Physics in Canada

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Physics in Canada

What is Physics?

Physics is the science of matter, energy, and their interactions. Physics covers a wide
range of phenomena, from elementary particles (such as quarks, neutrinos, and
electrons) to superclusters of galaxies. Physics relies upon mathematics to provide
the logical framework in which physical laws may be precisely formulated and
predictions quantified.

Physics Admission Requirements for Canadian Universities.

All colleges and universities, and some community colleges, offer undergraduate
programs in physics. To be admitted to these programs, students must have
completed high school with English, physics, chemistry, and mathematics, and at
least a B average.

What Physics Student Learn?

Since physics is such a fundamental science, students learn to investigate

phenomena, be flexible in their thinking, and test theories according to the scientific
method. Students learn to communicate ideas in spoken and written form.
Enjoyment of problem solving and working with mathematics and computers is
important. In addition to learning about physics, students also gain fundamental
learning skills, applicable to many other branches of science.
Specifically, students learn about the various physical laws. This includes Newton's
three laws of motion, the law of gravity, and the law of conservation of mass-energy.
Students also learn modern physics theories such Einstein's theory of relativity and
wave particle duality. Quantum physics theories include the Heisenberg uncertainty
principle and quantum entanglement and nonlocality.
A typical undergraduate curriculum includes substantial hands-on laboratory work,
and often includes the opportunity for industry study as well.
See the articles on the various subdisciplines of physics for more information on
learning opportunities in these fields.

Research in Physics in Canada

Many of today's technological advancements and developments start from

fundamental research in physics. This includes advanced materials for the next
generation of electronics, more environmentally friendly technologies, and new
medicines and medical procedures. Recent examples are flat screen TVs, medical
imaging instruments, and space probes.

Canada hosts the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, which is used to study neutrinos
arriving from the sun. SNO is designed to determine whether the currently observed
solar neutrino deficit is a result of neutrino oscillations, or due to an error in current
There is also ongoing research into medical physic. This includes x-ray imaging,
computer simulations for radiotherapy treatment planning, the use of ultrasound to
produce local thermal therapy for cancer treatment, and the application of positron
emitters for tumors
Researchers are also focused on coming up with solutions for instrumentation,
measurement techniques, and model development in many areas. This includes lasers
and optics, environmental science, medicine, space science, automotive, electricity
and magnetism, nuclear science, and materials science. See the various articles on
these subjects for recent advances in research.

Career Opportunities in Physics in Canada

Physics can be used in almost every modern career, and can also serve as a career in
itself. In addition to physics, common careers include astronomy, education,
medicine, dentistry, law, music, optics, computing, weather forecasting, and
Graduates with an undergraduate or Master's level degree can work in various
industries such as photonics, semiconductors, advanced materials, nanotechnology,
energy production, and aeronautics. They can also work in teaching at the post
secondary level while doing research at the same time, or at the high school level
with an additional education degree.
Most graduates with a PhD are oriented more towards research and development in
research institutes, various industries, or research and teaching in universities.
Research and development can occur in telecommuncations, the automotive industry,
computers, mining, defense, space, the nuclear industry, and hospitals.
A background in physics can also be used for a further degree in engineering,
architecture, medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, or law. See these articles for
more information. A physics degree can also be combined with a business degree for
those who wish to work in management and administration, product development, or
sales and marketing of physics-related products.
Physicists who specialize can also work in meteorology, astronomy, geophysics, and
physical chemistry.

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