| fiais.f ers9ng (h kfr d ol mening:
D o! kn. whl I'm ere foI? _.N 1qu6tnina)

otrl exi stion win boi.e]ed wilh lhthmi stululs

hl re ses whe! iloat

th |oIi&l.nte( ol l !ltern



plase' 6 no!rlizedy intalon

t.!n d nl almmtil

e( sid wnh a vely m(etf( inlonlin m' y ils ]dk

nyi iI one says sc'linq vr

l.clod as sos Il hpens vhe finoshds.I menig

diffol' sntrali.ns modif (he sr men]q lhey eless, e q:
q toio in ntmena hn]iry,
Lw Fa|| ld Li]qh FLl oth e
Jldl , , Ao'i'
. dd.s ,. Fo,, ,\ ,.-d
dela.hed *lemen' lgh 1] tgelhel w]th tii]ny my e

n1..lio w!h!t re'erene to

speh lhtI'd] sodi. o]poneG l]rith ludns len)
ld spe rhthm work ilerdeDdnuy' Rlll s.el1o e
onsidel n'ythn' 5.oe o. (h
D.yslaL forinan.e'v]ewsihthnnJ]n
ue fplosodi synems l50),
We wouLdlike



asoicof 1heonnit.

dLaring rhythm


{L o,




!l\ o, 1d 1 ".y i(
oseed tesLes


Jnsolseons'dsadniqh, lhe.hinqs.lthomol)las



thl is




1ype no! lund ]n

the ]ll no.l.r !'d t

loe od revcd d ], he ie

.es li.e.
m!h'i. va'ianl )hey rediffe'en!led rdlnq lo lhe lye
of the n!|eus th. nh dil!0 n le le ull d Don
lhel.ll lh. wtdlo$ nd lho |englh
5 nd tw oasjonl

he m'ni'i ifuIions m t
pressed th.m 6 trfred y
We mhi *l
lhe d'fferen
'hati'] nruturedUs,
Lntn!on lies th

lhe hysi.l.ay f IivLg eigs' is lh

q' Mn oI humn lvnies o
m'ng' IUn'ng, sn'q' ki1(inq

hIl c'iq

d Iea(h.


Rylh s ligU! .lion lcaIjzcd in le[l

l andplsodi mcais and most]y
leir ..mi'l1n5, Form.

l] lmlIc]iln' Inlensi6t

'n I wo'd reettio syn


it' nd the fr* hs nip.d m

Uds ndlhei.m lls loke m
rs.s l rl 1h eI' (o r''dP]'
ere the snl'ial !dE]]eLi5m
1he hrse nd is qlet'!,theed the reettin otthe
il1i devie kDwn as plysnd.lon'
I tis slin wo ha||t!lly d
ol ythm, seeh produiin is ilu]Ly 1o5ely onneted

wih lll les l lhinq. s

!oDod hslo]oi.l la'G

ed l]y .hthm (he m1e

ilenl .| d'trercnt pheion .l

.ldlv Li1y D*lld the lon ol codiity, I le
oI.1',lm d
ln1 iw (lloos syl||e1imed liko
Fre spainh nd other Rome nqualos nd stes lmed
lnqlges su.h s nni |quqes glh d G.nnin' s

!'vn nole rom'n.. y l|]. s

os]jj ln wrds d.e letl Y.y wek lt fien lIlted in
(he se||inq no.n ]n t. odv!n| nLe, e,g,

In speeh' the Ii)e

quc di'ide lnquges

sleeh rhthm

l f (ime lo cah s|l|e whel

l iIesr'med ]q!P' ol

' nit

1hn sll| hoDg

qjv.n on h sllle ves .onsn|
hthmi. Uij1 6 0l1L.]]l un.
nRssed syl|anj oJ n]ytmi. !3n
Pk5 1

ole ]not






nme wnhi the

he regul(y rolid.d b te

t1 5Pceh rhylljn' s lhe

.l{]Lle lDeneon vn'l ledu.lii id lnion . wIds

nr * rcsitN' .ni1d

roolis i.r DnjlIy lD*rsed

d intensiti.tion ot lenqlh ind

oP wi('n d se{h eenl
Il has |oog een el'eved t.t the n lythmi uni( i
Ihthmr.JIol' sD)] seglenl whihontis *resed sl,
la|e 9jlh preedrq orlnd loolrng unress.d a!
thed t i nl.*cd s]]le is lhe prsodr n!Leus l the
iiessed sl|ls lrd!, 0'

0j5e fo]lowlnq 1he nuLeus re

alld enlilis ] l'9mg
lRe the Iesd .nos lhelo
es lend t o dlwn 1owai(ls 1he

stolsed sllle of nle sam wo

onld wn|l oo'or wods e'g,

| of oloLredeop|

NIo nem l ,ne te]aqest] Ln

etwee (e *esed ones tlld lojnl1ll pIediq Iesed s|'

l]r It le s aned enhh iendeny hen lh. above m.
ond is. wi|| be divled mlo rh(hmrl qIDs s l]]ows,



n]l nd slky effl f nglLsh .hl] Rus

re aiibl.,l'qLid nd smo(h' As
lquaae 6 n aill.|

ot monslLic lorm wos whih re 'mLl ust.ssod i

Neqr I|n] |ban' 0le ||rgr1|ol of]lured eole'

]t sems lht Ihe endni lnd.ny m! lypil | lhnq
]h lguq lhugh i the seeh aw i E somelimes diiliuR
i qlou|]s' so th divion i.lo
Ihlhni q!s no easy mller' he rihm'ui Iek is f.

l] lrDon.y is moi!!

ly'il loJ i'tfmal spe{h wlllos lh.

. n'orc rqnr7cd theseh

the mIe lhylhmial it p

teme eimle ol tI' sel.d
L.l or d.|ivg.ed t|le.n f l{Ilre more rhthmr (hn
qnl.quLrseh, on the otherhand lhyth'n . idividua|
aul sekot m soud n
nd lefinn'q lhe nLture ol h

l()wIvI, i is tatr l menlio le lht lllril Dl se{

hLn .l .il'2.n i[ lc eal r.oLs lorm Abslutol
le1 ( 1o, It es lht
the 0leruk .lwoe $e nIessed syl]iLs le it hsiaL|

onen e
s lrqel

msnq.r mistnnon,
. .oluaI

n 16?l Wlreevshi lhylhi grous remlxd wn |oDq

s lh differe'ies y ens oI
hnges in h |t..l nehver Any nunbol f uon.esed syll'
th 5tessd nes re ltrl] .l
presed l ||ow 0je et nrse.|sylla|e Io me n (he Il
s lo equlize l|l ups hg per
.c'ves In .1I'rl words lhe lenqlh ol1he n]tals erjved by
hnqlng Dtrtnr !f unnesed
he rylhnr gloJs, eq'

sc0. nthIna
ltlo selis o' rnugh hic i'lh lh.
'nle in
e.r Lsl
olnel t lve l lho ei' wh]h
i)e (|,edkerishes convey ll' .,-.4.
j-edIels .I nq]h shol|d b. rPommended i cat te
Ihythm whlIe Ieding s..lenes oIthiski']d
le nsl ftquel tp' lhythmlqro!D inlUdes 2.,1syL
oth.ts u.stessed ln honcli ]ner
ture n'e l]id qrei viety oflerms dliiing lhe si lhylmi

sed sllblc wilh orwnhoul uo

snssd syl|blos athed t iti a use grup
- gIoL ol
words Delween tw Usesi o. breath q.oD
whih be
lercd w'1hin sinq] blet As ou hav plobly
nlied, re
n(eli l.l tho denniln t these UniGr0l]frited physiloqi

Fe 67' 57 2) imp|is Inle lhan 0 stessd qroup ol

Iethoup I,vzllounv 1l3| termsi,tytistu.ture''.


le prs' like,'| .,t do it,'oI

on word] ,,Ufoinnt.|y.'.'' I evn e{ll|e ord:
1" lol d m,n,
mal n]lh'n' un whe t! oes
sy||bi ords he|s to sulc
pan.d].it l dynli eks in
,wvei' Ir rhtm
endiit 1oevey epre*ivo {72l
Nog we mlst dn lhl the (rditi.n| Lnderstnd'g of
.|ithm s a rqularit of ruene l stessd syl]|6 was
slffiiel notrqh uli|lhe min j! ollinquli investiq'ions


!irin.llhspken texl as |inquislic0nil


ontibuted Iot

o]e.l l nlsl'. atlen!io' In lh les.t dy ]i0quisli.s


ion olliol synlli ind Dro
sod' eins Pl.lod les sifr]|anly and hron l jp.(h
.!.mods In ew l w hdju
] nruI|t dnntll'lt lI'spor. ol.hll! |uitil'i! G t!

mj.!nn]s' loiln'n qrups rss d ssges le

enn]fl. t.1( seqm.nG m.k.s
l]]eDr .]yll'! uDas, lle rhthm
ll alu|



o. (e vi ul

n, nelarIcd p.os.di ll
emed y os Akhm.! ,'f..
lvc nj rhtImnalLt' omln(ions ( te drke*
in h hd'nenll wo.k s.l

..ittrDnr G tl]e6rch oI rh(hml| nnns of diffPri1 |ev.'

h lel unil is iple l f0|h|n! 1h. l|]lhm' l!llion n
dh frenloniq that the ntio f plsod' ri1 s vcr
nls vly dt on| in d'fl'el


mo',4k 10 . )'h n."|.v,

'|.' loadn]
oel.y ] yolI w

lhl y.u aD olten enjoy a em w{oul lu]] ude

l 10 pY more

(o the



Il n one rhing to ga] |e
lhcl l0 e |e lo sy wh u hked


No ti]edy


s hld l. d'n'e ox
.wevel l.
male. of
oe'n 6 .ot nesslily lhe mo* imortl thiig
aout i' An
il ftom los, e mn omm.l (ys ot
oet ll: des.ripnve. ltive' liv, 1he ld. d llle
sonnl' e ility d'stinquh elwee lhem hlps to unde.
slln,ho.e redily ht oel's inlilios arc o demlsl:
lno les oI ve6e we hve.hsn the |k.of oet' lh
llta1e lhe ilist devies di$ussed furthel
Desilv. dle pems whih de

l gone bk 1o lhedys
a.hjld n nole

nd nPjr thc |d


1h th( dljnguishes


lls wcD! ns fill

N ive


|)J..l l, ,n]n')

tell dor' ne tend to el.g


re pes whih

o! lhn olhe! tyes { oetry

ogi'o tho pefs inl..l]o..

h A.let nnl
te whle foam fleu
lle luow lLlowed ftee;
we wele lhe fii* thal evrr Uct

Down dlol l|]er.ez' thesik dropt d!'n

And we djd sk nl lo lek

enreeollhesl, 1s ,/dge]
she dwelt.amonq th Utodden


a|. ldde. m the ee'

s nr wen on]y one
le5k' 1' lo..?.nh)



nted,.rl 01her lis rm|ien,

onmes on

fr;m whih e

DcD into lh'darkness Deeng, I iood

thre ondn leanig
Dolling' dmnlg drefls n nnal
gve o lokon
And thnl urd lhele spoken

|l]sl whGperon nd an ho murn]uredk

the vo.d
ee| lhisi and nlhinq mo.e. ' |dq

y lhe rri we usully men a shoi poem lik a sg


od l leeliq

odin in vO lhy1h.l. he

usi' whn soft vois die

the efror'
s'oet violets sike'
Live wthin the sese the qu'ke.,
Rose lewes vhel the rose ded'
Aro heed f the elvd s ed]
Ad s thy though
Love itsell s'll sluet o, (P sn,?y)

A snnet is

poen ol
linos whih foliws a ery
tend to difi]!|tblse qret
dellmeaiillq is often oveyed i few lins

o l Gr'hopDr


J oel uses wrds' u( lhLs

hId ad d |es; ever en
tjes ol is own as
uld m



tired oul wnh lU

o lone wnlet.vninq when


lnLque nd


sil quali

n !o ll oety he re stu.
h| the od l nnlil


d in lhelyss of
(he po'
devies that follows lhe ex'np|.s l'ave een dEwn iIm
lhetes ol t.y qiven bov.
sha|| nn'l|| nai1 wnh t
9 nl. he]p the imIesio. .l ,t'h dd

ne etr l rnh never dad

lvhen ]] lh bnds ar fil wnh e h( sun'
And hide in .oog tees voie wi|l 'n
ro l'.nge !. h.dae Ut the n
( 1he gGsshope/s

w(|l hlsno]iqhl']ll whn

.| lh. nl(h ln Iine is sLred

y I. siinilr lu]er ofsDles' ten temo] smj|lny ne
ion nd ilnnty m'mLm t the
qnnl]ng, le nd inteDsiry mlnimlm l lh. nd 0d nj flod]
ause el. kP te |e ne lhtm[ L
e grcleffl
Dtdu.d.n uj
y eti filtn is nt rea1ed the prosdy lne' he de,

l. nn d fensi monq lhe

l l'ne edings. on sk]|fuI rhyminq somrlimes rcsented y
]ile|rne wtrh lw thm


1'ri|r.s so0q



In vee rhe sinj|!ty

l!!... oInresed

dd Unresd sylldles
]Lne st]l.
d syl]]s ij''Dreti veili.(io
|ll Us to regard sli|e
.ret' !. h.n gin oms rylhnigrup' nnoiation

uits i oelry nqlh vGe l fia'ked y a desondmq bow

dentlliud less olqani'atio h

wP veI 1henrsi thl ever btlst

ls ol."q.' e Aniel :ioa'
dq' .e lso uses itern] Ihyninq ln the poe .he
Raven'' m ver hl nd lhnd lie ofeh slnz:p..nq /rU.
Dn nar?]I a.!\

A'3on!e .!ls vn

rhyms lte emlyed de|ielie]y lo avid lhojinglino sound

l lo instit lhe pa(m

wn o' w,wordsonh ln..Lu'; .youth'' is rhymd

wth 'toof'y ,ront. 'n4 d

I. th wy lhr hes do iol

nd th |]ts nos elsiIy

pm .he Rav.n'' by

(s o].'dq Aiel ]\en

llod b


3 !nve6ion'

4. suni! 3noli6m (imil1in f lhe sun& ol aina]s)

mkes lhe desnplio v.ry vivld An xmje ofsUnd symo]


lghtly gs then.n]q ow]


l0 wllo



(eals on
and ike')
uiusuaIwld oldersi|ly ose 1o e


drcpl 0lo rPze lhe s s dll dwn

ls .J{,n/qe. h.AiDt l{

9ondenng. leg'
Dublnq' d.amLng
drams nomnl eve|
drd l drmb.lor. 1-'c hRvenl
d'o0nd suqqens th Bonolony nd




oDn hleI,]!nq lh shuilel d wilh

my in and au(er',


'ds of e.h nnza


rhylhmilny' . .
Perhe.l love m .himbl n.
Perced npn un ofPls' ('
he Rven)

tl'! ln'es n'n qu

dd |. l'el.
'n[ a' hiq|' sp..d
dgivthe iresslon l s] tavll'ng imrc$ion

to IuIf]|

ReDo'jn. Poels ollen rcOal siiqLe |ines or wds t m

ide Relni.n to e fund

musi] effts o. when a
'n ltn us t
l sm.(ing e,g'

Ad all iheodsdidshdk;
wter' wIeI vryvhre
Nor n dlo t dn* {s o]e"g' he A.inl arinI]

e Ravell

q wih t|'c 90 ijuDd'o

Adl ll'e\h.'e.d

mry nole '.

slfud0rai or sFldil 3lli6l

the vhoIe oe has een uiL( thus h.linq lhe lhth



]o} l)is


Ad m']k.mes hz.i r|'

w|'D Lood nr'd, d s e n]!l
lW' sl?' nie.]
s0ninti iIli dvies i'nDi hLq i(i d aeihe!
vdlue 1o wIk.l n
hi.h .n e r(.izd y
"|jl,'a'n i' .lle jo{ n.ikLng exm]e
.fsjn!le G,oud m the
Dy fl.l dy' da afterda'
WenLk nr relh nl m.lio]

lo imgejui how *'ll




ln lhe poem ,L!. W'wordswn d 1sy th( the qla

ljaLf h'dde from the ee


ad l''rury"d]e(aphoiall:


e uses the wlds ,,'olr'





{tr,r.i. hoi]d Upn lhe nls]

n ho

mlmurcd ak


aiqed y p.sody as wei|s l

shlld oner. Dro' we would lik. l
oul lurlhr
nn wjlh a Iair'rnl
]e *hih k n
e belween elr d prose s il
fmols lo is ovious rhythfri.a|n and Doeti eul, eg,
one uon tlme very |onq (ime ago' thele livod 'n
lolhs, vory spl wrlIe in
ltm .iLi
.ols' G' Dd p 1he merls New l1hos]
enl ftm lheI sn l

|'c rodn'q l l'rn|e ro.

lhe hnel' |ll0 fus.t r
qlz!on oI lr1]e Ptcs tlle efte1oj.o0hn shLtr nn



hrcler o' h!o '].c n'on n'nlinl ters ofe!l'on

en.tions l !o5 q,
Dee jnlo ortdarknes peerinq ]onqInood lhere
wondennq f.inq'
Dourinq' arcjq drems no mial ev.dlod
1odrm efIe l! .e. eRaven)
nanimlo l de qlv
rhunn fe.|jngs ' hns e.g

rose is dd; ,s'( voies diei

ise]f shlll s]uer n l,sn,Py


nrlodi!snes' meisled neps ol

he oelry .n|] il ievr ded '

hJt is tlisnPpe/s_he lkes lhe led

J' lnlsifilio.


rcotd y !h surp|'nq Unity

phoeli mes. sulmziq w

sl is not dil' bu! implied nd

(he .sh.})el d

we do iol aifl alana|ysinq

mted one s,oledge enles

wld ,,Lenolo''l
lEPoe, he Rven)


1?0) Intn1io qrou5 re ]dkP.l by 5i!n!|

l!(y oftcn tacd



h.Iiiy le iol!.




]vel''he Ieve] seglnenl ofnulPl toios adds to lhe e,fl ol



i ,,

hel (ht 1he l.djng .l le

flnng I a ffyr]e not Ute|y monolnls Alonqside wih
nle .ve. Daslld ow oI fir
wih he|J) l. iele vi!'d
dgos of
Gl.hl.le nd
igh/Low pil[ lev| s 'edm'
hIle {uqe Deor
nan1m ds.riiq the siz. o| a
]il,e Detr)]
tDo stglhes
'iiry1le the elll ol lst or dw



t}PI d!o.s, sllshes


o nLh

uorrs ol

DelLe0tety nilt r|]v'n] solvcs r i]rns oI

d(!iued istssPd s||a|

lPsd.h;d r i(, l'c l!lar r{




nn Dit. lldIa.lerislis I n !q,

sesmel1 is .hartezed y the level

tr] 1hetr n]I0]]L

Lh lL.nlr lhe


'.1')r 'le
"d |1 (Fe '., ,,
'P6 sylLahI. d!ranons' ln Russln re]!vely oqUaI sy]|ale d'
r!O t'l of l.iry ll.Ihllu Ihe Jou.wllq lbl.L.nI



ofulL;' aml vLs rhenmilt tlhe fo|l{ing tetes lhP

lo mdlli!; or rhe i0q olthe inln gI!P Io!J!css
lmul' 1he lngthenlng ol the fiIn lhythn[ alu

of lh ldst
bv lhe loe and lud!s
a !h.]t
in it y the.a|linq

l_2s*onds e

end oftheitonhn glou

he sim !t oI ttl !lsodj olqniz&non of th.

Ldou&d| tIE phas A phlse often inids eilhr

lio group or .ven with lhe hnossqe l'
uh n



thP suonjnlr
A ,Atil]ov nnds lemalkble regll
ol )!!lq phlses sntlit uni
mGtions dnd oth.l ostulons l. jtrn erl.d No k'rd

lhi the nn| in1ool]n qrou of llle rev'us

ne, sulj pcliodtri1 re(es sod oldkqould qann vn
hlqhel lve]

D|e (o s lhthni.a]lt lhe nqlis lair'lIe .omes D i

Pdlent m3terial fI lehing p.atie, A hh| fiyprosnve red'ng nd sekiq lrereadiqf. firyra|e shoul
i s loi nd mDoilioD os
well s ]eial nd nfutull mens o. epresiveness in n, In
the proes l kork'ng l fairy-tle tx' lh lleeI's tetion
i etr{t olftythm in il
es l plosai tel' we hv
kead meo!oned rheol]ttUnils whi[ form (hehjll|ly of

h.tenis hih ake them rhyti u.iIs. As . hve l.

read said lhas rhylhmiDit .lhIhmrqru It .ha

hP |i\n |es L5l ol nq|nd od WL.s Iso1r.l Lte,

.hiny t e lund ll]. Wed

55q Iked l1'e lg

q me]ody nbLI tri tlf jinl
mim0m it lhe io0]ng dd

loe m'ninLm t !h.nd of1he phoo$. h psdi p.

rnete a!0 r!||y lh sm. in ver lhthmi lin bu(
n lrqr sale ad ]n d new
us in pi.sen intonlio aloP' d
nrale d honopassqe srem lo have similr plsodr or

I] the eginn]nq of rhythmi uni( hIalnz

by tne

enl l.ngth' lhe tn nd itensjly miniUm' s|inq oflhe El

o geel|| s|ping desnding termil llesi
)le mon mon re.nU|oar ptel ol ihlhfii u |s
Usu (hiqh lediul Level ead,
heprsodi m'ke ol lhytml lnns d'If.I in umer he
U] ol the rosod[ fe'ules!9]

Donl mlk.d


ieloral smnrny, he follwinq extt

'' of 'ddv |
'oles nd

lhved lhere' | el on tkmg' | d lhe

s Iws fq3v aI| >dv I w
lnkina,ieet ald r.ninq
lrliIina silks
\|ftys and

A'I n,,hlhq' 'A|,"-,.cd',,1o,'|'|.rIll

nd lhe 'qLod \Ioofs. | .rthe of the dvs .,l hose' nd
rm,rider.d lsrmhers I and .ot]p
ldu|et ] o.
d to(hs I lJ..Oe . Jeroe hle en in al)
hc d.!.o, o' oi.y|e d'f,"Fnl,lilq fu ' |'ol. of |\!lF,'
d'n' ln,ngpi' s'ill,ttcui..d'ldt.h"'Pd'esmoo!.
us ditrrenes etv! lh rhthmi ltems ofvnous len
.L'dion! Pv.m o.' t..n d,
s', d d' A.dF;d U
|oaue wl|v.r q.RUy
|h| of lnt! ovelson
ll (\oJ| b. dIso lfd
lh.'c dF
|d whl I d',
'hJol d h.d\., moy
o!fu| '1. polcnIk| '
soal"' mdv Dd.-e


sontneous dl|ogi inIn| (|js.o!rse .evea n.h vane

ly ol Ihyihm orqlznn nd lh. hnqe f rhtI ii.lns
h he
s|e legulril
oseed o. the |evel ' nlthmi ld int(io qlouDs he
nd o b" !o, , . l,.,i, o ," k,
spotneus speeh e|ains the most ommo lse .I |!l
heds of |l lnges' bp( lem|tones ol 'h dir.ons'
fallinq lrmi!l toe seens to e tho min llor fIhthmi.]it
in semh Loqer in1onalion gr.!s dla d qlel
vaety of
ttems in|udLnq ll kinds of heds d
tmil tones, e )jie l1he
atem b! tl'e D
lc|Jtion' (
tiiats ol 0l nvelion
e.ll olhor lhesu]et mte.1hey alo dusiq, the emtnl
nl.I the ilopn nn o'|r.r sitl(io| ltoE, As iei'll
mfom] nveGlion solds vry li!l nd lks
Iq0]za1n of sontneols n]toldr d'd

wJ. 'rel!l' Jk!1| er s \god ovrlhr

Lod, I've lsccn n, dol |.Do t'wrr' I

..D.'ihnthll|o'I t-slo}'ldoalj1l|.
[.d wPre qonrq 'lery nowlv s only.Irty m'lcs
' ''!
I,trd{ld I.senl\riqht whlorr? | ,


lh expIinen(a] ln!.stigliDs ir'ed Lt in reenl

selhs give glound l o*U|

ol!niztion of pro5i nd elic.hyth:

oJ ol|"n h rhe {oils

had' (he falljg ulr tone ore o'tn gen|ly sloig] there
iIe leden.y lwalds a ntone'
2. In v06e lhe stlessed subl
3,I veGe th Iemo mprtively slwer tn in tos.
4' ln velse lh thylhmi Unts expl te lhytni grou
tend l e mor 'ou! (hn in p!se. e lhli o!!
l.snt ! exePtio i tis lde l vee,

we havilc'I!{l


l.,ily l

.nxjls .inq lLlen'..hiJl'

o sum i !P
Lilcd lnquqe ssiem ts el

r t pDl n i Inoe geerl !s th
ss!t. Dnses w.]l orqnized lemlG ol ditrelent sizes

iiblii q!.



1l l'ne

Rh1hm scl vs l Unte e|em

l kh.|. trd t 0] se
1o5 1c


nirtdi nit l

sale i]ult ol lme belwePn

qivn senl.d'
t.n.i 0!s Io]e luod L o
eh lel like rl|I drun
e nunei7 has lwo syll
d'thsond unnlossed d (h
mens thl the lu syILal.s ha
ofnme s lhe othel sin| syl]al.s he sequee l 2 3 4 5. ,
7' 3' 9 10 hs eleven sllales u! nl len lhlhmi.a| eats,
oespond'ng lo 1e trn i'essed sy1lales
.!n1Lq js nnln lorm f lthmileeme Pe.hs
n's vs n ounln'q qs'

io'lekh dl of.wdtr l|
.J. l.ll dow0


And.Jillme lomlioatf!(

nes he ext sle wi|l

ldir ' nessed s|]les
Ilike loqbd ii 0
Jike to gd ! on ihe\ill
I ri|le ldon,lhDq\e||' I
'lld b d nthi i\Jl ll

nr. nDpoin1 0le elo!n| e|


n]'r ..!trFn J\ o' ol orlP.hvg n'Oll

liunLeffPd on



]sleer eq

t, s n]ilP.os.di er.c
nd 'k
snr!.a| m..ns Dy 0x]

n Rh'oro]



to e

folid i


nreses' lere

Illty rhlm nd

is n xmple,

h.e LP

is' s h.l.n]

nd th. |ii]rnl [lhl ro

own l


] t foregoing.xfi)p|cs ttlere

ft$t o the humn eig

e ln him.'y wnh is ilqi]

vc]LLe nf

Ihylhm l

s esl p.elved Fim t


trl Ot!JLlsh

le nrossd s'lli.s l||w e

It is



ss sub|cs bolwc eh pn


l\N 9a[

who'smiled s shi rode o tnqe']

]ley r itumed from th Jide I
Wilh lhe ld in'side I
And a.snlreon t Yae o' lhettiqer |I
fnl es lo kp lhe regu|r dm e1fstesses gthere rc lhe sm nl'brol unnlssd sy|]abLes b

ihm. ]( i5 n |i(lle more d
d felont numer ol ilssd sllablos bet*.n ans, I


ond dn the iu(h hve ole Unntessed slla]e .twcen .ah

1 .eny in th mrig Ite .st
ws leDhful, l| he:sul l's \sining. l ihe




fs|iesd ns sone1nnes one

dd t so lh' lho bsoLute regu]nt nlssq
drum el is befolea^d 1hG
eat mui e ke( g]nq||'hlouq thelies,

mJ i lol

h 6n tre6d



,4 he ;hi|d.en al in ihe
, -s Ie thetr alec




ol ttle mam a'fieli.s

U.ler ol mteruenjq !nrA*ed

l're ld
m .qinq lo.low .now' ||
I'm 'iPen'L ttm You,re lnqhl. ]
D :lnst tei]n yoL le lngt ||
.qu{e tenm
I m
'lre triqh(

n l e then \olh
t. rYes, I I -like rhem \(oo. l

, I'd .Ialhft see lhem than lny.!e, ]

ill alful
glous does nol oinide i(h the otDti| snse grups. c

(ypi.l mlake in Dr
hL t l hon ne
somethia ]il{a]'
l nd1e|| l h l '!hoe me,'
he teniion of advn.ed stld
leien (he slle
'u]t f lalg lhlhmi !ns' suh 3s into
the Ihthmi olqiniziion
nlo qLsl hras6i suiaphrsl lols' he eginning oi
nlvihml Ln shu]d bo sd ioher'|vl ludel nd slow.
(ih* ih" *d ir; a -* -d lh;renfl tne at te end l
l( to 1hen lhy1hial'ly
!ll.lthm' groupnriule
AIly! hvered aoul i'l1ol'n 1n lIlishter nt|]ing
ul muh needed I.ln.*lk fo
liUIarsoil silu(ions, welegiq now lo rlie y.ul kowl.
edge o{jtontio d'sinq

ihe hlse: ,l nd I tall

I.!9nq rhthm Fl.mle:

- we'he. nglnd an -hnq. 'very lqu'kl
'n I l ,eni ior 'w|k
dy ,Lst ve.k
l tountry



unstessed sylLLes jn lwen lhe stessed ones LsUlIy 1end t

eredesil.d to e| do Ihis
n ',nydn] i| me rhe \.e? ||
D*:dne l.nw lho t(ime? li
Does ' koy !m! ||


rD.'!ong b lowi f

aid thele wele

luds t l|l, |||

re dlould be lken to lve lh.IIm Rrds l*e @' !s e
l unlessed when neessI As lhse
wolds qeneral| o0I ln Lniressed positlon lhe weak ,oim
morc mn lh the nrong form I( is olqr! inpne lol
s of thes oJds in unn.essad
Dsitions' Ir wlll ImIove lhirs
tem t aauir lhe hrte.islj nlthm lsken nglh Un
ii|gs' o|']uons
le$ the use
'rdl 'o!Ds reositins
P.'vP 'on { '',o,.
"d v,,f |{e'
q |o I' q
L'sh l|ly shou|d try to nolje lhe weak forms, nd when sak.
jng 0]mselves loopy the nq

tlue ]

tdge \d
i/ t th.s.!..
,alnq tetrl6 filejqh(


h vEw ofnrescPJ it is 0]. vciiJle medls




hse n]!l] l'ked md

s ol the nyL fdDrjg

in se.h lehty now




d;ts' {h[h

'om" oj 116,' JP-.dl qd)\ 1w,'h l]A,j ron,jnd tyl6,

wele desned in lho (elok'1 o*a dru.


Jlnldinl lemnid Drdl .d vo

ionl 1deside'tve]


wh'h ms

tion d.lelLes lhe lPes ol

,i ' l

ern'nq sil.s ill oge

lJr D]lt'l n].des.i.n lter 1hn (h0 Jnsis Ie

dys th( th rob]es of!h


6 mas]]' nllLblted y t]]e Dnjnl'

he |nvt oflhe


o ,^ '.inl.F|,]
llo16.o dl 1, d,
wh'b 6 used in sodrsph.r ind sedos definire.nn ofLOul
mun'tio" l23' !. 2l6)
nle deremed rimly
. he hoie of n mbmi'la|n and
the v a un.l o.olher

ofonluni.nlon l

o0alio ttes r.uLiongl endl

give elid olln.e m3 s !ei'ed
n .hvlour for lhese pJ]'i.\n.

Pretv;os deii!m i..m

(he], |1!}lould e ole!on+I] ]L1

oldl!: }n l.s t L,orm

s.s 1l' cDr.iionl 3d

r1,,on"d ,n .,ql" o

used lo.: ldl tr]k{G.l]l LI

polpos.s ll vli!.]] Dd


he nLnn1ive

of seke]s

2 .drmi (soennl],


ulijsli (orlna

4 Dmay (Ant'
)' onvelionl 1Ffi ln
' n ' ho tr ojo c . ,ld, d' ,o ,ho 1',Do'h
..d dP l "',0
6t d .|dlJndl n l {) ., d l 4(,,!''l!
out trte ep]es lken frm oenent|dt
oUi v'ew lht (e mloadlin nvIe mlk

.iit ol!jw ot l|]s dtiLIio t|l ijorm1ionl st'] s.ins

t] ll'. dlt elr] s ns md
tlon wnoDl ole spekeI s .n.In r e's' rvlvemet vi
dPd t11ol.l. lheo.eti.l nd roedull Iesons to L!rd n s




l' aDd.leift,e il ] el5

n yss so ug nLLl

'1 d 1 1!r

!ep11on.Lgi1h il


eqjn a'itl) ll'is *]e in.|

i5 Poll

a e

tf,o] ml d hetrrogen
it'ry rnq t f.1ors nd.uId
d lerent
wilh lL lhesr diffiu)t]es a hsthn m!* sk
hmseLt wha1 0lP go| oI is n]s nd dill his P(iol to
esen!k In ll] ..k lhe des(in l|| e lo.lsd on (hs
style l.tres (]rat n 'sn1.ii molt t 1.
en lr woLId'e lehe |qlh d frnd I!i| p]i!
in (he' wo.k L.t || the m(el


hc dlee f frmhty in th. hr1er l piliDls' .el

my smolh ihe orde lne b
wrong t identfy l s!]e Io
'noyyles prcsPn(a!D i
ver delrnnely ou(lin.d t
anv kmd o, i']fonnanon m the ln.f dilogur na |d t
.o;veriond n]e' aid' lestiv|' et fo'nl sundn I
ifalion m' lPd (o adoniny|e tlk d so on
we sh|| Ljit .!r deslilion | th nle t t'o to0
t.s dutonl lnfrmahon and Diess leoi'ng/blods'ng
We would like l spoily hele (ht ty$ of stle e ert'n

In.omltol sll
etimrs qLhliod s .Ionl

'dLd 'nJ r or oelt.d

y tahngUti. lil,

Iei ol ll inl1!led
who.e n the D0.|y nilestediFid l|l' i the wrnln
,,o i .|" md, ! o,
l'.'.'",do l r')
he wriltn seell the rediq
].ukl ot sUjrod to 1he onIoxn]l vles nd lho9l
]onen nd ldeaL sittrli.n lor th reqislel is ole redmg l
m e]]ed s edn.lil inlo

wlde| k.wn' sokei seeh les i'nD.aL lhe sO

ses ml personl om od
.nted m dLffel(l forms mo!0
lgUes' dilogues poLyloques,
. Prc$ .nio d d.a{ig e.]a||y lhe lediDg ol
ine ews verge vr the ldio very ]ose itl ils mner (.
lh tye the nyl s the ledi t0ds l sound ifipnlal
wPteI fo'ss' foI e,moIe,
It ,nod|. oo o'cd ,qo l ld|
d .'

'|.* '.,.;ddi


empts o th. s'defth. annoLnt t ddres lh 'q+r

viewers, so

1" .v. o,llP a "d o'odd,'t'd,[ hdv bl * Le dnd

loken .s(ees wih re o, eqLl ipon.e for tho sinp|e
pi|| lo e led alold h ]

lomatinal Ie inludes oter spheles oforUtatoi: bus'

ness ld lql mteruEe thc ledjng oI dmn'istalive dou


widel Dsed aiad in a blode

te rte|lion lween lho

nd speh ty|o
t.Imli] on1iol sl]c


RollilLLy s'edkjnll,

iny vet ol


]llrtrqe bo!] wntren

prcared oI slonlnls w l forn|olionnm|annel

Wc wolkl like l atempt nr t

doue L w|lih lhc llorti] ik'nrti.n| n|P lIls]

6nji'n invlved
i'e vP lolol les dehnle| oo0id.lhe
oul n.rl i0 w'l]e 1o al'yl p.osod'hr
.1ers.s o,1l Dn'.0liI ilnodl nyLe As tr '5stted l
le l ro5od] JaLyns sh!trl
lh 1'!os l piL]] nj'e..on pil'
]eve], ith rl(r), lUdness 1e1o l'h. rte ol the u]i.
d n].otr) Ir o ln.|LLds lh!hmnd !'Lie a! lhe hve
a.ry sejn n]piiroqilntJ errssioo Of vnls emo.dl,
nUmeI f









ken vgtr l' l|!l



l! rlylLnj.'

l J n]on]glP d d oqoel h.
eered lo l]o ll.[! {] te re

lh t'o ne!e5 ol Ihe )n..]uiq di.fei q].itly

Il Ulld e {tr t dmt herc

sme kd lla( o lo

pLI| y lel' monj'ol'Iy ha].| n.1s5 W.1ll|rI

nln n b]s,meanlq lod
ntl!oDs Ille dd]ysis.l it hi is.1Pd u( ) lh!] po.cdUre






Infnalonal ulonl

shllld .

f 1he



sou.l ad

L.ked t

wrn!.n dsnpnvo iar

o,lh s!okn v

.1'e n|* ol harai.!isli !

]qDs On lh. loi sqated
prneleG ol mo.
5 ne oosilon oI the phoionynL.

' Press leponino nd b!adst'.q


l n.*sbU]]elin leadina vel l|]!di.

2 he oI]si'on f te nws u|le|'n nd n


lnfomalll lIlllon| Dsoiptive ec, wrin

Univ6i' li' dcsnd


shionabl in eduation 1o ex
(|(e lmodne olth soln ]anguage w(h delhn oi
osqlonny ski|| in readlg nw eiher
on n.ons .onsidortions, As ws
hapte.l' 1here gp etwen spok. aid writle
e (sk of the lehel is l. di'far
n]tid(e 1hse loms oI lho |anguage prldfe t seh ind
writ'q nd t sngn t h l.n plpr'' she' It pelhs
r'1 lo s (ht nn lahe6 and l(ueE rognlze lhe q
DtrlaI ute to m.ove t stte f atrl !s I
quge difier psl.qi|l

n. relulan(

esler thn th. Iarious solit.y l ldinq.

bP glven mIe gel lisons
lol th ctto{s reqund ofhim, Reig
ILd is even hlde!' ll is
lnq In l$ nhas !ly e.
reder wiII hve

hns]on Needless (o sy wril wnh d phonopssge In
lelnDlq old }lnlgo psage rny roken into sevi|pho
lhe tI' shon ssqes ma be om

he thl s hs eD !l
lller I' redig nd saking ditrer tollly in !he
ol c\o1ed bl .q,d' ! o.y'Io

eh req(es difiel.n1|y

n ' do'| Al 6o'],r old sod{ q

j.tens]ve etris' onsqlent]


n|sis { (he

he rmost mims nd .l !n flh eI t vit
.qnlbdq'o Iis durinq tat lvcL ||his 'enhel iD !.t |'
nr t lw.A, || Fo sme.o! l whih dy 0w
! Week th nme qivon lo the T
|i! !!!
wo|J 0 J] |. lhe f v.r end l lho Un'voi
he \palado \p]ll| !q!a!!]' | |]!t taLso rin a *y
''o,|'V v w"ek,,l1}
,9 j le .geeI| tmshere ofIe]'1ion and u1w'nd]ng
! l ]ond o' leaI's l!!, |i
Phonhni |ys
desiDlio or lft sDh snu.


{ 'y s lhd this

desnlve ia
adel binq just t qive
hs n sondy 1 whh Ietes de6ne'nfm.

relelene t lis te!

. and l(her resed'

e 'esentel of the lel s
who hs lelodva!d RPn!' he reading dildto
he net step l define otretligDt fatu lhed
gr . @pred! nong lhe. he lz tll m e
late.ize as hall D.epared I quazispolaneous as n ws
sodi| one should undouledly in wit lh dmn.

se 0d elwe 1hem


d*5 nk


A.n;nq te olodj r5iuls


he ftn twen len and ufl&.cnld snn l

phls6 ntgrcl' v'h kwn to b mlker ofn rcad
inq in qenelli lhe st6s deentali,ed' i.e eqtlly distliuted
o a.ented syll.les ol Ie'n ule.. p alems

withou! woing o!I the

Lo0dness reltv.|y sle nd

rdual dese t i' !s n is
sol the b.lndnes ]otrdnes ontst belween lhe

gs e sme oltd tlo sid o

nntinl| mrked d(rseoflhem wihin


.rrel|]l with the med'um

.lhrhm ma







ss n the aenlod sllJles, nd

o the ont .lween the aented and non,eted


smndge duri] \ week


|.n!th of usel th.qo.

ln nle d{lerelli
]vt] is ie fuJlio flhr iDnli e.t6, ellesed
!mmon| lenLnL tones' le nlder p(eIs' Irilh lnqe


ililnrc,l qnd|} d fut

lme ol thP e. Io vt

.u|ear pe,ls are l (]ltl vned tll'nq nd ]rvPl

|le.ds ievi|.


h!lldo' \Drsl1|y\.]uajntlbu!

n8i lhliJdo)

Jol ld !!

a'adLng d s'oJkin.j, oUI gt

m !]r{n




to diflerene5 lw.on

eam!|s Now (e

loal l

L.qae e d'd n


th sme


plnted Ut tha(



gI l*u.ien


tho .l.ale. o' soleny he

mu !]lell.{ th

tlk Lnl!itlvl ds$i!:d

cn hle m .iLn so i n le'|

lionl lL'tn' lhtrs the lext


red'og, As

nd ol te p|]so .re on]nrnly

olh n!ei(io0l| nl]


lR.'dued Ro' Pu]])


'nr.qe I


'' .


l wh( ro

u.k\' |'!'


ro th.

.q$! lnLvei'es


!!r ]

t>{lilios |

n 3lll w.|s.l


l hele 'n te|

,i ]l ' Y6] 'W?"l dlqp,|d

i.'; l'



' llavo - mn
iper lo ..}
\ldiqDen 1 mLghl.lvt




I |ike eml'tns,



-,, ' ,,,;-;l,r t.vlr ,4?"!



l .very .tlen kinq ple

lgardens || lere re'rso \o'g a'!iar!
es wilt]
l on]!lnq jD rr!!!q lqls I WIil
1 s whe olPtm >t I >Ul l

-k the Ojtl 1 l|rot|u 1 n (he rm\rivel

U' ve,, , |)o 'Il,',w
1 |",f,.
l,,'', .o'. a 'o.oY.oll
". ".; l , "*.n';'',,
", .,
". 1tl"'""i,',|'';..
l,n" i,(0].
l.i!5tnnEh nd ii s nl1il]t!hen Ilh!""."
w. hiv ll
elquLvLenl.l .y Wcek Iqhe



on fi|led lsil."nil]
l is whn lhe lim
of the!ot l ]n llroit .l you

!.n nnrn.


t l

1 .n


tl'e ddlc$o.s lrc on]pal

l ]udness 'hih ot grroa1|
l!t l!tr tn!t!.asos twil t 0d ot 0l. tdq he

nd n ns

eDh'ilnuii.a1iveekes is il ls. r.

94n.l 9vral su.csive

h.lic ofutlaD!s


n J.malkab] v(icd' I0 iho

t unns d d{rPases twa.

the hllse l uts'


n le sntt| nd s.n]a

lezed i. si]ii
nllh'ni|ny'sU]'ivc jsol'lnyi 1h rhylhmili1 wthI) ll'e
e altemlion oI ll pl.s.d'. .
smaij 0t.s oI all s'n.n .J sleh Ie elU'd
y the vni(jon ofll
'Iosod' ig revd le lse of h'qh
l sevolj ll wtr'n one UrlolpilI
Ljl' l.ow nsinq Dd
|vel 1tres I ommoi lol i(i] I

non-| mioho g.ous to

In >o'ol l 'e doi t v.

bjld the (o


lN! 'week,
es ofhds m prerlulal p
ofn nclulod I n!]er s
u. elwee thc, Dcsldjnq
flLjng hcds e als q!nem!non' oisn]nlIy r.k y the

1 l ome

fIm .oxfrd UlveGrty' so



As th moluc qun sptictrs (|]..oDtn bc''.o

aodtl] nd n eIed srg
]zed te.lslns5 hE|51o uoden!le te seinj.etPs:

Now the auditor nls l v

120,2 ) dDw us t o]Dde
DliPd (o thP n]orily ols'ok mloques prdu.ed 'ithi the
airisns l the inlln.{in| desplive spken mologue'

our lsk l!

10 olpre th

e' ths



l .e sh.w

itr ll J

We re now lid t. .ilaL'zo

l t]nPl d loldl dd sD
\dll' iy|. h!l! d]lle.el
vjvrd exiesjv nd v
temo' len0th olpules
tlon !5e5 nd (enponz]



losdr lel'z!D


esltio eonen (esj




6, he:eding is hrtenz.d

de.tliz.d stss o.

lutwO.esseking yaenlizenoe,
7' seh o.
idi lhe enhs aieved







a:a t ::









3 e ledingis lhlhil or|sp.*h lhythm nonty






widel lnge f toial toos ore(ei degi.9 .ludess d

Iemn unleditab]' n|e





5 hr seh G rtnzdb gllern!m.l o'jlli'

lon g:!ps snrhrs| lnns and phoopsqos' In spte.


o1in the ln| atween lomal ]nn j(nali1y d es

tl'sh onl. with te UlI.
1 ,he sekel i\s vous lle

sylaq uss l tll


;: i








Now wy ofo|uli' we w
o' ql'sh
dift flm lh tditll nonjthni 'lo l
'o teahig ln tetr
ihe |nguqe
'u etween th lo vrielis l the







our nel neD lhjyliplo

e the le( hndledy t}' seake6n' a rthel lorml mne''
e wu]d |ike to dosli. hre d'tre
enl tes Idial.ques, Fnn]
alL ls le very widly used fos ol seh and Use ol
ge lhre wide rngc ol .n.
tdns oil.qtrntl thele e*t n qnell qreemeni ng
thn r thal te f diaIo!.
p.vid. us wnh


t\,d"l) l".)p.


t!os ol diaIoques ,A lar.entl



etly inl. dk.ussin andtlkilgshop'{5{' ! l16)
nel||o{'ig fa.t seem l easil for the dsn(ion In
thedilogue n.n.logudi.holomy:
1 lh nlj{! natr ofa ta|). n5 randofli.$

2 lhe iep|iit.ess

;i ;i:ii

of th speh'
(e imletenes l uteaes
lh ldundne of al *p*ion'

h's gives us lh! t dtiguh sevrl types ol



ale of d'in.tiveess an e

sues wlljh ei]*t 0l wy i wih on!Gation |onds


n i] d .|in,
" d,d|sJ. m/ b" ,'
eIneilal da ofnan i6ealhe* shos tal rtin rosodi
impoiane diqnose difteret



spialized infoalia ll on senus !d inl||tul sub

{su edua'onal syholgid]' ol't|' erc )
2, disussions o. snous nd wighty r|es'



evryday nv.63lions t|ehono lks amog lhem,

vLd.lil tho o ma.kers oI these tes


b. on lh

We d. no1w''h lo uqqen 1lt y ]eI |'es ofstnL de

lht thl dGlint boudI

d'a|oqu6 re


n 0n
fil! lyp is lhes
the shere of ihe Lnfrnrlonol
nyle d

we wuld like

to menlio ere r
s to (he lnfomdnn| t|ks
9l1 d.aiu elqeen ihem on LI lh lev.|s ol

lerms ol

t|t dloe


'ql,, d iom .,,,J,.'o,,

seousnes I the sl]4l mel nd l|]
la| smela] Isod)

e]lions shouId take m



wuLd L'|te lo desne

[etio .Jelinq fun.n ls esiahhshcd b putlnq


n !uLde the.oL6e l lho laLk towIds qlven !han. d o

d non.gsose wrds ad lul

1h..ak.6 olte


U b ol.i 1ol vlbal

n,ns l led eer, q|ne

nlg o] lhe (.o(' snis' snifis'

t|le.'ara]ut {e!s l sililime
ol the lei|d granah|level thorc hiah,loDor
tio! ol etrors whi.h se'n Dol (o b
n!.1 u' ht!l'
e tht (ent s beinq ma'n
weshouLd Go me(io lle! lLsois f nt.oducliois ahor
lses in a more seons tye oflvedon
alnbiguus' a sers ol loce]

h. phoionyl'n' al!s


. pele ight e lqul!! cre*ed no l

J,oJ|/|c' r]e lo,,n..t] 'Ll,llg.j..e- " e I oei.,
. " .,... .' "" ''., ." ;""
". i*"'.l "" ..".'

mry siglnide in detel

'g ep!iht or lherwise of nvrye esilany A



hralel wi|l ||ow us lo dlaw

ofrd nd .it Uivorsnis

A: I think somo

b p.ds o{ lealivo ttlinkig nd wld

vi.less hestaIiol is also very
it teds t
.!r l]lively rndomly no' jus i s 'roq0enl'
m]ol amml
is mole lhe a{er d wnlten Ela|jsh led

oI the elpnLL5j|e oI the

e dla ome ovious diffel

lhe l'toen oI the e Uteres n the pn ol bolh

pan''nts !c!d to e 1n.omle(.5i.e (h onlel makos er
l{'r p' t teln wht ws einq i|ionded thls mk]nq l(


..ldit'atin eiq stu!ulIl

he tlk aouI lw o]den llveEiigs fntl



dlaw verl nd

Iaughs nd

peakr nd hnrne. hls the

ltuous .o(t is.oveyd !l essenil lhl m n
tu] nvelon qiv ad (ke'etwen ih. sod. ln Ie]v.

s f )]6j1I!

n'nse, e'
Any kdfdqte

n0 v.lal

thr te oI 'Le


n] > whal?



!N!a't {


s f







: >W|l' I wht the uiveEity lqls one,

r&Inle one ould >hoosc'.' ||
s ,

lhe lr ometni ol ra'hel knowl.dqele' m(elsled' ut not

.molioau} iDvo|v.d Dd onehed,
h su]t ale spefi6 some*hl .lefu| elorled de

>wh' l

ni,vsJs I o' oppt\

oIthesty|e AsthPsuggened(hmel1hrweiqhlthesek.
e6sound ratheI fomal usinessl*e' ut oasionall

oe o' (hose Uivens I lbolhl to,lake telext em

] Jes l| >l' |leninl' | >eI' II thinkju* ,thjs I I !!\!!!
..omng > >er a >very >eI
lile i


. -., l ''""r .

pn of edulin ou re'ive l wen ou go lo\q]brd r


l lhlk l a Dl!.ulanv lod

'l' L*""d; '^

synem l >whihls ben l ".'..."'".'

oxford and \amldge

, (houq


n ,dos exl i \oer uivrsnies |l You hv

.r ..,.,r."". I about wt u le qinq >lo l
..,."" i"'' ou r le'ely qolng to >fl



>hve || h
Ep9 I lemefte I u]d lok UPrdgs
ad \pgs of ing! thl I uld potentll ldo' l]


w6 reall lun
of one itll.q \a | whi l

he adiinls dle pon.qrdute& students ' the Russl

lag!ge f olold nd blidqe Univeties wh know eh
' lL, ,c} d,
lhq o
lh. smP oP 9.u Jmid,.u , l' 5
dnd J dP
id j.d|,' dI o6!Ls, nd . md.

he dlsus quile spntneously a senus topi



We (hjnk iht lhere 0eii qrouds for.osing lhis v
dely of dl.! as le noi s
hslel roomi lhe 5eak6 r

he f(uus ntt shwn by soas fwIds lit: ys

a oflhelistnes s well as all ki'lds olnon vral soDnds nd
oes lik ] ' ulu' dha el.
ho spekeG aro lelaed nd not wolnen abut th. imros
sion lhcy lc rolinq DnIjkea l{(urel l lblis!okl. s|iDs
and iio olqram!]a! ur nd d nol bolh them simi|l|y
nig! alelesse$ oI Inunti is omm thus we fia

As ny dia]oque sinullneous .t o te it f lhe

d' lo
'dPqF' o|' ".n
leqUired, Intntion s
l'een lhe piiic thus I

o the rosodi lev| $ dia|oque Il int .oldn'aled

lokl' spln jl. diloojal uni GtimulUs _ respse], hen
n g.!s' .a unn halaler
ized y senli nd photi int y' y enain losodi In'
teelied Ietures. ilesondigly' (e length of pUses '
twen lhe ne6' ns serus
ends ' 0!tane Uss re l'

n,: Well' wh! the universil ''els one' Why' .! emple

oaliol silene fr puoses l mphali puse and Ii
Us hittio as (blh filled d sil0!) alo o


t : tYes

]> i |leltjnly. |>er' II

!n inlc(d lol]! ! >l is >er

tikju{ >th l $\q|liio

! >very l tl!e 0li||q

A'ng sle mrk'g rosdi ftur6 ge 6ho0|d fiello

Loudnss nrml l lodued (ino exression], vlia it
the |ok bo0ndaries, lm nt valia{ion in lDdns suqqoll|
te degrce fseriousess of lhe thefili ilmtion someu'n.r
l\"."6k'\ l'q lhl v! . lo
' ro o. sim.
onntod 9|l
hges i lev nd les lhal a |oweled nd novd lol
mn molsDl resos6,
ne rate eile s the soakes wh il i sp|(.
ve s]wl
it fster u! fol oth l them the s'eud li
halatennio]ly uneYen within nd eiweefu tiern6' lariod

he hthn


glPtly vried intellll

nrethes hve ma*ed tedeny trds th subjtive rhl|l.

nli isohlon]'le nlIhmi.lny wnh thelok h'eved y
!he vari!on .t alL rosod[ plameteG,
.tes hieved lhe uiq
ol ephli nd on]poud lnes ligh Flls Fall R6, Fd]] +
Res]' irese f lUdnes, idelng oI lhe !nqe f nulo|'
d b the qeal o.tst o.
lwe! enled nd uneted sment o' hrs..'
fue nt]e.l lragmn re usu!||y ve. son _ headl
one aenld pre.nuler sy||ale Ie st ommon, igh rc.

he dudito.y nls f tl'e bov eampl d of o qdl

nunbr ol nmll. lallG nd t rolt e*enls of honll.
ins 1,ll l' 29| allow us t !et to th invnr ol
honostylisti. hall!lis l folional sontnUs did.
|ogLes, he r6U| re sh* i aIe 6,




ii), d



Now wyoloposnion o. nonolque _ di.

halatenii we wi|| draw the fnowinq

|ogue phonosry]ti

t. hesuutUrdl hirrchy oI olgue is: po.oas.

sag6 _ pnlses lton.bon grous; weGas the n of
dilq! : loks _ diloil uils _ Dhtas* _ inlo.3tion
2' h. sone dtilion elwl th olDsed vnti6 on
lh6 p smeld| h6 no| j vowel lel, v('' 9
.nd ello! Ul t\.
i. th us of nojmentl
hono|ogia] ditre lie minl
f.lur f bsi prosdrc on'iqurations'
ln a dilgDe thele is widt nge f ntlsls in prsool
ind po|ilguJfr\ lhus lh dd lel of mLJndP.d'g t
avoided lhrugh th intodution of a lrqe nunhr o! prsoo)

he tituds of lhe llke ar nor valiI in a dil.g

u! sin olh analysedfol long lo l}. infomtiolal rtyl.
Prev.ils, nges i! lhe atitie ondjrjo 95
p,o.od.' ,..lul Py a,<o
'di'on va|'ons il U".dl"P
.r d|oqu".nqe
slong ,Pldn y t t lhem
" Up Pn' ]vql i|nalo q'o!s
\n dk

w,'1 lh0



h'ah loo'o o|'n.

'.nolsm"nls.s l|P Phids6
..mF'c D-\l
lc lmmonly
(hodl lhebn'ng ]oqfi rllor!dlc'nldll.d'Iono' il..

quml devlos nd shon iq'n 5 lhe end aDoroa;'

5 l' djd,u.hE lh.\'dIlry
there nost|e
' 6 . Emo trnol
|llc l Dcus,
d no l,
l into'mJ,on' thP
o| spl's' lh.! ;'lknry w|'
bp'! llhcm .nd upcnne
'lU..} .pelklng, .n; ! moo.
Lcslunlsph lhPPt lmd
Noq bv wy of(nlus.on w l ddm lhdl |h t' ,'v
nsc d 1olule d''pro, o.ndmo'c l.Eh mr
oll hv hola^ nowdys' hi E'll blig /P hop.' d6'l
|nah.'to lh. . hd' 4 leri* llh lype ol . tlot

aving dtein t 'ldl'' o ol ih. {yI

ol Ih we musi s.y that il
ot a faditio!; o!'or
' tl r

nd lthr mmn, h6e .elully nouoo.l lits a! tu.

rally talive to tehers s then wh lo lch distin.l
,,ood,]na|,,h l|s nlo A, |}ci'
i. in
Gahina .el rcent lhey srely want t tind 6 lo' slow
model fl the stldenc lo imitl, wit l.llene t te deglc ol
refules' ilh whih the sun& e niclla!d, lh tpo o'
th infoJmlio| iyle mly b defind !s lodt,
Il easy lDtble and nine y Eahle nodl' lt
vnl in ihl it en$6 tht the sludenl oDvinq n w l
spe.k slowly nd relully,
we would ke to alG n qune der tht we a n'lqestilq
lhing e plodutlo
thl lh lfte nosl tuitble modl
I sok nglh in eni. speres of'd.omnnilioi
Ptss RCnig hd


tl hs lreddy b.en slted v. th0t is oi' nd

non ond ;y oc v.r {|r! |'m |. sll'nE po'ni o| vl' i
is mmn lwldq. lht Iess po{ingnd ro.dsti] l
stno idlogil veo and is surely 6iu d o|iti6||y
marked' sme txl ddlessed l foreiqn li6lenr soDtrds
more ilosing nd edlfmq'
he evet' oI lolitit inonn.e ! be pe.ented to te
u|i in differenl tigh y usinq simi|3r lehniqus y ang
qdPn, lhaI d iou'.
o, hk on| D'vA
lno (hP vo!A
n.! ph'l
rl"r. " *p-'. 'mt - '..,dP]y
so n,
al views fh ]!ss' pany' ounlry d'o.pndn|
he.ntal funtion ot a nwser ald nws ulletin l
inlom. lo pl6nt . enin uber of to ldi ltenel,
ol 6 viePr with t .fit of qivig lh. imprssion l n.t!al,
bjlive' fa.tul reonig' so .l] lyp6 or dou m that style
shr some impoaat plosoial leatuE and putting them t.
oelh.r in this hptern.y nol e too nlradinq,
It sould e nt.d' howvri lht te sp8 l radio ad terevion nnoun. is somewhl difir.t ogh lse s
ldl tmhiques i lhe p!6entitin' lhe !b!ny to l oD
sreen hdps v ws re.dor to glide le undemlding t te
v'.wq by mns I ,,.| crles'os 6nd q6luG on lt" o,
tr fi lad'o dnuel ong

e. ,r b- b.''. LJ",,'


d J


se{ ol ldlo o0nou.r ve.y lse t the ''idel

mdc] and esl|| nols overag w e e|nt]
hi]ly dislant tones doted s
re le eialhl of rd nws veraqe' he l.l.on
sis of 1wo iems
whih nlil e{s of rther neltl


"vh'|es l 'wcre i'ilolved a T multLplc

l h o'ofudv'h\cmoln,q, ]l..o
det.>ured ioul lthree miles sulh ol lhe No'sPi.rdg

olwn|G IlJkknllqd nd ay\!d lAlnumelol

|ot driv nd !o]Q]il]s ||were !n!q! l ! ] i lme ]
ond l'1 '.U'), o."a
q! fl ,sme ol lhc neel',1Pd ihe >l@d |!'ele raunq y
(i \'m!!t l a.oss 1he .etr[l .e!ee ml rhe so0lhtooid
vnLqvy |9hi ws Ie,s.iled tn tingLe-lne wolkjna be

-olh tiElrews



, 1" 1d1' d
lhe trel.n ls! rods || llekdowtr .vei]es d
Ihid.on. sdLe >dfl]trlt l ] \.e|rlnq Ih!.ne
ol (he
.!!dt ol\' | hls ws\dPse i \' |nn $e
tashnq nler
\|'qhl nqna |had ern f r]!cd \o l lol
lon ofle lq, Iso |lrIlere I r no >!.oj]l IoILnon


l inlhe.od.ol
' \.Lnl.ed
,ope]ng .meet'g

At le









\.otrDtry |] Ile s4 | lllal rhel wos oli ene I lhl lnny I

'e n dGiphnes of9y Ls hd el lo e yjrr |
w muh !y In tlns \utry


\''cJE |d thelhahils f'drivgs when !a!en4 lwge

D\!!I!J d ||ne aw fal to. muh deqrous ^!!]9

otrl IwilLu. dn fadeouLe >o






to onm

etolc aing int th detiled desnpt o' hnslylli

hrlrlis of te text wevlldlike to sy her that it de.
nloal orl teL
sqs phlses _ inlnljn qru,l, Deljmilti hoopas
the d'holmy oo]oq
eted nd uented smen
r 1e .el!)!o. ofsejn era
re m e hlleri?.d s
eltely 0nde ig the efft ol
!h. nownede,
Loldnes ro!]os fom noml lo fie] is espid]] vned
.wo mdjol
A ' t'',(
olhel vI imnni nd
tl]o sp|a5h ofludness]
2 lfo'1.1Now tooDmo lkl htions
.al Ut otsted when
e.[ 0gws i1e inrducd nd ko at lhsennti entpa(i
obJtvees o lhe p(

Pauss ted to e

llhdlng si|l whn ihey uIbe.

e the bu]](in tes, e l

h.n olDdu*s mmonl p'dita]e snili.tlyol smnti

Rt.i5 ol remIk| valid is nrmlls|ow' ilo]11e'

qI' del'blle|y sl{ 1lenrol on .onmUliively impil

A umel ol llr dve nd molonsG wre un.le to pulL

l1,o ,\ ovq'dPd vl,i. ' dUq o d]'
l. llen']'I1'e onfere is on(inuig, (vr slow lent$
Rhth'n urhii ilDem

ps l hds vf' lh non ommon Ping desed]g

l]h.q ndstepping) ve.y often .oken cidetal ises, eg
.htrt live thides ! werc lnlvolved Ln a mujtipl
o|.l's l n lh - .l'moto 0lis
d'g of ews vIaqe h.
mnn (e vann l desedig id sondinq eds l

ore Ln (h lulr l
I was -'mth
lhn in A\l |] and the
of.dlivo6 wh.! 'ovel
lkinq l {..e t!Lln ad |l one sw T fI loo;uh
^pU||ing out

.o o ked I Do., e




he ho.osll'di n|s f rding of umbe! of news

overge over te rdio ad te]evion and te etrperient|
he nylg (5,5,|) a||w us to !
{ept to dlaw lh invarianl l lh inlotion nl legister de


Iwiou1 decDle >ncnL l

m cJp.l.d t lo b|nninq Ith nt' ulcrno.


dn. to hin
phrs.s liqhlLy ii'o a poi.!
on lhe
.n exiesed b lhe use ItheLw Rinq D in lh. i''i!il

n. his

wLe lppsge]'




llondn o|n niqh'


Isr 'Iohn

rhr rhle was

'evc! la1
of Lmlon use I hd yl l e




onen s. erethdtin lhe lel

ly l!] they led not lo e undll .mhl.d in lhon nru.
lUIe ne t.ndto qIUs a.e i
f wal ]n lepiod,


Fl| Resl are often hr'd

qrotrs i'nl.dtrcd fr de|iberdte



nnq toes 1r eve

eff dGwLnq the ienls

d ,d


^' -


IqL [ J !Gj iiq rttr l!{y ii]

Now ournexl nep w ]e (e desrip0 o{t|l.l.suIa.f te

honologLl .osition ol po
ied'nq !f a0 'formtnldes.!e lexl 'd Pws btr||on
1 BId.* tec dd ne{spi

ntc!]c] lhus altiludnlJ and eha!.uitoi ol ioDlion

he l.s.di dli]ele .ro nt q'elly !rjed in bol

rrk the n]onrn l .h and dla* !h. |lone' ol v'w

6 lltcit]on (o 5mel]rLng ver
nlm.lal.d lt is a a.ry ntab|e
lealure heIe _ the lli ol q.
qi''ni']q.dd t|l Pd oIg le'
i]dltel ' nows
i[ so'nlhq uL'
vry esr] ldetified'
fl lb.d a5
,,- W'l' '' l cq
event .e rodn' tol nsla0.e' ]] the osodi ltures re
s}atlled (o nvey the menllg
,] In lhe "neus blLlotii ledLnq, le I the ]formlon|
qerl lemp

lanor nl

6 l] ".odan' .edmq ]ro roll.rl nl1'nL]]y o

gan'zed' LqhL sk'LLad newn.adec p]e .f mk]nq ihe
senseLery lIn'|nt|of .h'thm
Now lo. 0l olusio we }'.uld |ike t say lhat
'e ve
desried here onl .ne lyp o'
of rods!.g''
.egt. wh]ll ]ose (o thr ide|'
'ho ilomlljona| deslipte
A]] (er suggeid sho!s oidisouP- tlk]g on evrn
ove. ihev, lkinq lo a llene
coong n the'n, rud tbLe t]ks .l mnentto nd
othe d nol dlf,erqret| flom deslibod ave i the
t'odeLs of (he h6t l.les.ilive] ter, or (he may d.ifl very
!F,-) ,( | al..fro,n "no , .o ,rge .1
strddn hnqos ollhe *]e Fl th l.isoi it uh hder l
wh1 1he mm n|e hllciistis f suh


invo]!d: inleLLtual'

ttldil ' !lnioal.

]n|e5shuld e p'o.hed il uo
Aslheis uh nylGli lledom in rann
1alks n ditri
ult io ke geral itemen, qlve fien qenerhzed honos
l'l]nl hrter!s lh an
live| d leconl nrnnel As nsequene lhey ma e
l'het r and hav mol var
Ulleo wne rcsemlig it
Ginq hld o. ]nvn'qalon and luh


eeled fom the ie

It delein'ned by lt]e us
s tc ]l 10 trat the hs
t cnLIs lse .onl (ith the Ldlc!c
n t. ll]e ]nossqr adiod n' nlc
I1 i5 l.equP0 m]fPned
demi nd
'n onferenes
eduaIionl letDies' sienl!fi dl*ioDs' a1 the

ol the


i]e Iedst .on..n'cd

a0d Ia(|le. e]oon|

f dourse ha man la

lurcs in ommo vih rcsull ft

o'c. 0lough lh m hve ooldjnq ! lhe sek
er lhe o!tn'' .l te ]qu
I! n

br sug!nd e.e that


v.y Id

l{lure' tough
vr vnet of lyDes

s leizen nr

laeL whih

LetUres m some(ires souDd as o'atri| pe.lnes d.

$gne'l lo enlen' rther lhn
so thl my b a qleat
del of ove.lp in e 'nfornr
!v wuld |ike l mlotr here l|]a1 lltr' idPa| mde|' ' the

d'ni iDJoi6ti' ltUIe

lod |ud r r.|jed haY uo 1he set l nols {ith lhe a!

l.m o (he an.flotuleE Io qet the( meling r.s l.l
|y e ln. et'een
d in!.nmhl tnled ln
e lypes f lhis s!y|c realiztio
holqh lhe slla..s oI douP
re i]lhl iumerols Geelle3l'
.ving oudlned the ootuc f the ny|e sh|| loUs ur

o !|i le1ure eversDon.


sak wit]r the

l sponineily
e.e !he emle of lelLl||y lep'd llur. ied ]oud
dd.ssd l. a nLy{izedldiet


'n 'uLi

!lJ]] f


|,' ro,

!h! Y!rr!. I wuld e \mrerc setig th
wy in uih urn !'w!h lres !! ||
Now y 'w ol !Io\d!!!!' I I'd rllk to lry
sone >!! | d lhw 'Londo. ('
de v.Imml \! wge lilt ill
f Yery \e!!4' I and how r th6e >!
t ave





u th!qIroLposebaivideruco]
tl \rn nd ar.hftturL dvo]menl l
.thle nin
,t!r]]jo l
Ls!rq!j99 l| nd el>has l l uld
'Dn ont'nlo
o. tight l te g!]g' l thl 1he.e w1]] e
d] of lovenD 'rc riiil ey *" . 'eo to
nd | 'soda' I r !!o!ted .!!!!' I| b.qc!' l ,
as fal s to >sa lthat'o"uoe l *o_tar
l, |.h p A.P1, Idnd lhP'.o


As ws tridy o'nted oll ava |etule ei(hel reJd


l.nous sine ll of ll'em ven thse m whih no ts 4

Lsed' *iLl llav en l som. .tel( reIed in advne aod
v.iety . lh lng!qe led
wh| t wht (he wh l s frn sl
'd olthe016 ad s

a ;A'tg

.t ;l?



of de,Yelmnl in



-, :'2.2

ls-;i; i.::; i


! :



the sr vs'tow e!!rr ! to ,mke l1 a ili.l

,ro!!t!L'q nd lhe enlml]enl
djlqolted w'!h lhls

It. ^ donlhnonh t".k.ILh**

he rln']p|1lan 0u5 eJ


|i 1abev |. lh so
e o| twellminstel _ ws cI"".d"d l
--l tl."'t-.
grew Up.side \!] |m'
lone Dtd m


n'l lhe -orh ol (he !]!' ll|

.Now in m
l!( .l]! Il


io doloIle

YoD w']l Jl] hve sPen lo lha hind.L tljh you hYe ji
tiot.t l (ht I ropselo dlv)de lhs oursc oilt!es oi th
1hree n'n
menl o' L.ndon
l[ beq'.
se.lons d Drhs

Iodeedl would go ds ldl s to si


m my t to.treI n.o t

lwcon lejtuiid tll ul' ol tbe
Uho]e I1llPI
fdn]L th.degreeorlIm|ily is l.1 vried 1houqh


sp'Ii. t.l n mono]!'l

jn vdc

!!! i lhl "0] n of alttqns ] lhis dule .!s I !w

m'gl sl it | 95 lmonn. lo. the Use!lel
grth of,Lodon i t ]

rse.h Led.l'
us (o n
liJL ]ntoo!]oJ nl l|..tUr

lone wi'h te 5Lr1' raE'

&l l'lhe lGiE. b 6h

Idl esD in lhe tedi

l s!.h tr' Uih lh leoqs
.e .drsd.l quen'ond dtrsdy as lo
6(de (hem u]I

r.U Ld lo h \ ^J of'|' kjq

rd lk yol'to lJd what hpnod as lhe l}o lws b.g
l. eland u;( do you tik the l nsequen of nre r.
o guldr undetldlng andontl teUdne esoekel
oull]es lho pom ging lo ltur Ut' uss a;ns ol
ha$s Io]d'fy his pci('n al'd Ld.nnle ah no!it il] (l

e himseu


l ]hlj.n!..I


heorf]Dr g,

dl{|mto.y lor nlndn] i0d w ']] at

Nw ool Di]' !dtrre wiLl e lhe ponolog'a|p0or.o

ol lh.lridq oJ n .de'n' lsl!.e nd desnpnlolt ro.
would like lo dos.nb here
sih h.lerhs of lhe demi dle wih dp|ay fe.
lules .ot shlled y l|
!. A sln!fi ldademi] lel red lud i p!li in frnl of
a lan]j'zed aud'eie onveys both inl||tul .d voh!nl
ilrmho' s th oi'0dioal
!o re of p'aly
6J'hj|d'n", n
) A lA|L'4 d 'tpdano
^dI,lnd, n]f"',rc,
nruliv Dd di|yinq Lse n soenlhsty|e talkshlldbe
vell rearod and on ev lehed a tinedllurr,

ok 9

ross dea
'nn'nqnd ]to.liry, h
l he |ten].on 'lluses, tes"ane1
ofheds nh l.!c.nd
l h

6mle use o! vanlions nd onvass ofthe lem to

p(at ns ofle vrllilow oIspe nlespekel nm||

nows dwn lhen h. |rdus

5 h lhylhmi.| o19nizlli.n

(he ltmtion l all rosodr letures wi.h givos

the u$i i'npl.ssin ol !hlnlility''
6 'qh flliog nd l||lngjin
Use ds mens l (h logrLnd ontslivee]phns

l.m thin

lh dc i Gintifi] inlontjoni]

d]ou1 ofvtio l ll hn
(o .h'eve !h qoal ol ommunitioD


nl. e(i'n

. s.Uld bc laken

\ ond," ,Pd[", , -. o|| ,' , ol ol.


ii .oFuld in

ies t

ent le

uilll apllopnte losod

W. ve

desried ln th ht

l spercs o' douls nd ]nloi

lh s!|e have nol ee ful| inveilgted e|i so th

! .qd1'1

s'n!h. syla

slnds m!h lud.r ln

n public oti pldued
le to f.e wilh a n| sized audEne In*nes ofdjmin]shod
Loudes Ie oserud onLy h bnq' ut hrses ele]nq
tolelfu lnes' Lenint, wofl solhinq,
4 he plosodrc felules I lhe de]c iy|e adlng d]
e](es Ihe ltLre1s (em!ls !o
(a]k Ieseler

nd wP hve lhe tss

PubJii6'i srle

so8os Iol mny k'lds l 'iolil ,

hvnies' 1ht
wh lh intonlio!l il isI(.nau.d ,l(o
's blod labe] ba
] It vel
L|ilj and dlm(ry s1| vhen
le s ln' ol nlo sakPr i
h] iaue. !n lhe |ten.6 and, olu6e. voIinonl d de.
in.l in ih lel' ot il pub!
tishes il ah]v no
the demi*le or imqry 6 in lhed*m(ol ile' ul

tlfough ll sons o.dl rll ped.rmi.s cfom.

lh. l]i thus aomL'shng
kr 5
o h*re
llG eslL] D!ele
ULl. li(idl s!hes ol
s'n. pht'ns uh..e l0e]s 'lo 1he lion re vedodd
nh a||sis olortorl k] dnd hrat.ed vlius ol


lnoe efflivr

puh!st|e oon|y lled honstyljns oti

tionl nd deid.llive fts mailenlio an e held in DolLh
al jtrdiia], ortlil sDs' 1n 5ermons nimonlar de'
1.tii!r5' ress nfe.enes dd so o. 'e
''ill dmii le howeve'. th' lh nyLe wi|| e oldlnd ho.o
velaa n. wolld.e lea|lG oIgLh ill n.l use
lvely m lhef khmg eine and eed n nly lo! con]!l.

it hs lnq bee el]evd

hs lws


livl annfi blse lhe e,Jcc ol lil

like| t
t e ovini.g

qLon in lIefu] nd

,-,J,v .oj aoucn )r,

fly fqenerally ae(ed tol lhis regler qmm.!.l onru'
ins |eil eans nd nlonIi
as elongn t lhis lpe ofspesh
For e)le' vely n(ale and om'nn
n|ti letLre used here is pa.aue|m - lhe repetihD ol sn.

asill pl)ol spehes andlss Of covermen ted

t e vry l.mll s. glel numel ol iq|l flwn'' hIs' st
eiIesions reommo. to 1l lo ol lhe le s sn iion
maqioary Dol'ii| sesh ike s a mod.| flon lhe Ad


o oI pulr spe mke' Oi
wre estshed lhrolgLl l .entunes
ll ljdent' f ole ll]1 ]lonlion

b. oi .i!r.y i'n0

lnL.l.u.i)g' ne lsel p!sodL onts mltes nlespk.

e. smeo.s go (o temes and me eedl6dy dramn
1Lti *le se{5 is (t

o vo/oqi, .ad lho

e l l. L l n '|o
nrql dvdle not t. uso n
D baLse lh.y desty lhe lteners
dd the fies'
s!!gr6lm nd i]]Uino oft
lo the udien. hus n sho!|d e 'ne i
that pL6



L!d .unLvliq. wevei tho prenl s!nGiei to vojd

oI op|e'e prcreness
s statd ve' the plrse fortriai eercis.s lo
n'mU]le spile the |teners' to louse eth!siasm i! 1hem' !o
ai.l eIesslo.s, odi] move.
lking' on ie o!lI nd, lhe
i4 reoNo ol (r ms@s ihesekel nd n]L
one woutd]wys l


ndjldiial sp*h





s ann qcnllemen \'hen te Gov

the o|clors.{ leat Bt' t'renew
s member ol the ovemmeltht l s10ld ]5e

I|1''rl l''

mn things whih the Govei lont hs hieved s'e the |an

ceelJl ]lion and i..D,l.I.o'l *hih w op l follw
s l m ndet gill c the se u Ie'
No oe *?Jl dE,lhl ht { h
ai live e es!lll riknq In


.,, l,re

.' whih


slilllinq uwdsivith r{oid tde denn olhlndlds 'n!.

d wi(h the pud nlLinq fited the
lhe Jik .n



lidee the uotry Rs



Itshuld e nted hele ho1eler' thal in ublrcli se{h

us teG' pu]i fiqules' peae
figh'o6 aDd so on thel mdy b devltins flm .ormit and
nn is ollen t b.soen b.lwee le hiqhl fIml d athe.

ompafin' kes qlotts

wr ' a ppolblneeplouni|ii' re|tive dnit lormhty

vig utlied 'iefl te shols f thP ul'.t' ile

anil.nalin w wuld l'ke l nentte now on the h.ns


hrteniis of a pull

,o! lnf'q,jd'o-J

spr'ed to th lgte!. hesercsUttsie lse.t.d in le 10

Now fuwlng

genlalshe l stle desiitio we

lesllts ofthe plostin ' unu$
yIe tet nd n admi leture, w hdv
lture fol the mriqo baus ther re ealn
nmr|.i(ies nd ovenps etwe.n thse riste, e rsu]c o'
sitio show tht th dillenes vhih st belwee
']P P lo rypo I o ,|,, spLln dF o.. !'k,na lh ,l6

wou|d l'k to des.ibe le

DJL o: Jo h]
'pPA h
lrm!n| nalives d so vlvidlY rkd on the qrmmli
|' lexi] ad rosdi |ove thi r immditely gnize
b [{e.? d lell as ort
. the pn ofthe speker
bu( (he eff{ ahieved by his speeh on lh. |isteel the
,olmer Uses ll kinds ol ratrial perfomnrwhi o ihe !o
sodi level l lalnz b i|te rnonrie Ya1ions nd
ontdns wnhtn lhe sy*ens f pn.h udnss, l! d tim. rosodi onns very eressiv lia| fiimis nd
undo!l.dly ler tht vtiti|jd.molionl fun.ln
Ih rter qinst le ak

As !y publ]isti seeh fully Iered and e Ie.

and ynh ese, wilhut hesit'

rl0n and
rs0neo. the Don ifionnl mm.
alve ntes
and preny rhythmi|ly oIqnized ol.ou*e
,- 1ol





o, cvd


o' j aP! l

. ,, , , cn."


o,i' \,d,'n' ol
[o n.,.o a lql P p1ud?" oqo,' l|1 Lis ''s'n
d D6.I d' , \l oll], ]" ,(Udjl, \dly
'n'lLc|t| '\Uks ' cic 1 m |' o| L,.




PUl'.61i spsdke re usuall ver endlu5isti !l ghat

the say and ht the sa s th' may go to etes
iormusL ]nresq the lldnoss nd aLlelole n wilh wh]


the hilio y using the rhelo| sile.e 1es and

tller PIosod' .ntds prod0o q.a1 efleG and .atiate !le
ilnn nd intelen f lh. |t.nel
. qr(est s!qIe slylGli h0id1eristi of ubliisli
speehs is t|]. |arge munt ol Ijlehsms o ny level plo

Al]lhc aove'men!ned qen.0l hiterlis serye lo to

tle llenE* resd t lhe lublili speh makr, s a |er
h.D. g].aL dtlo n b dlawi bol{eon this nloatial
*yle d.ihc6 ]n 1erfrs ol mrkdL dflert .osodi nlu
1!res hu( 1hIe o lerbou!da. be(*een etm tps fIe. plhsti. soees d d
]P ve tLed to describe heleool one regierflhe n]e
speehes l lhe mootillgs detes, (heatial tlorial lod!les

!]e!y n


level Dtthe vo]nio3lfl'n!io of n]t.

f a||pIsodi rnele will
|olud nd 'mik the !ubliti slle

rhe losod'



4' Dlalo. st]e

h ](onann] yle lled y son] as 'ni51i' d

qurcd l n90', As we s frm ihese lae the shl sla
gen o]l l''i5 h'qhly em(iol !d ere$iv intlon]
nre thll wh il needs s!ial tainlq Aniudin|' v.Iil]ondl
n. mle]l{tu| Jutions oI Itonlion aJe . . lml
tne hele dd seru to apel to the nlnd will and feeh!5 Ul
le ]'slenl. on onnon|y it is perfomed thugh Il sons oI
beng devi.s whi reqlne leGinq nd Ifessin]
sk'l' h6 Lntntionl nyle n e heId o the staqe on the
sIreD i. a r/ nud ol in .|asiom during veo oakig
ad r. Gad'gs nd rlions,hus we see tht it always
d lle lorm oflhe |nquge red alold orliled'
r]o''evI n shlld e |aimed hel th! i1 a ver hrd l

bur lo give deta eddesntio fthostage speh this ot

i.,h",./|,zJ'ol., soaPnJy|! dJ ,,).o1r'.l.,o
l, onvers.liolg n tho nge l
but, ddlessed to the s!ialo6 th due n aggeraled'
mststlikio elone esIlly lhe fild6 ofsuh bsodi. p.
aete s loudss, Jalo and d.ould e immediiel

spl{edyl1ene s,'qsh'haratensic,
e rosodi otgdnlzhon of suh tets wiu vry q!atly d
pendmg on lh tye of tlle (he
tedy din I omedy and ol oU6' o lhe s'nl
ta.tors _ the sil nd llturl akgrund ol th pl ch!
le thejl rltionslp' eft|inguisli .ontet' and lo o,
Ating lvo.wy onveGli
Ietl nd iotpdy to lh fedb.k'' they et from lhe UdL
ee; the
i therseeing lost.inn omu'
n|' olLtive' nn.verl Iaquqe etnods ofhlevi.q, sti
u]a1ig nd niinlaining th "nvtio' wj!h then audiene
q ol Ihe



n'd 0d futne livny if n not veed to other pl
(i'an _ ihe udiene, Dlaning oslle' q6tuIe' Il exf. of lhetr n r s imol
lnt as te dl'very f themslv6
It a van ale fr inv*igatio nd desriplion but e
would l'ke hele t J.nnd te lrPld ofnlys to Ie 1yes of ihe
ld be tee of ili(It ovi
lny they re plose leddig nd lonations he L(er
as dfnbed ve lDdel te hedig Rhlhm''.


we hnv. i0 ble lht lo


thedlnlory nvl dio w


l,'n 4 ' 'U;dl.;a b

,' Fj
"" ..
Dl.,e ha'

ol .|o'a
desned in !h. reviols"d
sljons ';|
of the lel hough
lheie re (hiqs in onmon, s ny ftadig lud suq
geis lh. p,edominne of otial funti! in ihe ai
road]ng sedltes ihis kind f leading fom ote fuld
he dlmtoy ledmgdisys grealvIiei iintonatio
olwilton te' ]ele n lnlosl
endlss vanoty ln the uy wnle epless thmselvesi ut o
maer how plsulle the wy oIwnling y e' milq l.

w s.mclh|nq hs ee

(en' nlsted'led losuIt the5ujt


r.s h(ll desUls

!o or series.t nll lo Ie||

htr!]h n wds neady midnlqh( hon And(ew

e he found Joc ogan wiLng for h'm

u and d

{tl' 5hi

nes et!ean lhLo

lhehlse {.Jr0l eildel]
he lse descnltiy when senes ret' op]. 0'
v pe6on s leeLings aredes.b.d m su.h lhi }e..
!!le them v'vld)y l!' qod despliv lilnlq o n!0lor
u'|ds !p |)i1u.e
muh lhe sIe wy s nEl

\4 got oll ilsonlng nd wen

n0n L.y.tikeI'loiook lhe who|
l1n ]st1il d
'i! vey hLse
nge v'llge ihJlon. uLlds.friks lnd monI
edny Jue le welc bu6tilj(l
'n our

lJ..J. /l Jero. ll'ec

ssge n

de6ldod ts nre]ig: n nes

.r pod', hc
mind i5 an lo




plos. hYe muh ln omov'L


a story I

d6!ib. d sene as well as h.

f'on lhe lsc nse]fnd dle'


lt de$l|o. of oulsr

or lh one sholld nny red the sssq|ully {nhol wo'ng vel the mnq f few dfirun

words en' uhne readng n, 1 Lose ilention ! the lc

evec desned I io the *aaes wfuh led to lh
m' evenl sc d the v e. qLves rcasons wv 1e event r
even dfed ouftd whe yo llave red;9 psdlc
.lfu|| o! shou|d e m osnLon t paus a llne t d uy
etiled beag .nd ble io
dehe the
ol th
*ie wh ou hve hked
r dliked 'n!.n1ios
vhi ou dvered
whit makes a story lasuito !ad is usual| the wnl/s
]]Len ol

w olleDl] i he senes d ple rc desribed th

hate6 (hlnk tlk or a1 i qDit N imonni s
ribule lIqel to ! e.lonent
esa/ (o unde(ad how
ll'se (!itis oI de!tes l]eL nr t dovelo nd hw lhe

oesholld obeI mjnd lt n story L.iry' thuq

dlvidod iit assges It is ver moiant to ulde6ta0d hw
!'es fntr]'ves ut logelhel A tod$ respds (o. taxt,
G Ling!1il'Es 1LnlorDl evjdDe] bula|so t lUes
10rUlPvLdee) ln lesond'q io teit
nxo a.oul|| he knos o| the evfonel:'eaderUsu||
wh( is giq on'
lrh. invlvd s well as yht prt |anguge laing,
videt|y lhe nrl .D *il|c t. do]imn 1h.lil
bIe.k il
i. [ ossges lht m no
s.Jes hen lhe $d!e shnld sp|il
hlases' !l'e l'(el

to udelline



le emPns


eits i eh qll Dd
l. l.fll. l. .rlcssn'!] lhe

tho omuniatve

A wrilel lps ll .hrale lo oe al've t on| e.

sn'g (he w lhe o.l bu( b lltii(] us hal thm spk,
, P, ||", ]"

d l'] -i'",jq
Dilogi tit dre aulhols rcpdulio. of tDal onve.
tloi and in redlg l.!d . ladol sh.uld ear iD nind lhehr
leG l lh spoakec, then s
g'e lheenvtron.'onl' in w|llh theove! tkes le,
]e u(hor somerimes rovids !s unh lu6 as lo hw thc
speh .l lhe arle shuld einleIled, e,q
ame nn th.lom to sut th wmdos wle }'e wer djll
!' bed d I sw h ]ok ill, was sivering, h fa was
while' nd he wlkeds]owly s lhough i.hedto mo'e,
whi s lh mael' shalz?,

You'deterg k lo bed ''

,Iou9 ld't||seeyou wn I,m dresed,
ut when l m downni he ws dl*sen, sitting y le

fuq |ooking very sik rid

oy of ine y,l\the l
pltn]y a d on h lorehedI'nerle
kew e dfvel'
You 9 up !o hed''ls.| .ou!si|r.'
'l, ll righl.,he sld
When t. dotol a e took the y,s lempertur
l'cig,oy' A Ddy's wn)

h nvetns al stlkig
o'ever lhi * ]ilelry lex om
Ie des1ions, n'ri.ns nd di|oque, dl f lhe reslh wolkn the drm
'26 4Jl o||ol ,' 'o !61 1d ", D'o.o. o'gJl,,
I the

dsibd evnls' shes

i'1 olG lhumous' tagi lonnti drcy imqinnv.

nd so oD) ad oIuce lhe
wys |eny mlled and dtgued ils exIssivenss'
n f the luth by lh emha
ss' lh. ntn Ige .l rosodf d pralinquti ff and
l |lllt lhrouqh the sk LlUIredmg Gr.1tl'


lh! -cl

nd on Ill nonl'otr grotr(
v'ews !I pheti
G Pnldyevd l.I rm]e llms thl th Lov
Re o'{ |oses ns nnliv f
e suseqoenll, ll'. ldn lq'nslnq lone eoms mole and
othel slloli w!1| 1It nle mon ryil nulear !n. Dsod
ll th? nnE!
n! t'naIqIUs lho f'nl lv luiiq
'n. v cn1/ l1" \ u.o l
porimt| dt we will tr !o
lht ol. hoi of 01e termLnl tne m non n
lld by 0re emhas' ne e.
!IssLv Ieding suqsc lhe Low oI A,!edLUm Fu !thol lhan


!Andlou tehd
tij]d|ght I when
l!ll1 f lm the !bul!
dilLs1s le
lryqower I Al n]e
o.gsed re!l'e|. |lI 1Ji0? e

i vs'.any

oipl6k ad io dt jqqq fu 0c it,

our li] Ioedure wil| e Ihe phonoLgi| olrposilion l

nd ddamto/ red'ng

oosi(ion sow6 tht both leadinqs diflr loill

s1' Ul rimnly in lhe voie timr _ ]n lhe d{li]'ory
reading lhe efrotional oloung of the voie vry h' v.ed

aold'ng to ihe degle olemhs

on lh rosdi Ivel te nrke of 0l d{]tol s!le

sLo lemp' use


p.oIonged uses spia]Iy t

2 stl

te lenio

o. Uterans and

Pa3sge oundiies

he Us
of th. l n' min

Nw y l'y ol nlusion wc wuld lik

lr n|e redg whih

eG aod so

n !l


le]an! b b. vh'le

th |k l sa. in


sy lht we


}'he spekeis al mor lIaed less

qive lhem t 1he

is ll]e oi lOl tljir]ioqu!.ehvlD. pen's solelmes

n}le {i]] .i Ir lhe iy
nLn! l'DI Oxl]0Dtrm l1c kno}' d 'velU. la3]
ltrs ||spcdke tldv.a v.nlau]c'$le !l iG v1ios tr| lhe

d o. qL]sh' Flom edqg'l

I]woml ihis nglLs seems t e one ol lh. mon useful d
lPn difi]k]ns olte IaDq0!ie l t.hlore'g lerne
W0*.nld o Do'ntout herc Il YPGIio] n|o 0]e

toi l.he Ol

book does nol llow

inq s i1 enles wn(.n lterturc 1o be esj]e (o bodd?

the Li|s nd nuden' hlizo
t the uloI's i.telins' ! !nl.k slo nd D! t11

5, o



he 'n of l]ris s{tn is to lyse vnitions Ihl...!! 0

lulal sntneous' eveydy s
Lsed lylre 0l
le and osoqDn1|y a vri.I uh].h
w'll e m.l'(oton|
fm r to the vs'' of Dqlh spoki.!'
pD]e lhn nylhel ( hy il l]ed fmiLiJr lLo('
olDqlLn] i5 o a mansIl evrdy mmuilon' herd
n etwen
so Dhono.
dylns a Lt onveiin smeshl'ek.*'
lso ]1i1mlom],
bstrse !h stle u6 minly in in'o,nal| nd inte
nal Iela!!shis i le speeh oI reltiv. kieds. e]l

e ep{led o.whcl \{ hive

arlcidy ulIin.d
lsed then] IdL.g t the deg.eo ol
so heIe 'e
w'll tteml t gnr loi] n'9


hoe. n ]]]lnqUti d ctLioqtrintr


od omp]e ioms o' humn

Plv]ouf o.o nns i !min

l nvetos' tt]e omp|exiq so oaos ov)ous
wih on l[ol aspts of lalq



onvGalion onsk

quqe 6nd a gral delon that

notsajd A meosurofomn

Dnd*lnd]ng has lo l belwen sake. Wh.e this on.

n uddPlandin9 ]kine' lail0ls jn mmunit re t

I a dnv.'jon { d nol ju.' ]isten l. fl.Ids we deve

l mnjng onsious| I uos'oun fifr a nDmlr! 0'
nd it Dld b lhu! 3 ljll of .n
eyelw i twih l
side of tho mulh. I I|en iell L

of 1e



voI]. imoiit role d hs its ovn to ur n|

l'nkd }i)1 o1her lletive ws ontiUted the sDekels
1le full effet hiev and nen]ngs ai ehanq;d vc!
nlt n!age ndb!t u.familial lis,
s (o nudy o.veGtional intel.tio! ens lo studv sme
ruleJ of on.vrl| b.havioUr in r|Iion ro ;tiu|l
'l'e ind soieti.s and o to iudy l linquisti les

,, d , )

d t1P..U'J, of |hP llcl', ).p o.,n tnP ,\ PvPn

omnr t Ee! we ]ui d ot
ve lhe to Ihe methdolog io opo wnh lhe linqul]a|'
sll01ogial d soiolgial omleities of sl!|
teously' t lrn wnh te nqout and sinlifi o]lvitv Ubl




q'o' ]t|y' oo.l,AlPd

,J eq h ",
|h" |', Pdulol d
d., il el' kn lht mn o|eehve diflere.i| fth.y
re e oI e|ng 1e{o.(ted' ut !n'onUni|y lnlqu

onr.xt kin.sis' eI
sell in '']lleness' ol nny ll1eiaes as the ontet
mak6 n deal whll ws mnl llrr akl' ous mki']a le


abo' u.', ck lgsplsi'|i; lhe,. lllP'. ol

sposibLl fl ou. yul
kind of wolk as yL do ] lelng _ all tose h'ldle ]]



No ul oU do



0n1 ol re6posil|ny l

lhe meninq baDl0 nlo !.
ad lil of' inlo siIene



.u'1 1he seeh sUddn|

io]r1ed ol ev.d clt.l lo

llveEoOl' o.Jn|| tIL ls

akgroud d lhe eliilness

qllld ind is diq0osli



' o'

so f .u'se the l{rded somls ol soilaneous illmr

\- ,|:
no' !]u
'P h1iql o| ,d,l p',l', i, ,. old,nq

nuIes 9os'ules' iil el'

il mamfenlios whi onsli

q,dq.,oftr e

b..n Lsiiq il will l aive qLile relri oq*.

lle di8 d inv6liq1e the lheonen in ll ils omplly

oj Avel)0o, ,1o

1 ,n, book w.. n|q do

'n lc 6p.l ,,1 ,
noLl,v6,o',n. m.ojd"o |ol tq,| Fl

soolneous ollquil. ilIml onvelions dD|v L

m!'o |inquG(i hrlefi {iG

'aiI] l


!ry mJ , dl]o1Jf

Je oniot?o re!i

nsi niqh6 re|l

2 sondly' vrstons re
prann'g .d te ndne$ l n'jl laeI, e re vey

]0d, Yes'

.Iten unledi(ble' not au'ded t

p]e i oUI ht nvelon
his th 'on hangPle vIPL l th lanalaa I1
howevel' tu th( n] mn cv
semnti |o.ks !emmon| ree.n.i Fol ]nslde' n)e nrre.
1ed ehnge lgleelings, (n5' ]Pasnties mkmq a.


oilquia| ]ks sUh s qlenions l ke! lh .olveaton

ii{orma(io elesjos ]dln! up 1O qles

.d rh'sinq, .plsg g'(ilude ld oth6 es do!]el

d emg g3m'ts dr.


heLpIul loI seke (o uild



h tive seakr.s ehni

ol|v ol to,.i0 |Po',,",.

rl.ordel t h| 1]lem tontl nd hidl.0l speh'


lr'lld q .l] letrft ol


o 11!!!y" h]ton

DD].lJ' n]]! oJ nre totrguP dd l] 31s o, ovPndil]g dlLl

|''l.l'.d } d Ll!. nulnLo ..oi'nlcd luses nd i ve!-. dltrjult to dld
.s l as oound senlences



oo qPl]q

!!'.|l' i|aye ut,


L F'm']rlrlv5 J .!nr


NiLn. setenes



ll. !nJvdlUr I videl,lhoIs !s nl]]s qoveliog the ndU.r of .vefnO. s.]nt

ln ommuojati




the eEo ro'


on !e|' ron Ie .U]tUrt]Lv

some make
oJ (|1Lc] l)a] n.l ex
ol ol|rclwGe the

otPI oiG to e noted]l'.']oLod,Jy.u*! rino, lao']1II1olPIs

l;Lqhs gjqgles lnqs



rrr.J s!.!iitr slytc

some orore

of how

leadol|!seo' l5.]



a. p|l


h leture vithout usng ltre

n]l1]eled .Ieliv lhi]]ki1!.id plodul i pilleli

hP .e olma.y slqnlf( t ivojdno ofhll|ion n.


lke rspnsir]ily f. Ul klnd

d in l.hloq

d mentre

fonn te
dine I l,5_2 metes onsidcled lo
ein mfItle'or t|ks and anyllliig neIer 1h.n lis J
ot laied s nltmte o|
)lguge has sionfLnrt deepeIleve d
t ehited i!] 96ttre r nuIl

on the qmmli| level infom| onveGllin liviis de

limndtio of uIlerncs 0d sentenes he Ieglh.t uolnos
more vnle h.l than n othel v.iet olnqlh
'uh in modlll nd !s nditin vnhons in llleldlo
leneih m.le a lo]em.t d.limitjnq sen1es flm eah


lh' nor ! o(ed e

ol qmil in (
'JoLLd e.D]ylun fttrn olheIsD n'l0 l1I!I ths l..t
|.]lv (lrffelenl


0f ttlP

l 'o soken nqnl .1o

l nqe od lh. ltn t !l

n!trDL jdio lhe Lse .!

'dne olD.s.o]!' the
nl0iL'{y ol(e l1 }lieved y theLseot wis and hIdses
g- o} fuqh a |s('oh's
Y.s |\ al1']!)vl ahfut ln]n sn| odhvs|hL4J.l
l q r 1d R|1l]? coU|| fi l| oh, n.!!.'/di on]e 15,1)

on the psdi love] th neld lesrche provide us wit

d1a1]'thPlpUstd0smegeer|izati.nsl54' L),
| onveGdlis lll ito oold
sLrsegmenll and s(tpll
sed' n'lh'n pirll ra].s' ilh

2 sme tere rc n rstlitions n the range and dpt of

emolons hih miqh!e dLayed inovetionI seh sit
utions they wi||a|lo{.nli r.nge ofIsodi efi,
' Io th desntio l rsodi hr'.istis l lh iotna
lionl nIe we w'll gin sainq tal lnton(io grous ae
Ither shon, lhn pottia|1 ien
rn' l'ese sh{
unns a.e r'enzd den
th?ed iles 0d 'nterausl
ldde ]um

Il '' d\)o, /"r dl'h,' yd Jo,,

{ he heds.o usiLlylevel

r rlel' fl|ing. Fllif,g hads

.ul0Dl i grups ns!inq o'seveIt nresed sllles,

5 As fol lh. nulei snle fino nd risinq lnes a'e.o'
!']!rl] tolel o..Dl n 1
pIe,n[Le4 s' LiLsle ver i.equet' e'g


lhink n !!n(eE?,
,'_ I'd oU
'llhel e cthin lhn \fl''
6 t'e tmp ol llquia] speh very vnd' he natural
seed miqhl be ver fan !l the im!.ssin of s|ownesJ may
a.ise {Lsr .l 9lal Umer of h6itati!n pausos ot fi]led
d o0 li||ed {h6ilni dla{) {itm t Ik owvi llte
seke ny hve n uses eten thir pats' Yr ofte

fiey sk simullanous|y' inlupl ea oiher,

Ao a fnilir poinl about ifom.l vGtion lhe ne
quen of sile lo. purses .f ontaive puse s ppsed
io s be'ng reqlned smp|,oI Iethrkinq,
Puses ma ur ldonly' notjun l l6 of qrmati'





'. llook' Iyu \dn'l sm

vry lli|P in tn sty|e.

7, ]ter!sal strelhes hav. rkod tende tox'rds

njb]tive rhihm' o.hrony.
No l Oln'de the desriplo
d.1Pris!s e wo0ld likc tO pint ut t1 tr imIesnn thl

hol] iveins

anset oIr{uel p!
teijE whih ...ioDy disluled the nid!n o] se.
'']. plsodi d rlinquisti lt whi deprd un the

v.onq suIsegmenll



lholgil Ppsilin ol oveliolaL (iIIm|] and

]t!']] dialogles sh}T thl 1h.rc DUh in
bul te forfter are hr(enzed y a
qr01eI vet ln ll Ii!6li nd et|igUish r.tnshs
holLd b. dotre ( enLe lnle*r
gloc t have qd q.ouids t

Nna i'e sh]lejnin 0olllcI


h 5e'e oJ om,
l'.]nd j' .inl lortl iese.G y lll. o.Lar
'nuit'nwL lmss i nuboifledtioos


.n ihe l.iilies ofieIed suh

as geiuIe od t[ posen.e t mrD .nili']ql n]

Dd sO

hlP Iedeo. to a]o

'onns vhrh

my b. Yaau

Lse]lj.l !)

rge etent

of 1dirtI' w!s nL.]l


ne lelehon. snlodon quit Lniql b.nlq lhe on| tre

lve6alion in }'hih th anii
pd ar o( visibl. to eah othel' so lhole soe uetmly
l keigu theqiv and take etwn thenjian'
diffelt rge f sitlali| ressures t*od uon the
i'j!anG' ad onsequnlIy lage oI Iingu(i .ontlns
whih lhy l mnted lo h
P 1.|}",. vo'o lon9
uses, lses dnt b ]onq' *ause ythinq apl.h!]! d
s'ee may be inleretedy the |Gtenel eithers raakdwl
o. ommlnilin o. ds ppnunjty foi inleutin vhi
ma ot have een dsne{, voied esn o jntodued t f']I


ee ln Yle I lhe ul.s .t a

.ll quests (ls reted ld hood)' IPJoises

'( nlpe.dlYes

re very mol,
vnu]ry harlelx.d bv (lle use of.llqulLns idi.
he oenLng nd .|osi.q o' a tP]eho
onvehn ie i.k.d 5 the usP f the sm l.'mlL{ lh.
|]nauEo. dv'.es i'nq ut (

,and' b'wee them .0sn n

sent lmiliar tgs, ul
'h0 j
en.moun odpji lellonsh
n]res ndlvilnans' idividu] U eLngs then nt.l3.iio
nd 1cn tols ofnizahn,ll ivolves vh'cs
Tln'ok.t !r 'm anot retend l oxlie a dDll

i] altmts to tI some ol the mol 9qnin.nt stds lhe

ndth.s wht we tLed !o do h'

N oflonn]it ai . Inon lrhnl.||y b se.

n'bIoviP of lhe more aenel| nolon
le sl'lLd.]ude lh h!lel y eli'nq e n.I 0r.
hen nl6'stles o| seeh Ie
kel lhr othel G.d ljve lLne,

b0ok.r 61 no!_ ol v0c

ie s.d ofu(IPIal..s ld


(l]. n vera]l y usnlq !olz.

$]ons oI ro])liq 0]P Glk
11h [ sons ol hlsos 5holn
L'ke ,hl l]i0], s, v]iol di Ll,c,l d s o
Now ofo]trnon w. sou)dlLe lo soy th i( not
}'ndoot sq|lrcne rl .d(atLn noB jltrcanngly i!g!en.
. Ln ommu'lve nudies ehE hve tol]nd ne}'was ol
o'n ng to terms w(ll 1hose ih hop (o 1eh nd lh *!d of
s oDr l tryLg lo eale sfillent ,,ovq!


, ,




hlnq trd LemLog

,o. ,o,

l q

,d in ! A,,l ll. d'' Uj,v o, l ol x-/ ,.,

,l', L" o( ,.
'd ",
nd soe UseIU]dvjo II
s!h !1s wasqlve.
Lnguo,'d e.Dle,'ale orh t)ra] nd !]c.

nm o ofng|h it
vanul ways of ns !aliution in ngL seh 'e
o lhe ;'g'fine of intonhn

nl osile withl


the |iitod spe of this ok to


h l e lh! ory f d nlm or


lc.l l te dree o'fo'm|i1

orcspondLng]y ll!.e g.lal vtrn.ty j' i'nq henrlol
r'enmeni {r'LL.d oron-nlLed] |o|]zahns rednion( aDd so


funljonal 0nns mine l.qether

1 Al] Lnlonao is depend ullimto] on te exth,
guti ntuanon lhe spokeG find lhenselves m. 1he spek
e(t of the o'!m.n qro!d
elqeen ifrs.lf and h ll.!l.
t daq6 6iall ls.
o.n'ng ens{nng and foll'u' An open

ihe answellq phlase(s) fulti. Answeling sid l fulfi] elpe

ad thus an e folloven ither
y a neg pning }i m e pdud by thsaeseke

3ve ou gt ihe

ave yu qol lhe time?


_Il s Ihr '.]l., Al. u

-hakl,l nainl 6.


! hunTl

" p"n'ns h'e del'mili a sa ot .Pp.b .nswP.1

movs: a louow.up mov. d

o'nmcn| l po,,'h" dn.^",,1l]

o, ,o,o

Il no slL aiiudes ar eressed i the m[.odiloques

bova lh. ope'ng more t*ly lo b loDoun.d wn
oid le n!lar pi + md.n.i!q trin lono] lhe ns}'e
mov ree the level l the p nu|eI pi + |ow f]ng
{od phse m he lhel

pnUned ei(he. wihLn ihe

tone, t'e dddi.
l0l oflI' oI tht !n!de my hnae lhe
]tIatng n(ure
of lhe Ionto n osil Ys e lehr musl b
wre olle Il lhl al]osil
onn{ld wi(h the pniulr seeh snljon ain
lhe ilnUdes rcs.d by (he pniipnt'
vey the lde dequ(.] lhe speker un e l
hn |oad afied y i]ulI
e]ement i. |'i( due, ne dlnrib'ion ol pdm'nee ln eh
pn'oll pis0 deends Ln th sD.akois apIeensio ol
es kilh lhe h.el we sild.Ar

l!!ons 5 wh|e. nlt .y hnge

lo!dn* ald duIlion l'ke|y t


lhe ']ulion ol plh

menlry' perhs mpeslr' hnges in theolh6 It uukl

be lnk 10 udeleiimte lhe lnfiulq ofdid] {ht n]
thetr ']t to

llrnize what we n mLnee depends

.] ut'ned.r des nol r{oqie thetr omensal.r

1}e ofdqhnl m!sl e elul oUl1he dis
kiulim ol fom]nene monq th pns oI h Uterne' l' ]5

,o,o1' o'o, o,'


(her hnd for.vrds my bo ]lo'malon]l l!dcd ad


wi }iD Jon d?
th]k he s oming,

a .a|re! k] sekel

. l inlonton .n e p
do06.. I.l' ne mly sk. n

*n skd is ldillq oud a ready do

essentia]ly ntertive Ie$

n( ho}'ever' bol{eon der

is oneoed {ith' lilioi l fiu|' lh ld/s lask to d.

v.ot nhat 1he wiler i eids fl that n.t lolobl' ut
thg 'hd naing(s] rhe Gt

prvided te (et 'i1 nlen eting knw]dqei

ol nn d 'a'ol pIolll. lol lhee*D$lry vnlc. is (ojudao hor

the wrnln tt int a

soknn. ut m dtrlglo

nlese hiPs?It seems lhl




hinlelf}'e' spkrng lo th



otrlds does he ]nake

as if



lele1 it ad "r{'

id ouido th
nL a1s tlle medLUm' sin
delinlel le.l
llie .i'1 Droah suqgis r

effl on
r' ]ust nol. liqhl Ile.e (at tough Iexis nd gImmr

eten lexio olmntj| d

srip'io of lho ilm o the one had nd the iltion teat

W an stu|ate t |en threr |r!ek f engqemrnt wih

thereading tsk Al th.loten |evo|lhe lederkessuh di
9ons about pl'm]e and referale mtrer s re]Uslifred y
nsidGli! of .ah su$i! sontee m is|(io, lf we
tke th |exl: o u]d hve een tdken te oks were
It musl hv ben lhey had sen'

Ile.ol,d.i hve e.n in.}, e oks were

des*' l1 mu have en ele, lho had*e,

l tig on


ul lhe readel m k6 sen tene.y.sen tee di ns in t|]e

l'ght of canier sntenes thl !o sa' i. e ioratrs th
onfo|d'ngtel i'!o the olld.'to whih heori!.ats then we
o?d'l hve been lar?. ne ,a wele niL]Iig on
{lc desk,It i hlvo e ele thc hd sen
ou|d e invo(1ed. 1he o' le prcsenled as lhe res fI
nt'nLg (ht .h ouldn't have n tke , rolaim
le plonouned with the fing
,. d
d.r1nt.m,'.d r ,,, h.v b"o ", .jq
' of thl ',im|id y
'c ' toe s vinul !n'lio
or flliq ljig
huldn'|' owevr iftelet teleds fuling in1o wld

eon rho fikes mik6'.nd

k ,1he desk,'i e tke lor
9lante_th.D ll'e leding mightqo like:
e.o,zh t haYe ee iJ'd}?n e b.]o]c were sti|| linq the
set m

|d whih oj

n lo itonh groups in th
be ronolnd unh rh fllig lon.s.
his lyj)c of reding by n infomed .edl lo l iIIned
ppli1io j iorelg lad!g
rehinq oe ol lhe djlftulties oI rcding le( m lrelqn l!
ual sentnes hld l.glh.r nd
6, whiie on. of the
ldeI |oLd ds is to highlighl lh. nlfomtion stuturo ofte
io u\ th, onP ,oU d l,eJ.||/
|. o,q91


hvethem read fo]lowlng lh inlnalina||y nruturinq model,

lt io1
9i1i 1he liitd s'e oI lh se.lin to
q've omplele
s!rue fth mon inonnl rinilles ofinto.
nlin ol ]n otht speh rrlizalions, Il definitel sub
lt fr du$ion i a sil ok dhq with the nelhds of
Ut thele js ne mre oint lhat should e mellionod


hI |eaIly' lhe quaqe ln

lhel engJge lLnlled then soil ro|s ld djd. Ll
pses do ol gjve ole ol |eLi?a ll lhe men'gs n!
n]|ed b int1ion' horofo]o tohinq mtnl stjUld suq!csl
extLinguisti sil!lLns ji gLh lole Lalnq.D cDos ihe

y wa oi nlL6]0 {e vou

hinq f grmml nd




lt wou|d e erJetl atual t dd lha1the objt l LiguEti.

is vc.bal lnqu!.ls J
erdr i'cls lLolonon moog
!h.m] fonn !h .Ie ol D]n hu
the t)messge lully o
mng le] !insis Dlves b
an esh| Ilai l


nl L'ii n' r|nti.



|'stner lt qPne
prov'de. ol nrlldhol, wev |jneoo6 qu(. i..qu.nrly qiv.

ldenIified s the sedkel and 1h.1hel s

snnple ll' to mol oml.! uele' s'h

.i- q
' )or m"6n i
J " ll' 'J ol"\qJ,")
bl on.velb| behaviou snre but nol Ll of whih ,Ur

a rnq. tlom

shi't n' ponulo, pndt hnq

the ed nd es' !'stiult'on
vriety lfitve lnd nlemahlllons invlY]g lhe Iae
ndhead' resUly man o. ths ln-voral cliviIjes of l
l !lovide leedbak .boll the dequ o, l|re
o(ever' llt e onrte evideie s
vilb|e !t the aiiiu]r feedk futins tht are soaon
vntios i n.Yeral responss ol ]ten.6 ot abo0t how
these intet with the vell oDonen ol |tnr rsDlss'
]]e mn mmonly idnlilied l.

l5 60 hd od' d ods a
i ny ol ao)y vrbl
]LPn.as0oos.5 I'] fa.l n]eY o.ur



lhal'itre.n] Dljort]


l nod

md e6



h lneasel!9|h thele ts glt d'veit in the so.

ken Il'zli.n of 1he tngu9o and Itruldy !r !.ms ol Pl9.
gldgP nmlnitiG lagig from sall qIous 10 ntlns Ns
spcakjg otri th (ins e retel
ll]! nliol vnnG oj
lhe lnquno. l ( t8lmen
A Dshweitze. A..dlnq to him mtr ]qe ; hil
al atr evlvln f.!l oldilons o' $trol]L od polL!|
oentli.n ti hlterj2.s the I.matio.l a n1jo r3]

,odll].li1s lrm,lhe LaiIuge ol ln ]ne.alure,

t ommo kowledqe tht lquge exts in (w fms:
lillei ad sken. Al nLfestotin ol langoqe by aos l
see.h s o'P lrsux ol a h'qh|
ne litelry spken form hs ils til .onunilio slnd.
od ll the qlLs{eking natns hie lhen wn
liol vlinG of bui.iati. nd eh .l thr has D{u!]
taiu'es tht dGlinguh ii no othel vnetis o' !qhsh,
] r oAn',d||J o, A?d t),d lol,le,t, a,' , 1q,,,|, l - Re
\f.,' ; tol,.
',Gener]Plondn 'iU
!lelin !lonunoa1ion''i fol 0lP AuiIaIian nal
''duated Austliao'' lwe shall sek abolt i( in ddjr i' l

sindld ntol !,ronun'tin smeunes al|e dl

ihei om ] som phneliins' wevr prefer lhe lD
hugh evdq/ nlio!| v.rint of nqlh hs omidero]e
lonuiation' lli and grlnI' rhe .ll have
mL.i,, 'mmo
U\g'ol-d ldd. , onrno
'hi' ng]9,vi
5dm |nq!g. lhe
sh |nque
It wou]d ot lfu t sdy lhat natdl.landrds Ie hxco
and inulable, e udeqo onsllni hgs do to vol
and xter.| ldtors, Plouni.' aoYe .]l suj*l
t all krds ol inn.v.tios, herefl th nalionl varia ol
nglish ditrer naln insound irss.nd well.
kow lat thre I untnes wnh mre tn ne ntiondl ln
oj.gP, th" oi nol6,e
aI lnglaqes on the sam
For this ad wnl be ]
drtrer.nes ln


emle' whre two dlfferel|nguages na|h

lom lhe rePi{ l tlre.oi]unny'


lseto] speak

Ilin9ulm in ntI* to moolin9ullsm tpLal ol i

olntr Ih ne ntionl ldnguage, tlel. ales .he rlem of
'ligUisti distlbe !'h'.h res!|ts jIm
rao lguggs 1o. di|tsl ing to ott jn speil' 9t

h n e eLL to n1e lhdt every Dalional vriety of the ln'

qLgeIlls into teit'il ' Ieq'oal dialls. Dll{ts a dtin.
JJrsed f[om eal] otlll ' d'felns in Inu't ga'n
e refer t
n]iInd vo.ulry we mun6ke loI that
a use l|jo *old
' so
li] Dts !'y hv mny l
uped i(o litorl l ale .
lls 1 l ,r a'npl' olkshirc rnnshrc nd hesh.
iheln enl.' w mun n]ni|
ljo}'vcl' (1 ii nln itb.o

olh in lh onu



ed As }'e see those tems sould etgdted diffenll uh l

lld lo d]'l.rnl sDc ol the |nqua9 I( , ovevI tueth1
etwee lese lers' Fl eiam
.JEoqhi']i' o|ilid] nd.uItDl|lo.sons D oI lhe
d']. bo'nos lhe *ndd ln{iu0e of I nri .d ts
h !s l| I Londoi dilt, whso nt bne
e "RP'|,Ravd on!nlo!') o{ Bin 157],
I( has e.n cnnted 1ha'
stndard !ln!!cia'in ol l

shologi], sidl nd pl'I
&l lnu.nes. In r|and fle'ple'e dtinqu[ onse
tNe' gegl nd dv.ed RP'(57)
As lesult oI ena soiI flo in te pon.wal end
Lhe grouiq unizlin srcad ofedualin ond te imol l
iofluee n 1h0 linal dia|G or Gloat in, Rent slr
91t' dills hve leveled that te pre$ue l

Irys liih



irnq nt mn

pele r bj|ingu) i

n of !P wtr lhPil1eh6 0d
s t thon niive |ol ent when sleking ang l.m
diqlssl shlld e i0tr.oq!]
lo dent. a nE I Ljg!isli dualLty i wl]i the nndrd !ler
ry liln t |anqu.] id oe of s rcgiol dil* .e uscd
!'P sm
ln dltre
nmen shu]d
.o1 bc miied up ih ilingu|is lhl is 0le
9 nd i|nlgllm Ihe so-Llod ode switlng lks pe, ln
o 'l. " fo. , |,!]l ,{' O' dv L'

As was nded abovr |ng0ge nd espi]] lts ocl i{l

.n'tm whih n used h
!o.] diftrentilion of lguaq]y .ne10d with thc
so]L ditlelen!lion lsooel' Nevenl.s lLqUisri f!'
n.l b ltriUd dtl b Lss ilu((.e' Aoldlg ."
A Dshweiz..'le lmpt.f s
.ontjied to ]inql's! r.']ees.f]ss nrude r]d;ujd i
miod nh due ra,.d for th. t]ediltinq lole { ]] ssd
vede|.te sjlqloups
dnet!LsDLudm JlnmryLUliG 1sml]aIoUs)' 13)
,z r',|e
',1 o, A D.' ' ,hdu,

in lh. mor. ldisa d.finitin l the notos, slh as l*' na

!on, nlDnly s0ely in9u!]e o'runi1' .ualon' s
ial q.oup soi| s!lmg' ou
I( i'elIwon ( undetd the|asss lesplit into d'tre
en( m]ol nd minl sil grous lpfesal' edu!
ultu'l ge' sex an{t s )' Gondinqly .'ery sial o.
t and sial enl D A shkh
gY .le6nes slL d]c s vaelos sokon y s]Ll
Imied nUnnrcl ol Deple' (73)
5o i. ln. |iIhl o, ften l
1vo l5 ofsially ondniond !libi|ii. nlliliatol'
and tuilndL Iiked wj1h theso.
il .ltex' oflnql.Je !s'' 1a 6)
ighlePd }' m6y sp.k nlw
lerms l the hzntaI dnd venll

shels l s.iol tivily

Il evident tht the

nqqe ens re hosP. onsiusly

nes ol lhe lgug l |led

l' hs o l be remele]ed lh
!.cs aotdtr)g !o ll'eJ nldlvldualilios Ja0q l int|liqIbilily'
trll!ll lli'5 5ex d dge dlffIeles td'viduaI speeh ol
|:very ]Dge omm]iry rnginlr lrm


nlLs s.]l]ng!ls dLvid 1he soi.1y inl

s' ldd]e
ev|idn ofth ]s'farjon ina deld L0 sj0l
g*js l]]e D.olem of o|stlhtion nd ofqroL ihuL
hds oly l{ent]y een tik]ed rhP rien ol sol;ov
sous nud ol(.il di]{lsm6t eded tr{ r;lt d
omtrled si!] dvanes Ln s|og d es(y



onlusi! t would b erlu !a'!l| lhing t

selng e| nd sm'l nds o6

(b1 |aqDg

nd] vilhoul lnizinq mutu

I dcendne ol ldqug .d n1.xt. he nry ' |a
gug hes'
i end]ess
| dpt t l t
'fwhele' 'n
't f th mmunity,
the eeds
sn] ea wihou( imIonig ither wt makes soiol'nqlisiis as si.nes |mponanl,In th book' lhough' wo
lorll mdrnlons ol nghsh
j' of siolrngudE *Ud'

6 onnnoo knoq]edq. thl ovg J00

(nedt Bllnl, (he



lrj)l. in|'

t? d!ord) Langu!. ol
Zcd]dDn Dn (Ddd

UsA AUnll Nw

rcuqht b N0tl' Amsr lmdL t'om re W6t l tqod]

Lt. Ln dlc l3tn d l9th el(ucs iDgLl'] }'ds eDoned l!

giles !s o .ho.c !r


nql'sh em {'dr s|id in \a'aIes l out 0]. sa'lt

jil to soul..i Ijoq]l'' }lou
dn' 'd\'.le f we splae

Ar4ro F'\o.

n otl'Dl Ils oItlle wond

An.ri.n F.qlisa
A.dlq t lh di|lolog lfudqil|' J iiih
A,Ughes nd otl'e$ i61' ?3l t
nqlis d

.e refercd to rhe nqlh bascd oup: nghs nghstl, leh


g]h dnd Irh nglish fl|| son].whi b.twei

(o .jn9 ]whi b lhemselves
js {dthPI risle nd rhe
,'glrsl' l!es .I .9|'sl' w]]l
bo tDt.d l1t i lh ok
h iq|jsh Wels nghs, s.ol,
lsh LnqLish nd Nodher lielnd qlh shu]d e etel om
l)tr)d ] rro ll'e lls nll'5h 5ubg.ou o the gIund l oll!'
sllo]ogial unity hlh roLght
t.lojoc vandl l Inlno.

s inlnh ig]h PIonli

no slndi( nd Aels] ol'( nql'sh qhn] W.h
IIeld F'.L'\h 1lhPoe
lglLs. sltish lqrLn)
W' s. N])
spdlq^!ns re

Nrctti lR"l



non R

|ok in gIler deti| l nlo

.ei nf s nd ln}

l)southe,] ieG lretel Lodon tney sLii' enl Es


se' ed(oldshiiP' u.kinq|rmshirel:

6l Aq| rcnls lliolnstre, Nlfolk, slffolk a.

sou(.Wsl aen lGlo!osrhrc' A, son61


ll N.nh.l ent iNonumerlnd, l]urhm ]evelndl]

2] Yokshn en]


Ndh,W" eic lLn.Jshtre h.ntrre)

w{ M

d dd 1rm

lql'm o]veh6mpLunl

A' p lRoi!d


(hat nowdys

h l* ty oI RP rcfl tho londenies tpi|fhnges

in pronuniatin,I( te mon,effl nd exagqrten vano.
ty of lhe aot. sme ofits feturs results of lmo
rI fshn sme re adolled
|ln (tooks' h..ofre' it ver imnnl fol ledeI and
l b(wee the tw, RP seke

ny nlive spke esill t.he o.nqlish d roie

sG oI olleges nd unjveiljos {pairuln
lhe solth nd
soulh.n f agldl haYe en loseL 'Iom
tesenling RP ut
n1'dehl lo il, dqil|nd Jt]nah all nNrR s.ul
em s. v.rious lyprs f ndard glh ll0unito m e
anYo R?i eell RP] Advnd

ronUnino i

lng boe elived iht RP sojl mlko.' D!

o fu],na.,.



Glmson 157)' A !ghes nd Pdlrilt 16ll slmIe

Rf nol otogeeous A,,ims suggeds
ihal jl onvenlenl t d!guEh thi lDes nlhin it
.sfrtive R |rs used the o|der geeI..' nd
tditioall.'.enin lofsion or soia] g.upsi the gnelal
Rllos mon omlnn| i use nd tplfied y ihe ronlno
lion doted the , 'd t|'e dvned R ls nan|
usd b youg pele oIe]LsivP sil qrouDs msn of lh.
iae v|!e' in ertin Ileslon|




tn dlilel nate n.w l( R!

less aent wi1hin ntli io, il sekers hv
s'h'h l ol in they ome iiom; vhi
n' Olher tye ofilish eG
tr (
lo meiion' hwevel, Ih1 n] .5
!er l , le
'iI of ngland sak RP tsh hone0ins

As ws slled aove' anqs lhr dndid ,y e ted

lhe spe l 1h ounger generlio' of nlve Rl seke
hes ff' all1he fetules In(lti(in oI vox'el
the Iosodi snem .. 0la

onsidelal. ltnges re.sod i the sound sc oI

the Ise.l nqLish, whih re osl lmlkbLe nne te
wel]known lct vowel shiil il !O iddle glh
the lngoqe de!]'let ]t .||cnLised .l'elid
th.l U

tjo l sUnd lesuLls in tlle !o'
ielizaljon f phoneme nlo


rA d'th.i,.]s l]n l'r] lend lo e lgv.L ed l hl. hus

lne lroun]aln ol thP oldspor.' A],i vid ke th;
olde.seake] l] lpU,
m'ddle aqed scake: l|' lU|
ougtrslakas: hr:J' IJ I

,o'',||' Lr,]i0,l') -mj i'



nr"'n;. ".'d
oP,L',n J, n

,nqL,,d ,|:a
'|' .n" lddl
o' ".o"^
,] "U o 'l,"
o1" ",o|l/



R FUl l|u] lnu']


n n



A LoL\ oU] li


iPidy!ilPdRP t,]t]ll|- b"] !''.]]9' .lqi

o,, r\-a.ho,.t,,,


ore k proUnialion oflh lej


rc adv Pnun.ition of lhe diphtong: {] ll.

ore frnld ronunitin ofthe diptnonqjds: l J l'0'


hnqes in vow Day 0 taed in I.l d ll

whih tend to e.loser i dvan.d RP, It hs lso e.n nted
above thl the nldi of diphthongs I.']' lDl' |,:l' {U.l boe
bore open hen lhes phonems Ie eing levelled' patrcl|n
t dilhong ll' whi.h aitlizd a qret prni.g l
t fi!.|enl: eld lk.rtull_ k!]fJll, e fit elem! of
te di'hlhong lur| n e loed .onsidel lus s.vela|
wrd6 wnh I] a.e givn e sde {..] ronunition soe
ad'ned RP sekels] r'r' fu lpu:, Ion l,, Jl'
' ominve.hgs, ll qll low|edge lha( wen
sunds arc nomny ty i!une ean other' hes. h4lg.
es !e.||ed oiatve. hey talG le onry i! ena h.
!e. ontelts, In diiiti studyi hev.!' thore no sh
boundr etw isoliive nd onintiv. anges'
l)ng in lj + u]' l|+ ], wrds lik. i ftel 9.
ma be Ioou!ed nh l.j!]tr lst'], Iljd0 ltltrd]
1p.ld |'., p.|, re nocn, y |ol m'dd doPd o' d yoLs".
(pPo'\ | om,, lh ilrq l., lolc
luI 11olnjd||/ b]
nds to be EDed e
lj], ne so flUdu&
ti. ll.! l|]: vord inni y,u'e llt] nom.l' ul n ossole
to Dlonoun l|]j] i i/]' ioi aml hese rent devel'
olnc ln nb'ntiv R? lnges ear em.rkle
b|n.e to Amnn sldard pnu.ili'
hng l l'] to la] for lr' i' l. whle onhgrhi ''
Pfo.n thc to|6 fnr.''v ll .' 01 |o sp{.'l P,U.
no W.ll'A voEcl 11] ,N{|| his 'onun.lon ld.nL
dyin9 ouI inP.nd e'ng rcpled lol lIo!',
words l'ke9]t nd,@]l i'll m br looJn.d w| l]


.' n6 tn b0, Il an atrept.'d fal lt ngli. vowels vi.y in length olding lo le phonet ontext the qU.
son l tey arc {ouoved y {voiel6s' voj)' sylli ldl,
th dr ol sti6s' the tp6 l nut! lon ad so o!.

Atuau, nds thele re ngs in voel |eng tlll

influned b other ilo, hrc , lL en|e, a slrong
ledeny IoI the so lled shon vwe to e |eigthe' nd n


ilIenino t nole that (his lengthenig n be held sdi

au' iD mny words in an sition
re lnglhenmq of Ij] is 'ti heard in b'q. l'is, q l l] in
qud] ] i e It should lso e metned tt l!] .f
ongnleed in lhe linaIsyl]le. ie' rc.y' 0iy: l!d] lhtni:]
sh( vowels k' ] e so vory ftequen lengtheied 'l
IcJ Lt4 ei $id .d L!4 Ddq d so on, is tendeDy hs

fuqls i



l.voii.o nd Dviing. As n
po'tion I finl R onslanc a.oldin! !o lh wIk ollh vo
ljdl olds' hey l lL nil| devorced' ai'uIar|y stos
suh drvied souds r leal] hoid atiel lq vwe nd
d]hthongs as in deed: ldi:d], o{evr, lhese r0 devied
aus (e |ttelre prnouned *ith nlonq ralh f.le
!nd.n.y f, , dlvoi.i 9
.ease As so s the psiio olvoiod voiels ne!.
'tion hs eome lhe rclevnt ItUIe ofnsoan,
he voi.d/voi.e1ess dtin.tion l th minial i lsdl_
l I' ld] _ ld*l ma $en b lon' AtLally t des nol take
]P, he wek sonan Ie never rcpled y then vi.lss
ounterpa.ll thy nevrbostlog, thns I'd'9l, thoug
devoied noorqune aspn'ion' ole than tht. he intel.
tion l fio] onsonls d lhe pedjnq slrcss wow js vel
dGe' h vstigijon of 'G,hiat.ikov 12l)
nlo*en lhat the dution of te vovol be,ore lhe tditinlly
.lld voied on.onnl js 1,5 tim6 lorgel tha! th| befre the
e sv


saw h ab,

Dsriing le positionl ltoponoj of lhe nglh stops

A',imlon haraleriz the initial Ien l' d' q]s njally de
vied' linl len I' d' q) as voiol6s

I sund




t,e!g l4.] _ l.d;] len l|tbl

l \|(ed


2' Loss of lhl. ln rid spe{h int'| |!] loi

form wolds
0dtend51od'elll]oD]lhooguage vensthigh|d!a.
e'l e.le slt'nsLuy dlP il m]el| so stead of l].
*mis,]-!ocl' -Dis|'t|L1nr]Doh.5 |]:v!nG3 l
!k^l Il evide' of.o* lltt the s l lh] slresed sll

3' InitiJl "v", sodre onse

}'ords hko w/'y, w., vfu.n unh an n]al wek Ieth'like
solnd tll] ti] ]he gee.l tenden. is h.wover ( ])Io

i ln$ofnJl|0|,
|| b' nP.j
lon I'd h . rad N . .h.lrm l ol. RI'


s. sprad or "drk,'I}]. hls t

ned th. Aen]n ronlnlioi a.d so] ded RP
s| Ie ofttr h.d 5ayLng Ir] innedr l ] ii.d]'e!s l.




It said td1odds

I]j R 0a qiotL no l?j l O.aI oL' !

lllo{!'q lwo grnoG i] ds r.dziLon of sLLl

, r' j1

7. |trtlizod nn|
B, Linknt4 d



lL,' l ',

, ". r.
E olln h


intusiv |l]'

o ,, ",'


F0]rl]' lsn ] !'hge i

l] Use ofg]tal no! Ll


.f .,..

oI l ]c!{ Rhk i..o]E i.o lllosl 'h[h ].tL r..otrn..

L' |or.Aslrodq lO onhogDhL. 1 R A J D rho!
oLne on.aID|]i ,}' l'oId n


iq '. F'Llrt nudeD l


uh ir

(t!r s.uDaoq for.rsn


tr'.oul]LD] flci1''ch lhI s


qudldr l.dlDli]


lc.L'l.* !)ltwo nos' lleIe




6fu tk]Ll

loss oi plosio is



lnl d!U']

some lPe honemes ve JD

DmilO{:.xfug llks'kii l.k,kjtrz]
L<lzc] rt,t !n':l !!l]|'.Ol lksii]
hve qi''d

h ds l lo qeek: sddy Lsnd']


s ri

'Loi: foi' l(u]l)] s{dd y.o ltt.d]l],,,hds y.u

lPtr{pJo I q're! ),] l.qlt] i' yl l]w Tin[ h]i i'r tlE
d*s ]iio n'l, ]Ie l]l h0 F]
16 ,]! l.]] 9']. ] flPr]Gc
l)tr3*' |' JlJn lie l|d{0]] 1id
1g. y6 , . |i ' {z o witr] .vei ij] lhe tdilon
sr'l LLoq ,
tr,ot |hd ah' l(
! oh' ] Inun|)
'( l|I' snrrw )1
'nft, nn|k? ]aln
d'U u*? || hol
0' biliv (hngDs, soLd ommi ltr' sj] dIo
pnd * l{' ' n lesrlc1jvcLv' o'q' l J ktru' l

eg mi.|:tl]

6 ]ld no'


do ve n df'd ]


oroP fln|!r'i|]! v

_ lnd']


N.ledLso frce v.i in.ile: lDf)ll. 1)l''

othel se\ eni'6 l |k Dm'kn _ Lk'mlks |'
Nw w.lolu we w
olm ffl.d nvd'n
RP s.dkcG some.f lhese hnges a|O quile blo' soo ted
lo dpl ]r.lo!]uaa l

mon v'tau hnqebl. u( on shU|d rrhze lhe inoile

|, ] '' , o'n.o o' y lo 1,
!t phoetiins, ma lead to ladi| hng6 jn ihe *nIe m.
ven'or of vowel nd onsonan(
. Rrqln|





ed llgjonal aen of Ing

nd J ,oul)rcm dld nor1o

lLk.l poinl out hel lhe

ha hlelinis' hus ve would

dffen8 otwee suthem nd

of oU' *Use lhere rc w6tem and estem


one I ihe miin d'fierenes blween lese gUps I .n

lhe onene inlolto.y _ the Esene ol sene of pdi.
all (he vowel l ds nt !rin lhed!

thcri spekers wh e tey do

]m wdss!h}*' oi'
lo.*. e lhIefrc d'stinq!6h
hke b.* id r Y'hiD l
thehundlbUk]ani{^r] inIhNonhasnr]dlUk]:

nd hve lrlhlvo l]Eihtr


ltl Jd l|

elolP lhe v.'.|e$ fiilives li ' n and i isont

lnl ' lm]' la] ooued lho

d6 dng mn

Nte: sek* wnh

more dronoLy

l!]il suthel u

ln rhesuth howee.'


[.]o|1 nored m l|]

ll ontn sel ol

h soulh d]Itclcitiating
nly' '.y el ID Ihe
nonh ol
li:] |jke i
'olvcs the hve ll] I the soon] .t nlLid nt5e !'olds are
one mre m]I no

in dou(

has een mentione.l ove th1 sme .qhsh en ae

r l.s'' Rhoti
en . lhose hi.h alu]y prluno lr1 oesoidn'q l
nhoglhi r,'n wort |ik. &r nd
l' l'] soud is


ofc.voL ll]

1A = t)os w).lj lI].csDt'

: lon


h' mon liiaLd.els 0le glolll p more wlde| Lsed

n Anglt nd Nihein lFlnd, |. q]!!| n.D ns} ao c

nh th vo|$ h' '
irik'ng| .leD vowe l![?L ,
n nD'R seJrjs trs ln] i( lIlo su.tix ', inq'' ined of
l'l]n] In Ie o| ''e*.n .nk na|nd wh[h
'ngirmiqhm' l'!n.hie) iDd Liveio! lhc' ro0.!nc
|]:9qg l!''Jq]] lq l}']
Now on ti|dono l mn rcds lj] s ded lr
tt'sl sfudd lIdJIj,i,u1] Ill n5ln ll[' on lhege
hs roql.$.d d qod deL fui' n hd n lon ltr l0] o]

]'qeil.s ol !g' g|dnd tj| lo* li every.oN

oi' ln ' J] ],"!ln'/] ,,,n|

,o n indo U|. L,,

n ol Ieg] non RP eD
olngd d e shlIn6t q'v a bnel o1li0e I1he rlup !(




(he dihihng





l, lhl' unnressed psition .lst invlia|y senti

2. Pl widly :red in kny sph:,o lpi?p]'

ntN' dwn l] nd I! onpl losl



w*.sd be eduted southm seeh !y

^s reI RP I were* nn nnd
d rc;eds aI vy



d.'.' '

Il,e 'pPh l Uo'Lns,(, d l

n.'dlLn <U|]I tes vItr

l, h] relizd s l.IJ: d



R! lru]sounds s l.U]: il}e |s]okl].l*Utl];

! l'olmay l.]: .y IlU]_ ln.l,

3, n

s la'] l I']: ld


|od llIr']:bng|b'ql_l.q],


vrd'ii!l posilion sounds !s

I| dly ltn'
Jll ; rcn f,d il!
, lpo?|'
d|' I J' l
h]L Po, |9tr | _ l,l l|'

nd lvl asiondIly losr:

5 when I0lu itl| t .ither dlopedt tepled

l's ldl,lh lldlr'nl]
6,ll] re|izod s avowl whe it prdes osnnl and


J,'ryk] !.DJe {rb;

ped'g vowe]n |trl' l lna dapop|E|,

" ln j, ,"pl P o\ l| j1 ld
''ndl i somelhn o'.
tdoffin] i it may e lloioued .s lk]

whn th



kl re hcavll spttod moie so lhn i P'P;

9 |l]i.afflled ls]




hea.d roe (he

vowl io


Ndem nd idlnd An

Yrkne for emp]e r{'e* nDdd no

Non ulest Pc h]v ver muh ii ommon wjlh Nonrn
oDes, neref0. lhe re oed h] 1l ok inlo oe gro
d.onsnn wiLLe rked' of

5 wIs 1hdt hve al i selhg - ?o]t' ..I 0]J' le ro

oot.'rnh t] llk],lk lo
6 RPwdl wil l ]Ie lmoed wth l.] i bad
Dsidr ..Pn':

.'n lf]n]

?, {.''] l1:


sJr l']l]l so



l.nd' slnl|' shon

h' !n RP ve lU] m hve l''l,



1 l|]drm|lci!'o.mcnis
, l|'] Ll reFdm Ll GtNi
:r r( ( t'trI srrrrrrnq u'rriti
4 h'l' i lJ}'En vo{ds de .1did !|!!'ln

5 pns ofNonumer|and
l]i (s Dlod0nn
lique D(|

n]e Lveor.r d0e

'llc !n]


and Durj kllay e lvurl

(|l uvD|i no! tbo !nque nd

l1lo .nop| pholoqlll differcnes elw.en w .d RP

,'Pd Lo!,J'do,|
. ]1 L4' , -lo 4' F,d b, dvP
/ Lr !\ o'rhm'dt ! ld,'dlos,ob|.|'d|.'ld'|,

4 l']l lh.ood i5 lnq vwel:

5 h words like le f ed we

frnd liu]

em mophth^nqs

- lhA lurn




n sh


fu.| o nt


h] ,,

mth th. 0]

boi. lt

^h 'od1o.j



, ol

! o l

'. ",,o.",-ed d
2 isonlG
itea|i siio' aiilln w[en th
r{ed'nq v.*el is shn re doll: de lntt]
m **d
. 3 voes l.nv6 End lo b" ni'
ltrL olon ol?y re gnerlly lols .d ";-l".r
wiihul alotlliza
in e ilh\d]]
,{' ll] d! Ll
ipp n I k]wdndhfunq]ndo;0r


sni6 .g]

\{e llun mdkeleel !ha(testal f s.otth llsn

sme hlgu s thd il a !t vdi.i, ou

nlLL deled'

1o \ d! o



e ad


no|dnd, |
iahn and |d- ol nodh.
l;oI|and hwevfi eli still the liveIn'

2 Length G ( distiltive fe*ur ol sot[ lowels s

'E |ikepo.] 0]j't-.dtqIenol d(inglhed I1 nu|d
Ie Ioge ] h] *IPsed oen
n l td.e ol dLphlhogLzwilh the etidls
.]]. ]. .Ul d itr'|
a. [ R l _ 01o)] dt'ntioi doosd 1 er: nol lho(]'


5 l'] |' tl] l]]m dl'

d' of a||.llom

'. 'aa L\, ..'hP."

\' o,, ,d
lnralulr unIil lheRefomlio! le t


dt lhe

oun d
*'s qladu.
u lep|. by gLh. I idt|| nuer of wrn;s and
oG i lhe hkes olR. ums lain.d olen nilv ]antre
Nlwds eduled sot !o sak a f; I]
slndtd igsh whl.h qidtnmtIly aid lellII is lot dLf'el
eilrom nghsh usen.Lsewhn lthough wnh n obY]ous s.l
nsh ent wemuid]i'. hwevI, ihl no{lad]ld dL]{
ofs..dnd ni resenb] s
l d'fferent ilom mon othel varieties I!n9Lh
vely d'ff|ut

A( the mm.nt (here s ltenll *lonq mvemnr sr

s.(!sh nghsh

a5 used

nq enl l]

hd lru] {| _ htrl]
7. i terenmq to menlo lh


lj l ve. mny !]odal aen
Lll ilII thn


.'d Ilfh]


(Is r'h. RP

lb] d lU] m e





m hv.

ook w. on.e.tte O'

'i th
duted ur soG



ldd'6d .' d do ..\o,g,
lvur o'|nq i1 nationaLvnt l iqhsh,

o.. -'



|,ses ng ll! Le i Gss

vols su.h as R hrl lr ]

on voh li]

It' lU'doDot

s drndn
I0j1l{' t' k]d !||y o n1ed

L9l: vfui]r

lAI{] wt.h



3 |l]
u$all a
! NoD Loiial
l(].hen lcLedNlr|otl * 8]
5 ll] is ddk ll iiis'

6 h vo|e i.[dNe lr] .(s

9' A 5iti so|l fetrc

1h !IoU0]1io oI lor] s

n diglinlivel ditrl0t fim

nume' .d lt o0ned 1 I
'n o{{'.jJ ]'orqe oIIIend nd ulh1trl shols l he Lng
'l n ,o" , s.,n- 'n ll"|on J6 o i ) ', l,o ' | 1 , '
the wr! nd wen N1i{]llds l na|and and iillshws sigs o'
this td h kind ol ngl'sh s sprcd ! aer on ' lle
Ins R.u]i' Nt!Iu le pl

ig]rsh ol nholo pns ofthe is]nd wn i nte m

] sot|nd as lal nle oIset| me
fsot| l!.'n ola sevtee(h

lfi hs (5 rooG



Nnem lF|ad oqhsh

onloa?neus' AIes of lh lr

".\ \5, l,,n,q'eoo,l'''',,n..LoJ,,J,,

heav'lsolnflLeedvli|icof g|h,x of !e'bvi

o tlt the ]ng!ig. n'inlio wi}l lhg PU
I llldd d Nonel ftrlnd
som l th Reub' Do
q' lNihernkc)ndghshl'uhj|esleoI(enihernlrov

ts.ule.n ke|nd ngl|l]

h Nihe. lrlnd nq|h

ht ofsoth en p*.
vo.ali retofl6 f.lolsssonoi' li]eing t*d ms.|nd,
|,/{I'] ,' l |,l-d|o -'''
/L' l|'lj,



l] rr{ l{] t*d |.dl]

L!| Doy{.] b?d lI]'prdt

shLId bo nled fnst of l1 tht nglh lonuition

Ln Nonhe.n lralnd nd in the Reou|i ofirc ar df,
leient e p|nl]on liesm h]slory'
In lhe ldd|e Ags alm{ the hole of ]reland *s IIl
sea]rinq Nudays' houever tive seake oflrh re le



lptl .lt l*dl;



lJi lpdl lx]l.r F.d]

l1l] nr ldll. hdrf l|El.l
U] h0l] t!' l] t,
^d hUI] p.r lp||l' I,I lp!.,
] {'i ld| .drd lold]' p.' lol]' l]!,'s lozl' It
nod,po lm] p ltrli
trl p.w l.J d'] ldIll',d b]l]l

Ihe nnL{]laq .t.s

o. voreLs

st]oD]d be red


rd /
' 'o}

l,,,,l",ob l o'

"9- -.

2 Ii] lo]dret eiL

l lr o J o i'i\ n|r'L LreLP lI

4 i] LUire yPry \n6l.,
5 reJ/i ofj:]m v.onndd|

vo]d ll ld]:

Amli nghsh shows leser dIe ot dil{( th. dt

h nglh do. t som hisiolial
lhP elne o'srnd
rdLh when ilrs! g|h se(d
mo (oAne' ihehigh
mbL](y oloulloo' intem| mlglli.lsf d lerelmmunl
nes nos o0 As leqids lou
], oqAn., , '". d lA'd 1
seh' I'l th Us th..e a tes of u|tlvid seh re
1he southem lyle and we{er.l

te sl.m lYp

G sooken i Neu nold d in Now

It ea
lesem|an; t southen n!]
hsh lhugh lerc a.e' 'ma.kab]
Iou' se shghi diifelenes,


oi' t! li]

he suth nd sur}] alL !'

lhe UsA' Il ossess a nkLng dlinl've lelule . vowe]
dlw|' whL sjl[ w l lonolmg v9. nil!
r d'hthaDg'zlon nd Ove lhthonq;aoo olsme !u!
n ofsome dlhlhDqs t th xeP d n'qg 1 dk|inq'1 lhetr nDlo' d dloinq lhe

]l h. lid tpe ot.du(ed A].lic seh is enral

AmenJn (A], also knovn s Nnhem Ac.jan r wenq!
dnti sltes New Ylk' New
6A prnunit] kno{ l bo
. tlsA e|a lc lome re5Oxs
l' l A tl'oform ofs.h used thelad]od televjon It
n]n|y usedjns]enh .u|lDr|dnd nier!e Aso
s No}' Yo.k nd sl LoU _
d loiunl!n th.9o
Niw Y'k
'lP si1uled !'nhill0]e ten.ry whe dc Am('
I.Uis is wiIln 1lre Ieglon ols.ll}]em An'
an I rt'.hdptr w shaLLglve n !lInlr olA on(, ,e trL
n]P o]l lo d fercn.s betweP

! l)orP . !I t dlvld ol vo{eLs |oq nd s.l! !l

A, lh.trall sme hondihm s!o(.si thd |
vowe r. lense Dd te] b e om;;nEd bY @!ve
lel' lL]s'(l l !tr'


.o d.

oI flLofi.d , ns| onsnni 1e0 sl Ids s i!ne,

s,r/, 9 a ] Nashzlon flen lied Ane
(woq 11i5 nl.ientl nd need ot e maiked
5 G,r tlt voe re somehi drArenl n.m R vor
li] l|]redluted dirln!| ii c^ and R
I'] wolds |ike vry i' A h l0 tler th |I| I0 wold h
vwel le] mle opei in cA ll ls m e diphth]lzed
de hl 11] Ikl: /et lll]
6. ere re foUI

mid oret|lowe

Lr] rh d'ffe. mllred| l'om F"

7 he

cA: l]' lr]


(ree R vwels lo]'

l.], l(] 0trsld 10 on| tw

vow.L. 0 cA l] nd l] n omlid wnh ole nilltr'
.lifelcoes e(wee Rf lb] nd ^ lll d ditreIee m vowe]
dlutn m mn .!l5 of wolds nkes i vr .mlil.d
l'hfoIlow'Dq hd vlvid| shovs tl


eldes w.ld ntriutn of l]l, lD] i'r RP nd cA mlereLy di'fercnt G ll| itlcrnledle qu]t el !h.
R lll and lD]' ln its Jud
3, Now to lh qu|ni.s of 6,q dlhthongs

thedihlhoig l.|] loserinG4a6pposedtoRPi

l [.ol suh s i RP nt found in

b] vor lot lIiz|ion

)'he nu|eus oI{U]lends l mol dvned in GAi

d] sie cA a lhti. eni with on prvli t]' il hs
th onsUene tht lhe lol|owing RP vowels (deivd hisln
.ally fiom vvl + lr) do ot mUl in A] lt.] i. .led _ A
ldr] {.] dore_A ldql] {u,]int_GA lll



he RP al|oPhonf dLfflnnalion f l| d nd et i
illpositions l|]is'il|' dIk'
2 lntali l1]as inl mon nomll vied' he lsult

nu\|,/dio1ollh.dl.|'' dw*i l d1oldl n'n!o,'.

'nn i e. ldler ]ddder. n. oliqinl
dti.tjon lsJv.d
lhluqh vwellngth wn revwel bfor. l!] beingshonel'
rn {rds ke n,ety lt,? lll no even drop out' us

cA lr] is friu|(ed drffere.t fi'on RP one' he inrs

slon o.e I qreate, reto0eiion (h lip ' the tonque oned

3 wods lik n.'de' ni]c'


1 In kolds ol renh ogin A lends 1o hve

lin]sllle' *'h e RP hs i! n the inniaIone:

2 some wolds ve filsyllle slres



on th

GA wheros in R

4 he *,spellinq loGeled m cA y h] sound (r

sofrd'ms tedd lhw] s mon Amenan sekrske

del dlinhn


h'' d




5 hcsonornt l]]is usually wrknd oromnld |together

GA etw.el o.snn' {sil| forcng!l o..) nd

,I d 'n ,]" ,.J, "U, inu/J /t5do, |'urd', JUPl
lUL |o, !'

nd Rivd



'Ldd, fuq , j''

some onond {Ids hve

' d.y

dlfieienes involve the rnunia(in Imdlvu

ere Ie some.l rhese:

'hA] 'e",l
4 o|ysl|' vordl ending i.ory .y' -oyhvastoid
n R],

oN ,,,


l ly

:A d,|


cA oftd., nPr'd.y ,ld 'd ' l'|r,Jl,,jl, d,.

ld,LIn' fi''''I

li\ a Lphd'L. \n'


,ptrfu dol.' Jlofu n e ronuied

cA Lto|ynhl'linRP



,IDblio. Du'ercte
!]A ilntoon the wl si I tolhi lR' ul t|]gic
de l ,o '^. \r?d'cn,A ln.l5'U,d b ne1l,ul,n e-"
omnn pre nuler ontoul
R gladull ds.nding sequn' te Unlerpi G,{
onlolr a mdi! Level ed]
Idn'l wnt l q t thetheate.

th.j 14] l']ji


2 he uslil ium


or Lo* d r R hds

i5 !n9 ]lnq

s 0e tnomw

2, Requrism R.reusuuy ploolnod *ilh

N inGA 1ey my 1ke Fll.Re:

A ]]-.L
pIUi!Un.!n will ]rLgh,ilred

lne R in GA s mid nsingon

In nlus]on we

o.l miy

ould hke to s t! Alljn Doilou

h\ lev.|toe G.



. FIl.Re nulea. lne n differenl in R!

, h6eoftns
.m ! di'r.on


U} |hr,4pn.lhF,.lh

dnd ,'l''.',oi\,,

iol lDFgl'\h' cn.i\ .ul,d ,du,]" "mnionoU,, 1nd'el,
!h.uId d,\ P .no1 I", lA o{''J''o1ol


uld e


heEll l|' asel ofd'l

Ierenl ]n'.D1ion n.UtUies used in RP ad

lht t)re nai ditreres i intoc






" '"ry



Retl there

A AIr"rIllllrl{oo i]lI{^

x e', 1r'6 'p}5000ifi

!!!I! !!s

!!e M!'
]] ]!L]|.!4!9



'A. oooA' .' o'

., xooA' P.. xooA




Ji, (llooe

Peoa Moc o6oa} ry

PcKo ee 3 cede e6
o x6 ae




"A. GoooBA, K.. o'

,. xooA. P'. xooA


Atloo ll(A



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