Final Summative

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A Party

BY: Khadeeja

Task #1:
1. Criminal Law:
-Important laws will be made to protect country from crimes
-We will ensure every citizen would get justice
-We will make our city safe for people from crimes
-Criminals have to face punishments

2. International Relations:
-We will increase our international relations for the betterment of
-We will trade/sell things to other countries
-We will do business agreements with other countries to increase our

3. Environment
-We will make our environment clean and green
-Factories and industries would be build far to avoid air pollution
-We will make rules for protection of lakes, rivers and sea
-We will make more parks and green areas for outdoor activities

-We will make healthcare free for people
-We will make medication and prescription drugs more affordable
-Healthcare service will be available all the time

Task #3:

Party Leader

The leader of K.A Party is Miss K.Annie. She would be a good leader for
country because she had all the skills which a leader should have and
believes on equality and justice.
-Gender: Female
-Age: 26 Years old
-Education: York University,McMaster University,Waterloo University
-Work Experience: Lawyer,Business experience
-Political Experience: Leader of K.A Party

Task #2:
Our party is the left wing Party because we want to make everything
easy for people to live and provide everything that is important. Our
goal is to make our country more good to live because we believe that
everyone is equal and equality is important thing in country.

K.A Party


of Canada



Election Speech of K.A Party

Dear Citizens of Canada,
I would like to sincerely Thank you for electing me as your Prime Minister. As your Prime
Minister I would complete this responsibility with honesty and I will bring the good change in
our country. Now, we have opportunity to bring change in our country and we will.
We will make our country a peaceful place for our people and We will make a better present
and future of our country and we have to make it for our people and country. I will ensure that
we will focused on issues that the country and our people are facing
We can make our Country a better place together and we will make it together. I will do my
best to make it happen.

Lets make Canada a Great Country together !!!

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