MTH 222 Lessonplan 12

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Exploring Decimal Representations and Number Sense

Halie Karcher & Mikayla Eshleman

1. Jade bought two and four-hundred-eight-thousandths pounds of gingerbread cookies dough,

to make cookies for the holiday bake off.

2. Todd is traveling to his grandparents for the holiday in Salt Lake City. According to the airline,
his bag weighed seventy-nine-hundredths kilopounds.

3. Bobby Jo has to shovel the driveway after every snowstorm. Her shovel can hold snow for
one and four-thousandths meters long at a time while shoveling down her driveway.

4. Theresa is having a toy drive to give to the children's shelter. She fills up thirty-two
thousandths truck beds.

5. Nancy goes to the local christmas tree farm to purchase her christmas tree. She picks out a
beautiful tree that weighs eight-hundredths pounds. (Charlie Brown Christmas! hehe)

6. Robert hangs christmas lights on his roof every year. This year, Robert puts up two and fourhundredths feet of christmas lights.

Exploring Decimal Representations and Number Sense

Halie Karcher & Mikayla Eshleman

Answer Key
For each problem show how to use ten-block materials to represent the decimals. Give more
than one way of showing the decimal.

Ones is

Tenths is

Hundredths is


1. Jade bought two and four-hundred-eight-thousandths (2.408) pounds of
gingerbread cookies dough, to make cookies for the holiday bake off.

Two big square for ones as well as showing the whole. Four rectangular prisms for hundredths.
Small squares for thousandths.
The number is 2.408 which is closest to 2 than 2.5 and closer to 2.5 than 2.25.

2. Todd is traveling to his grandparents for the holiday in Salt Lake City. According to the
airline, his bag weighed seventy-nine-hundredths (.79) kilopounds.

The new whole would be the hundredths grid because the whole is being broken down into a
hundred squares from the original whole or ones spot.
Hundredths is breaking the whole into a hundred pieces showing that seventy nine of that
hundreds spot is being filled. Closer to 1 tenths than 1 thousands.
The number .79 is closer to one whole then it is to .5 and is closer to .5 then it is 0
3. Bobby Jo has to shovel the driveway after every snowstorm. Her driveway is one and fourthousandths (1.004) meters long.

One large cube is representing the whole and is the one with in the one and four-thousandths
and four small squares are representing the four thousandths of the whole.
The number 1.004 is closer to 1 then it is 1.25 and closer to 1.25 then 1.5.

4. Theresa is having a toy drive to give to the children's shelter. She fills up thirty-two
thousandths (.032) truck beds.

The whole would be large cube being broken down into thousandths which are represented by
the 32 small squares which are the .032.
The number .032 is closer to .05 when compared to 0 but .032 is closer to .05 when compared
to 1.

5. Nancy goes to the local christmas tree farm to purchase her christmas tree. She picks out a
beautiful tree that weighs eight-hundredths (.08) pounds.

The whole is the hundredths grid broken into hundredths showing that eight of those hundredths
are being filled.

.1>.08>.04 ten hundredths is greater than eight hundredths which is greater than four
6. Robert hangs christmas lights on his roof every year. This year, Robert put up two and fourhundredths (2.04) feet of christmas lights.

The whole being the ones shown as a the large cubes. The four rectangular prisms showing the
four hundredths of the the whole.
2.5>2.04>2 Two and a half is greater than two and four hundredths which is greater than two.

Decimal Representations & Number Sense

Take Home Questions
For each problem show how to use ten-block materials to represent the decimals. Give more
than one way of showing the decimal.
1. Sue has two and five-hundred-seven-thousandths gallons of water.

2. Bob has eighty-eight-hundredths yards of string.

3. Fred has one and thirty-two-thousandths pounds of potatoes

4. Mary has twenty-three-thousandths meters of rope.

5. Mike has sixty-hundredths pints of milk.

6. Sally has two and one-thousandths pieces of pizza.

Decimal Representations & Number Sense

Take Home Answer Key

1. Sue has two and five-hundred-seven-thousandths (2.057) gallons of water.

2. Bob has eighty-eight-hundredths (.88) yards of string.

3. Fred has one and thirty-two-thousandths (1.032) pounds of potatoes

4. Mary has twenty-three-thousandths (.023) meters of rope.

5. Mike has sixty-hundredths (.06) pints of milk.

6. Sally has two and one-thousandths (2.001) pieces of pizza.


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